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Vote Kicking Feedback Thread (XBOX)



  • kabshotkabshot Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Well i have noticed this happening a lot i'm a cleric so i have never had it happened to me....but the amount of kicks i see against others is unreal i normally try to vote against it because i can only imagine how frustrating it could be.... and not only in tier 2 i have seen it also in the daily dungeon.
  • e11ze11z Member Posts: 144 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    I had one guild who can only be describe a a bunch of Cants..
    GF joined in at the end of Spiders lair as we lost our cleric and were looking for a new one. He then tries to kick the rogue guy i was with and fails because I said no.
    THEN his rogue buddy who was in **** gear comes along and then it's all over from there. Even though I said NO the rogue gets kicked, then I get kicked.

    THey basically stole our Boss checkpoint because they were a bunch of useless pricks.

    It was infuriating but I know full well karma will make sure that guy gets screwed royally one way or another.
    The Best PVP Guild on Dragon/Neverwinter: YoloOldSkoolSwagLoveNeverGingersLuvDupStep even if it's just one of us, you might as well just afk.
  • e11ze11z Member Posts: 144 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    awrex1977 wrote: »
    Here's a specific example of one of the problems with the kick tool:

    Last night, 3 guildies and I que'd for Epic Ice Spire - a CW (me), GF, DC, & TR.

    Other guildies were unavailable, so just the 4 of us que'd.

    5th member was a random, he/she happened to be another CW.

    We all enter the dungeon at the starting point - a fresh QUE, yay!

    Before we leave the campfire or get a chance to invite the other CW.

    I hear over party chat "this guy is trying to kick you" (directed at me).

    Now, IDK why the other CW wanted to kick me, it was less than 10 seconds before we all entered the dungeon, and nothing had happened in combat or otherwise to warrant a kick.

    He obviously didn't take GS into account & in his haste didn't bother to notice that the 4 of us were in the same guild.

    Group chat consisted on 3 "lol"s, and I did something I rarely do, voted yes to a kick.

    haha your guild sounds fun.

    I want a good guild :(
    The Best PVP Guild on Dragon/Neverwinter: YoloOldSkoolSwagLoveNeverGingersLuvDupStep even if it's just one of us, you might as well just afk.
  • nfldpatriotnfldpatriot Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I do believe there needs to be improvement on the criteria for kicking. I do not not "welfare loot", I don't pick up anything other than seals. I only wait to need/greed on shards and epics and someone else will surely pick them up. I usually get 9 mil+ dmg and have had 12mil+, my GS is just under 11k as a HR. I always have my mic on and am willingly to communicate. I always wait for teammates and never aggro/pull mobs in untimely fashion. Doing more than two or three epic dungeons a day has still become difficult due to booting.
  • danfilmsdanfilms Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I play Cleric, my gear score is ~10,000.

    I was running the T1 werewolf instance last night cause I wanted to change out one of my set pieces.

    As a cleric I get into groups almost instantly. We start off, everything is good. Then tank leaves, doesn't come back. He gets replaced by a second rogue. Now we have 2 rogues and 2 control wizards and me. I'm weary of not having a tank but my AC is high and I can heal these guys easy enough.

    We get to the boss and the rogues start getting one-shot killed. I'm dropping every buff and protection I have just to keep them up, but its not going well. We end up wiping 3 times because of the heavy damage from the adds. One of the rogues doesn't even cure his injury and gets killed again 3 seconds into the fight, before I can even build up my discipline. Me and one of the control wizards are staying up just fine until everyone else is gone, then its just wasting time because you can't do it with 2 people really, need the DPS.

    So what is their solution?

    Lets kick the healer out of the group, I'm sure that will solve the problem!
  • coadadjuicecoadadjuice Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Spent 2 hours last night with a 11k GS TR trying to find a group, queue, queue pops, get kicked while they look for a healer.
  • r3ppartr3ppart Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I always get kicked lol No idea how I am supposed to get gear when I can't even do a dungeon. Not my fault I didn't play 22 hours a day and hit 60 2 days after the game launched and now how the best gear.

    Heck, I can't even find a guild to help me. Not much incentive to play this game.
  • xboxarcaccountxboxarcaccount Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    It's the group finder design, there should be priority on tank and healer always because it's a trinity game design. Encounters are designed around having both a healer and a tank in the group so the tool not requiring them in the group makes it a failing tool. Not having a cool down on a YES vote kick is also a fail and encourages keyboard crushers and griefers to act out.

    I can only assume the group finder has no class requirements because they wanted to speed up queue times....and that would be great if this game wasn't balanced for having a Healer/Tank/DPS-Control to complete a dungeon....for the average player anyway. This is straight up a design issue that is turning one of the main focuses of this game into a miserable troll fest when it could be easily fixed with some required class and a kick cool down implementations.
  • sinibytesinibyte Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Last night I “won” the kick game. I queued, and we all loaded in, and low and behold there were 2 of us rogues. I was kicked. Thanks, other rogue. Oh well. I re-queued. I was put in the same group – insta-kicked. I re-queued. Only this time, I had my fingers on the ready – and vote kicked the OTHER rogue instead. Then someone else (not a rogue) loaded in – and no more kicks! We finished, and I got my purples.

    Kick me? No, kick YOU.

    So maybe that’s how I should queue for dungeons, load in and immediately kick someone.
  • yetweallfalldownyetweallfalldown Member Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Thanks for the feedback! We'll make sure we pass this along to the team and see what we can do about it.
    Communications Manager - Perfect World Entertainment
  • gaanjaa81gaanjaa81 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    all you people that are getting kicked constantly need to team up, make a guild, add each other or something and run stuff together= problem solved.

    im currently in a good guild with decent groups set up BUT if you need a cleric to run endgame stuff give me a shout or add me and if im free i will always come along for some runs:)
    Devoted cleric rule number one = We cant cure stupidity so no heals for fools ^.^
  • sinibytesinibyte Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Thanks for the feedback! We'll make sure we pass this along to the team and see what we can do about it.

    It really is a serious issue, and a detriment to players that queue solo. Kicking is rampant, ripe for abuse and discouraging to the longevity of play.

    Some suggestions:

    1. prioritize healer/tank positions
    2. do not allow a player to queue pop into a dungeon he has already been kicked from (for X minutes).
    3. do not allow duplicate classes
    4. keep GS close between players. (don't drop an 8300 with 13k's)
    5. make kick votes 100% not slight majority.
    6. allow players to opt-in to queue for dungeons in session or clean, fresh run
  • yllenyllen Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Surely we can learn from other party-based MMOs as to what works and what doesn't. This can't be a new problem. I don't have extensive experience, but I'm betting a lot of people out there do. Rather than simply stating what *doesn't* work. Can people suggest what *does*? (nod to xboxarcaccount for the suggestions about class requirements and cooldowns. EDIT: nod to sinibyte above too :) ).

    I'm trying for the life of me to remember how it worked in WoW at the start, but I can't. There was definitely a queing mechanism, but I don't recall using it that much (probably because it sucked). LFG in general chat was more reliable. But end game stuff - you got in a guild. PuGs were notoriously unreliable. End game was 40-man anyway in WoW so you couldn't PuG it. The fact that we're 3 weeks in and folks are walking round in full end-game gear feels wrong to me. It took *forever* to get T1 in vanilla WoW. But thats another issue entirely.

    Like I've said in other threads; I think we're suffering here from a) the communication issues that go with the widespread lack of the ability to type into a keyboard and b) lack of guilds and therefore guild runs. b) will change with time. a) won't - it will require creativity and innovation, not just complaining.

    Can I make my own suggestion:
    - don't auto-join groups from the queue. Allow the leader to choose, so they can get see whats out there if they need a specific class. Combine this with Tank/Heal/DPS specific queues. You have to queue for a role.
  • dewwhiskersdewwhiskers Member Posts: 45
    edited April 2015
    Wait a minute... These comments came from today but didn't gs get replaced with item level? Many of you are counting gear in gs. I'm a little confused.
  • sinibytesinibyte Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Wait a minute... These comments came from today but didn't gs get replaced with item level? Many of you are counting gear in gs. I'm a little confused.

    xbone still uses GS.
  • shatodshatod Member Posts: 56
    edited April 2015
    the BS kicking need to STOP period....don't like the group leave..don't kick other out for your own amusement and benefit....you want a pacific type a group before you join..create you own team before queuing...you are not the only one playing your action effect others.
  • shatodshatod Member Posts: 56
    edited April 2015
    the BS kicking need to STOP period....don't like the group leave..don't kick other out for your own amusement and benefit....you want a pacific type a group before you join..create you own team before queuing...you are not the only one playing your action effect others.
  • shatodshatod Member Posts: 56
    edited April 2015
    the BS kicking need to STOP period....don't like the group leave..don't kick other out for your own amusement and benefit....you want a pacific type a group before you join..create you own team before queuing...you are not the only one playing your action effect others.
  • r3ppartr3ppart Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    If kicking wasn't bad enough, I've gotten into groups with NO tank or healer. Now those are fun lol

    I've tried looking for a guild etc. to run dungeons with, with no luck. I am guessing this game isn't for me. Ah well.
  • fukakukifukakuki Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I would like to know if you are given any indication that you have been voted out? I have run a tier 1's for the first time today - most successful but a couple where I loaded in to be removed instantly. Do you receive a message, because in these cases I didn't.

    Avast - halfing rogue with piratey gewdness
    Fukakuki- emo cleric with dubious eyeliner
  • sinibytesinibyte Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    shatod wrote: »
    you want a pacific type a group

    What about atlantic type a groups? Can we kick people due to regionality?
  • pufpuffpasspufpuffpass Member Posts: 88
    edited April 2015
    I lost interest in my CW. I hope not, but it seems soon the game will lose its appeal. I got my CW to 60. Was very excited. The next day I try to run dungeons. Not even T1. Just the last dungeon before the t1. Dread vault I think.

    Instantly kicked, for over an hour. New to the game so u figures running the dungeons before t1 could at least get me geared for t1.

    Sure I could join a guild, and I want to. But I don't want to join out of necessity. I want to join one out of genuine interest. So I'm a level 60 with a GS of 5700. Can't do dungeons, can't do pvp as i never get a kill and it makes me want to stab my eyes out.

    Yes, i understand in some cases, kicking is needed. If a low Gs tries to join a t2, sure. Kick them as they can't help. But I'm just trying to gear up to enjoy the endgame which i seem to not be able to do. Kicking is bad. Shame that alot of Xbox players are children that find this kind of behaviour funny.

    Oh, i did get to do the dread vault once. One time. It was fun. Then as soon as the boss died i guess i got kicked as i was teleportes back to protectors enclave before i could even pick the seals up.
  • iboxyyiboxyy Member Posts: 70
    edited April 2015
    Putting class priority will ruin it even more. This game is flooded with TRs on Xbox barely any GF or clerics. I think there should be an option to get sent to another dungeon if you get kicked as well as a timer. I'm sorry but if I'm running a dungeon with a friend especially dread vault or CN and I see someone struggling that has a low GS they're getting the boot lol
  • iboxyyiboxyy Member Posts: 70
    edited April 2015
    Hey there LuckyStrike runs daily clears on CN and other dungeons as well as PvP. We are always looking for active members.

    Msg iboxyy on Xbox live and you can check out the organization on twitter @ClanLuckyStrike almost to 40k followers we are also partnered with Twitch among other companies
    You can check out our website at clanluckystrike.com
  • iboxyyiboxyy Member Posts: 70
    edited April 2015
    Every single time I join a CN run with a friend the kids in there are awful and have low GS. If you're at the min requirement go do something else you don't belong in there. It gets ridiculous seeing so many 60s with absolutely garbage gear.
  • munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I personally don't understand what randoms problems are either. I've run a few dungeons, and everyone except 1, every 5 seconds there was a stupid vote to kick box up in my face.

    The vote to kick is stupid, unless they are afk.
  • iboxyyiboxyy Member Posts: 70
    edited April 2015
    I know some people try to join at a boss then start a vote then have friends queue up and get in. Essentially farming without having to do anything but I'll the boss. It's effective but a ****ty thing to do. I admit I have done it a few times.
  • iboxyyiboxyy Member Posts: 70
    edited April 2015
    What's your gt? We should run some PvP
  • r3ppartr3ppart Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Right now the dungeon system seems to be broken, well for me anyway.

    I queue up, get in and I am the only one in the dungeon, it kicks me out, immediately find a new group, get in and once again I am the only one there. Rinse and repeat lol
  • shatodshatod Member Posts: 56
    edited April 2015
    the queue seem to broken again..not surprise...combined with the idiots that are kick happy they are killing the game
This discussion has been closed.