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Official Feedback Thread: October Bugfix Month



  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    .> @blur#5900 said:
    > When fighting Ras Nsi in Tomb of Nine Gods, sometimes a "teleport" occurs and places you at the end of the platform and if you were holding forward button you will most likely fall down. It occurs without tilting of the platform. I have it recorded if a dev wants to take a look for more details.

    Is this during Duelist's Flurry?
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • wizzy#0870 wizzy Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited October 2017
    CW Bug:

    In Tomb of the Nine Gods, Sudden Storm and Icy Terrain are unable to hit the Defiant Souls.

    This is quite a major bug as most wizards will have at least one of these powers slotted during the fight and for them to not hit an important enemy, puts them at a significant disadvantage.
    Post edited by wizzy#0870 on
  • blur#5900 blur Member Posts: 490 Arc User
    @pitshade In my recorded case yes , dont remember about other time it happened. You thinking about high movement?
  • vida44vida44 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 667 Arc User
    <font color=red>Last chest in Castle Never (the left one) needs special positioning for interaction.</font>
  • theguiidotheguiido Member Posts: 467 Arc User
    edited October 2017
    Enraged Regrowth: Does NOT provide 4000 Defense after the effect ends. It provides 250 Defense, which is incorrect.

    Also, I posted some pretty simple bugs and some feedback suggestions like Putting Paint on the Upper Body so people with fashion Heads can wear them while having it on, Friend Notify for Xbox and things like Crushing Pin stacking.
    Guardian Fighter
    https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1221446/the-future-of-the-gf/p1 Existing Problems Still In The Guardian Fighter

    Feat Changes I'd like to see in The Guardian Fighter
  • kittehnekokittehneko Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    The red circles below the death balls in CN right before Orcus disappear into the floor. It is just the last 2. The rest show up fine.
  • artifleurartifleur Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    vida44 said:

    Last chest in Castle Never (the left one) needs special positioning for interaction.

    I believe the problem is you can't interact with the chest if someone else opened it but didn't choose his reward yet. I don't know of any other chest behaving in this way. A fix would be nice.
  • dupeksdupeks Member Posts: 1,789 Arc User
    @beckylunatic I think you are more familiar with this than I am, but I think that unlocking the ability to speak on a new character sucks, and even the instructional prompt for what you need to complete is misleading (it says you need to complete a subset of things when in fact you need to complete all of them?)
  • mageddo#6766 mageddo Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    Compiled list from other TRs. Supported by groups, individuals, YouTubers and other individual TR players.

    Bug fixes:

    Stealth bar stops regenerating upon soulforge resurrection.

    Stealth bar stops regenerating with saboteur capstone if hit at the same time.

    ITC can be activated while dodging but does not work.

    Oppressive darkness does not give damage boost stated due to piercing damage not working properly.

    Shadowborn is triggered by DOTs instead of next activated attack.

    Duelist flurry does not count all swings if there is lag.  Including the bleeds if last swing lags.

    All powers do not proc weapon enchant(read this may be fixed)

    Delay when using smoke bomb after certain powers like ITC.

    Duelist flurry bleeds override each other and does not stack as stated.

    CC not effective at all on bosses and some mobs in chult(allosaur) low blows and skullcracker is rendered useless as it only procs on controlled.

    Bait and switch does not draw aggro over companion or caster even when stealth.

    Path of blades does not proc dot abilities, stuns, etc.

    Smokebomb will sound and go gray without cooldown clock occasionally due to lag.
  • ctatumdev#6113 ctatumdev Member Posts: 34 Cryptic Developer

    Most often, it seems to be that companions which were originally account-unlocks from packs do not trigger collection entries if they are obtained as a single-use drop from a dungeon. Less sure about mounts, but possibly similar.

    I've gone through ALL the mounts and companions that are in Collections and fixed it so all ranks and/or versions will be recognized.

    On the rest of beckylunatic's post:

    Further, if you have previously added a mount to your stable and a collection entry is added for it later, there is no way to get this mount to trigger the entry. In some cases, there is also no way to re-obtain that mount.

    I'll be looking into fixing this so that Collections will trigger on mounts that you have already added to your stable.
    Collections will now recognize mounts that you already have in your stables.
  • randomdigits#2166 randomdigits Member Posts: 700 Arc User
    edited October 2017
    Re-writing and re-posting per CM request.

