Scaling is definatly broken especially in the RDQ. enemies have far to much hp and hit way to hard. I play a tank so had shields but my shields fail before the dps can kill the mobs (~1mins to kill small mob). boss isn't as bad though.
I also saw a lvl 11 ranger get 1 hit killed by a trap.
Also ran Malabogs which wasn't too bad but took alot longer (30 mins vs 10 mins before).
<div align="center"><img src="" alt="" /></div></img> ▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ Drac ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂ There is supposed to be an image here, but the hamsters took it. <div align="center">AKA Draconis of Luskan</div>
Take a backseat boy. Cause now I'm driving. ~ Give it up - Elizabeth Gilies ft. Ariana Grande
RIP Foundry: On that day, when the sky fell away, our world came to an end. ~Lifelight
Paladin tanks have some issues with aggro at the beginning of boss fights. I've noticed in preview and now also in live server. Paladins can't build enough aggro due to the lack of "Increase Threat" powers. (There is only Sacred Weapon [with his feat] that buffs atwill powers to GF at will magnitude...lasts for 10 seconds and cooldown 30 SECONDS.). Smite doesn't do enough damage to keep aggro up. I have to use all my divinity, daily and my buffed atwills and still aggro is jumping around.
Now, with the new changes i thought tanks should focus on defense stats and actually seems to work fine on survivability. I got ,also, some offensive stats, but they seems to be meaningless on aggro generation. So, if i have to spend all my divinity and daily to """""keep"""" aggro, how can i survive without my tab mechanic and the new daily which garants dmg reduction and awareness? (Tab needs divinity to be activated).
This update could have been thought through much better before rollout- but that's all I'll say on that for now.
Tiamat Trial impacts: - During first time NPC clerics channel to summon Tiamat, that phase got skipped, clerics auto-cast the summon. - Intentionally or not, heads are harder & slower to kill. - 2nd time NPC clerics correctly did their summon mostly as per normal. However clerics are now taking much damage / their channel bar decreases far more per hit than before patch. It was noted that right-hand cleric appeared to be taking more damage/bar hits than the other. Took a long time to charge the bars of both clerics. Would not have had time for a 3rd attempt at beating the heads.
Total item level from 20k to 27k seemed nice, but when I started to play, it is almost impossible to complete missions in solo mode, the mobs are too powerful. I know you meant well and all, but this is a big issue as I just started to discover Neverwinter again and you took the fun out of it, really sad. Hope it will be fixed soon!
This has been terrible. I'm getting killed in zones half my level - that should NOT be happening. Every chat I've seen today has been filled with people complaining that they can't do anything now. The gameplay isn't fun anymore, it's frustrating and discouraging. I'm not going to keep questing if I'm getting decimated by enemies in areas far below my level. Please fix this quickly.
not happy with the combat changes for how i can not solo ME and after seeing one of them baby orc mobs one shot my rogue to 5% health that i noticed how things are not looking right like they should be for how i have died twice on my ranger for no reason and how i cant play my wizard as well where i hope there will be a fast fixed for this since i know the damage i try to make isn't coming out to well
The main reason I joined this game is the fact I like to Solo play a game as I get interrupted too often to be in a group as I need to stop often which of course isn't fair on a group if I'm in one. I have trained 3 toons to level 80 by soloing everything but now it's ruined, even ME's are a nightmare now which ? I ran the 3 daily ones fast and without problems.. game is ruined all that time, effort and diamonds upgrading my gear and companions wasted.
It seems to be dependent on scaling choices in individual dungeons, at least it feels that way.
Just did a Tiamat run and beyond the fact healing needs to be on point (because you do take a bit more damage), it was surprisingly similar to before the changes. Whereas a skirmish like Merchant Prince was literally unplayable once surrounded by huge mobs. We all died repeatedly in seconds. Yes, we're not fully optimised yet, but I think it would be rare to see defence much above 50% on even a well-adjusted dps character.
