Companion player bonus power in some cases not giving the right quality version, according to the quality of the companion. My example: have legendary Razorwood, but only get his epic quality bonus. More info in this thread for visibility
I am getting a weird glitch in the Autcion House, where if I change the Price I'm listing an Item at, from what the system has pregenerated, it deposits the Item back in my bag and says that it cannot be posted. I didn't have this issue before.
Fghter's at-wills Guarded Strike and Heavy Slash can't hit Spitting Spiders. Although the animation is played there is no log about it. All other at-wills deal damage. The same goes for other enemys when standing on higher ground, so my guess would be that i cant reach the hitbox with those at-wills. After combat my warlock wil constantly switch between combat and idle mode. It will constanly flicker between both and after i shadowslip for about two seconds i can exit combat mode but not always. I dont have that problem on my fighter
blackmagidMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 111Arc User
Warlock specific. I am being followed by Immolation spirits from the daily even after it has finished running. Whilst I cannot see them on my screen - my partner (we play NW together) can see them on hers.
During the master expeditions some of the boss's charge powers will take them over the edge(where there are ledges ofc), providing an instant win. is this WAI?
I did not receive an unstable runic artifact when I restored the decayed runic artifact.
I right clicked on the decayed runic artifact and chose "restore" from the dialog box.
Once gave me completed, but I did not receive an unstable artifact back. I then went back to Sinye and she gave me the runic etching quest.
it appears this has stopped my progress on expeditions.
Please help..?
The restored one is on your Key tab in inventory.
Your quest path has progressed normally. You need to do a Master Expedition with 1-3 Runes to get an Etching. You need 5 of the same type for the quest after that.
Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin Obsidian Oath - Warlock A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
OP Feats/Powers/Abilities in several locations refer to Stamina where this is no longer a resource (I assume it means Guard?). Would be good for a cleanup pass.
OP Feats/Powers/Abilities in several locations refer to Stamina where this is no longer a resource (I assume it means Guard?). Would be good for a cleanup pass.
Stamina is Guard. It’s the same resource, I believe Guard is the obsolete terminology.
Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin Obsidian Oath - Warlock A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
OP Feats/Powers/Abilities in several locations refer to Stamina where this is no longer a resource (I assume it means Guard?). Would be good for a cleanup pass.
Stamina is Guard. It’s the same resource, I believe Guard is the obsolete terminology.
The resource bar is labeled Guard so I was assuming that's the current term. Either way it needs a cleanup.
Castle Never: 1. Zombies during Death Sphere and death sphere phase of Orcus fight 1-shot everybody including high ilvl tanks. Think I was averaging about 240k damage as an ilvl 23k barb tank per hit. Their damage needs to be reduced by AT LEAST 50%. 2. Spheres of Annihilation during Orcus fight move significantly faster than anybody can run/sprint/etc, and do enough damage that 2 pulses completely strip block on tanks. As a result they're non-avoidable, and so far have ALWAYS resulted in 2-3 deaths per phase. They DEFINITELY need to be slowed down significantly (they're even faster now than they were in mod 15 and they were hard but not impossible to dodge then), and IMO they need to have their damage reduced a bit. Right now a pulse from one will do ~70-80% of a non-tank's health, leaving zero room for a healer to fix a screwup. 3. Glabrezu at the start of the instance occasionally spawns as level 81 and is basically unkillable/will 1-shot everybody. But only occasionally. In 6 runs it happened once.
Epic Kessel's Retreat 1. The purple spheres that explode out from Akar Kessel are doing waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much damage. Full party 1-shot every single time. They also seem to occasionally ignore iframes as my DC has gotten killed by them mid-dodge. Even if you only get hit by 1 it's a guaranteed 1-shot, 600k+ damage. Also produces no red at all and either isn't telegraphed or has a very short/buggy/minute telegraph. 2. Black Ice Beholders guarding Akar Kessel are unable to be targeted by many single-target melee attacks 3. Black Ice Beholders guarding Akar Kessel 1-shot with their eye laser things, 300k+ damage vs. tanks. This is a targeted "normal" attack with no telegraph so completely unavoidable too. 4. Aggro in general seems wonky in here. Running with the same group I have never had issues getting and holding aggro with before, basically nothing ever stayed on me. On several occasions a mob I was the only person to hit would just take off after the cleric that's 80 yards behind everybody and who had done absolutely nothing yet, and I absolutely could not peel it.
