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50% more HP on enemies is the equivalent of an all classes, all builds 33% damage nerf



  • urlord283urlord283 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    I think the change is at the very least a step in the right direction.

    I will try to run a few Epic DDs to see if it helps me.

    Maybe even a mini Dungeon in the "Well"

  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    Let us know what you see, I will do some testing as well.. if its only 1-70 then the change is meaningless and just counterproductive to the game.

  • instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User
    mikeofarc wrote: »
    61+ content was way too much of a step-up for a regular player. By regular player, I mean a player in normal dungeon blues and the odd artifact, with Rank 5 enchants, i.e. the kind of player that will be looking to the Campaigns for improving their character.

    I bought all new schmexy level 60 blue gear for my new level 60 character... then when he hit 70, I bought all new level schmexy level 70 gear for him. Total cost for full sets of armor = under 10k AD... and every piece had "...of Piercing" in the name... and most of of also included the word "Cruel..."

    That *almost* leveled the playing field for that character.

    "...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
  • mikeofarcmikeofarc Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    mikeofarc wrote: »
    61+ content was way too much of a step-up for a regular player. By regular player, I mean a player in normal dungeon blues and the odd artifact, with Rank 5 enchants, i.e. the kind of player that will be looking to the Campaigns for improving their character.

    I bought all new schmexy level 60 blue gear for my new level 60 character... then when he hit 70, I bought all new level schmexy level 70 gear for him. Total cost for full sets of armor = under 10k AD... and every piece had "...of Piercing" in the name... and most of of also included the word "Cruel..."

    That *almost* leveled the playing field for that character.

    Probably depends on the class you play and your build.

    My CW is in similar gear, and she can kill a group of mobs in the last area of Spinward or in Sharandar without too much difficulty. It's easy to die though if you get a respawn, pull an extra group, or get a bad combination, e.g. more than one tanky mob in Sharandar that can't be quickly burst down. As for the Cloud Giants in Spinward...

    The bottom line is that it's too difficult for regular solo content and daily quests. You should be able to turn your brain off and quickly breeze through this stuff in normal green gear, let alone blue. Anything harder should be saved for group content, or perhaps selected solo content for those who want more challenge with appropriate rewards.

    Boredom and/or frustration aren't good for the 'meat and potatoes' of the game.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    I find it a almost complete meaningless change and pointless..

    I can get multiple artifacts, pass along some r7/8s have several good comps, have some lessers enchant weapon armours.. blah blah blah.. its not fully twinked.. but its like 2-300% better then anything new players will have.

    Whatever, Im not going to argue it anymore. Its not a good change, because it just makes the game a tad more boring for many and a little harder on new players. It doesn't help them. so blah to it all. To most of us.. we will fight a tad longer and be done with it.

  • shrewguyshrewguy Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    um yeah.. I'll comment in 3 months from now, when my tanky cleric has fnially managed to solo a mob and I can acuratly give my input on the subject...

    But seriously..? how are none-DPS classes expected to solo content now?
  • azlanfoxazlanfox Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    shrewguy wrote: »
    um yeah.. I'll comment in 3 months from now, when my tanky cleric has fnially managed to solo a mob and I can acuratly give my input on the subject...

    But seriously..? how are none-DPS classes expected to solo content now?

    From campfire to campfire, slowly, methodically, and you'll probably need a good companion to complement your play style with a lot of threat generation. Keep mobile... concentrate all fire on that Super Star Destroyer... wait, never mind.
    The fox said, "lock and load"

    glassdoor.com - Cryptic Studios Review
  • valwrynvalwryn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,620 Arc User
  • andorrabellandorrabell Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Wrong fix. Will make the game sloggier from level 61-70 and does nothing to fix the excessive HP and damage of level 71-73 mobs. Were people seriously being one-shotted at level 40? What are you guys DOING????? Please fix the level 70 campaign areas to be playable by new level 70s. Especially WoD and IWD- too much damage, WAY too many HP.
  • azlanfoxazlanfox Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    magenubbie wrote: »
    I doubt the 2 are related. They promised improvement on the 61-73 a week after this rework was launched, and so far they haven't done anything. This is just to bring the entire game up to the same difficulty level. Not that it does so, but I expect that to be their line of thought.

    Yeah, I was just being sarcastic. I feel for those players that need to level DCs, GFs, and OPs, its going to be a bit grindy for them. I wonder if Cryptic is planning on making and selling "boost to level 60" tokens or something?
    The fox said, "lock and load"

    glassdoor.com - Cryptic Studios Review
  • zalenderzalender Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Honestly i would prefer to get the older content back just saying
  • orion1001orion1001 Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    Well, let's see how this will turn out when patch goes live. They just made the play time of their playerbase x1.5 longer. Cryptic knows how to keep their player base grinding / playing longer, thats for sure.
  • UndefinedUndefined Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    This affects everyone across the board. All players, all races, all classes and all builds.

    This is a 33% Damage nerf to EVERYONE. (Except for PVP)
    What's with people who put their Ilvl in their Signatures? They probably have a big gold chain and saggy pants too.
  • colonelwingcolonelwing Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    How is it a damage nerf? They are not lowering our damage. A damage nerf, is something else.

  • UndefinedUndefined Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I shouldn't have to explain this. Monsters will require MORE DPS to kill.

    Think of it this way. If the DEVs left the HP at the SAME level it is now, but nerfed our damage 33%. We would take the same amount of time to kill the same enemy.

    This is an indirect across the board 33% damage nerf for EVERYONE in PVE. No question.

    In addition as Magenubbie stated, enemies have more time to kill us. Sure. Hit us while we're down. Both metaphorically and literally.

    *Shakes Head*

    The only ones not affected are PVP players and Dungeon Bosses.

    <EDIT: Insults are not necessary to make your point. Refrain from their use.>
    Post edited by lewstelamon01 on
    What's with people who put their Ilvl in their Signatures? They probably have a big gold chain and saggy pants too.
  • colonelwingcolonelwing Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    That's not a damage nerf, though. Also how can it be 33% if all classes and their paragon paths deal a different amount of damage? This doesn't make sense, sorry.

  • gfalconiogfalconio Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 150 Arc User
    the dps race continue :) (?)
    PVP GF Sword Master Dominion Champion :3
  • colonelwingcolonelwing Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Oh don't get me wrong, i agree with it being a buff to the mobs. But they also deal 25% less damage which is 1/4, so we should have enough time to finish them off before they finish us off. This is actually quite nice for us conqueror guardians, because we can take more hits in order to get reckless attacker stacks up. And since our damage remains the same, things should be pretty smooth now. It always bothered me, that when my guard meter was down i could not build RE stacks anymore, due to the mobs hitting me too hard. And not being able to build up rampaging madness (is the skill even called like that) stacks, due to the mobs being dead before the counter hit 50.

    25% less damage also means we can survive longer, which results in us having more time to deal damage and since plenty of skills aswell as boons are stack based, our damage output should be higher. This results in us killing at almost the same speed, while taking way less damage. In the end, this seems to be more of a quality of life - improvement.

    I still have no clue if the lvl 70-73 mobs are even affected by this change. I cannot log in, yet.

  • UndefinedUndefined Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    That's not a damage nerf, though. Also how can it be 33% if all classes and their paragon paths deal a different amount of damage? This doesn't make sense, sorry.

    The latest patch reduces enemies outgoing damage by 25% and increases their HP by 50%. Do the math. Everyone gets a 33% damage nerf.

    Current (Pre patch):

    Monster has 30000 HP
    You hit for 3000 HP
    You require 10 hits to kill enemy

    After patch:

    Monster has 45000 HP
    you hit for 3000 HP
    You require 15 hits to kill enemy

    With a 33% damage nerf and NO change to enemies HP:

    Monster has 30000 HP
    You hit for 2000HP
    You now require 15 hits to kill enemy

    There you have it. Even a preschooler could understand. The damage per hit varies for every character. But the math NEVER LIES.

    The amount of damage you do per hit doesn't matter. Increase it to 15000 per hit or reduce it to 300 per hit and run the math. Whether you are a tank, healer or DPS. The end result is the same:

    (A) Monsters have 50% more HP
    (B) Players have 33% less damage

    It doesn't really matter. Because:


    Monster's 25% damage reduction < Players 33% damage reduction

    The math says the game just got harder.
    Post edited by Undefined on
    What's with people who put their Ilvl in their Signatures? They probably have a big gold chain and saggy pants too.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    Seriously.. can anyone sit here and say, WE SHOULD have to level longer, as a prime reason or feedback anyone has ever given?

    Even as fractured as playerbases are I cannot remember one POST.. one asking for longer leveling. In fact its directly contrary to what we posted.. that the process from 61-70 was boring as heck.

    Yes.. there have been many complaints about how hard lvl 73 mobs hit, expecially in IWD and WoD (two campaign areas) that make no sense to anyone (just drop them to 72..) fixed everything.. not what they did though.

  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    orion1001 wrote: »
    Well, let's see how this will turn out when patch goes live. They just made the play time of their playerbase x1.5 longer. Cryptic knows how to keep their player base grinding / playing longer, thats for sure.

    I still wonder if they are truly trying to drive everyone from the game some days or not.. Im sure they will give us 2-3 days of something super keen and fancy.. so some people forget about it for awhile.

    Im still pissed at the Cward binding on lockboxes =P.. Lets go cryptic gauntlets down.

  • UndefinedUndefined Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    silverkelt wrote: »
    Seriously.. can anyone sit here and say, WE SHOULD have to level longer, as a prime reason or feedback anyone has ever given?

    Even as fractured as playerbases are I cannot remember one POST.. one asking for longer leveling. In fact its directly contrary to what we posted.. that the process from 61-70 was boring as heck.

    Yes.. there have been many complaints about how hard lvl 73 mobs hit, expecially in IWD and WoD (two campaign areas) that make no sense to anyone (just drop them to 72..) fixed everything.. not what they did though.

    I agree. I suggested the similar thing. Reduce all mobs 71-73 by one level. Fixed.
    Instead. They give us a 33% damage nerf.

    What's with people who put their Ilvl in their Signatures? They probably have a big gold chain and saggy pants too.
  • vyperdrivevyperdrive Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    magenubbie wrote: »
    That's exactly what it does not do. If it was just a damage reduction you'd be right. But 25% less damage taken and requiring 50% more time is not an improvement for anyone. That's a potential (25% of the new 75% damage rate) damage increase from the same mob while it's alive.

    I think that might depend. For me, quite of bit of the fight time is taken up dodging and kiting whilst I wait for cd's (cc abilities, pots/stones, etc) to come back. If the change to mob damage means that I can stand in and fight longer, shrugging off their lesser attacks more ably; then theoretically I should be able to unload more damage on than before, ending the fight quicker.

    The only way to find that out though, is to wait for the servers to come up. It may be as folks are fearing, that this is not going to be a good change - but if what I say above holds out, it may be better (or even no real change). As we have not had the opportunity to test this, it seems to me a bit early for 'sky is falling' type rhetoric.

  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    There is no nerf to damage. I have done many tier 2 dungeons and the damage dealers classes great weapon fighter-scourge warlock-trickster rogue even hunter ranger was killing mobs like they was nothing. Ranger in pve is not weak that is a lie.
    Rangers deal more damage than a wizard that is enough for me. I repeat pve.

    If it also applies for dungeons i am happy for this will force parties to have one cw ( since cw dont deal
    anymore so big damage)instead 2-3 which i always hated.
  • colonelwingcolonelwing Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    Undefined wrote: »
    There you have it. Even a preschooler could understand. The damage per hit varies for every character. But the math NEVER LIES.

    (A) Monsters have 50% more HP
    (B) Players have 33% less damage

    It doesn't really matter. Because:


    That's still not a damage nerf. A damage nerf of 33% would be if... My anvil of doom dealt 33000 damage and after the patch it would be dealing 22000 damage. As i've mentioned we take 25% less damage, this combined with the higher enemy health points gives us more time to build up stacks, which results in us being able to deal damage faster. How is this a nerf?

  • azlanfoxazlanfox Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    Oh don't get me wrong, i agree with it being a buff to the mobs. But they also deal 25% less damage which is 1/4, so we should have enough time to finish them off before they finish us off.

    I don't think you got the right exactly, they are not doing 1/4 damage. I read the patch note as 25% less meaning they take 25% off the final not reduce their damage to 25% of its previous numbers.

    For example:
    Mob does 1000 damage before change.
    Mob does 750 damage after change.

    So if mob has 50% more hit points, again I read that as calculate 50% of current total and add that to the max (i.e. a mob with 20000 HP before will now have 30000 HP after patch), they have more time to inflict damage which may mean that 25% reduction is not adequate for the HP buff.
    Undefined wrote: »

    (A) Monsters have 50% more HP
    (B) Players have 33% less damage

    It doesn't really matter. Because:


    That's not entirely accurate, because (B) would impact PvP and boss fights, which their mob HP increase does not do.

    However, it is true that taking longer to kill mobs due to more HP, even with reduced damage, will still likely put us at a deficit.
    The fox said, "lock and load"

    glassdoor.com - Cryptic Studios Review
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    About solo and leveling if you are support class summon a striker companion. Companion will deal damage and also you will deal combat advantage. Always that i do on my support classes.

  • UndefinedUndefined Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    About solo and leveling if you are support class summon a striker companion. Companion will deal damage and also you will deal combat advantage. Always that i do on my support classes.

    Doesn't matter. Add your damage and your companion's together and run the math. Same result every time.

    Add your entire party's damage together including all buffs and potions and run the math. Same result every time.

    If the dragon heralds get the 50% HP boost, we will be lucky to get 4 of them with 40 players
    What's with people who put their Ilvl in their Signatures? They probably have a big gold chain and saggy pants too.
  • karakla1karakla1 Member Posts: 1,355 Arc User
    How can the game get harder if the monster hits you with less damage?
    Platypus wielding a giant hammer, your argument is invalild!
  • urlord283urlord283 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    Lets run a while with the new system...

    Then provide feedback

    They seem to be hearing us and trying to fix things
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