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Drow PvP Equipment



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    lwedarlwedar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 790 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    morenthar wrote: »
    I'm a little concerned over the TR effect. Why make it a stealth bonus when survival out of stealth is what TRs really need? This set would be a really juicy upgrade to go after if it procced, say, a 75% damage resistance 5 seconds after leaving stealth.

    Saboteurs, regardless of impending nerf, have enough stealth and enough damage.

    Scoundrels and Executioners can't stay in stealth to save their lives. It also just reinforces the ridiculous necessity to slot Shadow Strike.

    Overload slots or not, I'm not liking it at all.

    yeah i would prefer something more creative as well. like a cool down reduction effect similar to what HRs get. Also HP on the armor would be nice
    "we all love this game and want it to thrive"
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    mirlegrismirlegris Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    TR already has plenty ways of survival .. maybe your TR loses against BIS CWS / HRS . but that perma TR + high damage = win.

    It's not representative of all TRs. "Perma Tr + High damage" = sabo, and, with this avalanche of scarried hatters of TR, Sabo will be nerf coming soon. But other paths ? Other choices of playstyle ? Out of stealth ( 90% of time ), Executioners are fragile, more fragile than CWs.
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Come on the only burst a sab has is bloodpath which 1) is a daily 2) will be eventually fixed soon.
    Then you will discover storm fury and you will change idea on what op really is but nevermind, just adapt and do what you can
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    crusherbeastcrusherbeast Member Posts: 426 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Set bonus change is minimal, 1% of dmg when you can't attack in stealth hehe good one!!!
    In DC same change is minimal, CW same but at least these classes can use this bonus.
    Tairev-TR(All kind of killing tools)
    Asha-DC(Faithful-Anointed Champion)
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    group5egroup5e Member Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    zvieris wrote: »
    So... what you're suggesting is giving TRs unstoppable after they leave stealth?.. Let's merge TR and GWF into one. So we get a Great Weapon Ninja Fighter!

    YES! I vote this for the new class!!! Perma-stealth, perma-unstoppable...
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    someonediessomeonedies Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,257 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Does "Shorn-Tendon" issue still exist?
    GWF PvP Gear: Bug. The Shorn Tendon effect affects the player.
    Dead 🔪
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    hfgtfsdfshfgtfsdfs Member Posts: 688 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I feel that since the new PvP Drow gear was announced the priority-list has changed for the Control Wizards. And the problem described below is on the top of that list now.

    We Control Wizards now have a new disadvantage in PvP that was introduced with the new Drow gear. Since a CW is extremely squishy and have real problems surviving in PvP, we are forced to use the shield on TABB. This is a FACT. You may say "nobody is forcing you to use shield on TABB", but that is not true because you can also say that nobody is forcing you to breathe, but if you don't you die and same happens for CW in PvP without the shield on TABB.

    So the new disadvantage is the set-bonus on the new Drow-gear. Since the CWs are using shield on TABB to survive in PvP, we have no use at all of the bonus given by the gear. So while most of the other classes gets a big buff with the bonus - we don't and that's unfair.

    The bonus
    Your powers in the Spell Mastery slot have 35% faster Recharge Speed and deal 8.5% more damage.

    Explanation of the problem
    Since using the shield only when we die we take no advantage of faster Recharge Speed or more damage. The only reason why we would ever "pop" the shield in a fight is if we accidentally press the key. Once the shield is gone we are an very easy target.

    My opinions
    First of all, I think the need for shield is wrong in the first place. We should be able to survive better without wasting one of our encounters for the shield. And wasting our TABB to survive is even worse. And now when we don't only waste an encounter and TABB we also waste the PvP set bonus. All in the name of the shield. That is very wrong according to me. And this needs a fix ASAP.

    So how to fix the problem? The way I see it, there are four ways.

    1. Make the CW a bit more defensive so that we don't need the shield at all. This would solve all the problems. The shield should be a BONUS, not a requirement to even survive. I don't know the best way to do this in PvP. Maybe boost our tenacity or something. In this case you would ofc have to nerf the shield so we wouldn't be OP.