Epic Shores of Tuern 1. AoE warning circles are appearing AFTER the ability goes off, resulting in many 1-shots. Particularly the Green Dragonfang's sniper shot that throws the line that hits so hard, and the rage drake's AoE. Would normally attribute this to serverside lag but this seems to be the only instance this bad. 2. Garakas hits like a freaking truck with his ability "dancing flames", doing 70%+ of a tank's health per hit. The red glow he's supposed to have to telegraph this does not show unless graphics are maxed.
Epic Valindra's Tower 1. Shadows during Valindra's immunity phase move faster than characters can run, resulting in guaranteed wipe. 2. Grasping hand has too much health, requires 20+ seconds from multiple dps beating on it to free whoever it grabbed.
Ndemo/Tiamat 2. Trash mobs 1-shotting everybody constantly. 3. Trash mobs having way too much health for their content level 4. Basically every fight mechanic in both is bugged/broken/overtuned
All Skirmishes You either need to force the 3:1:1 holy trinity or significantly cut back enemy damage, many mobs are 1 or 2 shotting DPS classes. The only ones that are even remotely in a doable spot for random groups are IG and DL.
Manycoins Bank Heist 1. Enemies 1 or 2-shotting non-tanks 2. No guarantee of either a tank or healer when it pops in random queue 3. Too many enemies/enemies have way too much health, group of 20k+ lvl 80's have to beat on each rust monster individually for 2+ minutes to kill it. Dailies don't even visually move their health bar. Even going in with a 3:1:1 premade of high ilvl skilled level 80's the vault died shortly into 2nd phase
Dread Legion 1. Zulkir whatshisface has too much health, fighting him is 50-60% of the total instance time. Not hard, just overly time consuming for what the skirmish is. 2. The AP drain abilities from both the Thayan wizards and Zulkir Whatshisface are ridiculous. Chain-spammed large drains basically means nobody's ever using a daily in this instance unless they both loaded in with a full daily meter and pop it on the first group of mobs, because after that it'll get drained away. 3. Rimefire Golem's freeze explosion AoE is appreciably larger than its red target area, leading to people getting hit when they thought they were clear.
ToNG 1. Charm still screws up Barbarians' ability to rage occasionally, requiring a relog to fix. This bug has persisted as long as I've been playing and is not new to mod16. 2. Spectres are doing crazy damage, healers have basically 2 seconds to start blowing everything they have on the first guy to get grabbed or it's guaranteed death for that person. 3. Spectres seem to wander outside their target area, nothing like getting unexpectedly grabbed before you even enter the room and nobody's ready yet. 4. Orcus's green ability that he turns and casts on someone he doesn't have aggro on hits probably too hard, occasionally 1-shotting lower but appropriately geared players or those who didn't socket a whole bunch of health in defensive slots. 5. Dinos in dino pit pounce attacks are guaranteed 1-shots on anybody but the tank, and extremely dangerous to tanks. 6. Withers' health remains way too high, 10 minutes into that fight and he's still at 90%. 7. Basically every AoE attack in Withers' chamber is a guaranteed 1-shot even on the tank 8. Grasping hand has way too much health, basically requires all 3 dps to focus fire it and still takes 10+ seconds to kill. Nearly guaranteed that if a DPS gets grabbed the rest of the group can't burn it down before Withers drops an AoE on it. 9. Big swiping hand in Withers fight has a larger AoE than red targeting circle indicates, resulting in players getting hit unexpectedly 10. Big swiping hand in Withers fight not showing AoE mark soon enough, barbarians and pally healers can't get clear in time even with perfect timing. 11. Souls in Ras Nsi fight still have way too much health, have yet to be in a group that could down more than 1 per batch, have yet to actually beat Ras Nsi.