One other thing I've noticed now that everyone's playing the new version, is that being a higher item level player seems to make very little (if any?) difference once you're above the cap for that area. Damage gets scaled down to the same number for all players above the cap. And there seems to be no benefit to having higher individual base stats unless the % is high. In fact, higher item level can result in lower % if not very well tuned. I think parity to an extent in scaled content is ok, but there should be some advantage to being much higher item level, which it doesn't feel like there is?
One suggestion would be to base the 50% stats contribution on the scaled item level number, not your unscaled total item level. It feels logical that higher stats by virtue of higher item level should pack a greater punch in lower level content.
@noworries#8859 - would be interested in any insight from the dev side on what the actual impact of higher item level in scaled content should be? I don't think it's far off, but it does seem like a couple of changes might still be needed.
I thought the zones would not be scaled at all, just dungeons, trials, etc. ?
Maybe someone needs to go back and read Thomas Foss' apology letter to the community after the first iteration of the mod 16 scaling changes.
What is the point to progress in this game if you constantly get scaled back to where you were? Only an utter idiot would continue to play a game like that.
Solo content appears to be completely broken. If you are playing DPS you can't do enough damage. The moment a pack of enemies is near you, you are dead. Especially, when its a level 80 character in a level 15 area. This wasn't even that hard at level 15.
I have a question for all the staff in Arc Games...Are any of you playing this game at all? These changes are aids, its easier to deal with bosses than every minion on your way to boss, dungeons take AGES to finish due to mobs being OP, stuff you could do before the patch are a DREAM now, I cant even do stardock solo without dying a couple of times (WAS DOING IT SOLO WITH EASE B4), stats are meaningless,best in slot guys are BARELY stronger than those under 30k lvl, u cant actually do anythig solo cos everything pretty much oneshots u, you made random queues so hard and not available for ppl who are under 30k lvl (even above 30k lvl is hard af)...overall this isnt good and I dont know how u gonna fix this
Ruined a perfectly good game. Think you forgot about the saying if it's not broken don't HAMSTER it. Won't be playing now until you fix the combat issues and the loadout problems on sentinel ie. Can't choose feats.
I can't even play Ebon Downs!! I died from ROTTERS!!! I took down the dragon there on tuesday by myself.
The fact that the game was at a point where solo play was happening where group play was intended is one of the reasons why combat changes were needed. No one should 2-man IC or solo'ing epic content that is not how an MMO works.
These changes were pushed thru too quickly proving constraint around resources (and I'm sure they had to get this out before Mod20) but I'm sure they'll get to all the bugs...eventually.
Can we at least get some acknowledgement that the scaling is broken to the point of making the game unplayable? I don't mind a patch going bad. I was there for the release of Shadows of Luclin on Everquest. As a Guide. Taking petition after petition and having to say, "We're aware of the issue where...." over and over and over.
Hi. So far l think l do like the changes, but the game its bugged as much it can be. Already wrote a ticket but anyway need to report that l was able to pick every single feat (Mean those powers you need to choose between 2 options every certain levels). It is not a visual bug, my powers are actually affected, but since l don't have that many powers slots it has no effect in my game (So lm not abusing of an exploit here). Tried retraining but the powers tab (p) doesn't stop glowing until l pick every single one.
My level 15 paladin can't handle more than a single mob at a time, and then only with some difficulty. I literally can't progress in the game. You won't get a single new player until this is fixed.
I play paladin, both heal and tank. here is what I could observe till now: - In general tanking as paladin is not actually working - especially in high intances like tomm/zcm, right now I have approx the following stats 90% def 55% awarness 75% deflect 60%deflect severity and 800k hp, Im almost 50k IL. That's the best setup I could find so far. Ive tried to trade deflect with awarness, but it almost didnt change anything. Since our forte is giving deflect severity I thought it would be better to have high deflect than high awarness. - Aggro is an absolute nightmare, couldnt establish/maintain aggro if the dps were properly setup. Have to keep smiting to somehow get the aggro, but on long fights its impossible. - Since paladin tanks are extremly squishy, as soon as we die, people start falling one by one until we can get back the aggro. we have tried tomm with a very experienced group, it was a joke... halaster's at-will after 1 or 2 stacks can 3 shots me, the damage of the lightning storm/fire storm is also absolutly insane. and with 4 people using celestials weapons+2lions, and those guys know their rotations and characters, we couldnt go through the dps check.
