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Put into perspective the changes to Leadership on Gateway



  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    Honestly, I'm not too concerned about "now my leadership assets have depreciated in value!" That's just an acceptable risk of doing business. As the market evolves, the things you invested in lose or gain value.

    I bought some Dragon Eggs (somewhat coincidentally) before the latest patch, and their price went up. Same with Unified Elements. Am I saying "woo hoo! Best patch ever!" because my net worth just went up? Nah. That's just the way it goes.

    The real issue isn't past investment. I mean, I know people feel cheated, but from the perspective of the NWO Team, they have to think about going forwards. Leadership nerfs aren't a problem because of all the energy people invested into leadership (I finally broke down and bought extra character slots the day before these changes were implemented), they're a problem because life is difficult going forwards.

    THAT BEING SAID, it'd be super nice if there was some kind of buyback program for depreciated assets. Really, the professions system as a whole is wildly under-developed. They should make it so that each profession has the ability to grant you something. I like the idea of a vendor that sells "orders" to be "fulfilled" of various items that can be made via professions. Filling these orders would grant you some currency that can be used in a shop that sells RP items that bind on pickup (the idea being to not add extra fuel for the bots). Theoretical shop could also sell GMOPs and basically any other item that currently requires large amounts of AD to get.

    You wouldn't be able to use this currency to get zen or AD for trading on the AH, but the idea is that you could still use professions as a way to build up your character during your off time.

    Leadership would exist to tie your character in to all other profession tasks. For instance, imagine that each leadership task rewards not AD and whatnot, but profession resources (well, they've already been doing that) and contracts. When used, the contract basically gives you a short duration (48 hours maybe?) quest, and you have that much time to fulfill the terms.

    You could even have certain profession tasks that only exist while you have certain contracts active. This would be great for getting rid of the deluge of excess profession ingredients that are downright useless. But the best part is that it's more interactive and complicated than simply logging into the gateway once and running the same tasks over and over again. You're actually managing your profession tasks. This idea rewards being trained in multiple professions (because if you have 0 tailoring skill and get a tailoring contract well, SOL). You can't just make 20000 Cloth gloves +1 because those things use up inventory space (although with enough bots, yeah, it'd be possible to just mass produce commonly required items for contacts and sell them on the AH).

    But the best part is that coding wise, it doesn't really take all that much. You're not adding anything art wise to the game. It all basically just uses the quest interface.

    Of course, the real problem is top level management. But still, there are plenty of ways to make the game fun that don't just rely on leadership armies.
  • cjh1983cjh1983 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 229 Arc User
    zukn75 wrote: »
    When you make a change to a game and the players get upset and scream "What?!?! Now I have to log in?!?!" this indicates to me that there is a deep, deep problem somewhere.
    Logging into a game should be a fun experience you look forward to, not a bloody chore.

    Maybe the deep, deep problem lies making absurd leaps in logic, how did you conclude that wanting to use the gateway to manage a very tedious process means someone doesn't want to log in game?

    Isn't it obvious that this lets you play the game AND manage professions?
  • ellodrithellodrith Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 97 Arc User
    Well, ever since they took it down and made us switch characters constantly in game, I am now crashing a lot doing this (and with 22 characters I have a good idea of game flow :) ). So not only did they remove a great and heavily used feature, it now looks like its breaking the game as all those people that used to use the gateway are now switching characters in game to deal with professions.

    Cheers guys, this stuff is really not helping.

  • myles08807myles08807 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 409 Arc User
    Persons who never got involved in the Leadership profession are jumping on the "nerf Leadership" bandwagon and bashing those of us who had the foresight to do so as "not playing the game", and that infuriates me. Of course it was blind luck in my case, because I chose to pursue Leadership with my first toon for the role-playing angle.

    I have to say I rather bitterly resent the implication that I'm not "playing the game" when I use the Gateway. Tell me, you who couldn't be bothered to do Leadership and are now quite bothered BY Leadership...How much fan fiction have you written about your professional assets? In what ways have you imaginatively restaged your professional tasks to more closely fit your vision of your roster of characters and the guild they all share?

    Yeah, I thought so.

    Look, I've been Gateway-deprived for almost a week now, and I'm still churning out the AD. I'm still making the refining limit with all of my top-geared toons, the ones with enough Heroes to keep the time for the longer, large-reward tasks manageable. With my odd work hours, I've just had to figure out when to run shorter tasks and how to allocate assets so that, the next time I'm at the computer, I'm collecting and restarting tasks. I guess I'll learn to live with the nerf...but I don't have to live with people telling me how to "play the game".
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    People who tell you to play the game are full of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

    What's not full of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, however, is the suggestion that PWE/Cryptic may have a legitimate interest in changing what the game is, up to and including discouraging leadership (ESPECIALLY on mass character slot accounts). Everyone can do whatever is legal/possible within the system, but that doesn't mean that some aspects of that system may not be problematic for other aspects of the game.