Barbarian class 1. Many attacks cannot be interrupted to sprint away or block 2. Come and Get It does not actually place you at the top of the threat list 3. Stamina regen for Blademasters is abysmal, basically all boss fights you're permanently unable to sprint after about 20 seconds of combat. Stamina will not even start to regenerate for a solid 5 seconds after stopping sprinting. 4. Block mechanic does not make you immune to most control effects. Can still be frozen, knocked prone, knocked back, charmed (probably WAI), feared (unsure if it's supposed to block this), or netted and pulled. 5. Rage/Unstoppable does not make you immune to these either. 6. Aggro management as tank barb is extremely difficult owing to a lack of ranged aggro and very limited AoE aggro abilities on long cooldowns. 7. Axestorm still fails to hit enemies much above/below the character 8. IBS occasionally misses for no explainable reason 9. Self-damage from Bloodletter+Bloodspiller seems to be very random on similar-damage hits. Sometimes it's negligible, sometimes it really hurts. 10. Trample the Fallen seems to be nonfunctional
Warlock class 1. Shatter Spark heal occasionally "misses" allies in LOS and in range for no explainable reason 2. Lesser Curse and Warlock's Curse application seems to be extremely random when text says any damaging ability is supposed to apply lesser curse. One fight I can go the whole fight and nothing gets cursed, the next fight my lightning enchant proc will curse un-aggro'd mobs 100ft away. Really makes Curse Bite a nonvalid ability.
Runic Encounter: Balance. Mobs are healing 20.4k a second, seems pretty outrageous. Takes 3-4 people focus-firing a mob to outpace its regen.
Scaling in general. Why am I LESS effective at 80 than I was at 70 despite having better gear, in the same zones? Why can I be 10k over cap in any given stat but when scaled to 70 I'm 15k+ under cap in that stat?
Scaling in 5-man instances is inconsistent among instances of the same "tier". My stats are not the same in ETOS as they are in ELOL, and different still than they are in ESOT.
Scaling in 5-man instances is inconsistent among different entries into the same instance. I can load into ETOS 10 times and end up with 10 radically different sets of stats.
@drumon88 +1 from me Hello About Fighter as DPS: -Heavy Slash cant hit small mobs -Class Features on GF DPS path are mostly useless -Feats are mostly useless too dont give that much comparing too diffrent class -GF skills have to long CD comparing to diffrent Skills from Diffrent class with the same or lower magntude. -about Reave its funny skill but nothing more in fight dont do much dmg Summarizing i think Gf on DPS path need get some balance and reworks of feats and class features
About scaling guys before me said a lot i only agree with them
The purple Khyek in Somi no longer properly gives a speed bonus while surfing (might be true for lesser quality ones too)
In Omu Undercity lower map layer, mobs aggro radius is null. No enemy will attack you unless you attack them.
edit : same issue on the Ruins map layer in Soshenstar River.
Post edited by eversummer#1666 on
minotaur2857Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,141Arc User
Stronghold scaling issue, if you're doing demonic slaughter, the HE seems to work and scale fine, the issue is that some of the normal mobs from the area unrelated to the HE (like the warlock and entourage) spawn in as the thick bar HE mobs even when you're soloing and those seem to be VERY tough and do way too much damage.
Thank you @drumon88, great work on that, quite accurate. would like to add in Master Expeditions it will sometimes give rune banes (power/def reduced, kill spawns runic specter, etc) in addition to the rune bane listed. Ex: I got the rune bane power/def reduced but it also gave me runic specters, but the specters did not show up under the rune banes on the screen, just the reduced power/def.
Warlock Hellbringer - Soul Desecration feat makes Soul Puppet spawn on the character login into the game and respawn at every map entered (e.g. in the Workshop) meaning the puppet will never ever leave you alone...
