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    elewyndylelewyndyl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    never, NEVER underestimate people's need, willingness, and drive to look "cool" :-) I guess I had an entirely different experience with it because all of a sudden it became painless to find people who were willing to raid last expansion pack's content and I got to see all of those uber-high level raid zones that typically are only seen by a select few hardcore players.

    I'm vaguely familiar with paragon paths and they do seem like an intriguing concept, one that I would love to see fleshed out in the game. Even if it's something as simple as "this one shoots red glowies and that one shoots blue glowies", because every little customization option is welcome.
    My own casual brother dislikes Guild Wars 2 though it has lots to do with that I refuse to play that ****.

    For your knowledge this game is much more close to WOW trinity then Guild Wars 2 silly respawn festival with no tanks. All players in GW2 can ressurect each other. In this game ressurect is limited to very few Classes like Cleric for example.

    Now as loot policy it will be certainly more hardcore then Guild Wars 2 but exactly how "hardcore" that is unknown. There are random loot drops and an Auction House in this game.
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    elewyndylelewyndyl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    denkasaeba wrote: »
    Wow Priests and Devoted Clerics, despite armor differencies, are quite similar, at least from what you can read in the original Player's Handbook. Chainmail, interestingly, is considered the worst armor in the game (scaling-wise, not baseline), and most Wisdom Clerics were obliged to get multiple defensive feats. That said, Wisdom prayers (powers) were much better than Str ones.
    Yeah you might be correct on that. First time I looked at DD 4th edition it looked to me like they have merged it with WOW. Hunters Mark ability for Ranger etc. I really like what DD4th edition has done to the Ranger class.

    I am not saying Hunters mark is so good in WOW. When I quit WOW during year 2011 Survival build for hunters was still slighlty best in raids. I played Raids as Survival Hunter but I switched to Beastmaster Hunter for PvP Battlegrounds. BM was buffed buck to almost same level as Survival in Raids. I loved however to have a monster Pet that could ignore mental attacks like fear from Warlocks.

    Since vast majority of Hunters played WOW battlegrounds with Survival build it gave me great delight when I used BeastMaster build and my Pet tore them into pieces. Big enemy groups are not so good target but some lonely enemy player with poor armor was perfect target. An enemy Paladin with Plate armor and super self healing was annoying try to kill.
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    dagger2thugtrap7dagger2thugtrap7 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited January 2013
    I'd love to see interactive, linked up combat skills, thus wizard lose hold of magic missile or ray of frost that will be whipped back by your companion's (Fighter) shield or blade and be swelled multiple to the near adverse targets. Or something not even mentioned: two guardian fighters' skill combination, a terrifying impact is inflicted on foes whereof at the same time lunging strikes would steady multiple the damages of dashes!;)
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    iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    NO TECH TREES -- quite possibly the most counter-productive thing ever implemented in MMO game mechanics. People are just going to mathcraft the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> out of them to find the most efficient builds possible, and if you don't adhere to the generalized cookie-cutter build, you're shooting yourself in the foot. Just focus on giving us skills that we can actually use and minimize the homework that I have to do out of game. Buuut, on the other hand:

    PRESTIGE CLASSES -- Oh yes, I went there. I'm sure that it would be a balancing nightmare for the devs, but man would it be cool to have my tiefling dragon disciple. Half-man, half-demon, half-dragon. Who needs logic in a fantasy setting?

    TRANSMOGGING -- Yes, I do love keeping up with the latest trends in fashionable armor and weapon design, and yes, I really do hate it when my boots are lime green, my battle-pants are bright red, my cuirass is black with yellow inlays, and my gloves are bright purple. Even better are armor sets/weapons designed to be there just for transmogging, because my life is not complete unless I'm a special, special little snowflake with his own unique looking suit of armor where all of the pieces match.

    NO PLAYER HOUSING -- This is something that pops up all the time when people are requesting added features to the game, and it just baffles me. It's a waste of development resources just so the players can go be antisocial shut-ins or a place were they can ERP without 'YARR YARR HUMP HUMP!' (you get +5 internets if you caught that reference.) Anyone else remember Star Wars Galaxies where you'd be rolling around on Tatooine and the surface was littered with sprawling ghost towns of locked houses? Guild halls, I could maaaaybe see, but I can think of a million things that I'd rather see the developers investing their limited resources in before player housing

    ZONE PHASING -- Zone phasing is just cool. It lets me actually see the impact of my quests on the surrounding areas. It adds to my immersion while solo-questing, and I'm all about more immersion. Speaking of immersion:

    INSTANCED DUNGEONS -- Nothing kills my immersion more than rolling into a dungeon with my buds and having the joint be crowded with hordes of players standing around waiting for bosses to spawn. To say nothing of having the peace of mind to not have to worry about kill-stealing.
    denkasaeba wrote: »
    Well, since it's a matter of taste, i can agree with you. But the Cleric is going to be awesome: not only you'll be able to heal (thus having players' lives in your hands), but you'll also deal at least some damage.
    No, nothing at all like WoW Monks/Deathknights, for the reason that when you start tacking more core classes into a game, balance becomes an ever more massive issue. Just some kind of specialization within the core classes to add more variety and flavor. Like letting rangers decide if they want to be more of an archer, more of a dual-wield melee class, or more of a caster. I guess class specs would be the closest analogue, but I would like to see that idea expanded into letting players take more cosmetic or utility roles as well. I brought up dragon disciple as an example, where now your character can sport dragon wings and scaly skin and even have a breath weapon cone attack as an added bonus. Little touches that don't throw off the game balance but do contribue to giving players a greater sense of individuality.

    hehe, lawful stupid...I mean....

    Hey there. Thought I'd address these concerns that I was able to publicly find.

    Tech Trees--4th edition is different than third where in third, you get so limited number of feats and attribute points that if you don't plot exactly your perfect build is ruined. 4th edition means every four levels you get 2 attribute points to be used in (only one per) the six atttributes: Str Con Dex Int Wis Cha. So if you put one point into str, you couldn't put a second of those then two awarded points also into str and would have to choose another of the five remaining attributes. You could however the next time you get two more points put them into str again or in whatever two attributes you wish.

    Since we have a 3:1 ratio of leveling from tabletop to MMO, it's likely the two points per 4 levels would be every 12 levels or 10 if they wanted to make it a nice rounded base 10 progression instead.

    Feats on the other hand are every three levels, but you can go up to level 30. and sometimes you get them at special progressions. In game there is all but no question based on numerous videos and screenshots they will use the feat tree progression, likely specializing in things like damage, attribute buffing and the class' power specialization types. It also seems that each class has its own specialization which ends in three "end tree options" to specialize in. No clue what they are as the screens fail to detail info. However, this is in ADDITION to a specialty class. Well address that next.

    "Prestige Classes"--As noted, 4th edition uses tiers. Heroic is 1-10, Paragon is 11-20 and epic is 21-30. To help offset the this-isn't-four-hours-once-a-week-playing, they have released (for 2 of the three tiers heroic and paragon,) a total of 60 levels instead of 20 or a 3-1 ratio. When you change to Paragon difficulty tier, you have the option of choosing what is called a Paragon path.or to quote a previous post:

    denkasaeba wrote: »
    1000 times this. This was the reason i stopped playing at all. People need reasons to play, and i didn't have any.

    @lawfulstupid: then the term you're searching about is "Paragon Path", which will contain our level 30-60(?) range in Neverwinter. In 4e it goes from level 11 to 20. If you need general information about 4e, feel free to PM me.

    This is correct since we are in a 3-1 ratio. It works the same wy the PrC did but using 4e rules on special at-will/encounter/daily and/or utility powers as well as buffs related to specialties.

    No, I can't say from videos and screenshots what they are as the change from tabletop to MMO makes my speculation on how it works not able to be done. All I can say based on the article that listed customization power definition is it's likely it will deal with those terms instead of the to hit, AC, etc. SO look for things like Power, defense, recovery, etc. You can guess how they work as much as the rest of anybody here as we're all curious.

    But if you need it, the second post of my FAQ linked on my banner starts with the 4e explanation and I even color coded it for both the D&D game and Neverwinter MMO to show (from what was released) how the system works. Since developers said they were impressed with the FAQ, I'll take that I got it right :)

    But it's optional not mandatory.

    Transmogging--Okay, I'm going to be a little dumb and assume you mean how pretty you can look with custom pieces of clothing and fitting and colors and stuff. The good news is now I know we get things down to the shirt and pants level PLUS those items that go over it, PLUS we get dyes, I know we can help shape our clothing armor look. And Cryptic has yet NOT to have a "battle"/costume switch/toggle, so I'm all but betting that option is ALSO going to be discussed one day before launch. So far I don't think they talked abut an unarmored clothing toggle yet, but I could be wrong.

    No Player Housing--Wow, you are the FIRST person in QUITE a while that is UNREQUESTING this.

    Log story short, it's not in for launch, it IS wish-listed and for a person who may want to customize their character's appearance, you miss the concept isn't as much to have a location as it is to CUSTOMIZE a base of operations be it for an individual or for a guild. See UO, SWG even the Elder Scrolls. Those reasons.
    When players get the option to make persistent shared Foundry areas (also wish-listed possibly, this might happen then. But no, they are NOT taking resources from the primary game to work on either of these, so let everybody get their future wish (if they work on gameplay and bug fixes of course.)

    Zone Phasing and Instanced dungeons--I'm going to quote from my FAQ to explain how the world is set up and how both non combat and combat public shared worlds work on the "one server."

    Is the game Instanced or Open world? I keep hearing it's one than it's the other!

    That's because it's both!
    From a MMORPG player-submitted Q&A article:
    Q: How much of the game is instanced compared to being an open world?
    Andy Velasquez: Right now, the ratio stands at 50/50, so we have a fairly even split between open world and instanced content.

    The game will be half persistent world and half instanced, with both solo-friendly locations and end-mission multiplayer re-playable delves (more on this later) where you can get your top gear, confirmed by Zeke Sparkes (lead developer of Neverwinter Online) and Pokket (interviewer from MMORPG.com) from their E3 interview.

    Quests and monsters will wander around their zones of the open world where a large number of people can participate with each other, but dungeons, special missions, and end-of-story-arc delves (more on this later) will be instanced for up to (and only) five players as per a typical Fourth Edition Dungeons and Dragons adventuring party.

    Can you tell me how the Game World (or Server) will work then with player population?

    Updated 10/05/2012:
    Cryptic uses one game server per game. This means, Cryptic makes a unified "world server" to play on composed of a bunch of physical computer servers to make one "game world." So no other "PvP Servers" or "Role Playing Servers" are done as separate servers to log into. This also means that User Generated Content via the integrated Foundry tool (and more on that is mentioned in the Foundry section) also is accessed by the same NPCs and objects in the "world Server."

    When a public area zone in the game gets too large, it splits it into another "public instance" or "shard." So you could have "The Moonstone Mask" as a public place, then it splits into "The Moonstone Mask1" and "The Moonstone Mask2" when there are too many people for the capacity on a public location zone.

    Users will have the ability to "switch" between shards (often by a pull down location option if there are multiple areas.)

    This splitting continues if any of the the public area zones continue to grow to capacity again ("The Moonstone Mask3," "The Moonstone Mask4," etc.) and the zones lower in sequential number when the population drops so they can rejoin another (or original) shard (or zone) the next time players leave and re-enter said public zone. So if there are only 4 people in the original zone, and 2 in a second zone, that second zone goes away when the last player in a zone leaves, and the players re-entering that public zone go to the original zone. The game does automatically decide where the least load or most need for new population is needed for the shards, which the above players have the option to manually switch zones (especially for party-based grouping.)

    However, when players join a party to do certain quests, they may instead of adventure in a public area be sent to a private instance which can hold a party of up to five adventurers. This will definitely be done in the "delves" described later in this section. Also see the (previous) "Is the game Instanced or Open world? I keep hearing it's one than it's the other!" question.

    Finally, Cryptic does not "separate" players into their own servers. So there is not a "role playing" server and a "PvP" server and a "min-max" server, etc. We all play in one game world as mentioned above.

    I hope this further helps!
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    xearrikxearrik Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    No Player Housing--Wow, you are the FIRST person in QUITE a while that is UNREQUESTING this.

    Yea this confused me as well. His reason for no housing confused me as well. Housing doesn't make people less social. It makes the game more theirs. That is, each person playing feels more rooted to the game when they can set house down, so that they may have a place to keep their things and warm their toes by a fireplace. Having just a bank to store you stuff is boring. Having a house to decorate and hang up all your stuff is fun.

    You can't hunt and quest from inside your house. You cant go to the shops inside your house. I doubt people will lock their house and hide inside them never leaving. Peaking out the shades every now and then saying

    Gladys: Abner! Abner! Look Abner, our neighbor are up to no good again.

    Abner: *sigh* Stop being so nosey Gladys... Why don't you just go over and talk with them?
    Da kitties don't speak for me, deez kitties speak fur us all!
    I'll Keep this up till beta goes live. I'll improve it soon.
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    catburger003catburger003 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I want Black Jack and Hookers in this game. Along with big bad <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> dragons to slay for sh=t
    I want to HAMSTER in Neverwinter, whenever I want, for as long as I want.
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited January 2013
    Since it was brought back up... I have longed for player housing that rivaled the usefulness, ingenuity, customizability and decorating power of Ultima Online post Blackthorn's Revenge, where we could build our houses from base plots, wall section and floor tiles at a time. Everquest 2 gave me a lot to love about their instanced housing and decorating power. I really loved my houses in EQ2 too and spend months doing nothing but collecting and making things for decorating and remodelling. Heck, in some of my houses, if you were to go into them, you'd see an entirely different layout and set or rooms that they come with because I'd craft my own wall sections and place them all around, making my own rooms, hallways and even dungeons and libraries.

