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    iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Well, from what (little) we've seen, it's not a knockoff and totally unique in its gameplay, but still too little is shown for us to comment on its lore.
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    viledeeds77#8676 viledeeds77 Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I am (trying to be patient) excitedly, frustratedly waiting for ANY new info on this game. I would be satisfied at this point to have any Devs, so far all I know of is Stormshade, to communicate with us. I am really excited about this game and very hopeful for the potential of this game but we were told that we would get info/ communications after E3. Well E3 is over and has been for over a week..............................................................
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    propagandawar23propagandawar23 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 36
    edited June 2012
    I would like to see very little drow above ground and the ones I do run into be evil and affected by the sunlight.

    To the DragonLance comment above I would love them to remake Dragon Strike! Oh man how awesome it would be this day and age.
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    gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    ...but still too little is shown ...

    huh? They showed something about lore? I missed it!
    *Turns head right and left frantically*
    "Where? Where?"

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    galahad01galahad01 Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hi All,

    I know one thing that I don't want in this game are those stupid joke spells that anyone in game can cast on you,

    If I get donkey ears or a horse butt I want it from accidently getting lost in the Pixie forest, not from some bone-head that I don't even know that bought something somewhere and thought it would be funny.

    Now if it is April Fools and it's P.W. doing a special thing thats different.......

    Just A Thought......


    " May The Wind be Always At Your Back "
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    ryvvikryvvik Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 966 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2012
    galahad01 wrote: »
    Hi All,

    Now if it is April Fools and it's P.W. doing a special thing thats different.......

    Just A Thought......


    All that Christmas <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> (people running around with santa hats on)(no i aint the Grinch), and festival rubbish, on Rift was a joke, I mean if they are going to do something like that, Fine, but do it well, dont take the Pi$$ out your own game. I hope devs take that time and put it into a another dungeon or something then spam out junk.

    I'd rather see some big carnival, where it called upon all the players in FR to come together, and Joust, enter combat tournaments(as previously Mentioned by others here) (also a part of PVP challenge) something along those lines, can coding do that for us, who knows, but somehting like that would be refreshing.
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited June 2012
    A lot of people misunderstand the differences from the Forgotten Realms in relation to non-Forgotten Realms rule-books, such as the Players' Handbook, especially in regards to elves and dragons. I'd like to see this clarified in some public way as well as quite apparent in the game itself.

    For example, I don't want the Dragons of Neverwinter to be your typical Monstrous Manual dragons simply because the dragons of the Realms are much more powerful, much bigger, live much longer and are extremely difficult to conquer. The fact is, as stated in the FR Campaign Setting, that dragons are much larger, much more powerful and have a feline grace that belies their large reptilian appearance.

    Also, the statistics and origins of Elves and Dwarves in the Realms is often misunderstood in relation to the information provided in the Player's Handbooks, just as it is for Dragons. Forgotten Realms Elves, Dwarves and Dragons of all species have their own historical and origination roots that are extremely different than what is stated in the non-Forgotten Realms Players Handbooks and source materials.

    I hope to see that this, and all the other myriad of differences in the Realms, is not forsaken in Neverwinter.
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    iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    gillrmn wrote: »
    huh? They showed something about lore? I missed it!
    *Turns head right and left frantically*
    "Where? Where?"


    For instance Vellosk Lore Trailer

    Notice the word Lore as in history and knowledge?

    zebular wrote: »
    A lot of people misunderstand the differences from the Forgotten Realms in relation to non-Forgotten Realms rule-books, such as the Players' Handbook, especially in regards to elves and dragons. I'd like to see this clarified in some public way as well as quite apparent in the game itself.

    For example, I don't want the Dragons of Neverwinter to be your typical Monstrous Manual dragons simply because the dragons of the Realms are much more powerful, much bigger, live much longer and are extremely difficult to conquer. The fact is, as stated in the FR Campaign Setting, that dragons are much larger, much more powerful and have a feline grace that belies their large reptilian appearance.

    Also, the statistics and origins of Elves and Dwarves in the Realms is often misunderstood in relation to the information provided in the Player's Handbooks, just as it is for Dragons. Forgotten Realms Elves, Dwarves and Dragons of all species have their own historical and origination roots that are extremely different than what is stated in the non-Forgotten Realms Players Handbooks and source materials.

    I hope to see that this, and all the other myriad of differences in the Realms, is not forsaken in Neverwinter.

