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Trade Bar Store Changes on Xbox One



  • matiagronxmatiagronx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 251 Arc User

    No. After all this time I can only conclude 1 thing: They really are that ignorant, have no sense of planning and have the same level of interdepartmental communication as I have with my ex-wife: None at all.
    If you think this and everything before this was done by deliberate design, you're giving them way too much credit. I really doubt they can even see that far ahead, let alone plan it. I'm not sure what's worse though: Their lack of care for the game or their own ignorance.

    Well i can support that as well being here since beta and watched all the terrible things that blew this wonderful game to pieces. They are worse than amateurs and this is the worst part of it. There is literally NOONE there that actually gives a damn about the game, let alone for the playerbase.

    Now all XBOX players who got duped please read what PC players endured just recently.
    About a month ago there was an event which offered a box with some goodies, among them some quite rare artifacts and it was on sale for 4-5 days at Zen store for 100zen. It was like a mini-lockbox. The box treasures were advertised via the tooltips as Bound on Equip. Since this box included the quite expensive Forgehammer of Gond, many many people bought HUNDREDS of these boxes with their Zen just to find out that EVERYTHING except a lousy small treasure were BOUND ON CHARACTER. So after many people calling out this FRAUD in forums what was the answer of the developers via Strumslinger? "The developers will be more carefull next time with the tooltips..... ". ........ Is it sheer stupidity? Is it well covered shady practices? WHO CARES? The fact is that so many people INVESTED at this box cause they expected it to have UNBOUND loot, if they knew it would be BOUND they WOULDNT HAVE INVESTED in the first place. So they lost their money because of a FRIGGIN TOOLTIP MISHAP and NOTHING WAS DONE from cryptic to correct this. Their answer was this stupendous excuse. That was just a month ago, nobody cared, nothing was done. Adding all the facts from all these years their INCOMPETENCE leads them dangerously close to plain fraud, or they just mask their fraudulent actions under the pretention that they are incompetent and clumsy and busy. Choose what u will, the result is the same. We somehow got into this game, loved it cause most of us are DnD fans, and then found out it was a TRAP laid out by some primitive humanoids..
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    Moderator Notice:
    While we have been extremely liberal with moderating this thread, discussing moderation and legal action is still against the rules of these forums, and any posts that are discussing moderation or legalities will still be removed. We also do not allow topics of an "I Quit" nature or other game promotions.

    Please do stay on topic with the above heeded and post without being rude or disrespectful. If one cannot post in such a manner, then please refrain from posting. Please do not respond to this or other Moderator Notices, as doing so is considered discussing moderation.

  • To the analogy of the truck not coming with a trip to Italy: you are wrong. They tolls is the truck came with a trip to Italy. We spent our money for this trip to Italy. We bought our truck and they said "sorry, trip to Italy is for pc only". We screamed, pointing at the advertisement, where it says we get our trip to Italy. Then they took out a pen and wrote a disclaimer on our advertisement, stating our reward may be different because we play xbox. People raged more, but the truck is bought, no refunds. They will consider the possibility of giving you a trip, and investigate, parity, hippopotamus, and skirt the issue, all while discounting the price of tickets to Italy, in hopes that some moron gives them the benefit of the doubt and gives them money.
  • zak3056zak3056 Member Posts: 138 Arc User

    Let's look objectively at what happened:
    1. Cryptic -unintentionally- let you believe you'd get the same trade bar shop as we have.

    So, here's where we disagree. You're arguing that this was all a giant misunderstanding, and really a communications issue, which is what Andy said on Tuesday. The problem with that is:

    1. They didn't just not lower the price of coal wards, they removed them entirely. "changes to the economy" doesn't pass the smell test, as they CHANGED the economy with this action.
    2. They didn't just update the blog post. They did it silently, after the fact, sometime between last Thursday and release day.
    3. They had a dev stream, and an AMA in the last month, and didn't bother to mention it. They had a STREAM GOING ON DURING MAINTENANCE, and didn't mention it, even when someone said "cheap wards in the trade bar store" are what players were most looking forward to.
    4. Sale on keys, to entice people to get their tradebars.
    5. The original blog posting way back when the TB store changes are announced. "We know you're afraid we're going to use this opportunity to remove coal wards from the TB store, but don't worry, we're not going to do that at all."
    6. Patch notes withheld until the very last second.

    I'm sorry, but one of the above, by itself? Maybe, maybe I can see that as an oversight or communications issue. ALL of them? No, not buying it.

  • *told us, not tolls is. Sorry, my aurocorrect is about as reliable as... can't think of a good analogy here, something really unreliable, immoral, greedy, etc cetera. Any ideas?
  • texangator14texangator14 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    Normally, I'd j.... normaly this, normaly that, they think that every thing they do is normal......... NOT!!!
  • We will not be heard here. Our small voices don't matter to them. Take it to other media outlets.

