beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
Bug: No reliable way to get Empowered Runestone This item is missing from Bradda's store at any rank.
Bug: Tooltip updates pending These are items I checked for updated loot tables that were working correctly (dropped new refinement stones) but had old tooltips that still indicated they'd drop enchants or old stones. Adamantine Gauntlet, daily and weekly reward containers in Dread Ring, refinement bags from exchanging bounty items in levelling zones, HE reward container from Drowned Shore (assume all EE zones will be the same).
Quest reward bags from Dread Ring really need to stack now These not stacking was previously just an inconvenience since there was no real benefit to stockpiling them once the boxes took up more space than the stones they'd drop, as they were not affected by 2xGem events. Now that they will be affected by 2xGem events, players saving them should be supported. I can understand not wanting to offer the same for invocation reward bags due to wanting to squelch automation where possible and coupons and stuff, but DR quests do require the player to do something, and it's all character-bound RP.
Alternatively, make the quests grant a fixed amount of RP (like Sharandar) and eliminate the containers entirely so players can only get double rewards for quests turned in while an event is running, if you really feel saving them up would ruin everything.
FYI community: I also checked daily and weekly quests in Sharandar and Dread Ring, which give equivalent amounts of RP as before in universal RP, existing bind statuses. I intend to check more quests and HE rewards time permitting.
Contest rewards are updated to drop RP stones instead of runes/enchants. I got 5 white pearls for winning in The Chasm. Sounds about right as IIRC it was rank 3s before.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
Bug: Invoke coffer tooltip/types Also requires updating to reflect new loot items. Probably needs to be consolidated into one box since it's all the same stuff.
RP stones and wards from boxes opened on preview dropped BtA. The enchantment stones were unbound. This may or may not be intentional.
Feedback: Cask of Wonders While updated to drop new loot roughly equivalent to current loot, these remain utterly pathetic. It's an epic container that can't actually drop epic items. I opened 82 and received 2 emeralds among my loot, otherwise green/blue potency and enchantment stones. Add epic potency and enchantment stones to their potential drops and they might actually be worth opening. As it stands, getting one of these just means more of the same items we'll be able to reliably mass-produce in Leadership. Hasn't been good since level 60 cap and not improved by the new system.
Can someone clarify how these changes impact running Leadership for refinement please?
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
There is a QoL improvement I've thought about for a long time, and these new ranks on all these enchants makes it relevant again:
Add an "Enchantments" tab to the collections page so we can see what all the stats and features are of every normal/weapon/armor enchantment and runestone within the game, instead of having to look them up on a website.
Artifacts and artifact gear should be treated separately from other RP source.
Converting them into RP is a waste because they are treated like normal enchantments/resonance and other stones, no matter if you wanted them to be fed in your new weapons or artefacts.
I would suggest to put back a slot (where you can put your old artefact) in the refining window of the new target artifacts or artefact gear.
Otherwise, it is too much of a loss.
someonediesMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,257Arc User
@noworries#8859 Are you planning to do something with class artifacts?
Why is there a discard button for items that convert into RP?
We left this in to reduce confusion during the change over. The concern being that there will be players who log in without having followed what the changes are. If they saw no discard option, they may start sending in Customer Service tickets about items being stuck in their inventory that they can't discard. That is why there are currently two tooltips which do the same thing.
Major Enchanting Stone Drop
It is starting out in the chult dungeon, but it will expand to other places as the game continues forward. T14s are meant for end game players to be working towards, which is why this ingredient is in the newest dungeon.
Restrict higher level enchantments/runestones from automatically going into the conversion window.
That is something we can look into. We have been trying to find the right balance between ease of player use and protection from grabbing the wrong items and converting them into RP. We don't want it to be overly restricted, but we also don't want someone destroying their transcendent enchantment by accident. Purple enchantments/runestones may be a good place to be at.
Why can only green gear be broken down into RP?