Expedition - sometimes some relics are nowhere to be found - possibly spawning outside the map/in the walls? - sometimes mobs are stuck in the doors between expedition parts (using "defeat me" seems to help getting them unstuck) obstructing the progress.
Encounter powers are not generating AP gain (or such a small amount as to be barely noticeable).
I have a far harder time refilling AP with my Warlock than either my Paladin or Barbarian. That’s with 10% Quick Action and Cleric Sigil artifact not being used on the Barbarian, but used on the other 2.
Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin Obsidian Oath - Warlock A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
I'm stuck in my secondary spec I swapped loadouts to build myself a heal spec and now im stuck in heal spec and cant switch back to my tank spec. I've heard similar reports from alliance members
I'm stuck in my secondary spec I swapped loadouts to build myself a heal spec and now im stuck in heal spec and cant switch back to my tank spec. I've heard similar reports from alliance members
Barbie doll issues: When using sprint on Barbie, it doesn't cancel any attack but waits until after the animation for the current attack. Meaning you can't escape/are stuck in red circles. Also, that annoying Gelatinous Cube has a red splat that is a few feet short of it's actual radius. So standing outside the red you still get sucked into the blob. Hidden Daggers pushes you back out of range of the group of enemies you are trying to hit, so you are only hitting the first critter, not the group. Axe Storm still doesn't handle uneven terrain, on a slight incline you have to be on the high side in order to hit things - noticed specifically on the Fomorians in Terminus. Two inch tall mushrooms will stop you dead in your tracks if you are trying to sprint. Can be fatal. Axestorm's animation sometimes fires twice, only does damage once. Hellbringer Warlock issues: DPS has been nerfed into the dust. More so than any other class by the look of things. Fiery Bolt doesn't always curse enemies hit. Or it isn't hitting them... either way, not expected behaviour. It is potentially being blocked by the existence of foliage... or those 2 inch tall mushrooms. If you have auto targeting enabled, some mobs aren't being targeted by at wills when you turn to face them. Instead your attack is redirected to a closer target at a tangent from where you were facing. Did I mention the extreme nerf to damage output? General: Mobs that should have an intelligence of about 5 are performing perfect combat maneuvering so as to get instant Combat Advantage over you - and instantly adjust the moment you move. Even cultists shouldn't be that smart, I mean they are cultists, how smart could they be? Whereas your highly trained legendary companion is moving so as to remove your combat advantage with the same level of skill the skeletons, bears, shambling mounds or whatever the heck are using to get CA over you. Traitorous behaviour. I'm keeping this civil so I'm not saying anything about scaling and the effective destruction of years of progress.
Hello About Dps GF i Think Tab and vangance gain machanic is not good in PVE content when doing dungenos bcs tanks have agro and its hard get vengence I think GF on dps Should have Vengance like rage barbarian he load that after use tab then he hit his shield on the ground and after thet he do 20% dmg and he get 20% more dmg and he get i dont know on his attack or at wills some sort effects like jagged blade effect (some dot effect or extra dmg ) bcs atm all vangence mechanic is hard to use on dungeons - and barbarian and GF on dps path should have more companion offens slots
Can't change appearance for A LOT of the new gear which drop in the Master Expeditions, seems to be a common thing about them. You can dye them, but can't transmute them into anything else. There are too many to list ...
My example: have legendary Razorwood, but only get his epic quality bonus.
More info in this thread for visibility
CR has the same stats - this should not be correct as its 1k higher.
I'm 20k and have several items that should be getting affected by these changes, but nothing.
Also my Movement Stat in utility flickers +/- 10%.
Both can be seen here:
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
After combat my warlock wil constantly switch between combat and idle mode. It will constanly flicker between both and after i shadowslip for about two seconds i can exit combat mode but not always. I dont have that problem on my fighter
I did not receive an unstable runic artifact when I restored the decayed runic artifact.
I right clicked on the decayed runic artifact and chose "restore" from the dialog box.
Once gave me completed, but I did not receive an unstable artifact back. I then went back to Sinye and she gave me the runic etching quest.
it appears this has stopped my progress on expeditions.
