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Great Weapon Fighter worst class



  • bladetwistbladetwist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I enjoyed my GWF in beta 2 or 3 (don't remember which one now), and also enjoyed the Rogue. GWF start slow, but after lvl 15 they start to get interesting. I got mine to like lvl 25 during the betas and was a beast on both solo and group kills.

    Also do most of its leveling with my brother who has a Rogue, those two combine very good. He casted the Shadow to get aggro and we both nuke the baddie from behind, even elites without any problem.

    But very important, like rogues, you have to stay behind target for max damage, if you can't (or like that), then reroll to another front facing class.
  • tharkantharkan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    GWF feels like a misguided puppy to me.

    Rogues outdamage him.

    GF outlive him.

    He's the worst of both worlds.

    I'm pretty sure that's because GWFs are supposed to outdamage GFs and outlive Rogues, all while doing something neither are very good at: AOE damage.
  • theblitsstheblitss Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2013
    GWF has a broken damage below lvl 30 after that it tends to go ALOT higher hes just a bit broken at the early stages of the game
  • saviorgunsaviorgun Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Why so many threads about GWF dps. They do fine. Yes TR will do more... it should it is a striker. We are not. I do plenty of damage. Changed my spec yesterday and do a lot more. Keep trying new things out.
    Rhek-60 GWF <Folklore>. "Rheking" damage meters since launch. Follow my streamwww.mmominds.com
  • bak0nbak0n Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 58
    edited April 2013
    tharkan wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure that's because GWFs are supposed to outdamage GFs and outlive Rogues, all while doing something neither are very good at: AOE damage.

    This does work well for PVE, It's horrible for PVP.
  • w01fe01w01fe01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    saviorgun wrote: »
    Why so many threads about GWF dps. They do fine. Yes TR will do more... it should it is a striker. We are not. I do plenty of damage. Changed my spec yesterday and do a lot more. Keep trying new things out.

    actually GWF is supposed to be a striker first, defender second, says so in there class description on the wiki page.


    tho im ok with TR outstripping me in single target.
  • saviorgunsaviorgun Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    w01fe01 wrote: »
    actually GWF is supposed to be a striker first, defender second, says so in there class description on the wiki page.


    tho im ok with TR outstripping me in single target.

    Cause people writing the wiki know more than WOTC who make D&D who list GWF as a defender... right?
    Rhek-60 GWF <Folklore>. "Rheking" damage meters since launch. Follow my streamwww.mmominds.com
  • rabbinicusrabbinicus Member Posts: 1,822 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    bak0n wrote: »
    This does work well for PVE, It's horrible for PVP.

    For PvP the best thing is opponents who a) don't coordinate well and b) stand in a nice big clump for the CW's, DC's, and GWF's to target and turn into adventurer tartare. :)
    The right to command is earned through duty, the privilege of rank is service.

  • kimonagikimonagi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    saviorgun wrote: »
    Cause people writing the wiki know more than WOTC who make D&D who list GWF as a defender... right?

    They advertised the class as being a damage class, they even did a whole stream featuring it as being a DPS class... You can watch the stream yourself. The gap in damage from 1-34 to when you get to 35+ is ridiculous, we go from being terribad in damage dealing to pure carnage. Still doesnt change that people will get the wrong impression playing it in early levels.
  • ragnarok1011ragnarok1011 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 118 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    kimonagi wrote: »
    They advertised the class as being a damage class, they even did a whole stream featuring it as being a DPS class... You can watch the stream yourself. The gap in damage from 1-34 to when you get to 35+ is ridiculous, we go from being terribad in damage dealing to pure carnage. Still doesnt change that people will get the wrong impression playing it in early levels.

    I completely agree... but DAAAAYYYYYMMMMM do we become killers at 35.
  • kimonagikimonagi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I completely agree... but DAAAAYYYYYMMMMM do we become killers at 35.

