Tkank you for killing my Control Wizard Devs. Why you hate this class so much. With those all changes i can't even push people from point...what a madness....
For module 1-2-3 and 4 CW is the best DPS in game. I remember 5 CW in VT and solo CN with CW....i dont think cryptic hate CW's
Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE May the Torm of Understanding guide us!
EDIT - Also, don't ask how I still have the Tomb of the Nine Polymorph buff on. It stuck one time while I was in Tomb, and I haven't been able to shake it since. Others have said I randomly look like colorful animals while in a party with me
To get rid of this, go in there, drink a potion, go to the new colour you change into, and then go to the colour you're currently stuck in.
The buff lasts 24 dungeon hours so that could be either 48 runs or 3, depending on your team.
Is it true that owlbear cub is getting a nerf again?? I just started playing this game and have put a lot of time in building my SW based on this 1 companion. If it gets nerfed, I have wasted SO much.
Tkank you for killing my Control Wizard Devs. Why you hate this class so much. With those all changes i can't even push people from point...what a madness....
For module 1-2-3 and 4 CW is the best DPS in game. I remember 5 CW in VT and solo CN with CW....i dont think cryptic hate CW's
For module 1-2-3-4 maybe yes... and now we are mod12b... so much time si ce those things...
It's complicated for a cw now...
Control wizard ? We don't need control and mostly bosses and big mobs are immune DPS ? Not the best so far single Target Buffs ? Not so bad but u have other classes better for this
If u consider Bis groupe for tomb : howmuch CW are needed ? Nothing : u go with 2 DC, 1 OP, 1 GF and last 1 GWF
Tkank you for killing my Control Wizard Devs. Why you hate this class so much. With those all changes i can't even push people from point...what a madness....
For module 1-2-3 and 4 CW is the best DPS in game. I remember 5 CW in VT and solo CN with CW....i dont think cryptic hate CW's
For module 1-2-3-4 maybe yes... and now we are mod12b... so much time si ce those things...
It's complicated for a cw now...
Control wizard ? We don't need control and mostly bosses and big mobs are immune DPS ? Not the best so far single Target Buffs ? Not so bad but u have other classes better for this
If u consider Bis groupe for tomb : howmuch CW are needed ? Nothing : u go with 2 DC, 1 OP, 1 GF and last 1 GWF
CW has wicked AoE damage with lightning on them, and a TNG group with a MoF instead of an OP or GF is a great team that works very well in the dungeon, if your friends are ignoring you because you play a CW then you need new friends
Guild - The Imaginary Friends We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
Tkank you for killing my Control Wizard Devs. Why you hate this class so much. With those all changes i can't even push people from point...what a madness....
For module 1-2-3 and 4 CW is the best DPS in game. I remember 5 CW in VT and solo CN with CW....i dont think cryptic hate CW's
For module 1-2-3-4 maybe yes... and now we are mod12b... so much time si ce those things...
It's complicated for a cw now...
Control wizard ? We don't need control and mostly bosses and big mobs are immune DPS ? Not the best so far single Target Buffs ? Not so bad but u have other classes better for this
If u consider Bis groupe for tomb : howmuch CW are needed ? Nothing : u go with 2 DC, 1 OP, 1 GF and last 1 GWF
You dont have good builds guys. In dps is the best class right now with GWF... CW with lighting can melt mobs faster from GWF.
Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE May the Torm of Understanding guide us!
Thanks for the Campaign Acceleration token, that's good news - however I do believe it should be for all alts, not just one. Having taken your main through the whole thing once, I think it reasonable that all alts that follow should have an accelerated progress.
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
just ran around soshenstar river. the bonding nerf is clearly feelable for my main, a dc. dailies will be clearly more difficult. i'd really prefer you address multiple power sharing through bondings rather than nerfing their stat percentages as heavily as you do. i also feel very stupid upgrading from R12 to R14 expensively just to get less than i have now... it's ...
i like the new refinement system though. convert everything into RP at the same time, comes handy, same as "identify all".
i also noticed that we can only take one elixir at the same time now. i used to take fate and wild storm together, that's not possible anymore ... further making solo soshenstar difficult.
absolutely this
santralafaxMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,896Arc User
edited September 2017
So glad tenacity is gone. May take another whack at PVP.
Edit: My bad, tenacity still lives in the shadows....
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
Bug: Healing potion icons Potion of Grand Healing is using the same icon as Potion of Exalted Healing in this build, which was briefly confusing as I was attempting to stack them on each other.
Is it true that owlbear cub is getting a nerf again?? I just started playing this game and have put a lot of time in building my SW based on this 1 companion. If it gets nerfed, I have wasted SO much.
