the main step was nerfing lolset, thanks again OP balancing was more than needed, no matter what build a pally has to run to be competetive, that´s what we will experience by time, at least the class will be more challenging in future next step is balance other classes wich will take some time GF conquerer will stay broken in PVP i guess, I don´t care, PVE is the focus so we have to deal with it, especially the 30-40 player who are left doing high level PVP in this game Warlock rework... ask for since mod 5? noone knows if ever will happen
kwsapphireMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 671Arc User
Reclamation Rock credit is bugged in the Elemental Evil Campaign.
My husband and I each have two L70 characters who completed the Reclamation Rock area within the last two days. On test, these characters receive the following error message: "The Reclamation Rock Complete task is out of date and will be dropped." Instead of having full credit for this section of the campaign, we have credit only for the first task. We have full credit for the other zones that we've completed.
Please confirm that characters that have completed Reclamation Rock will indeed get campaign credit for it?
And, No. Would really like to see official word about this. Are you seriously going to make us run that whole section again just because your completion system can't figure this one zone out?
Oh really ok, I warned ya yall just scrwd yourselves out of more money, like yall didn't even give a flying fk when I said 6 seconds wasn't enough for divine protector, but nooooo yall must not give a fk, im not spending any more cash on this gave ever
Reclamation Rock credit is bugged in the Elemental Evil Campaign.
My husband and I each have two L70 characters who completed the Reclamation Rock area within the last two days. On test, these characters receive the following error message: "The Reclamation Rock Complete task is out of date and will be dropped." Instead of having full credit for this section of the campaign, we have credit only for the first task. We have full credit for the other zones that we've completed.
Please confirm that characters that have completed Reclamation Rock will indeed get campaign credit for it?
And, No. Would really like to see official word about this. Are you seriously going to make us run that whole section again just because your completion system can't figure this one zone out?
We don't have any plans to make anyone specifically run Reclamation Rock again for credit. We are actively investigating this issue, thank you all for continuing to bring up the issues you are encountering.
Post edited by asterdahl on
minotaur2857Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,141Arc User
Are the devs aware that a number of the stores aren't working, I'm full of protector seals atm and want to buy some dragonflight gear to clear space for more but can't. (and yes I have inventory space and all the necessary bits)
kwsapphireMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 671Arc User
We don't have any plans to make anyone specifically run Reclamation Rock again for credit. We're still ironing out the implementation in regards to those tasks automatically unlocking. Putting the campaign on preview is a large part of helping to identify these issues, so thank you all for continuing to bring up the issues you are encountering.
Thank you for the official reply, much appreciated. My husband and I are keeping our fingers crossed that this can be fixed very soon.
We don't have any plans to make anyone specifically run Reclamation Rock again for credit. We're still ironing out the implementation in regards to those tasks automatically unlocking. Putting the campaign on preview is a large part of helping to identify these issues, so thank you all for continuing to bring up the issues you are encountering.
Thank you for the official reply, much appreciated. My husband and I are keeping our fingers crossed that this can be fixed very soon.
Hi kwsapphire,
Can you provide the name of your @ handle and character that this is happening on? We're going to take a look at why this is happening to some folks and not others; I logged into my character this morning and saw RR was fully complete in the campaign task on my OP, so clearly something odd is happening.
Protector's Camaraderie/Friendship: The tooltip now properly displays the amount of Power & Defense you gain when your companion attacks. In addition, additional stacks no longer provides bonus Power based on the bonus Power this ability has already granted.
Wth you guys did, im with 3 mounts with Protector's Camaraderie sloted and it was giving me 12% bonus, now they are reduced to 4%, can you please explain me why!!!
before the fix there was a bug where the full amount of power/defense bonus you would get at 4 stacks would display instead of the amount that you should be getting per stack. now it tells you that you get 4 stacks of 4%. This is a tooltip change only for that part. the other thing they fixed was a loop where if you had 100 power, Camaraderie gave you 4% more so you have 104 now, then the next stack of Camaraderie gave 104x 4% = 108.16. now it just gives 108 (100*8%).
Guild - The Imaginary Friends We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
cromejohnsenMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 207Arc User
HI, i have the same bug as kwsapphire on my DC "Serah Farron" . handle is @cromejohnsen
kwsapphireMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 671Arc User
We don't have any plans to make anyone specifically run Reclamation Rock again for credit. We're still ironing out the implementation in regards to those tasks automatically unlocking. Putting the campaign on preview is a large part of helping to identify these issues, so thank you all for continuing to bring up the issues you are encountering.
Thank you for the official reply, much appreciated. My husband and I are keeping our fingers crossed that this can be fixed very soon.
Hi kwsapphire,
Can you provide the name of your @ handle and character that this is happening on? We're going to take a look at why this is happening to some folks and not others; I logged into my character this morning and saw RR was fully complete in the campaign task on my OP, so clearly something odd is happening.
Happening to me and my husband: Sapphire@kwsapphire and Erriphas@kwsapphire, SFXbuu@SFXboo, HexBuu@SFXboo. Also from my guild alliance: BatterUp@sirnobleone, Bag'a Bar@baggabbar, Torment@predador94, Luffy@slicey970x
Someone in another thread suggested it may have something to do with completion timing. That is, the people who completed the zone back when the requirement was 16 vigilance tasks are getting credit, whereas those who completed it after the requirement became 8 vigilance tasks are not?
Krystia@scathias completed spinward rise (got the fire weapon and did the air seed quest) back when the completion needed 16 tasks but she does not have the completion granted for it. I don't remember if she did completed partials of any of the other zones (as in full thirds )but all of them say she has started the base quest (ie, missing requirements), but completed nothing in them. But I am pretty sure i did most of drowned shores to start leveling. I have no proof of that though
On my DC when i logged in i got
[11:58] [Error] Your quest "Spinward Rise: Complete" is out-of-date and will be automatically restarted. We apologize for the inconvenience.
[11:58] [Error] Your quest "Fiery Pit: Complete" is out-of-date and will be automatically restarted. We apologize for the inconvenience.
[11:58] [Error] Your quest "Gutting Fish (Optional)" is out-of-date and will be automatically restarted. We apologize for the inconvenience.
[11:58] [Error] Unable to add the quest "Gutting Fish (Optional)".
It says I have completed the first task for the Pit and Rise, but I am very sure i finished Spinward Rise completely on my DC as well, i don't recall about Firey Pit
From my OP [12:03] [Error] Your quest "Doing the Rounds" is out-of-date and will be automatically restarted. We apologize for the inconvenience.
[12:03] [Error] Your quest "Trouble on the Winds" is out-of-date and will be automatically restarted. We apologize for the inconvenience.
[12:03] [Error] Your quest "Vigilance in the Forest" is out-of-date and will be automatically restarted. We apologize for the inconvenience.
[12:03] [Error] Your quest "Duergar Task Force" is out-of-date and will be automatically restarted. We apologize for the inconvenience.
[12:03] [Error] Your quest "Staying Vigilant" is out-of-date and will be automatically restarted. We apologize for the inconvenience.
So that is 5 vigilance quests and i have no tasks completed in the EE campaign at all
Guild - The Imaginary Friends We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
cromejohnsenMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 207Arc User
Strange thing is that i did RR on both my gwf and dc in 2 days. Only the gwf however received the boon today. And both did 8 quests per questgiver and also completed everything including the delivery of the seed to PE.
mrvincent1959Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 740Arc User
edited April 2016
I have a few characters that are level 70 and I completed all the EE tasks. Each characters EE Camapign window is now different in what I have to do. MY GF for example shows that I have to do all of Reclamation Rock even though I did it already, but it DOES show that Spinward Rise is complete.
fyi its Kali Gold GF@mrvincent1959
I was also able to break the Boon structure in Preview last night because of this problem. Meaning, I was unable to get the last boon.
THE EXCHANGE IS BUGGED!!!!!!!!!! I exchanged my horn of blasting but it wont let me exchange the other parts of the set. I removed the enchantments and it still wont let me exchange!!!! FIX YOUR EXCHANGE ISSUES!!! Thanks to you cryptic my GWF is now messed up!!!
From the patch notes:
Known issue: Items with Armor Reinforcement Kits applied (e.g. Greater Action Point Jewel) cannot currently be traded in. We are working on a solution and will address the issue in a future update. The exchange store will not go away until this issue is fixed.
So if you reinforced your neck and belt you will have to wait for this issue to be resolved.
I'm going to go against the grain and say that the paladin changes make sense: as it stands today, the paladin was making the entire party immune to damage pretty much all the time.
That said, weakening paladins will expose a glaring issue that has been around since April 7, 2015 (Mod 6): the difficulty of dungeons is ridiculously high. Even the weakest peon of a critter does massive damage, and the effect of having combat advantage against you will one-shot almost anyone. Mod 6 supercharged PvE enemies, which is why the game has since been Never-Without-Paladin: a Paladin was mandatory for all but the most elite players.
