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Trade Bar Store Changes on Xbox One



  • zukn75zukn75 Member Posts: 364 Arc User
    Wouldn't put it past them
  • mrwupazzmrwupazz Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    Man they are deleting messages left and right now lol
  • thelastdon#8609 thelastdon Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    These guys are totally waiting this out to see if the players really will stop spending money. This company is as underhanded as they get. The days of HAMSTER people are OVER. We have the internet now and can get educated on dirty tricks and better deals. This is exactly why people are cutting the cord with cable companies. They are tired of being crapped on.
  • codenie#3846 codenie Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    No word, no double weekend, just lies, thanks ARCGAMES!
    i hope that this is the point of no return IF you don'g give what you promise.
  • thelastdon#8609 thelastdon Member Posts: 16 Arc User

    No word, no double weekend, just lies, thanks ARCGAMES!

    i hope that this is the point of no return IF you don'g give what you promise.

    I guarantee you some HAMSTER bag arrogant exec is telling them to wait it out and to call our bluff.
  • codenie#3846 codenie Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    Do you know what they call 'perfect' world entertaiment?

  • codenie#3846 codenie Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    The players come back if they did what they promise and if they promise NEVER do this again!
    Now we have all a good valentine weekend, we can go outside, do something special and say goodbye to the Neverwin... game............
  • dreadvenemousdreadvenemous Member Posts: 162 Arc User
    Time for us all to wise up - the publisher does not care about game quality or establishing a loyal player base. They care about milking the pennies.
  • lordrahllylordrahlly Member Posts: 62 Arc User

    They're waiting to see if this sale works. If it does, no wards or rubies for you

    More likely they are just waiting for quitting time friday, that way once they announce it they get a 2 day buffer for cooldown.
    Pastor Martin Niemöller had it right, but remember, before they come for anyone, they silence all, because to have discourse, is to breed discontent.
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User

    I say to resolve this matter, Cryptic reverses the nerfs, honors their word by putting Coals, rubies and wards in the trade bar store for the prices they advertised and PWE gives each player 10k Zen. To show reason, say 3 days to claim the Zen.

    Gives each player roughly $100 worth of Zen? Really?
    Shine on, you crazy diamond.
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  • ragnarokfpsragnarokfps Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    So I paid real money and dedicated a significant amount of my time and my in-game resources towards getting Coalescent Wards from the Tarmalune Trade Bar merchant on Feb 9 2016. This is based on the available information we all had from the Developer. Coalescent Wards would be 75 Tarmalune Trade Bars. I sold my Vorpal Enchantment, spent over a million Astral Diamonds on Enchanted Keys to get Tarmalune Trade Bars, in order to get Coalescent Wards. I need the wards to make my enchantments higher than they are now (rank 7). The best thing I had to sell was my Vorpal Enchantment at 300k. Now I'm completely broke from making a massive investment into getting Coalescent Wards, only to find out that I've been lied to. Coalescent Wards are not only not cheaper than they used be (as the Developer had lead us to believe since October 2015), they are completely gone from the Trade Bar store. What further pisses me off is that there has been exactly no explanation from the Developers about why Coalescent Wards have been removed entirely from the Trade Bar store. We are not going to pay $10 US for a Coalescent Ward on the Zen Market. That is absolutely preposterous. I heard that the Developers said they were investigating the situation. There is nothing to investigate. Make the game be the way it has been advertised as being. Way back in October, we knew about the changes to the Trade Bar Merchant. For months we have operated under the impression from the Developers, only to find out that a critical aspect has been completely reversed, and with zero explanation for that action. We were supposed to have cheaper Coalescent Wards, not have the wards removed entirely from the Trade Bar store.

    A less bothersome issue is about the x2 Astral Diamonds event that had been advertised for at least a month prior to its release date on Feb 9. There is no such event. Again, I wonder whether this is straight incompetence, or downright malicious intent. Either or both could be easily true, it seems. Now I have salvaged the items I was collecting (4 characters of full inventory and bank) to get some small amount of Astral Diamonds back. It will royally <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> me off to find out that the Developer gives us the x2 Diamonds event that didn't happen, that was supposed to happen, according to the calendar of events inside the game itself. It will <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> me off because I have already salvaged what I had worked for and collected in order to salvage during the x2 Diamonds event that did not happen as advertised for the entire month of January.

    What is there to talk about? Just do what you said you guys were going to do! And make it up to us for the apparent bait and switch that involves REAL MONEY. This is called FRAUD and is punishable under Federal law in the United States. I hope this presents a warning to the Developers. Please get your act together. Its great to be lighthearted about a simple video game, but when you screw us out of the money we have literally worked for at our day jobs, this is very low indeed.
  • tgwolftgwolf Member Posts: 501 Arc User

    I say to resolve this matter, Cryptic reverses the nerfs, honors their word by putting Coals, rubies and wards in the trade bar store for the prices they advertised and PWE gives each player 10k Zen. To show reason, say 3 days to claim the Zen.

    Gives each player roughly $100 worth of Zen? Really?
    Shine on, you crazy diamond.
    Honestly they should just give each account a Bind on Pickup Epic Mount of your choice, including the Axe Beak/Giant Strider and all past/current lockbox mounts.
    It'd be fair, each player gets a mount they want and it wouldn't harm the economy cause you can't sell it.

    A think most people would agree with that.
  • td904td904 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    I'll share my experience. I was a free player until a couple months ago when I finally decided to drop some money in a vain hope at getting a flail snail. I never had spent money in the 150+ hours I spent with this game so I decided 30 dollars wasnt to big a deal with all the fun I had already had.

    That was the only purchase I had made until last night I bought $50 dollar pack (discounted by sale) to round out to about the cost of a new game. That was before I heard the changes to what I was promised. I cant afford to pay $10 a coal ward or grind for 5 days in order to buy one with AD. I contact Microsoft and informed them of the situation and was refunded in full for my purchase. I suggest you all do the same.
  • zixxer636zixxer636 Member Posts: 47 Arc User

    We are not going to pay $10 US for a Coalescent Ward on the Zen Market. That is absolutely preposterous.

    well.... you actually would have paid 10 usd for the 10 keys to open boxes in order to get 75 bars soooo.....

    actualy I only buy 1 at a time when I get the 40% key coupon, then I go to AD exchange buy 100 zen for less than 20k AD, spending 0$ to get my trade bars.
  • jewpac#5085 jewpac Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    As one of the players who purchased Zen just before the update, it's a pretty big slap in the face that you'd try to save face with a sale during the controversy after players spent thousands awaiting the promised content. Screen shots of your update notes as the update were taken and my credit card and BBB will be contacted should this not be resolved today with the intent of filing fraudulent advertising and I'm moral business practices.
  • They will refund you, as long as you have not spent any of the zen.
  • td904td904 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    > @whatbananas#4924 said:
    > I contact Microsoft and informed them of the situation and was refunded in full for my purchase.
    > BS

    I dont care if you believe me dawg. If you know a way to pull up support logs with the guy I chatted with on from xbox live customer service I will post the conversation. I told him I was misled and that I wanted a refund. I also told him it was a matter of pride and I didnt expect Microsoft to do anything. I just wanted them to know how they people they do business with treat their customers.
  • antoscorvusantoscorvus Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Interesting had I know they were being removed I could have stocked up on them so I would not have to buy the zen ones but, I guess that is my mistake assuming we would get the pc changes and reading the xbox new on the new changes. (-_-)

  • zixxer636zixxer636 Member Posts: 47 Arc User

    zixxer636 said:

    We are not going to pay $10 US for a Coalescent Ward on the Zen Market. That is absolutely preposterous.

    well.... you actually would have paid 10 usd for the 10 keys to open boxes in order to get 75 bars soooo.....

    actualy I only buy 1 at a time when I get the 40% key coupon, then I go to AD exchange buy 100 zen for less than 20k AD, spending 0$ to get my trade bars.

    thats you...most bought 10 at a time..waiting for the odd 40 percent off coupon would barely give 75 bars a week

    With 10 characters it happens more than youd think Im sitting on plenty of TBs
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    If you're contacting Microsoft, bear in mind that they won't understand the details of this... so simplify it:
    * PWE Promoted an item that would be sold for in-game currency.
    * You spent the money on the premium currency in order to gain the in-game currency.
    * The promoted items were not added to the game in the timeframe promised
    This is simply a case of spending money on a promotion that was not honored. Keep it simple, and don't get too emotional about it. Will be interested to see what PW make of accounts that Microsoft are refunding.
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  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    I know that if you go that option you're banned from the game permanently.

    We are not going to pay $10 US for a Coalescent Ward on the Zen Market. That is absolutely preposterous.

    well.... you actually would have paid 10 usd for the 10 keys to open boxes in order to get 75 bars soooo.....

    it's the failsafe of the lockbox. so many of them have HAMSTER instead of anything useful that getting those bars means you are (were) at least getting one thing of value.
  • zman81420zman81420 Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    I have a dream that Coal Wards were available as advertised in the past announcements and all was well in the sword coast! But who am I kidding dreaming is for children. Fix it before we ditch it BRUH!
    Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror

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  • zman81420zman81420 Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    I need those coal wards to complete my Wardrobe c'mon BRUH!
    Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror

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  • zixxer636zixxer636 Member Posts: 47 Arc User

    With 10 characters it happens more than youd think Im sitting on plenty of TBs

    same here. 8 characters pray faithfully everyday and have over 4000 tradebars. But my comment was not to you but to the person I was quoting that said they bought a million Ad worth of keys...understand now?

    I thought you were justifying the actions of the devs by saying 10$ for Cward= 10$ for 75 tbs.

    I was just stating 75tbs = 0$ for me not 10$ understand?
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User

    I know that if you go that option you're banned from the game permanently.

    My understanding is that is true of you reverse the funds by telling your bank. Not sure how that would work out if it was Microsoft that reversed the transaction. In fact, in that case I think that they wouldn't actually reverse the charge - knowing MS they would credit your XBL account with the cash value and then pursue PWE for for payment.

    Or at least, that's my understanding. Perhaps the folks who are complaining can let us know (although if we believe them, they are "done with Neverwinter forever", despite every UD skirmish loading instantly, the drowned shore being full to capacity and continuous groups running HEs in DR/IWD/WoD.)

    For every person who read the update (and wasted money) there are likely 3-4 standard Xbox players that had no idea of what was promised, and therefore no idea what they're missing. The game is in no danger of dying out for the next few week.
    But this still isn't a win for PWE - Xbox gamers are migratory. The move from game to game, following the next new game or DLC. The people that this move annoyed were the hard-core core of the game - the passionate, engaged fans who would play even if Witcher, Fallout and Division were out that same week. It's far more likely to hurt the bottom line than annoying the standard users would.
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  • kccotxkccotx Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    The fact that this hasn't been officially addressed at this point is just embarrassing and pathetic.

    Seriously, even with "all the moving parts to consider" by now the company knows whether or not they're putting them back in. At this point, smart money would be betting on the "not at this point" option.

    It's pretty obvious with the zen and key sale that happened today (which I find to be absolutely incredible that they had the gall to launch given everything going on, I'm almost not even mad about it. Almost.) they wanted to gauge how all these threats of not spending more money would stand up if tested. The fact that we haven't gotten any statement yet is a good indicator that not enough people held their ground and abstained from spending more money until we got what we were promised.

    It's kind of sad, really. If they would just pulled their heads out of their a@&es, they probably could have salvaged the situation by coupling this sale with doing what is so obviously the right thing and putting the wards and stones in as they had advertised.
  • randomdigits#2166 randomdigits Member Posts: 700 Arc User
    That dev quote earlier in the thread makes me think that the problem is more tricky to solve than we think. I know we are assuming it's just a quick config change to get wards into store - just patch it and there you go. If that was this simple I suspect they wouldn't be waiting so long to consider their choices and would make the fix be part of today's patch.

    What I suppose might actually be happening is that because of the developer's mistake (be it a bug of feature) the game patch we've got on Feb 9th lacks the code required to add these item to the Trade Bar Store and publishing new game patch to Xbox would be a rather time consuming process. In which case you end up with a number of options of what you can do without a patch. Like giving things away, changing Zen Store prices, turning on events, etc. But none of these options is equivalent to adding Trade Bars to the store, so you have to consider all the choices. Perhaps also discuss it with a few people from the community. This coincidentally explains the lowered level of moderator activity. :wink:
    Ana Taletreader (CW) / Friend of Casual Gamers
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    2 days no update
  • zman81420zman81420 Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    So no ward that has been confirmed, 2x Enchants and 2x AD cancelled for a 2x RP in its place for today - Sunday which has since been moved to next week. Sincerely what in the h-e-double hockey sticks is going on with this company? This is just no....I can't.... I just can't anymore right now....Give us what we have coming and I sure as heck am not saying please.
    Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror

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