At high levels we felt most players would break down blue or better gear for AD instead of RP. If players think they will often break down their blue gear for RP, we can bring the cutoff up to that point.
Empowered Runestones
There has been lots of talk about these items. Some in favor, some concerned that it was too high of a number. We will keep an eye on this. Maybe a lower max such as 20,000 is a good first step to take.
Suggest changing the prefix of Enchanting Stones to match the tiers they're used at.
Not a bad idea, will look into it.
Suggest adding a prefix to the tier between lesser and greater for both enchanting stones and enhancements to make the items easier to search on the auction house.
@noworries#8859 Make a prompt to write "convert" or something when you're about to convert a high-rank enchantment or runestone. To avoid people turning their weapon enchants into RP.
I'm interested why none is protesting the only source of enchanting stones needed to upgrade anything high level:
It looks like they are available only from hardests dungeon availiable (and possibly lockboxes).
How low level are supposed to progress, particularly considering that AD sources are cut?
The current source of marks is dread ring, and it is possible to farm instances for marks when needed. So low level character does not have to amass AD to make any upgrade. If ToNG will be only source of enchanting stones, then character progression will be stopped.
NVM It is a tooltip error, only enchants need them, from 13-14. Still a bad idea that they only drop from TonG.
I'm interested why none is protesting the only source of enchanting stones needed to upgrade anything high level:
It looks like they are available only from hardests dungeon availiable (and possibly lockboxes).
How low level are supposed to progress, particularly considering that AD sources are cut?
The current source of marks is dread ring, and it is possible to farm instances for marks when needed. So low level character does not have to amass AD to make any upgrade. If ToNG will be only source of enchanting stones, then character progression will be stopped.
NVM It is a tooltip error, only enchants need them, from 13-14. Still a bad idea that they only drop from TonG.
I already feel it's gonna be bound.
It is unbound
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,522Arc User
At high levels we felt most players would break down blue or better gear for AD instead of RP. If players think they will often break down their blue gear for RP, we can bring the cutoff up to that point.
Not all blue gear is salvageable. Not all purple gear is salvageable too. If these are discarded, they will get nothing?
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
silvergryphMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 740Arc User
At high levels we felt most players would break down blue or better gear for AD instead of RP. If players think they will often break down their blue gear for RP, we can bring the cutoff up to that point.
Not all blue gear is salvageable. Not all purple gear is salvageable too. If these are discarded, they will get nothing?
Good point. Maybe make all blue or higher gear salvageable?
Hi, I didnt read the hole thread after weend, so may be someone did suggest this before;
It is possible to have the RP in the shared bank, in a similar way we manage the tarmalune bars?
Otherwise many of us will continue to stock on inventory RP stuff unbroken untill we decide in which char we are going to use it, I think this is not the intention of this change.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited September 2017
I didn't have a piece of un-salvageable blue gear to test, but if rare equipment like Piercing Ring of Agility can't be used for RP, that's a little unintuitive (but it can be vendored or used as mimic fodder).
Purple gear that can't be salvaged is always worth tossing in the SH mimic. Only rare exceptions like outgrown Mulhorands don't work for either, and there's *nothing* you're allowed to do with those, not even vendor. I wouldn't worry about purple equipment.
If the system has to go by quality and can't exempt items with the "salvageable" tag, my inclination would be to leave it as-is. Endgame players likely have more salvage than miscellaneous rare gear and very few of them would be feeling this as an RP loss, I should think.
Restrict higher level enchantments/runestones from automatically going into the conversion window.
That is something we can look into. We have been trying to find the right balance between ease of player use and protection from grabbing the wrong items and converting them into RP. We don't want it to be overly restricted, but we also don't want someone destroying their transcendent enchantment by accident. Purple enchantments/runestones may be a good place to be at.
As long as these can be manually processed by double-clicking them or adding to the window with that "add single item" button, I'd be ok with this. But I don't want to be stuck with bound rank 7s from promotions and nothing to do with them.