    2. Change the set-bonus on the Drow-gear so that all our encounters benefits from it. Maybe if shield is slotted it should give x% more DR instead of faster Recharge Speed and more damage. This must be enough so that it is equally good as 35% faster Recharge Speed and deal 8.5% more damage. Maybe 15% more DR?

    3. Make the set-bonus affect all our encounters-slots not just TABB. You would have to rework the bonus in this case so we don't get 35% faster Recharge Speed and 8.5% extra damage on all encounters. Lower the numbers since it would affect four encounters. Maybe 3% damage and 11.5% faster Recharge Speed on all encounters.

    4. Now this third option isn't the best but its better then what we have now. Make shield as strong as it is on TABB but none-tabbed. That means that we dont have to use it on TABB and still be able to survive and have some other encounter om TABB that can take advantage from the Drow-setbonus.
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    cxyencxyen Member Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    May I request pictures of GF Drow pvp set?

    Thank you. :D
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    rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014
    I agree with what Zengiah has said
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    bielka72bielka72 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    No CW is forced to use shield on Tab at all. They just shows your lack of experience in PVP or if it's not that you either deficient in gear or skill. To see a CW using shield on tab is not common in PVP, and even less so in Premades.

    A shield won't help you, just takes a fraction longer to kill you. However, should you use TAB for your strongest power, you right hand, you might be able to kill them before they get to you.

    I fought CW'S with shields on, and frankly it does not make much of a difference.
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    iambecks1iambecks1 Member Posts: 4,044 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    For the guy who wanted the GF Drow sets -

    GF Tactician set -




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    iambecks1iambecks1 Member Posts: 4,044 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    GF Preserver set -




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    iambecks1iambecks1 Member Posts: 4,044 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    GF Conqueror set -




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    magiquepursemagiquepurse Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    bielka72 wrote: »
    No CW is forced to use shield on Tab at all. They just shows your lack of experience in PVP or if it's not that you either deficient in gear or skill. To see a CW using shield on tab is not common in PVP, and even less so in Premades.

    A shield won't help you, just takes a fraction longer to kill you. However, should you use TAB for your strongest power, you right hand, you might be able to kill them before they get to you.

    I fought CW'S with shields on, and frankly it does not make much of a difference.


    Aren't you EoA? Your handle sounds familiar.

    Both inna and meldanen run Shield on Tab. Maybe you should check with them, since they are your best CWs.
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    zvieriszvieris Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    morenthar wrote: »
    You aren't getting it. Only Sabs can stay in stealth. Let me guess, you haven't tested any of this?

    Did I ever mention staying in stealth? And what, did the other specs lose stealth completely? They did not. And I've said it before (but mods had to delete it for whatever reason), TR is a striker and not a dps ninja tank (we got HR for that, lolz). And you're suggesting he got 75% DR off stealth from a set bonus? That's like a shielding GF who has shield in a 360 degree radius and keeps full mobility!

    Stop being ridiculous and suggest something that actually makes sense. A timed 10% DR buff from a set bonus would make sense, for example, and it would be a plenty for a class that can decimate anyone in 1-2 hits.
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    zvieriszvieris Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    morenthar wrote: »
    Something that makes sense? First of all, TRs can be found in stealth, EASILY. Problem is that Sabs can daze you WITHOUT losing stealth. So a 75% DR for 5 sec coming out of stealth might look crazy on your screen but it isn't if you are a properly balanced Executioner or Scoundrel.

    Considering how many attacks go right through ItC and deflection, it's not crazy at all. Play a TR against higher-end builds of different classes. Stealth means diddly-****. You obviously have tested nothing and have zero clue as to what I am even talking about. GO TO PREVIEW SERVER, TEST, HAVE AN INFORMED THOUGHT.

    Now, seeing as I am a reasonable human being. I WILL give you something back. Although I do not believe my suggestion to be crazy, I'd be willing for that set bonus to be something else useful, regarding TR survival. Anything but a cookie-cutter stealth bonus that is UTTERLY useless.

    Let's not lose the point of the whole thing. Why provide a stealth bonus when stealth is supposed to be tweaked into something reasonable, avoiding perma builds?
    Pointless to argue with someone as ignorant as you. Just play HR if you want to tank like a boss, deal OP damage and have occasional stealth all in one. Because hey, that's what you want, right? Another broken class.