    I enjoy, loosely, LotRO's housing. But just like Asheron's Call, it is quite limiting and not satisfying. Another game, but not an MMO, that I enjoyed the power of housing decoration and customization was Marrowind, especially at being able to make your own in its toolset.

    Wit the foundry, I hope to one day be able to make a persistent estate that I call my own that other players can come and visit and be social in. I can safely say, that if any MMO makes housing like UO has but in a 3D environment, I will be playing it.
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    xearrikxearrik Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    zebular wrote: »
    Since it was brought back up... I have longed for player housing that rivaled the usefulness, ingenuity, customizability and decorating power of Ultima Online post Blackthorn's Revenge, where we could build our houses from base plots, wall section and floor tiles at a time. Everquest 2 gave me a lot to love about their instanced housing and decorating power. I really loved my houses in EQ2 too and spend months doing nothing but collecting and making things for decorating and remodelling. Heck, in some of my houses, if you were to go into them, you'd see an entirely different layout and set or rooms that they come with because I'd craft my own wall sections and place them all around, making my own rooms, hallways and even dungeons and libraries.

    I enjoy, loosely, LotRO's housing. But just like Asheron's Call, it is quite limiting and not satisfying. Another game, but not an MMO, that I enjoyed the power of housing decoration and customization was Marrowind, especially at being able to make your own in its toolset.

    Wit the foundry, I hope to one day be able to make a persistent estate that I call my own that other players can come and visit and be social in. I can safely say, that if any MMO makes housing like UO has but in a 3D environment, I will be playing it.

    Yea the housing in Ultima is the only thing I miss about it. I used to have my own island That had just enough room for my 18x18 a tree and a parrot that would spawn their. I got it with the release of the samurai expansion. Every server had one island that could fit an 18x18 and nothing else.

    Have you heard about ArcheAge Housing? I know very little still. But I may try the game only because it has house and ship building.

    Da kitties don't speak for me, deez kitties speak fur us all!
    I'll Keep this up till beta goes live. I'll improve it soon.
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited January 2013
    xearrik wrote: »
    Yea the housing in Ultima is the only thing I miss about it. I used to have my own island That had just enough room for my 18x18 a tree and a parrot that would spawn their. I got it with the release of the samurai expansion. Every server had one island that could fit an 18x18 and nothing else.

    Have you heard about ArcheAge Housing? I know very little still. But I may try the game only because it has house and ship building.


    Yep, I'll always be trying out new MMOs with housing. :)

    In UO, I had my own Estate that comprised several houses surrounding a large tower. I gave those up when I got a side-by-side Castle and Keep. At one time though, back early on before the plot customization and change to 1 house per account, I had over 50 houses on the Baja Shard alone. This was when I was working for Nielsen Media Research and making big bucks, I had over 20 active UO accounts, paying nearly $200 a month to EA/Origin. :D

    (my main account was free for a while as I was a UO Counselor, price back then was $9.95 a month, IIRC.)

    I long for a similar experience in a 3D MMORPG, in regards to housing - not paying an insane amount of money to an MMO per month. Yeah, I admit, I was insanely addicted.
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    elewyndylelewyndyl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I want Black Jack and Hookers in this game. Along with big bad <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> dragons to slay for sh=t
    Yeah agree on that! Prostitution is legal in my country in Northeast Europe! That said it is not nearly in same extent common as in some other countries in Eastern Europe. For example there is no advertising of prostitution in my country because that is oddly forbidden while prostitution in itself is not forbidden in my country. I visited Ukraines capitol Kiev during summer 2012.

    To give a hint of the culture there here is a typical Ukraine new music hit:
    Anyway there is a limit to my dark morals also. Murder or r*pe is very wrong!

    Now as for games. Even old Baldurs Gate games had hookers in taverns. I have never been for gardens or flowers myself could not care less about them. Maybe thats why I own 2 apartments in my capitol area and rent the other one to get extra income. Garden or flowers no thanks that is not my style in games or real life.

    However I sometimes like also wild life. In my country exist real wolves and bears in the forest. That said I want this game to have Druid profession and wild life of course. However in big cities some taverns should exist that covers every need regardless if it is gambling or...
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    iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    xearrik wrote: »
    Yea the housing in Ultima is the only thing I miss about it. I used to have my own island That had just enough room for my 18x18 a tree and a parrot that would spawn their. I got it with the release of the samurai expansion. Every server had one island that could fit an 18x18 and nothing else.

    Have you heard about ArcheAge Housing? I know very little still. But I may try the game only because it has house and ship building.


    Was I the only one thinking the Refreshments' King of the Hill theme song when watching that? :)

    elewyndyl wrote: »
    Yeah agree on that! Prostitution is legal in my country in Northeast Europe! That said it is not nearly in same extent common as in some other countries in Eastern Europe. For example there is no advertising of prostitution in my country because that is oddly forbidden while prostitution in itself is not forbidden in my country. I visited Ukraines capitol Kiev during summer 2012.

