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  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2012
    New game trailer part 1 is out.
    Check this post:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2012
    I've just returned from the Land of Dead to bring you this:
    There is an elf and half-elf character option.

    Source: http://forums.playneverwinter.com/showpost.php?p=78612&postcount=4
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2012
    Hey granmazzo,

    Can you also put a link as a header in your post that this game has not been released, about what devs have said about beta, when will closed beta start, to get beta keys (you need to join forums and keep updated by twitter facebook etc for official new), and other stuff

    This would be good if someone asks how they can play the game and we direct them to your post. Thus they will know game is not out yet and what to do so they don't miss when game will be out.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2012
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2012
    Thank you for that above link! Not only was it clear there's both main and off-hand weapon options, the screen shots showed the treasure very clearly!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2012
    A nice thread. It answered all the questions I had regarding current information. Save me a lot of time looking into things. Thanks!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2012
    gillrmn wrote:
    Hey granmazzo,

    Can you also put a link as a header in your post that this game has not been released, about what devs have said about beta, when will closed beta start, to get beta keys (you need to join forums and keep updated by twitter facebook etc for official new), and other stuff

    This would be good if someone asks how they can play the game and we direct them to your post. Thus they will know game is not out yet and what to do so they don't miss when game will be out.

    I don't understand totally this post because my poor english, but if i have understand you ask me to add a link to the first page of this thread.

    Pls if you can to make a post so i can copy and paste what you want .
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2012
    granmazzo you might want to add that weapons have a level requirement. This is shown in the video Macabrius just posted.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2012
    Vangald wrote: »
    granmazzo you might want to add that weapons have a level requirement. This is shown in the video Macabrius just posted.

    Added TY.
    Added the link of the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNlHslK-N-4
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2012
    granmazzo wrote:
    I don't understand totally this post because my poor english, but if i have understand you ask me to add a link to the first page of this thread.

    Pls if you can to make a post so i can copy and paste what you want .

    Your english is just fine to me ;)

    Please correct me if I am wrong if I write this:--

    The game has not yet been released so you can't play it today. It has been announced that the game would be released later towards the end of this year. Also, Mark revealed that closed beta is scheduled for sometime in either May or June, with open beta following in the third quarter.

    I ask because I am getting many PMs with people asking how can they play this game. So that I can be lazy, next time someone asks I will just link them to your post - so that they can get all the information they want at one place, or just look at the fact and get their answers.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2012
    gillrmn wrote:
    Your english is just fine to me ;)

    Please correct me if I am wrong if I write this:--

    The game has not yet been released so you can't play it today. It has been announced that the game would be released later towards the end of this year. Also, Mark revealed that closed beta is scheduled for sometime in either May or June, with open beta following in the third quarter.

    I ask because I am getting many PMs with people asking how can they play this game. So that I can be lazy, next time someone asks I will just link them to your post - so that they can get all the information they want at one place, or just look at the fact and get their answers.

    TY gillrmn i added.. i don't know if devs have in mind to refresh the site but i want to refresh this thread in form of F.A.Q. dividing in section like gamplay, lore, system etc.. i need help for this !
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2012
    granmazzo wrote:
    TY gillrmn i added.. i don't know if devs have in mind to refresh the site but i want to refresh this thread in form of F.A.Q. dividing in section like gamplay, lore, system etc.. i need help for this !

    :eek: That will be great service to community. You have my full emotional support!

    I would suggest make a FAQ thread and ask people to post questions and answers. You can select those which you think are essential for new-comer and write them in your first post.

    There is no official FAQ as of now, so your FAQs would be quite useful to:-

    - new-comers
    - those who don't visit forums frequently
    - guilds who can post them on their websites to inform new recruits

    So I think many people would be interested in them.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2012
    k we don't know much, part of gameplay video which show us more less how game looks we bassicly don't get any important news

    For me i still want to see how this 6 skill bar is going to work in reality and pvp. It's kind a not enough unless there is some solution we didn't see.

