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Trickster rogue - nefr him pls for balance the game



  • coyotedeltacoyotedelta Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1
    edited April 2013
    natemath wrote: »
    Dear, developers

    rock nefr him pls for balance the game


    Seriously, the title's a meme waiting to happen.
  • teethxteethx Member Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Pls nerf trickster rogue
    1. He has the best direct dmg
    2. He has the best aoe dmg
    3. He has instant (cast) of his skills
    4. He has a disarm of enemy foe skills ( it is similar CC)
    5. He has invisiblity
    6. It is boring play with rogue because he kill everything before i cast any aoe spell :)

    If me compare with control wizard ha have a lower AOE dmg with long time to cast

    Nothing to see here just a trollolling along, keep it moving.
  • projxprojx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Pls nerf trickster rogue
    1. He has the best direct dmg
    2. He has the best aoe dmg
    3. He has instant (cast) of his skills
    4. He has a disarm of enemy foe skills ( it is similar CC)
    5. He has invisiblity
    6. It is boring play with rogue because he kill everything before i cast any aoe spell :)

    If me compare with control wizard ha have a lower AOE dmg with long time to cast

    Have you even looked at your feat tree and seen all the aoe buffs you get? As a CW I never get out dps'd by any class in dungeons. Also, being able to teleport 3 times is fantastic compared to most classes. It's also a very solid pvp class.
    Gave in to that momentary sadistic twitch...
  • someoneodsomeoneod Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    All of the random people chiming in and saying 'I play x class and I beat rogues all the time' need to start stating their level, the rogue's level, and the type of dungeon. A 20 CW saying 'I beat rogues all the time' is different from a 40 GWF saying it is different from a 60 CW saying it.

    Aaand continue.
  • koreannuskoreannus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    please nerf the users, they're too overpowered dictating how the game have to be cause no one else should appear to be better than him...
    less than 5 days of playing and we already have nerf the rogue, nerf the horse, nerf the login screen...wow fellings everywhere
  • uberguberuberguber Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 110 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    I don't seriously think the developers are going to read this thread and start beating the rogue with a nerf bat. This game is only open to preorders at this point and people already want to nerf this nerf that. Nerf nerfers. Why does this happen every time a game comes out?
    Noli sinere te ab improbis opprimi
  • direcrowdirecrow Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Go back to whatever MMORPG you helped ruin before you drive this one into the ground as well.

    Your complaint is literally:
    "The only damage dealing class in the game is doing more damage than everyone else".
    Seriously, that's your complaint. You, a cloth wearing support/controller class, is getting killed by the one class in the game that is supposed to do massive damage, so nefr it.

    This is a PVE based game. I don't care which class you can't one shot, or whatever class can actually kill you.

    Go somewhere else.

    I'm so sick of people like the OP migrating from RPG to RPG, demanding whatever class they hate, be nerfed into the ground for making them cry in some battleground or skirmish. Getting countless classes nerfed down to boring grey blobs of homogenized <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. Then rage quitting, and moving on to the next RPG, leaving a never ending trail of mediocrity behind them.

    Go play an RTS, or an FPS, or a PVP based mmorpg.
    Mindflayer Shard - @direcrow
    The Dire Crow - Tiefling TR
    Alice L'ddell - Human GF
    Ludovique - Tiefling DC
  • dahkohtdahkoht Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    So the rouge can heal in lvl 60 dungeons like a cleric ? Tank like a GF ?

    Or is it the rogue is the master of dps as it should be but can't heal , would get one shot by a lvl 60 dungeon boss and party wipe without the tank and so on ?

    Seriously , I enjoyed EQ because a warrior was a tank , a cleric was the healer , and a druid a hybrid backup healer and dps/buff and so on.