What I would expect: People that are well geared up, can do all the content. The high instances like tomm or zcm should be doable with this kind of gear. and very hard/impossible with lower gear. I really liked the balance of ZCM before the changes, you needed 500k hp and all cap, so it was kindof the very very engame challenge. Tomm was definitily requirering less stuff, but imo is more dangerous with mechanics, so experienced people could run it easily, but it was taking still weeks to get new people to learn the mechs. I found it fine, especially for a trial that is not supposed to be the hardest content in the game. If the awarness is somehow a need to have, from now on, then tanks should be able to cap it to 90% alongside defence, and still manage to get some of the other stats, I mean whats the point of having so many different ratings if you can use only 2 of them. I can see dps having 4 stats at 90% and on more nearly there. Why do we, tank have to chose beween 75% deflect or 60% awarness, and if we somehow manage that, how do we get enough damage to sustain aggro. Right now there is no solution, and Im afraid if you don't do something soon, the game is going to die cause if you get no tank you get no group.
Im not playin my tank anymore, untill something changes, and a few of my friends just downloaded another game, cause they consider their tank 'dead'.
I'm having an issue with hellfire ring on my warlock. Had no issues prior to release. It seems to take several attempts to trigger this power. Being canceled by everything else including my at-wills. In combat prior to the changes I could hold my at-will, press an encounter, have that encounter fire, then resume my at-will without ever taking my finger off the at-will. Now it seems to cancel hellfire ring. But again, it seems almost everything will cancel this encounter now. I didn't notice if the cast time has changed but it certainly feels wrong to play.
This needs to be rolled back ASAP. Game is unplayable. Whatever mechanic you are using doesn't translate to real gameplay and you need to change it back.
Content that was playable with casual gear is now unplayable at all. Most of my high-level high-investment gear friends are saying the same thing. 4/5 of the random dungeons we ran last night were unplayable. Trash-mobs are oneshotting people with tons of investment into their gear. The final bosses were unkillable.
Was this your intention, did you set out to make the game unplayable because if you did holy crapdoodle did you succeed.
Best approach is a rollback to the previous build and figure out where the glitches are.
This whole thing feels like a bug. At 52k il i couldn't even get past boreworm in lomm with changes to my enchants, insignias, pet and combat powers to get as close to caps as possible. It's unplayable and I'm not going to invest any more into my build considering you've just nerfed all my previous investments. Good luck keeping your player base, I'm out.
Batiri Shamans are so strong in Soshenstar River (Chult). They have like 5 times the defense of the other adds and they heal each other. I despair to kill them as paladin.
Agree with all of the above regarding difficulty. Since the new update the game has become virtually unplayable, an area that I could afford play and advance before the update, you cannot even get past the first mob, have died due to mob overpower a lot of times and respawning costs, time and stuff. I´ve tried to fix my stats according to the new patch notes but not much changed I couldn´t get in almost any queues in dungeons with parties, because apparently my total lvl is not enough now, so I cannot play that either. It seems like this update was intended to facilitate parties (not happening in my case) instead of solo playing, but I disagree with this. I loved solo playing, it's my kind of enjoy playing and if I want to play in party I will look for it, but now it's really not fun and feels like it forces me to play in a way it´s no me. And above all, like other posters have said, since the patch it is almost unplayable
darthpotaterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,262Arc User
edited January 2021
Not sure if it was said, but
Sigil of the cleric artifact is not changed, doesnt have combined rating and the stats are old.