Get ready for an avalanche of complaints that no one can complete the T2 dungeons: when a boss can do SEVEN-HUNDRED THOUSAND damage and when the lowliest skeleton can do 70k damage, dungeon difficulty is broken. When having combat advantage against you is a one-shot death sentence for almost everyone, dungeon difficulty is broken.
I'll give you an example: my HR has 28.7k defense and 81% damage resistance (you read that right -- EIGHTY-ONE PERCENT). With a potion it jumps to 29.7k and almost 83% DR. When peon critters in a T2 dungeon get combat advantage (and remember, boys and girls, parties are often outnumbered), they cut through it like paper.
I don't have a Paladin toon, so please take this as someone who likes to run with one in any situation and has enjoyed the bubble protection during many a dungeon.
My opinion is similar to Hustin1--the perma bubble was too much. I took my TR, HR, and GWF through eLoL, Shores, Kessel's etc when I reached 2K iLevel. I pugged most of the time, and for example, if we hit the Scorps in eLol without a Pally with an average party iLevel of 2K (a bit above the required), we tended to wipe and people dropped the dungeon. With a perma bubble, success was much higher. It sounds like I am advocating putting the bubble back to 20 seconds, but I am not. I would rather play a difficult dungeon without requiring that one particular feat on one particular class is present to guarantee success. Fix the dungeon--make it so that any group of characters can complete it if they have the proper composition of classes and skills and meet the iLevel.
Maybe that means that the dungeons need to be scaled to character iLevel like the Heroic Encounters are scaled to level for all player levels to enjoy them, or maybe it means more dungeons with a variety of iLevel requirements--similar to the TOS and eTOS concept.
My other thought comes as a comparison to other classes: Should the TR have stealth that lasts 20 seconds, allowing you to crit 100% and not drop out of stealth? No one in their right mind would advocate that idea. The same would be true of a perma-root HR. If PVE mobs couldn't break free of the roots (you know, like the blasted greenie dragon archers do to us) for even 6 seconds, damage would be insane. I realize that the Stealth comparison is not apples to apples because the OP is using a daily, but with the right Action Point build, it is possible to cast the bubble as fast as a TR can go stealthy.
Last thought--although Hustin1 is a MUCH better HR than i will ever be, I want to poke fun a bit. I seem to remember a few posts about 'defense on an HR is like a screen door on a submarine'. It certainly lets everything through!
Never-the-less, I hope the devs treat his post with some thoughtful consideration, especially now since pugging is already becoming more difficult with the current queue system.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
just kite the other scorp.. you dont even need a tank or heals to do it.. though that saves you much time.
removing the bubble might be the best thing for the game.. considering players.. forget the finer arts of mmo player.. that has been going on for ohhhh 15-20 year time frame.
HI, i have the same bug as kwsapphire on my HR (Indalord) and my DC (Indalord II) Moreover, my DC has the fiery pit not done. Plz i dont want to run again these 2 things TY to investigate
Protector's Camaraderie/Friendship: The tooltip now properly displays the amount of Power & Defense you gain when your companion attacks. In addition, additional stacks no longer provides bonus Power based on the bonus Power this ability has already granted.
Wth you guys did, im with 3 mounts with Protector's Camaraderie sloted and it was giving me 12% bonus, now they are reduced to 4%, can you please explain me why!!!
before the fix there was a bug where the full amount of power/defense bonus you would get at 4 stacks would display instead of the amount that you should be getting per stack. now it tells you that you get 4 stacks of 4%. This is a tooltip change only for that part. the other thing they fixed was a loop where if you had 100 power, Camaraderie gave you 4% more so you have 104 now, then the next stack of Camaraderie gave 104x 4% = 108.16. now it just gives 108 (100*8%).
So you're saying that a 3-insignia bonus that used to say "4%" is really just 4% *total*? That's beyond pathetic.
I'm going to go against the grain and say that the paladin changes make sense: as it stands today, the paladin was making the entire party immune to damage pretty much all the time.
That said, weakening paladins will expose a glaring issue that has been around since April 7, 2015 (Mod 6): the difficulty of dungeons is ridiculously high. Even the weakest peon of a critter does massive damage, and the effect of having combat advantage against you will one-shot almost anyone. Mod 6 supercharged PvE enemies, which is why the game has since been Never-Without-Paladin: a Paladin was mandatory for all but the most elite players.