    Yup and i got the level 35 AD blade from the vendor and it helps too. Not really expensive think its around 20k AD
  • ragnarok1011ragnarok1011 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 118 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    kimonagi wrote: »
    Yup and i got the level 35 AD blade from the vendor and it helps too. Not really expensive too.

    People just don't hang with the class long enough to learn that at 35 we start out dps'n the TR. (Not that I mind... TR annoy me as they are a dime a dozen. whole flavor of the month thing. Can't wait till they balance them.)
  • kimonagikimonagi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sure but i think its a problem, some people dont level up as fast as others for various reasons and the class being so weak at low levels compared to others is still an issue.
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    As a GWF just about to get to the mid-35 would kimonagi or ragnarok1011 (or anyone else ofc :)) mind explaining to me why there is this sudden increase in DPS?
  • kimonagikimonagi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Might be a combination or synergy of things, weapon master strike hits like a ton of bricks and its an AoE damage spell that reduces damage resistance so it might be one of the reasons. Might also depend on what class feature you are using.
  • andycappzandycappz Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I just hit level 53 last night and you guys are pretty accurate, levels 1-30 were a chore but when I started getting closer to 40 things started to change. Also I used the post you guys talked about earlier with the stacking of power->defense->crit and using different skills and WOW does it make a difference.

    It slowed down a little bit and I started feeling a little gimp again around the upper 40's but that is because I was a dumb a$$ and bought the level 47 vendor gear for like 100k astral diamonds. That gear does not focus on power/def/crit and instead puts in some recovery and deflection and armor pen, when I finally phased that out around level 50 I started to be a machine of endless r@pe again. Seriously the amount of AOE damage I am doing is really quite ridiculous. Now obviously I may not make it as #1 in all the charts because my damage is burst damage and it is multiplied by how I manage the mobs, that is a bit more tricky in group play and I have not done any dungeons for a while because I was on a roll leveling my a$$ off.

    What I am concerned about at this point is not how much damage we can do as a GWF (because obviously after level 30-40 we r@pe faces off), but I am more worried about epic dungeons and threat management. I have not played around with our "off tank" spec but from what I hear it is quite lack luster and does not function like it should. I can't give any feedback on this yet but I will as soon as I get a chance to play around with it.
  • andycappzandycappz Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    kimonagi wrote: »
    Might be a combination or synergy of things, weapon master strike hits like a ton of bricks and its an AoE damage spell that reduces damage resistance so it might be one of the reasons. Might also depend on what class feature you are using.

    You got it, it 100% depends on which class powers you are using and which feats. Also it depends on what order you use those powers and when you trigger which ones. And of course the power/def/crit gear is very important. So any GWF who is sad right now just needs to go swap out all the gear for power/def/crit and respec to the appropriate abilities/feats and then enjoy leveling up fast as $hit blowing through content like it's nothing. It is very gear dependent though so you need to be upgrading as often as possible to keep feeling like a god.
  • kimonagikimonagi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Dont know i'm gearing Power/Crit/Lifesteal and using Destroyer and Weapon Master class features. Most people i have seen posting that have success were using other abilities or gear but those are suiting me right now. Biggest concern as become my Cleric companion that keeps dying since i got to level 30 hehe.
  • erebus2075erebus2075 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    find this in every game, the headrolling class is called up by noobs then to turn into the most op of all classes shortly after by pro's using it to its ability
  • kimonagikimonagi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Its not that people are noobs its that there is little to hope for when you roll a class that only gets to shine when you burned more then half the levels in the game.
  • saviorgunsaviorgun Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    kimonagi wrote: »
    Dont know i'm gearing Power/Crit/Lifesteal and using Destroyer and Weapon Master class features. Most people i have seen posting that have success were using other abilities or gear but those are suiting me right now. Biggest concern as become my Cleric companion that keeps dying since i got to level 30 hehe.

    Suggest armor pen over life steal for epic dungeons. life steal will be so small wont matter. Plus a good cleric heals you fast enough.
    Rhek-60 GWF <Folklore>. "Rheking" damage meters since launch. Follow my streamwww.mmominds.com
  • bladetwistbladetwist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    malvolio11 wrote: »
    I only got 25 levels in as a GWF but the leveling was painfully slow with zero sustain. On the heavy hitpoint bosses around 25 I was chugging potions even when dodging all emoted abilities.

