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Elemental Evil Issues Thread



  • kellysbanekellysbane Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    jpdingera said:

    "Thank you for your support on the xbone version of this game. We know you have spent countless hours grinding and honing your skills. Now you get to grind some more with the Elemental Evil Update! Yes! Mindnumbingly grind your way to level 70 before you can even think about playing the other 3 updates uncluded! Yes, yes, we know that all of those mods came out before elemental evil, but we want you to play completely backwards!! Thank you for your support and get to those missions!!"

  • spyderellaspyderella Member Posts: 4 New User
    I'm actually afraid to even log into Neverwinter because I don't want to lose everything I've worked for all four of my characters are at level 60.. I have busted my butt getting my gearscore up and if I lose it I'm done playing!!!!!
  • spyderellaspyderella Member Posts: 4 New User
    > @virtueofcyanide said:
    > null
    > Don't worry about your GS. There's still a fun number for chest thumping. As for the respec issue, it's really not that big of deal. Just put the points back where they were.
    > Everybody that's worried or concerned about losing their GS or points should relax, take a deep breath and see exactly what they are looking at. The only issues I've had really weren't negatively impacting any of my toons. For those who invested in their GS significantly, you don't lose the big investments so to speak. You get a better mainhand from a couple ways(i just made mine from the TOD campaig) and you get a better off hand a couple ways.
    > I've put A LOT of work into my two cw toons and am not missing much making the transition. It's been extremely fun and pleasant for me.
    > P.S. don't be worried about the doom and gloom that surrounded the release of MOD 6. They really did shine in balancing it on xbone.
  • spyderellaspyderella Member Posts: 4 New User
    Ok well I guess I will check it out... It just depresses me to think I've lost all I've worked for... Hopefully I'm wrong but I grinded red ridiculous hours to get to where I was happy with my toons
  • kellysbanekellysbane Member Posts: 8 Arc User

    I'm actually afraid to even log into Neverwinter because I don't want to lose everything I've worked for all four of my characters are at level 60.. I have busted my butt getting my gearscore up and if I lose it I'm done playing!!!!!

    Drama much? I wouldn't worry. Your GS will change, everyone did, due to change in how gear is valued. I went from 18.7k to a 2100 item score. If you do loose anything they will replace with a trouble ticket, everything you have or had it logged.
  • spyderellaspyderella Member Posts: 4 New User
    Not drama just not was what I was expecting from the new download
  • littlevale#6076 littlevale Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Post edited by littlevale#6076 on
  • kellysbanekellysbane Member Posts: 8 Arc User

    Not drama just not was what I was expecting from the new download

    Problem is Xbox is new to MMOs, what's nice is just about every event is logged so any issue can researched and corrected. ie items/gold replaced.

  • lebytorlebytor Member Posts: 1 New User
    With the new update I am experiencing issues starting up the game. It seems to take longer and the background music skips or does quick loops. Seems to be lag type issues in general.

    I have been kicked out of PvP for being AFK for too long - when I was actively in PvP not AFK for even a second - I then get banned for 30 minutes which is very very fustruating as it makes it impossible to complete the required number of matches for the rewards. I have also been getting errors Could not find queue Pvp_Arena_Domination_60.
  • randomdigits#2166 randomdigits Member Posts: 700 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    I have a lot of smaller issues noticed but my top level concerns so far were:

    1) Auction House reverse-sorting does not seem to work anymore.
    I cannot sort things e.g. from most expensive to least expensive by applying the same sorting twice.

    2) Control Wizard teleport seems to be way more difficult to activate.
    Maybe it's just me but I'm now having troubles evading red spot attacks 75% of the times (I'd say it was 25% before).

    3) My non-binding Dragon Cult Pack turned into 2 Dragon Cult Pack BoE packs. Thank you for the free extra pack, but, but, it would have been nice to warn the user about the mechanics - I had one equipped and I've been using it. After I did a test and unequipped it - it was still unbound and was now BoE so to continue using it I had to bound it. :)

    4) Several daily and intro elemental evil quests do not show a quest complete window, so the user has no idea when the quest experience is going to be awarded. (some of us rotate companions and/ore put on low-level gear with Azure enchants). Most of the time it happens in those "plant the seed" animation video sequences, which are quite redundant after the first time.

    5) I think the timing of elemental seed appearing after boss fights and minion spawning is buggy - it should probably stop happening after the boss was killed, but it actually continues for a few minutes after that.