Get ready for an avalanche of complaints that no one can complete the T2 dungeons: when a boss can do SEVEN-HUNDRED THOUSAND damage and when the lowliest skeleton can do 70k damage, dungeon difficulty is broken. When having combat advantage against you is a one-shot death sentence for almost everyone, dungeon difficulty is broken.
I'll give you an example: my HR has 28.7k defense and 81% damage resistance (you read that right -- EIGHTY-ONE PERCENT). With a potion it jumps to 29.7k and almost 83% DR. When peon critters in a T2 dungeon get combat advantage (and remember, boys and girls, parties are often outnumbered), they cut through it like paper.
Well said , I have an OP tank , 3k , and also think that the bubble was broken, there is no challenge when the group has 100 % of damage reduction almost all the time. What is broken is the difficulty of the dungeons , making them almost impossible to conclude with the recommended ilvl. Remove the " perma bubble" will bring more challenge to the game, however, this extremely difficult dungeons will cause many players to stop playing.
Expect the best, prepare for the worst, and face whatever comes!
Why do only DC and Paladin get respec tokens? Lostmauth set was something you build around, as was given in one of the reasons it was being changed. So.....every person who owns a lostmauth set should also get a token.
They don't get a respec token because of the fix of elol set, and OP/DC were maybe the only class that didn't use it. They get token because of the nerf of their powers.
this extremely difficult dungeons will cause many players to stop playing.
What game are you talking about? Because on NWO dungeons are easy as pie and bosses fall in less than 20s..
This is true when you're playing with a pre-made team who all have decent item level. A PuG with around 2k iL will have problems with dungeons with this change, no doubt. Not that they will be impossible, just much harder.
My husband (OP) laughed because fighting Chrysos, he actually took less damage. No bubble means no damage from red-splats redirected to him. So he took less damage overall. Plus I respecced my Virt DC into Faithful and was able to heal for a lot more, so we were overall just as effective, if not moreso. AP gain stunk, but that's what DC sigils are for I guess.
null I know they aren't getting it. Why though? Many of us are now, at bare minimum, going to have to switch from vorpal to feytouch AND redo companions. Ontop of that, we're selected skills and stat allocations that were for only good for use with lostmauth set
lirithielMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,482Arc User
I'm going to go against the grain and say that the paladin changes make sense: as it stands today, the paladin was making the entire party immune to damage pretty much all the time.
That said, weakening paladins will expose a glaring issue that has been around since April 7, 2015 (Mod 6): the difficulty of dungeons is ridiculously high. Even the weakest peon of a critter does massive damage, and the effect of having combat advantage against you will one-shot almost anyone. Mod 6 supercharged PvE enemies, which is why the game has since been Never-Without-Paladin: a Paladin was mandatory for all but the most elite players.
Get ready for an avalanche of complaints that no one can complete the T2 dungeons: when a boss can do SEVEN-HUNDRED THOUSAND damage and when the lowliest skeleton can do 70k damage, dungeon difficulty is broken. When having combat advantage against you is a one-shot death sentence for almost everyone, dungeon difficulty is broken.
I'll give you an example: my HR has 28.7k defense and 81% damage resistance (you read that right -- EIGHTY-ONE PERCENT). With a potion it jumps to 29.7k and almost 83% DR. When peon critters in a T2 dungeon get combat advantage (and remember, boys and girls, parties are often outnumbered), they cut through it like paper.
Well said , I have an OP tank , 3k , and also think that the bubble was broken, there is no challenge when the group has 100 % of damage reduction almost all the time. What is broken is the difficulty of the dungeons , making them almost impossible to conclude with the recommended ilvl. Remove the " perma bubble" will bring more challenge to the game, however, this extremely difficult dungeons will cause many players to stop playing.
You see, here's the thing about recommended item level. It is the minimum requirement to get into said dungeon. Nowhere does it say that you should be able to successfully complete it and you shouldn't unless you're being carried (which you are), considering you are wearing the bare minimum and can barely contribute to the party.
Our pain is self chosen.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
OP balancing was more than needed, no matter what build a pally has to run to be competetive, that´s what we will experience by time, at least the class will be more challenging in future
next step is balance other classes wich will take some time
GF conquerer will stay broken in PVP i guess, I don´t care, PVE is the focus so we have to deal with it, especially the 30-40 player who are left doing high level PVP in this game
Warlock rework... ask for since mod 5? noone knows if ever will happen
We don't have any plans to make anyone specifically run Reclamation Rock again for credit. We are actively investigating this issue, thank you all for continuing to bring up the issues you are encountering.
