so no love to GWF?
guess we stuck with intimidation or 423423423423 12 3123 312 123 stacks destroyer to deal lower dmg anyway have almost 0 surv (thx to unreasonable unsto DR /gain nerf) no CC at all or wait we have that frontline surge less than 2k base dmg and 18 seconds cd!>yays<
And sprinting around like squishy disabled roadrunners won't work either:
Not getting it. You mean, the other maps is designed in such a way that the CWs have no clear view of the battlefield? The maps has walls, and the gwfs can hide behind the walls?
the first.Less clear view ,less range.Simple as that.The GWFs will not "hide" but when reaching the node ,can use sprint to enter cc immune.
Actually the good ones they are playing like this.However in mod5 all GWFs need to do this or they will start the battle in cc by cws.
(prequesitive ofcourse to have enough determination)
As for GFs?they are a lost cause against CWS in mod5.Gf against CW in mod5=GF dead.
how can you do feedback over someth that it isn't yet on preview shard? how?
That is the whole meaning.Already their CC is uber.Adding more??? Go at iwd late afternoom (preview) europe times to seeCWs at one vs one.Completely different picture from what they say.No class can go against them except Int GWFs and HRs.
Gfs numerically are non existant while the BiS GFs are counted in the fingers of a hand.
Who will oppose CWs and HRs in mod5?None.
good geared pvp cws were already in a very good spot.
And they got a buff????really??????
And what a buff?Ninja buff.We were thinking about Trs and Dcs.And now we have CWs getting a mega buff.
Bug: Storm Spell
Storm Spell is bugged again and procing way too much.
Storm Spell is supposed to activate at 30% on Crits, but as the parse shows it's actually 1002/1727 (3455 normal hits at approx 50% crit). Also if it would only activate on crits, it should have a 100% critrate, but there are some non-crit procs as well.
Well, we already know why they don't add a class reroll, everyone would change to CW.
BTW, in a different topic, after some time I still remember the following related to the GWF:
Try to better define his Destroyer and Sentinel trees... Thanks to the new cheesy/broken Intimidation feat (Sentinel tree) many Destroyer GWFs changed to Sentinel because the AoE damage is a lot better and there's no need of "smart use of powers and Unstoppable" in this tree, just smash buttons. Destroyer is only good for single target but that's not really necessary, right? Also, that "nearly 30% of the total damage output of the GWF" sounded like it was a problem... Eye of the Storm, a class feature - passive damage, does actually 34% of the total dmg for the CW and even with the changes some CWs already stated that there's not really much difference after the "nerf". So I don't really understand how it was a problem that the GWF had a feat that did 30% of his total damage but there's a class feature in another class that is doing 34% or even more, oh don't forget to add that the Destroyer has to build stacks in everything and they finally get x20 when almost everything is dead. I don't hate the CWs (that would be nonsense) but I have to use them as example here showing how you develop a class in comparison to another. Every player in this forum posting how they soloed a dungeon with their CW, it's a player who unconsciously laughs at the class balance.
I tried intimidation build, I liked it for a day or so. Intimidation feat damage was more likely around 60% percent as I remember, not 30. It's a 3 sec damage boost until Come and get it, daring, IBS, lasts, then 15 sec with minimal damage output. I have 25k HP, and I had no problem with staying alive in LOL or VT, and still stayed on top in paingiver. Even more, in VT a 13k temp warlock was healing me in the and, all coffins opened, and we (2 chars) killed every mob and Valindra (not fast, but still). It's cheesy, and it's not really fun, having 3sec damage then 15 sec boredom, with only one viable rotation. And devs nerfed unstoppable in mod 4, so gwf can not be dps and tank at the same time. Now Sentinel is. 35% power damage won't fix it, because in mod 5 there will be even more power with offhand, artifact equipment etc. There was a comment, to scale it with defense. I would say, make it scale with damage resistance. Make it 50%-60% of damage resistance x 100. So at 40% damage res 2000-2500 damage. This way being in unstoppable would double its damage, making it a little more tactical use.
Please also do sth with destroyer path, building stacks is no fun.
My story is truly a grand tale! Of course, any story about me is going to be grand simply by virtue of the main character.
That guy loses to CWs with a GF. We all know how a GF can just fall asleep on Shift and win by casting FLS/bull charge/Anvil/GW depending on their choices AFTER a CW dodge, when the CW is shortly IMMOBILIZED and unable to chain a second dodge.
Every good GF does it.
Every good GWF does it.
Yet this guy, even with a mechanic that drops Chill Stacks, is here complaining and LYING as well, as the changes are not on Preview and CW is the weakest class still for 1vs1.
This is the type of dishonest feedback that pretty much ends up in destroyed classes.
After a CW dodge ?Shortly immobilized?What a load of HAMSTER!!!
Anyone knows(except CWs apparently) that CW after dodge has a frame immunity.The animation is finished yet the game treats CW as is in still dodging.
Many GFs attack immediately after dodge,with Bull or TR or Lunging ,just to see in their screens "dodged" or "0" or nothing at all.
You are lieing man.You are talking bs.You have the biggest dodge immunity frame in the game ,the highest dps ,you ignore as a class 66% of tenacity cc ,you have 80s range ,you have some really broken dots ,you crit way above your crit chance (chemboys analysis) ,and even now you are crying.
You speak about GF vs CW.In one vs one in a controlled environment for the Gf it is even .But that is not the case in domination.You just hold behind your team8s and pick up targets man while they are engaged to other toons.,Your uber cc and dps can kill toons in seconds.Your defence is irrelevant.Your range and your gameplay(jumping on people) provide defence.
Yet you cry all the time for CWs buffs.You the pvp cws are on par with mod2 Regen IV sents.At least they had one broken dot.
You have assailant storm spell bugged crits...what else.You make threads to nerf Bull Charge "Gf might hit too much" etc..
The class that soloes CN.Hell the most uber GF cannot finish normal dread vault in less than an hour.Gosh.
You are 59 CWs in top 10 pages of leaderboard.You are outnumber TRs,GFs,Dcs,and SWs.And yet you provided feedback to Crush that "you outperform in pvp".What a bunch of liars.
That guy loses to CWs with a GF. We all know how a GF can just fall asleep on Shift and win by casting FLS/bull charge/Anvil/GW depending on their choices AFTER a CW dodge, when the CW is shortly IMMOBILIZED and unable to chain a second dodge.
Every good GF does it.
Every good GWF does it.
Yet this guy, even with a mechanic that drops Chill Stacks, is here complaining and LYING as well, as the changes are not on Preview and CW is the weakest class still for 1vs1.
This is the type of dishonest feedback that pretty much ends up in destroyed classes.
Sry but a gwf has 0 chance when fight starts at max range, ofc it can melt a cw at close range but not if the fight starts with a enough range advantage. Add to that latency issues as sprint is buggy and if a cw cant grab the gwf in entangling is pretty much cause cw is bad. With these new changes there is no contest no matter the range, they add too much control power,mobility and dmg...
What happen with the IBS animation?!! Rly now that power is almost impossible to hit due all the dodge/cc resist!!!
Do like neither of you know how to use your shift button? Is it broken? If it is you can just rebind it.
Like 1v1 gf cw shouldn't even be close. The ctrl button right under shift, if you hold that and shift the wizard literally can't do anything but die or run away. This isn't rocket science stuff.
Do like neither of you know how to use your shift button? Is it broken? If it is you can just rebind it.
Do you anyone of you CWs know how to use the dodge button? Is it broken? If it is you can just rebind it.
Hey maybe if oyu try to play with out having PVE in mind and face tanking the fighters as you did in sharandar vs the powries ,maybe then you ll understand that your chesse class did not needed any buff!!!