Please help..?
ChiII strike and firebaII sIotted in the speIImastery sIot arent granted the 10% bonus damage increased Iike the rest of powers
Your quest path has progressed normally. You need to do a Master Expedition with 1-3 Runes to get an Etching. You need 5 of the same type for the quest after that.
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
Castle Never:
1. Zombies during Death Sphere and death sphere phase of Orcus fight 1-shot everybody including high ilvl tanks. Think I was averaging about 240k damage as an ilvl 23k barb tank per hit. Their damage needs to be reduced by AT LEAST 50%.
2. Spheres of Annihilation during Orcus fight move significantly faster than anybody can run/sprint/etc, and do enough damage that 2 pulses completely strip block on tanks. As a result they're non-avoidable, and so far have ALWAYS resulted in 2-3 deaths per phase. They DEFINITELY need to be slowed down significantly (they're even faster now than they were in mod 15 and they were hard but not impossible to dodge then), and IMO they need to have their damage reduced a bit. Right now a pulse from one will do ~70-80% of a non-tank's health, leaving zero room for a healer to fix a screwup.
3. Glabrezu at the start of the instance occasionally spawns as level 81 and is basically unkillable/will 1-shot everybody. But only occasionally. In 6 runs it happened once.
Epic Kessel's Retreat
1. The purple spheres that explode out from Akar Kessel are doing waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much damage. Full party 1-shot every single time. They also seem to occasionally ignore iframes as my DC has gotten killed by them mid-dodge. Even if you only get hit by 1 it's a guaranteed 1-shot, 600k+ damage. Also produces no red at all and either isn't telegraphed or has a very short/buggy/minute telegraph.
2. Black Ice Beholders guarding Akar Kessel are unable to be targeted by many single-target melee attacks
3. Black Ice Beholders guarding Akar Kessel 1-shot with their eye laser things, 300k+ damage vs. tanks. This is a targeted "normal" attack with no telegraph so completely unavoidable too.
4. Aggro in general seems wonky in here. Running with the same group I have never had issues getting and holding aggro with before, basically nothing ever stayed on me. On several occasions a mob I was the only person to hit would just take off after the cleric that's 80 yards behind everybody and who had done absolutely nothing yet, and I absolutely could not peel it.
Epic Shores of Tuern
1. AoE warning circles are appearing AFTER the ability goes off, resulting in many 1-shots. Particularly the Green Dragonfang's sniper shot that throws the line that hits so hard, and the rage drake's AoE. Would normally attribute this to serverside lag but this seems to be the only instance this bad.
2. Garakas hits like a freaking truck with his ability "dancing flames", doing 70%+ of a tank's health per hit. The red glow he's supposed to have to telegraph this does not show unless graphics are maxed.
Epic Valindra's Tower
1. Shadows during Valindra's immunity phase move faster than characters can run, resulting in guaranteed wipe.
2. Grasping hand has too much health, requires 20+ seconds from multiple dps beating on it to free whoever it grabbed.
2. Trash mobs 1-shotting everybody constantly.
3. Trash mobs having way too much health for their content level
4. Basically every fight mechanic in both is bugged/broken/overtuned
All Skirmishes
You either need to force the 3:1:1 holy trinity or significantly cut back enemy damage, many mobs are 1 or 2 shotting DPS classes. The only ones that are even remotely in a doable spot for random groups are IG and DL.
Manycoins Bank Heist
1. Enemies 1 or 2-shotting non-tanks
2. No guarantee of either a tank or healer when it pops in random queue
3. Too many enemies/enemies have way too much health, group of 20k+ lvl 80's have to beat on each rust monster individually for 2+ minutes to kill it. Dailies don't even visually move their health bar. Even going in with a 3:1:1 premade of high ilvl skilled level 80's the vault died shortly into 2nd phase
Dread Legion
1. Zulkir whatshisface has too much health, fighting him is 50-60% of the total instance time. Not hard, just overly time consuming for what the skirmish is.