    6) Intro quest to look at Sharandar rewards has buggy tutorial steps. When you accept it, it says to open Sharandar campaign and then click the rewards button. (no such button in campaign window, need to go to Collections), Then as soon as you open Collections it says click "View by location". but this button is only available for campaign collections and a player is confused how to find this button.

    7) Nitpicking: in the elemental seed quest where a reward chest is floating in muddy water, when you repeat the quest as daily the reward chest keeps floating but there is no water.

    8) Nitpicking: that whole Minsc form Rashemen (is that a reference to Minsk and Russia/Belorus?) character is disgusting. Low IQ brute with an invisible hamster who keeps swearing when you stop for 10 seconds to look into your inventory. I would never adventure with such a companion. WIKI says he is supposed to be a ranger too.
    Post edited by randomdigits#2166 on
    Ana Taletreader (CW) / Friend of Casual Gamers
  • xenolith666xenolith666 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    The Dungeon Master Achievement is STILL GLITCHED. thanx
  • darksabrzdarksabrz Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    I just purchased the 6-month VIP package a few minutes ago. Got my Enchanted Key for the day with it, but it won't allow me to pick up my claim for the VIP Character Rewards that all characters in my account are allowed to get. In addition, whenever I try to use the Teleport to Moonstone Mask, Traveling Signpost, or the Summon Mailbox abilities, I get the following:

    "You must collect your reward for "Sleeping Dragon Bridge" o you need a higher VIP rank to use this power."

    Strange, that, given that it shows every indication of me being VIP Rank 6 now.

    Edit: Switched from my new Dragonborn Oathbound Paladin (VERY fun class so far, IMO) -- which is the character I purchased the 6 month VIP package on (thanks to a 15% off any item in the Zen Store coupon) -- to my Drow Scourge Warlock, and everything seems to work fine on the Warlock. Switched back to my OP, and now it works fine. So it's only on the initial purchase that things are wonky, apparently.
    Post edited by darksabrz on
  • nem3slsnem3sls Member Posts: 332 Arc User
    besides not getting my free respec on my DC(all my other chars received it) I noticed that the special quest for starting EE wont go away if you already started it without accepting it from menu beforehand.

    Other than that all is good for me. Wondering about the respec though.

    On a sidenote, all my other chars experienced a massive stats boost, except the DC(which didnt get the respec)- coincidence?

    Thanks, take care.
    The Legendary Outlaws

    maintaining HR, DC, GWF, TR, SW, CW, OP, 4 Kids and 1 wife :p Dungeon runs anyone?

    Tweet me @ nem3sis_AUT
    Streaming NWXbox daily @ 7PM CEST My Twitch
    When is this for you? Worldtime Buddy

    I miss you Boo :(
  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User
    sirtoyou said:

    Get 30 mbs,usually on virgin media.

    Not just you it seems to have been a UK problem took 9 hours for me to bring it in, not sure what the cause was (routing the most likely) this was on BT
  • igotit4freeigotit4free Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    The quest "Hard to Reach Places" auto completed on me and doesn't let me add the seed to the tree. Today I was cleaning out my bags and decided to discard the seed as I needed the space but now when I return to Drowned shore/Reclamation Rock etc.. all the repeatable quests are gone. The only quests I have in these areas now are the kill 100 enemies and dailies. I can not re-accept the Hard to Reach Places quest (as I finished it but auto completed on me) and can't grind xp to rank up so I can move to the next area's.
  • gedd1gedd1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    The problem I have been seeing as that since the update my lvl 40 CW no longer has working Life Leech or Regeneration. It was all good before the patch and now I am burning through Health potions like there is no tomorrow. :( Anyone else seeing this? Any ideas?

  • neobeastxneobeastx Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    gedd1 said:

    The problem I have been seeing as that since the update my lvl 40 CW no longer has working Life Leech or Regeneration. It was all good before the patch and now I am burning through Health potions like there is no tomorrow. :( Anyone else seeing this? Any ideas?