    To give a hint of the culture there here is a typical Ukraine new music hit:
    Anyway there is a limit to my dark morals also. Murder or r*pe is very wrong!

    Now as for games. Even old Baldurs Gate games had hookers in taverns. I have never been for gardens or flowers myself could not care less about them. Maybe thats why I own 2 apartments in my capitol area and rent the other one to get extra income. Garden or flowers no thanks that is not my style in games or real life.

    However I sometimes like also wild life. In my country exist real wolves and bears in the forest. That said I want this game to have Druid profession and wild life of course. However in big cities some taverns should exist that covers every need regardless if it is gambling or...

    Wow, I don't normally say this (one of those weird memorable quotes) but, the best D&D video game prostitutes in my opinion had to the the ones in the Brothel from Planescape: Torment!

    Amazingly on topic considering the

    *NDA wall falls in front of truthseeker missing him by inches and almost topples on him as it falls horizontal*

    ...the lovely discussion on absolutely nothing current of course! Wasn't mentioning anything related, nope.....
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    lawfulstupidlawfulstupid Member Posts: 55
    edited January 2013
    hehe, lawful stupid...I mean....

    Hey there. Thought I'd address these concerns that I was able to publicly find.

    *iamtruthseeker blasts Lawfulstupid with "forum knowledge" for OVER 9000 damage!*
    *it's super effective!*
    *lawfulstupid faints*
    *iamtruthseeker gets +50 internets*
    *iamtruthseekr levels up!*

    In all seriousness though, thanks for clearing a lot of that up for me. =)

    Tech Trees--4th edition is different than third where in third, you get so limited number of feats and attribute points that if you don't plot exactly your perfect build is ruined...
    That right there was what I was most worried about. Tech trees on their surface appear to offer players lots of variety, but in practice they're just ways for players to screw themselves. I know its not as bad in PnP games where the goal is to have fun with your buds, but in MMOs its just a mess.

    "Prestige Classes"--As noted, 4th edition uses tiers.
    Yeah, in hindsight I probably could have worded that better, I guess because HURR DURR PATHFINDER!!!! because of all the hobby stores that I've visited, not a single one runs DnD anymore because everyone seems to have switched over to Pathfinder.
    *as an aside* I take it as a sign of the changing times, because I notice a lot of hobby shops don't even stock Warhammer anymore because of how ridiculously expensive its gotten. Why, when I was a young-in (which wasn't THAT long ago, mind you) I remember taking 20 bucks to the hobby store and walking out with two blister packs and a few pots of paint, and by the time I quit the hobby 20 bucks got you maaaybe 1 blister pack and pots of paint were running at like 7-10 bucks a pop. Plus, with Games Workshop being infamously difficult to work with, I can't say I blame the little hobby stores for refusing to stock Warhammer. But I digress.
    It sounds like the tier system is a pretty satisfactory alternative given the context of this being an MMO, and I for one am not complaining. As I mentioned in a previous post, every little bit of customization is welcome. I admit that the move to 4e from 3.5e was rather overwhelming at first ("dude, where's my half-orc barbarian?") but it's starting to grow on me.

    But if you need it, the second post of my FAQ linked on my banner starts with the 4e explanation and I even color coded it for both the D&D game and Neverwinter MMO to show
    Man, you are just on top of things.

    Transmogging--Okay, I'm going to be a little dumb and assume you mean how pretty you can look with custom pieces of clothing and fitting and colors and stuff. The good news is now I know we get things down to the shirt and pants level PLUS those items that go over it, PLUS we get dyes, I know we can help shape our clothing armor look. And Cryptic has yet NOT to have a "battle"/costume switch/toggle, so I'm all but betting that option is ALSO going to be discussed one day before launch. So far I don't think they talked abut an unarmored clothing toggle yet, but I could be wrong.
    I guess I could have been a little more explicit about what I meant when I said transmog (and I'm -all- about getting more explicit ;) ). In World of Warcraft, transmogrification allows you to swap out the look of one piece of armor for another. I had my sweet, Burning Crusade-era wicked looking tribal troll armor, and whenever I, say, got a new shoulder pad, I could just take it down to the transmog guy and swap out its look for me to keep my armor looking consistent instead of turning into Lance: Rainbow Warrior. In MoP they released several quest rewards that were unique looking pieces of armor that were there just for the purposes of transmog. I'm in favor of these kinds of systems because they're good for the player economy, give players an added dimension of customizability for a minimum cost of developer resources, and they give players one more thing to do (to go hunt down obscure pieces of armor in their never ending quest to be a fashion trend-setter. And who doesn't want to be a fashion trend-setter? :-) ) But I guess people from GW2 had an entirely different experience with it. I dunno, maybe I'm just out and proud about my need to look FABULOUS

    Dyes are always welcome, but if it were me calling the shots, dye costs would look something like this:
    blue dye -- 10 silver
    red dye -- 10 silver
    yellow dye -- 10 silver
    green dye -- 10 silver
    orange dye -- 10 silver
    purple dye -- 10 silver
    silver dye -- 10 silver
    gold dye -- 10 silver
    white dye -- 10 silver
    black dye -- 10,000 gold
    I remember dyes in EQ and you disproportionately ran into a lot of people for whom "black on black" was a fashion statement. Let's see some color, folks!

    No Player Housing--Wow, you are the FIRST person in QUITE a while that is UNREQUESTING this.
    Yeah... I'm just skeptical of things that can turn into a huge resource sink for a minimum benefit. EQ2 left a bad taste in my mouth because I remember thinking "oh, well, having my own house is nice... I guess... kind of a waste of hard-earned platinum though, and I really wish that instead of giving us new pieces of furniture they would focus on giving us armor that isn't a retexture of the same two sculpts over and over again." SWG was slightly better because you could join a community, but man dat urban sprawl made an environmentalist out of me.

    When players get the option to make persistent shared Foundry areas (also wish-listed possibly, this might happen then. But no, they are NOT taking resources from the primary game to work on either of these, so let everybody get their future wish (if they work on gameplay and bug fixes of course.)
    I think that persistent Foundry areas would be a GREAT compromise. The more I read about what they're trying to do with the Foundry, the more excited about this game that I'm getting. Finally somebody's bucking the WoW mold where raiding, PVP, questing, and crafting are the only things to do.

    Zone Phasing and Instanced dungeons--I'm going to quote from my FAQ to explain how the world is set up and how both non combat and combat public shared worlds work on the "one server."

    Well... That answers that! :)
    The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
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    elewyndylelewyndyl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Was I the only one thinking the Refreshments' King of the Hill theme song when watching that? :)

    Wow, I don't normally say this (one of those weird memorable quotes) but, the best D&D video game prostitutes in my opinion had to the the ones in the Brothel from Planescape: Torment!

    Amazingly on topic considering the

    *NDA wall falls in front of truthseeker missing him by inches and almost topples on him as it falls horizontal*

    ...the lovely discussion on absolutely nothing current of course! Wasn't mentioning anything related, nope.....
    Well I must admit that while I have played Baldurs Gate 1 and 2 and its expansions on PC that I have never played Planescape Torment. I have also played NeverwinterNights 1 and 2.
    Missed that one so can not really compare to BG prostitution. Now I have also played Witcher 2 that has full nudity. In Witcher 2 there are hookers but it is lame considering the age rating since you really can not see anything in those scenes but there are other nude scenes in that game.

    Ok I get that you want really player housing. Well the thing is this game misses so many other features like more basic classes etc. so if Players Housing will be in this game I think that is stuff for expansions. While I said I don't care about gardens I don't hate Player housing. Right now I think it is more important for developers to release more classes and PvP and yes also hookers:p.
    *iamtruthseeker blasts Lawfulstupid with "forum knowledge" for OVER 9000 damage!*
    I think that persistent Foundry areas would be a GREAT compromise. The more I read about what they're trying to do with the Foundry, the more excited about this game that I'm getting. Finally somebody's bucking the WoW mold where raiding, PVP, questing, and crafting are the only things to do.
    Well Foundry is great agree on that. Personally I like many low-medium level adventures.

    That said do not expect FOUNDRY to be the key to best items in this game. That has been discussed many times and that could be insanely much exploited. Best items should only be got from Cryptic made content. That said yes through Foundry content you should be able to get to max level and get fairly good items, though not maximum power items.
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    lawfulstupidlawfulstupid Member Posts: 55
    edited January 2013
    I want Black Jack and Hookers in this game. Along with big bad <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> dragons to slay for sh=t

    The little marketing exec in me just spewed milk all over the wall over the idea of the game having gambling and hookers. In these tough economic times, man you gotta go for wide appeal, and that means tapping the family market. I don't necessarily like it (because I'm an adult who can handle concepts like prostitution) but it is what it is.

    Besides... It's an MMO... surely there's some lonely g.i.r.l (guy in real life) todding around with a female toon looking for a little...err...company.
    The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
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    elewyndylelewyndyl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    The little marketing exec in me just spewed milk all over the wall over the idea of the game having gambling and hookers. In these tough economic times, man you gotta go for wide appeal, and that means tapping the family market. I don't necessarily like it (because I'm an adult who can handle concepts like prostitution) but it is what it is.