    Single target damage is a joke, You can clear the minions fairly quickly but then your just holding down the left mouse button on the elite for days. Then you have the Control Wizard who can nuke the minions down instantly and burn the elite down 2-3x as fast.

    GWF is plagued with high cooldowns, every single one of his abilities has a catch 22, you attack faster but... you do less damage, Its an aoe swing but... it does less damage... every other class is immune during their travel yet I regularly get smacked around when in sprint.

    The only thing the GWF has is AoE damage off cooldown, and its laughable damage at that.

    Don't remember exactly but around 16-25 you get a kind of charge jump that do a lot of AOE damage on landing, plus AFAIK you dont get any damage during travel.
  • metalssmetalss Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    It seems like the class I say "I think I'm gonna roll this class first" is always the class I see a topic stating how that class sucks XD!

    Doing a lot of reading, it just seems that GWF are late bloomers but... I wouldn't know since I haven't gotten a chance to play yet.
  • kimonagikimonagi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    saviorgun wrote: »
    Suggest armor pen over life steal for epic dungeons. life steal will be so small wont matter. Plus a good cleric heals you fast enough.

    yeah, use it mostly for leveling, cleric companion is not that great anymore so i'm trying to make out for her now weaker heals/deaths.
  • rekkinrekkin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Well I got to level 17. Tried a few PVP matches and I can say that a GWF is by far the weakest class in PVP. I went Tab Zerker mode on a mage twice and he still had 1/4 hp. My skills were the AOE attack, leap aoe, and the single target stun. Absolutely was getting destroyed at every angle.

    I consider myself above average in the art of PVP. But I also know that most 2H Weapon classes are usually weaker in the early levels of the game. Hopefully there is a change. I will experiment a bit but I guess waiting until the later stages of the game is a better idea.

    This class needs some love.
  • saelee4lifsaelee4lif Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Just one night, I died with my GWf.
  • undeadranqeundeadranqe Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    It isn't normal. PWE obviously ****ed something up somewhere in the files/stats for GWF.

    My friend wizard level 4 hits 100s on normal attacks. I as a GWF hit 11.

  • smokeygbsmokeygb Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 65
    edited April 2013
    rekkin wrote: »
    Well I got to level 17. Tried a few PVP matches and I can say that a GWF is by far the weakest class in PVP. I went Tab Zerker mode on a mage twice and he still had 1/4 hp. My skills were the AOE attack, leap aoe, and the single target stun. Absolutely was getting destroyed at every angle.

    I consider myself above average in the art of PVP. But I also know that most 2H Weapon classes are usually weaker in the early levels of the game. Hopefully there is a change. I will experiment a bit but I guess waiting until the later stages of the game is a better idea.

    This class needs some love.

    GWF gets way better when you hit about 30 but admittedly is weak in the early going. With a good team healer they can wreck but 1 v 1 then can fold rather quickly. Not enough defense to tank and not enough damage to strike.
  • kimonagikimonagi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It isn't normal. PWE obviously ****ed something up somewhere in the files/stats for GWF.

    My friend wizard level 4 hits 100s on normal attacks. I as a GWF hit 11.


    Its a huge problem since the class does get really better later on. Right now it seems that the first impressions are ruining the class.

    Played an Arms warrior in WoW all the time and had to deal with them toying with the build forever, hope GWF dont end up the same way.
  • tgnetblaisetgnetblaise Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    you would think a class weilding a huge 2h weapon would have the highest atk in the game... High attack numbers slow swing speed... A 2h weilder should be putting huge damage numbers but attack slower then a rogue,,, Rogue is fast attack and burst dps.. King at killing players and single targets.. Everyone no's this... I think that fact that the devs didn't release any of the other dps class's yet that everyone thinks the rogue is OP...
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