    As I've said before, I'd like it if the professions tasks were much more interactive and nuanced.
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    Tbh, I am all for leadership being removed entirely and having the ad generation in the game e moved to pve content such s dungeons. That way, people are rewarded for playing the game and not for sitting around and doing professions. Also, to put this into context, I have 25 leadership chars and I would still rather have the profession removed. So long as leadership exists, it will be bottable and it will ruin the game.
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,046 Arc User
    They should just remove any profession from the Gateway, not just Leadership.
    And if you want to remove any AD and RP from Leadership too, then you might as well remove anything sell-/tradeable from any other profession!
    While you're at it, make anything bought from the auction house bound to account.
    That should do it...
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • jugger71jugger71 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 252 Arc User
    Asking for more ways to generate AD while at the same time applauding ways to generate ad being blocked is inconsistent at best.
  • dfncedfnce Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 509 Arc User
    Tbh, I am all for leadership being removed entirely and having the ad generation in the game e moved to pve content such s dungeons. That way, people are rewarded for playing the game and not for sitting around and doing professions. Also, to put this into context, I have 25 leadership chars and I would still rather have the profession removed. So long as leadership exists, it will be bottable and it will ruin the game.
    IMO for long time Leadership was a good excuse to say that everything is in range by playing for free. But in same time PWE has been working hard to master "1% of player population gives 99% profit" rule.
    "When no appropriate rule applies, make one up."
    — (The unwritten rule)

  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    Yeah, leadership is basically the "What? Nooooo, we're not pay to win, who told you that?" card. And actually, for the most part, NWO isn't: paying legitimately is so wildly inefficient, it's pretty silly to call NWO P2W.

    But, uhh, even as a non-paying customer, I'd almost prefer it if the game were more pay-to-winny, compared to the ridiculous grind of leadership.
  • henry404henry404 Member Posts: 690 Arc User
    Anyone who thinks leadership is quicker to do in game never learned the magic of the browser back button.
    click - back - click - back - click
    three tasks started....

    Now takes me way longer and I cannot update them at lunchtime from work.
  • cjh1983cjh1983 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 229 Arc User
    henry404 wrote: »
    Anyone who thinks leadership is quicker to do in game never learned the magic of the browser back button.
    click - back - click - back - click
    three tasks started....

    Now takes me way longer and I cannot update them at lunchtime from work.

    Glad to see I want the only one doing that
  • strumslingerstrumslinger Member, NW_CrypticDev, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,724 Cryptic Developer
    We've been analyzing the economy, the AD and all the feedback you guys have given here and have been tweaking our plans based on how everything shifts. We never intended to just turn off Leadership on Gateway and leave it at that. With shifting tides comes shifting maneuvers (is that a saying?). I actually sat down with some devs and went through all 11 pages - when it was just 11 pages. More information to come when the effect of this change has a little more time to settle. Thanks, guys!

    Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
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  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    I find invocation to actually be my most lucrative method of getting AD right now.

    Step 1.) Buy a buncha zen. Hold onto it.
    Step 2.) Invoke. Get coupons. Buy things using coupons.
    Step 3.) Sell the zen items you got via coupons on the AH.

    For instance, a "15% off any item" lets you buy a Coalescent Ward for 850 zen. Selling that on the AH, at 500 AD per zen, would require a breakeven price of 475,000ish, and Coal Wards typically sell for over 500k, so you can feasibly make over 20000 AD in profit just from a single coupon.

    Surprised more people haven't been taking advantage of this system (thus driving down prices to the point where it's no longer profitable). I imagine that's why they reduced the coupon drop rate, but hey, that's why I decided that if I can't easily manage leadership with my two new alts (that I purchased the slots for the day before the gateway change) I can at least use them as invoke dolls.