    Balancing is about taking from one thing and adding to another. TR was balanced to lose his ridiculous survivability but gain more CC, more damage and more utility. That's a fair trade.

    P.S. you can stop with the provocations and your capslock raging, I ain't buying them.
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    candinho2candinho2 Member Posts: 550 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    zvieris wrote: »
    Pointless to argue with someone as ignorant as you. Just play HR if you want to tank like a boss, deal OP damage and have occasional stealth all in one. Because hey, that's what you want, right? Another broken class.

    Balancing is about taking from one thing and adding to another. TR was balanced to lose his ridiculous survivability but gain more CC, more damage and more utility. That's a fair trade.

    P.S. you can stop with the provocations, I ain't buying them.

    Again SW's have the worst of all sets, i wonder when devs'll make a usefull pvp set for sw. they got the mostly useless 4/4 set ingame.
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    zvieriszvieris Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    candinho2 wrote: »
    Again SW's have the worst of all sets, i wonder when devs'll make a usefull pvp set for sw. they got the mostly useless 4/4 set ingame.

    I actually like the idea someone suggested that would let you choose your bonus from a few options. As long as they're reasonable and not ridiculous as 75% DR, lol.
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    cxyencxyen Member Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    iambecks1 wrote: »



    thanks m8. really appreciate this.:o

    sadly theres no armor pen in the sets
    my armor pen is deplorable and I have to rely on Corrupted BI set.
    so, in my case as a pve built GF who enjoy pvp occasionally..

    Should I go for Drow Preserver or Drow Conqueror?

    and is it just me that the Drow Preserver (Armor) has only 259 Tenacity compared to the other Drow Armor with 350 Tenacity?
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    crystal892fcrystal892f Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Uuuhm... Where did the sets go? Since the friday patch they aren't in the collection tab anymore.
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    iambecks1iambecks1 Member Posts: 4,044 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Uuuhm... Where did the sets go? Since the friday patch they aren't in the collection tab anymore.

    You need to use the beta gateway to view them. .
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    xanderleopard2#4636 xanderleopard2 Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    are there only head armor gloves boots? no new main-hand, off-hand, ring, necklace, belt?
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    iambecks1iambecks1 Member Posts: 4,044 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    are there only head armor gloves boots? no new main-hand, off-hand, ring, necklace, belt?

    New BiS rings , BiS (not counting the new artifact gear) necklace and belts are available using the new profession , new artifact mainhands, artifact offhands , artifact neck and artifact belts are also coming in module five.
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    ikapamkikapamk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 294 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014
    thedemien wrote: »
    About Drow Naturalists - we don't have Naturalist path since mod 4. Maybe it should be trapper?
    Plus 2nd note - Im really not sure if you need so much recovery for trapper - you already have huge cool downs.
    Edit : in Naturalist we already have 1,5k Recovery. full compassion
    This is very close to diminish return. Plus Trappers feet cool downs. I do understand that you just upgraded old pvp set but after it was introduces there was huge rework of HRs feets.

    Agreed. Also, all of the HR drow sets have very narrow stat selections. It wouldn't hurt to spread out from 4 stats to 5 for the archer's and naturalist's sets (Especially as neither is really optimal for the specific trees)
    Carpe Jugulum
    Sharra Del'Armgo - SW Trapper Hybrid HR
    Ogghra Bar'Ghuzumn - MI Scoundrel TR
    Vænna Thrymskjöldr - IV Protector GF
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    xanderleopard2#4636 xanderleopard2 Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    iambecks1 wrote: »
    New BiS rings , BiS (not counting the new artifact gear) necklace and belts are available using the new profession , new artifact mainhands, artifact offhands , artifact neck and artifact belts are also coming in module five.

    no i meant for drow set.
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    iambecks1iambecks1 Member Posts: 4,044 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    hope they look awesome and worthy enough to bare the title of drow.

    This is a rough idea of what every class apart from GF looks like , for some reason the GF pictures won't load for me on the beta gateway.



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    iambecks1iambecks1 Member Posts: 4,044 Arc User
    edited November 2014


    CW (looks worst as usual -.- )
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