I was just over on the test server and can confirm that the number of times the owlbear cub procs off of powers such as Dreadtheft and Pillar of Power has been greatly reduced.
santralafaxMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,896Arc User
1. I didn't care for the bondings buff generated in mod 7, and don't understand how the developers can now take that back, and more, now. The buff literally forced augment users to switch to remain competitive--at enormous expense.
2. A re-work of refining methods could be a good thing. The developers seem to have taken this as a good time to diminish RP value of artifacts and artifact equipment, which becomes another black mark.
3. More has been introduced in the module than has been added to the patch notes. So far we've learned that imbibed potions no longer stack. What else aren't the developers telling us?
4. The devs had shrugged Mod 12-B off in the past as "mostly a PVP update." We've learned that is far from true!
So far, I'm not caring much for Mod 12-B. And I don't see that I will be able to afford the game in the future. If I had any idea what I would spend on this game when I started, I would still be MMO free.
Tkank you for killing my Control Wizard Devs. Why you hate this class so much. With those all changes i can't even push people from point...what a madness....
For module 1-2-3 and 4 CW is the best DPS in game. I remember 5 CW in VT and solo CN with CW....i dont think cryptic hate CW's
For module 1-2-3-4 maybe yes... and now we are mod12b... so much time si ce those things...
It's complicated for a cw now...
Control wizard ? We don't need control and mostly bosses and big mobs are immune DPS ? Not the best so far single Target Buffs ? Not so bad but u have other classes better for this
If u consider Bis groupe for tomb : howmuch CW are needed ? Nothing : u go with 2 DC, 1 OP, 1 GF and last 1 GWF
You dont have good builds guys. In dps is the best class right now with GWF... CW with lighting can melt mobs faster from GWF.
I agree with the fact that CW is not weak but that last few times CW was touched it was mega nerfed. We see other classes like GWF/GF/DC/HR Getting stronger and see CW getting weaker comparitively. This is not a fair ballance and CW really do need some love.
In its Current State it is not the first choice or even 2nd choice for the solo dps for TONG. If CW was on the same level with GWF etc it would be at equal prioity level for these endgame content and sadly it is not .... sure it can go as a buffer but not as dps and that is WRONG
EDIT : Please note the above statement excludes the bugged Mirage weapons. Even though they have been around for more than a mod they are still bugged and some are using this to exploit large amount of damage
There are more than BIS players in this game RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ???? FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
Sorry if I post this in the wrong place, but what debuff weapon enchantment(s) is useful for Healadins, Mod 12 is coming to console on September 12th and I want to be semi ready for it. I'm currently using normal Holy Avenger. I refuse to want to use Lightning because it is expensive and abundant. :( :/
How do you create a disscuion, having some trouble in creating one. :s
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
edited September 2017
Mod 12-B is not all bad. it does bring 4 good things:
More inventory space (as you no longer have to carry around character-bound, account-bound and unbound versions of multiple different enchantment stones.
New skirmish (new content is always good, even if the rewards are a bit mediocre)
The enchantment streamlining is an improvement
The "Identify All" button.
Unfortunately, the list of "bad things" is depressing.
The bonding runestone change comes across as a simple cash grab. It will be expensive just to get back to (almost) where we are today - it kills your sense of progression and demotivates people.
The random queues do not really meet their stated goals - and will just increase elitism and hurt guilds.
Some people had hoped that Mod 12-B would revitalize PvP, but that does not seem to be the case.
Refinement of artifacts got absurdly expensive, now that the "feeder" method is no longer usable.
I am also sad not to see any of the QoL fixes I had really hoped to see
No Fashion tab.
No fixes to Loadouts (no ability to switch companions or mounts)
None of the missing skirmishes brought back - meaning that people are still stuck, unable to get the achivements if they outleveled the skirmishes.
And of course, nothing for the Foundry.
As far as I am concerned, Mod 12-B currently looks like the second most depressingly demotivating update ever - only Mod 6 was worse, and that caused me to leave the game for a year.
Random Queues = PUGS on DRUGS. No way do I want to be forced into this. Sorry, but this has to be the worst idea ever. I'm not going to quit, I just won't be forced into this so I just won't be logging in.
Seriously, it's like having a half hour for a walk but not being allowed to pick the route or know how long the forced route will take. What kind of delusional thinking thought this was even remotely a good idea?
frozenfirevrMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,475Community Moderator
Random Queues = PUGS on DRUGS. No way do I want to be forced into this. Sorry, but this has to be the worst idea ever. I'm not going to quit, I just won't be forced into this so I just won't be logging in.
Seriously, it's like having a half hour for a walk but not being allowed to pick the route or know how long the forced route will take. What kind of delusional thinking thought this was even remotely a good idea?
Queueing won't be the same as now. More geared people would start going through public queues, so the runs won't be as bad. It's a decent idea. But I never ran dungeons for the daily RAD, just did it whenever I felt like (and that wasn't very often ), so our opinions might differ.