    Waiting for Cryptic to make it so items bought with coupons are BTA or some such nonsense.
  • kamikalzekamikalze Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    tbh I'm playing on Xbox, but I'm closely following the situation on PC. Right now, it is still a good experience, but if they would go through with all the changes happening on PC, I'm quite certain that most of the Xbox users would quit.
    As we don't have the gateway yet, our progression is much slower in this game, but the prices are sometimes outrages. After almost 4 months we are already at 1:240 exchange rate and have been at 1:290 a couple weeks ago. We are already at a point in this game, where we have not much left to sell in the AH. T2 and artifact belts are at an all-time low thanks to Tiamat and GMoP and others have a super low drop rate.
    At least Dragon Hoard Enchantments still seem to work even though imho the drop rate at least in neverdeath was already lowered compared to stuff I got a couple weeks ago. (but nothing official in any patch notes so far)
    So my guild and I will keep playing as long as it is still fun and entertaining, when it should become a chore, I'm sadly not that certain about it.
    And even though we never got the ability to try out the cool gateway leadership way, we still have a lot of AD-Sellers and it is annoying. That should be prove enough, that "these measurements are against bots", is a false statement and completely irrelevant in fighting those people, but more against the real players playing legit.
    I don't believe that arcgames can't see the range of their actions, but I would like to have more insight in the real reasons, rather than just be thrown into the hole and have to dig my way out of there again.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,373 Arc User
    We've been analyzing the economy, the AD and all the feedback you guys have given here and have been tweaking our plans based on how everything shifts. We never intended to just turn off Leadership on Gateway and leave it at that. With shifting tides comes shifting maneuvers (is that a saying?). I actually sat down with some devs and went through all 11 pages - when it was just 11 pages. More information to come when the effect of this change has a little more time to settle. Thanks, guys!

    I don't know why but somehow I have a deeper sinking feeling reading this. I sure hope I am wrong.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
  • azlanfoxazlanfox Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    metalldjt wrote: »
    its sayin that they will also nerf it even more...

    I am thinking along the lines that we will get it back, but you will loose a lot of what you might have relied on in the past.
    The fox said, "lock and load"

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  • fdsakhfduewhfiuffdsakhfduewhfiuf Member Posts: 604 Arc User
    plasticbat wrote: »
    I don't know why but somehow I have a deeper sinking feeling reading this. I sure hope I am wrong.

    Me too. Well, it could be anything they are planning but my guess is it'll be a nerf to AD from leadership.

  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    They could very well remove AD from leadership entirely, to be quite frank, and possibly even make items from chests and whatnot bound on pickup. It'd be consistent with their previous decision making.

    Whether or not they'd go the extra step to ensure players, uhhh, actually have AD to buy AD related items or not is another question entirely~
  • kamikalzekamikalze Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    plasticbat wrote: »
    I don't know why but somehow I have a deeper sinking feeling reading this. I sure hope I am wrong.

    Me too. Well, it could be anything they are planning but my guess is it'll be a nerf to AD from leadership.

    If they nerf the AD income, they would still hit the legit players more, than the botters,
    because botters compensate through 50 accounts with a lot more chars, players have maybe 10 chars and have even less for the effort. There needs to be a different way, than to punish the players over botters
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,046 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    plasticbat wrote: »
    We've been analyzing the economy, the AD and all the feedback you guys have given here and have been tweaking our plans based on how everything shifts. We never intended to just turn off Leadership on Gateway and leave it at that. With shifting tides comes shifting maneuvers (is that a saying?). I actually sat down with some devs and went through all 11 pages - when it was just 11 pages. More information to come when the effect of this change has a little more time to settle. Thanks, guys!

    I don't know why but somehow I have a deeper sinking feeling reading this. I sure hope I am wrong.
    +1 on the bad feeling.
    Please, just get some GMs into your game, and start making things right by banning goldsellers and AD buyers, before you do even more damage to the game...

    Btw. what about the feedback thread in the feedback forum, anything new about that?
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    GMs cost too much.

    Any game that has the budget problem of GMs costing too much is probably a lost cause financially anyway.

    As I've speculated, it may even be that they want to pull out of Neverwinter entirely, but due to contracts with WotC regarding the Neverwinter licensing, that's impossible. This is 100% pure speculation though, so don't take it too seriously (else mods'll jump into the thread and say "SO MUCH MISINFORMATION, SHUTTING THIS THREAD DOWN!" because, well, there's too much misinformation).
  • ulvielulviel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 741 Arc User
    We've been analyzing the economy, the AD and all the feedback you guys have given here and have been tweaking our plans based on how everything shifts. We never intended to just turn off Leadership on Gateway and leave it at that. With shifting tides comes shifting maneuvers (is that a saying?). I actually sat down with some devs and went through all 11 pages - when it was just 11 pages. More information to come when the effect of this change has a little more time to settle. Thanks, guys!

    Somehow it makes me dread the future of this game even more. Because you guys either have extremly poor reading comprehensions, or you give us exactly opposite of what we are asking for for purpose (like, we say lvling 60-70 is painfully long and boring, you make it even longer and therefore even more boring).

  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,373 Arc User
    ulviel wrote: »
    We've been analyzing the economy, the AD and all the feedback you guys have given here and have been tweaking our plans based on how everything shifts. We never intended to just turn off Leadership on Gateway and leave it at that. With shifting tides comes shifting maneuvers (is that a saying?). I actually sat down with some devs and went through all 11 pages - when it was just 11 pages. More information to come when the effect of this change has a little more time to settle. Thanks, guys!

    Somehow it makes me dread the future of this game even more. Because you guys either have extremly poor reading comprehensions, or you give us exactly opposite of what we are asking for for purpose (like, we say lvling 60-70 is painfully long and boring, you make it even longer and therefore even more boring).

    They punished us for complaining and then told us they delivered what we "asked".
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    Here's the funny part:

    Let's say someone makes a straw man argument. "New patch: Leveling up now requires 1% the amount of XP as previously required!"

    That still wouldn't break the game. There's no problem with players being able to level up trivially easy, any moreso than there was in the 1-60 leveling. So I can't imagine why anyone anywhere would think leveling up slower is a good thing.
  • vinceent1vinceent1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    We've been analyzing the economy, the AD and all the feedback you guys have given here and have been tweaking our plans based on how everything shifts. We never intended to just turn off Leadership on Gateway and leave it at that. With shifting tides comes shifting maneuvers (is that a saying?). I actually sat down with some devs and went through all 11 pages - when it was just 11 pages. More information to come when the effect of this change has a little more time to settle. Thanks, guys!

    i would like to see this try system on other things too. like try only solo que at pvp gauntlgrym, how matchmaking works etc.

  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Playing from just after beta, used to have only one char, got nerfed to the ground for PvE, made few alts just to try different classes and to run CN with CW, was doing dungeons, never bothered with leadership.
    Got to 3.5mil RAD just from salvaging t2 runs during DD.

    Tiamat came (and even a bit earlier), running t2 / CN became worthless, so you forced me into leadership-farmvile-neverwinter edition.
    Made crapton of alts to do leadership.

    Don't remember when but at some point a delay in profession collection was introduced into the game too, so you forced me into the the gateway.

    Now with mod6 when there is no benefit at all from running a t2 more than once per day, and even once is questionable (have the whole set), what dungeon i'm supposed to do to get stuff to sell ?
    You get one coffer per day and the key is worth more than whatever in the chest.
    So I used to run just for fun or help friends, but everyone had enough. There is no point, it's became a login and broken invoke and do professions game. Introduce some thing worth while to do in game and a fiesable way to make AD and I wont bother with leadership army, I didn't start to play neverwinter for that, but until then, if there will be no leadership, there will be no reason to login at all.

    So for now I'm playing other things and doing leadership...happy happy joy joy...
    Lets see what the changes bring...
  • temjiutemjiu Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    Good to hear your taking action Strumslinger!

    hope this all turns out positive. Please keep in mind that with all MMO's, there needs to be a healthy balance struck between developer goals (dev wants players to do X in Y way), and player desires. Successful MMO's tend to err on the side of the player, if needed.

    Having said that, I think that ultimately reduction of AD gain via "not playing" the game will need to slow down considerably. But doing JUST that will DEFINITELY kill the player base. people aren't farming Leadership because they like it...they are farming it because the market is so out of whack...critical game progression items are far beyond the standard casual players ability to gain w/o resorting to stuff like leadership. and half of those prices aren't set by the players...they're set by the company. you need to analyze not only how people are getting AD, but what realistically is doable for the average joe who logs in 2-3 hours 3 times a week.

    And you need to kill the farmable loot. Bind on Acquire please!. Bot's will continue to bot no matter how many artificial gates you put in the game...the gates only limit honest players, not Bot's. Bot's will leave when there's no market. you make gear BoA, market dies. they leave. Marvel heroes did it, SWtOR did it, LotRO did it (early on), it works.

    Smooth out the leveling curve in relation to difficulty. you don't need to make players struggle through every aspect of the game just to progress. make 80% of the game casual friendly, and leave the last 20% to the hardcore players (high end raids and such). FFXIV does this...WoW does this....SWtOR does this...It works. On a side note...ESO tried the "make the endgame a nightmare for progression" idea when they released...look how that turned out (one of the biggest MMO flops I've seen in years). it would be depressing to see this game with such great potential go the same route.

    I appreciate the attention you guys are giving this. I hope you realize that its just a symptom of a much deeper cancer...many game mechanics need serious attention, review, and adjusting.

    This actually reminds me of the FFXIV story. Yoshi, after picking up the broken mess that was FFXIV vanilla (1.0), made all his dev's sit down for weeks and play WoW. Not to make a WoW copy...but to force them to see what makes a successful MMO tick. it worked...FFXIV is one of the few games today that can still keep an active sub only model and keep it going. perhaps the dev's here need to spend a bit more time in other games...
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    There's a sense of desperation in the decision making process as of late. I feel like the team is in over their heads.
  • j0shi82j0shi82 Member Posts: 622 Arc User
    There's a sense of desperation in the decision making process as of late. I feel like the team is in over their heads.

    Cryptic being completely undermanned is a well known fact for a long time.​​
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