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Astral Diamond Changes



  • cybnexxu5cybnexxu5 Member Posts: 5 Arc User

    Speaking as a solo player who was primarily using Leadership as a slow-and-steady way to build up AD to pay for pretty much everything in this game ... this move reeks. I don't do Dungeons because I don't have BiS gear, Skirmishes only rarely and I avoid PvP like the plague. This move basically kills my AD progression.

    I totally agree, Leadership was the first profession I started with on each of my characters as it was the only way to save up enough to get semi decent stuff from AH. I do dungeons once in a while when I'm bored and don't have quests to do, skirmishes only dole out a decent amount of AD if you do them three times, so that's a bore grind as well and I hate PVP.

    Basically that means that those who play the game for the content, ie campaigns, completing quests, building your characters etc, you know, the role playing part of RPG that everyone seems to think is a waste of time, are being punished because we want to have some sort of character progression or storyline, instead of grinding the same three dungeons over and over and over again so we can go into combat and actually last more than 20 seconds.

    I have several characters because I don't always want to play the same way, sometimes it's upfront blood and guts other times it's freeze them from a distance, or shoot an arrow in their eye, so because I want to play my way and some idiots need to use bots to play the game for them, all of us solo artists can either drop cash on the game (I'm not in the US so the currency conversion pretty much HAMSTER my salary) or "F themselves"?

    Not everyone plays the same way. If you enjoy PVP, or don't vcare about the storyline great for you, but I guarantee, if the roles were reversed and they made things like leadership the only way to earn and instead removed it from your gaming style, the tone here would be considerably different.

  • sylkrodesylkrode Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    I've yet to get much more than 10k a day per toon. Skirmishes still don't give the correct bonus on first two plays and as a result aren't even queued for anymore, PvP queues take half an hour to fill and give out 1,200 - damn it, put the hourly events and daily quests back! You claim to have intended to increase rAD earnings! Your claims seem now very very dubious. Either fix it so it actually fulfills that declared intent or be honest with us. You claim to want the F2P people to feel rewarded and to have a chance against those who blow the dough on the game, but you have in fact made it even harder for F2P players to even subsist! Please, please, for God's sake, either can this whole debacle or put it right - or, alternatively, be honest about your motives..
    If you want robofarming, go play farmville or something.


    Rage against the zeitgeist.

  • kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator
    sylkrode said:

    I've yet to get much more than 10k a day per toon. Skirmishes still don't give the correct bonus on first two plays and as a result aren't even queued for anymore, PvP queues take half an hour to fill and give out 1,200 - damn it, put the hourly events and daily quests back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Run some 3 man dungeons. :D They are easy and grant the correct amount of AD.
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  • sylkrodesylkrode Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    kreatyve said:

    Run some 3 man dungeons. :D They are easy and grant the correct amount of AD.

    After the first two it's hardly worth the time. And that's been, at best, ~3.6k. At least the skirmishes are rewarding 850 rather than 200 now. Still an insulting pittance. Of, course, they'll just keep hiding behind "thread hostility" or whatever term they used. Pretend all is well and the only thing people want back is leadership. That kind of flat dismissal is exactly why people are convinced more with each passing instant that this is nothing more than a thinly veiled money grab. If it is, fine. Just fess up, Cryptic. If it isn't, if you really mean to make life easier, you have to rework this. You have to tell us you're reworking this, how you're going to do so (or just that you are formulating plans), and give us some time index - some idea when it will happen. Doesn't have to be next Thursday, just the notion that it will happen will go miles. These ruffled feathers are not going to smooth themselves over - quite the opposite. Your silence and inaction is precisely the reason for this hostility and distrust.

    Let me remind you what you told us:
    goatshark said:

    [We will be] "watching the above changes to make sure they're having the desired effect on group play."

    I am assuming the same goes for solo play, but I may be a bit naive on that regard. Maybe you haven't considered solo players. Doesn't make sense, but neither does anything happening in the world today, so not entirely implausible.

    But, I digress: my summation is simple; fix up or fess up. PERIOD.
    Post edited by sylkrode on
    If you want robofarming, go play farmville or something.


    Rage against the zeitgeist.

  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Any chances of seeing more AD changes before Underdark?
    Or some Dev feedback on the ideas presented by players here, or in other threads about the AD changes?
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • checkmatein3checkmatein3 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 525 Arc User
    IDEAS for New, Boosted, or Revamped sources of AD

    FIRST, change the maximum amount of refined AD per day per character. Here is a suggestion. Tie it together with VIP ranks 10-12. At VIP rank 10, an extra 6k AD per day. VIP rank 11, another 12k. VIP rank 12, another 18k. This would max out at 50k AD per day refined. Cryptic gets a return in profit flow from the purchasing of VIP, and players get a return on more in-game useable currency.

    SECOND, change review rewards in the foundry from gold to AD. Every new review = 20-100AD. Over the lifetime of a foundry quest (if it is good), the author can make around 2Mil AD. This will promote more foundry authors.

    THIRD, reward EVERY quest performed during the day with a 5% unrefined AD reward based on the EXP. For example, if you were to receive 5k exp, you would receive 250AD also. This works in two ways. It ties to the EXP reward and boons, so that EXP boosts will also boost the AD reward, and it is much smaller than the EXP. It promotes performing quests (not mindless grinding). It rewards game play, and it is proportional to the level of the player. It rewards play on multiple characters. Thus, it truly equal time in the game equals reward. It is limited by the refining cap. And finally, it preserves the freedom for players to select what they want to do each day rather than be forced to do the few things that grant AD.

    LEVIATHAN--19.3k Metallic Dragonborn Guardian Fighter Swordmaster Loadouts

    Guild--And the Imaginary Friends

  • philfyratbagzphilfyratbagz Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    Your really going to bring these changes to Xbox tomorrow???, not 1 month ago, I was reading were you told us that Xbox economy was way lower than PC and what you expected.

    I play slow and steady and play all the content, but don't run much dungeons or skirmishes and never PVP!
    I was told by a PC player how to set yourself up with professions to help a solo play/non dungeon offset an income with leadership, so after 4 months of slogging it out to get leadership to max and finally an ok income, your going to rip it out and make my effort worthless (AGAIN)

    1st you nerf my characters for EE and now your going to rip out my professions effort...wow, talk about a kick in the teeth...you guys know how to kill a game.*shakes my head*

    I so regret ever putting REAL money in this game...and I never will again....Thx for nothing PW

    goodbye ,/..
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Well, now that is a surprise...

    "Astral Diamond Changes: The Leadership Profession has been modified to reward significantly fewer Astral Diamonds. Most tasks that used to reward AD no longer do so. Some tasks reward XP instead of AD. The rare level 4 task "Gather Diamonds" has been removed."

    ... but what about any other AD changes, or what about the whole player feedback in this or any other thread?
    Post edited by regenerde on
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • mike31584mike31584 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    thinking that if I'm going to keep playing this it might turn into a facebook style game, where the game becomes running professions every few hours. if they knew they were going to do this where are the rest of the dungeons, and the alternative for the solo players. add ad to heroic encounters then it will be worth farming them again since you took all the purple items form the well of dragons.
    how many bots are you deterring from playing the xbox one version? is it more than the amount of actual players that are going to see the change and not want to play.
  • bronitazbronitaz Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    I'm pretty happy about this change. Just because, Leadership army, and leadership as a whole were stuipd waste of time concepts. You wanna make real money? Go into ANY OTHER PROFESSION and just make and SELL stuff lol. I make about 1-2 mil a week off leather-working. It took me about a month to get all the right tools and all mithral stuff, but it's way more awesome. There's other professions too. The only reason I log in to any of my other characters is to pray and to pick up bags hoping for a coupon.

    Also, just because someone makes an outrageous amount of money doesn't mean you're rich. If you want to get more AD, put everything you earn back into business. Buy low, sell high. And your priority should be right now to get your VIP high enough not to have posting fees.

    Anyway, screw leadership, it's breadcrumbs for the unenlightened, check out where the real AD is made at! And remember, the less you take for yourself, the more you amass! Though I blew everything during double refinement.. uh oh.
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    rAD has to be gathered by players through investing time into the game, it doesn't just appear out of the blue.
    The ability to gather rAD has been reduced drastically, without removing numerous AD sinks at the same time.

    Right now, you can only get rAD through running dungeons, skirmishes and PvP, and while you can move salvagable items from one character to another to circumvent the 24k AD limit per day, it will still take more time to get AD and you will still get less AD overall per day.

    Ask yourself, if everyone goes into professions as you suggested and starts crafting the same products as you do, who's going to buy them from the AH?
    And ask yourself another thing, who's going to continue to buy ZEN with real money for AD, when he gets less and less AD for 1 ZEN?
    ZEN doesn't just appear in game out of the blue either...

    Again, players have to invest time one way or the other to gather rAD... and the less AD a player can make within the time he has in game, the less AD he will spend in the AH or elsewhere in the end.
    Post edited by regenerde on
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • fastandfrivolousfastandfrivolous Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    I am primarily a solo PVE player and have over a dozen toons doing leadership for AD. (Nowhere near the limit of 50 character slots though). With the long load screen times it is easily an hour to cycle through all alts and assign tasks, collect rewards, and convert RAD. After all that, on a Good day I might have just enough Zen for one lockbox key.

    In all seriousness, how am I ruining the economy for anyone?
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    I agree with the time = AD concept because to me it's about contribution. AD from Leadership simply isn't earned currency - yes you had to work to get it to L20 but once there it's free money and that drives AH prices up for everyone.

    What I would suggest is they add AD rewards to ALL PVE quests so those who prefer to play through the open world content/mini-quests earn as they go without having to take time out for pvp/dungeons/skirmishes.

    After all, these do equate to 'time spent' and this will reward players of all types for the amount of time they play.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

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    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • extremerugburn#9480 extremerugburn Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    This just went live on Xbox, and although I'm upset about leadership, everything else sounds promising. I do have one question regarding the daily AD cap for each event. Are these caps account based or character based, because I know a lot of people invested in additional characters to help generate AD and if the cap is account based then a lot of us will be further annoyed. I also agree with the many other people who think something other than experience needs to be added to Leadership to make up for the lost investment by many of us. The experience rewards do next to nothing for level 70 characters as the overflow rewards are usually pretty lame for the amount of experience it requires to get them. I like the idea of adding a chance at getting Marks, greater marks, and superior marks.
  • kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator

    This just went live on Xbox, and although I'm upset about leadership, everything else sounds promising. I do have one question regarding the daily AD cap for each event. Are these caps account based or character based, because I know a lot of people invested in additional characters to help generate AD and if the cap is account based then a lot of us will be further annoyed. I also agree with the many other people who think something other than experience needs to be added to Leadership to make up for the lost investment by many of us. The experience rewards do next to nothing for level 70 characters as the overflow rewards are usually pretty lame for the amount of experience it requires to get them. I like the idea of adding a chance at getting Marks, greater marks, and superior marks.

    They are character based.
    My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox
    Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
    Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
  • ganzolokoganzoloko Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Not good
    Post edited by ganzoloko on
  • sharden#1793 sharden Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    This is nothing but a shameful move to force people to spend more cash on zen so they can actually get AD or the items things they wanted from AD. If you want more money, just say it. Don't pretend it's for any other reason.

    But hey, since you devalued leadership by literally 100% (no, the other stuff you have in there is worthless) I'm sure you're going to give us a massive credit of time, ad, zen, gear, other profession xp, etc to make up for it? Right? I mean... you're not going to make a profession 100% useless without making up for it in anyway, right?
  • shurato2099shurato2099 Member Posts: 171 Arc User

    This is nothing but a shameful move to force people to spend more cash on zen so they can actually get AD or the items things they wanted from AD. If you want more money, just say it. Don't pretend it's for any other reason.

    But hey, since you devalued leadership by literally 100% (no, the other stuff you have in there is worthless) I'm sure you're going to give us a massive credit of time, ad, zen, gear, other profession xp, etc to make up for it? Right? I mean... you're not going to make a profession 100% useless without making up for it in anyway, right?

    I wouldn't get my hopes up on that one. We've been waiting for a while on the PC side and their only concession has been the SMoP/GMoP/MoP pricing change. Leadership remains the slowest levelling profession in the game, now with the worst rewards, and all of the other AD sinks are in place at their full cost unless you have a sufficiently high VIP level for a sligh discount at the Wonderous Bazaar.
  • cattickelfcattickelf Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    So I spent all that time leveling up my Leadership fooooor nothing. Is that right? My main's Leadership is all the way up to 17 and the main reason for it was for the AD. You're giving me nothing in return for all of that time I wasted? No special respec that can transfer all of that wasted time and resources into a different profession? No? Not even gonna lower the cost of how much the mandatory campaign stuff is? Okay. Thanks.
    Just a big F- YOU to the casuals, right?
    I mean, I would just loooooooooooooooove to grind the same skirmishes and dungeons over and over for basically no reward if only it didn't take forever for people to queue in.
  • tomidius80tomidius80 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    So you're telling me all the money and time I spent on leveling up leadership on all of my characters is completely useless? The amount of gold and the amount of exp you get is LAUGHABLE.

    All of my adventures and heros are now worthless... WORTHLESS WORTHLESS WORTHLESS.

    SURE I will spend 12hrs for one gold and 1200 exp... get out of here.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    Leadership its practically useless until lvl 23-24 now.. and you dont even need 25, as its useless again. The shear audacity to call it still useful is bordering on conceit and/or lack of care to the player-base.

