Actually, when I say hl content, it means FBI and SVA. But if you find out having enough time to play TC and SS on CN, do it! It will be completely worth it!
HG is pretty good in every single target situation ! (Even if sometimes I don't switch but it's because I'm too lazy lol)
DSA is really easy. When you kill a mob, you spawn a spiral (that flies around you) when you see 3, you can use DSA and deal great damages !
Actually, when I say hl content, it means FBI and SVA. But if you find out having enough time to play TC and SS on CN, do it! It will be completely worth it!
HG is pretty good in every single target situation ! (Even if sometimes I don't switch but it's because I'm too lazy lol)
DSA is really easy. When you kill a mob, you spawn a spiral (that flies around you) when you see 3, you can use DSA and deal great damages !
Got it, ty again! So, these are the rotas for encounter: KF, SS/AoH , FB (aoe), HG (single) And Dailies: IS (single), TC (aoe) / Accursed Souls At wills: use ED, DSA when 3 spiral.
But just to make your life easier and since you won't be using IS on trash mobs, switch AS on this one in aoe.
This way, you'll be able to play easier AS or TC depending on the situation! (Best example is in CN where you don't have the time to switch dailies between little zombies and big demons)
I've switched to SB some days ago and honestly I'm using IS (or BoH) at the beginning of the fight to gain sparks, even with trash mobs (like zombies at the start of CN). The idea was to use sparkle as buff for damage. Problem is that this doesn't work with trash mobs and it isn't useful at all: with boss this means to not use more than a couple of SS in order to not loose to many buff. So I'm trying to understand how to raise up my damage in another way.
At the bridge in CN i put my TC between the zombies, FB + AoH and bämm...
For bosses I'll try the IS + BoH combination with clerics sigil...
But: On PS4 we need a better method doing switching between powers... takes a while to change 3 of them...
Yeah would be great switch powers quickly... I play cn at the same way with DC sigil (at the bridge). For bosses what I'm trying to do is max sparkles with ED and rota (FB, KF), then launch TC and use DC sigil: in this way most of the time I'm able to use IF when TC is still ongoing. After IF I launch 2 or 3 SS (IS refill sparkes).
But just to make your life easier and since you won't be using IS on trash mobs, switch AS on this one in aoe.
This way, you'll be able to play easier AS or TC depending on the situation! (Best example is in CN where you don't have the time to switch dailies between little zombies and big demons)
Good morning all Yesterday I respec as per your advice and the build look very good! I have to try at least in CN, but it seems that my dps raise up.
I've another doubt... today will be released for console MOD 10.5. Checking the Class Balance post here, which are the changes that goes online today? Only change on TC?
Tested my 'lock after the patch goes live... I've to understand better how to play SB Fury I presume... or please let me know if in your opinion it is correct that I've ~20-25 million less damage on CN.
I have zero problem as HB Fury switching very fast between KF and fiery bolt even in middle of a combat, i just time it right...
When it's say 4s left cool down, i hit options and switch very often in CN.
I'm still amazed how as a SW hb fury 2900, not a lot of people can outdps me if they are under 3200 gs ( even gwf).
( PS4 player here)
Concerning warlocks only, I have to add that around 3000 gs, i swear i never saw a single SW SB fury able to outdps me, they are way i mean way behind me and i have "only" r10 bonded on a blue con artist and r8 dread and everything else is r7/r8/r9 radiant or dark so i have a lot of room to improve. I do around 70 millions if im with decent players or around 100m with low players.
I have to thank precious advices from our fellow sw here for that.
I play with Fire Arc r9 bond. Start to think that I'm not really understand how to play as SB, when to switch powers and which powers it's better to use in a certain scenario. I'll continue to test and try to understand if I make something in a wrong way.
And I start to think that maybe I've to test HB Fury also after TC nerf... maybe is my best playstyle...
Toflux i might tell you a nice tip here or at least i hope so ^^ You see were Neverember is located ? When you face him, there is a door on your left that lead to a seller that sell a few stuff and tokens for respec ^^
The currency is the currency you win with achievements ( dont know the name in english, "hight achievements" i supose ?)
You should have more than enought of this currency to buy 4 or 5 token.
I hope it will help
That said during Festival, gifts gave me something like 5 or 6 respec token ^^
Toflux i might tell you a nice tip here or at least i hope so ^^
You see were Neverember is located ?
When you face him, there is a door on your left that lead to a seller that sell a few stuff and tokens for respec ^^
The currency is the currency you win with achievements ( dont know the name in english, "hight achievements" i supose ?)
You should have more than enought of this currency to buy 4 or 5 token.
I hope it will help
That said during Festival, gifts gave me something like 5 or 6 respec token ^^
Ty But I've spent that tokens some months ago
Now I'll continue with this build, than I'll try to understand what to do... I've a couple of tokens from Winter Festival... hope to find a good build in a couple of shots...
Just curious Toflux what gear u use on your fire archon ?
I like Con Artist for many reasons even if i prefer Fire archon...
- First of all, 3 slots for rings, rings are "easy" to acquire. In my case, i use one brutal +4 with r9 radiant and 2 rings (elementary something, can't recall name) that give +453 power and 296 crit and r9 radiant. That combined with bondings r10, my blue con artist have 3000k power and 800 crit - i like the 10% debuff ( if 2 or 3 players use it in the same group, boss melt fast ^^ ) - I want that orcus shard so i run almost only CN and since im 2900, no one invit me so i go random and on ps4 good tanks aren't very comon.... Most of time i end up finishing Orcus alone or with an other long range dps player.
Since my con artist strike close combat, he gets slapped by Orcus and get up again ect so basically i don't need tank at all xD Orcus is so dumb he don't move an inch ^^'
But if i could always count on others i would use Fire archon.
- Like i said rings are easy to acquire but the best gear like belt, talisman ect with good stats (crit /power) is either rare or expensive. On ps4 the locked chest of life wasn't realeased yet so we dont have access to "adorable bite gear" and even when it will be available the prices will be insane ( like millions for a single piece) Adorable rings gives a lot of power and crit and 2 attack slots for exemple ^^
This is why i go with con artist and so far i like it, even when he's down but not dead i still benefit bonding buff.
So i don't understand why woul i need a long range dps. But maybe im wrong on this matter or didn't understand something
Just a note for those curious about Item Level discrepancy and DPS output above or below expectations...
So all things being equal: Item level, Rotation, Build, Companions, etc. If all that is equal then everything should be equal across the board. However...
Or at the very least, it will rarely happen that two people will be equal on all those above aspects. What I want to convey is that Item Level is NOT the end all be all of determining quality of play, and neither is the Paingiver title at the end of a run.
Sure, different classes depending on the meta, Dev Classe Rebalances per mod, available gear, etc., will directly impact how well one class does versus another. However, what it comes down to is knowing what is needed in a given situation, knowing your party composition, and striving to make sure the run is a success for everyone involved!
Item Level is simply a reference guide to what the Devs want the 'minimum requirement' for participating in content. Someone can have 1k Item Level more then you, and have a 'better' Class for the content and you can contribute more to the run then they can simply based on knowing the content, being aware of what's required, and being a team player.
Is topping the Paingiver chart something that makes ya feel good?
I know I've been caught up trying to do that myself on occasion, and you know what that usually leads to? Unsuccessful runs. That's because I was more concerned about trying to 'top' a chart that I KNOW, for a fact, isn't a perfect representation of my (or anyone else) contribution to the current run.
If ya end up scoring more on Paingiver then someone of higher Item Level, then congrats on probably playing better then them on that given run, or maybe they were testing something, or maybe they were distracted...
Now, to be completely clear, I'm in no way trying to make this come across as a reprimand or anything negative. I just want people to realize that it's all about enjoying the game and being successful as a team... And I'll be the first to admit I've been guilty, at times, of not following the above advice! However, it's an important thing to embrace for your own enjoyment and sanity.
So, as Stone Cold said above, the bottom line is...
I agree with everything you said ! That said on PC the game was released way before us on ps4. So i supose most of players already have a big ilvl.
That's absolutely not he case on ps4 ^^' When your read people posting for dunjeons runs. They want to run them very fast.
I quote them : "Need 3500+ dps for very fast CN runs 10-12 mins runs"
I would really like if others players think like you but most don't... and under 3k seems like a virtual wall when recruiting... 2900 will do not do it they want 3k+...