    Across the board "balancing" equals bland classes.
  • theri123theri123 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    In PvP you must be bad if your a CW and get killed by a TR... the amount of freezing spells a CW has can easily get you away from the rogue.
  • notjordy310notjordy310 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    What kind of builds are these TRs going that make people feel they are so OP? Or is it just the whole class in general?
  • agenteusaagenteusa Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 37
    edited April 2013
    To all those defending the TR in pvp, i'll say it one more time:

    Me I'm also against asking for nerfs, specially after a game comes out. That's why I am doing it right now. I do'nt even like the word Nerf, I prefer balance.

    You have your heads up your *** though if you don't realize my problem and quite possibly most people problem is that the rogue is too imba in pvp right now. I can tell off the bat before a match starts who is going to win. If you don't have any rogues, you won't win unless it's a very bad pug on the otherside.

    It's ****ing crazy the dmg output they have and I lol'ed at someone in this thread saying rogues have no cc's.

    To make it clear, I don't mind a bit and infact it should be that way that TR's are the best dps class in the game. What worries me as a player is not getting fun out of pvp simply a class unbalances the whole match. every class should have a counter and if you play well atm there is no counter for a TR imo.

    The dmg is just too high along with all the annoying cc's it has.

    Btw pvp cc's should also be looked at but that's a whole different story.
  • lichlamentlichlament Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    direcrow wrote: »
    Go back to whatever MMORPG you helped ruin before you drive this one into the ground as well.

    Your complaint is literally:
    "The only damage dealing class in the game is doing more damage than everyone else".
    Seriously, that's your complaint. You, a cloth wearing support/controller class, is getting killed by the one class in the game that is supposed to do massive damage, so nefr it.

    This is a PVE based game. I don't care which class you can't one shot, or whatever class can actually kill you.

    Go somewhere else.

    I'm so sick of people like the OP migrating from RPG to RPG, demanding whatever class they hate, be nerfed into the ground for making them cry in some battleground or skirmish. Getting countless classes nerfed down to boring grey blobs of homogenized <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. Then rage quitting, and moving on to the next RPG, leaving a never ending trail of mediocrity behind them.

    Go play an RTS, or an FPS, or a PVP based mmorpg.

    This guy Wins this forum.
  • dboss777dboss777 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 37
    edited April 2013
    TRs are manageable as a CW or Cleric because both classes can essentially reset the fight once they get opened on by the rogue. Novice pvpers who don't have a strong understanding of game mechanics will probably get easily destroyed by a novice rogue.

    Rogues have a daze on their second highest single target damage move which is instant out of stealth and can then use their other high damage encounter to basically drop an amateurish player to below 50% or more depending on the class and can just use their strangely high damage ranged at will to finish of a wounded fleeing player. If the ambushed player can't react or cc the rogue he's done. No other class is as simple or has such built in utility to make it the simplest class to do well as.
  • reilz1981reilz1981 Member Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    lichlament wrote: »
    This guy Wins this forum.

    i so agree lol
    Actual Join date: Dec 2007
  • yasha00yasha00 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 479 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    kimbyr wrote: »
    This is a D&D game, not a PvP balancing game, play the class you think Works for PvP, I see no point in nerfing the TR, it works well in the D&D setting outside of PvP, to try to balancing a D&D game is pretty silly, just because some of the players want to own in PvP.

    I agree that the TR does not need a nerf. However, I want to point out that the OP is complaining about the TR being OP in PVE; he does not mention pvp.
  • kent10skent10s Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I have seen several posts about how the rogue is OP. and other classes are not even close.

    these posts cover both PvE and PvP. However before you get upset thinking that the only class to play because they face role is a rogue.

    1. This game is not like a lot of other MMO's, it’s very situational, and positional.
    where ur attacking means a lot. in damage given and damage taken. you need to move, be aware.

