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Official Feedback Thread: October Bugfix Month



  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited October 2017

    BUG: When Lightning/Bilethorn/Plague Fire/Lifedrinker Weapon Enchantment is slotted
    1. mount insignia bonus MAGISTRATES PATIENCE does not proc
    2. mount insignia bonus MAGISTRATES RESTRAINT does not proc

    Magistrates patience/restraint does work with VORPAL WEAPON ENCHANTMENT

    every time a weapon enchantment procs, magistrate's patience does not.
  • frozenfirevrfrozenfirevr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,475 Community Moderator
    adinosii said:

    There is a problem with the Stormraider Horse. It just sits in my inventory, taking up space.

    I cannot discard it, because the "Discard" is grayed out.
    I cannot equip it, because I already have one in my stable.
    I cannot give it to an alt because it is BtC.

    @adinosii, make a ticket asking for it to be removed... Mention the full name, quality, and quantity...
    I'm pretty sure they're aware of bound non-discardable mounts cause they had to deal with a ton of them during Winter Fest.
  • rurexrurex Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7 Arc User
    Some (hopefully) easy to fix bugs related to professions:

    Weaponsmithing: LVL 25 task Create Steel Battleaxe Display uses Oak Lumber as resource but on tier 2 resoult (failure) it gives back Lacquered Ebony.
    This task originally used Lacquered Ebony as resource but it was changed to Oak Lumber and the incorrect rank 2 resoult remained. Because of this bug Lacquered Ebony is cheaper than Dark Lacquer (while making 1x Lacquered Ebony legit requires 2x Dark Lacquer).

    Leatherworking: LVL 25 (Chult) task League's Assault Josan rewards with League's Raid Josan.
    This makes League's Assault Josan and League's Elite Assault Josan (HR armor) impossible to obtain in game.

    Mailsmithing LVL 25 (Chult) task League's Assault Panahs rewards with nothing for a tier 3 resoult.
    This makes League's Elite Assault Panahs (GWF gloves) impossible to obtain in game.

    Consider adding Masterworking tasks for crafting all types of legendary tools from four epic tools, similar to lower quality ones.

    Thanks for this thread and for all bug fixes. Good job!
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    SHADOW OF DEMISE dont take in count weapon enchantments procs !
  • mageddo#6766 mageddo Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    Here is one of the most annoying bugs I've encountered. Orbs, portals, fire and ice on the ground. Why does smokebomb, path of blades, WWoB, lightning chains etc attack them? I don't know how many times my AOE could have killed an enemy/keep me alive only to hit an icicle on the ground instead of a mob or boss. Please fix. This may also be affecting other classes AoE attacks as well.
  • mageddo#6766 mageddo Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    For above I mean demon portals loike in prophecy of madness tears I think they are called.
  • jarecord03jarecord03 Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    If you leave your guild, join another, then come back the alliance tab is bugged until you restart game.
    There are 10 types of people in the world. Those that understand binary and those that don't.
  • ltgamesttv#0999 ltgamesttv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    The Mysterious Merchant gear available on live does not match that on preview. Several pieces are not sold via the MM as they were expected to such as: The Magic Lord's Surcoat, The last warden's breaches, Sandy Assault pants, Jerkin of Lord Roy, and perhaps others.
    On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

    imgur pics don't work

  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User

    Storm Spell Class Feature was nerfed due to Lostmauth Set over proccing, however since this has been addressed can we get an un-nerf for Storm Spell pls ty.

    reduction cooldowns from spell twisting and icy veins instant freeze vs monsters which is equal to 96% more damage . i think we are in good shape. aa and disintegrate 4 sec cooldown:)
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    edited October 2017

    Tomb of nine gods
    boss : Avatar of orcus.

    1.A single player can get all three buffs. ( ofcourse the dps will not take the zombies and bloody death together).

    2.IF you relog or disconnect you lose your buff . IN that case if the player with the temporary health disconnects wipe is 100%. OR the one with the bloodydeath the killing speed becomes slower.

    3.Sometimes the player with the bloody death buff if he wipe he can glitch the avatar of orcus fight.
    a:) Balls stop spawning b) boss target the bloody death target who is out of the room. c) no zombies spawn.

    Post edited by mamalion1234 on
  • michela123michela123 Member Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited October 2017
    #1 Sly Flourish (TR at-will) debuff is multiplicative with other debuffs and has no diminishing return.

    #2 The OP daily Divine Judgement is not buffed by the new artifact Soul Sight Crystal.

    #3 Quarry debuff (HR feat) does not stack with Commanding Shot debuff (HR encounter). Quarry is a 5% debuff applied with Hunter's Teamwork or Careful Attack, while Commanding Shot is a 15% debuff. As you can see here, when I use Hunter's Teamwork after Commanding Shot I don't apply the debuff:

    The same happens if I apply Quarry using Careful Attack and then I use Commanding Shot. The total debuffs should be 20%, but they are only 15%:

    Post edited by michela123 on
  • someonediessomeonedies Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,257 Arc User
    Currency caps (12b):
    RP cap info is missing:
    Tradebar currency cap is missing:

    - Fix the Weapon Master's Strike animation cancellation; adjust the at-will swing duration.
    The rotation is interrupted after few swings(even if you not use the sprint) - (bugged only on GWF, GF is fine; Dev's collusion LoL).
    - The Hidden Daggers: cancelling skill with sprint = guaranteed loss of the stack without actual attack and buff effect.
    - Fix tooltip typos, e.g. link
    - Mark mechanic should be declared as a mechanic OFFICIALLY (Like GF Mark):

    Unclassified(Hidden) Class Feature:

    • Mark - Introduced in Patch_NW.25.20140728a.11
      Mark: Mark effects will now taunt foes briefly as well as place the player at the top of the threat list and are no longer removed when damage is received.
      Mark: Now provides 20% increased damage on the target for the Great Weapon Fighter.
    @rgutscheradev @balanced#2849 @ctatumdev#6113 @sgrantdev#8718 @asterdahl
    Please forget about bugs described above
    bug fix the Hidden Daggers animation cancellation (It's so annoying!);
    Dead 🔪
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited October 2017
    If you use a race reroll token and change your gender in the process, emotes used still refer to your character as the original gender. Posting this as I just remembered this after a user recently posted about this here.
  • fluffy6977fluffy6977 Member Posts: 291 Arc User
    Guardian Fighter's Frontline Surge does not work when standing on the top of a ramp (does not affect the -z axis) and does not always work when standing at the bottom of a ramp (+z axis).
  • rjc9000rjc9000 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,405 Arc User

    The OP daily Divine Judgement is not buffed by the new artifact Soul Sight Crystal.

    Bug(s): Addendum: The following other powers/abilities are not buffed by the Soul Sight Crystal.

    Steel Blitz (both GWF and GF)
    Deep Gash (GWF)
    Jagged Blades (GF)
    Smoulder (CW)
    Abyss of Chaos (CW)
    Creeping Frost (CW)
    Warped Magics (CW)
    Thorned Roots (HR)
    Careful Attack (HR)
    Prophecy of Doom (DC)
    Oppresive Darkness (TR)
    Blood Soaked Blades (TR)
    Shadowy Opportunity (TR)
    Immolation Spirits (SW)
    Soul Puppet (SW)
    Killing Curse (SW)
    Critical Promise (SW)

    (I don't know if not being buffed is working as intended for these powers. I'll list them here in the event the devs think some of these not being buffed by Soul Sight is not working as intended).

    (I also know I posted some of these powers earlier in the thread, but I figure it's easiest for the dev team if these are consoildated into one bug submission).

  • aerthynaerthyn Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    Bug: Arcane Skill Nodes don't drop chipped mugs for the Explorer's Guild level 4 task (Not sure about the lower level tasks)
  • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    Bug: Unable to dye portabellos shirt sleeves (costume)

    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
  • spelldazerspelldazer Member Posts: 315 Arc User
    Simril artifact at epic (purple) does not accept simril-only RP.
  • muminekm#3459 muminekm Member Posts: 248 Arc User

    Simril artifact at epic (purple) does not accept simril-only RP.

    It doesn't work like described in the game? "Currently this item can be upgraded to epic using Simril refinement items (Lumens, [Spirit of Simril]) found during the festival, however further refinement (and upgrading) following Epic must be done like a regular Artifact of Union."
  • spelldazerspelldazer Member Posts: 315 Arc User
    Where does it say that? I seem to remember it wasn't meant to work that way anyhow?
    I happened to be spammed by a simril gift in an ETOS pug the other day and had some simril rp clogging my inventory. Tried to stick in because it says that it can be used in Simril artifacts. Text should be updated if epic is WAI.
  • wizzy#0870 wizzy Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    Please fix Sudden Storm and Icy Terrain not being able to hit Defiant Souls in Tomb of the Nine Gods.
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    edited October 2017

    It doesnt say that can stack or it cant stack.
    The reality is stacks with its self more than 1 time( raerely and duration not so big) . So we need a clarification.

    Common sense would be it shouldnt stack but when i see powers like knee breaker to stack x3 times and other stuff yea we need clarification.

    p.s. and it stacks from all classes not just cw.
  • blur#5900 blur Member Posts: 490 Arc User
    1. Tensers Combat power slow animation gets canceled if anything is used soon after activating.
    2. Teleport and CA granting companions dying at Dragon Turtle.
    3. Armor enchantment visuals. Add transparency scale?
    4. ITC activated during dodge or soon after goes on cooldown without granting its effect.
    5. Falling down from Ras Nsi's platform can respawn you at distant campfire.
  • lowjohnlowjohn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,061 Arc User

    Demogorgon Trial.
    Sometimes killing Gorristro too quickly ends in a silver reward not a Gold reward
    Whenever I see this it always seems to happen when he is killed while charging

    Demogorgon First Phase
    QoL request, pls have the game move on to the second phase once Gold has been reached. As someone who mains a tank it's irritating to tango with him for 2 minutes when the objective has already been reached.

    Anecdata: I've seen Goristro bug out when he's not charging. There was a bug (I believe already fixed) where you'd only get silver credit if he was killed by charging into a gold portal, but that's unrelated.

    And if you don't feel like tanking Demo, don't. Just let the others grab aggro, or die, after your team gets gold. Go sit at the campfire for 2 minutes. :)

  • manipulosmanipulos Member Posts: 235 Arc User
    edited October 2017
    BUG: Both of the treasure chests at the end of Castle Never only reward bound-to-account rare items. By rare items I mean artifacts, companions, and mounts. In other dungeons these items are bind-on-equip.
  • lowjohnlowjohn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,061 Arc User

    Tomb of nine gods
    boss : Avatar of orcus.

    1.A single player can get all three buffs. ( ofcourse the dps will not take the zombies and bloody death together).

    This is WAI. How else are you supposed to solo him?

  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    lowjohn said:

    Tomb of nine gods
    boss : Avatar of orcus.

    1.A single player can get all three buffs. ( ofcourse the dps will not take the zombies and bloody death together).

    This is WAI. How else are you supposed to solo him?

    You cant solo orcus. Even if you manage to stay alive you will lose the shield for the balls from the damage you take.
    2nd you will get and the zombie buff that will reduce your damage vs orcus.

    BUT now lets talk about realistic situations the lowest damage dealer to get both zombies and temporary health abusing the bug.
  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User
    artifleur said:

    vida44 said:

    Last chest in Castle Never (the left one) needs special positioning for interaction.

    I believe the problem is you can't interact with the chest if someone else opened it but didn't choose his reward yet. I don't know of any other chest behaving in this way. A fix would be nice.
    yes this chest should be working like all other chest that let all players interact at same time, it semms the new team has a different metode of puting the interaction on chest, ELOL/VT/MC/ECC/EGWD/ETOS epic key chest lets all player interact at same tim, but after underdark got released all epic key chest have this horrible problem.
  • doriangreighdoriangreigh Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 707 Arc User
    I don't know if this has been discussed yet, there are 37 or so pages, but can someone please look into Sudden Storm for CW, it randomly does NO damage. In a game where people pretty much judge by numbers have 1 hard hitting encounter slotted that sometimes does nothing at all is a bit of a frustration.

    Fixing boss fights for Nostura in MSP is appreciated, I have no idea what causes it but sometimes the flames cannot be targeted.

    Fixing the boss fight Ras Nsi in the Tome of Nine Gods would be nice as well. Winning the fight only to get knocked off or somehow die from the boss having his last fits and finding you cannot loot the chest is a MAJOR aggravation.

    I have seen lots of good fixes coming, I hope these make it into the month of bug fixes.
This discussion has been closed.