I can hit 3k with useless stuff or by wasting refinement materials but i will not. ( the next x2 refinement is schedule in march on ps4 -_-)
Ofc, alliance help with that but even then it's not always easy...
We have a lot of people coming from pc i supose with already 4k+ in 3 or 4 months. They knew from the very begining how to play the game, tips for ah, artifact refine ect so they either paid or have been very efficient...
In the other hand you have people like me who discovered the game 3 month ago and made bads decisions because i did not really understand what was relevant or was not. (Still i like to learn from my mystakes and at my pace ^^)
Thats why i always thank you guys for helping us filling the gap with your builds and advices
We do have that issue on the PC also, people 'requesting/requiring' XYZ Item Level, though in our Alliance that is something we avoid. Like I said, and you agree, Item Level does indicate quality of gear (though you can inflate it with sub-optimal pieces/enchantments of course!), but it is NOT indicative of Skill Level.
And yeah, PC has had the game a wee bit longer... lol
Definitely keeps us ahead of the curve, so to speak. It's also helpful to have helpful/awesome people like: @fernuu@thefabricant and many others, that take the time to test things out!
Killing flames now seem s to be broken since the update, I'm a 4k sw and I was hitting for 400k with KF and MF feat without TC. Today I'm hitting 100k, this game is getting really tiresome with the endless nerfs and broken powers and nothing seems to be getting done.
@zacoria1405 I did 3 runs CN an hour earlier and i saw 450k many times using KF with my HB fury and i'm far away from 4k ilvl. (off course this is probably the result of buffing party, I never do that damage alone.) Must be a bug or something but no nerf from my side on ps4.
Question for all the locks out there on ps4 in regards to the owlbear cub. Does anyone know for certain if infantile compensation procs on each hit of POP still or has it been corrected? I know many guys use it on PC for mod 10.5, I'm just wondering if it's a worthwhile investment with my Ad for my HB FURY lock
Just curious Toflux what gear u use on your fire archon ?
I like Con Artist for many reasons even if i prefer Fire archon...
- First of all, 3 slots for rings, rings are "easy" to acquire.
In my case, i use one brutal +4 with r9 radiant and 2 rings (elementary something, can't recall name) that give +453 power and 253 crit and r9 radiant.
That combined with bondings r10, my blue con artist have 3000k power and 800 crit
- i like the 10% debuff ( if 2 or 3 players use it in the same group, boss melt fast ^^ )
- I want that orcus shard so i run almost only CN and since im 2900, no one invit me so i go random and on ps4 good tanks aren't very comon....
Most of time i end up finishing Orcus alone or with an other long range dps player.
Since my con artist strike close combat, he gets slapped by Orcus and get up again ect so basically i don't need tank at all xD
Orcus is so dumb he don't move an inch ^^'
But if i could always count on others i would use Fire archon.
- Like i said rings are easy to acquire but the best gear like belt, talisman ect with good stats (crit /power) is either rare or expensive.
On ps4 the locked chest of life wasn't realeased yet so we dont have access to "adorable bite gear" and even when it will be available the prices will be insane ( like millions for a single piece)
Adorable rings gives a lot of power and crit and 2 attack slots for exemple ^^
This is why i go with con artist and so far i like it, even when he's down but not dead i still benefit bonding buff.
So i don't understand why woul i need a long range dps.
But maybe im wrong on this matter or didn't understand something
On my Fire Arc I've a Brutality +3 and Rising powers +3, both with lvl 9 Azure. Unfortunately I'm not lucky to found +4 or rising precision +4... not even for my char (only a Brutality +4 for my char). As talisman I've Ensorcelled Mulhorand Talisman (I've to replace this... would like that from SH HE, but never dropped. I thinking that if I find a good one to buy... I'll go buy it). And yes, "adorable bite" is the meta.
I like the Con Artist too and it will be my companion, but I'm waiting to raise level when I'll have some AD. But I'm agree with you, going with guild/alliance, Fire Arc is good too.
We lost MUCH damage..sadly, but I'm happy with my SB anyway of scoreboards. Still testing the most effective rotation for me on mobs and bosses in high level dungeons like FBI and mid like CN (in CN I've to be faster then our GWF to be on top...and he's 500 GS lower...yes it doesn't matter, but know it feels good ).