    2. If your good at your class and know how to play, it will have little to do with a class being OP or facerolling others in PvE or PvP

    3. the game is new, sure the starting weapons need some tweaking.. but like other MMO's, i have played, some classes shine early and balance out late, some start slow and shine later. give it time.

    once we have a large group of 60's... and some good damage meters. u can get a better feel for over all dps,

    HOWEVER. and IMO this is big, because this game is so situational and positional, and more real time than alot of other MMO's , making a 100% call that one class is truly OP… is really hard..

    just last nite, i was doing some PvP. i had a CW a level below me, and i struggled to over take this guy... it took a little team work, but i had 2 kills on him to his 6 on me. and i had to get help.. this guy
    was working me. i learned some things on the nxt fight, i tried some diff things, however i did not face someone as skilled and it was pretty 1 sided. so , in my early PvPing, just like other MMO's, its more
    about who is working the mouse, than the gear or stats... and the same goes for PvE

    so... please take them with a grain of salt, i know i cant stand toe to toe with a GWF.. nope, i come out on the short end.. just about every time, unless i have help or the guys just an idiot and has no idea how to use his skills…. but if i can stay flanked, and keep him off balance.. i have a good chance.... remember, the game is still kind of new and im sure the dev's are looking at numbers ,.. under the covers to keep things as fair as possible, plus.. we have several more classes that will be coming down the pipe..

    give it time.
    "Drive it like u stole it"
  • bejita231bejita231 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    the rogue right now is too OP because of its combination of high damage, CC, and survivability, this makes the rogue so easy to play and takes no skill whatsoever to master, i thought in this game skill was suppose to matter?

    you cant give everything to one class, that is not balance, TR needs its silencing CC and its survivability nerfed, or its damage nerfed, trickster has everything too make it overpowered and something needs to go
  • uzurperuzurper Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Gtfo mage. :"> ... Go to your mage-ing forums shooo, shooo now. QQing kids in every single **** game.

    Direcrow for president!!!

    It've always played rogue, thief and rogue-ish type chars, in many games, WoW, GW2, heck remembers how many other games, even FPS I prefer the tactical/sniper approach and EVERY single one of those games, the ROGUE got a55-r@ped cuz of terri-bads. Last one was in GW2 where I've even seen the officially-agreed-upon OP elementalist class QQ that it got killed by thieves: this is a class taht can facetank a small raid, kill a few and then run out into the **** woods in 5 seconds, and yet they still got killed by the class they couldnt always see and hit, thus: NERF, QQ and nerf they did .... so no thanks, buff the other classes, do whatever you wish, take PVP out entirely for all I care (even tho I'm a huge pvp-ist myself), just stop the NERF machine omg! WoW, GW, D3, everything that had the masses of terri-bads rule went str8 down the toilet.

    This has to STOP! Let the game get balanced for the game, not for the 60% of the player base.
  • tsengatsenga Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Then there is the opposite problem. TRs are so powerful right now that ppl are shelving their mains and rerolling TRs. I predict that in a week 90% of all players in PVP will be TRs and CWs, so imbalanced are they.

    The outlook is not good. Cryptic cant figure out how to add camera zoom let alone balance classes.

    All classes are OP in their own right. Clerics heal all the time and with 2 clerics healing each other and having their shield up, they can hold a 2v5 fight in PvP no problem. Guardian Fighters take forever to die, especially if there's a cleric to back them up. Great Weapon Fighters just say FK you to everyone and hacks at ppl with his sword and is also equally hard to kill. Rogues do helluva lot damage but only if they have a certain build. If they want to dodge enemy cc, they'll have to sacrifice a power slot, which then takes away their damage output, so i'd say its somewhat balanced. they dont have that many gap closing moves, and even if they do get it, again it takes away their damage output. they can only dodge twice, and any good player can easily dodge their skills except shocking execution. Control wizards can use 4 skills, and if all 4 of them are cc moves, they'll easily be able to kite a rogue to death. so really its all about smart play. Im currently playing a TR, and damage is the only thing he's good at. I have to go with a specific build in order to do so, and im easily kiteable. i've managed to offset this by timing my dodges, but then its all skill related. so do TR need to be nerfed? IMO i dont think so because they have one role and one role only, and diminishing that role is just going to imbalance the other classes
  • inexistinexist Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    agenteusa wrote: »
    If YOU could understand that you deal at least 3 times more dmg in a pvp match than any class you would maybe realize you're the ****.