Can you provide the name of your @ handle and character that this is happening on? We're going to take a look at why this is happening to some folks and not others; I logged into my character this morning and saw RR was fully complete in the campaign task on my OP, so clearly something odd is happening.
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
handle is @cromejohnsen
Someone in another thread suggested it may have something to do with completion timing. That is, the people who completed the zone back when the requirement was 16 vigilance tasks are getting credit, whereas those who completed it after the requirement became 8 vigilance tasks are not?
Thank you!
On my DC when i logged in i got It says I have completed the first task for the Pit and Rise, but I am very sure i finished Spinward Rise completely on my DC as well, i don't recall about Firey Pit
From my OP
[12:03] [Error] Your quest "Doing the Rounds" is out-of-date and will be automatically restarted. We apologize for the inconvenience. [12:03] [Error] Your quest "Trouble on the Winds" is out-of-date and will be automatically restarted. We apologize for the inconvenience. [12:03] [Error] Your quest "Vigilance in the Forest" is out-of-date and will be automatically restarted. We apologize for the inconvenience. [12:03] [Error] Your quest "Duergar Task Force" is out-of-date and will be automatically restarted. We apologize for the inconvenience. [12:03] [Error] Your quest "Staying Vigilant" is out-of-date and will be automatically restarted. We apologize for the inconvenience.
So that is 5 vigilance quests and i have no tasks completed in the EE campaign at all
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
fyi its Kali Gold GF@mrvincent1959
I was also able to break the Boon structure in Preview last night because of this problem. Meaning, I was unable to get the last boon.
My opinion is similar to Hustin1--the perma bubble was too much. I took my TR, HR, and GWF through eLoL, Shores, Kessel's etc when I reached 2K iLevel. I pugged most of the time, and for example, if we hit the Scorps in eLol without a Pally with an average party iLevel of 2K (a bit above the required), we tended to wipe and people dropped the dungeon. With a perma bubble, success was much higher. It sounds like I am advocating putting the bubble back to 20 seconds, but I am not. I would rather play a difficult dungeon without requiring that one particular feat on one particular class is present to guarantee success. Fix the dungeon--make it so that any group of characters can complete it if they have the proper composition of classes and skills and meet the iLevel.
Maybe that means that the dungeons need to be scaled to character iLevel like the Heroic Encounters are scaled to level for all player levels to enjoy them, or maybe it means more dungeons with a variety of iLevel requirements--similar to the TOS and eTOS concept.
My other thought comes as a comparison to other classes: Should the TR have stealth that lasts 20 seconds, allowing you to crit 100% and not drop out of stealth? No one in their right mind would advocate that idea. The same would be true of a perma-root HR. If PVE mobs couldn't break free of the roots (you know, like the blasted greenie dragon archers do to us) for even 6 seconds, damage would be insane. I realize that the Stealth comparison is not apples to apples because the OP is using a daily, but with the right Action Point build, it is possible to cast the bubble as fast as a TR can go stealthy.
Last thought--although Hustin1 is a MUCH better HR than i will ever be, I want to poke fun a bit.
Never-the-less, I hope the devs treat his post with some thoughtful consideration, especially now since pugging is already becoming more difficult with the current queue system.
removing the bubble might be the best thing for the game.. considering players.. forget the finer arts of mmo player.. that has been going on for ohhhh 15-20 year time frame.
=P .
Moreover, my DC has the fiery pit not done.
Plz i dont want to run again these 2 things
TY to investigate
This is true when you're playing with a pre-made team who all have decent item level. A PuG with around 2k iL will have problems with dungeons with this change, no doubt. Not that they will be impossible, just much harder.
My husband (OP) laughed because fighting Chrysos, he actually took less damage. No bubble means no damage from red-splats redirected to him. So he took less damage overall. Plus I respecced my Virt DC into Faithful and was able to heal for a lot more, so we were overall just as effective, if not moreso. AP gain stunk, but that's what DC sigils are for I guess.
I know they aren't getting it. Why though? Many of us are now, at bare minimum, going to have to switch from vorpal to feytouch AND redo companions. Ontop of that, we're selected skills and stat allocations that were for only good for use with lostmauth set
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.