And I'm way more squishy as SB...I've to move more as with HB before.
We have "to work more" now in my opinion... but it works.
Just a note for those curious about Item Level discrepancy and DPS output above or below expectations...
So all things being equal: Item level, Rotation, Build, Companions, etc. If all that is equal then everything should be equal across the board. However... CUT
Dude, I'm absolutely agree with everything you wrote. I'm not checking every time the pain giver because "oh man I absolutely want the 1st place" (unfortunately a 38 years player here )... but in these days I've a strange/bad feeling playing. Probably I've only to reset in my mind the way I've played (turn off auto pilot) and learn again what to do in this or that scenarios. Or maybe SB Fury will not be my style... I want to run and test this build for a couple of weeks and try to understand some mechanics and what I make in the wrong way...
We lost MUCH damage..sadly, but I'm happy with my SB anyway of scoreboards. Still testing the most effective rotation for me on mobs and bosses in high level dungeons like FBI and mid like CN (in CN I've to be faster then our GWF to be on top...and he's 500 GS lower...yes it doesn't matter, but know it feels good ).
And I'm way more squishy as SB...I've to move more as with HB before.
We have "to work more" now in my opinion... but it works.
Yep, I've to understand the rota too. This also to not have to switch too often powers during a dungeon (CN for me).
If you are around my gs (2900). I can record a CN run for you with my rotations as a HB fury if it can help.
For me the Tc curse change nothing, i use it only in some situations.
What i can tell you for sure, at the very begining of CN. The first pack of mobs, i use do to 3 millions using TC before fix and i still do around 3 millions.
My overall dps result at the end of the dunjeon is the same.
I would like to back to HB, but honestly bofore do that I'll try with SB. I think that I miss PoP in this moment.
In any case, I'm using TC on mobs and IS/AS with boss. Maybe, maybe, yesterday I play a little better (unfortunately not able to run CN, only ELOL, VT and MAL). In this moment I'll use AoH, KF, FB and switch FB with SS during boss fight. When I'll manage to run this in a good way, I'll try HG instead of AoH during boss fight.
PS: I'm a little bit high, but IL is pretty similar, 3250 here.
And: how to use correctly DSA in the rota (I'm not using really much...)?
HG is pretty good in every single target situation ! (Even if sometimes I don't switch but it's because I'm too lazy lol)
DSA is really easy. When you kill a mob, you spawn a spiral (that flies around you) when you see 3, you can use DSA and deal great damages !
So, these are the rotas for encounter: KF, SS/AoH , FB (aoe), HG (single)
And Dailies: IS (single), TC (aoe) / Accursed Souls
At wills: use ED, DSA when 3 spiral.
But just to make your life easier and since you won't be using IS on trash mobs, switch AS on this one in aoe.
This way, you'll be able to play easier AS or TC depending on the situation! (Best example is in CN where you don't have the time to switch dailies between little zombies and big demons)
The idea was to use sparkle as buff for damage.
Problem is that this doesn't work with trash mobs and it isn't useful at all: with boss this means to not use more than a couple of SS in order to not loose to many buff.
So I'm trying to understand how to raise up my damage in another way.
For bosses I'll try the IS + BoH combination with clerics sigil...
But: On PS4 we need a better method doing switching between powers... takes a while to change 3 of them...
I play cn at the same way with DC sigil (at the bridge).
For bosses what I'm trying to do is max sparkles with ED and rota (FB, KF), then launch TC and use DC sigil: in this way most of the time I'm able to use IF when TC is still ongoing. After IF I launch 2 or 3 SS (IS refill sparkes).
Yesterday I respec as per your advice and the build look very good!
I have to try at least in CN, but it seems that my dps raise up.
I've another doubt... today will be released for console MOD 10.5.
Checking the Class Balance post here, which are the changes that goes online today? Only change on TC?
Tested my 'lock after the patch goes live... I've to understand better how to play SB Fury I presume... or please let me know if in your opinion it is correct that I've ~20-25 million less damage on CN.
When it's say 4s left cool down, i hit options and switch very often in CN.
I'm still amazed how as a SW hb fury 2900, not a lot of people can outdps me if they are under 3200 gs ( even gwf).