    Its frustrating , not just about the removal of AD, but they still haven't reduced costing even weeks after, other then gmops. To me the entire game was set up with one price point, requiring you to purchase and maintain a small army to do anything.. they rip that away and STILL once again having fixed costing on over 80% of the items in game.

    STRONGHOLD costing alone is ridiculous to the extreme and should've been addressed ASAP.
  • orangebangorangebang Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 55 Arc User

    Leadership its practically useless until lvl 23-24 now.. and you dont even need 25, as its useless again. The shear audacity to call it still useful is bordering on conceit and/or lack of care to the player-base.

    Its frustrating , not just about the removal of AD, but they still haven't reduced costing even weeks after, other then gmops. To me the entire game was set up with one price point, requiring you to purchase and maintain a small army to do anything.. they rip that away and STILL once again having fixed costing on over 80% of the items in game.

    STRONGHOLD costing alone is ridiculous to the extreme and should've been addressed ASAP.

    Stronghold costing I think should be higher actually. Why? It's the end goal, there has to be a goal. It shouldn't be attainable to everyone. If everyone is in BIS, then what is the point of trying to be better specially if it is made too easily. There has to be a grind. What would have been better for stronghold boons is diminishing marginal returns so the more you level it, the less you get. That way, there is still an advantage to maxing but not so much that huge guilds or wealthy guilds basically curb stomp everyone else. There has to be a way for skill to stay in the picture.
  • dakwa1dakwa1 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    Lets see, I do two foundry quests, 0ad. I do four foundry quests, 0ad. I do 2 skirmishes, 0ad. I do 4 skirmishes, 0ad.
    So where is this increase?
    I may not be the best player in the world, but at least I learn my Toon, and how to play them. b:laugh
  • kacsaneverkacsanever Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 167 Arc User

    Leadership its practically useless until lvl 23-24 now.. and you dont even need 25, as its useless again. The shear audacity to call it still useful is bordering on conceit and/or lack of care to the player-base.

    Its frustrating , not just about the removal of AD, but they still haven't reduced costing even weeks after, other then gmops. To me the entire game was set up with one price point, requiring you to purchase and maintain a small army to do anything.. they rip that away and STILL once again having fixed costing on over 80% of the items in game.

    STRONGHOLD costing alone is ridiculous to the extreme and should've been addressed ASAP.

    Stronghold costing I think should be higher actually. Why? It's the end goal, there has to be a goal. It shouldn't be attainable to everyone. If everyone is in BIS, then what is the point of trying to be better specially if it is made too easily. There has to be a grind. What would have been better for stronghold boons is diminishing marginal returns so the more you level it, the less you get. That way, there is still an advantage to maxing but not so much that huge guilds or wealthy guilds basically curb stomp everyone else. There has to be a way for skill to stay in the picture.
    Big guilds (not even need to be wealthy as you meant) have only one slow and not bypassable limit: construction time (190 days min + 9 days for boons). AD requirement is their least problem (as well as labor and gem). The squissor will open way faster if the requirements are increased or eve if it is not removed/reduced to at least 1/10 of the current.
    Leadership AD change was made 4 weeks ago. There has been only one more change so far: Mark of Potency rework which also fed out AD from the economy in implicit way - Just to note I have supported the change even though I had some MOP/GMOP left for next RP event.
    There was a post from strum on the 3rd of Oct: "Definitely more changes to come! The devs are not done with AD changes." (COSTING.. still a massive issue, why are you not fixing this faster?) This is fine but WHEN and WHAT?!
    There are high priority points in the topic:
    1. Boon cost (new players are struggling enough w/ the difficulty)
    2. SH AD cost
    3. Feat respec price - new players mainly /OFF but I would like to see a new system which I just dream of I am sure
    4. I also want to add the rAD gain possibilities to this list: rAD only from dungeon/skirmish/PvP. No rAD for solo questing and foundry.
  • kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator
    dakwa1 said:

    Lets see, I do two foundry quests, 0ad. I do four foundry quests, 0ad. I do 2 skirmishes, 0ad. I do 4 skirmishes, 0ad.
    So where is this increase?

    You should be getting AD from the chest at the end of the skirmishes/ Are you forgetting to open the chest? If you are opening the chest and not getting AD, please file a bug report.

    Foundry quests aren't granting AD that this time. (Which I believe is a known issue, but I'll bug Andy about bugging the devs about it today).
    My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox
    Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
    Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
  • coolgeek357coolgeek357 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 91 Arc User

    Since D&D has always used Gold|Silver|Copper currency, Why does AD even exist?

