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Misery's fury PvP build and insight on PvP SW.



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    vasdamasvasdamas Member Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    macjae wrote: »
    If Creeping Death procs off of Tenebrous enchants and Terror, that would be cool, but would probably have some major balance issues one way or the other -- i.e. they'd either be too good for Fury SWs, or not good enough for everyone else.
    Oh don't let me get started on how "unfair" and "overpowere" SW is comparing to some other classes....

    CWs can build as tanky as some GWFs and still melt 50k HP characters in a matter of blink. GWFs on the other hand can do the same but they need MONSTROUS ammount of power (best I've was 13k power GWF) to have similar effect. SW can't have same performance, all they can do is build tanky and then lack in DPS output. Tenebrous is something that helps them stabilize at least somehow.
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    michelmontenegromichelmontenegro Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Then, Damage Necrotic no Proc if source is Enchants. :/
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    schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    so take just my Dom PVP match 5min ago, seeing one TR 16k GS with: >10k power, no tenacity, 1500 DR, 500 toughness, 500 regen
    thats all, playing a permastealth or whatever onhitting maschine, all points goes into offense, finishes me with 1/2 rotation first hit >35k
    no need to be tanky, such a broke lame sh...t
    i put everything into HP, DR, Toughness, regen i can get , his encounter don´t care about it
    --> don´t speak about unfairness in the same contex talking about a warlock, this is no class that can be played unfair :)
    --> unfair TR>>>>CW>DC> HR, GWF, GF are ok imo

    btw is there any possibility to build up your sparks faster or in any "unfair" way?
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    vasdamasvasdamas Member Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    xsayajinx1 wrote: »
    Seems like you have never faced lazaroth666's SW in a pvp match.

    He knows how to build a tanky SW with good dmg output.
    He is one of those who gave me an idea but no the first. Seen Sinbaad running around with them which is a decent warlock (for me he is best still imo) so decided why not to try it too. It still pales to equally geared CWs though.
    macjae wrote: »
    I've seen both Vasdamas and Lazaroth play SW. Vasdamas impressed me; Lazaroth just ran away and hid in some corner of the map. And Vasdamas' assessment of SW capabilities compared with other classes are correct; SWs can't have the combination of overall tankiness and damage output that GWFs and CWs can have, though those classes are within reach of beating; you can completely forget about fighting a half-decent TR or (DPS) DC as SW.
    Yeah, the first match he did the same on me too but :D But everything he did was right because, as an underdog class, anything you can use against your is fair. I often slip through 2 in start of a domination fight to lure some killhappy TRs/HRs after me (suprsingly well geared usually buy it more often lol) and then try ambush-attack them in the most unpredictable way. Or just run for their base point if they don't :P After all they will need to split to finish me. It differs each time though, just need to analize your enemies via X window before try to do something.
    I just tend to forget I got no ITC any more :X He played as PvP GWF before so he is better used to SW play style than me :P
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    lazaroth666lazaroth666 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,332 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    macjae wrote: »
    I've seen both Vasdamas and Lazaroth play SW. Vasdamas impressed me; Lazaroth just ran away and hid in some corner of the map.

    And this guys, is the reason why you can't have a decent conversation about PvP in this forum. I don't even know you, I don't check if your handle is in the X window during the PvP match because I simply don't care about you but I will tell you one thing I'm the kind of player who is usually testing lot of things until I'm happy with my build meaning that I'm not always the same in every match and if you are an avid PvPer who makes assumption based in 1 single match means you are ignorant of many things, i.e the only time I met Vasdamas in the enemy team (as she mentioned), I was full Radiants+Temptation build, now I'm full GTene+Fury. I've done PvP with my SW only during the last 7 days from scratch, so many things have changed for my character. There was not enough record about the SW in PvP so I had to test almost everything. But who cares, right? It is easier to point out people in the forum.

    FYI, I always PUG and solo queue so the perfomance is pretty much based in your team's effort and each match is completely different to the previous or the next one.
    ▄▀▄▀ Check out my blog for more information and cool videos: NWO-Battleground ▀▄▀▄
    Proud founder of the 'Primacy' alliance
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    schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    FYI, I always PUG and solo queue so the perfomance is pretty much based in your team's effort and each match is completely different to the previous or the next one.

    Thats what i experience very often, sometimes u got ripped, and its allways you vs 3 enemys because none of your team has Tenacity or decent gear and the moment u appear at the node everythings dead again, these matches are horrible
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    vasdamasvasdamas Member Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Thats what i experience very often, sometimes u got ripped, and its allways you vs 3 enemys because none of your team has Tenacity or decent gear and the moment u appear at the node everythings dead again, these matches are horrible
    And sometimes you capture enemy's base, solo 4 of opposite team and your PUGs just stand on campfire while their rogue captures both 2 and 1. I am not sure how am I supposed to give love to these newbies after they pull such stuff >.>
    Usually end up trashtalking :D Better out than within.

    On the side note, after reading that river of cry about how underpowered GWFs are I decided I post some constructive thread about us SWs too. Can't let another GWF abomination happen without our class being unprepared for that.
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    animalustanimalust Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 573 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    And this guys, is the reason why you can't have a decent conversation about PvP in this forum. I don't even know you, I don't check if your handle is in the X window during the PvP match because I simply don't care about you but I will tell you one thing I'm the kind of player who is usually testing lot of things until I'm happy with my build meaning that I'm not always the same in every match and if you are an avid PvPer who makes assumption based in 1 single match means you are ignorant of many things, i.e the only time I met Vasdamas in the enemy team (as she mentioned), I was full Radiants+Temptation build, now I'm full GTene+Fury. I've done PvP with my SW only during the last 7 days from scratch, so many things have changed for my character. There was not enough record about the SW in PvP so I had to test almost everything. But who cares, right? It is easier to point out people in the forum.

    FYI, I always PUG and solo queue so the perfomance is pretty much based in your team's effort and each match is completely different to the previous or the next one.

    Welcome to PVP on an SW ;p

    Btw I'm guilty as charged, I couldn't care less if the match is win or loss lol. All I know, is im pretty useless standing on the nodes unless i got Knights Valor or DC's backing me up. I'm a kill hunter, what can i say, im at something like 750 kills and 150 deaths totoal since standings were erased, before then I was at a very impressive 6.0 kill/death.

    Now, i odnt believe that my actions specifically cause the matches to lose, more often than not, my actions allow the rest of the team to complete the cap point. But I'm not very suicidal so unless i know i got a worthwhile team backing me up, assume I will be lurking and assassinating specific targets (most targets cannot survive the full rotation)
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    schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I don´t care about K/D ratio at all, my only intention ist to win,
    so scacrificing myself on the node, blocking it, just beeing 10 times killed but binding one or two killing machines on ur home-node is worth it, sometimes u see the game turns by this
    if i win in the end its worth it and punishes the miserable teamplay of others
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    vasdamasvasdamas Member Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Added some speculations to 4th post concerning CR and Bloodtheft/Ferocious Reaction exploits.
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    lazaroth666lazaroth666 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,332 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    animalust wrote: »
    Welcome to PVP on an SW ;p

    Btw I'm guilty as charged, I couldn't care less if the match is win or loss lol. All I know, is im pretty useless standing on the nodes unless i got Knights Valor or DC's backing me up. I'm a kill hunter, what can i say, im at something like 750 kills and 150 deaths totoal since standings were erased, before then I was at a very impressive 6.0 kill/death.

    Now, i odnt believe that my actions specifically cause the matches to lose, more often than not, my actions allow the rest of the team to complete the cap point. But I'm not very suicidal so unless i know i got a worthwhile team backing me up, assume I will be lurking and assassinating specific targets (most targets cannot survive the full rotation)

    Well, with my SW I try to do both things, hunting enemies that will inflict a lot of damage to my group or are going to capture a node and give support in the points, I.E sometimes you go to your own node where a friend is fighting someone already, kill the enemy and push to mid where the other teammates are already having a fight so we can get at least numerical superiority that allows you to clean the node faster or if you, as soulbinder, have 30 sparks, you can be very tanky so try to hold a node as much as possible and it works quite nicely. Most players love to kill so when you have low HP and retreat, you can lure out one or two, force them to fight outside of the node, waste their time, if they don't follow you the sparks will heal you and you can go back to the action faster. So far, my record is 2200/300 and I'm enjoying the class in PvP, considering that isn't as good as other classes atm.
    ▄▀▄▀ Check out my blog for more information and cool videos: NWO-Battleground ▀▄▀▄
    Proud founder of the 'Primacy' alliance
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    animalustanimalust Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 573 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    Well, with my SW I try to do both things, hunting enemies that will inflict a lot of damage to my group or are going to capture a node and give support in the points, I.E sometimes you go to your own node where a friend is fighting someone already, kill the enemy and push to mid where the other teammates are already having a fight so we can get at least numerical superiority that allows you to clean the node faster or if you, as soulbinder, have 30 sparks, you can be very tanky so try to hold a node as much as possible and it works quite nicely. Most players love to kill so when you have low HP and retreat, you can lure out one or two, force them to fight outside of the node, waste their time, if they don't follow you the sparks will heal you and you can go back to the action faster. So far, my record is 2200/300 and I'm enjoying the class in PvP, considering that isn't as good as other classes atm.

    jeez youve been busy !

    But yep, thats exactly what we do, it looks liek we being selfish, but dont worry, we helped the team in many ways that may not be apparent to you ;p

    the only people that complain about CC in Domination are those who do not have any Tenacity, or just simply not enough. Even back when the CW was freez lock Gods, I was still able to get out in time to harrowstorm and kill them (thanks Soulforged!!). This unfortunately does not appear to make the WhisperKnife stun builds any less annoying lol
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    michelmontenegromichelmontenegro Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Currently, what passive prefer to use the 2 slots (Passive)?
    ---- Shadow Walk, Warding Curse, Borrowed Time(soulbinder), Dust to dust (soulbinder)

    Borrowed Time(soulbinder) and Warding Curse, seem to give greater survival to the Warlock.
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    zeusomzeusom Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 810 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I love this thread and Vasdamas for making it! Great guide for a great class.

    Agree, Thank you Vasdamas. Very well written, thorough, and knowledgable pvp sw guide.
    Really good SW's are imo some of the very most skilled players in the game... Even on my tr the player I fear the most in pvp is the really good sw player... The sw is not going to run away he is going to attack attack attack until he dies and there is something fun about that.

    When I switched from pve to pvp SW about 3 weeks ago, the first week I could not kill TR for the life of me and my 20k build was struggling being slaughtered by 15k and above TR. With help from Vasdamas and full pvp build conversion and then practice, I win the majority of 1v1 node battles against TRs (though there are a few exceptional top pagers I simply cannot kill).

    Exactly as you say, I dog them like a pit bull with unrelenting aggression throwing everything and the kitchen sink until they are dead. But it's not frantic button mashing, it is fast but purposeful. Even with the right build and encounters up it takes experience and enough understanding/use of mechanics. I love when the TR quits coming back or must bring a friend to take the node ^^ or more when TR talks garbage because he is infuriated he got facemauled by class he thought was most free kill pvp trash.
    Sopi (aka Haxbox) SW [Synergy]
    Sopi SW Youtube channel pvp brickabrack

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    kattefjaeskattefjaes Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,270 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    Currently, what passive prefer to use the 2 slots (Passive)?
    ---- Shadow Walk, Warding Curse, Borrowed Time(soulbinder), Dust to dust (soulbinder)

    Borrowed Time(soulbinder) and Warding Curse, seem to give greater survival to the Warlock.

    Borrowed Time and Shadowstep seem pretty optimal. Borrowed Time is obviously unmissable, but Shadow Step does wonders for your survivability, too. It gets you in/out of melee, helps you chase runners, and gives you the range and speed to use terrain to break line of sight.
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    vasdamasvasdamas Member Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    kattefjaes wrote: »
    Borrowed Time and Shadowstep seem pretty optimal. Borrowed Time is obviously unmissable, but Shadow Step does wonders for your survivability, too. It gets you in/out of melee, helps you chase runners, and gives you the range and speed to use terrain to break line of sight.

    Also with full stacks our regeneration is just crazy. if your opponent managed to get you down to 20% you could just slip away and wait till you regenerate enough to strike again. PvPers usually tend to be greedy for kills and chase you when you run with low hp so soul sparks won't probably expire. Done that with many BiS GWFs so far.
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    koalazebra1koalazebra1 Member Posts: 1,173 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    And this guys, is the reason why you can't have a decent conversation about PvP in this forum.

    welcome to the neverwinter pvp community, population: less than 20
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    pufy2010pufy2010 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    hahah..Hi Misery <3 Alizea here.

    ya baby..the infi dot :).

    Nice guide :P

    I tou i tou i saw a Deranged :P heh
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    kattefjaeskattefjaes Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,270 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    vasdamas wrote: »
    Also with full stacks our regeneration is just crazy. if your opponent managed to get you down to 20% you could just slip away and wait till you regenerate enough to strike again. PvPers usually tend to be greedy for kills and chase you when you run with low hp so soul sparks won't probably expire. Done that with many BiS GWFs so far.

    Yep, I love burning a chunk of stamina to make some space. If it's mid-fight, it's quite unfortunate for anyone chasing you (who might be missing a chunk of HP) that it gives time for Killing Flames to come off cooldown, too.. :D
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    animalustanimalust Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 573 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    pufy2010 wrote: »
    hahah..Hi Misery <3 Alizea here.

    ya baby..the infi dot :).

    Nice guide :P

    I tou i tou i saw a Deranged :P heh

    :waves to Alizea:

    yes good guide indeed. Too late for me though, Il be Hellbringer for life cus im a cheap ******* and wont be spending a dime on any re-rolls lol

    retraining token doesnt let you change paragon right? the one that was dropping fromt eh winter event?
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    schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    i think retraining token lets u change the path and your stats as fead and encounter, only race can´t change by retraining token i think
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    vasdamasvasdamas Member Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Winter Festival's respec token packs are basically the same respec tokens we get for 300 zen in Zen store. Boons/Powers/Feats/Atributes/Paragon path.
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    animalustanimalust Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 573 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    vasdamas wrote: »
    Winter Festival's respec token packs are basically the same respec tokens we get for 300 zen in Zen store. Boons/Powers/Feats/Atributes/Paragon path.

    someday il have to checkit out sicne I do have 2 of them ^^
    Thanks to this writ up, i Honestly 100% dismissed SOulbinder as a truly viable option for pve, and felt that the soul sparks might be too much of an annoyance for someone like me in PvP - i always speculated that soulbinder should do well in a PvP situation with a tanky build + Fury, but its sort of obnoxious to test this on the test server (population issues and no Dom's).

    honestly cant wait to find more Soulbinders to skirmish with, ive mentioned before, the few I have come across seem to never be Fury spec and just cant survive 1 rotation lol
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    zeusomzeusom Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 810 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I tried Soul-fury instead of Hell-fury with some respec tokens I got from winter event.

    Maybe I am doing something wrong but I rarely if ever have many soul sparks in battle and the ones that I do build expire rather quickly. Yes survivability is a little better but not quite enough to me to justify the loss of dps of hellbringer (mainly, no pity no mercy with offhand defense debuff, and the option of using flames of empowerment feated for +17% dps). Maybe I need to intentionally spam essence defiler more but it is hard to justify using an at-will instead of an encounter.

    Winning 1v1 situations is key in domination matches and for these I feel the higher burst dps wins out over the extra regen of borrowed time. It depends on playstyle also and soulbinder experiment is not over yet.
    Sopi (aka Haxbox) SW [Synergy]
    Sopi SW Youtube channel pvp brickabrack

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    michelmontenegromichelmontenegro Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    What do you think Briliant Energy (Enchant)?

    - Necrotic Damage (Terror) in work in Fury.

    - Plague Fire is good, but ... (Do not have synergy with Tenebrous, for the first hit of the tenebrous low armor in only 15%)

    - Vorpal is good for those with high critical. (I stay in Cap) -> Tenebrous NOT THE CRITICAL

    B. Energy has synergy with Tenebrous therefore ignore 50% of the target resistance.
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    vasdamasvasdamas Member Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    What do you think Briliant Energy (Enchant)?

    - Necrotic Damage (Terror) in work in Fury.

    - Plague Fire is good, but ... (Do not have synergy with Tenebrous, for the first hit of the tenebrous low armor in only 15%)

    - Vorpal is good for those with high critical. (I stay in Cap) -> Tenebrous NOT THE CRITICAL

    B. Energy has synergy with Tenebrous therefore ignore 50% of the target resistance.

    Honestly, I don't know. I'd love to test that one and see if it actually synergies with tenebrous enchantment but... purchasing HotN pack just for one enchantment seems unworthy to me especially when it's the most expensive pack.
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