    Read patch notes, there were changes to life steal and regeneration.
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    Life Leech? You mean Life Steal Or is Life Leech a thing I just have not seen on my CW?
  • Is any1 else stuck in Fiery Pit? Idk if its a glitch or not, but I went to Fiery Pit last night, not receiving any quest to do so, just obviously looking to continue advancing, but no1 will give me any quests. (Yes, I completed the 2 prior areas). The only person is the lady who gives you the "Feeding the Fire" quest, & that's all I get. Do you have to complete that quest before being able to receive other quests? If so, wish I knew about that beforehand. If not, then I'm stuck bc I cant do anything in this area. If any1 has any info about this, it would be much appreciated. Thanks
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    Yes, do that quest
  • maryrose101maryrose101 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    Seems to me all gamers who have made multiple level 60 characters with good gearscores and use them all in epics have been severely penalised as now all characters created will need to get to 70
    I think ARC should at least recognise this and award 5 experience levels for each character
  • axemthegreataxemthegreat Member Posts: 31 Arc User

    Is any1 else stuck in Fiery Pit? Idk if its a glitch or not, but I went to Fiery Pit last night, not receiving any quest to do so, just obviously looking to continue advancing, but no1 will give me any quests. (Yes, I completed the 2 prior areas). The only person is the lady who gives you the "Feeding the Fire" quest, & that's all I get. Do you have to complete that quest before being able to receive other quests? If so, wish I knew about that beforehand. If not, then I'm stuck bc I cant do anything in this area. If any1 has any info about this, it would be much appreciated. Thanks

    I had to run around and read all of the pieces of lore on the tables first (I think there's six total), and then she quizzes you about why you're there. If you pass then she trusts you and will start feeding you quests.

  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    How have they been penalized? Its just like going from 50-60, 40-50,etc.. Just takes A LOT longer haha This is just the GRIND
  • maryrose101maryrose101 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    Most stats were capped on the old Gearscore system like recovery and life steal so perhaps an item score was a much needed and fairer system
  • sharpassassin1sharpassassin1 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    One issue i noticed last night was my quest path continually changing....one example: my quest path will show to enter a dungeon, then suddenly upon entering it reverts to a different quest telling me to the leave the dungeon. Obviously I can activate the original quest from my journal to get the details, but I shouldn't have to

  • hadrius#2281 hadrius Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    No respec on my only character. Such a shame /:
  • ancientrose12ancientrose12 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    Where did the silver scaled cleric from the scale shop go?
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    @ancientrose12 Don't know have not checked the Scale Vendor yet, which I will be doing next! But you might be better off buying from AH, the AD price per old companions/artifacts have dropped significantly!
  • randomdigits#2166 randomdigits Member Posts: 700 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Some more observations from me, now that I have my notes with me:

    9) Change instance UI is very slow now, at least in the Drowned Shore. It takes about a second just to scroll one position down the list of instances. This is a breaking change for me as I tend to switch instances a lot - to find one with most players (for encounters) or with least players (for some quests).

    10) Cult Antipathy quest narrative uses an uncommon idiom "easy bedfellows". It sounds fairly odd to an international English-speaking players. I recommend using some more common English term for that.

    11) In Swords for Everyone quest ending dialogs cult leaders "flee" instead of "retreat" to describe their plans. People usually do not speak of themselves that way: "Fine, let's flee!" as it has mild negative meaning.

    12) Nitpick: Minsc saying "My feasts are getting itchy, same is my hamster". For a companion with invisible hamster this sounds quite silly. I suppose this is intended but is not fun imho.

    13) The location for "Target: Tidemaster" vigilance quest is too small, camera is constantly being blocked by the walls.

    14) New profession experience seems unbalanced. We've got a 50% boost for the 6/8 hour gathering resources tasks but for the 20/30 minutes ones experience gain remained low, so there is no incentive to run them while you are online from the experience standpoint.

    15) Mobs seems to be following players far longer than they used to. This makes it almost impossible to escape a difficult mob group once they started hitting you hard. Perhaps it's less of a problem for the faster characters like GWF, but as a CW I find that once I mistakenly provoke one of the boss mobs in the Drowned Shore encounter area (such as Cornered by Crabs daily encounter) - I'm doomed - I cannot teleport or run away from them - even with Soulforged enchantment and constant healing. This is very different from how it was e.g. in Well of Dragons before Mod 6.
    Post edited by randomdigits#2166 on
    Ana Taletreader (CW) / Friend of Casual Gamers
  • shadovvassass1nshadovvassass1n Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    I opened a ticket on the 8th, because the Powers and Feats on my GWF, did not get reset and I still dont have this issue resolved, can some one look in this I would like to level him up.
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