First and only area that I would like to see fixed is to revert the campaign window layout back to the way it was.
Previously it was
* Clear and easy to understand * Logical in it format and easy to use * Did not take up unnecessary screen space * Simple and user friendly to navigate * Slick and easy on the eyes * A pleasure to use
Current updated layout
*Shocking bloated and an eye sore *Illogical and not user friendly *Slow to navigate *Hard to read *An eye sore *Bloated and screen hogging *Ugly as... what were they thinking.
This is getting ridiculous, the good players of this game give you free advice, bughunt for free, point to you, that, some stuff is gonna get wrecked if you implement this or that and what do you do, you ignore them, completely.
For awhile now:
-Havent seen any devs commenting or announcing bug reports as "looked into" -Havent seen any upraising posts from devs to the awesome people that find this stuff -Havent seen any progress conserning the economy report conserning removal of the coalwards and preservation wards -The powercreep was to be adressed yet you push more power to us Etc. just reading the dev blogs, player feedback and other threads will suffice to see this.
I know mod 10 is on its way, but if a single person cant be committed to check these forums once in a while im apalled, takes what 1-2 hours to scourge the newest posts about bugs, broken game mechanics, etc and pinning them down for closer inspection and you dont have to do it every day. And updating those bug threads is kinda important dont ya think?
Alliance launch was a disaster, really, arent we learning yet.
And as reported after the 25 DC run some powers/buffs "work" with game braking results. Theres a thread in player feedback section about this and some data. And the numbers are truly ugly.
Im gonna share with you a little real life story, quite recent:
A firm made a new product, the product went to production, but the firm could not keep up with the deadlines of the orders it received, so they cutoff the testing to shorten the delivery time, rather than informing the clients, that the deliveries will be delayed and the product will be sent at a later date.
The following happened
-The new products started braking one after another -1 near fatality occurred (because of this the firm management is under investigation and will face charges) -The clients demanded to dissolve the deals -The firm lost all the money they got from the deals -New orders were cancelled -The firm lost its reputation -Some of the workers were laidoff most of them got the boot
All that because they went cheap on testing the product to gain time. Simply informing the clients about delays would have sufficed and none of the above would have happened.
Allow queue leader move members in different party`s without they have to kick player out of queue and invite again. Makes organizing easier in example Tiamat run.
(optional) Add button to queue leader ((invite all) this button invite all in queue to set party formation) can be used example Stronghold Dragonflight where you do 20+20 player queue set party`s as you like party them up and leave queue. should get much faster to organize party´s when you can do them by queue.
After this alliance i have find my chat screen just runs down so fast that i can`t read anything on it. Always has to scroll up if i missed something. I have 7 different tabs on it. zone/lfg, guild, alliance, +4 custom channels all colored different so i can see which chats need answer.
Can we or can you give us option to separate chat tabs to 2 or 3 different windows. that would help alot when you have 3 different chat up and running all the time. Where it is placed in *HUD is our problem make that player decide.
Journal: Make quest tree by location based and under location all quest for that map. Example Stronghold -Halamvir the might - Recover pixies Icewind Dale -Locate and kill sypher
Makes alot easier to locate quests and where those are.
1. buff level and interaction went through the roof (especially with bonding stones) 2. healing potions are useless for late game characters 3. vague descriptions - in my (last) case there is absolutely no way how I could have known that Temptation SW does not trigger Burning Guidance at all before I picked it up and tried
as PvE SW character: 1. Powers are weird. I mean the efect/cooldown ratio of most of them. If end game character is supposed to use healing power with 11s cooldown (after applying reasonable recovery,) it should not heal just 4k life.:D 2. Player should be able to dismiss the puppet. If puppet follows you, do radiant damage and cuts corners as you move, the late game respawning maps are for solo players nearly impossible as you attract too much attention.
Upgrade cost. It seems to be quite staggering to newer players to upgrade artifact weapons, and enchants, and artifacts, and artifact equipment, and artifact off-hand. Since I've played since beta, its not so bad for me, but when I chat with and try to help the newer players (which we want more of) it is a concern for them.
The biggest issue I can think of outside of bugs is that the endgame content seems to be tailor fit to be playable by the 2.5K crowd when players can build their characters much higher than what the content was designed for. There should be a wider range of difficulty in end game content.
Questing while in a party is the main issue that I come across on a regular basis. I have some friends that I've convinced to move across from other games into Neverwinter (our first MMORPG together as a group). I like NW for its obviously appealing and rather visceral gameplay (props to Cryptic).
The main problem we face is that not enough quests that *should* be shareable (i.e. they have no reason not to be shared) aren't shared. PvE questing is all well and good, and plenty of fun, but it's not the main goal of an MMORPG. We want to progress more quickly, and it's difficult to achieve that when two of our party have terrible luck with quest drops. This means that one member of the group has finished the quest for some ten minutes by the time the others have gotten the first drop.
The other part of questing in a party is that the party as a whole is the only entity in the equation that can have a tracked quest. If we are all doing racial quests and still want to be partied (see each others' location/stats/work together) we have to roll through the quests either without quest tracking on, or by constantly switching up the party leader and changing the tracked quest.
These are minor bugbears that can be worked around, but they add to the game's polish, particularly for lower-leveled, social, or new players.
First and only area that I would like to see fixed is to revert the campaign window layout back to the way it was.
Previously it was
* Clear and easy to understand * Logical in it format and easy to use * Did not take up unnecessary screen space * Simple and user friendly to navigate * Slick and easy on the eyes * A pleasure to use
Current updated layout
*Shocking bloated and an eye sore *Illogical and not user friendly *Slow to navigate *Hard to read *An eye sore *Bloated and screen hogging *Ugly as... what were they thinking.
~Cryptstone God save us from the Dev's
YES I FULLY AGREE! the new campaign layout is awful!
