The latest patch reduces enemies outgoing damage by 25% and increases their HP by 50%. Do the math. Everyone gets a 33% damage nerf.
Current (Pre patch):
Monster has 30000 HP
You hit for 3000 HP
You require 10 hits to kill enemy
After patch:
Monster has 45000 HP
you hit for 3000 HP
You require 15 hits to kill enemy
With a 33% damage nerf and NO change to enemies HP:
Monster has 30000 HP
You hit for 2000HP
You now require 15 hits to kill enemy
There you have it. Even a preschooler could understand. The damage per hit varies for every character. But the math NEVER LIES.
The amount of damage you do per hit doesn't matter. Increase it to 15000 per hit or reduce it to 300 per hit and run the math. Whether you are a tank, healer or DPS. The end result is the same:
(A) Monsters have 50% more HP
(B) Players have 33% less damage
Nerf our damage 33% or buff the enemy's HP by 50%. It doesn't really matter, because either way, the fights take the same amount of time.
I guess SW and MoF CW are happy with this change. Only really disadvantaged will be tank classes doing their dailies solo...
And any low dps class, eg: heal spec CW trying to solo, it's going to take a month to kill anything.
Heal spec CW? What? Do you mean renegade? ^^ Im fine with mine, doesnt take ages to clear solo liars (only 2k iL if you wanna know). But DC, GF, OP, maybe some HRs and really low geared people... yes. Thats why many of them group with DPS classes even now. Strongholds module promoting guilds and guildies are supposed to help each other if help is needed. I dont like to cry before I can test it.
Enemy HP is already absurdly high... It already takes forever to clear enemies not because their damage is too high but their HP is insane. This is only going to make the game even more tedious.
As far as i understand after Reading patch notes the change is only to mobs from level 6 to 70. IWD/DR/SHARANDAR/WoD and all those mobs at level 71 to 73 arent affected by this. If im wrong pl tell us.
lirithielMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,482Arc User
As far as i understand after Reading patch notes the change is only to mobs from level 6 to 70. IWD/DR/SHARANDAR/WoD and all those mobs at level 71 to 73 arent affected by this. If im wrong pl tell us.
No you are 100% correct. Everyone else is jumping the gun and making false assumptions.
Our pain is self chosen.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
As far as i understand after Reading patch notes the change is only to mobs from level 6 to 70. IWD/DR/SHARANDAR/WoD and all those mobs at level 71 to 73 arent affected by this. If im wrong pl tell us.
They said that enemies 6-~70 are affected, which I understand as "up to about level 70".
This may or may not include levels 71 to 73.
lirithielMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,482Arc User
A better change would be
+ 50% less damage and 25% more hp for level 60-73 mobs
and it would still be challenging enough.
Totally, completely and wholly agree!
I wasn't even aware that pre-60 mobs were an issue. I have never struggled during the lvling to 60 process - ok maybe once (here's looking at you Rimehound ) New zones is where the problem crept in and that was purely down to new stat curves.
Our pain is self chosen.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
A better change would be
+ 50% less damage and 25% more hp for level 60-73 mobs
and it would still be challenging enough.
Totally, completely and wholly agree!
I wasn't even aware that pre-60 mobs were an issue. I have never struggled during the lvling to 60 process - ok maybe once (here's looking at you Rimehound ) New zones is where the problem crept in and that was purely down to new stat curves.
Rimehound is the only one that gave any of my characters any trouble leveling up to 60. I guess they didn't go up to level 73 so we can't just zerg thru the new content.
I personally think it is wrong to fight against fewer monsters and fight longer against the same monster. It kind of feels awkward to fight with 5 people in ECC against 1 witch in ECC and it takes like 1 minute to kill her while we have like 2.800-3.200 Item Level.
In the past the combat system of Neverwinter felt the most rewarding to fight a huge bunch of trash monsters and kill them in creative manner.
It would be better to turn Neverwinter more in a Hack’n Slay experience. It simply feels satisfying to kill a huge bunch of monster while their dead corpse rolling around because of the funny ragdoll animation. Neverwinter is most of the time a casual experience and it feels strange to have the difficulty changed in such a way. I mean,… I am working all day, if I come home and want to relax it is really hard for me while be killed by a bunch of trash monster or simply standing 1 minute in the same spot hitting the same monster, it feels like an unrewarding awkward experience.
What I really liked was the first day of T2 Dungeons like Spellplague. It was really cool that you could use some mechanics to kill monsters with the environment (use singularity of the CW and throw a huge bunch of monsters with repel in the plague lava). Later it was explained it was not intended to work like this and fixed with invisible walls so you can’t throw monsters in the plague lava anymore.