    Well said. Fortunately a lot of things like the Shield dwarf and Sun/moon elves did pop up in the character creator of fourth edition (sub races) so it seems likely that the historical background of the FR and NW will be maintained. If Cryptic shines on something it's dealing with historical backgrounds in their games as well as character customization.

    But while we're on what I'd like to se in this MMO, I'd like to see a properly working forum before beta starts. Sorry to write this at this time, and hope it's resolved soon, and I mean really soon soon.
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    rrsouthrrsouth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I am really excited about this game.

    I would like to see halflings as a playable race.

    My husband would like to see the planar realms added (maybe as an expansion at some point).

    Thank you!
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    ryvvikryvvik Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 966 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2012
    rrsouth wrote: »
    I am really excited about this game.

    I would like to see halflings as a playable race.

    My husband would like to see the planar realms added (maybe as an expansion at some point).

    Thank you!

    C the genltleman's above you hardwork stickie thread above, halflings look to have made it.
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    iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    ryvvik wrote: »
    C the genltleman's above you hardwork stickie thread above, halflings look to have made it.

    Cool, I'm a gentleman now :)

    Seriously, I had confirmed halflings and posted it (thanks to qumi0 for pointing out the race in the Raging Nerds E3 interview mentioned around the 3:00 mark where it was spoken conclusively) in my Neverwinter New Users FAQ under Gameplay.
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    gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    For instance Vellosk Lore Trailer

    Notice the word Lore as in history and knowledge?

    That is like comparing moisture in air to a lake. And actually they didn't 'tell' anything about vellosk - just that there would be a campaign around vellosk werewolves. Will it start from helm's hold? Or it is an ambush when you walk in woods? Is it just a lead while fighting netherese?
    So I will stick to my statement that they have released nothing about lore. If they had relased some important names related to lore like Rohini etc, it would have been something though.
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    iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    gillrmn wrote: »
    That is like comparing moisture in air to a lake. And actually they didn't 'tell' anything about vellosk - just that there would be a campaign around vellosk werewolves. Will it start from helm's hold? Or it is an ambush when you walk in woods? Is it just a lead while fighting netherese?
    So I will stick to my statement that they have released nothing about lore. If they had relased some important names related to lore like Rohini etc, it would have been something though.

    This is a balancing act, trying not to tip off the plot yet revealing the history and lore (for example the "intentions of Lord Neverember.") It's been said you don't have to be familiar with the history to play the game but will be filled with lore and those who are familiar will be rewarded with understanding the connections (to paraphrase.)

    So, yes, there will be history, but the snippets given are hardly a grand total of what will be explorable. How this will be revealed (besides that one narrative and that woman's flashbacks,) we have yet to see (such as screen cuts/flashbacks, narration, in-game places/items that reveal the history like Elder Scrolls, lore challenges/skill checks, sages to talk to (like Diablo's Deckard Cain, etc.)
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    galahad01galahad01 Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited June 2012

    How did this thread get changed to Mass Effect, I'll go to Bioware site to read this,

    If I was interested in Mass Effect to begin with,

    Take care

    If anything start a new thread called off topic, :)

    " May The Wind be Always At Your Back "
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    r555555555555555r555555555555555 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Spider Climb & fly. That is all.
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    viledeeds77#8676 viledeeds77 Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    galahad01 wrote: »

    How did this thread get changed to Mass Effect, I'll go to Bioware site to read this,

    If I was interested in Mass Effect to begin with,

    Take care

    If anything start a new thread called off topic, :)

    I don't see where Mass Effect was referenced except in your post.
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    khoraxgatorkhoraxgator Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I would like to see some respect given to the idea that 4e technically has -five- character types, not four. Ranged and Melee Strikers each work similarly, but slightly different. While both deal damage, the way these characters play, especially in an MMO environment is very different.

    I'd like to see at least -two- options for each role. That's 2 Defenders, 2 Controllers, 2 Leaders and 2 each melee and ranged Strikers. Yes, this is a lot of classes, but more options are better than few, and Neverwinter needs to heavily avoid the stereotypical four-class spread of Fighter Mage Thief Cleric as the only character options in the game. This provides a good strong backbone for the game. As long as they are not inherently more powerful, I do support making the additional classes coin-shop classes, just as long as they are accessible. Most, if not all, of these classes should be free for subscribers.

    I'd like to see branching storylines that can be done with other players, and multiple play paths. I do not want to go through the game three or four times with just the same content each time (Foundery aside).

    Cryptic-level character options, with multiple body types: big, small, old, young, skinny muscular and chubby. Clothing choice and expression options. Just as much consideration behind STO's character creation, without hindering player choice so much that the cash shop quickly becomes an iron wall.