Hi, I didnt read the hole thread after weend, so may be someone did suggest this before;
It is possible to have the RP in the shared bank, in a similar way we manage the tarmalune bars?
Otherwise many of us will continue to stock on inventory RP stuff unbroken untill we decide in which char we are going to use it, I think this is not the intention of this change.
RP is not sharable. Yes, you still need to stock them but you will have less varieties to stock. For one, the character bound stuff can be converted right the way to save their current inventory slots. Even if they make it sharable, you will still stock unbound stuff like you are doing now so that you can sell them to AH.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
micky1p00Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,594Arc User
edited September 2017
I understand it's late in the process, but please consider making the RP counter thing account wide and not per char.
With the changes to artifacts returns and RP types, it will not impact on RP demands but will make it much simpler to just liquefy RP and fill where needed instead of moving enchantments, fill, move next, repeat ad-infinity..
Does it occur to anyone that the items to be converted appear in a window so you can review them before running the process to make sure there's nothing in there you don't want to convert?
You can drag any item off the UI that you don't want to process.
FYI, this also grabs an epic cloak and belt I'm in the process of refining. It might even grab legendary items too, if you have multiple items you use for loadouts, which does become a problem since loadouts can't interact with items in your bank.
If you have items that you are only storing, you can place them in your bank and they will not be eligible for auto-refinement.
This sounds like it'll be a fustercluck on console UI if it auto selects everything. Maybe a better solution would be to allow us to lock items so they cannot be discarded/refined/fed to coffer, then prevent locked items from showing at all in those styles of screens?
Sorry in advance if this has been asked before, i dont have the heart the time nor the will and desire to read 12 pages of feedback. @noworries#8859
The mimic in SH is taking up gems for construction. What are we going to feed the mimic with now? Since we cant give peridots or opal or idk what and gemstones are going to be the currency dropping now specially from leadership.
I think the proposed changes will leave a hole in the game. Managing all the items now, while a nightmare many days, can be likened to the resource management genre of games. The methodical planning and organizing, in preparation for double RP days is like a game within a game. Having to use a 500 point stone on a day with no bonus to make space for something else ( /gulp ), doing the email shuffle to alts, where did I put that stack of peridots, who knew a mailbox could get full?!, monitoring the AH for a good deal on wards, the list could go on and on. It might be frustrating some days but, really, on the Tuesday before double RP days, when you know you're going to have free bag slots again - is as much a part of the game as looting a boss chest.
I believe this dumbing down is going to take more out of the game than the change will bring to the game.
Sorry in advance if this has been asked before, i dont have the heart the time nor the will and desire to read 12 pages of feedback.
The mimic in SH is taking up gems for construction. What are we going to feed the mimic with now? Since we cant give peridots or opal or idk what and gemstones are going to be the currency dropping now specially from leadership.
Thanks in advance.
It was mentioned upthread that the mimic will now accept these stones as gems.
I think the proposed changes will leave a hole in the game. Managing all the items now, while a nightmare many days, can be likened to the resource management genre of games. The methodical planning and organizing, in preparation for double RP days is like a game within a game. Having to use a 500 point stone on a day with no bonus to make space for something else ( /gulp ), doing the email shuffle to alts, where did I put that stack of peridots, who knew a mailbox could get full?!, monitoring the AH for a good deal on wards, the list could go on and on. It might be frustrating some days but, really, on the Tuesday before double RP days, when you know you're going to have free bag slots again - is as much a part of the game as looting a boss chest.
I believe this dumbing down is going to take more out of the game than the change will bring to the game.
For every player who actually enjoyed this inventory management BS, there are probably at least 20 who can't f'n wait to see the end of it.
The number of times I've ended up not sleeping on Sunday nights because I underestimated the amount of time needed to actually deal with my accumulated bags of RP tat, I won't miss it. (Yes, I am amazing at being an adult.)