I personally thought it was a mistake because if you compared the normal method and the environment method the second one is faster but not much and if the CW was off with his aiming only a small part or none monster landed in the lava pit and his skills where on Cooldown. A better solution in my opinion would has been a new type of monster. If it hit the plague lava it teleports out of it and is stronger than before and has an additional attack, a scream attack that stuns the character and call some new trash monster. That would mean it would take longer and player still had the chance to bypass this by simply pull this specific monster type out of the group and then kick the rest of the monsters in the pit.
A new monster group fighting dynamic would be born. But no, we got invisible walls and where forced to fight against the monsters in a normal manner without any kind of decision. But this is all in the past and spell plague get killed by the elemental evil.
What my point is. Give us more monsters. Give us more kill/death animations. Give us monster group mechanics. And if possible give us random generated dungeons. It must not be total random generated, the bosses can stay the same, but the way to the boss could be random generated.
But please refrain from the idea to make the combat slower with fewer monsters. Neverwinter combat has his perks to be fast and is filled with action, if I want to stand like 1 minute straight ahead of a monster pressing 1-3 Buttons I can play a generic W** Clone or W** itself.
Platypus wielding a giant hammer, your argument is invalild!
No, you are being too simplistic. We'll get more rotations of our big attacks and we'll get more chance to use potions. Yes, it will take longer to beat a mob but it will be a bit easier. Not as easy as I think it needs to be but definitely more survivable.
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!" pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all." looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
aulduronMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,351Arc User
I guess SW and MoF CW are happy with this change. Only really disadvantaged will be tank classes doing their dailies solo...
Why would CWs be happy?
Post edited by lewstelamon01 on
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
edited June 2015
I guess the DEVs don't realize that this will actually make it harder for certain builds. Archery, or Hellbringer. So what that they deal 25% less damage, that's hardly nothing, but now they take even longer to kill so when you cycle through your rotations, they're still alive and can kill you almost as quickly as they have been doing already.
And for boredom's sake, whacking at monsters with your OP for 5 minutes. Mind buffing divine judgment back up...?
Also, if this was meant for lower levels, wouldn't it make more sense to buff enemy damage up from 1-59 to be more in line with the new difficulty endgame brings? Because people leveling up do NOT learn how to effectively play until it's too late and they're being kicked from parties for being imbeciles. And lower level enemies don't hurt to begin with! So now you'll end up making people play more foolishly and be even more unprepared for endgame.
No, you are being too simplistic. We'll get more rotations of our big attacks and we'll get more chance to use potions. Yes, it will take longer to beat a mob but it will be a bit easier. Not as easy as I think it needs to be but definitely more survivable.
Yes, you got it exactly right!
Not sure on this, don't forget the mobs supercharged healing potions. Don't kill them quick enough and they heal themselves.
Make their potions 10K hit points or less (level based) also needs to be done.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
This is what I dont like.. feedback never, EVER included difficulty settings from 1-60.. there were some general complaints about 61-70 , but alot of that had to do with LOWER experience points.. so it felt like forever killing some of these things) now that they are fixing that.. it wont feel as badly. In addition some classes dont do well lower geared (sw, hr come to mind in particular) where thier skills + rotations need more power, control duration ect to become effective) So those classes really struggle. Dont believe me take one of them, remove some gear and try to level through.. a new person at 15-1600 is going to get walloped.
In addition I dont think the change helps anyone at all.. if its truly 1-70 , then it has nothing to do with campaign zones, plus the fact that now it will just TAKE longer for the effing non dps classes to level.. WHAT was the point of this change.. seems really odd and misplaced considering the feedback given. A poor dc/gf/pally player will have one eye closed doing 2k damage on a 100k hit point mob... zzzzzz...zzzzzzz....zzzzzzz. Its not more DIFFICULT, OR EASIER on anyone.. its just like 50% more boring!
Feedback was basically--- remove 73 mobs from all locations other then t2. There is no real reason to fight epic level mobs in wod and iwd honestly.
Enemies have 50% more HP. oh really?
Time to bring out the buff/debuff/dps DC.
some CW's better respec to renegade for the party buff.
We will need to maximize party dps.
Hmm it seems there too much damage. I know, lets move hp by a huge percentage value. The huge damage is likely a problem in your math cryptic. We'll we can also lower damage by a huge percentage. Cryptic if the base damage gets multiplied by 6 or 7 or DR bugs out to give mobs a buff it won't matter anyway. We give you more xp in spineward! Thanks....
A better change would be
+ 50% less damage and 25% more hp for level 60-73 mobs
and it would still be challenging enough.
There seems to be a major lack of common sense in this change.
60 and under content was fine, exactly what you'd expect from solo content in an MMO - nothing frustrating, just steady progression of your character.
61+ content was way too much of a step-up for a regular player. By regular player, I mean a player in normal dungeon blues and the odd artifact, with Rank 5 enchants, i.e. the kind of player that will be looking to the Campaigns for improving their character.
With the patch, it seems there will be no change to the Campaign zones, addressing the areas people have been complaining about. Areas such as Spinward Rise - which is pretty much obligatory for the artifact - will become even more frustrating than it already was!
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
Enemies have 50% more HP. oh really?
Time to bring out the buff/debuff/dps DC.
some CW's better respec to renegade for the party buff.
We will need to maximize party dps.
Im not respeccing to righteous, it blows for pvp now and it is nowhere near as good as it was last mod for personal dps.
Ive tried real LIVE server testing (almost a month at a time) for every line this mod on DC.. Ive settled back to faithful.. and Im not blowing anymore of my tokens on it now.
Righteous, cannot perform enough dps in pvp to be worth anything and its heals are much less then both virtuous and faithful (my personal testing was like 60-200% range) so righteous works ok with premade groups of same people in DDS, but for most common random groups.. its much worse. You can heal, but its all direct .. and you have to drop something to pick up bastion , in the old rightouess build, you didnt really heal at all, it was all basically dot procs and DG was your only real heal(with aseal), but it was enough back in that build. and you increased party dps from 50-100% at a time (or more depending on your build and your enchants)
My AC build atm though with BoB feated, does increase poeples power around me, too bad its only a paltry 4-5% increase for the most part.
I wish there was a party wide ARP increaser on dcs.. that would help out more.
WE need to stack multiple debuff enchants, it will be the best way (dust off those trans plagues!)
<EDIT: Do not bypass the filter in such a manner.>
And any low dps class, eg: heal spec dc trying to solo, it's going to take a month to kill anything.
Heal spec CW? What? Do you mean renegade? ^^ Im fine with mine, doesnt take ages to clear solo liars (only 2k iL if you wanna know). But DC, GF, OP, maybe some HRs and really low geared people... yes. Thats why many of them group with DPS classes even now. Strongholds module promoting guilds and guildies are supposed to help each other if help is needed. I dont like to cry before I can test it.
Bosses aren't affected .
Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE
No you are 100% correct. Everyone else is jumping the gun and making false assumptions.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
They said that enemies 6-~70 are affected, which I understand as "up to about level 70".
This may or may not include levels 71 to 73.
If they wanted to include all mobs they would have said so, just leaving bosses unaffected. This does nothing for end-game content or Shar/DR/WoD/IWD.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
+ 50% less damage and 25% more hp for level 60-73 mobs
and it would still be challenging enough.
Just that. +100 regenerde
Totally, completely and wholly agree!
I wasn't even aware that pre-60 mobs were an issue. I have never struggled during the lvling to 60 process - ok maybe once (here's looking at you Rimehound
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
Rimehound is the only one that gave any of my characters any trouble leveling up to 60. I guess they didn't go up to level 73 so we can't just zerg thru the new content.
In the past the combat system of Neverwinter felt the most rewarding to fight a huge bunch of trash monsters and kill them in creative manner.
It would be better to turn Neverwinter more in a Hack’n Slay experience. It simply feels satisfying to kill a huge bunch of monster while their dead corpse rolling around because of the funny ragdoll animation. Neverwinter is most of the time a casual experience and it feels strange to have the difficulty changed in such a way. I mean,… I am working all day, if I come home and want to relax it is really hard for me while be killed by a bunch of trash monster or simply standing 1 minute in the same spot hitting the same monster, it feels like an unrewarding awkward experience.
What I really liked was the first day of T2 Dungeons like Spellplague. It was really cool that you could use some mechanics to kill monsters with the environment (use singularity of the CW and throw a huge bunch of monsters with repel in the plague lava). Later it was explained it was not intended to work like this and fixed with invisible walls so you can’t throw monsters in the plague lava anymore.
I personally thought it was a mistake because if you compared the normal method and the environment method the second one is faster but not much and if the CW was off with his aiming only a small part or none monster landed in the lava pit and his skills where on Cooldown. A better solution in my opinion would has been a new type of monster. If it hit the plague lava it teleports out of it and is stronger than before and has an additional attack, a scream attack that stuns the character and call some new trash monster. That would mean it would take longer and player still had the chance to bypass this by simply pull this specific monster type out of the group and then kick the rest of the monsters in the pit.
A new monster group fighting dynamic would be born. But no, we got invisible walls and where forced to fight against the monsters in a normal manner without any kind of decision. But this is all in the past and spell plague get killed by the elemental evil.
What my point is. Give us more monsters. Give us more kill/death animations. Give us monster group mechanics. And if possible give us random generated dungeons. It must not be total random generated, the bosses can stay the same, but the way to the boss could be random generated.
But please refrain from the idea to make the combat slower with fewer monsters. Neverwinter combat has his perks to be fast and is filled with action, if I want to stand like 1 minute straight ahead of a monster pressing 1-3 Buttons I can play a generic W** Clone or W** itself.
Yes, you got it exactly right!
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
Why would CWs be happy?
And for boredom's sake, whacking at monsters with your OP for 5 minutes. Mind buffing divine judgment back up...?
Also, if this was meant for lower levels, wouldn't it make more sense to buff enemy damage up from 1-59 to be more in line with the new difficulty endgame brings? Because people leveling up do NOT learn how to effectively play until it's too late and they're being kicked from parties for being imbeciles. And lower level enemies don't hurt to begin with! So now you'll end up making people play more foolishly and be even more unprepared for endgame.
Not sure on this, don't forget the mobs supercharged healing potions. Don't kill them quick enough and they heal themselves.
Make their potions 10K hit points or less (level based) also needs to be done.
In addition I dont think the change helps anyone at all.. if its truly 1-70 , then it has nothing to do with campaign zones, plus the fact that now it will just TAKE longer for the effing non dps classes to level.. WHAT was the point of this change.. seems really odd and misplaced considering the feedback given. A poor dc/gf/pally player will have one eye closed doing 2k damage on a 100k hit point mob... zzzzzz...zzzzzzz....zzzzzzz. Its not more DIFFICULT, OR EASIER on anyone.. its just like 50% more boring!
Feedback was basically--- remove 73 mobs from all locations other then t2. There is no real reason to fight epic level mobs in wod and iwd honestly.
MoF, not mod1-5 fotm SS... You know, MoF is better when enemies have higher HP pool so he (and SW) can deal more DoT.
Time to bring out the buff/debuff/dps DC.
some CW's better respec to renegade for the party buff.
We will need to maximize party dps.
Hmm it seems there too much damage. I know, lets move hp by a huge percentage value. The huge damage is likely a problem in your math cryptic. We'll we can also lower damage by a huge percentage. Cryptic if the base damage gets multiplied by 6 or 7 or DR bugs out to give mobs a buff it won't matter anyway. We give you more xp in spineward! Thanks....
There seems to be a major lack of common sense in this change.
60 and under content was fine, exactly what you'd expect from solo content in an MMO - nothing frustrating, just steady progression of your character.
61+ content was way too much of a step-up for a regular player. By regular player, I mean a player in normal dungeon blues and the odd artifact, with Rank 5 enchants, i.e. the kind of player that will be looking to the Campaigns for improving their character.
With the patch, it seems there will be no change to the Campaign zones, addressing the areas people have been complaining about. Areas such as Spinward Rise - which is pretty much obligatory for the artifact - will become even more frustrating than it already was!
Im not respeccing to righteous, it blows for pvp now and it is nowhere near as good as it was last mod for personal dps.
Ive tried real LIVE server testing (almost a month at a time) for every line this mod on DC.. Ive settled back to faithful.. and Im not blowing anymore of my tokens on it now.
Righteous, cannot perform enough dps in pvp to be worth anything and its heals are much less then both virtuous and faithful (my personal testing was like 60-200% range) so righteous works ok with premade groups of same people in DDS, but for most common random groups.. its much worse. You can heal, but its all direct .. and you have to drop something to pick up bastion , in the old rightouess build, you didnt really heal at all, it was all basically dot procs and DG was your only real heal(with aseal), but it was enough back in that build. and you increased party dps from 50-100% at a time (or more depending on your build and your enchants)
My AC build atm though with BoB feated, does increase poeples power around me, too bad its only a paltry 4-5% increase for the most part.
I wish there was a party wide ARP increaser on dcs.. that would help out more.
WE need to stack multiple debuff enchants, it will be the best way (dust off those trans plagues!)