    There you go. Picky, but I understand that I have high standards. You ask what I want, and this is what I want. I want to see PWE prove to me that they can produce a high-quality game with the same level of options that I know Cryptic can provide, and then some.
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    galahad01galahad01 Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hey Faleth,

    Well I must have been seeing things or I accidently replied in wrong thread but I know I read it in here some where?

    < Scratches Head, and takes another drink > heheheh

    " May The Wind be Always At Your Back "
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    gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    galahad01 wrote: »
    Hey Faleth,

    Well I must have been seeing things or I accidently replied in wrong thread but I know I read it in here some where?

    < Scratches Head, and takes another drink > heheheh

    It was there under my post. Maybe it got removed by Mod because it was spam.
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    ryvvikryvvik Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 966 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2012
    galahad01 wrote: »
    Hey Faleth,

    Well I must have been seeing things or I accidently replied in wrong thread but I know I read it in here some where?

    < Scratches Head, and takes another drink > heheheh

    thats 3 set of eyes, i saw it there too man, no feeblemind was casted on you.b:laugh
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    parthainparthain Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I would like to see it be as close to PnP AD&D as possible. While I know true death in MMOs will never happen it would be kinda cool.

    I want to see a true crafting system, not the horrible one in DDO.

    I want to see some good magic items like you find in PnP...I'd kill for a chance at a deck of many things.

    And lastly, I want it to take time and effort to level, no shortcuts like potions that boost XP, deck of many things exception :). Too many MMOs make it easy to level and take the fun and excitement out of actually playing and exploring the game. This is AD&D not WOW or EQ.

    Bring back true RPG!
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    syfylissyfylis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I want to see a chance for me to join evil forces and get quests with aim to destroy neverwinter. I want to kill other players/npc destroy vilages, burn houses and make them slaves...

    anyway can you imagine making your own castle or guild castle where you can gain npc to serve you after you burnd their vilage and make them your slaves. You would have to be also careful for their rebellion and suppress it by spilling a blood of few of them.

    I want to see a assasin guild where you can make a order for killing other player. If player survive and slay the assasin he can take all gold he could get for succesfull assasination.

    I want to see a faction outside of good vs evil battle who have their own goals and it doesn't matter for them which side they will support to get what they want.

    I want to see a great battle to defend city of neverwinter when players have to defend city or npc will die and they will respawn in several hours.

    I want to see developer to show me somthing that may be politically incorrect.
    >>>>>>>>>>>> Prejt <<<<<<<<<<


    My work: Heroes Blacksmith - Library
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    judicaturejudicature Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    As someone who likes to solo a lot I would love to see this game get as close to the pnp D&D. Story arcs that are class specific like SWTOR and how they did the teaming, group content and factions would be nice. My other wish list of things I would like to see.

    1. Mounts.
    2. Character keeps, towers ect not just guild buildings. This could be useful for pvp or other minor quests.
    3. Alignment that means something to the story and the choices we make can have consequences.
    4. henchmen/followers
    5. Gear balance. I don't want to have to grind out a dungeon over and over just to get high quality gear. Same thing goes for crafting, if I make a dwarf fighter who is also a weapon smith I should be able to purchase the material I need and not have to search for crafting supplies. Or convert a dungeon into my home and have workers mine ore for me to trade and use.
    6. Account bank
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    xaralleixarallei Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I would really hope they take a page from other mmos and eliminate kill stealing/node stealing/ninja looting. I think those things are very anti-community. It would be nice to be happy to see other players instead of disappointed/frustrated.

    I'm curious about how the questing will turn out in the game. Is it going to be your typical mmo questing? Or are they going to change things up a bit? I'm looking for something different.

    As for more minor things. I like collecting mounts and mini pets, so it would be nice to have those in-game. A wardrobe/transmog and dye system would be awesome as well. I hate wearing mismatched armor.
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    devoteoftempusdevoteoftempus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 473 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2012
    I'd like to see what I saw in some NWN2 PWs. An Underdark area for players what want to follow a more "dark" side of things (actually you could do that on the surface too, love Dalelands Beyond where it was a place of racism and where evil was the strong arm). I'm not a big fan of people playing Drow in the surface that IF you even come across one it would be a rarity n not a left n right thing which will likely happen. With the Underdark it allows people to play the Drow and that would fit the setting. The Underdark area would also allow Foundry creators to create content on the evil or darker side of things uninhibited as if they did it in Neverwinter then they'll likely to get voted down by goody lil two shoes.

    That's what I'd like to see, however it might go against the flow of the majority.