Knowing "you're going to have free bag slots again"... on what planet is that better than just being able to have free bag slots ALL THE TIME? And they'd start to fill up again the very next time you actually tried to go questing. There was never a meaningful reprieve, unless you took a hard break from the game to rest on your laurels after 2xRP.
Upgrades will come more gradually rather than all at once. Other players have provided feedback that this was unsatisfactory, feeling no progress whatsoever but extended periods of plateauing waiting for the next event.
"Dumbing down"... systems that everyone has to engage with should not be overcomplicated or difficult to understand and use. If they are, the designer has failed at providing accessibility. Refinement shouldn't be a skill check. It's a chore to get over with as quickly as possible.
@noworries#8859 adding a lock button for any item you dont want to ever accidently break down or discard would go along way. there are other situations one fears losing high value items. what if we're trying to just take out an enchant but hit destroy instead of remove? having it locked from destruction would be awesome.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
This item is missing from Bradda's store at any rank.
Bug: Tooltip updates pending
These are items I checked for updated loot tables that were working correctly (dropped new refinement stones) but had old tooltips that still indicated they'd drop enchants or old stones. Adamantine Gauntlet, daily and weekly reward containers in Dread Ring, refinement bags from exchanging bounty items in levelling zones, HE reward container from Drowned Shore (assume all EE zones will be the same).
Quest reward bags from Dread Ring really need to stack now
These not stacking was previously just an inconvenience since there was no real benefit to stockpiling them once the boxes took up more space than the stones they'd drop, as they were not affected by 2xGem events. Now that they will be affected by 2xGem events, players saving them should be supported. I can understand not wanting to offer the same for invocation reward bags due to wanting to squelch automation where possible and coupons and stuff, but DR quests do require the player to do something, and it's all character-bound RP.
Alternatively, make the quests grant a fixed amount of RP (like Sharandar) and eliminate the containers entirely so players can only get double rewards for quests turned in while an event is running, if you really feel saving them up would ruin everything.
FYI community: I also checked daily and weekly quests in Sharandar and Dread Ring, which give equivalent amounts of RP as before in universal RP, existing bind statuses. I intend to check more quests and HE rewards time permitting.
Contest rewards are updated to drop RP stones instead of runes/enchants. I got 5 white pearls for winning in The Chasm. Sounds about right as IIRC it was rank 3s before.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Also requires updating to reflect new loot items. Probably needs to be consolidated into one box since it's all the same stuff.
RP stones and wards from boxes opened on preview dropped BtA. The enchantment stones were unbound. This may or may not be intentional.
Feedback: Cask of Wonders
While updated to drop new loot roughly equivalent to current loot, these remain utterly pathetic. It's an epic container that can't actually drop epic items. I opened 82 and received 2 emeralds among my loot, otherwise green/blue potency and enchantment stones. Add epic potency and enchantment stones to their potential drops and they might actually be worth opening. As it stands, getting one of these just means more of the same items we'll be able to reliably mass-produce in Leadership. Hasn't been good since level 60 cap and not improved by the new system.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
Add an "Enchantments" tab to the collections page so we can see what all the stats and features are of every normal/weapon/armor enchantment and runestone within the game, instead of having to look them up on a website.
Converting them into RP is a waste because they are treated like normal enchantments/resonance and other stones, no matter if you wanted them to be fed in your new weapons or artefacts.
I would suggest to put back a slot (where you can put your old artefact) in the refining window of the new target artifacts or artefact gear.
Otherwise, it is too much of a loss.
Are you planning to do something with class artifacts?
Dead🔪Why is there a discard button for items that convert into RP?
We left this in to reduce confusion during the change over. The concern being that there will be players who log in without having followed what the changes are. If they saw no discard option, they may start sending in Customer Service tickets about items being stuck in their inventory that they can't discard. That is why there are currently two tooltips which do the same thing.
Major Enchanting Stone Drop
It is starting out in the chult dungeon, but it will expand to other places as the game continues forward. T14s are meant for end game players to be working towards, which is why this ingredient is in the newest dungeon.
Restrict higher level enchantments/runestones from automatically going into the conversion window.
That is something we can look into. We have been trying to find the right balance between ease of player use and protection from grabbing the wrong items and converting them into RP. We don't want it to be overly restricted, but we also don't want someone destroying their transcendent enchantment by accident. Purple enchantments/runestones may be a good place to be at.
Why can only green gear be broken down into RP?
At high levels we felt most players would break down blue or better gear for AD instead of RP. If players think they will often break down their blue gear for RP, we can bring the cutoff up to that point.
Empowered Runestones
There has been lots of talk about these items. Some in favor, some concerned that it was too high of a number. We will keep an eye on this. Maybe a lower max such as 20,000 is a good first step to take.
Suggest changing the prefix of Enchanting Stones to match the tiers they're used at.
Not a bad idea, will look into it.
Suggest adding a prefix to the tier between lesser and greater for both enchanting stones and enhancements to make the items easier to search on the auction house.
Also not a bad idea and will look into it.
Make a prompt to write "convert" or something when you're about to convert a high-rank enchantment or runestone. To avoid people turning their weapon enchants into RP.
Champions Online Advanced Forum Search
It is possible to have the RP in the shared bank, in a similar way we manage the tarmalune bars?
Otherwise many of us will continue to stock on inventory RP stuff unbroken untill we decide in which char we are going to use it, I think this is not the intention of this change.
Purple gear that can't be salvaged is always worth tossing in the SH mimic. Only rare exceptions like outgrown Mulhorands don't work for either, and there's *nothing* you're allowed to do with those, not even vendor. I wouldn't worry about purple equipment.
If the system has to go by quality and can't exempt items with the "salvageable" tag, my inclination would be to leave it as-is. Endgame players likely have more salvage than miscellaneous rare gear and very few of them would be feeling this as an RP loss, I should think.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Even if they make it sharable, you will still stock unbound stuff like you are doing now so that you can sell them to AH.
I understand it's late in the process, but please consider making the RP counter thing account wide and not per char.
With the changes to artifacts returns and RP types, it will not impact on RP demands but will make it much simpler to just liquefy RP and fill where needed instead of moving enchantments, fill, move next, repeat ad-infinity..
You can drag any item off the UI that you don't want to process.
FYI, this also grabs an epic cloak and belt I'm in the process of refining. It might even grab legendary items too, if you have multiple items you use for loadouts, which does become a problem since loadouts can't interact with items in your bank.
If you have items that you are only storing, you can place them in your bank and they will not be eligible for auto-refinement.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
This sounds like it'll be a fustercluck on console UI if it auto selects everything. Maybe a better solution would be to allow us to lock items so they cannot be discarded/refined/fed to coffer, then prevent locked items from showing at all in those styles of screens?
The mimic in SH is taking up gems for construction. What are we going to feed the mimic with now? Since we cant give peridots or opal or idk what and gemstones are going to be the currency dropping now specially from leadership.
Thanks in advance.
I believe this dumbing down is going to take more out of the game than the change will bring to the game.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
The number of times I've ended up not sleeping on Sunday nights because I underestimated the amount of time needed to actually deal with my accumulated bags of RP tat, I won't miss it. (Yes, I am amazing at being an adult.)
Knowing "you're going to have free bag slots again"... on what planet is that better than just being able to have free bag slots ALL THE TIME? And they'd start to fill up again the very next time you actually tried to go questing. There was never a meaningful reprieve, unless you took a hard break from the game to rest on your laurels after 2xRP.
Upgrades will come more gradually rather than all at once. Other players have provided feedback that this was unsatisfactory, feeling no progress whatsoever but extended periods of plateauing waiting for the next event.
"Dumbing down"... systems that everyone has to engage with should not be overcomplicated or difficult to understand and use. If they are, the designer has failed at providing accessibility. Refinement shouldn't be a skill check. It's a chore to get over with as quickly as possible.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia