I'm curious why you guys stay on Neverwinter? I mean that honestly. The PvP community is rife with complaints every patch, every mod, every new gear set. Every single time you turn around in zone and on the forums they are a buzz with complaints about balance issues. I am just curious what keeps you guys playing a PvP system that most of you all seem to think is constantly broken?
Because people have so much time and money invested. Because there is always the hope that with "the next mod" at least enough will be fixed to make it worth staying. And yes the action combat. The action combat in this game is second to none for an mmo. But that only goes so far. When what keeps you in a game is thoroughly neglected and never expanded upon, and all the things that make you want to quit, are pushed and expanded and pushed and expanded, you eventually quit. So the pvp community was dying and now with mod 6 it will stage 4 perma flush.
There are a lot less people PvPing for sure. Its not hard to see.
But i wonder what people are doing in this game then? PvE is pretty much dead as well. Only tiamat left? Or are people doing other dungeons?
Anyway i havent done any dungeons for a long time. I havent even done tiamat since the first week of release. I only do PvP and its getting slim, very slim.
There are a lot less people PvPing for sure. Its not hard to see.
But i wonder what people are doing in this game then? PvE is pretty much dead as well. Only tiamat left? Or are people doing other dungeons?
Anyway i havent done any dungeons for a long time. I havent even done tiamat since the first week of release. I only do PvP and its getting slim, very slim.
I agree. PVP was the last bastion of serious hardcore endgame play in this game. There's just a lot less established players/guilds doing content in general.
I'm curious why you guys stay on Neverwinter? I mean that honestly. The PvP community is rife with complaints every patch, every mod, every new gear set. Every single time you turn around in zone and on the forums they are a buzz with complaints about balance issues. I am just curious what keeps you guys playing a PvP system that most of you all seem to think is constantly broken?
Question completely in place. The game is looking very bad atm, both pve and pvp. It's basically waiting for the death blow.
There are a lot less people PvPing for sure. Its not hard to see.
But i wonder what people are doing in this game then? PvE is pretty much dead as well. Only tiamat left? Or are people doing other dungeons?
Anyway i havent done any dungeons for a long time. I havent even done tiamat since the first week of release. I only do PvP and its getting slim, very slim.
Good question. I am not doing anything in the game, because i am not in the game anymore.
to get back topic , PVP is dead--> braindead <-- if i take the average IQ of the contestants
every second match there is one (sry but its proven in my internal statisitc) in 90% of the cases NUB-OP-TR who shouts and insults every member of the team, evenif he doesn´t get anything done himself
thats PVP
please devs give these TR´s a battelground in mod 6, it is so disgusting and toxic what i have to read in chat
SW is a very good class against TR´s, never used orbs?
i can´t play without them, because u allways play against 2 TR´s atm? it detects every TR out of stealth
TR´s are a problem, but other classes have much more problems against them not having this kind auf auto-missile,
Warlocks problem is they take "all the damage", even shadow slip is no real mitigation if you get hitten during ur slip by Ice knife for >35k , even if u run arround like a tank !
i faced lots of TR 1 vs 1, even better geared, they hate warlocks playing this setup, ask them
pvp is like a deer run over by a semi at the side of the road, dying quickly but still clinging to life. Mod 6 is like a passerby who puts it out of its misery with a shotgun blast.
There is absolutely nothing in what has been stated about mod 6 that will help pvp. In fact every single issue the players have said are a problem have been made worse. Tanks become less tanky due to regen nerf. Ad on paladin class goodbye gf- who wants to have to heal a rusty old gf when the palidin heals its self? Use the dps dc instead, after all dps is everything. Rogues become even more op, all of the problems with stealth and the dazes and piercing damage..oh lets have everyone take some unavoidable piercing damage/be dazed every time the tr goes into stealth, he doesn't even have to attack you. And on and on and on. Mod six is nothing but a slap in the face to the pvp community. I would genuinely think this was being done to troll the players of a dying game by staff who will be looking for new jobs soon, but we are looking at a console translation so apparently they think these changes are for the better. THAT IS SCARY.
If you want fun PvP, this isn't the game for it. It used to be a fun game for PvE, but I got sick of running around killing dragons about 3 days into Mod 4. Where are the dungeons at?
If you want fun PvP, this isn't the game for it. It used to be a fun game for PvE, but I got sick of running around killing dragons about 3 days into Mod 4. Where are the dungeons at?
PvP IS A LOT of fun when you get a decent match. The problem is the occurrence of decent matches is about one in ten. All of the stuff discussed and complained about pvp is just a breakdown of the why how and what of the ratio of decent matches to crappy matches.
starheretic70Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 52Arc User
edited January 2015
"Did PVP Finally Die?"
When pvp is failing it's a hint of a dying game. instead of making a well balance between class, they (Cryptic) will shoot new gears, pump new powers, so players will say : "Ah ! let's wait for that" ...
A wonderful post of a player that talked about all the things wrong in pvp, and he is right. I will bet you a good 2 gold pieces that they wont touch any of the following : permadaze, permastealth, oneshot kill from the tr, almost permacrit from the CW...
I got a 21K gear score DC (heal) ... It's boring ( I play it to help my friends ) ...in 1v1, it's nearly unkillable... when I die , it's one-shot kill by TR and no fighting is going on : BORING.
I got a 22K gear score HR ... exciting stuff , life go up , life go down, I die and kill.
Some friends turns down the TR ... no challenge in pvp ... we stealth , slashing blade, smoke bomb, duelist flurry, re.stealth, recover (and repeat)
No stealth when DoT , no perma daze and no one shot kill (let's say 75% or 85% of life).
Players want to fight. I dont care about losing if I got a good fight .... but when I die whithout any kind of play ... I rage quit or leave game and do something else.
No more class or mod until balance between class so that players will need each others to win. Hurry for the regen and life steal news.
When pvp is failing it's a hint of a dying game. instead of making a well balance between class, they (Cryptic) will shoot new gears, pump new powers, so players will say : "Ah ! let's wait for that" ...
A wonderful post of a player that talked about all the things wrong in pvp, and he is right. I will bet you a good 2 gold pieces that they wont touch any of the following : permadaze, permastealth, oneshot kill from the tr, almost permacrit from the CW...
I got a 21K gear score DC (heal) ... It's boring ( I play it to help my friends ) ...in 1v1, it's nearly unkillable... when I die , it's one-shot kill by TR and no fighting is going on : BORING.
I got a 22K gear score HR ... exciting stuff , life go up , life go down, I die and kill.
Some friends turns down the TR ... no challenge in pvp ... we stealth , slashing blade, smoke bomb, duelist flurry, re.stealth, recover (and repeat)
No stealth when DoT , no perma daze and no one shot kill (let's say 75% or 85% of life).
Players want to fight. I dont care about losing if I got a good fight .... but when I die whithout any kind of play ... I rage quit or leave game and do something else.
No more class or mod until balance between class so that players will need each others to win. Hurry for the regen and life steal news.
See ya.
Yes your DC with 38 k life, 18 tenacity was one shooted lol at least i still have one chance to win against you with my CW
We all blame the devs for their epic delay in fixing any inbalance.When they actually do.This is the obvious and i will not say anything about it.So many said before me.
But what was not said ,was the community's responsibility for that behaviour.
Neverwinter pvp community...
Exploiters,botters,hackers .90% of them.
Since mod 2 ,PVPers made any unfortunate pve toon that would join pvp,a miserable experience.
Top PVP guilds using their GWFs leap slamming in respawn area and killing again and again pve toons 4-5k gs lower.
Top pvp Trs with impact shot pushing dawn idle pve toons in campfire.
Emblem of Seldarine exploit...
PVP CWs acting like weasels ,never reporting their bugs in preview ,and going to Mod4 wrecking chaos.
PVP Trs even this day saying "there is nothing with TRs,learn to play".
HRs abusing the thorn ward glitch during mod3.And the list is going on...
PVP community was and still is,a toxic community unable to provide true feedback.
Devs -seeing these guys actually bring them money- having a short sight of the problem and not adressing it.
And now we are left with 3000 toons pvping in mod5.Half of them are on the same account.
From 1500 left,700-800 are just for the daily.Pvp community is 700 people at most.
That is the explanation why the devs they do not pay serious attention anymore.They will just create OP classes (Tr ,incoming Paladin) just to bait some new PVErs to buy things in Zen market.
But we reached that point cause as said ,PVP community in its glory days was shortsighted.
Even now they are the same.
Example:I pvped with some random people from the channel i participate in just to d o the daily pvp.We were high and low gs toons ,some pvp specced some pve specced.We just did it for the lulz.As it should be.The time we gueue we knew very few people pvp.We felt to a premade half EoA ,half Absolute and one famous 23k gs HR.You see these guys did not qued separately as duos.In order to face comptetition even each other.They made a premade and queued cause they would like to ensure that would rolfstomp any pug group in thier way.
And ofcourse the usual camping dawn of our respawn point foloowed.
And yet you expect new players to endure this?No way.This the pvp reality of Neverwinter.Premades played a big role in reducing pvp population.
We felt to a premade half EoA ,half Absolute and one famous 23k gs HR.You see these guys did not qued separately as duos.In order to face comptetition even each other.They made a premade and queued cause they would like to ensure that would rolfstomp any pug group in thier way.
Thats bullsh1t. How do you know they queued in a premade? You dont understand the matchmaking system. If you queue with a casual premade, you will get most likely destroyed, because you either face another premade, or the system puts duo queuing players together.
Queuing with a premade pushes your temporary ELO extremly high.
NOBODY in pvp wants to play against pugs, because it is HAMSTER boring. Do you people not understand that?
no the real big thing that kill PVP is the GAP between newcommer and end game player. in mod 2 BIS player were around 16-17 k depending of class. average medium player 13-14 k and low player 10 k . so unless a new player got bad luck he was ended with most medium player or low player. now BIS player is 24k and medium player 18-20 k and also with many hidding power that does not count in GS. A new commer still at 10 k GS.
Where dev fail for class is by the fact they don,t want to separate pvp and pve build, (some post from dev was done during V4 on it) it give a problem since it practically impossible to get every thing balanced in two different mod.
Also for your info most of change on CW that appear after V4 to make it equilibrate were done before V4 release or just after but because of the short time they were gone on previous, they weren't on the live server when v4 appear
If I had to point to any one thing that has had the most detrimental effect to PvP, that would be allowing people below level 60 to slot their Perfect Weapon Enchantments.
Some of that imbalance has been fixed by putting farmable blue weapon gear on the dragon in Neverdeath, but that still presupposes that you have a weapon enchantment to begin with.
I PvP at level 60 fairly regularly with a 16k DC Righteous, zero Tenacity, and won 6 out of 6 matches last night. I pugged and fortunately didn't get matched against a premade (but I've seen EoA and Absolute premade together before, more than once- I love to GG with EoA, so no hate there, it just happens).
There's an absolute minimum of gear that you need to PvP at 60, and unfortunately, people zone in the same day they go 60 and it's such a different experience than 59 that they don't come back.
If I were to suggest a fix, it would be to eliminate the ability to earn Dominion Champion and Headhunter titles under 60. The majority of the reason that people are going in there with Perfects is to earn those titles before they hit 60. It cheapens the titles too much. If they were something you had to earn endgame, it would mean something when you saw it on someone again. But seriously, you know it's not much when I can kill a Dominion Champion with 4 Sunbursts.
Also I would rework GG. Change the PvE section to one where you earned gear to wear in GG PvP with a specific stat, alike to Black Ice DR. Make that gear unslottable for any enchantments. It would give a massively equal playing field for people who needed to gain experience before moving on to Domination.
Dont know about PVP since I haven't queued lately but the forums are freakin' empty. Not even the usual bickering between 5-6 regulars is present these days.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
NOBODY in pvp wants to play against pugs, because it is HAMSTER boring. Do you people not understand that?
I'm sure that some don't, maybe even most, but I'm quite certain that there's a fair number of people out there who derive a sick sense of self-worth by smashing pugs.
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!" pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all." looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
Dont know about PVP since I haven't queued lately but the forums are freakin' empty. Not even the usual bickering between 5-6 regulars is present these days.
LOL! I am usually here more often but finally got my soul sucked into using the Gateway do catch-up on professions while at work. I also started running a few Sword Coast dungeons with my companions on my main account.
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!" pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all." looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
"Thats bullsh1t. How do you know they queued in a premade?"
How do i know?I just do man.Cause i have seen them in the same combo or nearly the same.Satisfied now?
" You dont understand the matchmaking system."
After pvping for almost a year i **** do .And i understand when it is a semi duo paired together or a freakin premade.
"NOBODY in pvp wants to play against pugs, because it is HAMSTER boring"
Well man ,vs us they did not find it boring.Cause when i jumped out for a 1v1.....In the begining vs their cw they stay still.But when they saw the battle was close to even they attacked all against me,except their Gf.Who was valiant and stayed in dinstance.
So please cut the usual HAMSTER most of the pvpers have parroted in the forums for one year now "We do not enjoy the fights vs pugs".
I call this -in 50% of the cases-a freakin lie.They enjoy it immensely.Just ask the 95% of the pugs that happened to go against them.
WTB Class Reroll please
Because people have so much time and money invested. Because there is always the hope that with "the next mod" at least enough will be fixed to make it worth staying. And yes the action combat. The action combat in this game is second to none for an mmo. But that only goes so far. When what keeps you in a game is thoroughly neglected and never expanded upon, and all the things that make you want to quit, are pushed and expanded and pushed and expanded, you eventually quit. So the pvp community was dying and now with mod 6 it will stage 4 perma flush.