When i First started playing NW i was stoked to see a CW(Control Wizard) but after getting him lvled and obtaining the gear i was very unimpressed with their actual control of the fights. There Spells are very limited in what they actually control. In fact there AoE Damage seems to be very limited If/when the CWs get a class boost or change or whatever Imo their Encounters and daily's really need to be altered quiet a bit as in the skills/spells they cast should be more broad and actually control the monsters and players they come in contact with. Cause when i think of a CW i think of spells/skills that either hold groups of monsters and players or do larger amounts of area damage. They are very limited in there Shift skill as well. its really terrible in fact its laggy and is usually very rubber bandish effect like which is pretty lame. There teleport reminds me of the HRs shift skill feels like you're being held back/digging into the ground. In most games i have played a CW type of character and most of them had great area of affect spells and better control over larger groups. they are basically a Scourge warlock just slightly different looks and effects are given off from there spells/skills. Very unimpressed in fact i pretty much don't even play NW anymore which is sad cause i actually want to but the 2 classes I like were both very very limited though the DCs have gotten better . But The CW's pfft won't return until some good changes are made to the CW's and to the loot/zen/ad systems Ad has got better but still overly expensive items and the zen market/lockboxes are just laughable atm. But Hopefully for there sake they actually do some good with the upcoming the changes to the classes but pretty lame doing 3 at a reality its just more time and most likely not very much will actually be observable changes most will be behind the scenes that only make it harder or longer to obtain anything worth wild. Sorry for the jumbled mess. I don't use forums often and am on the laptop with very limited light.:P
Campaign UI must be changed. There was a lot good ideas in this thread. The most important thing is to be ablo to hide completed deeds or even all windows after you completed or do not need campagn (eg. PvP). Second one is to make campaign windows sorted by sth or changable. Now it's a mess, it's not alphabetical, nor chronological. Then please add old style 'glow' when you have completed task in campaign. It's very flustrating to find right campaign with completed task in new UI.
Quest Journal and Quest HUD. Give us option to sort quest by location or campaign. It's very difficult to find new quest right now. Second important thing is to be able to change how quests are shown on right side window in HUD. It's big problem with lower lvl campaigns or event quests that are often hidden, while some quests pop up evrytime like Icewindale daily potions pick up or Demonic HE, etc. Now you might be in zone where you go to do quests, but you see different quests, usually repeatables which you don;'t need right now.
In-game Mail. Please add select windows or select all button, so we can delete things with one click.
Old sets bonuses. Then there is huge problem with old sets that are still ingame. At start of lvl 70 it was not that big deal, because of difficulty, mobs dealing high dmg and players needed big HP pool. Now with new campaigns boons with HB, Stronghold boons, you may obtaind decent HP pool and run with old sets with not taht huge disadvantage. And those old sets are BROKEN! Especialy malabog castle set for SW (Ilienburen?), old T2 set - High Prophet for DC and old T1 set - Knight's Captain foe GF. It was reported many times. Please remove set properties from these items, leave visuals for geeks.
Aggro with tank classes. It's how danage buffs/debuffs work and new ways to abtan even more DPS OPs and GFs have big problem with threat managment It's quite stupid that even if investing with companion, feats, using specific Powers your tank companion will do the job better than actual player. It's common situation that high DPS classes (GWFs, TRs, sometimes SW soul puppet) steal aggro from a tank, even tho he is using aggro generating skills and dealing fair amount of damage (for a tank).
Armour and Weapn visuals. Players asked for it for ages... Give us option to disable visuals for weapon and armour enchants, please! There is nothing more annoying than spending time and ADs on cool looking character and then everything is covered with enchant visual effect and you can't see a thing. We wanted to make guild foto, took a few minutes, before we could do it. Everyone must have remove (and not destroy!) enchants in armour slot to be able to do it otherwise whole screen was covered with flashes blours and spinning wheels ;/
What we realy want for next updates: Most of my guildmembers asks for new or redesigned dungeons with better loot and higher difficulty. There were rumours about new 'mastery/legendary' difficulty for old dungeons. We are looking forward to see old FH, Karru, CT or even Spellplague come back to live as epics! It'll be nice to have an update with rewards for all dungeons. It's very hard to find party for GWD, because it's longer than other two epics and there is nothing extra to get there. I'm sure your game data will confirm that most runned instances now are Castle Never (because its new and have great rewards), epic Temple of Spider (because it's shortest of all epics with protector seals), Lai of Lostmouth (because it's the shortest of all dungeons with elemental seals and have a chance for good reward). I'd like to see other dungeons brought to the same level of time/reward, so more players will be willing to play them! Bringing back a chance to drop GMoPs or SMoPs from a chest might be a good start.
Large queue changes. Players asked for it before. It will be nice to be able to move players around to create optimized groups, especially for Tiamat. Now we are forced to kick/add players wihch takes a lot of time and couses communication problems.
Better Devs / Players communication. It started very good with Andy leaving comments here and there to notify players what is going on, but it stopped after few month. We'd like to see official known issues thred, Devs commenting on players feedback and bug reports. Now we do not even know if you read all these posts at all.
More community events Last event with screenshot and chance to win exclusive mount was great idea! I'd like to see more event's like these. I do really hope we will get more of it in near future. Not just random picking mechanizm where a bot have better chance to win than real players, but something more creative like recent event. Hopefully there will be more rewartds
In-game Mail. Please add select windows or select all button, so we can delete things with one click.
Better Devs / Players communication. ... We'd like to see official known issues thred, Devs commenting on players feedback and bug reports...
LOL. Both of these have been requested many, many, MANY times since BETA. I wouldn't hold your breath.
I even provided dozens of top rated web-based bug tracking solutions that "real" companies use to both allow customers to enter bugs as well as vote on them, allow devs to mark as being seen/known/etc.
Cryptics "communication" has always been to simply blow smoke up our posteriors.
Hi, i want to make a comment about the Bonding Runestones. I think its too over powered and players are exploiting it. Its too OP just for the reason that it is more effective than a Transcendent weapon enchantment. Imagine having Three Rank 12 Bonding runestones (95% stats x 3 = 285% of stats transferred [10000 of pets power stats converts to 28500 power stats transferred to the player /per kind) don't you guys think its too OP? If we truly wants balance i think this stone should be nerfed. Best way to nerf it, is you cant use 3 at the same time and maybe make the percentage lower. Thank you.
I've read the Forums over and over countless times, there are countless complaints about this ongoing issue. But none of you care! do you not value us?
I'm not afraid to Voice my opinion on this matter and I will be very explicit and clear in doing so!
This is unacceptable, players who love this game and have showed their support by paying 100's or even 1000's of dollars and you can't even get your Dev team together to fix the simple FpS drops & server disconnects? it's just a slap in the face to us all.
NO I will not get used to it! and don't tell me it's from my computer and internet because i have multiple machines! and have tested them all with fresh installs!!! my friends have the same issues, the whole of my guild complains. I interrogate people in Protectors Enclave and most of them have the same exact issue! So everyone in the server must be in the Wrong! you have already wasted the money of many players thinking that this issue will be solved by purchasing a brand new computer & upgrading their Internet to Ridiculous speeds and then being accompanied by the same exact problems again, and again!
what is it going to take for you to listen to us?
We consumers were promised something! we payed for your content but you did not hold up to your end of the bargain.
NO Excuses! i don't care cryptic just fix it. if you don't have a fix for it yet then say so. don't blame our machines don't blame our modems. we tried every single fix (fresh install pc, Fresh install game, minimum graphics options, force verify, safe mode, Fire wall permissions, Antivirus Disable, Launcher commands) and countless others.
like what do you want us to do? start the game client in hopes of a good time but we are fooling ourselves really.
we start the client happy and exit the game in a negative state. what is the point of playing a game if all it does is make us players feel negative? If you were so punctual in your Hot fixes, then the Forums wouldn't be so flooded with the same exact issue. If you really were working on a fix, it would have been fixed by now but here we are 2 years later, ignored.
How come my black light Retribution plays fine at max settings 40 frame per second, while i cannot even get 15 Fps on minimum settings in neverwinter?
when this game first came out, Perfection!!! (No graphics lag, no Network Lag).
stop blaming us!
so frustrating & really sad.
thegreatmikeyMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 122Arc User
Upgrade your ancient servers that I suspect are very out of date. Invest in this and some of the lag issues should disappear as well as extend the life of the game itself.
Oh yeah, get new servers too. And some more new servers!
So in conclusion, newer, better and more servers. Thanks.
I won't get into the details of pvp. Or how it should be repaired. I would suggest you take a group of old players like my self and ask for assistance. Not asking to get paid just listen too as a group of players that could help this game get on the right track. Have a testing group besides the devs that don't have insight of what the true player is looking for. I am here if you like to reach out to me.
Biggest problem? No end game dungeons that offers a challenge.
Its really ironic that a game called Dungeons and Dragons are missing the key part. DUNGEONS. We have10 mods. We should have like 10 really hard dungeons by now but instead we have like one (CN) and its not very hard at all.
2nd biggest problem: RNG LOOT. You can grind CN 100 times and still not get the legendary ring you want. You can grind Edemo 500 times with the same result.
3rd problem: Not enough loot that are BoE that is worth selling.
4th problem: Million types of RP with different bind status that trippels it.
5th problem: Having to farm all boons all over again on every new char you want to play. It was enough pain to do it once. It should be account wide unlock on all boons once you finish it once.
6th problem: Companions, Artifacts, Mounts. So expensive. Like really superduper expensive. Make them account wide FFS. Legendary mounts cost 15m+, how are we supposed to get that kind of AD more than once? Even epic ones are a big investment.
What about PvP? Well the matchmaking for one. Matching BiS players against green gear players without tenacity. Enough said. No base tenacity so all new PvP players gets wrecked over and over again until they quit. GG. No new PvP maps in 10 mods. WTF is up with that?
You want to know my single biggest complaint? There is way too much emphasis on Item Level/Gear Score. It has been this way since I first started, which was before even Mod 2 came out, and I have not noticed a single time when IL/GS wasn't the deciding factor of who the better player is rather than skill. I get it, it's a P2W game, you're supposed to drop large amounts of cash on it every now and then, but why not throw people (who don't want to pay $500 USD just to get a decent IL/GS that won't get them rejected from dungeon/skirmish runs) a bone?
I like this game a lot. However, it could be so much better if it were not Pay to Win. Everything is too expensive in comparison to how much AD you get from dailies/dungeon loot. I've played this game for hundreds of hours, yet I still don't have a single purple mount or companion. It's not because I don't know how to get AD or I suck at the game, it's because I'm not dropping money on it every week. Please, make RNG less stingy and better equipment more accessible, so that it isn't impossible to be "good" without paying much. Note that I have dropped $50 on this game already, which is more than I'd pay for a retail game. You guys do realize that you would get plenty of income by just making some cosmetic stuff be locked behind a paywall and have everything else be accessible for those of us who don't want to pay a fortune to be a good player, right?
I'm sorry if I'm coming off as rude. It's just that this game has so much potential that isn't accessible to players with not a ton of money like myself.
I like this game a lot. However, it could be so much better if it were not Pay to Win. Everything is too expensive in comparison to how much AD you get from dailies/dungeon loot. I've played this game for hundreds of hours, yet I still don't have a single purple mount or companion. It's not because I don't know how to get AD or I suck at the game, it's because I'm not dropping money on it every week. Please, make RNG less stingy and better equipment more accessible, so that it isn't impossible to be "good" without paying much. Note that I have dropped $50 on this game already, which is more than I'd pay for a retail game. You guys do realize that you would get plenty of income by just making some cosmetic stuff be locked behind a paywall and have everything else be accessible for those of us who don't want to pay a fortune to be a good player, right?
Making AD is kinda easy if you know how to maximise ur RoI. Epic mount is like only 1mil AD, at current point i can get around 60k RAD per day easily + anything from VIP key (usually 20k-30k AD average). If I continue my way to play two weeks casually, i will have either an epic mount in my stable, a perfect plaguefire enchant, full r8s and some r9s or a couple of mythic artifacts in 2x RP. Easy right? Anyway legendary mounts are really expensive as they are luxuries, if you are a casual player, ignore it. Start with VIP and play for 2 months, i pretty sure u can reach 3k il easily if you dont waste your AD too much.
There are bots everywhere and no one seems to care they are very easy to spot it's the group of people all following each other stop in the exact same places and then do the same actions. The bots arn't even hiding what they are doing you need to get some GMs on the game to remove them... also how bout answering tickets I've had like 4 or 5 up for serveral days with no response. Also toning down the P2W would make your game a lot more popular and likely lead to increased revenue over all... just sayin.
What I feel needs the most attention is the Dungeon leveling system. Virtually every dungeon group now contains one person that can simply sprint through the entire thing, killing every mob along the way - including the sub-bosses. The other two members are lucky to get a swipe at a single mob. The main boss goes down in seconds. This needs to be fixed, since the dungeons are simply no longer fun. Players need to be scaled down to the dungeon level in all aspects including the amount of damage they can do to the mobs.
What I feel needs the most attention is the Dungeon leveling system. Virtually every dungeon group now contains one person that can simply sprint through the entire thing, killing every mob along the way - including the sub-bosses. The other two members are lucky to get a swipe at a single mob. The main boss goes down in seconds. This needs to be fixed, since the dungeons are simply no longer fun. Players need to be scaled down to the dungeon level in all aspects including the amount of damage they can do to the mobs.
Hereby some feedback and suggestions on game content:
High gearvalue difference at level 60
Ever since you have introduced being able to get to level 70 to the game, there has been a great difference between original (still obtainable) level 60 gear and "new" level 60+ gear. For example, there is about a 150 weapondamage difference between rare level 60 orginal content weapons and uncommon newer gear of the same level. Although in the beginning this produced a clear difference between pre- and post level 60 to 70 levelcap change, that difference is not so visible anymore. This is both due to the fact that the update in question happened long ago, but also due to the vast array of level 60+ questlines to choose from. In effect, it produces a gap between questing, questrewards and game progression speed between those who know to what quests and content to turn to get the best rewards (while leaving some content unplayed because it does not fit their progression in the game).
Proposed fix: Give all obtainable equipment at an earlier stage, e.g. from level 50 on up, including from original content areas, a higher gearlevel than gearlevel requirment. For uncommon gear, you could for example add a gearlevel versus requirment bonus of [(gearlevel requirment-49)*2-1], meaning that level 50 players could get gear of an effective level of 51, level 55 could get an effective level 66, lvl60->lvl81;lvl65->91 & 70->111. Then for rare gear, you could multiply by 3 instead of 2 (thus 50->52; 55->72; 60->92; 65->112; 70->133) and for epic gear you could multiply by 4 (thus 50->53; 55->77; 60->103; 65->128; 70->153)
Questpath disruptions and miss-outs
Due to the high amount of questpath possibilities, there is both little reward in heading into quest directions that you have too high a level for, and that promise sub-optimal gear while you could jump directly to the questpaths that promise better gear.
Proposed fix for post-level60 questpaths: Increase the value of obtainable boons by a signifcant amount. (You could scale this increase progressively per next boon, so people would become even more invested in finishing certain questpaths.) E.g. give a 500 instead of 400 statbonus on the first boon, scaling up to 800 instead of 400 on the fourth. In my opinion, if you do this for the earlier boons, the final boons are fine as they are.
Proposed fix for pre-level60 questpaths: Allow people to opt for reducing their effective level to the level of the map when they enter a new map. This way, they can earn items and experience that scale with their actual level.
What would be really cool is if you could have a difficulty option herein: (1) an easy setting, in acknowledgement of someone's powers, 1-3 levels above the level that the map is meant to be played at; (2) a normal setting, for optimal content experience; and (3) a hard setting, for the bold adventurer who has geared up well or is willing to take a risk anyway, starting at the proposed entry-levelrequirements of the map.
The mount insigna system
Currently, I am having a hard time finding the right insignias for my mounts, meaning that I cannot fully profit from having the mounts that I have. Obviously I can buy the blue ones from the zen market, hoping to find the right one, but certainly compared to the price of other items there, that seems to be a waste of my money.
Proposed fix: (1) Slightly increase the statbonus gained from rare and uncommon insignias. (2) Introduce standard-level insignias without statbonus, that we can buy of gold or a small amount of AD. (3) Don't directly bind insignias to character, but do it to account, or only after equipping them.
In my opinion, since we now have items that bind to account, the "Bind to character" option is somewhat redundant (although it might work in favour of accountsharers). To me, it hinders me in being able to play the game with multiple characters, because I have to get every item again on every character instead of just switching items between them. Luckily you nowadays have a lot of items that are account bound, but some still aren't. Also, for example with refining stones, this takes up a lot of space.
Fix option 1: Change all new and currently bound gear, consumables and refinement stones from bind to character to bind to account.
Fix option 2: Give people the option to "unlock" their bind-to-character equipment so that it binds to the account instead. You could either do this for free, or for a small fee. Also, you could give people the option to permanently lock to character their characterbound equipment, if you feel such safetymeasure is preferable.
The new rough-AD system:
The first few invocations don't give much of a bonus, but I as well as other players who I have seen posting on these forums usually don't play the same gamecharacter for such prolonged periods of time on a single day.
Fix option 1: Instead of a progressive reward system, you could reward a flat bonus at the value of the average reward, if you will including the final invocation if this still slightly increases the total value of the first few invocations.
Fix option 2: Alternatively, you could extend the period of the progressive reward build-up, e.g. by changing it from per day to per week or per month.
I think for me these are the most important things I perceive in the game right now.. Hope you'll find my contribution here useful.
What I feel needs the most attention is the Dungeon leveling system. Virtually every dungeon group now contains one person that can simply sprint through the entire thing, killing every mob along the way - including the sub-bosses. The other two members are lucky to get a swipe at a single mob. The main boss goes down in seconds. This needs to be fixed, since the dungeons are simply no longer fun. Players need to be scaled down to the dungeon level in all aspects including the amount of damage they can do to the mobs.
I agree with both of you. Nevertheless, if I enter a lower level dungeon (e.g. bc I need some quick AD), I almost feel ashamed to kill anything when I'm with my stronger characters because I can indeed almost one-hit most monsters. For such dungeons, you could set a gearscore maximum to which, after level adjustment, a person's gear is further adjusted?
You want to know my single biggest complaint? There is way too much emphasis on Item Level/Gear Score. It has been this way since I first started, which was before even Mod 2 came out, and I have not noticed a single time when IL/GS wasn't the deciding factor of who the better player is rather than skill.... I'm sorry if I'm coming off as rude. It's just that this game has so much potential that isn't accessible to players with not a ton of money like myself.
I will echo this. @Strumslinger, the #1 thing that you guys should invest into has been detailed a few times, but I think it would completely change this game in a REALLY big way.
You need a "PVP Tab" for your character. Before scrolling down, hear me out on this. This tab, would have another character page, in which you have all your armor and jewelry slots - like your normal page however... Instead of being the items you currently have equipped, it would be your "pvp version" of your character.
When you click on the helm dropdown, it would let you select from ANY helm you have in inventory or bank space. You would select a helm (i.e. Lionsmane) and it would equip it to your character for just that 'pvp page' without actually changing what you currently have equipped. You would have EVERY slot on this page, with the exception of artifacts. I think it should strip out 3 of the 4 and only leave you with ONE primary artifact to pick from.
Another thing this page should do, is remove ALL (100%) of mount stats, and ALL boons (yes 100% of boon stats).
THIS page, would be the character that loads into a PVP match, not your current equipped character. So what this allows you to do is roam around in your full PVE "setup" and when you Que for a PVP match and enter, it auto loads you with the gear/artifacts/items that are on the PVP character page - without boons, mount stats, etc.
This creates a "stripped down" version of PVP that is desperately needed. Let the campaign's and the boons and mount bonuses and 4x artifacts ALL be for PVE. But PVP DESPERATELY needs to be stripped down from all these stats that have created such a MASSIVE item level and power difference between players. You will still have PVP gear, artifact equipment, jewelry and 1 main artifact as relevant gear in PVP. You still allow everyone to use those other things for PVE purposes, but this will go a LONG way towards PVP balance.
Neverwinter doesnt have a huge class balance problem, it has an item balance problem/gear gap problem.
Once this is done, it opens MANY doors into creating balanced PVP play. You can do things like "lock the PVP tab from item swapping" once you enter a Que. This wouldnt work on the current system since you need to swap gear for PVE and whatnot, but having a separate PVP tab would allow you to lock that gear when you que up - which THEN enables you to do matchmaking based on item level on that tab - a much more relevant factor than "ELO".
This solution solves MANY issues plaguing NW currently. It allows you to wear PVE gear while qued for PVP since your "PVP Self" would be on a different tab. It removes tens of thousands of stats from boons, mounts, etc all from PVP which lowers the gear gap, which is the cause of the imbalance in PVP matches, combined with locking this pvp gear when qued allows you to have a more balanced PVP que system as well.
I have played since open beta and stopped a few months ago because I kept getting more and more frustrated with how good this game COULD be and isnt, and this single change would frankly cause me to come back to this game because it fixes so many things that are wrong with it and make it not fun. This solution also DRASTICALLY promotes alts considering it now requires LESS gear to feel "up to par" when going into PVP - which was something this game only really saw back up until ~module 2, I used to play TONS of alts but it became too cost prohibitive to play more than 1 after about mod 3.
I think the removal of ALL boons for domination (with the exception of the PVP boons) and when you que up for strongholds it would allow the use of strongholds boons + domination boons only - leaving all the module boons out of the picture.
Probably some of the most significant changes this would bring about are things like the removal of endless consumption from PVP... Over stacking things like ARP and Lifesteal from boons - which are much more limiting from items + 1 artifact. Which then reduces PVP self healing a TON which bring a lot of very positive performance changes to PVP where you have DPS classes who can self heal so well they dont need healers. etc etc. I could go on forever about how I believe this is exactly what NW needs, but I think I have said enough. I stay up to date with the game, reading the forums every week or other week, and WANT to come back and play the game and even support Cryptic too with $, but cant bring myself to do it with all these massive issues that plague the game and spill over into making a toxic community. This would completely overhaul and fix PVP so much so, that I guarantee old veterans (like myself) would come back to the game and it would also bring tons of NEW players in because people wouldnt associate this games' pvp with you needing to pay to compete...
please consider this and send me a PM if you have any questions.
First and only area that I would like to see fixed is to revert the campaign window layout back to the way it was.
Previously it was
* Clear and easy to understand
* Logical in it format and easy to use
* Did not take up unnecessary screen space
* Simple and user friendly to navigate
* Slick and easy on the eyes
* A pleasure to use
Current updated layout
*Shocking bloated and an eye sore
*Illogical and not user friendly
*Slow to navigate
*Hard to read
*An eye sore
*Bloated and screen hogging
*Ugly as... what were they thinking.
God save us from the Dev's
For awhile now:
-Havent seen any devs commenting or announcing bug reports as "looked into"
-Havent seen any upraising posts from devs to the awesome people that find this stuff
-Havent seen any progress conserning the economy report conserning removal of the coalwards and preservation wards
-The powercreep was to be adressed yet you push more power to us
Etc. just reading the dev blogs, player feedback and other threads will suffice to see this.
I know mod 10 is on its way, but if a single person cant be committed to check these forums once in a while im apalled, takes what 1-2 hours to scourge the newest posts about bugs, broken game mechanics, etc and pinning them down for closer inspection and you dont have to do it every day. And updating those bug threads is kinda important dont ya think?
Alliance launch was a disaster, really, arent we learning yet.
And as reported after the 25 DC run some powers/buffs "work" with game braking results. Theres a thread in player feedback section about this and some data. And the numbers are truly ugly.
Im gonna share with you a little real life story, quite recent:
A firm made a new product, the product went to production, but the firm could not keep up with the deadlines of the orders it received, so they cutoff the testing to shorten the delivery time, rather than informing the clients, that the deliveries will be delayed and the product will be sent at a later date.
The following happened
-The new products started braking one after another
-1 near fatality occurred (because of this the firm management is under investigation and will face charges)
-The clients demanded to dissolve the deals
-The firm lost all the money they got from the deals
-New orders were cancelled
-The firm lost its reputation
-Some of the workers were laidoff most of them got the boot
All that because they went cheap on testing the product to gain time. Simply informing the clients about delays would have sufficed and none of the above would have happened.
Allow queue leader move members in different party`s without they have to kick player out of queue and invite again.
Makes organizing easier in example Tiamat run.
(optional) Add button to queue leader ((invite all) this button invite all in queue to set party formation) can be used example Stronghold Dragonflight where you do 20+20 player queue set party`s as you like party them up and leave queue.
should get much faster to organize party´s when you can do them by queue.
After this alliance i have find my chat screen just runs down so fast that i can`t read anything on it. Always has to scroll up if i missed something.
I have 7 different tabs on it. zone/lfg, guild, alliance, +4 custom channels all colored different so i can see which chats need answer.
Can we or can you give us option to separate chat tabs to 2 or 3 different windows. that would help alot when you have 3 different chat up and running all the time. Where it is placed in *HUD is our problem make that player decide.
Make quest tree by location based and under location all quest for that map.
-Halamvir the might
- Recover pixies
Icewind Dale
-Locate and kill sypher
Makes alot easier to locate quests and where those are.
2. healing potions are useless for late game characters
3. vague descriptions - in my (last) case there is absolutely no way how I could have known that Temptation SW does not trigger Burning Guidance at all before I picked it up and tried
as PvE SW character:
1. Powers are weird. I mean the efect/cooldown ratio of most of them. If end game character is supposed to use healing power with 11s cooldown (after applying reasonable recovery,) it should not heal just 4k life.:D
2. Player should be able to dismiss the puppet. If puppet follows you, do radiant damage and cuts corners as you move, the late game respawning maps are for solo players nearly impossible as you attract too much attention.
The main problem we face is that not enough quests that *should* be shareable (i.e. they have no reason not to be shared) aren't shared. PvE questing is all well and good, and plenty of fun, but it's not the main goal of an MMORPG. We want to progress more quickly, and it's difficult to achieve that when two of our party have terrible luck with quest drops. This means that one member of the group has finished the quest for some ten minutes by the time the others have gotten the first drop.
The other part of questing in a party is that the party as a whole is the only entity in the equation that can have a tracked quest. If we are all doing racial quests and still want to be partied (see each others' location/stats/work together) we have to roll through the quests either without quest tracking on, or by constantly switching up the party leader and changing the tracked quest.
These are minor bugbears that can be worked around, but they add to the game's polish, particularly for lower-leveled, social, or new players.
Since you've already done it with our mounts could you please add something alike for fashion e.g clothes.
Campaign UI must be changed.
There was a lot good ideas in this thread. The most important thing is to be ablo to hide completed deeds or even all windows after you completed or do not need campagn (eg. PvP). Second one is to make campaign windows sorted by sth or changable. Now it's a mess, it's not alphabetical, nor chronological. Then please add old style 'glow' when you have completed task in campaign. It's very flustrating to find right campaign with completed task in new UI.
Quest Journal and Quest HUD.
Give us option to sort quest by location or campaign. It's very difficult to find new quest right now. Second important thing is to be able to change how quests are shown on right side window in HUD. It's big problem with lower lvl campaigns or event quests that are often hidden, while some quests pop up evrytime like Icewindale daily potions pick up or Demonic HE, etc. Now you might be in zone where you go to do quests, but you see different quests, usually repeatables which you don;'t need right now.
In-game Mail.
Please add select windows or select all button, so we can delete things with one click.
Old sets bonuses.
Then there is huge problem with old sets that are still ingame. At start of lvl 70 it was not that big deal, because of difficulty, mobs dealing high dmg and players needed big HP pool. Now with new campaigns boons with HB, Stronghold boons, you may obtaind decent HP pool and run with old sets with not taht huge disadvantage. And those old sets are BROKEN! Especialy malabog castle set for SW (Ilienburen?), old T2 set - High Prophet for DC and old T1 set - Knight's Captain foe GF. It was reported many times. Please remove set properties from these items, leave visuals for geeks.
Aggro with tank classes.
It's how danage buffs/debuffs work and new ways to abtan even more DPS OPs and GFs have big problem with threat managment
Armour and Weapn visuals.