    We need to wait for beta to see game which give me impresion that even devs don't know really how will it look in the end.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2012
    Hey guys,

    Heres a link i found:

    This is not new, its a neverwinter podcast interview with Shane Hensley which i dont even know if hes still woking at cryptic. This interview have almost one year old when neverwinter was suposse to be a co-op mmo.

    Again, this is an old interview so maybe some of the things shane told might be changed but for who didnt listen to this one i think u will enjoy :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2012
    Macabrius wrote:
    Hey guys,

    Heres a link i found:

    This is not new, its a neverwinter podcast interview with Shane Hensley which i dont even know if hes still woking at cryptic. This interview have almost one year old when neverwinter was suposse to be a co-op mmo.

    Again, this is an old interview so maybe some of the things shane told might be changed but for who didnt listen to this one i think u will enjoy :)

    His interview was not recorded due to technical difficulties . Unless you're a NWN computer game fan, don't bother with the three-links NWN/NWN2-only discussion.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2012
    His interview was not recorded due to technical difficulties . Unless you're a NWN computer game fan, don't bother with the three-links NWN/NWN2-only discussion.

    theres audio record before the videos :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2012
    His interview was not recorded due to technical difficulties . Unless you're a NWN computer game fan, don't bother with the three-links NWN/NWN2-only discussion.

    There is NWO also : Link

    It is off-topic kind of thing for NWN.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2012
    gillrmn wrote:
    There is NWO also : Link

    It is off-topic kind of thing for NWN.

    The interview with Shane starts at the 16-minute mark to 48 minute mark BTW. How current it is after the co-op change I cannot say. As for Shane, from a Wiki:
    He left Cryptic to make a Deadlands MMO in 2007, but the parent company went bankrupt. Shane briefly returned to Cryptic in 2010 as Executive Producer on Neverwinter, then on to Petroglyph Games to work on the ground-breaking End of Nations MMO RTS (published by Trion Worlds).

    Petroglyph Games
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2012
    It is NWN Podcast the only ... blah blah blah ...
    Now on to show:
    This is blah blah blah...
    You are liastening to blah blah blah...
    We will do blah blah blah...
    ... ... ... ...
    he is a developer of ... not related to NWN a new MMO which is going to be released soon. (lol yes dreaded word 'SOON').
    ... blah ... cheeseballs ... victorian england ...
    *lots of stuff not related to NWO.* (ok, truthfully i fell asleep) woke up at 16 mins and slowed speed to 1x
    <here comes dev>
    Welcome... etc cool cool etc
    he tells his story and about city of heroes and jack and how he joined him for CoV. He left cryptic for his game which went bust and came back for NWO.
    He played NWN - all staff is forgotten realm geek. So when he(?) says make a hall for tyr, the guys say Tyr is dead.
    <And more stuff about the D&D nerds in dev team>
    They made NW city map which was incorporated. So there is also knowledge from other games which would be there when you go and pick up books lying around to read <because the staff is so into FR>.
    <In short, he is saying that fluff would be satisfying>
    Based on 4e. You will find that powers are 'similar' to those in the book as we can make in a real action time enviornment game [says similar so they are not same but should be based on book].
    Spellplague? Yes big deal. You will see that from moment 1.
    Great way to start from scratch.
    Weird to see drow walking all over the city for some of us as you would usually beat them and take their stuff <my sentiments exactly, it wasn't called murder in good old days> but now we have tieflings, drows etc.
    First off, perspective is a bit different ... (it is a roleplaying online game but not MMO but plays like MMO) - irrelevant as this changed to MMO from old co-op limitation.

    One important thing of NWO is persistance, always live. Then you also have dungeons and stuff. It is like live independent city thing but when you go to dungeon it feels like a dungeon as it should for a D&D game, where you go do your thing.

    Foundry is a HUUUGGGEE part of game, but we would talk later.