    I don't care and heavily criticize QQ in forums about classes but only to a certain degree. The difference is too **** high to be acceptable.

    NWO is a PvE game. I don't give a **** about how much damage a TR does in PvP. Do NOT come in here and demand nerfs to a PvE game to satisfy a very small minority of PvP players. Don't like it? GW2 is that way
  • rangurenranguren Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2013
    Pls nerf trickster rogue
    1. He has the best direct dmg
    2. He has the best aoe dmg
    3. He has instant (cast) of his skills
    4. He has a disarm of enemy foe skills ( it is similar CC)
    5. He has invisiblity
    6. It is boring play with rogue because he kill everything before i cast any aoe spell :)

    If me compare with control wizard ha have a lower AOE dmg with long time to cast

    #1, #4, #5 - is indeed a TR class speciality, what do you expect?.
    #3 - is mostly meele encounter do, but dont forget, TR cooldown is slowest of all (except he using the cooldown reduce feat, CMIIW)
    #2 - are you really sure?? cause CW should have highest AOE damage (1 hit damage not all attack total damage)
    #6 - this is mysterious to me, in my game mostly TR do the killing blow, but CW AoE is helping it out
  • squall785squall785 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    First of all, my main is a cleric (60) and atm i'm levelling a GWF (47) and a TR (39). Yes TR it's OP...if u just look it from the damage dealt prospective...but this is just becouse it's the only real DPS class out atm. Ppl need to understand the role of each class...if u wanna be the top ranged dps, then wait for pure dps ranged class as soon they will be release, aka Archer Ranger or Warlock, then you can compare and say "nerf it". TR is good as it is, and thrust me i've been in party with others TR of my same level or higher giving them almost double dps gap...so ppl learn to play your class first, then complain if needed. This said, lot of others classes need to be fixed ie. Aggro mechanics etc...so be patient and all will be balanced.
  • roadkillaroadkilla Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    l2p your class.
    working as intended nothing to see here.
  • budushiebudushie Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tbh if u just change the daily a little it would be fine the one that ignores def just change it for the pvp side like dragon nest certain abilities do certain things depending if its pvp or pve so could make it just ignore 50% def instead of 100%
  • lasto33lasto33 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Rogues are easy to kill. No nerfs are needed. Ever.
  • sokocansokocan Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    what does it mean when it says + 51 power on my dagger?
  • marclovesvinamarclovesvina Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    CW's can kill TR's easily because of it's Zero Survivability.
  • eros1986eros1986 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am OP no mater what class i play I AM UBER and will always wipe the floor with your asses, or top any dps meter.
    I read the skills, spend time understanding and maximizing every aspect of my class.

    On the other hand, you are whiny noobs who put point at random or FOTM reroller exping in afk pvp or buying their char of EBAY...

    A big learn to play or gtfo to all the whiners.

  • covinus03covinus03 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    eros1986 wrote: »
    I am OP no mater what class i play I AM UBER and will always wipe the floor with your asses, or top any dps meter.
    I read the skills, spend time understanding and maximizing every aspect of my class.

    On the other hand, you are whiny noobs who put point at random or FOTM reroller exping in afk pvp or buying their char of EBAY...

    A big learn to play or gtfo to all the whiners.


    Please tell me this post is sarcastic, PLEASE
  • kaedan69kaedan69 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    inexist wrote: »
    NWO is a PvE game. I don't give a **** about how much damage a TR does in PvP. Do NOT come in here and demand nerfs to a PvE game to satisfy a very small minority of PvP players. Don't like it? GW2 is that way

    Really? It looks to me NWO is a PvE AND PvP game. Maybe you just see what you want to see. Balance will come and it will come in the form of pve and pvp changes, so boohoo if you don't like it.
This discussion has been closed.