    Besides... It's an MMO... surely there's some lonely g.i.r.l (guy in real life) todding around with a female toon looking for a little...err...company.
    There is nothing wrong having a family and my brother who wants to play this game is a family father. The game has also very likely Teens rating so while I want hookers there will not be full nude content though hopefully nearly nude. I am satisfied if not majority of taverns in Neverwinter should have Hookers, but maybe 1 or 2 taverns in the city of Neverwinter.
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    lawfulstupidlawfulstupid Member Posts: 55
    edited January 2013
    elewyndyl wrote: »
    There is nothing wrong having a family and my brother who wants to play this game is a family father. The game has also very likely Teens rating so while I want hookers there will not be full nude content though hopefully nearly nude. I am content if not every tavern in Neverwinter should have Hookers, but maybe 1 or 2 taverns in the city of Neverwinter.

    Yeah, those are really good points. My point, though, is that why put hookers in the game and risk outrage from the moral police (which, admittedly, is a rather remote, but a non-zero possibility), when dudes who are out on the prowl looking for some e-poon will find it from other dudes with female toons? (a past time that people keep on the down-low and pretend never happens).
    The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
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    elewyndylelewyndyl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Yeah, those are really good points. My point, though, is that why put hookers in the game and risk outrage from the moral police (which, admittedly, is a rather remote, but a non-zero possibility), when dudes who are out on the prowl looking for some e-poon will find it from other dudes with female toons? (a past time that people keep on the down-low and pretend never happens).
    There will be no outrage unless you enter a Tavern and immediately they literally show <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> etc.

    You confuse also that every player is a male that plays MMO:s. I have met many females including my 23 year old little sister that have enjoyed WOW a lot.

    Even Romance roleplay is possible in MMO:s though extremely rare. During my 3.5 years of WOW gaming on a PvE roleplaying server in Europe I had a romance with a woman from UK. Now it never beats the real thing but FFS easily to check if it is male or female in real life since Voice communication like Ventrilo and Team Speak 3 exists and also webcam.
    This video while funny has some truth:
    The Guild : Do You Wanna Date My Avatar

    Now it never beats the real thing. However my worst date in real life was with a woman who wanted to see Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008) in the movie theatres:
    Horrible movie! Romance romance romance and NOTHING ELSE! I rate that movie as 1/10. I would rather watch all Twilight movies on movie theater then that <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>!

    That said sexual romance in real life and very very rarely if that happens in computer games can be fun. Finally news for you. I got a friend that is a real Don Juan a woman hunter. He has said that he never wants children or family. That is a life choice some want children and other people do not want children.
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    iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Now obviously I couldn't mention specifics, but remember what I've posted elsewhere about them being true to lore...and it might pay off if you look at certain locations in the Neverwinter 4e Sourcebook. That's all I can say, and happy hunting!
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    lawfulstupidlawfulstupid Member Posts: 55
    edited January 2013
    elewyndyl wrote: »
    There will be no outrage unless you enter a Tavern and immediately they literally show <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> etc.

    You confuse also that every player is a male that plays MMO:s. I have met many females including my 23 year old little sister that have enjoyed WOW a lot.

    Even Romance roleplay is possible in MMO:s though extremely rare. During my 3.5 years of WOW gaming on a PvE roleplaying server in Europe I had a romance with a woman from UK. Now it never beats the real thing but FFS easily to check if it is male or female in real life since Voice communication like Ventrilo and Team Speak 3 exists and also webcam.
    This video while funny has some truth:
    The Guild : Do You Wanna Date My Avatar

    Now it never beats the real thing. However my worst date in real life was with a woman who wanted to see Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008) in the movie theatres:
    Horrible movie! Romance romance romance and NOTHING ELSE! I rate that movie as 1/10. I would rather watch all Twilight movies on movie theater then that <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>!

    That said sexual romance in real life and very very rarely if that happens in computer games can be fun. Finally news for you. I got a friend that is a real Don Juan a woman hunter. He has said that he never wants children or family. That is a life choice some want children and other people do not want children.

    You're probably right. Nobody will really raise that much of a stink if there's an npc of questionable profession whose extend of interaction with the player is a single chat bubble. And I was largely being facetious about in-game relationships being between lonely dudes :) but I've been playing MMOs long enough to recognize the signs between girl gamers and g.i.r.l gamers. For example, when they act like being hit on is a novelty, instead of one of those every day things you gotta put up with from sleaze-bags, then I know...