    No mounts at launch, but we expect to do that with style. Pets, henchmen we have - henchmen are a part of tactics too. Which henchman to choose - versatile/named chracter/custom-named chracter- and names from lore (drizzt *sigh*) - according to situation. But mounts we want to do properly with bang.

    Foundry - Initial approach- don't hop in and play to lvl from 1 to 20 like WoW, instead play missions written by important DMs but also 100 of 1000s of adventures from fans. We have seen many fans writing amazing stuff. Valantine - employee in NWN modding community.
    So approach to foundry is that devs make stuff which is standard quality 'little less than your cool stuff' and then users come in to make amazing 100s of cool cool missions. e.g. Startrek foundry.
    Do's - almost most of things.
    Won't = custom made stuff (copyright issue is important).

    Still a lot of freedom, move, make them say do anything - more easier than aurora toolset. We will keep updating foundry, initially the stuff is just foundations. E.g. this class that class - voice may be different etc.

    <speed increased to 5x>
    cool fantastic cool

    devs will give u design tools and you develop. Devs will keep improving it according to your needs.

    Support is important for game to run for 10 years, that is important - replayability.

    Example about schedule -free creative dev team - we want to do illithids - oh awesome i want to do it like that, do it like that good good more more - we are all fans - money goes to asmodeus lets just make more and more game!

    Gear customisation, a bit more messing around is needed - lots of customisation because it is cryptic, we need more customisation for this compared to CoX and in a different way etc etc etc.

    Special armor is completely different e.g. dragon armor - you put it on and people ask you - hey what is that cool armor how u got it? - really relly tough to get etc.

    Fully online all the time, not using the word MMO but that is what we have in mind, that is what we are developing - all over world, china, america etc. ...

    NWN - leaving that part.

    branching policy in foundry (yayy!!!).

    Respond very quickly to community - community is very important. We have them in mind while developing game.

    OK, I can't type more, but important to go and listen it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2012
    Few important Points:

    Although there have been some changes, I believe it has not completely changed from what they were making an year ago. So I believe that most of it would be similar, unless they had technical limitations.

    - D&D Fluff crazy dev team. Fluff lovers would like it, there would be books telling fluff - and devs understand that tieflings, drows coming out and questing with you is weird but hey! the world changes.

    - Persistant world, live city with independent dungeons. They were aiming for MMO even when they were asked to make a Co-op game. (Rebellious developers - must be chaotic alignment in them)

    - Again, they know how gods have changed so you shouldn't find mistakes with fluff.

    - Based on 4e pnp - similar - not same. Constraints because of real time based active combat instead of turn based.

    - Pets are important.

    - henchmen are important part of strategy with custom named, names from fluff (Drizzt npc henchman?) and type of henchman specifically needed by you.

    - Mounts would be there and very important part of game - i am guessing mounted combat and flying mounts to earthmotes.

    - Foundry - devs will provide design tools for users to develop because they think, and enjoy, and know that best maps come from community. Also looking to make this game stay for at least 10 years.

    - Community is important and they will keep changing foundry according to needs of community while making sure not to get tangled in copyright issues (the bites from atari must still hurt? :p )