But i wonder what people are doing in this game then? PvE is pretty much dead as well. Only tiamat left? Or are people doing other dungeons?
Anyway i havent done any dungeons for a long time. I havent even done tiamat since the first week of release. I only do PvP and its getting slim, very slim.
I agree. PVP was the last bastion of serious hardcore endgame play in this game. There's just a lot less established players/guilds doing content in general.
Question completely in place. The game is looking very bad atm, both pve and pvp. It's basically waiting for the death blow.
Good question. I am not doing anything in the game, because i am not in the game anymore.
Then again a mod will probably eat my post again.
every second match there is one (sry but its proven in my internal statisitc) in 90% of the cases NUB-OP-TR who shouts and insults every member of the team, evenif he doesn´t get anything done himself
thats PVP
please devs give these TR´s a battelground in mod 6, it is so disgusting and toxic what i have to read in chat
Now now, there are good and bad players on PVE and PVP (both in their skill and attitude). To say one is different than the other is idiotic.
i can´t play without them, because u allways play against 2 TR´s atm? it detects every TR out of stealth
TR´s are a problem, but other classes have much more problems against them not having this kind auf auto-missile,
Warlocks problem is they take "all the damage", even shadow slip is no real mitigation if you get hitten during ur slip by Ice knife for >35k , even if u run arround like a tank !
i faced lots of TR 1 vs 1, even better geared, they hate warlocks playing this setup, ask them
That new Deathknell feat, it's just ridiculous. Bet Talisman of Shadows will ignore CR and tenacity too
WTB Class Reroll please
There is absolutely nothing in what has been stated about mod 6 that will help pvp. In fact every single issue the players have said are a problem have been made worse. Tanks become less tanky due to regen nerf. Ad on paladin class goodbye gf- who wants to have to heal a rusty old gf when the palidin heals its self? Use the dps dc instead, after all dps is everything. Rogues become even more op, all of the problems with stealth and the dazes and piercing damage..oh lets have everyone take some unavoidable piercing damage/be dazed every time the tr goes into stealth, he doesn't even have to attack you. And on and on and on. Mod six is nothing but a slap in the face to the pvp community. I would genuinely think this was being done to troll the players of a dying game by staff who will be looking for new jobs soon, but we are looking at a console translation so apparently they think these changes are for the better. THAT IS SCARY.
PvP IS A LOT of fun when you get a decent match. The problem is the occurrence of decent matches is about one in ten. All of the stuff discussed and complained about pvp is just a breakdown of the why how and what of the ratio of decent matches to crappy matches.
When pvp is failing it's a hint of a dying game. instead of making a well balance between class, they (Cryptic) will shoot new gears, pump new powers, so players will say : "Ah ! let's wait for that" ...
A wonderful post of a player that talked about all the things wrong in pvp, and he is right. I will bet you a good 2 gold pieces that they wont touch any of the following : permadaze, permastealth, oneshot kill from the tr, almost permacrit from the CW...
I got a 21K gear score DC (heal) ... It's boring ( I play it to help my friends ) ...in 1v1, it's nearly unkillable... when I die , it's one-shot kill by TR and no fighting is going on : BORING.
I got a 22K gear score HR ... exciting stuff , life go up , life go down, I die and kill.
Some friends turns down the TR ... no challenge in pvp ... we stealth , slashing blade, smoke bomb, duelist flurry, re.stealth, recover (and repeat)
No stealth when DoT , no perma daze and no one shot kill (let's say 75% or 85% of life).
Players want to fight. I dont care about losing if I got a good fight .... but when I die whithout any kind of play ... I rage quit or leave game and do something else.
No more class or mod until balance between class so that players will need each others to win. Hurry for the regen and life steal news.
See ya.
But what was not said ,was the community's responsibility for that behaviour.
Neverwinter pvp community...
Exploiters,botters,hackers .90% of them.
Since mod 2 ,PVPers made any unfortunate pve toon that would join pvp,a miserable experience.
Top PVP guilds using their GWFs leap slamming in respawn area and killing again and again pve toons 4-5k gs lower.
Top pvp Trs with impact shot pushing dawn idle pve toons in campfire.
Emblem of Seldarine exploit...
PVP CWs acting like weasels ,never reporting their bugs in preview ,and going to Mod4 wrecking chaos.
PVP Trs even this day saying "there is nothing with TRs,learn to play".
HRs abusing the thorn ward glitch during mod3.And the list is going on...
PVP community was and still is,a toxic community unable to provide true feedback.
Devs -seeing these guys actually bring them money- having a short sight of the problem and not adressing it.
And now we are left with 3000 toons pvping in mod5.Half of them are on the same account.
From 1500 left,700-800 are just for the daily.Pvp community is 700 people at most.
That is the explanation why the devs they do not pay serious attention anymore.They will just create OP classes (Tr ,incoming Paladin) just to bait some new PVErs to buy things in Zen market.
But we reached that point cause as said ,PVP community in its glory days was shortsighted.
Even now they are the same.
Example:I pvped with some random people from the channel i participate in just to d o the daily pvp.We were high and low gs toons ,some pvp specced some pve specced.We just did it for the lulz.As it should be.The time we gueue we knew very few people pvp.We felt to a premade half EoA ,half Absolute and one famous 23k gs HR.You see these guys did not qued separately as duos.In order to face comptetition even each other.They made a premade and queued cause they would like to ensure that would rolfstomp any pug group in thier way.
And ofcourse the usual camping dawn of our respawn point foloowed.
And yet you expect new players to endure this?No way.This the pvp reality of Neverwinter.Premades played a big role in reducing pvp population.
Thats bullsh1t. How do you know they queued in a premade? You dont understand the matchmaking system. If you queue with a casual premade, you will get most likely destroyed, because you either face another premade, or the system puts duo queuing players together.
Queuing with a premade pushes your temporary ELO extremly high.
NOBODY in pvp wants to play against pugs, because it is HAMSTER boring. Do you people not understand that?
no the real big thing that kill PVP is the GAP between newcommer and end game player. in mod 2 BIS player were around 16-17 k depending of class. average medium player 13-14 k and low player 10 k . so unless a new player got bad luck he was ended with most medium player or low player. now BIS player is 24k and medium player 18-20 k and also with many hidding power that does not count in GS. A new commer still at 10 k GS.
Where dev fail for class is by the fact they don,t want to separate pvp and pve build, (some post from dev was done during V4 on it) it give a problem since it practically impossible to get every thing balanced in two different mod.
Also for your info most of change on CW that appear after V4 to make it equilibrate were done before V4 release or just after but because of the short time they were gone on previous, they weren't on the live server when v4 appear
Some of that imbalance has been fixed by putting farmable blue weapon gear on the dragon in Neverdeath, but that still presupposes that you have a weapon enchantment to begin with.
I PvP at level 60 fairly regularly with a 16k DC Righteous, zero Tenacity, and won 6 out of 6 matches last night. I pugged and fortunately didn't get matched against a premade (but I've seen EoA and Absolute premade together before, more than once- I love to GG with EoA, so no hate there, it just happens).
There's an absolute minimum of gear that you need to PvP at 60, and unfortunately, people zone in the same day they go 60 and it's such a different experience than 59 that they don't come back.
If I were to suggest a fix, it would be to eliminate the ability to earn Dominion Champion and Headhunter titles under 60. The majority of the reason that people are going in there with Perfects is to earn those titles before they hit 60. It cheapens the titles too much. If they were something you had to earn endgame, it would mean something when you saw it on someone again. But seriously, you know it's not much when I can kill a Dominion Champion with 4 Sunbursts.
Also I would rework GG. Change the PvE section to one where you earned gear to wear in GG PvP with a specific stat, alike to Black Ice DR. Make that gear unslottable for any enchantments. It would give a massively equal playing field for people who needed to gain experience before moving on to Domination.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
I'm sure that some don't, maybe even most, but I'm quite certain that there's a fair number of people out there who derive a sick sense of self-worth by smashing pugs.
I hope so . . .
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
LOL! I am usually here more often but finally got my soul sucked into using the Gateway do catch-up on professions while at work. I also started running a few Sword Coast dungeons with my companions on my main account.
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
How do i know?I just do man.Cause i have seen them in the same combo or nearly the same.Satisfied now?
" You dont understand the matchmaking system."
After pvping for almost a year i **** do
"NOBODY in pvp wants to play against pugs, because it is HAMSTER boring"
Well man ,vs us they did not find it boring.Cause when i jumped out for a 1v1.....In the begining vs their cw they stay still.But when they saw the battle was close to even they attacked all against me,except their Gf.Who was valiant and stayed in dinstance.
So please cut the usual HAMSTER most of the pvpers have parroted in the forums for one year now "We do not enjoy the fights vs pugs".
I call this -in 50% of the cases-a freakin lie.They enjoy it immensely.Just ask the 95% of the pugs that happened to go against them.