2. The AP drain abilities from both the Thayan wizards and Zulkir Whatshisface are ridiculous. Chain-spammed large drains basically means nobody's ever using a daily in this instance unless they both loaded in with a full daily meter and pop it on the first group of mobs, because after that it'll get drained away.
3. Rimefire Golem's freeze explosion AoE is appreciably larger than its red target area, leading to people getting hit when they thought they were clear.
1. Charm still screws up Barbarians' ability to rage occasionally, requiring a relog to fix. This bug has persisted as long as I've been playing and is not new to mod16.
2. Spectres are doing crazy damage, healers have basically 2 seconds to start blowing everything they have on the first guy to get grabbed or it's guaranteed death for that person.
3. Spectres seem to wander outside their target area, nothing like getting unexpectedly grabbed before you even enter the room and nobody's ready yet.
4. Orcus's green ability that he turns and casts on someone he doesn't have aggro on hits probably too hard, occasionally 1-shotting lower but appropriately geared players or those who didn't socket a whole bunch of health in defensive slots.
5. Dinos in dino pit pounce attacks are guaranteed 1-shots on anybody but the tank, and extremely dangerous to tanks.
6. Withers' health remains way too high, 10 minutes into that fight and he's still at 90%.
7. Basically every AoE attack in Withers' chamber is a guaranteed 1-shot even on the tank
8. Grasping hand has way too much health, basically requires all 3 dps to focus fire it and still takes 10+ seconds to kill. Nearly guaranteed that if a DPS gets grabbed the rest of the group can't burn it down before Withers drops an AoE on it.
9. Big swiping hand in Withers fight has a larger AoE than red targeting circle indicates, resulting in players getting hit unexpectedly
10. Big swiping hand in Withers fight not showing AoE mark soon enough, barbarians and pally healers can't get clear in time even with perfect timing.
11. Souls in Ras Nsi fight still have way too much health, have yet to be in a group that could down more than 1 per batch, have yet to actually beat Ras Nsi.
Barbarian class
1. Many attacks cannot be interrupted to sprint away or block
2. Come and Get It does not actually place you at the top of the threat list
3. Stamina regen for Blademasters is abysmal, basically all boss fights you're permanently unable to sprint after about 20 seconds of combat. Stamina will not even start to regenerate for a solid 5 seconds after stopping sprinting.
4. Block mechanic does not make you immune to most control effects. Can still be frozen, knocked prone, knocked back, charmed (probably WAI), feared (unsure if it's supposed to block this), or netted and pulled.
5. Rage/Unstoppable does not make you immune to these either.
6. Aggro management as tank barb is extremely difficult owing to a lack of ranged aggro and very limited AoE aggro abilities on long cooldowns.
7. Axestorm still fails to hit enemies much above/below the character
8. IBS occasionally misses for no explainable reason
9. Self-damage from Bloodletter+Bloodspiller seems to be very random on similar-damage hits. Sometimes it's negligible, sometimes it really hurts.
10. Trample the Fallen seems to be nonfunctional
Warlock class
1. Shatter Spark heal occasionally "misses" allies in LOS and in range for no explainable reason
2. Lesser Curse and Warlock's Curse application seems to be extremely random when text says any damaging ability is supposed to apply lesser curse. One fight I can go the whole fight and nothing gets cursed, the next fight my lightning enchant proc will curse un-aggro'd mobs 100ft away. Really makes Curse Bite a nonvalid ability.
Runic Encounter: Balance. Mobs are healing 20.4k a second, seems pretty outrageous. Takes 3-4 people focus-firing a mob to outpace its regen.
Scaling in general. Why am I LESS effective at 80 than I was at 70 despite having better gear, in the same zones? Why can I be 10k over cap in any given stat but when scaled to 70 I'm 15k+ under cap in that stat?
Scaling in 5-man instances is inconsistent among instances of the same "tier". My stats are not the same in ETOS as they are in ELOL, and different still than they are in ESOT.
Scaling in 5-man instances is inconsistent among different entries into the same instance. I can load into ETOS 10 times and end up with 10 radically different sets of stats.