    (funny enough, most girl gamers I knew on WoW played as dwarves because then people mostly left them alone)

    Personally, I subscribe to the philosophy that "there are no girls on the internet", not for sexist reasons, but for the fact that I know when girls log on to MMOs, they're coming to enjoy the game as players, and I treat them like an equal, a fellow player, and don't even make an issue out of their gender. As in, it doesn't really occur to me enough to say something if you have a cute voice over voice-chat, let's go WTFpwn some noobs on BGs. My last guild leader in WoW was a girl gamer, pvp stud with solid steel ovaries, and I had a blast playing with her.

    That youtube video was hilarious, btw
    The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
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    tehvaldrtehvaldr Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    The only things I want in this MMO are:

    - DRUID

    - BARD

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    m1ndfr1km1ndfr1k Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    this game needs some new races, not only new classes. if there will be only standart humans dwarfs and ect- game will s**k. and again add dragonborn or kobold.do u need money????
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    garj1garj1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 8
    edited January 2013
    Sorry if this is the wrong thread but the fact is my basic wish is that this NOT BE A GEAR GRIND! Please - ruined SWTOR for me and got boring in WOW.

    OK then, I really really really want a lizard monk like I had in EQ. That game wouldn't let me survive in any other area (enemy to everyone, race, group, area) but I had fun getting to lvl 20 in home area, more than any other class or character I have played.
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    elewyndylelewyndyl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    garj1 wrote: »
    Sorry if this is the wrong thread but the fact is my basic wish is that this NOT BE A GEAR GRIND! Please - ruined SWTOR for me and got boring in WOW.

    OK then, I really really really want a lizard monk like I had in EQ. That game wouldn't let me survive in any other area (enemy to everyone, race, group, area) but I had fun getting to lvl 20 in home area, more than any other class or character I have played.
    A bit lost in these forums? First of all while Monk might become playable class Lizard race is very likely not playable race.

    Ok this game will likely not be so hardcore as WOW everlasting lootmill never max your character. Neither will it be so hardcore as Everquest where it take years to maximize a character even for a hardcore player.

    However this is not silly Guild Wars 2 where you max your character in less then 2 weeks! No instead realistic is that if you play 40 hours/week then it will take many months to maximize a character. I will create many characters.
    tehvaldr wrote: »
    The only things I want in this MMO are:

    - DRUID

    - BARD

    Nice Avatar picture. In my country in far northeast Europe wolf population has fully recovered there are lots of wolves and also brown bears in the forest.

    Yeah agree wholeheartily on Druid! In WOW Druid and Hunter was my favorite classes. In this game I also want to play Cleric since they are not cloth user like in WOW.

    A Bard? While not my favorite character to play yes there should exist Bards. Also great NPC bards in taverns. I wanted some hookers but I also want a bard as musical and artistic entertainment.

    I 'll show you a modern artist with excellent agility like a Trickster Rogue and musical talent like a master Bard!

    Lindsey Shirley - Shadows:

    Electric Daisy Violin- Lindsey Stirling (Original Song)

    That is what I call 5 star Bard Talent! I have trained Martial Arts and either she has trained martial arts or gymnastics to get such Agility. On top of that excellent musical Talent. Even old Forgotten Realms books described Danilo Than a male master Bard. Male or female Bard that shows great talent in Taverns please.
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    elewyndylelewyndyl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Yes more Classes please.
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    dayfy152dayfy152 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    i would love to see a dual sword class and archer class and a dual gunner & heavy gunner class although this being a D&D based game i dont think gunners wuld be introduced here unless like heavy gunner will be a great X bow user or something like that
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    hedronlordhedronlord Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Honestly, I would love to see the Paragon Multiclassing system from 4e. I dont know if you will have a limited selection of paragon classes, but I hope to fashion my own classes with the Paragon system.
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    syberghostsyberghost Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,474
    edited January 2013
    I want to see:

    Slow introduction of new classes/races, with at least one in three added for free, and a heaping helping of new content with the ones that aren't free.

    No dilution of quest developer resources for other factions. Mini-factions yes, but no adding a full faction because that would just cut the resources in half, and thus effectively cut the rate of new content in half for most players.

    Endgame progression systems that don't involve periodic level cap raises.

    Robust private instancing tools for the RP crowd, so that everybody can have their fun without one group's fun ruining another group's fun.


    A boob slider that goes not only to 11, which Cryptic always provides, but also to 1, which they never provide.
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    xearrikxearrik Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I finally thought of something I would like to see.


    Da kitties don't speak for me, deez kitties speak fur us all!
    I'll Keep this up till beta goes live. I'll improve it soon.
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    gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    xearrik wrote: »
    I finally thought of something I would like to see.



    You mean the monk who is taking the picture, right?
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    shiaikashiaika Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    syberghost wrote: »
    A boob slider that goes not only to 11, which Cryptic always provides, but also to 1, which they never provide.
    Hahahaha! XD

    I'll have to support that too.

    +4,000 to Psionics
This discussion has been closed.