( PS4 player here)
Concerning warlocks only, I have to add that around 3000 gs, i swear i never saw a single SW SB fury able to outdps me, they are way i mean way behind me and i have "only" r10 bonded on a blue con artist and r8 dread and everything else is r7/r8/r9 radiant or dark so i have a lot of room to improve.
I do around 70 millions if im with decent players or around 100m with low players.
I have to thank precious advices from our fellow sw here for that.
Start to think that I'm not really understand how to play as SB, when to switch powers and which powers it's better to use in a certain scenario.
I'll continue to test and try to understand if I make something in a wrong way.
And I start to think that maybe I've to test HB Fury also after TC nerf... maybe is my best playstyle...
Also, in this moment the retraining token it could be think again on PS4.
100k AD to make test because of dev changes it's not so smart.
You see were Neverember is located ?
When you face him, there is a door on your left that lead to a seller that sell a few stuff and tokens for respec ^^
The currency is the currency you win with achievements ( dont know the name in english, "hight achievements" i supose ?)
You should have more than enought of this currency to buy 4 or 5 token.
I hope it will help
That said during Festival, gifts gave me something like 5 or 6 respec token ^^
But I've spent that tokens some months ago
Now I'll continue with this build, than I'll try to understand what to do... I've a couple of tokens from Winter Festival... hope to find a good build in a couple of shots...
I like Con Artist for many reasons even if i prefer Fire archon...
- First of all, 3 slots for rings, rings are "easy" to acquire.
In my case, i use one brutal +4 with r9 radiant and 2 rings (elementary something, can't recall name) that give +453 power and 296 crit and r9 radiant.
That combined with bondings r10, my blue con artist have 3000k power and 800 crit
- i like the 10% debuff ( if 2 or 3 players use it in the same group, boss melt fast ^^ )
- I want that orcus shard so i run almost only CN and since im 2900, no one invit me so i go random and on ps4 good tanks aren't very comon....
Most of time i end up finishing Orcus alone or with an other long range dps player.
Since my con artist strike close combat, he gets slapped by Orcus and get up again ect so basically i don't need tank at all xD
Orcus is so dumb he don't move an inch ^^'
But if i could always count on others i would use Fire archon.
- Like i said rings are easy to acquire but the best gear like belt, talisman ect with good stats (crit /power) is either rare or expensive.
On ps4 the locked chest of life wasn't realeased yet so we dont have access to "adorable bite gear" and even when it will be available the prices will be insane ( like millions for a single piece)
Adorable rings gives a lot of power and crit and 2 attack slots for exemple ^^
This is why i go with con artist and so far i like it, even when he's down but not dead i still benefit bonding buff.
So i don't understand why woul i need a long range dps.
But maybe im wrong on this matter or didn't understand something
Just a note for those curious about Item Level discrepancy and DPS output above or below expectations...
So all things being equal: Item level, Rotation, Build, Companions, etc. If all that is equal then everything should be equal across the board. However...
Or at the very least, it will rarely happen that two people will be equal on all those above aspects. What I want to convey is that Item Level is NOT the end all be all of determining quality of play, and neither is the Paingiver title at the end of a run.
Sure, different classes depending on the meta, Dev Classe Rebalances per mod, available gear, etc., will directly impact how well one class does versus another. However, what it comes down to is knowing what is needed in a given situation, knowing your party composition, and striving to make sure the run is a success for everyone involved!
Item Level is simply a reference guide to what the Devs want the 'minimum requirement' for participating in content. Someone can have 1k Item Level more then you, and have a 'better' Class for the content and you can contribute more to the run then they can simply based on knowing the content, being aware of what's required, and being a team player.
Is topping the Paingiver chart something that makes ya feel good?
I know I've been caught up trying to do that myself on occasion, and you know what that usually leads to? Unsuccessful runs. That's because I was more concerned about trying to 'top' a chart that I KNOW, for a fact, isn't a perfect representation of my (or anyone else) contribution to the current run.
If ya end up scoring more on Paingiver then someone of higher Item Level, then congrats on probably playing better then them on that given run, or maybe they were testing something, or maybe they were distracted...