Players asked for it for ages... Give us option to disable visuals for weapon and armour enchants, please! There is nothing more annoying than spending time and ADs on cool looking character and then everything is covered with enchant visual effect and you can't see a thing. We wanted to make guild foto, took a few minutes, before we could do it. Everyone must have remove (and not destroy!) enchants in armour slot to be able to do it otherwise whole screen was covered with flashes blours and spinning wheels ;/
What we realy want for next updates:
Most of my guildmembers asks for new or redesigned dungeons with better loot and higher difficulty. There were rumours about new 'mastery/legendary' difficulty for old dungeons. We are looking forward to see old FH, Karru, CT or even Spellplague come back to live as epics!
It'll be nice to have an update with rewards for all dungeons. It's very hard to find party for GWD, because it's longer than other two epics and there is nothing extra to get there. I'm sure your game data will confirm that most runned instances now are Castle Never (because its new and have great rewards), epic Temple of Spider (because it's shortest of all epics with protector seals), Lai of Lostmouth (because it's the shortest of all dungeons with elemental seals and have a chance for good reward). I'd like to see other dungeons brought to the same level of time/reward, so more players will be willing to play them! Bringing back a chance to drop GMoPs or SMoPs from a chest might be a good start.
Large queue changes.
Players asked for it before. It will be nice to be able to move players around to create optimized groups, especially for Tiamat. Now we are forced to kick/add players wihch takes a lot of time and couses communication problems.
Better Devs / Players communication.
It started very good with Andy leaving comments here and there to notify players what is going on, but it stopped after few month. We'd like to see official known issues thred, Devs commenting on players feedback and bug reports. Now we do not even know if you read all these posts at all.
More community events
Last event with screenshot and chance to win exclusive mount was great idea! I'd like to see more event's like these. I do really hope we will get more of it in near future. Not just random picking mechanizm where a bot have better chance to win than real players, but something more creative like recent event. Hopefully there will be more rewartds
I even provided dozens of top rated web-based bug tracking solutions that "real" companies use to both allow customers to enter bugs as well as vote on them, allow devs to mark as being seen/known/etc.
Cryptics "communication" has always been to simply blow smoke up our posteriors.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
1. FPS DROP | FPS BUG | Graphics stuttering
2. Network lag, Server Disconnects.
I've read the Forums over and over countless times, there are countless complaints about this ongoing issue. But none of you care! do you not value us?
I'm not afraid to Voice my opinion on this matter and I will be very explicit and clear in doing so!
This is unacceptable, players who love this game and have showed their support by paying 100's or even 1000's of dollars
and you can't even get your Dev team together to fix the simple FpS drops & server disconnects? it's just a slap in the face to us all.
NO I will not get used to it! and don't tell me it's from my computer and internet because i have multiple machines! and have tested them all with fresh installs!!! my friends have the same issues, the whole of my guild complains. I interrogate people in Protectors Enclave and most of them have the same exact issue! So everyone in the server must be in the Wrong! you have already wasted the money of many players thinking that this issue will be solved by purchasing a brand new computer & upgrading their Internet to Ridiculous speeds and then being accompanied by the same exact problems again, and again!
what is it going to take for you to listen to us?
We consumers were promised something! we payed for your content but you did not hold up to your end of the bargain.
NO Excuses! i don't care cryptic just fix it. if you don't have a fix for it yet then say so. don't blame our machines don't blame our modems. we tried every single fix (fresh install pc, Fresh install game, minimum graphics options, force verify, safe mode, Fire wall permissions, Antivirus Disable, Launcher commands) and countless others.
like what do you want us to do? start the game client in hopes of a good time but we are fooling ourselves really.
we start the client happy and exit the game in a negative state. what is the point of playing a game if all it does is make us players feel negative? If you were so punctual in your Hot fixes, then the Forums wouldn't be so flooded with the same exact issue. If you really were working on a fix, it would have been fixed by now but here we are 2 years later, ignored.
How come my black light Retribution plays fine at max settings 40 frame per second, while i cannot even get 15 Fps on minimum settings in neverwinter?
when this game first came out, Perfection!!! (No graphics lag, no Network Lag).
stop blaming us!
so frustrating & really sad.
Oh yeah, get new servers too. And some more new servers!
So in conclusion, newer, better and more servers. Thanks.
PS: Servers!
Its really ironic that a game called Dungeons and Dragons are missing the key part. DUNGEONS. We have10 mods. We should have like 10 really hard dungeons by now but instead we have like one (CN) and its not very hard at all.
2nd biggest problem: RNG LOOT. You can grind CN 100 times and still not get the legendary ring you want. You can grind Edemo 500 times with the same result.
3rd problem: Not enough loot that are BoE that is worth selling.
4th problem: Million types of RP with different bind status that trippels it.
5th problem: Having to farm all boons all over again on every new char you want to play. It was enough pain to do it once. It should be account wide unlock on all boons once you finish it once.
6th problem: Companions, Artifacts, Mounts. So expensive. Like really superduper expensive. Make them account wide FFS. Legendary mounts cost 15m+, how are we supposed to get that kind of AD more than once? Even epic ones are a big investment.
What about PvP? Well the matchmaking for one. Matching BiS players against green gear players without tenacity. Enough said.
No base tenacity so all new PvP players gets wrecked over and over again until they quit. GG.
No new PvP maps in 10 mods. WTF is up with that?
▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁
I like this game a lot. However, it could be so much better if it were not Pay to Win. Everything is too expensive in comparison to how much AD you get from dailies/dungeon loot. I've played this game for hundreds of hours, yet I still don't have a single purple mount or companion. It's not because I don't know how to get AD or I suck at the game, it's because I'm not dropping money on it every week. Please, make RNG less stingy and better equipment more accessible, so that it isn't impossible to be "good" without paying much. Note that I have dropped $50 on this game already, which is more than I'd pay for a retail game. You guys do realize that you would get plenty of income by just making some cosmetic stuff be locked behind a paywall and have everything else be accessible for those of us who don't want to pay a fortune to be a good player, right?
I'm sorry if I'm coming off as rude. It's just that this game has so much potential that isn't accessible to players with not a ton of money like myself.
Hereby some feedback and suggestions on game content:
High gearvalue difference at level 60
Ever since you have introduced being able to get to level 70 to the game, there has been a great difference between original (still obtainable) level 60 gear and "new" level 60+ gear. For example, there is about a 150 weapondamage difference between rare level 60 orginal content weapons and uncommon newer gear of the same level. Although in the beginning this produced a clear difference between pre- and post level 60 to 70 levelcap change, that difference is not so visible anymore. This is both due to the fact that the update in question happened long ago, but also due to the vast array of level 60+ questlines to choose from. In effect, it produces a gap between questing, questrewards and game progression speed between those who know to what quests and content to turn to get the best rewards (while leaving some content unplayed because it does not fit their progression in the game).Questpath disruptions and miss-outs
Due to the high amount of questpath possibilities, there is both little reward in heading into quest directions that you have too high a level for, and that promise sub-optimal gear while you could jump directly to the questpaths that promise better gear.The mount insigna system
Currently, I am having a hard time finding the right insignias for my mounts, meaning that I cannot fully profit from having the mounts that I have. Obviously I can buy the blue ones from the zen market, hoping to find the right one, but certainly compared to the price of other items there, that seems to be a waste of my money.Bind-to-character
In my opinion, since we now have items that bind to account, the "Bind to character" option is somewhat redundant (although it might work in favour of accountsharers). To me, it hinders me in being able to play the game with multiple characters, because I have to get every item again on every character instead of just switching items between them. Luckily you nowadays have a lot of items that are account bound, but some still aren't. Also, for example with refining stones, this takes up a lot of space.The new rough-AD system:
The first few invocations don't give much of a bonus, but I as well as other players who I have seen posting on these forums usually don't play the same gamecharacter for such prolonged periods of time on a single day.- Fix option 2: Alternatively, you could extend the period of the progressive reward build-up, e.g. by changing it from per day to per week or per month.
I think for me these are the most important things I perceive in the game right now.. Hope you'll find my contribution here useful.Best regards,
For such dungeons, you could set a gearscore maximum to which, after level adjustment, a person's gear is further adjusted?
You need a "PVP Tab" for your character. Before scrolling down, hear me out on this. This tab, would have another character page, in which you have all your armor and jewelry slots - like your normal page however... Instead of being the items you currently have equipped, it would be your "pvp version" of your character.
When you click on the helm dropdown, it would let you select from ANY helm you have in inventory or bank space. You would select a helm (i.e. Lionsmane) and it would equip it to your character for just that 'pvp page' without actually changing what you currently have equipped. You would have EVERY slot on this page, with the exception of artifacts. I think it should strip out 3 of the 4 and only leave you with ONE primary artifact to pick from.
Another thing this page should do, is remove ALL (100%) of mount stats, and ALL boons (yes 100% of boon stats).
THIS page, would be the character that loads into a PVP match, not your current equipped character. So what this allows you to do is roam around in your full PVE "setup" and when you Que for a PVP match and enter, it auto loads you with the gear/artifacts/items that are on the PVP character page - without boons, mount stats, etc.
This creates a "stripped down" version of PVP that is desperately needed. Let the campaign's and the boons and mount bonuses and 4x artifacts ALL be for PVE. But PVP DESPERATELY needs to be stripped down from all these stats that have created such a MASSIVE item level and power difference between players. You will still have PVP gear, artifact equipment, jewelry and 1 main artifact as relevant gear in PVP. You still allow everyone to use those other things for PVE purposes, but this will go a LONG way towards PVP balance.
Neverwinter doesnt have a huge class balance problem, it has an item balance problem/gear gap problem.
Once this is done, it opens MANY doors into creating balanced PVP play. You can do things like "lock the PVP tab from item swapping" once you enter a Que. This wouldnt work on the current system since you need to swap gear for PVE and whatnot, but having a separate PVP tab would allow you to lock that gear when you que up - which THEN enables you to do matchmaking based on item level on that tab - a much more relevant factor than "ELO".
This solution solves MANY issues plaguing NW currently. It allows you to wear PVE gear while qued for PVP since your "PVP Self" would be on a different tab. It removes tens of thousands of stats from boons, mounts, etc all from PVP which lowers the gear gap, which is the cause of the imbalance in PVP matches, combined with locking this pvp gear when qued allows you to have a more balanced PVP que system as well.
I have played since open beta and stopped a few months ago because I kept getting more and more frustrated with how good this game COULD be and isnt, and this single change would frankly cause me to come back to this game because it fixes so many things that are wrong with it and make it not fun. This solution also DRASTICALLY promotes alts considering it now requires LESS gear to feel "up to par" when going into PVP - which was something this game only really saw back up until ~module 2, I used to play TONS of alts but it became too cost prohibitive to play more than 1 after about mod 3.
I think the removal of ALL boons for domination (with the exception of the PVP boons) and when you que up for strongholds it would allow the use of strongholds boons + domination boons only - leaving all the module boons out of the picture.
Probably some of the most significant changes this would bring about are things like the removal of endless consumption from PVP... Over stacking things like ARP and Lifesteal from boons - which are much more limiting from items + 1 artifact. Which then reduces PVP self healing a TON which bring a lot of very positive performance changes to PVP where you have DPS classes who can self heal so well they dont need healers. etc etc. I could go on forever about how I believe this is exactly what NW needs, but I think I have said enough. I stay up to date with the game, reading the forums every week or other week, and WANT to come back and play the game and even support Cryptic too with $, but cant bring myself to do it with all these massive issues that plague the game and spill over into making a toxic community. This would completely overhaul and fix PVP so much so, that I guarantee old veterans (like myself) would come back to the game and it would also bring tons of NEW players in because people wouldnt associate this games' pvp with you needing to pay to compete...
please consider this and send me a PM if you have any questions.