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Dear Cryptic, from a serious player - please read



  • chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    myleafs wrote: »
    You say that 80% are against it, so it's reasonable to assume that those people are benefiting from these bot's. And 80% benefiting from this is serious enough to drastically change how people get their RP. All those AD that the botters make then get sold for real money, money that otherwise would be going to PWE. 80% is a huge number! No wonder they have to make these changes, it's the player's themselves that are the driving force behind it all. Something has to be done about it, plain and simple.

    I do agree something has to be done, but not this and only this.

    The reason there is so much bottled rp is because the demand for that rp is huge. The proposed solution will only address the supply side, which will lead to a gaping hole in demand for or, something that many players fine extremely unpleasant.

    A good solution would address both the supply and demand problems. If I have 7 artifacts that is 31.5 million or, which would either cost me 3000$ dollars or take 2000 hours (or thereabouts). 2000 hours is forty hours a week for 50 weeks - so a full time jobs worth of simply farming rp. This outcome is completely unreasonable.
  • refracted0dawnrefracted0dawn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 894 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    chemboy613 wrote: »
    My only thought is that a decision THIS unpopular is bad for cryptic and bad for their player base. This DOES NOT mean any of those 80% like bots - i don't like bots - but rather the impact of this change on real people is too severe.

    Quite so. As I have said before, I have no problem with Bots as far as cheap items on the Auction House are concerned. That is a benefit to new players, people like me and the Veterans who have farmed the original three post-60 Epic dungeons 1000 times alike.

    But what I do hate about bots is:
    1. Incessant spam in Zone, LFG and other in-game CHAT channels;
    2. Fake friend requests;
    3. PMs spamming me about illicit pirate sellers while I am in a dungeon or PvP, or even just doing Professions.
    4. Spam e-mails in-game

    I think I fixed the last three by making myself visible to Friends only. But I should not HAVE to do that. The CHAT spams are impossible to stop, no matter how many thousands of them I report, which is why we need the spam filter on the player side of the interface.

    chemboy613 wrote: »
    The best part of this thread are the great ideas that people have come up wtih. I wouldn't mind if most of those were implimented.

    My favorites:

    Turn EXP into RP (rewarded for quests and killing stuff)
    Turn Glory into RP (rewarded for doing PvP)
    and most favorite:
    Reward a large amount of RP at the end of dungeons

    Turn EXP into RP (rewarded for quests and killing stuff)
    As I recall, in D&D 3.5, a Wizard could sacrifice XP in order to create Enchanted Items. It was a trade off where he spent time creating an Item of Awesome Power, which somewhat degraded his general adventuring skills due to inactivity while researching and crafting the item. He could not drop a level by doing this, he could only use the excess XP between his current level and the next, so it slowed down his character level advancement in exchange for Power and Utility.

    I have no idea how it goes in 4E, but this would not be alien to AD&D tradition. In 1E and 2E, Enchant an Item took 24 hours to cast, cost a lot of gold and other ultra-expensive and mystical reagents and if it was interrupted for any reason, everything was wasted. In 3.5E, I think the process was faster and safer, but cost XP as well. Zebular would probably know.

    The details would have to be worked out: whether:
    1. the XP Reward from post-level 60 would include a guaranteed BtA refining stone of at least Flawless Sapphire level as well as/instead of a Power Point plus the random reward,
    2. we could spend some of that XP for Refining Stones and so delay getting the other Rewards,
    3. the game increases character level to 100 and we can trade 10 or 100 XP for 1 RP or whatever, so we can sacrifice character level for RP.
    But if Characters can rise to level 100, we'd need more Powers and certainly more slots on the Interface Bat Utility Belt, or we would not be sacrificing anything.

    Turn Glory into RP (rewarded for doing PvP)
    We can exchange 1 Seal of Triumph for a Glory Token worth 250 Glory and, IIRC, a GG Coin for 50 Glory. So if we could spend Glory on an RP token and exchange them for a Refining Stone that is worth having (a tiered rate at a reasonable cost for at least Aquamarines up to Black Opals and the highest Resonance Stones), that would work as well. They would have to do something about the AD cost of Flawless Sapphires at the Wondrous Bazaar as well, but make them BtA if they are not already. Also, the cost of the various Marks of Potency.

    Reward a large amount of RP at the end of dungeons
    I think that once you are level 60, certainly when you have spent 70 Power Points due to post-level 60 XP Rewards, the Professions Nodes and Chests should drop stones of at least Aquamarine level, all the way up to Brilliant Diamond and the highest level Resonace Stones. I got a diamond from a lock box once, but I traded it on the AH. If it was BtA, I'd obviously have used it for an artifact on Double Refining weekend. I'd like to see Ultra-Epic dungeons that require at least 70 Power Points spent, as well as a minimum GS of 15k and a number of Boons from all Modules.

    In fact, I think all three should be implemented in some fashion.

    But what the game really needs is also a set of Ultra-Epic and Legendary dungeons and content that is not simply a Skirmish-style Grind Fest. It is difficult to make this unbottable in a F2P game, but if Cryptic have gained any insight, they will make such things BtA from the very start.

    In fact, I would really like to see the end of BoP and have it all replaced with BtA, retro-actively. I have some Tarmalune Trade Bars on different characters I cannot move around to pool them, as well as huge piles of currency I cannot stock pile onto a single character. Some of them CAN be, so I can give them all to one character to redeem for gear that I can then sell for gp, without the tedium of doing it on all my characters. But there is far too much BoP and it is not needed to stop things being farmed by Bots. BtA is more than enough. My TR MI has two Thayan Rings and a Belt which are useless except for salvaging. Even if they were BtA, they are no good to my TR WK, either, as they both have Profound Scoundrel sets, Ancient Spymaster weapons, Blue jewelry for the high Recovery and the same Enchants and Runes. But that might change when and if Module 5 removes INT- and Recovery-based Perma-Stealth.

    But, ultimately, the Bots will have to be stopped, or we could end up doing Dungeon delves with 4 Bots, having 4 bots in PvP against an enemy team of 1 player and 4 bots, and everyone invoking in PE except me will be a bot!

    And that WILL be the end of Neverwinter, as then the bots will have no one to sell to and so stop botting, and Cryptic would have no players left, and PWE would have no customers in Neverwinter.

    It might make ME an Uber AD Tycoon, though! But I'd need a way to enter Epic Dungeons solo!


    (shame about the Skirishes...)

  • refracted0dawnrefracted0dawn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 894 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    chemboy613 wrote: »
    Then I would reply that many polls from major organizations use sample sizes under 1000 to determine what a state of million will vote for.

    Except that they use specially adjusted, unbiased samples. This forum has a self-selecting sample bias of:
    1. people who use this forum
    2. people who largely want Legendary gear
    3. people who are largely unhappy about the proposed change

    There was a poll conducted in the 30s in the States, that completely mis-predicted the winner of the Presidential election (I'd never even heard of him). A win was predicted for a conservative Republican, and the liberal Democrat won by a clear margin (Roosevelt, I think).

    The pollsters could not understand how they got it so wrong, as they had asked almost EVERYONE in their sample areas.

    But they had looked in the 'phone book and asked everyone in the phone book, and also got addresses from some vehicle licensing centre or other.

    So, in the middle of the Great Depression, who would have owned a telephone AND a car? Certainly not the most impoverished people most likely to vote Democrat. They might as well have just polled Beverley Hills and The Hamptons and left it at that.

    But this thread brings up a huge number of absolutely valid points and I am encouraged that the Devs are discussing it.

  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited November 2014
    Moderator Notice:

    Thread cleansed. Stay on topic folks and if one feels a post is "trolling," do as the Rules state:
    Rule 3.07 - No Replying to Rule Violations
    . . . It is inappropriate to respond to Rule Violations. Unfortunately, we cannot always provide Moderator coverage of the forums 24/7. Rule Violations will happen and will be taken care of when the first available Moderator is able to get to it. We ask that you respect the Rules and instead of replying to them, report them to us instead via the "Post Report" button on the bottom left of the offending post.

    Please do not reply to this Moderator Notice, as doing so is also not allowed. Instead, contact us via Private Message to discuss forum moderation. Thanks!

    Safe travels,
    Archmage Zebular of Mystryl

    PWE Community Moderator
  • chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Quite so. As I have said before, I have no problem with Bots as far as cheap items on the Auction House are concerned. That is a benefit to new players, people like me and the Veterans who have farmed the original three post-60 Epic dungeons 1000 times alike.

    But what I do hate about bots is:
    1. Incessant spam in Zone, LFG and other in-game CHAT channels;
    2. Fake friend requests;
    3. PMs spamming me about illicit pirate sellers while I am in a dungeon or PvP, or even just doing Professions.
    4. Spam e-mails in-game

    I think I fixed the last three by making myself visible to Friends only. But I should not HAVE to do that. The CHAT spams are impossible to stop, no matter how many thousands of them I report, which is why we need the spam filter on the player side of the interface.

    Turn EXP into RP (rewarded for quests and killing stuff)
    As I recall, in D&D 3.5, a Wizard could sacrifice XP in order to create Enchanted Items. It was a trade off where he spent time creating an Item of Awesome Power, which somewhat degraded his general adventuring skills due to inactivity while researching and crafting the item. He could not drop a level by doing this, he could only use the excess XP between his current level and the next, so it slowed down his character level advancement in exchange for Power and Utility.

    I have no idea how it goes in 4E, but this would not be alien to AD&D tradition. In 1E and 2E, Enchant an Item took 24 hours to cast, cost a lot of gold and other ultra-expensive and mystical reagents and if it was interrupted for any reason, everything was wasted. In 3.5E, I think the process was faster and safer, but cost XP as well. Zebular would probably know.

    The details would have to be worked out: whether:
    1. the XP Reward from post-level 60 would include a guaranteed BtA refining stone of at least Flawless Sapphire level as well as/instead of a Power Point plus the random reward,
    2. we could spend some of that XP for Refining Stones and so delay getting the other Rewards,
    3. the game increases character level to 100 and we can trade 10 or 100 XP for 1 RP or whatever, so we can sacrifice character level for RP.
    But if Characters can rise to level 100, we'd need more Powers and certainly more slots on the Interface Bat Utility Belt, or we would not be sacrificing anything.

    Turn Glory into RP (rewarded for doing PvP)
    We can exchange 1 Seal of Triumph for a Glory Token worth 250 Glory and, IIRC, a GG Coin for 50 Glory. So if we could spend Glory on an RP token and exchange them for a Refining Stone that is worth having (a tiered rate at a reasonable cost for at least Aquamarines up to Black Opals and the highest Resonance Stones), that would work as well. They would have to do something about the AD cost of Flawless Sapphires at the Wondrous Bazaar as well, but make them BtA if they are not already. Also, the cost of the various Marks of Potency.

    Reward a large amount of RP at the end of dungeons
    I think that once you are level 60, certainly when you have spent 70 Power Points due to post-level 60 XP Rewards, the Professions Nodes and Chests should drop stones of at least Aquamarine level, all the way up to Brilliant Diamond and the highest level Resonace Stones. I got a diamond from a lock box once, but I traded it on the AH. If it was BtA, I'd obviously have used it for an artifact on Double Refining weekend. I'd like to see Ultra-Epic dungeons that require at least 70 Power Points spent, as well as a minimum GS of 15k and a number of Boons from all Modules.

    In fact, I think all three should be implemented in some fashion.

    But what the game really needs is also a set of Ultra-Epic and Legendary dungeons and content that is not simply a Skirmish-style Grind Fest. It is difficult to make this unbottable in a F2P game, but if Cryptic have gained any insight, they will make such things BtA from the very start.

    In fact, I would really like to see the end of BoP and have it all replaced with BtA, retro-actively. I have some Tarmalune Trade Bars on different characters I cannot move around to pool them, as well as huge piles of currency I cannot stock pile onto a single character. Some of them CAN be, so I can give them all to one character to redeem for gear that I can then sell for gp, without the tedium of doing it on all my characters. But there is far too much BoP and it is not needed to stop things being farmed by Bots. BtA is more than enough. My TR MI has two Thayan Rings and a Belt which are useless except for salvaging. Even if they were BtA, they are no good to my TR WK, either, as they both have Profound Scoundrel sets, Ancient Spymaster weapons, Blue jewelry for the high Recovery and the same Enchants and Runes. But that might change when and if Module 5 removes INT- and Recovery-based Perma-Stealth.

    But, ultimately, the Bots will have to be stopped, or we could end up doing Dungeon delves with 4 Bots, having 4 bots in PvP against an enemy team of 1 player and 4 bots, and everyone invoking in PE except me will be a bot!

    And that WILL be the end of Neverwinter, as then the bots will have no one to sell to and so stop botting, and Cryptic would have no players left, and PWE would have no customers in Neverwinter.

    It might make ME an Uber AD Tycoon, though! But I'd need a way to enter Epic Dungeons solo!


    (shame about the Skirishes...)


    Love the post, very true. I'm on my phone and haven't had a chance to write a good reply to your other message. I haven't forgotten.

    Still very good ideas.

    No one wants really hard legendary dungeons more than I. I would love to do that rather than fifteen elol runs a day for almost nothing.

    As for entering solo you Ask your friends to queue with you on an alt they aren't using the. Change character and keep the slot filled. If you need help I would be glad to assist
  • chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Except that they use specially adjusted, unbiased samples. This forum has a self-selecting sample bias of:
    1. people who use this forum
    2. people who largely want Legendary gear
    3. people who are largely unhappy about the proposed change

    There was a poll conducted in the 30s in the States, that completely mis-predicted the winner of the Presidential election (I'd never even heard of him). A win was predicted for a conservative Republican, and the liberal Democrat won by a clear margin (Roosevelt, I think).

    The pollsters could not understand how they got it so wrong, as they had asked almost EVERYONE in their sample areas.

    But they had looked in the 'phone book and asked everyone in the phone book, and also got addresses from some vehicle licensing centre or other.

    So, in the middle of the Great Depression, who would have owned a telephone AND a car? Certainly not the most impoverished people most likely to vote Democrat. They might as well have just polled Beverley Hills and The Hamptons and left it at that.

    But this thread brings up a huge number of absolutely valid points and I am encouraged that the Devs are discussing it.


    Absolutely. Sadly I don't have a method of Polling people who are not on the forums. If I had such a mechanism I would use is :D
  • healaryhealary Member Posts: 600 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Quite so. As I have said before, I have no problem with Bots as far as cheap items on the Auction House are concerned. That is a benefit to new players, people like me and the Veterans who have farmed the original three post-60 Epic dungeons 1000 times alike.


    I have problems with bots and I think every fair player should but this proposed change doesn't get rid of the bots, it only causes them to raise the prices or sell accounts. It is a very peculiar change as it doesn't really ban or stop bots at all. It only artificially inflates the prices of the RP items so that people who get them cheap or free, Cryptic included, can benefit. Even when I said Cryptic is set to benefit from this change, there are many things they can and should sell in the zen or AD shop to keep the market fair but intend not to for no observable reason. Noticeably, Cryptic sells Greater and Lesser marks but not the blue marks. Now, all the AH manipulators are pushing the blue marks to 100k each from 3k not long ago, and the 100k price is in stacks of 100s. This is absolutely going to turn the newcomers away as they are forced to buy gold from illegal sites or go away. I'll bet on most of them will go away.
  • lightbringrlightbringr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Quite so. As I have said before, I have no problem with Bots as far as cheap items on the Auction House are concerned. That is a benefit to new players, people like me and the Veterans who have farmed the original three post-60 Epic dungeons 1000 times alike.

    But what I do hate about bots is:
    1. Incessant spam in Zone, LFG and other in-game CHAT channels;
    2. Fake friend requests;
    3. PMs spamming me about illicit pirate sellers while I am in a dungeon or PvP, or even just doing Professions.
    4. Spam e-mails in-game

    I think I fixed the last three by making myself visible to Friends only. But I should not HAVE to do that. The CHAT spams are impossible to stop, no matter how many thousands of them I report, which is why we need the spam filter on the player side of the interface.

    Turn EXP into RP (rewarded for quests and killing stuff)
    As I recall, in D&D 3.5, a Wizard could sacrifice XP in order to create Enchanted Items. It was a trade off where he spent time creating an Item of Awesome Power, which somewhat degraded his general adventuring skills due to inactivity while researching and crafting the item. He could not drop a level by doing this, he could only use the excess XP between his current level and the next, so it slowed down his character level advancement in exchange for Power and Utility.

    I have no idea how it goes in 4E, but this would not be alien to AD&D tradition. In 1E and 2E, Enchant an Item took 24 hours to cast, cost a lot of gold and other ultra-expensive and mystical reagents and if it was interrupted for any reason, everything was wasted. In 3.5E, I think the process was faster and safer, but cost XP as well. Zebular would probably know.

    The details would have to be worked out: whether:
    1. the XP Reward from post-level 60 would include a guaranteed BtA refining stone of at least Flawless Sapphire level as well as/instead of a Power Point plus the random reward,
    2. we could spend some of that XP for Refining Stones and so delay getting the other Rewards,
    3. the game increases character level to 100 and we can trade 10 or 100 XP for 1 RP or whatever, so we can sacrifice character level for RP.
    But if Characters can rise to level 100, we'd need more Powers and certainly more slots on the Interface Bat Utility Belt, or we would not be sacrificing anything.

    Turn Glory into RP (rewarded for doing PvP)
    We can exchange 1 Seal of Triumph for a Glory Token worth 250 Glory and, IIRC, a GG Coin for 50 Glory. So if we could spend Glory on an RP token and exchange them for a Refining Stone that is worth having (a tiered rate at a reasonable cost for at least Aquamarines up to Black Opals and the highest Resonance Stones), that would work as well. They would have to do something about the AD cost of Flawless Sapphires at the Wondrous Bazaar as well, but make them BtA if they are not already. Also, the cost of the various Marks of Potency.

    Reward a large amount of RP at the end of dungeons
    I think that once you are level 60, certainly when you have spent 70 Power Points due to post-level 60 XP Rewards, the Professions Nodes and Chests should drop stones of at least Aquamarine level, all the way up to Brilliant Diamond and the highest level Resonace Stones. I got a diamond from a lock box once, but I traded it on the AH. If it was BtA, I'd obviously have used it for an artifact on Double Refining weekend. I'd like to see Ultra-Epic dungeons that require at least 70 Power Points spent, as well as a minimum GS of 15k and a number of Boons from all Modules.

    In fact, I think all three should be implemented in some fashion.

    But what the game really needs is also a set of Ultra-Epic and Legendary dungeons and content that is not simply a Skirmish-style Grind Fest. It is difficult to make this unbottable in a F2P game, but if Cryptic have gained any insight, they will make such things BtA from the very start.

    In fact, I would really like to see the end of BoP and have it all replaced with BtA, retro-actively. I have some Tarmalune Trade Bars on different characters I cannot move around to pool them, as well as huge piles of currency I cannot stock pile onto a single character. Some of them CAN be, so I can give them all to one character to redeem for gear that I can then sell for gp, without the tedium of doing it on all my characters. But there is far too much BoP and it is not needed to stop things being farmed by Bots. BtA is more than enough. My TR MI has two Thayan Rings and a Belt which are useless except for salvaging. Even if they were BtA, they are no good to my TR WK, either, as they both have Profound Scoundrel sets, Ancient Spymaster weapons, Blue jewelry for the high Recovery and the same Enchants and Runes. But that might change when and if Module 5 removes INT- and Recovery-based Perma-Stealth.

    But, ultimately, the Bots will have to be stopped, or we could end up doing Dungeon delves with 4 Bots, having 4 bots in PvP against an enemy team of 1 player and 4 bots, and everyone invoking in PE except me will be a bot!

    And that WILL be the end of Neverwinter, as then the bots will have no one to sell to and so stop botting, and Cryptic would have no players left, and PWE would have no customers in Neverwinter.

    It might make ME an Uber AD Tycoon, though! But I'd need a way to enter Epic Dungeons solo!


    (shame about the Skirishes...)


    Just adding my voice. These ideas are 1M times > Proposed changes to Mod 5 RPs. Please deliver :)
  • e5cafl0wnee5cafl0wne Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    this has been an excellent thread. I have enjoyed reading most of the concerns listed here, most of which do not apply to me but really do apply to my roommate. I have been unemployed for 3 yrs now, but i am a casual player in this game mostly cause I enjoy a variety of games and love to watch anime (http://www.nwanime.com/).

    As to my roommate, he started playing a year ago and i encouraged him by teaching him about the different aspects of the game. After about 2 mo. of that I moved on to other games/did other stuff. About 3 mo ago i returned to playing this game mostly cause of the ToD content that interested me. Now my roommate has a 22k gs on a gwf and is the leader of my guild, he has 14 toons to grind AD with but mostly only plays one or 2 chars and of late spends a lot of time inviting players to the guild.

    When I informed him of this thread, he became downtroddened and since has begun to consider if he wants to continue but a lot of guildies want him to stick it thru. As to me I will continually play the game casually cause i am a huge fan of AD&D ( been playing since 1979).

    thank you,
    Makross (60th Cleric,14k gs)
  • chrcorechrcore Member Posts: 329 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014

    Is this change still on Preview (i.e. it's still slated to go live)?

    I guess it's no surprise that they are still not listening to player feedback........
  • tbhdk2tbhdk2 Member Posts: 78
    edited November 2014
    chemboy613 wrote: »
    I do agree something has to be done, but not this and only this.

    The reason there is so much bottled rp is because the demand for that rp is huge. The proposed solution will only address the supply side, which will lead to a gaping hole in demand for or, something that many players fine extremely unpleasant.

    A good solution would address both the supply and demand problems. If I have 7 artifacts that is 31.5 million or, which would either cost me 3000$ dollars or take 2000 hours (or thereabouts). 2000 hours is forty hours a week for 50 weeks - so a full time jobs worth of simply farming rp. This outcome is completely unreasonable.

    I dont know how you get those numbers:

    I farmed a steady 40,000-50,000 k refinement points per hour whenever i have only focused on killing mobs in IWD for refinement points.

    So that means about 100 hours of play for hitting 4,6 million.

    But its everything included with rares, (picked or traded for kessel's sigils at bounty master) and resonance stones that only gives a lot in artifact weapon or belt.

    But I heard of people farming more per hour and also I could have higher drop chance from enchants - been doing this with 2 x 2 % and 2 x 1 %.
  • chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    tbhdk2 wrote: »
    I dont know how you get those numbers:

    I farmed a steady 40,000-50,000 k refinement points per hour whenever i have only focused on killing mobs in IWD for refinement points.

    So that means about 100 hours of play for hitting 4,6 million.

    But its everything included with rares, (picked or traded for kessel's sigils at bounty master) and resonance stones that only gives a lot in artifact weapon or belt.

    But I heard of people farming more per hour and also I could have higher drop chance from enchants - been doing this with 2 x 2 % and 2 x 1 %.

    I've had friends test this for me.

    Honestly, if you are getting that huge amount of RP/hour, that's great! I haven't heard of that much from anyone else.

    The downside for you is 100 hours of killing things in IWD? Personally i try to get in there, do my dailies and leave XD It's much better than foundries though.

    Your numbers seems really high. Double check for me. Thank you,

  • chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    e5cafl0wne wrote: »
    this has been an excellent thread. I have enjoyed reading most of the concerns listed here, most of which do not apply to me but really do apply to my roommate. I have been unemployed for 3 yrs now, but i am a casual player in this game mostly cause I enjoy a variety of games and love to watch anime (http://www.nwanime.com/).

    As to my roommate, he started playing a year ago and i encouraged him by teaching him about the different aspects of the game. After about 2 mo. of that I moved on to other games/did other stuff. About 3 mo ago i returned to playing this game mostly cause of the ToD content that interested me. Now my roommate has a 22k gs on a gwf and is the leader of my guild, he has 14 toons to grind AD with but mostly only plays one or 2 chars and of late spends a lot of time inviting players to the guild.

    When I informed him of this thread, he became downtroddened and since has begun to consider if he wants to continue but a lot of guildies want him to stick it thru. As to me I will continually play the game casually cause i am a huge fan of AD&D ( been playing since 1979).

    thank you,
    Makross (60th Cleric,14k gs)

    Hey man,

    I haven't wanted a ton of anime recently, but I do remember escaflone (though for the theme song).

    I think many of us are in this same difficult position. We love the game and we love playing the game, but considering how slow progression has become, do we really want it to be even slower? It's a difficult situation.

    Hopefully the devs listen to us and come up with a better solution for everyone.
  • killzone2xkillzone2x Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    tbhdk2 wrote: »
    I dont know how you get those numbers:

    I farmed a steady 40,000-50,000 k refinement points per hour whenever i have only focused on killing mobs in IWD for refinement points.

    So that means about 100 hours of play for hitting 4,6 million.

    But its everything included with rares, (picked or traded for kessel's sigils at bounty master) and resonance stones that only gives a lot in artifact weapon or belt.

    But I heard of people farming more per hour and also I could have higher drop chance from enchants - been doing this with 2 x 2 % and 2 x 1 %.

    "Farming" enchants is like cleaning toilet bowls and raking up leaves.

    Why on earth would anyone want to do this for 100 hours?

    Gathering refining points manually only works if it's done in the "normal" course of playing the game (i.e. doing fun things).

    I would rather do rl work or chores even than farm enchants for 100 hours.
  • onecoolscatcatonecoolscatcat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    tbhdk2's numbers are quite reasonable. According to my personal testing, each Dragon Hoard enchant drop is worth approximately 1,270 refining points (not differentiating between artifact and artifact gear points).
  • gerbilhurdlergerbilhurdler Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 418 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014
    tbhdk2's numbers are quite reasonable. According to my personal testing, each Dragon Hoard enchant drop is worth approximately 1,270 refining points (not differentiating between artifact and artifact gear points).

    I averaged closer to 550 RP over 200 drops.
    You may have been on a good run or something, but 3/4 of what I get is peridots and pearls.
  • tbhdk2tbhdk2 Member Posts: 78
    edited November 2014
    chemboy613 wrote: »
    I've had friends test this for me.

    Honestly, if you are getting that huge amount of RP/hour, that's great! I haven't heard of that much from anyone else.

    The downside for you is 100 hours of killing things in IWD? Personally i try to get in there, do my dailies and leave XD It's much better than foundries though.

    Your numbers seems really high. Double check for me. Thank you,


    I did check it as I was doing it and the most i got was a bit above 55 k worth in one hour - whether you get 40 or 50 k depends on your luck with getting sapphires and black opals. I also experienced being bombarded with pearls and peridots and minor resonance stones and only making 30 k in one case. only getting a few aquamarines and a few lesser resonance.

    You do actually get a decent amount of refinement points from turning in kessel's sigils - especially when you got a belt to refine (the same will be the case when talking the amulet artifact) and it is with those points included plus drop of rares - and i usually pick up some green stuff as well.

    In the 55 k I have not included those rank 4 enchants you also get from killing mobs in iwd btw.
    I was focused upon how much I could get for my belt and weapon.

    But its boring no doubt - like one said its like cleaning the toilet. I never done it more than 2 hours in one day. But before refinement points got really cheap on ah - I realized I had to do it if I was going to get my weapon legendary in an acceptable amount of time.

    You do however get a fairly decent amount of refinementpoints in CN - if you are a cw that is. If you dont wanna clean toilets. I never counted how much - but it appears I came out pretty good in some runs.
  • odd111outodd111out Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I agree with almost everything in the OP. As far as getting people to spend money, making RP BoA in this way doesn't seem to be something that will induce people to spend instead. Likely people will either not bother about Legendary or move onto another game. And bots are really a fraction of the problem that they were in beta.

    But I would like to add a bit more about drop-rates and post-60 content. So I've played since beta (and there should be a pile of titles under my name, but you can obvi spend money on this game and still not merit a response on a help ticket), and it's apparent that sections of post 60 content is dying.

    Of all the things that I will pay money for, I don't want to have to *buy* gear and weapons off the AH. And lets' focus specifically on weapons. With the release of Artifact weapons, the accessibility of lower level Epic weapons should be looked at. I only just finally got the off-hand Fomorian for my CW, despite that I have run MC hundreds of times since release. Never seen the CW offhand.

    And to be honest, I still love running CN, even to farm it. It's still my favorite dungeon. But to get a T1 ring from the end chest is a bit... unrewarding.


    1. Make the full sets of the Fabled and Fomorian gear available via Seals. Repleace the slot in the end chest with the offhand for Fomorian and Dragon. People should not be able to kite and buy their way to a full Dragon set and have never actually beaten Valindra.

    2. Alter the end chest in CN so that it drops BoA set pieces for your class. While it may make the end boss less profitable (it barely is now tbh), it may help make the dungeon itself more viable since it gives people a real incentive to run it again. And active dungeon instances make happy players. The near ghost town that PE is becoming except for ELOL isn't promising for the future of Neverwinter.

    3. Add Artifact Belts to the final boss in Epic Dread Vault. Re-tool the DV weapons themselves to grant set bonuses.

    4. Retool all Epic T1 and T2 weapons to be set pieces for minor bonuses. No one really has an incentive to gain those weapons over their Muholands as it is. And make them drop in addition to the current loot in the top T1-T2 dungeons. If you run say, 5 Epic Idris dungeons on level you should be able to get your T1 weapon set and move on. There's a lot of content to run these days.

    Which brings me to my own RP suggestion. In order to give people a way to farm RP points legitimately, alter the Salvage system so that you can refine Epic gear for RP points, UNBOUND and a healthy amount of them. Bots don't make it to the end of ETOS. But if you get a useless ring, you would have the option of going to the vendor and exchanging it for RP instead.

    That would also help people who want to sell epic items on the AH but face really low prices for their gear, since it would soak up a lot of the gear people dump there because their raw AD refinement limit's been hit.

    So that's my 2 cents at least.

    (Continues to wait patiently for her Hero of the North title under her name.)
  • oxdarksoulxooxdarksoulxo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I think the farming required to get enough ADs is ridiculous but then again im only just in sharan and dead ring... but i know other games are worse... some people really like when drop rates for powerful gear are really really low... i know my brother (and some of his hardcore MMO buddies) loved the days when in WoW it could take months to get just a single piece of the end game gear. something about having to farm a beast that only spawned once a day/week (idk i never played WoW) and if someone else killed it you were screwed for that day/week... his favorite was in FFXI when it would take months to get some really powerful gear or artifact or something... and that was with a whole high level guild helping you. I myself am not a big MMOr but for some reason i really like neverwinter... i have heard a lot of people however blame the terrible economy on the players(such as yourself) that abused bugs and glitches in beta and made a TON of ADs and threw off the economy and now they are trying to make a ton of sinks that i assume is designed in nature to really hurt those players....although it does suck as someone who isnt a big MMO fan and doesnt know all the tricks and such to make money because now its really difficult for me to progress and im not even at endgame anymore im practically just starting even though i have a level 60... i wish having max level still meant something to video games....now thats just a base requirement to get started... maybe it was always like that with MMOs though.. idk. anyway im ok with the drop rates being dismal for artifact gear. do some actual work, put the time in to get the gear. dont expect to have it immediately(after a month or so) i say work for it and if it takes months to a year to get then you can be proud of the work you put into it by showing it off. its not fun if you can just buy everything...
  • tbhdk2tbhdk2 Member Posts: 78
    edited November 2014
    I just finished an one hour test farming run in Dwarven Valley.

    I used my CW this time vs GWF earlier - I had accumulative 7 % chance by using also amulet of mourning vs 5-6 % earlier.

    I killed trolls herding 10 of them each time - they are in packs of 5, but its almost just as fast to kill 10 as it is 5.

    This is what I got in one hour:

    3 Sapphires = 15,000
    3 Aquamarines = 4500
    4 Lesser Resonance = 10,000
    28 Peridots = 14,000
    7 Minor Resonance = 3500
    Rare item worth 5200 refinement points
    179 Kessel's sigils traded for 35 Treasure caches - that, when put in my belt with critical hits and everything, gave 15,200 refinement points. (If you bother to sell kessell's sigils at ah you can probably get get more refinement points for the ad they sell for than you get from caches)

    In total 67,400 refinement points for artifact equipment in one hour.

    On top of that I got about 30 rank 4 enchants - maybe a little more. that is 7000-10000 refinement to your artifacts on top of what you can put in your artifact gear.

    I did not pick any green items up - if you got an artifact weapon to refine you will find a lot of green main hands as well plus plenty of id scrolls to id them. I think atleast 10 k from green mainhands per hour is possible - my weapons are legendary - so no point in picking them up for me now.
  • tbhdk2tbhdk2 Member Posts: 78
    edited November 2014
    2 x 2 % and 3 x 1 % - remember I got 5 slots with amulet of mourning.
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    So, only two more working days left before this goes live. (Friday and Monday)

    Is it too early to ask for your stuff yet?
  • lwedarlwedar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 790 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    sockmunkey wrote: »
    So, only two more working days left before this goes live. (Friday and Monday)

    Is it too early to ask for your stuff yet?

    Sorry all the stuffs are bound ;)
    "we all love this game and want it to thrive"
  • chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    sockmunkey wrote: »
    So, only two more working days left before this goes live. (Friday and Monday)

    Is it too early to ask for your stuff yet?

    LOL XD

    With the scope of this revolt i am now taking a wait and see approach.

    The most important thing is we know the devs have heard us. They now have more information to make better decisions.
  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    sockmunkey wrote: »
    So, only two more working days left before this goes live. (Friday and Monday)

    Is it too early to ask for your stuff yet?

    dibs on the pvorp
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    tousseau wrote: »
    Who was that lady who said... "Let them eat cake"?

    If I recall, it didn't work out well for her :p
  • refracted0dawnrefracted0dawn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 894 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I averaged closer to 550 RP over 200 drops.
    You may have been on a good run or something, but 3/4 of what I get is peridots and pearls.

    I wanted a Pocket Pet for my WK, so I gave her the three rank 9 Dragon Hoard enchants and did Respen’s Marvelous Game ten times (I could not do the 12 runs needed for the 36 crystal dice as it took SO long doing the ten with the broken map instance from 3 to 25 times in a row I gave up in exhaustion).

    In most of those runs I got nothing at all (although the mobs are small and I may not have killed much). Then I got a Peridot, a White Pearl and a Black Opal in one run. I almost fainted! Those Opals are sexy-looking! So that is 10,600 RP, or 3,533 per drop, but it is only 353 per run. No idea how many per kill. Hardly a valid statistical test, anyway. I think I got a Minor Resonance Stone on the last run. But as I have no Artifact Gear anyway...

    But I have done many Foundries with my GWF and get a very poor rate of return. AND it is really tedious. But the drops during normal adventuring, dungeons and solo play give a real boost to my mood, especially with anything from an Aquamarine up.

    And I think THAT is how it is meant to be. We are supposed to play the game and happen to get these drops as extra bonuses during normal play. It is tragic that we need so many of them to level gear. There is nothing more tedious than farming. I used to do it a lot, never missed a Dungeon Delve or a Skirmish Event, did as many Dailies as possible with all my characters etc. But I got fed up of getting Blue Icons of Worthlessness from The Dread Vault and now that I have 12 characters with Rank 20 Leadership, I can get AD more easily. These days, I'd rather have fun more often and do a lot less grinding, less farming and less escaping from broken map instances.

    For the last month or so I have only really done Invocations and Professions with all of them, PvP with three of them and a bit of Sharandar, Dread Ring and the IWD TR Artifact quest with two of them, as I had three characters that I wanted to get their Profound PvP gear sets. And PvP is at least a little different every time, and more of a challenge. I seem to go in phases like that, so now they have the gear I'll likely do Dread Ring, Sharandar and IWD to complete their boons and do a lot more solo dungeon runs. Then I'll enter an enchanting phase and spend my AD on Marks, Wards etc.

