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Drow PvP Equipment



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    effectensteineffectenstein Member Posts: 1,031 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    nice, we forgot about the new rings/necks/belt with tenacity .
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    nice, we forgot about the new rings/necks/belt with tenacity .

    I would love to see this as well as weapon set (with an actual set bonus too!)

    The only things we have seen on the gateway are the gear, not the other pieces. Would be very cool to have new rings/belt/neck - however these would probably fall WAY short of artifact gear (perhaps?)

    It would be very cool if you could get "similar" gear to artifact gear:

    So things like a Drow Belt having like +2 Con with some other stats and +tenacity as well.

    Or the Weapon Set having a nice 2 piece set bonus as well as 2 offensive slots (without the class features). Etc.

    Id like to see this game lean BACK more towards "farmable" gear. I think Drow PVP gear (like weapons/neck/Belt/OH) could be like 80-90% as effective as artifact gear.
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    guedes2guedes2 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    release date is already provided ?
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I really hope the price will be reasonable... if they follow the old pattern every upgraded pvp piece would cost x6 sigils...this means 180 sigils for the whole set
    I dont even want to think about glory
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    rayrdan wrote: »
    I really hope the price will be reasonable... if they follow the old pattern every upgraded pvp piece would cost x6 sigils...this means 180 sigils for the whole set
    I dont even want to think about glory


    Im not sure how your math is here x6 for each for 4 pieces is 24 Sigils? Do you mean Seal of Triumph?
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    ayroux wrote: »

    Im not sure how your math is here x6 for each for 4 pieces is 24 Sigils? Do you mean Seal of Triumph?
    yeah sorry the italian for seal is "sigillo" , mixed two languages
    you need like 5 seals for grim, 30 for profound, lets hope drow is not something like 180 seals
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    thirdquestionthirdquestion Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 96
    edited January 2015
    NWO_Unblogged | December 19, 2014 | NWO, PWE/Cryptic, Review | 1 Comment
    For the second time, Producer HeyRogers answered questions from the Neverwinter community on Reddit two days ago. As always with official sources he remained vague mostly throughout, but nonetheless had interesting things to say about some areas.

    There were no specifics given on the upcoming Module 6, but he revealed it will be as big or even bigger than Module 3, because they won’t have to align with WotC content/storyline this time. Mod 3 brought open world, a PVP campaign, the Leaderboard and Heroic Encounters to the game. You can definitely argue the impact those additions had, but it was indeed an enormous update overall so Mod 6 will likely feature plethora of new features (“2 HUGE things 4 big things 1 medium thing 1 totally strange and unexpected thing” to be exact).

    The stuff he shared about PVE was mostly underwhelming. They are monitoring the RP situation and exploring to add more difficult “epic” versions of older dungeons to the endgame. From the sound of it they will be merely tweaking the RP gain here and there and this dungeon thing is at best two or three modules away. It seems, and he basically admited, that they are very anxious that some players could run out of things to do and therefore rather make the game very grindy. One big disappointment was calling off the queue system for Tiamat due to technical limitations, which would have brought a little bit more reliability to the fight. On the bright side: There will be housing at some point and more classes sooner that we might think!
    It’ll be interesting which route they’ll take for the next campaign with all the noise around the amount of dailies already in the game. HeyRogers also said they want to get people engaged in playing older content as well so one possibility would be sort of a PVP-campaign structure in which you have to achieve certain tasks to progress and dailies play only a minor role. But that’s a rather wild guess admittedly. We know there will be a dual spec or power layout at some point, but they haven’t said anything that should make you really confident it is happening in Mod 6.

    In terms of PVP there is some good and bad news.
    Bad: No more maps and game modes for at least this module (I’d say even the next two to three). HeyRogers reiterated in another topic that they won’t add certain features if the majority of players do not benefit from them and it has been repeatedly stated that the PVP population is negligible, at least on the bigger Dragon (international) server.
    Good: But he also did say that the changes in Mod 6 will impact both PVE and PVP gameplay and that they had recent success with running a leaderboard-centered tournament on the Russian server. Best guess is they will finally come up with some sort of premade-queue/challenging system to separate competitive and casual PVP, maybe even make the normal ranking a solo queue. Let’s just hope they are clever enough to fix the exploits involving the Leaderboard.

