Sincerely i can not understand.
Which DEV thinks it is fun to play against a class who can immobilize 2 or more players at a time? With a broken skill that works even if you are immune to control? Did you play against courage breaker? I ask you to try.
Which DEV thinks is better to replace a skill like Execution with Shadow of Demise, which does the same broken piercing damage but against which it is not possible to defend itself.
Really, all this is more than ridiculous, it is pathetic.
And that´s why I said about 1000 times: GET RID of that gearmadness and balance PVP afterwards.
A "1-dev-army" can´t predict what happens if he just turns 5 out of 1000 screws...btw I can, like allways some classes are even more screwed than before.
At least I now know what happend to my warlock mid of mod 11b, when I met that new TR meta and just felt " lul "
Hey, and I predicted TR will be even more broken after that rework, anyone wants me to tell him his fortune?
Dead🔪"What class should I play ...TR or"
But wasnt NW always filled with bugs and broken stuff in PvP? I seriously cannot remember the last time there was no broken skills/feats/enchants, besides the past few months.
Just take a break from PvP until they fix it,thats what Im doing.
*Yay free tinfoilhats for everyone*
> PvP was "quite balanced" until they broke the TR recently with SoD...its not fun to play anymore.
> But wasnt NW always filled with bugs and broken stuff in PvP? I seriously cannot remember the last time there was no broken skills/feats/enchants, besides the past few months.
> Just take a break from PvP until they fix it,thats what Im doing.
also if u want to survive SoD dmg with BB run by the side of another party member so that BB dmg is divided by both
Makes you wonder what is really going on there at cryptic, and if they even care about feedback at all.
The whole point of nerfing piercing damage was to make it so it wouldn't be overpowered in PVP. The devs' nerf worked on shocking execution but they immediately undid it with the recent tweak to SOD. SOD is now even more powerful than shocking execution was pre nerf, it hits almost just as hard and unlike SE, SOD cannot be easily dodged.
Instead of the fix the majority of TR players on feedback threads asked for, the devs tried to fix our lack of dps by changing shadow of demise piercing damage from post-mitigation to pre mitigation damage.
Basically, they did the same thing to SOD that they did to the combat HR's piercing damage a while back and I'm sure you all remember how bad that was.
The effects of this don't just harm PVP as a whole, the SOD change is a disaster for the TR class as well.
For one thing, it does absolutely nothing to improve TR dps in PVE. Most SOD damage isn't even getting mitigated in PVE anyway since PVE players stack armor pen to 85% and monsters do not have very many lairs of defense compared to PVP players. So the damage from SOD in PVE has not improved much if at all.
To make matters worse, the SOD tweak effectively bars the devs from being able to increase TR damage in PVE without making the TR even more overpowered in PVP. If they buffed our overall damage output to help in PVE and left SOD as it is now, we would now have both overpowered piercing damage AND much stronger damage from our regular powers in PVP. The only way for the devs to make the TR class balancible again is to completly do away with the recent changes to SOD.
Thirdly, this change sets the TR class up for yet another nerfbat. People's complaints have kicked into overdrive which will lead to the devs eventually nerfing the TR again. When they do, they will be more reluctant if not outright unwilling to give the TR class the buffs it actually needs to its regular sources of damage such as feats, at wills, and encounter powers. They already are very hesitant to change this class because they know that they don't understand its mechanics that well and messing up on it is a PR nightmare.
TRs have been asking for months upon months for the devs to buff our sources of regular damage, specifically ones that effect our at wills and encounter powers. We don't do enough damage in PVE compared to other classes and in PVP, we are reliant on broken sources of piercing damage and CC builds because our at wills and encounter powers do not dish out enough damage to rely on. If our regular damage was buffed, it would make it so PVE TRs would be able to catch up to other DPS classes in PVE. In PVP, buffing our regular damage would make it so we could once again rely on our at wills and encounter powers for damage, catch up to other classes, and make it so the devs could then tone down our piercing damage without hurting the TR class.
The TRs from the TR rework thread also proposed a tweak to SOD but our suggestion to SOD was aimed at making it so it would have time to proc in shorter fights in PVE. SOD does not need a damage improvement in PVP so the change to SOD we proposed was aimed at improving SOD's performance in PVE without messing it up in PVP. This was our exact proposal:
"One problem with this capstone feat is that it doesn't have a chance to proc in highly geared parties, because most things die in less than 6 seconds. This makes the executioner path not scale well into Endgame content in PVE.
One idea is to make SOD work in 1 sec ticks after the initial proc, and extend SOD an extra second. This way, it applies the extra 50% damage accumulated each second at the end of each second for the duration of SOD. So, for the 7 seconds SOD lasts, it will be 7 ticks. Another option is 3 ticks total, 2 seconds each.
A more simple option would be to grant a flat +50% damage for 6 seconds from when SOD is proced. This is essentially what it does now, only on a 6 second delay and with piercing damage. This would be an easier option if the other two are too difficult to implement."
As for TRs having too much CC, our daily power courage breaker is the primary culprit. Without CB, TR ccs would be much more reasonable. I have tried coming up with fixes for CB myself and read other people's ideas for fixes but nowadays I think CB should be changed completely since it's current mechanics are proving to be too much of a headache to balance. Everytime a nerf for it is proposed, it either doesn't nerf CB enough or it nerfs CB so much that people would just stop using CB altogether. We don't need more dead and useless powers so the best way to fix CB is likely a complete rewrite of its mechanics, possibly something that doesn't even involve cc effects.
PVP Rogue,
--[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]--
Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin)
Ingame Handle: trgluestickz
Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563
Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression
Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud
Platform: PC
PVP Rogue,
--[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]--
Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin)
Ingame Handle: trgluestickz
Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563
Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression
Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud
Platform: PC
PVP Rogue,
--[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]--
Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin)
Ingame Handle: trgluestickz
Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563
Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression
Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud
Platform: PC
Hey all,
Just wanted to make a quick post with a couple of updates
Courage breaker's duration has been lowered for PvP targets. The intent of courage breaker was not to allow a rogue to lock down someone movement wise. This is an initial change to see if it helps to balance out the concerns without significantly altering the utility of the power. If we still feel there is an issue we will make some other tweaks based on the feedback given
maybe the powers name should be changed to coward breaker now lol ...for people with learn to play issues that were using it a a crutch