    1. Partially written email content goes away if you go back and forth between Inbox and Writing email dialogs.
    2. Viewing character from Guild Roster UI is replacing the Guild Roster windows with Character View window, so closing the latter closes them both. This is different from other windows behavior, such as gear preview, where closing the top window returns you back to the previous one.

    P.S. I have about 8-10 other items of QoL feedback which I cannot post here unless topic starter gives permission to post here such suggestions.
    Ana Taletreader (CW) / Friend of Casual Gamers
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    blur#5900 said:

    @pitshade In my recorded case yes , dont remember about other time it happened. You thinking about high movement?

    Just thinking that DF causes the TR to stick to the enemy which in turn can cause some weird behavior when mobs teleport or are thrown through the air. I have been stuck inside pod plants in Sharandar and in the ceiling of Cragmire Crypts from that. It seems to be the cause for TR being thrown out of Baphomet's arena as well as just being pushed around by at least some mobs.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • niadanniadan Member Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    edited October 2017

    This reminds me of another "bug" I see alot. When an enemy is frozen by a CW, they can be knocked out of the frozen visual, leaving the ice in place. Not sure if this negates the "frozen" state of the mob, or is just a visual bug. See it alot during demon encounters in WOD.
    Post edited by niadan on
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    edited October 2017
    BUG: the Hexbane Hood has no visual for female characters.
    BUG: Full Helm of the Spider has no visual for Female characters.
    BUG: Lizardfolk Circlet clips very badly to the point where it is almost completely hidden.
    BUG: Firegiant Coronet clips very badly to the point where it is almost completely hidden.
    BUG: Tunic of the Thayan Zealot is way too long for female halflings.

    There are several items with visual problems. I'll likely add to this list shortly.
    Post edited by hustin1 on
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • ltgamesttv#0999 ltgamesttv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    If you want to make an entire race love the dev team forever, scale helms for dragonborn toons. We want some variety in headgear. The 2-3 head pieces that actually are visible have gotten old. Please, don't be racist against the poor dragonborn mugs, give them the ability to hide them :D
    On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

    imgur pics don't work

  • jumpingmorksjumpingmorks Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 876 Arc User
    edited October 2017
    This probably isn't an easy fix but I will post it anyway.

    Game randomly crashes on loadscreens

    I keep (not just me, others I know of too) keep crashing on loadscreens.


    -Instance loads, progress bar stops moving. No screenshot displayed on screen but the level name appears just as the loadscrren crashes.
    -Cursor still works, you are still able to move the cursor around.
    -The window minimise, reduce from full screen to windowed stated disappears completely.
    -When the game is crashing every other load the launcher can take up to 2 minutes to display the Play button.


    The first instance load never fails. Similarly the following areas never produce the loadscreen crash.

    Driftwood Tavern, PE. PE itself is awful for proc'ing this bug, not as bad as Dread Ring though, which has had this bug for years. Driftwood Tavern has bugged twice for me, both times were exiting from Kesell's Run through exit portal back to Driftwood Tavern.

    Well of Dragons, never bugs on loadscreen.
    Mantol Derith, never bugs on loadscreen.
    Caer Coenig, never bugs on loadscreen.
    Stronghold, never bugs on loadscreen.

    The first instance load after client has been started/restarted, never fails. However, If I browse the internet for 10 minutes and have the game load the character select screen in the background, then it is as likely to fail as any other time.

    Sometimes the screenshot of the area you are loading partly loads and begins to fade into view but then abrubtly stops half way through, this is much rarer though.

    Once the name of the area in the top right and the screnshot of the instance you are loading appears, it never bugs. The trouble seems to be when the name of the instance you are loading appears, the game seems to hit a hurdle it sometimes/often cannot get past.
    Post edited by jumpingmorks on
  • jumpingmorksjumpingmorks Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 876 Arc User
    edited October 2017
    This has probably been mentioned but I don;t want to read through 30 pages at 4am.

    All Drake mounts have a bug that their flourish animation cannot be cancelled with movement keys, you have to dismount to cancel.
    Post edited by jumpingmorks on
  • jumpingmorksjumpingmorks Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 876 Arc User
    edited October 2017

    GF Lunging strike still has jumpy mechanics even since recent past fixes.

    I propose having the lunge point fixed on encounter activation, if no damage is dealt, the cooldown of Lunging Strike is reduced by 25%.
    Post edited by jumpingmorks on
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  • bumpzillabumpzilla Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    Cannot inspect alliance guild members.