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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    i dunno if thirdquestion copy pasted this from some website but those are the same conclusions i ended up with
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    rayrdan wrote: »
    yeah sorry the italian for seal is "sigillo" , mixed two languages
    you need like 5 seals for grim, 30 for profound, lets hope drow is not something like 180 seals

    I heard a rumor itll be around 70 seals for the entire set. Nothing about glory though.

    Personally id like to see the entire set cost 70 seals and around 100k glory total. Id also like to see some other aspect added in like Tokens and GG coins to give incentive to farm that pvp too.

    Or the other idea of trading in older versions of gear for the new + seals.

    Like Drow Chest = Any Profound Chest + 10k glory and 10 Seals or something.
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    pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    ayroux wrote: »
    I heard a rumor itll be around 70 seals for the entire set. Nothing about glory though.

    Personally id like to see the entire set cost 70 seals and around 100k glory total. Id also like to see some other aspect added in like Tokens and GG coins to give incentive to farm that pvp too.

    Or the other idea of trading in older versions of gear for the new + seals.

    Like Drow Chest = Any Profound Chest + 10k glory and 10 Seals or something.

    Just to repeat my point of view:

    GG is guild-only limited content. It's not available to everyone and NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO JOIN A GUILD.

    It's ok to create guild-oriented content like guild PvP such as GG. And rewards linked to that.
    It's not ok to make being in a guild a requirement to be able to get gear.

    So you either leave GG requirements out of Drow sets OR create equivalent sets you can farm in "normal" PvP.

    Not everone wants to join a guild, and creating your own requires other people to help you do so.

    What about gear you can get only if you are NOT in a guild? Would you like the idea?
    Joining a guild must be an option that does not preclude enjoying general game content. Not a requirement to get a new armor set.

    Ask for a new GG set instead. Makes more sense.
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    jnmlvnjnmlvn Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2015
    So, I heard from in-game chat today that there's going to be a new Drow (?) weapon set coming out after the Draconic gear set from ToD...

    My only question is: will it also be using the ToD currency (Linu's Favor, Dragon Coin / Sigil, etc? Or will they have another new currency?
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    koalazebra1koalazebra1 Member Posts: 1,173 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    jnmlvn wrote: »
    So, I heard from in-game chat today that there's going to be a new Drow (?) weapon set coming out after the Draconic gear set from ToD...

    My only question is: will it also be using the ToD currency (Linu's Favor, Dragon Coin / Sigil, etc? Or will they have another new currency?

    was glory and seals of triumph the last time we saw it, maybe they'll change it tho, maybe not....
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    charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    pando83 wrote: »
    Just to repeat my point of view:

    GG is guild-only limited content. It's not available to everyone and NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO JOIN A GUILD.

    It's ok to create guild-oriented content like guild PvP such as GG. And rewards linked to that.
    It's not ok to make being in a guild a requirement to be able to get gear.

    So you either leave GG requirements out of Drow sets OR create equivalent sets you can farm in "normal" PvP.

    Not everone wants to join a guild, and creating your own requires other people to help you do so.

    What about gear you can get only if you are NOT in a guild? Would you like the idea?
    Joining a guild must be an option that does not preclude enjoying general game content. Not a requirement to get a new armor set.

    Ask for a new GG set instead. Makes more sense.

    Guilds are a fundamental part of mmo's though. Not joining one, means you're better off in a single player game. I can not in any way shape or form understand someone not joining one in an mmo. It makes no sense to me, at all.
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    jnmlvnjnmlvn Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2015
    was glory and seals of triumph the last time we saw it, maybe they'll change it tho, maybe not....

    Thanks, any guests on when the gear sets will be released?
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    pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    charononus wrote: »
    Guilds are a fundamental part of mmo's though. Not joining one, means you're better off in a single player game. I can not in any way shape or form understand someone not joining one in an mmo. It makes no sense to me, at all.

    May be important. Foundamental? No. Necessary? Nope.
    MMO means you play with a lot of other players. Playing vs other players or with random players =/= than playing single player games and playing in a multiplayer environment does not mean joining a specific group of people or guild. You just play in a mmo environment.
    It's a choice to do it as a lone wolf or,join a group of players in a guild.