  • bananacustardbananacustard Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    There isn't a thread for this on the Xbox section of the forum. I'm presuming this is because you have enough complaints here, about HOW WRONG YOU ARE, but I'm adding my two cents regardless.

    So let's look at some ACTUAL numbers.

    CRAGMIRE CRYPTS (During Dungeon time)

    Before: Queue time - 2-3 mins, Length of time to do dungeon - 15-25 minutes, Reward - 6000 rAD (3000 for daily quest, 3000 for opening chest during event time)

    Now: Queue time - 15-20 mins, Length of time to do dungeon - 15-25 minutes, Reward - 3250 rAD

    So BEFORE the changes to dungeon rewards, an hour of playing could potentially net you 18,000 rAD across 3 chars if you were fast through dungeons and happened to be playing during the event timer.

    Now an hour of playing will at most allow you to do 2 dungeon runs - 2 x 3250 = 6500 rAD

    BLACKLAKE SKIRMISH (During Skirmish time)

    Before: Queue time - 2-3 minutes, Length of time to do skirmish - 3-5 minutes, Reward - 1000 rAD

    Now: Queue time - 30-45 minutes, Length of time to do skirmish - 3-5 minutes, Reward - 50 rAD

    So BEFORE it would take you 5 minutes to complete a low level skirmish (perfect if you were a little short of bidding on something in the auction house!), whereas now it takes you up to 55 minutes to gain 50 rAD.

    And yes I used Blacklake terror as an example for the Skirmish as so far it has been the only skirmish I have been able to complete since the patch AS I DON'T HAVE AN HOUR TO WAIT IN A QUEUE FOR A SINGLE SKIRMISH!

    Please explain how this is rewarding more Astral Diamonds?

    As for your other statements - Here are just 2 snippets that don't make sense or you have missed something GLARINGLY obvious:-

    'Unfortunately, based on our data, far too many people either didn’t know they needed to take these quests, didn't want to go through the effort, or they simply forgot.' - Did it not occur to you that many people DON'T WANT TO PLAY SKIRMISHES/DUNGEONS? Could their refusal to do them before have something to do with how yawnsomely boring they are to complete day after day after day? That will not change now, especially as there is less incentive to complete dungeons and skirmishes as they earn you less rAD as they did before.

    'We believe that simply playing content should get you your time currency' - So why REDUCE the amount of rAD you can make each hour by playing dungeons and skirmishes? Why are there no rAD rewards for playing STORYLINE QUESTS/levelling? Since the patch we have also had less time to get our 'time currency' as most of our time is now consumed waiting in queues.

    So just who have you peed off/ alienated with this patch?

    1) Anybody who made their diamonds by playing Skirmishes/dungeons before the patch and is now unable to continue to make as many, despite your assurances that 'Across the board, these two changes are expected to put significantly more AD into the hands of anyone playing this queued content.'. I understand that before advantage was given to people who logged in during Skirmish/Dungeon event time - But was this not held at different times per day so that during the week so that everybody had a chance to participate?

    2) Anybody who ever levelled up leadership - Self explanatory this one.

    3) Anybody who ever brought Zen, or was planning to buy Zen - Let's face it with the exchange price of Zen dropping like a rock who's going to bother to purchase it? The only thing Zen will be useful for is to buy inflated items from the Zen market. There won't be enough diamonds available to have an active AD exchange.

    I'm sure there are a few people supporting this move. They'll be the twerps running round PVP hitting opponents with their Mummy's and Daddy's credit cards. Don't worry guys, your time will come when you realise your Zen is worth nothing BECAUSE NO-ONE HAS THE ASTRAL DIAMONDS TO BUY IT! Tissue?
  • This content has been removed.
  • zorothegalladezorothegallade Member Posts: 32 Arc User


    Since D&D has always used Gold|Silver|Copper currency, Why does AD even exist?

    To add an extra step in the grinding process. Instead of killing monsters for gold, you kill monsters in the HOPE they will drop something that is worth enough diamonds to make it worth your time.

    It's all in the name of preventing streamlined and fun gameplay...whoops, I meant "botting". Yeah, let's go with that.
  • tassedethe13tassedethe13 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 806 Arc User
    edited October 2015


    Since D&D has always used Gold|Silver|Copper currency, Why does AD even exist?

    To add an extra step in the grinding process. Instead of killing monsters for gold, you kill monsters in the HOPE they will drop something that is worth enough diamonds to make it worth your time.

    It's all in the name of preventing streamlined and fun gameplay...whoops, I meant "botting". Yeah, let's go with that.

    Or you just can make 1M700K xp points and get 30K RAD....

    Post edited by tassedethe13 on
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