> @burekna2 said: > Hello > > I started playing yesterday and got to lvl 30 by todays maintanance. i log on see mobs have tripled their hp, i do more damage i have more hp myself but the game as a lvl 30 character in a lvl 30 zone is unplayable. i constantly need to use hp restore items wich come at a cost, i need 3 minutes to kill a pack of monsters that took me 10 seconds yesterday with constant kiting and runing waiting for hp pot to come off cd. i do hope its not intended to be like this
I have hit the exact same issue, last week in a level 30 area as a level 37 dps barbarian i could delete mobs, now i die very quickly to a small pack of low level mobs and do barely any damage. and somehow my friends level 30 healer does much more damage than me and can play in areas 5 levels higher than him no problem. What in the world has happened?
Barbarian Sentinel can chose all 10x paragon feats and all are working in fight (ie threat generation via jump and sentinel slash together). Same issue after retraining etc. Tested on training dummy. You released that game update too fast.
I also saw a lvl 11 ranger get 1 hit killed by a trap.
Also ran Malabogs which wasn't too bad but took alot longer (30 mins vs 10 mins before).
▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ Drac ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂
There is supposed to be an image here, but the hamsters took it.
<div align="center">AKA Draconis of Luskan</div>
Take a backseat boy. Cause now I'm driving. ~ Give it up - Elizabeth Gilies ft. Ariana Grande
RIP Foundry: On that day, when the sky fell away, our world came to an end. ~Lifelight
Now, with the new changes i thought tanks should focus on defense stats and actually seems to work fine on survivability. I got ,also, some offensive stats, but they seems to be meaningless on aggro generation.
So, if i have to spend all my divinity and daily to """""keep"""" aggro, how can i survive without my tab mechanic and the new daily which garants dmg reduction and awareness? (Tab needs divinity to be activated).
Tiamat Trial impacts:
- During first time NPC clerics channel to summon Tiamat, that phase got skipped, clerics auto-cast the summon.
- Intentionally or not, heads are harder & slower to kill.
- 2nd time NPC clerics correctly did their summon mostly as per normal. However clerics are now taking much damage / their channel bar decreases far more per hit than before patch. It was noted that right-hand cleric appeared to be taking more damage/bar hits than the other. Took a long time to charge the bars of both clerics. Would not have had time for a 3rd attempt at beating the heads.
Just did a Tiamat run and beyond the fact healing needs to be on point (because you do take a bit more damage), it was surprisingly similar to before the changes. Whereas a skirmish like Merchant Prince was literally unplayable once surrounded by huge mobs. We all died repeatedly in seconds. Yes, we're not fully optimised yet, but I think it would be rare to see defence much above 50% on even a well-adjusted dps character.
One other thing I've noticed now that everyone's playing the new version, is that being a higher item level player seems to make very little (if any?) difference once you're above the cap for that area. Damage gets scaled down to the same number for all players above the cap. And there seems to be no benefit to having higher individual base stats unless the % is high. In fact, higher item level can result in lower % if not very well tuned. I think parity to an extent in scaled content is ok, but there should be some advantage to being much higher item level, which it doesn't feel like there is?
One suggestion would be to base the 50% stats contribution on the scaled item level number, not your unscaled total item level. It feels logical that higher stats by virtue of higher item level should pack a greater punch in lower level content.
@noworries#8859 - would be interested in any insight from the dev side on what the actual impact of higher item level in scaled content should be? I don't think it's far off, but it does seem like a couple of changes might still be needed.
Maybe someone needs to go back and read Thomas Foss' apology letter to the community after the first iteration of the mod 16 scaling changes.
What is the point to progress in this game if you constantly get scaled back to where you were? Only an utter idiot would continue to play a game like that.
> Can't understand why you guys repeating always same mistakes.
So the devs brain can comprehend the severity of the issue
These changes were pushed thru too quickly proving constraint around resources (and I'm sure they had to get this out before Mod20) but I'm sure they'll get to all the bugs...eventually.
