This is JUST speculation.. ideas/theories or just fun stories for being to come up with about the module 12 update that is rumored to be just as big or bigger than Module 6. This is purely a discussion for everyone to have fun and come up with different ideas of what Module 12 just might or could be. Any concrete information is appreciated but this mainly for fun speculations! I will put up what I assume might be a module 12 or module 12 worthy story, but someone else can either add on or create their own idea of what it could be. Also if a developer sees this be sure to read because you might have fun with it haha. I also want to add I am not the best at English so sorry if I mistype or sentences are run on or do not sound right.
Module 12 a big ole baddie coming to us in the future! From all the twitch watching and hint dropping over the last several streams it really sounds like its gonna be a large update full of neat stuff. I suspect we will see a fairly large raid battle and a return of another lost dungeon. HOPEFULLY a new class will be involved in Module 12, and it sounds like a new race "might" show its face.
I've seen a what appears to be a theme of content being released. Module 8 and 9 are part of the whispering caverns, Module 10 is of Icewind dale, Module 11/11.b is of The chasm, and Sharandar. I am making a guess here on the Main story of Module 12 (or at least a story I think would be awesome to see).
Module 12 will hopefully be based around the history and lore of Mount Hotenow, and the story of the legendary forges (Gauntlygrim) the adventuring party that rediscovered it. (Valindra was included in this party so would be cool to see her background, before becoming a lich.) The story could involve Maegera the Inferno fiery primordial, who was mentioned throughout Hotenow quest line, and the Fiery pit where he is asleep. He was awoken once already and Drizzt Do'Urden, Bruenor Battlehammer, and Jarlaxle Baenre put him back to sleep. The history says they did not restore all of the water elementals since one of the summoning locations was broken, so this had a affect that only put him to sleep temporarily. That he is now waking up once more and cause a lot of chaos across the lands. The quest line could be started by Bruenor who has felt trembling s in Gauntlygrim as of late, and consults with drizzt that he fears Maegera could be awakening. Or started like there was a large explosion at hotenow and causing lots of destruction.
Anyways this would be a great chance at restoring Caverns of Karrundax back into the game with some after affects of Maegera awakening like a new pair of fire scorpions, and using those new fire giants kabal created. Maybe Gammoth being "reforged" and coming back as a higher being commanding some sort of powerful fire creature. Also having to fight Karrundax again but instead of just karrundax he summons another fire dragon to his side where you fight two fire dragons at once. (OR he summons an ancient dragon because the ground ripped open from Maegera awakening to the ancient caverns below releasing these ancient dragons!) Would be cool to see Wyverns as a add to fight as well in the dungeons or raid boss battle.
Also a cool mount that could be added in this is like a fiery rage drake, and maybe a fire scorpion mount.( I know that would be a lot of moving "parts" but you guys did it with the spiders.)

Also a wyvern type of creature as a companion and mount.
I could go on forever but cant haha... Here is a shortened list for the people who do not like reading.
Module 12 Speculations-
Maegera the Inferno (Fiery Primordial) (Raid Boss)
The start of his awakening because of Valindra and her party before she became a lich
More history and fun of Drizzt/Bruenor/and Jarlaxle Baenre who needs more of a appearance
Caverns of Karrundax revamped with fire scorpions and giants with ancient dragon fight. (Dungeon)
Revisiting Hotenow
Revisiting Gauntlygrim
Revisiting Fiery Pit
Finding the legendary forges.
Fire Scorpion Mount
Fire Rage Drake mount
Wyvern Mount & Companion.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
Raid boss: Giant Dread Ring Dragon >:)
(jk, but it was just irresistible)
Maybe the BBEG could even be Neverember himself, using the Cult to 'prove' Neverwinter needs his protection. This would lead to discovering he has had the true king hidden deep within the dungeon's bowels (or even a new CN dungeon where the king is kept) allowing him to be saved and take his place.
Fearless Wolves - GM
Slorik - GWF
Eevil'N - CW
Sybyl - GF
Star Trek Online
Sorvik Corsair : KDF Reman Engineer
S'karn Corsair : KDF Gorn Intelligence
So it's possible we'll see a content tie-in again, but maybe not. I guess we'll find out.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
I Would also like to see a viable Dragon companion the current midget is useless. Again you could do elemental versions of the Dragon companions.
I also heard from one of my sources that level 80 was considered for Module 12. Purely rumor, and I don't think its viable but an interesting train of thought nonetheless.
He knew, in advance. I'm sure of it, and I'm also sure he had some sort of plan.
Then there's Viz'eran DeVir, who claimed to be Vanifer's "new master" in his Astral projection. So there's something cooking there as well. Granted, that could be the devs keeping their options open, but I don't think it's just that -- Makos himself said that he had merely displaced Viz'eran somewhere in the Abyss; the fact that the devs went to the trouble to create a cutscene with VO tells me that there's more to the story.
I also recently went through the Maze Engine campaign with an alt, and something jumped out at me: there were hints at mod 11 there in the discussion between Knox and Celeste. Not just that there was uncertainty as to whether Neverember would yield to the true heir were he or she to appear, but also that he had lost his position as a Lord of Waterdeep *and* that he wanted to switch over to native guards instead of Mintarn mercenaries. In other words, even then he was running out of dough and was taking measures to mitigate it.
The lesson I take here is to look VERY closely at all of the current storylines for clues.
For example: there is an optional quest where you can come by a letter to the Cult of the Dragon. It was a warning about Graz'zt. I don't believe it was put there by accident.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
You can look up the Severin involved with the Cult of the Dragon in FR lore. They are very obviously different people, with Doomguide Severin being a character created expressly for Neverwinter's launch in 2013, and just happening to have the same name as the cultist from WotC's Tyranny of Dragons campaign released years later.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Continuity with the consequences of SKT.
Form alliances for/against a dozen different giant races.
Easy to overlay content on current maps.
Tabletop story is a giant roleplay.
The plot could be that NW is caught in the middle of an all-out civil war between all the giant races. There's alot of interesting story opportunities there.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
That was the only issue with it.
Having level increases are typical , every mmo has had them.. in fact, some many.
Though If they do have one, and release all new weapons and armor, I hope they put it more like pre or post mod 10 , in terms of grind level. One more attempt to add that level of the grind in game.. and whatever friend list I have left.. will be totally destroyed, at some point.. you just get fed up with it and quit yourself.
I lost more people off my friends list , due to mod 10.. then due to mod 6.. though both were not stellar in terms of people staying.
I think more people I knew.. especially those who stuck it out for mod 6, were highly disappointing, that the game decided to add that level of grind, most were former WoW players.. who left that game, because of those type of grind levels.. and said, they simply wouldn't play a game, with that much boring HAMSTER fluffed up grind to do.
Its too late now.. mostly none of those came back, I dont blame them either. They were so stubborn to change those things back then, I hope they have learned the lesson and it appears they have.
then , fishing..
the whole thing was a disaster and it only works today still because of bots..
Young, but CUNNINGLY DISGUISED as a experienced and weathered old man, of course, just to trick us. This is much more plausible than people sometimes having the same name.
Not my opinion. Verifiable fact.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia