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Official Feedback Thread: Other Balance Changes



  • lococatt91lococatt91 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 162 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014
    They should just change set bonus to a flat recharge and damage bonus, something like 10% on drow set.
  • hfgtfsdfshfgtfsdfs Member Posts: 688 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    lococatt91 wrote: »
    They should just change set bonus to a flat recharge and damage bonus, something like 10% on drow set.

    Thats a solution too. I added it in my post.
  • entrophentroph Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    hfgtfsdfs wrote: »
    tl:dr Set bonus doesn't favor CWs because 'we have to use Shield on tab to survive.'

    I can't say this is true for everyone. I've never used Shield on tab and do just fine.
  • magiquepursemagiquepurse Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    entroph wrote: »
    I can't say this is true for everyone. I've never used Shield on tab and do just fine.

    You do just fine against what? Pugs?

    Who are you fighting against without shield? Are you fighting vs 20K GS+ Premades from good guilds?

    My guess is not.
  • zvieriszvieris Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    You do just fine against what? Pugs?

    Who are you fighting against without shield? Are you fighting vs 20K GS+ Premades from good guilds?

    My guess is not.

    Because PvP is all about premades, huh?
  • magiquepursemagiquepurse Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    zvieris wrote: »
    Because PvP is all about premades, huh?

    Pretty much.

    The difference in capability from geared pug level to premade-ready people is astounding. If you do well in lower levels of PvP and start imagining you're quite good, you gonna have a rough awakening when you finally matchup against real PvPers. Above that level, there aren't any other modifiers, so it's a good reference point. Pugging is too random.
  • kweassakweassa Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Pretty much.

    The difference in capability from geared pug level to premade-ready people is astounding. If you do well in lower levels of PvP and start imagining you're quite good, you gonna have a rough awakening when you finally matchup against real PvPers. Above that level, there aren't any other modifiers, so it's a good reference point. Pugging is too random.

    See, that's the kind of shi* which makes PvPrs hated, and as a result stops the PvP community from gaining new players -- in the end, results in the slow death of PvP itself, with dwindling player numbers with only a handful of people playing it any given time.

    To say there is "real PvP players" implies there are "fake PvP players", or whatever wording one might use to emphasize the unmistakeable tone of disdain and ridicule towards others, just because they don't play as well as yourself.

    Not everyone wants level of competition you premade types are familiar with, and basically you guys should try and remember everyday what a small, few numbers of minorities you are. In the end, at any given time around 95% or more people will be always PuGs. The higher grade of players are barely even 5%. If you put yourself in the shoes of the developers, on whose demand would you listen to? Would you risk debalancing 95% of the game to make 5% happy, or the other way around?


    Now, granted, in terms of balance and mechanics, higher level players do have much better understanding on how things work out, hence in many cases there are as much numerous numbers of stupid opinions coming from as many lower level players. So in the end, what you say would probably be considered a more reasonable opinion than others.

    But that doesn't mean your assessment on what's important or not is right.
    Stop making excuses. Be a man.
    If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
    Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
  • magiquepursemagiquepurse Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    kweassa wrote: »
    See, that's the kind of shi* which makes PvPrs hated, and as a result stops the PvP community from gaining new players -- in the end, results in the slow death of PvP itself, with dwindling player numbers with only a handful of people playing it any given time.

    To say there is "real PvP players" implies there are "fake PvP players", or whatever wording one might use to emphasize the unmistakeable tone of disdain and ridicule towards others, just because they don't play as well as yourself.

    Not everyone wants level of competition you premade types are familiar with, and basically you guys should try and remember everyday what a small, few numbers of minorities you are. In the end, at any given time around 95% or more people will be always PuGs. The higher grade of players are barely even 5%. If you put yourself in the shoes of the developers, on whose demand would you listen to? Would you risk debalancing 95% of the game to make 5% happy, or the other way around?


    Now, granted, in terms of balance and mechanics, higher level players do have much better understanding on how things work out, hence in many cases there are as much numerous numbers of stupid opinions coming from as many lower level players. So in the end, what you say would probably be considered a more reasonable opinion than others.

    But that doesn't mean your assessment on what's important or not is right.

    I don't mean this as an "I am better, rest are not" post. I pug quite often, although I do try to avoid it. I am just trying to say it's hardly relevant as a means of judging things. The guy above claiming he is doing fine without Shield on Tab is a perfect example. Pretty much all CWs I know tried hard to continue playing without Shield, until we had to slot it or die plenty.

    I know it sounds elitist, but it actually has nothing to do with elitism. Playing against good players, with good and good gear is the only way to appreciate your own value, even if sometimes it's not ending up pretty :)
  • edited November 2014
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  • hexanna22hexanna22 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 204 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014
    I am a CW that found it impossible to pvp without shield, tho, I only tab it for prob 10% of my games, it really depends on my match up. If it weren't for broken game mechanics, maybe I wouldn't have to tab it.

    But, the hardcore pvp community loses more people everyday...I think really, there are 30 - 50 super hard core people, and what? 70,000 not hardcore people? I understand basing pvp around these 70 K, most who don't even know of the not wai mechanics to take advantage of.

    I think a good solution would be to let us choose our set bonus, much like they are letting us choose our stat bonus with some of the new equipment...that way, everyone could get what they want, for the bracket of pvp they play.
  • effectensteineffectenstein Member Posts: 1,031 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014
    hexanna22 wrote: »
    I am a CW that found it impossible to pvp without shield, tho, I only tab it for prob 10% of my games, it really depends on my match up. If it weren't for broken game mechanics, maybe I wouldn't have to tab it.

    But, the hardcore pvp community loses more people everyday...I think really, there are 30 - 50 super hard core people, and what? 70,000 not hardcore people? I understand basing pvp around these 70 K, most who don't even know of the not wai mechanics to take advantage of.

    I think a good solution would be to let us choose our set bonus, much like they are letting us choose our stat bonus with some of the new equipment...that way, everyone could get what they want, for the bracket of pvp they play.

    hi hex >:D<
  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    just for the record... i watch one gw2 video (because... you know) and... no chance to make a reaping strike one type of encounter/daily charge? like, if you charge this HAMSTER and use a encounter x instead of reaping strike, you add the damage and give some damage bonus? maybe work for some class features or feets on that possibility like focused destroyer or other t4 feet? (intimidation problems)

    Without other alterations, sounds redundant and "aesthetics", but it would be a aoe buff using punishing charge / leap and... give precedent for future reworks (like a damage bar or one tree using burst rotations - scale? - instead of stacks).

    about the bar, a possibility that requires a rework in reaping strike(now a Primary damage boost, secundary Atwill).

    Utopian scenario, no stack changes: you can load reaping strike and maintain insurance for a bigger bonus (40% in the first attack:rolleyes:), can release the button and walk normally losing part of the damage bonus (20%, the value of being compulsorily the value bonus after the first attack). if sprint, lose the bar.

    A sequence of Atwill will drain 1/3 of the bar. encounter, 1/2, daily, 100%. The bonus damage would not be calculated for the reaping strike itself, but now you have "three free strikes" before you need to focus again. just need press the attack again.

    this property can be reduced, making the proportion linked to some feet + steadfast determination.
  • effectensteineffectenstein Member Posts: 1,031 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014
    BEHOLD GWF BUFF for mod5
    +5 deflection chance
  • edited November 2014
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  • effectensteineffectenstein Member Posts: 1,031 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014
    macjae wrote: »
    Seems like a bug since it's listed twice. Maybe related to their increasing TR Deflection chance from Dex.

    i know, i was just ironic haha
  • yukimaru153yukimaru153 Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    The fact that it only activates when we are at 50% hp , hits random targets and not the one you are focusing,make up for its damage. The fact that it works better against DOTs and DOT weapon enchantments is WAI . Those enchants have their pros and cons , just think about how TRs have been feeling when we are draining their stealth with Biles/Flamings . Its only natural that those enchants will work against you in some scenarios. And regarding the multiple hits , iirc Storm Fury has an ICD and thats why u cant proc it more than once per second (I have videos of 1v1s against TOP HRs -who also think that SF is ok and that ppl calling for nerfs on it are going for the free kills ONLY - and they showcase that even with their full dots on me, SF would proc on an average frequency of once per 1.5sec .
    TAKE AWAY ANYTHING FROM STORM FURY AND CWs ARE BACK TO MOD 2 without our Meatball this time . No CW will even queue for PvP that way (since qq from any other class has made half CWs' tools unusable)

    YOU PPL SHOULD LOOK INTO WHY CHILLING ADVANTAGE DOESNT WORK (has never worked EVER) AND NOT ASK FOR NERFS to the few remaining powers that give CWs any solid ground to go into PvP . After all, when Storm Fury procs , ur half-way done to your victory against me , and it took you like 0.3% of your rotation to get me to 25k hp down from 50k hp AND I still have those nasty-YEAH BRUH NOT BROKEN AT ALL - Carefull Attack dots on me , so bringing some RANDOM pain into the mix isnt exactly what I would call unfair .
    Wanna see unfair? Go to IWP on the test server and watch 15k GS TRs obliterating any class with 25k gs . WAI ...

    I have already barked up that tree with chilling advantage. As have many others. And that falls on deaf ears.
  • edited November 2014
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  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    idea 2 (after see tera now)

    you fill the bar of reaping strike and, still pressing the button of charge, press the encounters keys, sacrificing these encounters by multiple reaping strikes with scaled damage bonus .

    then you load the reaping strike and, without taking your finger off the mouse button, applies multiples reaping strikes with 50% / 100% / 200% damage bonus. max interval of 3 secs (consumes all stacks of punishing charge). 100% burst rotation, zero control, zero sprint use.

    ps: by my calculations (considering full destroyer/destroyer porpose stacks,) the total damage will be less than my total live intimidation rotation+bf... know what? give the fourth hit of daily. 50/100/200/300.

    is a way to pass the live intimidation for destroyer with some "tradeoff" and without bringing imbalance for pvp (1x1 at least)
  • edited November 2014
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  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    yes ... but speaking about pve, reaping strike have a good radius / cap 5 and build destroyer porpose fast/determination gain. if you add my last concept, reaping strike start to be usefull, because you will change two encounters of low damage + ibs for 3/4 "ibs" / cap 5 and still have sure strike for single (destroyer).

    for example, the last hit of my "rs combo" (the daily hit) will give32k non critical ignoring wms / trample / mark. the total rotation (4 hits) will be >80kx5 (non critical). my live intimidation hit for 72k non critical. at least for pve, the damage will be balanced against this monsters and... will give to us the "berserk aesthetics".

    I dont believe that my suggestion will be considered seriously (this is just for fun) but ... you know. the "reaping strike thing" is a common concept in other games, just have to make it interesting. and this "stamina for damage" seens these "new" japanese rpg game, i dont remember the name.

    IF this damage considering encounter/atwill damage bonus (is both), the new sword/Staying Power will be in line of tr+Powerful Challenge in a aoe build. but seens a "anti paragon" idea if you dont sacrifice the sure strike. will be weapon master vs trample.

    note: Dark Souls! is not the same thing, but anyway.you will have, at least, 10 sec (encounters time) before to hit hard again.
  • destinyknightdestinyknight Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    The main thing Reaping Strike needs is damage. Like a 35% damage increase. And the damage spread on multiple targets lessened from the whole. And increase the damage of partial charge ratios.

    I personally use Reaping Strike alot on two GWFs. Thats what its always needed.
  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    for me, 35% buff and the "berserk project.":cool: (lets remember, reaping strike suffered a nerf like split shot: m2 to m3).

    reaping strike is impractical without being unstoppable (for me at least) is then basically use 3 reaping strikes unstoppable and then rotating encounters with "meh damage"+ibs (destroyer).

    My idea is to use reaping strike usually when unstoppable and still use the combo after finishing unstoppable. only in this case, instead of charge for 2.2 sec, hit, charge for 2.2 sec, hit; you will charge for 2.2 sec and hit HARD 3/4 times, building determination fast to enter in unstoppable mode (more reaping strike or focused in sure strike? your choice).

    is a exotic (but conservative) idea ... but I think it solves the problem of damage and no one will be able to claim that the class is doing more than it should. is 100% burst / meh off tank. 0 control, sprint, etc. the damage and only that MAYBE will be in sw line (or maybe more...). but is a real and "complex" tradeoff.
  • edited November 2014
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  • destinyknightdestinyknight Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    What would we need more CC immunity for? We already have unstoppable and sprint?

    The charge speed is fine. Its the damage right now that doesnt justify the time its charged.
  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    clonkyo1 wrote: »
    i find nicer if Reaping "slot" your encounters not to increase damage, but to make a "chain" like "Level 1 = plain hit. Level 2 = hit +3% on damage + Q encounter. Level 3 = hit +6% on damage + Q + E encounters. Level 4 = hit +9% on damage + Q + E + R encounters" (obviously, the bar will not advance until the player does not "slot" the move, even if he/she keeps presing the mouse button)

    is cool too. but maybe need be more "op" and maybe a rework in some feet.

    clonkyo1 wrote: »
    And charge speed, and being CC inmune while charging... or are you telling me/us that you use Reaping in eLoL/VT??? (just examples)

    vt in the past is not tooooooooooooo hard using reaping strike. just dont bring nothing special. the speed problem , in this case, will be solved for the beserk project... :rolleyes: OK, time to enjoy the saturday.

    note (because start to rain): ... I'm considering, erroneously, that focused destroyer + destroyer porpose double the base damage of atwills... being wrong, the damage could escalate: encounter A/ B / C / Atwill and encounter A / B / C / daily / Atwill. the daily-Atwill will have the same damage ... I am considering to link the cooldown of encounters, for example, with relentless, BUT is very improbable considering the average life time of monsters today and other complications like ... you need the unstoppable / sprint to survive if the enemy is strong enough to survive for more than 10sec.

    but... is a idea just for fun.
  • burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    There is not enough ways to generate threat if you want to tank
    Destroyer still needs 252452 stacks to deal mediocre damage and without the stacks the damage is pathetic, 7k IBS on random monster with 10k power, capped armor pen and legendary weapon
    GWF is too squishy
    Instigator cant generate enough Determination
    swordmaster doesnt have enough ways to mark targets
    GWF damage is way too low compared to other dps classes
    Paladin Master Race
  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    So I see the CW changes will probably go live? Awesome :cool:
  • magiquepursemagiquepurse Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    loboguild wrote: »
    So I see the CW changes will probably go live? Awesome :cool:

    Which of them do you like? They are all mediocre at best, pretty much nothing exciting tbh.
  • helpimblindinrlhelpimblindinrl Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I like pushing to finish gg before all this goes to live. Thats a change.
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    zacazu wrote: »
    yes ... but speaking about pve, reaping strike have a good radius / cap 5 and build destroyer porpose fast/determination gain. if you add my last concept, reaping strike start to be usefull, because you will change two encounters of low damage + ibs for 3/4 "ibs" / cap 5 and still have sure strike for single (destroyer).

    Don't kid yourself, it will always be useless. It has such a long charge time that you'll end up being CC'd if you try using it in a DD to build determination. You're better off just sprinting into AoEs, sadly, or using roar/daring shout...
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