I'm saying you're getting awful mad at videogames and none of what you have to say makes any sense.
If you get ganked when fighting someone else that's being outplayed because they had the sense to divide and conquer. Its easier to avoid if you increase your fov.
Seriously though 1v1 it should be impossible for you to lose against a similar geared cw if you have any clue of what you are doing.
Sry but a gwf has 0 chance when fight starts at max range, ofc it can melt a cw at close range but not if the fight starts with a enough range advantage.
I melt most GWFs on my CW, that's true, mostly because they dunno what to do. I don't melt the ones that are aggressive and always in my face and know when to FLS, and the ones that communicate with their team and chain CCs on me until I die without even being able to move once.
The days of running circles on node while a CW DPSs you are kinda gone. You need to go off node an kill people fast - especially CWs. I do that on my HR, if I see a CW, I'll do my best to follow it until he's dead.
If a fight starts at range, such as a mid battle, your task as a GWF is to IMMEDIATELY run to the enemy CWs and work with your teammates to chain-CC them to death as fast as possible. Takes about 4 secs for a BiS CW to die to well coordinated teams, and he will be disabled for the entirety of those 4 secs.
These being said, I hope that the GWFs will get some well-deserved changes to make their gameplay more responsive and fun, while moving away from the zone of 2 shotting people with Intimidation procs. GWFs are in as much need of attention as CWs.
Can't say the same about GFs and HRs that can either Immune all CC or outheal damage while dealing copious amounts of their own.
i already put all my arguments on how GWF should be and what it should do.
i repeat again
Hunter ranger should lack either surviability or defensive stats and be good on damage and controll
Control wizard should lack DPs but be great in control
GF should be Defenders with moderate damage
GWF should have 1 paragon for striker that lacks defensive and 1 for defending with moderate damage.
TR should do great with dps, but either have low surviability or low defensive stats.
DC should either do healing/debuff/buff or control.
SW either strikers or healing/debuff/buff
i already put all my arguments on how GWF should be and what it should do.
i repeat again
Hunter ranger should lack either surviability or defensive stats and be good on damage and controll
Control wizard should lack DPs but be great in control
GF should be Defenders with moderate damage
GWF should have 1 paragon for striker that lacks defensive and 1 for defending with moderate damage.
TR should do great with dps, but either have low surviability or low defensive stats.
DC should either do healing/debuff/buff or control.
SW either strikers or healing/debuff/buff
Forget it. We have one CW to rule them all. No matter how much you and me disagree on HR current state or its possible future. We are gonna have same HAMSTER as we had in start of mod 4. It is like 1 to 1 same story as it was before. This is done situation for me.
Storm Spell is bugged again and procing way too much.
Storm Spell is supposed to activate at 30% on Crits, but as the parse shows it's actually 1002/1727 (3455 normal hits at approx 50% crit). Also if it would only activate on crits, it should have a 100% critrate, but there are some non-crit procs as well.
Well mod 4 is back again. All classes go to hell CW OP again. Same story as mod 4 preview.
And for all those things, CWs remain a weak class in PvP. The highest DPS thing is only true in dungeons, most certainly not for single targets.
Gosh men really? You have control and broken undodgeable IR. Longest distance. Borken Storm spell. Decreased 50% of casting time. long dodge and immunity frame that goes for a second after dodge - for HR we have short dodge and frame end before animation. So stop this bs please? You want to CW OP everywhere. Just stop this lie really. CW already are 1 or 2 place in top pvp. with all they had. Now we are gonna have same as mod 4 start.
And you even can not say anything to how CW solo CN. Or you need a video how this is done for you to learn? Those CW have really skill and less whine then you and Ill quote them " L2P CW rather then whine on forum about how to make CW OP"
Gosh men really? You have control and broken undodgeable IR. Longest distance. Borken Storm spell. Decreased 50% of casting time. long dodge and immunity frame that goes for a second after dodge - for HR we have short dodge and frame end before animation. So stop this bs please? You want to CW OP everywhere. Just stop this lie really. CW already are 1 or 2 place in top pvp. with all they had. Now we are gonna have same as mod 4 start.