I play paladin, both heal and tank. here is what I could observe till now:
- In general tanking as paladin is not actually working - especially in high intances like tomm/zcm, right now I have approx the following stats 90% def 55% awarness 75% deflect 60%deflect severity and 800k hp, Im almost 50k IL. That's the best setup I could find so far. Ive tried to trade deflect with awarness, but it almost didnt change anything. Since our forte is giving deflect severity I thought it would be better to have high deflect than high awarness.
- Aggro is an absolute nightmare, couldnt establish/maintain aggro if the dps were properly setup. Have to keep smiting to somehow get the aggro, but on long fights its impossible.
- Since paladin tanks are extremly squishy, as soon as we die, people start falling one by one until we can get back the aggro. we have tried tomm with a very experienced group, it was a joke... halaster's at-will after 1 or 2 stacks can 3 shots me, the damage of the lightning storm/fire storm is also absolutly insane. and with 4 people using celestials weapons+2lions, and those guys know their rotations and characters, we couldnt go through the dps check.
What I would expect:
People that are well geared up, can do all the content. The high instances like tomm or zcm should be doable with this kind of gear. and very hard/impossible with lower gear. I really liked the balance of ZCM before the changes, you needed 500k hp and all cap, so it was kindof the very very engame challenge. Tomm was definitily requirering less stuff, but imo is more dangerous with mechanics, so experienced people could run it easily, but it was taking still weeks to get new people to learn the mechs. I found it fine, especially for a trial that is not supposed to be the hardest content in the game.
If the awarness is somehow a need to have, from now on, then tanks should be able to cap it to 90% alongside defence, and still manage to get some of the other stats, I mean whats the point of having so many different ratings if you can use only 2 of them.
I can see dps having 4 stats at 90% and on more nearly there. Why do we, tank have to chose beween 75% deflect or 60% awarness, and if we somehow manage that, how do we get enough damage to sustain aggro. Right now there is no solution, and Im afraid if you don't do something soon, the game is going to die cause if you get no tank you get no group.
Im not playin my tank anymore, untill something changes, and a few of my friends just downloaded another game, cause they consider their tank 'dead'.
I really hope something will happen soon.
Content that was playable with casual gear is now unplayable at all. Most of my high-level high-investment gear friends are saying the same thing. 4/5 of the random dungeons we ran last night were unplayable. Trash-mobs are oneshotting people with tons of investment into their gear. The final bosses were unkillable.
Was this your intention, did you set out to make the game unplayable because if you did holy crapdoodle did you succeed.
Best approach is a rollback to the previous build and figure out where the glitches are.
The Equip Power (Jagged Blade's Insight) is not working/not proccing (chance for -7.5% defense debuff on encounter hit)
tested on ranger, equip power on universal slot then on offense slot, comp at mythic quality
(the similar debuff is working fine on companion enhancement power Armor Break)
I couldn´t get in almost any queues in dungeons with parties, because apparently my total lvl is not enough now, so I cannot play that either. It seems like this update was intended to facilitate parties (not happening in my case) instead of solo playing, but I disagree with this. I loved solo playing, it's my kind of enjoy playing and if I want to play in party I will look for it, but now it's really not fun and feels like it forces me to play in a way it´s no me.
And above all, like other posters have said, since the patch it is almost unplayable
Sigil of the cleric artifact is not changed, doesnt have combined rating and the stats are old.
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
> Hello
> I started playing yesterday and got to lvl 30 by todays maintanance. i log on see mobs have tripled their hp, i do more damage i have more hp myself but the game as a lvl 30 character in a lvl 30 zone is unplayable. i constantly need to use hp restore items wich come at a cost, i need 3 minutes to kill a pack of monsters that took me 10 seconds yesterday with constant kiting and runing waiting for hp pot to come off cd. i do hope its not intended to be like this
I have hit the exact same issue, last week in a level 30 area as a level 37 dps barbarian i could delete mobs, now i die very quickly to a small pack of low level mobs and do barely any damage. and somehow my friends level 30 healer does much more damage than me and can play in areas 5 levels higher than him no problem. What in the world has happened?