I ran it for both, but the fundamental problem is I can't run something random if I don't have a significant amount of time to play at a given point in time (I often only have 10-15 minutes which is more than enough to periodically crank out a quick run). Otherwise everyone gets hosed. I have to leave mid run and don't get my AD, the rest of the team might or might not get a replacement, etc. etc.
Also it's not just about gear and GS. There are some dungeons that might not be too bad with a PUG, but there are others that would be frustrating to run like that.
Now this might not be a bad "additional" queue, but it shouldn't be the only way to earn the daily AD.
Supply would never ever catch up with demand and need if they only drop from TonG, the Major marks should drop from all bosses in the game like GMOPS did before mod 6.
reminds me of blue marks of power when artifacts first started >>> 400k AD for the blue mark of power, a fortune back then... and there was this tiny tiny tiny chance for it to drop from a profession node. it took me weeks and weeks till i could upgrade my artifact to purple. :-))
Unless I somehow messed up while doing tests on preview, you actually fixed both Aspect of the Pack's offhand bonus not working at rank 4 and Seeker's Vengeance not working with melee damage.
Thank you!
If this is true I can almost forgive the whole bonding thing.
I remember 5 CW in VT and solo CN with CW....i dont think cryptic hate CW's
Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE
The buff lasts 24 dungeon hours so that could be either 48 runs or 3, depending on your team.
It's complicated for a cw now...
Control wizard ? We don't need control and mostly bosses and big mobs are immune
DPS ? Not the best so far single Target
Buffs ? Not so bad but u have other classes better for this
If u consider Bis groupe for tomb : howmuch CW are needed ? Nothing : u go with 2 DC, 1 OP, 1 GF and last 1 GWF
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
In dps is the best class right now with GWF...
CW with lighting can melt mobs faster from GWF.
Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
absolutely this
My bad, tenacity still lives in the shadows....
Dead🔪Potion of Grand Healing is using the same icon as Potion of Exalted Healing in this build, which was briefly confusing as I was attempting to stack them on each other.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
2. A re-work of refining methods could be a good thing. The developers seem to have taken this as a good time to diminish RP value of artifacts and artifact equipment, which becomes another black mark.
3. More has been introduced in the module than has been added to the patch notes. So far we've learned that imbibed potions no longer stack. What else aren't the developers telling us?
4. The devs had shrugged Mod 12-B off in the past as "mostly a PVP update." We've learned that is far from true!
So far, I'm not caring much for Mod 12-B. And I don't see that I will be able to afford the game in the future. If I had any idea what I would spend on this game when I started, I would still be MMO free.
We need class balances, powers/feats bug fixes, general bug fixes and more dungeons that drops acceptable loot.
A loyal customer
Helps a lot for test refining system.
In its Current State it is not the first choice or even 2nd choice for the solo dps for TONG. If CW was on the same level with GWF etc it would be at equal prioity level for these endgame content and sadly it is not .... sure it can go as a buffer but not as dps and that is WRONG
EDIT : Please note the above statement excludes the bugged Mirage weapons. Even though they have been around for more than a mod they are still bugged and some are using this to exploit large amount of damage
RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
How do you create a disscuion, having some trouble in creating one. :s
- More inventory space (as you no longer have to carry around character-bound, account-bound and unbound versions of multiple different enchantment stones.
- New skirmish (new content is always good, even if the rewards are a bit mediocre)
- The enchantment streamlining is an improvement
- The "Identify All" button.
Unfortunately, the list of "bad things" is depressing.- The bonding runestone change comes across as a simple cash grab. It will be expensive just to get back to (almost) where we are today - it kills your sense of progression and demotivates people.
- The random queues do not really meet their stated goals - and will just increase elitism and hurt guilds.
- Some people had hoped that Mod 12-B would revitalize PvP, but that does not seem to be the case.
- Refinement of artifacts got absurdly expensive, now that the "feeder" method is no longer usable.
I am also sad not to see any of the QoL fixes I had really hoped to see- No Fashion tab.
- No fixes to Loadouts (no ability to switch companions or mounts)
- None of the missing skirmishes brought back - meaning that people are still stuck, unable to get the achivements if they outleveled the skirmishes.
And of course, nothing for the Foundry.As far as I am concerned, Mod 12-B currently looks like the second most depressingly demotivating update ever - only Mod 6 was worse, and that caused me to leave the game for a year.
Seriously, it's like having a half hour for a walk but not being allowed to pick the route or know how long the forced route will take. What kind of delusional thinking thought this was even remotely a good idea?
Also it's not just about gear and GS. There are some dungeons that might not be too bad with a PUG, but there are others that would be frustrating to run like that.
Now this might not be a bad "additional" queue, but it shouldn't be the only way to earn the daily AD.