    When trying to inspect a member of your alliance, after right-clicking on their name, the window on which you click 'inspect' appears behind the guild window and cannot be accessed.
  • edited October 2017
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  • roadkill#6177 roadkill Member Posts: 534 Arc User
    Staldorf companion's Jab is noticeably slower than 1 second compared to Young Yeti's similar Claw attack. (Ironically, my epic Staldorf still seems to generate more threat than my legendary Young Yeti).
  • blur#5900 blur Member Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited October 2017
    @pitshade You can see it happening at 14:39
    Post edited by blur#5900 on
  • roadkill#6177 roadkill Member Posts: 534 Arc User
    The fight timer for Dragonflight events begin some seconds before anyone can attack a dragon.
  • This content has been removed.
  • PS4: Fiery bolt will randomly fly through enemy's and not do damage.
    I don't think any weapon enchants work with killing flames. If someone can help test this as well. I get same damage with/without a trans dread and trans vorpal.
  • trgluestickztrgluestickz Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited October 2017
    pitshade said:

    blur#5900 said:

    @pitshade In my recorded case yes , dont remember about other time it happened. You thinking about high movement?

    Just thinking that DF causes the TR to stick to the enemy which in turn can cause some weird behavior when mobs teleport or are thrown through the air. I have been stuck inside pod plants in Sharandar and in the ceiling of Cragmire Crypts from that. It seems to be the cause for TR being thrown out of Baphomet's arena as well as just being pushed around by at least some mobs.
    The weak cling effect for duelist's flurry is a deliberate feature of DF that has been in the game for as long as I can remember.
    It is one of two extra DF effects that are not mentioned in the tooltip but are actually pretty important and often taken for granted.
    The second effect is that you are immune to all control effects durring the flurry stage of DF.
    Honestly, I wish the devs would add these two effects to the official duelist's flurry tooltip, they are not currently mentioned in the tooltip but they really should be.

    In PVE, the cling effect can be a double edged sword but it is helpful more times than not, I use it to my advantage pretty often.
    In PVP, the cling effect is a vital feature of DF and its abscence would cause significant issues for TRs trying to weild DF in PVP. Enemy players will usually try to move out of your DF before or midway through your flurry. To counter this, TRs often utilize the cling effect, this is best done by pairing DF with a jump lunge. DF is often discribed by people as clunky but pairing it with the following tactics makes DF almost feel graceful:
    A longer jump lunge allows you to hit with most of your DF flurry against a moving target you would have missed otherwise. Even if your target is not moving around much, doing a tiny lunge fowards right before the flurry will noticably improve how well you cling to the target.

    As for the CC immunity durring the flurry, it often is overlooked but to get an idea of how useful it is, try to picture for a second just how often you would be getting interupted if it was taken off.
    It would screw up rotations for PVE TRs pretty badly because you would be getting interupted mid flurry far more often.
    In PVP, the effects of losing DFs CC immunity would also be very noticable since it plays an even more vital role in landing DFs than the cling effect does.
    Post edited by trgluestickz on
    PVP Rogue,
    --[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]--
    Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin)
    Ingame Handle: trgluestickz
    Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563
    Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression
    Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud
    Platform: PC
  • artifleurartifleur Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited October 2017
    Executioner's Black Attire

    I finally got myself an EBA and went to test it on preview.

    Bug 1 : The tooltip is very far from what it actually does. It deals an extra attack (Back to the Blade) for 5% of the original damage. It only works with powers (at-will, encounter, daily). A proper tooltip should read "Your damaging Powers deal an additional attack for 5% of the original damage to enemies that are not facing you".

    Bug 2 : Against level 73 enemies, Back to the Blade is affected by the 0.75 multiplier twice, once on the power's damage and a second time on Back to the Blade itself.

    Feedback : Given the way it works, the damage done is, in fact, very far from the intended 5% damage increase. For most classes it will be closer to 1 or 2%. A few examples : Hunter Rangers using the Combat capstone deal a large part of their damage through Piercing Blade and Blade Hurricane which do not work with Back to the Blade, Hunter Rangers using the Trapper capstone have Thorned Roots and possibly Piercing Blade, Control Wizards have Storm Spell, etc... In the end I'd strongly suggest increasing the percentage to 15% maybe even 20% to make it deal significant damage.
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