About Fighter as DPS:
-Heavy Slash cant hit small mobs
-Class Features on GF DPS path are mostly useless
-Feats are mostly useless too dont give that much comparing too diffrent class
-GF skills have to long CD comparing to diffrent Skills from Diffrent class with the same or lower magntude.
-about Reave its funny skill but nothing more in fight dont do much dmg
Summarizing i think Gf on DPS path need get some balance and reworks of feats and class features
About scaling guys before me said a lot i only agree with them
In Omu Undercity lower map layer, mobs aggro radius is null. No enemy will attack you unless you attack them.
edit : same issue on the Ruins map layer in Soshenstar River.
would like to add in Master Expeditions it will sometimes give rune banes (power/def reduced, kill spawns runic specter, etc) in addition to the rune bane listed. Ex: I got the rune bane power/def reduced but it also gave me runic specters, but the specters did not show up under the rune banes on the screen, just the reduced power/def.
- Soul Desecration feat makes Soul Puppet spawn on the character login into the game and respawn at every map entered (e.g. in the Workshop) meaning the puppet will never ever leave you alone...
- sometimes some relics are nowhere to be found - possibly spawning outside the map/in the walls?
- sometimes mobs are stuck in the doors between expedition parts (using "defeat me" seems to help getting them unstuck) obstructing the progress.
Encounter powers are not generating AP gain (or such a small amount as to be barely noticeable).
I have a far harder time refilling AP with my Warlock than either my Paladin or Barbarian. That’s with 10% Quick Action and Cleric Sigil artifact not being used on the Barbarian, but used on the other 2.
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
I too can confirm the same issue of Loadouts not swapping with my Fighter's tank and DPS loadouts.
When using sprint on Barbie, it doesn't cancel any attack but waits until after the animation for the current attack. Meaning you can't escape/are stuck in red circles.
Also, that annoying Gelatinous Cube has a red splat that is a few feet short of it's actual radius. So standing outside the red you still get sucked into the blob.
Hidden Daggers pushes you back out of range of the group of enemies you are trying to hit, so you are only hitting the first critter, not the group.
Axe Storm still doesn't handle uneven terrain, on a slight incline you have to be on the high side in order to hit things - noticed specifically on the Fomorians in Terminus.
Two inch tall mushrooms will stop you dead in your tracks if you are trying to sprint. Can be fatal.
Axestorm's animation sometimes fires twice, only does damage once.
Hellbringer Warlock issues:
DPS has been nerfed into the dust. More so than any other class by the look of things.
Fiery Bolt doesn't always curse enemies hit. Or it isn't hitting them... either way, not expected behaviour. It is potentially being blocked by the existence of foliage... or those 2 inch tall mushrooms.
If you have auto targeting enabled, some mobs aren't being targeted by at wills when you turn to face them. Instead your attack is redirected to a closer target at a tangent from where you were facing.
Did I mention the extreme nerf to damage output?
Mobs that should have an intelligence of about 5 are performing perfect combat maneuvering so as to get instant Combat Advantage over you - and instantly adjust the moment you move. Even cultists shouldn't be that smart, I mean they are cultists, how smart could they be?
Whereas your highly trained legendary companion is moving so as to remove your combat advantage with the same level of skill the skeletons, bears, shambling mounds or whatever the heck are using to get CA over you. Traitorous behaviour.
I'm keeping this civil so I'm not saying anything about scaling and the effective destruction of years of progress.
Guild: Ruathym Corsairs
About Dps GF i Think Tab and vangance gain machanic is not good in PVE content when doing dungenos bcs tanks have agro and its hard get vengence
I think GF on dps Should have Vengance like rage barbarian he load that after use tab then he hit his shield on the ground and after thet he do 20% dmg and he get 20% more dmg and he get i dont know on his attack or at wills some sort effects like jagged blade effect (some dot effect or extra dmg ) bcs atm all vangence mechanic is hard to use on dungeons
- and barbarian and GF on dps path should have more companion offens slots