    #FreeTheWards #MakeNeverwinterGreatAgain
  • zixxer636zixxer636 Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    Lol are they really having a key sale? Now we know why they are waiting. They truly don't care what the players want. They have made it loud and clear that they are here for the money not the game. How <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> absurd.

    <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> this game it is truly time to move on from this game people. We need to stop waisting our time and money on this pos company.
  • descend#9572 descend Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    zixxer636 said:

    Lol are they really having a key sale? Now we know why they are waiting. They truly don't care what the players want. They have made it loud and clear that they are here for the money not the game. How HAMSTER absurd.

    HAMSTER this game it is truly time to move on from this game people. We need to stop waisting our time and money on this pos company.

    I hope nobody spends another dime until they fess up and fix the problem, that is the only way we get change in the world is a community effort. They were wrong and need to fix their mistake and maybe just maybe will they get some of their player base back.
  • dragix90dragix90 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    Sounds like the sale is a way to gauge how many will still pay.
  • awrex1977awrex1977 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Sale today is actually a prime example of what the FUBAR 2/9/16 release (or lack there of) effect has been on me personally...

    After no update on a fix to the tradebar debacle aka COALgate today I filed complaints with various companies - the BBB, MC, PWE, and contacted the CC company I have on file w/ MS to discuss the possiblities of chargebacks....

    During this process at looked at my CC statement & MS account history, and man have I spent a chunk of change on this game since release on XBox One.

    If the Tradebar store was updated as advertised, and as we were lead to believe... that chunk of change would have grown, I for sure would have spent some cash on Zen, GAR-UN-F'N-TEED.... I would have used that Zen to buy Keys, and chances are I would have repeated the process before the sale was over.

    Now, after the abysmal way this ENTIRE situation has been handled since the 1/18/16 Trade Bar Blog, the Q&A, the stealth edit to blog post, the Live Stream during MTC, through release, the silence the past 2 days w/ any "official" response, to the blatant slap in the face "Hey Idiots, buy Keys/Zen, you guys are just plum dumb, this will make everything OK" Key/Zen sale - PWE/Cryptic has to be out of their minds if they think I will be spending a penny.

    I truly hope I am not the only one who shares this sentiment, this is just another glaring smack in the mouth.
  • mrwupazzmrwupazz Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    Seriously a zen and key sale......because i want more worthless TBars
  • mrwupazzmrwupazz Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    awrex1977 said:

    Sale today is actually a prime example of what the FUBAR 2/9/16 release (or lack there of) effect has been on me personally...

    After no update on a fix to the tradebar debacle aka COALgate today I filed complaints with various companies - the BBB, MC, PWE, and contact the CC company I have on file w/ MS to discuss the possiblities of chargebacks....

    During this process at looked at my CC statement & MS account history, and man have I spent a chunk of change on this game since release on XBox One.

    If the Tradebar store was updated as advertised, and as we were lead to believe... that chunk of change would have grown, I for sure would have spent some cash on Zen, GAR-UN-F'N-TEED.... I would have used that Zen to buy Keys, and chances are I would have repeated the process before the sale was over.

    Now, after the abysmal way this ENTIRE situation has been handled since the 1/18/16 Trade Bar Blog, the Q&A, the stealth edit to blog post, the Live Stream during mtc, through release, the silence the past 2 days w/ any "official" response, to the blatant slap in the face "Hey Idiots, buy Keys/Zen, you guys are just plum dumb, this will make everything OK" Key/Zen sale - PWE/Cryptic has to be out of their minds if they think I will be spending a penny.

    I truly hope I am not alone in this - just another slap in the face.

  • sundance777sundance777 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    YAY, Zen is on sale...no need to buy zen thanks, I already bought zen and paid for keys to have a chance on some goods and stock up on wards that were supposed to be available...
    TR - Sun: 16000 IL
    OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL

    Casual Dailies
  • bananacustardbananacustard Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    Meanwhile in the PWE Headquarters:

    'Hey dude, you want me to post that ward statement?'

    'Mate, we're having a key sale! I'm pretty sure there are some suckers left who believe we have a shred of integrity and think their getting their wards, wait until Monday. Then we can screw even more people by telling them they aren't coming back.'

    But dude, you seen the complaints on the forum?'

    'I'm not reading those. Who cares! Want to print them out, screw them into golf ball sized balls and hit them off the roof with my new gold golf clubs I brought with last months bonus?'
  • ludicrum#5684 ludicrum Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    COALgate, huh? You know, I usually get annoyed at how every contoversy, major or minor, has the suffix "gate" added to it. In this case, though, I kind of like it.
  • lordrahllylordrahlly Member Posts: 62 Arc User

    You are joking right? Surely you must understand that we arent going to drop one friggin penny in this game until you start being honest with us. What good is a zen sale? Seriously? Tomorrow you might take the whole da$n Zen market away in the name of saving the economy.

    Pastor Martin Niemöller had it right, but remember, before they come for anyone, they silence all, because to have discourse, is to breed discontent.
  • bananacustardbananacustard Member Posts: 28 Arc User

    is there not MORE people playing on Xbox than PC anyway^...i would be shocked if there was not

    Not now there isn't lol.
  • quazakaharet#6375 quazakaharet Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    i was brought into this game months back by a pair of friends who i have known for 10+ years. right after i started they stopped (as they had been playing for months and i had another game i was interested in), and now there coming back just 6 months later, and they are baffled by how few dungeons there are. and that there are only 4 instances of well of dragons now. that skills have a 4th lvl. and so many other things i took for granted as normal.

    i dont know what the future holds, or even if they will both be willing to play enough to grind up to 70 and restart grinding out equipment to be relevant again. in other games if you drop it for a while, even if you come back its up to your skill, not your wallet to make you relevant again.

    "its tough getting back into the mindset to basically start over from scratch after all the work i put in" is what they said.

    this is not a request to make things so easy anyone can do it, or giving out everything new for free at launch, just an observation.

    this may not be wholly related, but in a way, it is when you think that if a lot of the current player base wanders off for a few months because of this even, if the game changes that drastically again, they may just stay gone.

    im here to have fun playing, not to be the best out there. this is my recreation, not my job.
  • zibadawazibadawa Member Posts: 1,266 Arc User

    COALgate, huh? You know, I usually get annoyed at how every contoversy, major or minor, has the suffix "gate" added to it. In this case, though, I kind of like it.

    I would go for "Death Ward". It's D&D-themed, it mentions wards, and it encapsulates player reaction in the thread.
  • richard#6899 richard Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    All I can say is 75tb coal wards.
  • This is so clear..Arc gave us fraudulent info.If the target is to get more incomes, is an error. They are going to lose a lot of gamers.

    They said us about coal, wards and blood rubies with trade bars in the mod 9.
    I spent all my ad to get zen to open boxesand getting trade bars to upgrqde my sw. Now they quit coal and watds and not put blood rubies without any advice..this is no ethics and is fraudulent. Im mot going to spend any euro in that kind of company.

    Only people who spend credit card will stand in game and they will be bored because no enough people to play with them

    I will send a ticket to microsoft because arc broke terms. Is not a costumer fair attention. I guess all the affected gamers should do the same.
  • markeemark1322markeemark1322 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    I have almost 100 days played and have spent probably a lil over a $1000 dollars playing the game, i honestly will not be dropping another dime into the game at all ever again, still debating on if I will request a refund from Microsoft or not but I won't be putting as much time into this game as I used to. Seems every module they drop they find a new way to mess the game up.
  • bananacustardbananacustard Member Posts: 28 Arc User

    agreed, I being one who has not continued playing the game ( not allowed to say quit ).

    I stopped buying Zen when they took out leadership. I think I made the right call then about what this company was. I still enjoy the game to some extent, but seeing as I had to wait 45 minutes for an epic dungeon queue earlier it seems the game population has declined rapidly since the last update. It would take a HUGE gesture from this company to ever get me to buy Zen again - But seeing as leadership was never fixed, dungeons were never returned and now coalgate - The game will be gone soon enough and I don't think any kind of gesture now will revive it.
  • Stop buy zen...stop play ..everyone at the same time. They will take care about ehat are they losing.
  • misanthropyxmisanthropyx Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Started this game last week I love Dnd games, Baldur's gate was the first game I ever played. This game could of been so great, maybe it was? Don't think I'll invest any money or anymore time in this game. Between the interaction bug and their horrible f2p model all I see is brown. Oh tried to catch the maintenance stream.... dude was late then left to get coffee...then stream didn't work. Mods in this forum sound like a bunch of angry nerds taking their angst out on the gen pop, guess the clock tower is too far from the lazyboy.
  • I will submit a ticket yo microsoft to fraudulent advertising.
  • mrwupazzmrwupazz Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Not trying to be nit-picky and not that ARC/PW care to follow through on what they say.....but you guys did say we would have an answer this morning at the latest well PM starts in 10 min from post
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    You people really, really messed up. Did you not expect or predict this reaction? Your entire XBox customer base is furious.

    If you were not able to predict this you need to review your business practices because you are not in touch with reality.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
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    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
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    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
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