    EDIT: fluff=lore
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2012
    gillrmn wrote:
    It is NWN Podcast the only ... blah blah blah ...
    Now on to show:
    This is blah blah blah...
    You are liastening to blah blah blah...
    We will do blah blah blah...
    ... ... ... ...
    he is a developer of ... not related to NWN a new MMO which is going to be released soon. (lol yes dreaded word 'SOON').
    ... blah ... cheeseballs ... victorian england ...
    *lots of stuff not related to NWO.* (ok, truthfully i fell asleep) woke up at 16 mins and slowed speed to 1x
    <here comes dev>
    Welcome... etc cool cool etc
    he tells his story and about city of heroes and jack and how he joined him for CoV. He left cryptic for his game which went bust and came back for NWO.
    He played NWN - all staff is forgotten realm geek. So when he(?) says make a hall for tyr, the guys say Tyr is dead.
    <And more stuff about the D&D nerds in dev team>
    They made NW city map which was incorporated. So there is also knowledge from other games which would be there when you go and pick up books lying around to read <because the staff is so into FR>.
    <In short, he is saying that fluff would be satisfying>
    Based on 4e. You will find that powers are 'similar' to those in the book as we can make in a real action time enviornment game [says similar so they are not same but should be based on book].
    Spellplague? Yes big deal. You will see that from moment 1.
    Great way to start from scratch.
    Weird to see drow walking all over the city for some of us as you would usually beat them and take their stuff <my sentiments exactly, it wasn't called murder in good old days> but now we have tieflings, drows etc.
    First off, perspective is a bit different ... (it is a roleplaying online game but not MMO but plays like MMO) - irrelevant as this changed to MMO from old co-op limitation.

    One important thing of NWO is persistance, always live. Then you also have dungeons and stuff. It is like live independent city thing but when you go to dungeon it feels like a dungeon as it should for a D&D game, where you go do your thing.

    Foundry is a HUUUGGGEE part of game, but we would talk later.

    No mounts at launch, but we expect to do that with style. Pets, henchmen we have - henchmen are a part of tactics too. Which henchman to choose - versatile/named chracter/custom-named chracter- and names from lore (drizzt *sigh*) - according to situation. But mounts we want to do properly with bang.

    Foundry - Initial approach- don't hop in and play to lvl from 1 to 20 like WoW, instead play missions written by important DMs but also 100 of 1000s of adventures from fans. We have seen many fans writing amazing stuff. Valantine - employee in NWN modding community.
    So approach to foundry is that devs make stuff which is standard quality 'little less than your cool stuff' and then users come in to make amazing 100s of cool cool missions. e.g. Startrek foundry.
    Do's - almost most of things.
    Won't = custom made stuff (copyright issue is important).

    Still a lot of freedom, move, make them say do anything - more easier than aurora toolset. We will keep updating foundry, initially the stuff is just foundations. E.g. this class that class - voice may be different etc.

    <speed increased to 5x>
    cool fantastic cool

    devs will give u design tools and you develop. Devs will keep improving it according to your needs.

    Support is important for game to run for 10 years, that is important - replayability.

    Example about schedule -free creative dev team - we want to do illithids - oh awesome i want to do it like that, do it like that good good more more - we are all fans - money goes to asmodeus lets just make more and more game!

    Gear customisation, a bit more messing around is needed - lots of customisation because it is cryptic, we need more customisation for this compared to CoX and in a different way etc etc etc.

    Special armor is completely different e.g. dragon armor - you put it on and people ask you - hey what is that cool armor how u got it? - really relly tough to get etc.

    Fully online all the time, not using the word MMO but that is what we have in mind, that is what we are developing - all over world, china, america etc. ...

    NWN - leaving that part.

    branching policy in foundry (yayy!!!).

    Respond very quickly to community - community is very important. We have them in mind while developing game.

    OK, I can't type more, but important to go and listen it.

    Thanks for that transcription. At the very end he said he'd hook up those hosts with friends and family beta keys, so maybe they had tried it before the conversion, maybe not.
  • macabrivsmacabrivs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 417 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2012

    Nothing rly new but i found a nexus preview with a small briefing of the features of the game.

    Maybe it could help the new comers to understand better how game will work.

    Hope it helps
  • ordensmarschallordensmarschall Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,060 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2012
    Thanks for posting the link to the nexus article.
  • mzeeusikumzeeusiku Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 38
    edited May 2012
    any exp boost for group play?
  • care9care9 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Awesome post.

    It's always nice to have somewhere to go to just to re-cap on information. It's also good to link to people who don't know anything about the game so they can get a quick re-cap.
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Speaking of, did we want to note anything about the upcoming E3 Neverwinter Online info here?
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