    And RNG is RNG. I blew 26 Preservation Wards once trying to upgrade a Rank 6 Enchant to a Rank 7 (I counted!). I started thinking there was some swizz going on. But every test is an independent event, and although, on average, I should have only had to use a handful of Wards (30% chance or whatever it is), I had to use 26! But other times, there was a 25% chance and it worked on the fourth attempt, as you'd expect, and other times it works first time. So I suppose it balances out.

    But, for me, I cannot imaging anything more tedious than chasing gear upgrades. I'll have to study the stats of the full sets of Black Ice gear for DC and TR as they are not the same stat types for each piece as the Profound gear is, so I can't tell yet if it is even worth getting. I think the Draconic gear has no Tenacity, so I'm not sure if I even want that at all.

  • chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    pointsman wrote: »
    dibs on the pvorp

    Actually i have 3...
  • chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I wanted a Pocket Pet for my WK, so I gave her the three rank 9 Dragon Hoard enchants and did Respen’s Marvelous Game ten times (I could not do the 12 runs needed for the 36 crystal dice as it took SO long doing the ten with the broken map instance from 3 to 25 times in a row I gave up in exhaustion).

    In most of those runs I got nothing at all (although the mobs are small and I may not have killed much). Then I got a Peridot, a White Pearl and a Black Opal in one run. I almost fainted! Those Opals are sexy-looking! So that is 10,600 RP, or 3,533 per drop, but it is only 353 per run. No idea how many per kill. Hardly a valid statistical test, anyway. I think I got a Minor Resonance Stone on the last run. But as I have no Artifact Gear anyway...

    But I have done many Foundries with my GWF and get a very poor rate of return. AND it is really tedious. But the drops during normal adventuring, dungeons and solo play give a real boost to my mood, especially with anything from an Aquamarine up.

    And I think THAT is how it is meant to be. We are supposed to play the game and happen to get these drops as extra bonuses during normal play. It is tragic that we need so many of them to level gear. There is nothing more tedious than farming. I used to do it a lot, never missed a Dungeon Delve or a Skirmish Event, did as many Dailies as possible with all my characters etc. But I got fed up of getting Blue Icons of Worthlessness from The Dread Vault and now that I have 12 characters with Rank 20 Leadership, I can get AD more easily. These days, I'd rather have fun more often and do a lot less grinding, less farming and less escaping from broken map instances.

    For the last month or so I have only really done Invocations and Professions with all of them, PvP with three of them and a bit of Sharandar, Dread Ring and the IWD TR Artifact quest with two of them, as I had three characters that I wanted to get their Profound PvP gear sets. And PvP is at least a little different every time, and more of a challenge. I seem to go in phases like that, so now they have the gear I'll likely do Dread Ring, Sharandar and IWD to complete their boons and do a lot more solo dungeon runs. Then I'll enter an enchanting phase and spend my AD on Marks, Wards etc.

    And RNG is RNG. I blew 26 Preservation Wards once trying to upgrade a Rank 6 Enchant to a Rank 7 (I counted!). I started thinking there was some swizz going on. But every test is an independent event, and although, on average, I should have only had to use a handful of Wards (30% chance or whatever it is), I had to use 26! But other times, there was a 25% chance and it worked on the fourth attempt, as you'd expect, and other times it works first time. So I suppose it balances out.

    But, for me, I cannot imaging anything more tedious than chasing gear upgrades. I'll have to study the stats of the full sets of Black Ice gear for DC and TR as they are not the same stat types for each piece as the Profound gear is, so I can't tell yet if it is even worth getting. I think the Draconic gear has no Tenacity, so I'm not sure if I even want that at all.


    Agree completely :'(
  • refracted0dawnrefracted0dawn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 894 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    healary wrote: »
    Noticeably, Cryptic sells Greater and Lesser marks but not the blue marks. Now, all the AH manipulators are pushing the blue marks to 100k each from 3k not long ago, and the 100k price is in stacks of 100s.

    Blue Marks of what?

    The Wondrous Bazaar sells blue Marks of Potency for 25k AD, purple Greater Marks of Potency for 100k.

    I check the Auction House most days, and I can never understand why anyone would post them for more than 25 and 100k, but they do. And why on Earth anyone would buy them at that price is even more of a mystery.

    Five Greater marks for 450,000 AD, I will buy, as I am saving 50,000 AD.

    Five at 499,999 I will not buy and I prefer to used the AD Sink.

    Five at 550,000, I want to e-mail the poster and tell him he's going to lose his posting fee.

    But I would be more than happy to buy 100 Marks of Potency for 100k on the AH rather than 2,475,000 AD at the Wondrous Bazaar. But I have NEVER seen them at that price. I doubt they would stay up for much longer than a nano-second, anyway.

    Or do you mean 100k EACH, in stacks of 99? So that is 9.9 MILLION AD? I have never seen them at that price, either. Only a fool would ask that much, and only a bigger fool would pay it, when Rhix's mistress is asking only 2.475 million.

    But bot-farmed gear tends to drive the price down, not up. People tend to drive the price up.

This discussion has been closed.