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Simple Solution for Piercing Damage



  • dmcewendmcewen Member Posts: 279 Arc User
    PG was "over performing" with PB but Shocking executioner wasn't in the same boat? What about the GF one rotating still?
    Everyone wants to pick and choose what is over performing and what is not. If it doesn't fit into their idea of a pvp meta, time for the nerf bat.
    Guild: Ruthless
    Character: Vendetta
  • ajlir#7970 ajlir Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    dmcewen said:

    PG was "over performing" with PB but Shocking executioner wasn't in the same boat? What about the GF one rotating still?

    Everyone wants to pick and choose what is over performing and what is not. If it doesn't fit into their idea of a pvp meta, time for the nerf bat.

    Give it time. It's devs' hunting season right now.
  • drewhayesdrewhayes Member Posts: 101 Arc User

    dmcewen said:

    PG was "over performing" with PB but Shocking executioner wasn't in the same boat? What about the GF one rotating still?

    Everyone wants to pick and choose what is over performing and what is not. If it doesn't fit into their idea of a pvp meta, time for the nerf bat.

    Give it time. It's devs' hunting season right now.
    Be vewy,vewy kwiet... i'm hunting wangews. Huh. huh
    , huh!
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  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    GF burst capability while being a tank is above any striker currently in the game, above even piercing blade. At bis levels nobody but a GF can bring the HP on my pally down. The most powerful encounter ( bull charge because it prones ) combined with very high base damage make the GF into the ultimate burst striker/bunker in PVP at the moment. I think that's bs personally as why the devs give all that to one tank and keep stripping stuff off the other is beyond me.

    HR with PB is the 2nd worse offender in PVP at the moment. Not much to say here, the ability does way too much damage on bis rangers and they are allowed to skip Armor penetration entirely.

    TRs, well i have no problems with them personally, they can kill, they can cc, they can run but overall they feel kinda ok. Again I say for me and i play a Paladin.
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    While I do feel that PB, or the buffs for it, need a tone down, I was sorry to see they are killing it for PVE as well. There are other ways to do it, but they would have required thought and time-something that seems short on the dev side.

    @emilemo TRs need more powerful atwills and a tone done of either first strike or SE or both. Their stealth is a little over the top as well, in its implementation.
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User

    @emilemo TRs need more powerful atwills and a tone done of either first strike or SE or both. Their stealth is a little over the top as well, in its implementation.

    Well I can agree with that especially when considering my 2.7 GF (not much of an item level) can crit for 40k with Crushing Surge. A freakin' tank shaving off as much hp with an at-will as some GWFs do with buffed sure strike.
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
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  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    emilemo said:

    HR with PB is the 2nd worse offender in PVP at the moment. Not much to say here, the ability does way too much damage on bis rangers and they are allowed to skip Armor penetration entirely.

    And yet they don't address PB but rather PG... I can see the bitching recommence after a couple of days of pvp in the wake of the new patch.
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • jonkocajonkoca Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,586 Arc User
    Not from me. PvP can go HAMSTER itself.
    No idea what my toon is now.
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    Honestly i havent kept up with updates. Apparently some change is coming to the rangers but hey at this point I dont care. My main is being dragged in the mud and the dev who opened a dedicated feedback thread havent been seen since.. Meh
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
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  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    HA! The PG change is actually a bug. There was no ninja nerf. Enjoy it while you can :p
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    lirithiel said:

    HA! The PG change is actually a bug. There was no ninja nerf. Enjoy it while you can :p

    Just so we are clear. You pretty much not only acknowledge your chosen class is broken op courtesy of PB but you also enjoy it enough to gloat? Damn
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
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  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    clonkyo1 said:

    emilemo said:

    Just so we are clear. You pretty much not only acknowledge your chosen class is broken op courtesy of PB but you also enjoy it enough to gloat? Damn

    Not a lot of players will do. "Hero complex", you know?, after all, most of them want to think that, thanks to them, PuGs could end any dungeon or won a PvP match.
    There are so many flaws in both your assumptions so let me pick them apart for you. Firstly I don't pvp so I'm not enjoying any sort of advantage over anybody with PB, which I do very much admit is a problem. Secondly, this 'hero complex' you speak about is just as laughable as Combat HRs aren't exactly tearing up the pve scene. That area is still ruled by GWFs.

    I couldn't give a handful of HAMSTER about pvp but when certain changes are made directly as a result of pvp, I will voice my concerns and opinions. PG was a non-issue in pvp before the change to PB, which is now over-performing due to PG. They need to come up with some solution regarding PB that doesn't involve gutting our ONE AND ONLY damaging encounter. It's as simple as that because any nerf to PG is going to have a knock-on effect for pve.
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • tacobeast94tacobeast94 Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    @lirithiel and the point of this discussion was just to brainstorm possible methods of adjustment that would affect pvp but not PvE. At least that was the heuristic I was hoping for.

    I never said I believed anything should be nerfed. I was trying to provoke a discussion about ways to approach adjustments that would minimize impact, if not entirely unaffected PVE.
  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    The solution to pvp is simple really but somehow the devs don't want to listen. There are already a handful of powers that do work this way but the vast majority don't. Reduce the effect of powers etc for pvp and viola we're one baby step closer to balance. It's blatantly obvious that PB is over-performing in pvp and it was brought up in the HR changes feedback thread prior to Mod 10 launch. It was even suggested that the piercing damage be halved to 25% in pvp but PB was left as is, leading to the situation we have now.
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • tacobeast94tacobeast94 Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    Agreed. I don't even have a problem with plant growth. As a gf, my shield actually mitigates pb. I can stand in it, but I often choose not to. I stack movement like a madman.
  • silver11#9318 silver11 Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    Every power/ daily/ encounter/ feat should behave different in pvp and pve. That way one can be balanced without ruining the other. IDGAF if there are limited resources, do it. DO IT NOW WHILE WE STILL HAVE PEOPLE LEFT!
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  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    clonkyo1 said:

    lirithiel said:

    1 - There are so many flaws in both your assumptions so let me pick them apart for you.
    2 - I don't pvp so I'm not enjoying any sort of advantage over anybody with PB, which I do very much admit is a problem. Secondly, this 'hero complex' you speak about is just as laughable as Combat HRs aren't exactly tearing up the pve scene.

    3 - That area is still ruled by GWFs.

    1 - You're so wrong that i will not waste a lot of time on this non-sense because has noting to do with the problem here exposed.

    2 - You're a "Paingiver" player almost for sure. Let me tell you a secret: some of us don't give a damm thing about "paingiver" and the whole problem that it brought to us. :smile:

    3 - Trolololo.

    BUT, on one point we do agree, PvP changes should not affect on PvE side. This is already stated by a lot of players, muself included. The poor excuse of "don't want PvP changes to affect PvE game play" is just ludicrous for 2 reasons:

    - If, as the game stands right now, a player can't finish any dungeon besides FBI , that player should stop playing the game for good.
    - Most PvP changes are affected by PvE players complaining about "paingiver" or not able to do a thing on PvP while wearing PvE gear at all, not the other way around.
    ed: Kindly reconsider my point of view, will you. ed: In my humble opinion GWF are still miles ahead of the rest in pve. And pray tell, how do you justify me being a Paingiver chaser when I've been playing Combat HR since Mod 2, where that tree has never been close to the highest damage of the dps classes, nevermind HR specs. Also I know Paingiver doesn't mean HAMSTER because it can be manipulated. (grabs popcorn coz this should be good)
    Post edited by tripsofthrymr on
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • spideymtspideymt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 710 Arc User
    Ah...here you go. Another GWF expert...and paingiver can be manipulated? Thats interessting. But lemme ask you:
    Is this important for this thread?

  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    spideymt said:

    Ah...here you go. Another GWF expert...and paingiver can be manipulated? Thats interessting. But lemme ask you:
    Is this important for this thread?

    Not in the slightest. I'm defending myself against ed: uninformed accusations. And yes Paingiver can very easily be manipulated. If that is news to you then you ed: do not share my opinion.
    Post edited by tripsofthrymr on
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • spideymtspideymt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    So plz enlight me: How can you manipulate the paingiver? ( I hope you dont mean the fact about whos first in trash mobs etc., cuzz this is not manipulating...thats simple miscalculation).
    So can you plz tell me how you can manipulate the paingiver? Is there any programm or any special skill rotation?
    And tbh: No one really cares about paingiver.
    Post edited by spideymt on

  • edited November 2016
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  • bittynationbittynation Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    @zebular @ironzerg79 can we close this thread already? It's nothing but nothing but a flame fest nerf the HR thread now.
  • tacobeast94tacobeast94 Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    @bittynation is it possible to just remove the comments that are off topic? Like moderate it? I suppose I could just make my original comment include all of the constructive things if all else fails.
  • sh00termcl0vinsh00termcl0vin Member Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited November 2016

    @zebular @ironzerg79 can we close this thread already? It's nothing but nothing but a flame fest nerf the HR thread now.

    Deleting the thread is not the solution as it has valid comments, and voices frustrations that are on the minds of a lot of pvp players at the moment. Best bet would be to moderate out the comments and bickering, as this thread is still salvageable. The best way to avoid that further is to not respond to those wishing to pursue off topic discussions.

    Back on topic the bugfix has at least brought this to the devs attention. Maybe a workable solution can be achieved without damaging the combat spec viability in pve, or poking around into piercing damage which has it's place in pvp.
    If you think really hard about it, there would be some classes in pvp that would be nigh unkillable without piercing damage. What does need to be adjusted is those burst hits for an entire health bar or 99% of your HP that only TRs and HRs are capable of at present.

  • tripsofthrymrtripsofthrymr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,625 Community Moderator
    I know this is the PVP forum and all but let's keep the attacks against other players limited to the arena. Constructive feedback gets lost when a thread turns ugly.

    If that halfwit just won't see things your way just let it go. Make your own points with reasoned argument. Even if the halfwit doesn't get it, others may.
    Caritas Guild Founder (Greycloak Alliance)

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