    "Sure you can play a LG Drow... you wake up in the Underdark and a Blackguard walking by senses your goodness and cuts your head off. Go re****ingroll"
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    needaloxneedalox Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    A lot of good EG and epic quest style content, not only a handful of dungeons. I cant stand it when 90% of PvE is collect 10 rats asses.

    Dungeons/Raids etc. should not just be a straight run for the boss all the time. I like it when there are puzzles and multiple paths that you cant complete in that one setting. Like say go east and kill this boss and next time you go west and kill a different boss.

    Good and clever classes that offer a lot of options and are well ballanced. The last couple MMOs I have tried either the classes felt poorly defined or in some cases felt useless. I also played one recently where the ranged and melee classes were very unballanced, and melee just got their asses handed to them, so it kinda became all about ranged.....

    I would like a good mix of different group sized content. Solo, 3-4 man, 6 man, and maybe something a bit larger like 18-24 man for things like possible invasions and such. I still favor low man content over large-scale for the most part. Just seems more D&D like.

    I dont know how but I like to explore, and I'd like some way to make it feel worthwhile rather than just "oh look I found another place...."Not sure this can be done in an MMO.

    Loot drops should always be better than crafted. Last time I checked when you save the princess and kill the dragon, that always gave you the best gear. You shouldnt be getting the legendary sword of doom from Joe Blacksmith, imo.

    The combat needs to be smooth and fluid. Not quite as clunky as Tera, but not as Choatic ( read: unstructured zerg) feeling as GW2. Oh and none of that annoying collision detection Tera has, i dont really care if my char can go through an anemy or not, but its no fun to be surrounded and trapped by a mass of enemy bodies.

    Last but not least: GAMEPAD SUPPORT!!! For the love of God. I come from console gaming background, but I got bitten by the MMO bug around EQ times. I can play with KB and Mouse, but I greatly prefer to play with a Gamepad. Especially for such an action based game.
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    freekimdotcomfreekimdotcom Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 118 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2012
    I didn't read all 24 pages so someone probably already mentioned this.

    It's a little late in the development process but I think puzzles in dungeons would be good. Puzzles that require teamwork.
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    deathtognomesdeathtognomes Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 131 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2012
    There is not much new in MMOs these days. The bar of what is standard and what isnt, has been set pretty high of whats typically found in one. Housing, Mounts, Fast travel, shared banking amongst alts, plenty of questing and various skill paths are all pretty much covered. An MMO without player housing gets points off immediately, same with Fast travel points. What this genre has come to is how it's world is presented to us players. Once, just once in my life, I'd love to see a game have a launch go off not needing a major patch within 5-10 days to fix some bug or exploit. I am not asking too much, I am asking for some competence and accountability from the company I am shelling out my hard earned cash for a game I can play without sending a petition.

    I havent beta tested a lot of games, for as long as Ive been playing them Everyone of them has flaws, sure, but in the last 3-5 years has there been a successive amount of failed bug-ridden launches. What I want to do is get on some alpha team where my feedback actually might fix something instead of getting ignored like the majority of beta feedback does. Who the hell would want feedback from an experience MMO player anyway? No one. Beta-time isnt about testing the game itself anymore, its usually 90% complete by then, its about showing it off and testing the servers, making some little pimple faced brat feel "impo'tent" enough to buy the game.

    Yea, I want a too see a good launch for once.
    "..putting a gnome on the barbie later, you coming?"
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    deathtognomesdeathtognomes Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 131 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2012
    I didn't read all 24 pages so someone probably already mentioned this.

    It's a little late in the development process but I think puzzles in dungeons would be good. Puzzles that require teamwork.

    If teamwork implies asking general chat for answers, most games have this function already b:laugh
    "..putting a gnome on the barbie later, you coming?"
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    freekimdotcomfreekimdotcom Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 118 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2012
    If teamwork implies asking general chat for answers, most games have this function already b:laugh

    Hmm... not quite what I was thinking of.

    Puzzles that require more than one person working in tandem in order solve/complete. The simplest example I can come up with to convey what type of team work I am thinking of would be: two people need to stand on a button in order to open a door.

    DDO had some puzzles that could be done by one person. They were complex enough to be awkward to explain how to solve in chat, for example "you turn the squares and line up the lines to the thing at the end" does not give away the answer to the puzzle. But the puzzles in DDO were short and lame.

    The kind of puzzle that would certainly be bad for an mmo would be like the puzzles in Skyrim. You can simply ask what order to put the 3 stones in and that would solve your puzzle.
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