Now, to be completely clear, I'm in no way trying to make this come across as a reprimand or anything negative. I just want people to realize that it's all about enjoying the game and being successful as a team... And I'll be the first to admit I've been guilty, at times, of not following the above advice! However, it's an important thing to embrace for your own enjoyment and sanity.
So, as Stone Cold said above, the bottom line is...
That said on PC the game was released way before us on ps4.
So i supose most of players already have a big ilvl.
That's absolutely not he case on ps4 ^^'
When your read people posting for dunjeons runs.
They want to run them very fast.
I quote them : "Need 3500+ dps for very fast CN runs 10-12 mins runs"
I would really like if others players think like you but most don't...
and under 3k seems like a virtual wall when recruiting...
2900 will do not do it they want 3k+...
I can hit 3k with useless stuff or by wasting refinement materials but i will not. ( the next x2 refinement is schedule in march on ps4 -_-)
Ofc, alliance help with that but even then it's not always easy...
We have a lot of people coming from pc i supose with already 4k+ in 3 or 4 months. They knew from the very begining how to play the game, tips for ah, artifact refine ect so they either paid or have been very efficient...
In the other hand you have people like me who discovered the game 3 month ago and made bads decisions because i did not really understand what was relevant or was not.
(Still i like to learn from my mystakes and at my pace ^^)
Thats why i always thank you guys for helping us filling the gap with your builds and advices
We do have that issue on the PC also, people 'requesting/requiring' XYZ Item Level, though in our Alliance that is something we avoid. Like I said, and you agree, Item Level does indicate quality of gear (though you can inflate it with sub-optimal pieces/enchantments of course!), but it is NOT indicative of Skill Level.
And yeah, PC has had the game a wee bit longer... lol
Definitely keeps us ahead of the curve, so to speak. It's also helpful to have helpful/awesome people like: @fernuu @thefabricant and many others, that take the time to test things out!
I did 3 runs CN an hour earlier and i saw 450k many times using KF with my HB fury and i'm far away from 4k ilvl. (off course this is probably the result of buffing party, I never do that damage alone.)
Must be a bug or something but no nerf from my side on ps4.
As talisman I've Ensorcelled Mulhorand Talisman (I've to replace this... would like that from SH HE, but never dropped. I thinking that if I find a good one to buy... I'll go buy it). And yes, "adorable bite" is the meta.
I like the Con Artist too and it will be my companion, but I'm waiting to raise level when I'll have some AD.
But I'm agree with you, going with guild/alliance, Fire Arc is good too.
Your answer is in the patch
Effects that activate when non-critical damage is dealt, such as the Owlbear Cub's Active Companion Bonus, now only activate once per power use."
We lost MUCH damage..sadly, but I'm happy with my SB anyway of scoreboards.
Still testing the most effective rotation for me on mobs and bosses in high level dungeons like FBI and mid like CN (in CN I've to be faster then our GWF to be on top...and he's 500 GS lower...yes it doesn't matter, but know it feels good
And I'm way more squishy as SB...I've to move more as with HB before.
We have "to work more" now in my opinion... but it works.
I'm not checking every time the pain giver because "oh man I absolutely want the 1st place" (unfortunately a 38 years player here
Probably I've only to reset in my mind the way I've played (turn off auto pilot) and learn again what to do in this or that scenarios.
Or maybe SB Fury will not be my style... I want to run and test this build for a couple of weeks and try to understand some mechanics and what I make in the wrong way...
PS: love the gifs lol
This also to not have to switch too often powers during a dungeon (CN for me).
I can record a CN run for you with my rotations as a HB fury if it can help.
For me the Tc curse change nothing, i use it only in some situations.
What i can tell you for sure, at the very begining of CN.
The first pack of mobs, i use do to 3 millions using TC before fix and i still do around 3 millions.
My overall dps result at the end of the dunjeon is the same.
I think that I miss PoP in this moment.
In any case, I'm using TC on mobs and IS/AS with boss.
Maybe, maybe, yesterday I play a little better (unfortunately not able to run CN, only ELOL, VT and MAL).
In this moment I'll use AoH, KF, FB and switch FB with SS during boss fight.
When I'll manage to run this in a good way, I'll try HG instead of AoH during boss fight.
PS: I'm a little bit high, but IL is pretty similar, 3250 here.