    It's not necessary for you to understand. Cause what matters is that you can't gate general PvP gear behind a guild requirement.

    You can have specific GG sets as you have now, though.
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    etnad321etnad321 Banned Users Posts: 52
    edited January 2015
    i hope when they release drow they also make 2 slot pvp rings sets aswell.
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited January 2015
    I'm looking forward to drow equipment just for the transmutation factor, as drow are among my -if not the- favorite race in the Realms. A good number of my characters are drow. I'd love to transmute many of their gear to look like what they would actually wear, drow-crafted equipment.
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    charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    well prepare to be disappointed.

    its just a name, i bet you astral diamonds that it will look NOTHING drow-like.

    quote me on this

    I won't take that bet.
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited January 2015
    well prepare to be disappointed.

    its just a name, i bet you astral diamonds that it will look NOTHING drow-like.

    quote me on this
    Quoted but I don't take part in petty bets. I highly disagree with you for the simple fact that WotC is very strict on making sure the lore and art of Neverwinter is canon.
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited January 2015

    look at the gorgon.. close enough but OUR gorgon looks like <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. not mentionning the clipping issues.
    It looks remarkably like the 5th edition artwork and I am quite pleased with how it looks. Besides, mounts are not armor or weapons. Try again.
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    munchkinkittymunchkinkitty Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I went on the test server and couldn't find anything, I'm hoping they didn't junk this. :( Would like to see something drow themed in the next mod, along with more pvp content/gear.
    Brìgh gach cluiche gu dheireadh.
    Ó Treasigh GF
    Ó Murchadh GWF
    Ó Kermichil CW

    Ó Pádruig TR
    Ó Dànaidh HR

    Ó Fionnlagh DC
    Ó Amhlaidh SW
    Ó Naomhin OP

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    samothrace22samothrace22 Member Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    zebular wrote: »
    I'm looking forward to drow equipment just for the transmutation factor, as drow are among my -if not the- favorite race in the Realms. A good number of my characters are drow. I'd love to transmute many of their gear to look like what they would actually wear, drow-crafted equipment.

    I am more excited to see what it looks like than anything else too. I LOVE SW profound gear, some of my favorite looks in game.
    Trickster Rogue
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    thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    charononus wrote: »
    Guilds are a fundamental part of mmo's though. Not joining one, means you're better off in a single player game. I can not in any way shape or form understand someone not joining one in an mmo. It makes no sense to me, at all.

    I like this MMO. I like joining up with competent people to do content. BUT, once I'm done with PVP or the dungeon run is over, I don't like sitting and watching guild drama play out and I have no time to try and penetrate the inevitable cliques that form within guilds. Hence, my ''guild'' consists of myself and two friends that use their mules to access the guild bank while their mains are in high-end PVP guilds.

    Suits me fine.
    PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
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    xanderleopard2#4636 xanderleopard2 Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    So, any1 have any idea of when mod 6 is coming? because i cant wait for the drow pvp set. i have 50k glory and lots of seals waiting for them. also i have a question, does drow pvp set only consists of 4 parts (namely boots, gloves, feet, armor)?
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    no /10char
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    xanderleopard2#4636 xanderleopard2 Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    rayrdan wrote: »
    no /10char

    im assuming thats an answer for the former question. how about the latter one?
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    im assuming thats an answer for the former question. how about the latter one?

    there are multiple drow sets you can mix to obtain the desired stats.
    it only consists of 4 pieces tho
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    iambecks1iambecks1 Member Posts: 4,044 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    well prepare to be disappointed.

    its just a name, i bet you astral diamonds that it will look NOTHING drow-like.

    quote me on this

    For people wanting to know how they look these are the pictures that accompanied the sets when they were viewable on preview , they are probably rough examples and could probably have changed by now but they all seem to have the Drow spidery thing going on-


    SW (I think , been away for ages so I forgot lol)-

    HR -
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    iambecks1iambecks1 Member Posts: 4,044 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    GWF -

    DC -

    CW -

    No GF pic because I had no lvl 60 GF on preview when the pictures and sets were up to view.
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