And you even can not say anything to how CW solo CN. Or you need a video how this is done for you to learn? Those CW have really skill and less whine then you and Ill quote them " L2P CW rather then whine on forum about how to make CW OP"
i'll qoute you what you said about me fightin a HR , "l2p gwf rather then whine on forum about how the CW is OP "
CW's powers absolutely CAN'T be "easily dodged". 40% faster casting speed is just too much (Ray of Enfeeblement & Repel already activate quickly).
The buff to Chilling Presence is just INSANE. You do 72% more damage on a frozen target (6% x 6 x 2). I mean WTF are you kidding? This will cause huge problem in both PvE & PvP.
Storm Spell and Storm Fury are already broken enough, now you're adding yet another broken class feature? Are you devs really that majorly clueless?
Give all other classes comparable broken class features then I won't complain.
CW's powers absolutely CAN'T be "easily dodged". 40% faster casting speed is just too much.
The buff to Chilling Presence is just INSANE. You do 72% more damage on a frozen target (6% x 6 x 2). I mean WTF are you kidding? This will cause huge problem in both PvE & PvP.
Storm Spell and Storm Fury are already broken enough, now you're adding yet another broken class feature. Are you devs really that majorly clueless?
Give all other classes comparable broken class features then I won't complain.
Well yesterday I tried to kill a DC standing in AS and that was impossible. So the defense for all players is going up as well, not just the damage. And the DC could stun me more than I could stun her. How can a DC have more control than a CW?
And most classes are frozen for like 0.5 sec so that 72% wont be that noticeable in PvP and most classes can just avoid our chill stacks like TR/GF can and GWF can just sprint to lose them?
As a person that plays (an loves) both HR and CW, the HR should NEVER, EVER complain about CWs.
To make a rank 10/BiS CW threatening to me, I have to wear rank 7s, RG set and Mod 3 gear with only a legendary Waters artifact.
In this setup, i could still kill page 1 CW 2:6 fights, some while other people tried to kill me as well.
However, it only takes my HR to wear a BI set (I only have Purified, but best option is 2/2) and slot Red Glyphs, and suddenly the full derp4win mode is enabled.
Get a Dex belt and the Rapid Strike weapon, and CWs are fully a non-factor.
So please.
No HR complaining. Because people that play both classes see the BS.
most classes are frozen for like 0.5 sec so that 72% wont be that noticeable in PvP and most classes can just avoid our chill stacks like TR/GF can and GWF can just sprint to lose them?
Yes, that buff will only mean the classes without means to remove Chill Stacks will suffer, while for the classes that CW already has issues with nothing will change.
Sry but a gwf has 0 chance when fight starts at max range, ofc it can melt a cw at close range
That's not even a discussion. In all the MMOs, a frost mage wins hands down vs a melee fighter. On WoW it's easy to find a level 30 Vurtne (quite a skilled guy admittedly) in green gear routinely fighting 1v3 lvl 60 Melees wearing purple. Nothing shocking here. I know another MMO where a mage could kill a Melee twice his gs, but in a way the said game was still balanced because levelling up was twice as hard for a mage.
There is no reason why NWO should be different here, and I have no problem with getting torn to shreds by a CW who has 10k gs less. I'd just like to have my class fundamentals: when in pve, some ability to take damage, some ability to deliver damage, and some kind of a "berserk" mode that triggers once in a while.
And sprinting around like squishy disabled roadrunners won't work either:
I've never been a big fan of being a roadrunner anyway.
the first.Less clear view ,less range.Simple as that.The GWFs will not "hide" but when reaching the node ,can use sprint to enter cc immune.
Actually the good ones they are playing like this.However in mod5 all GWFs need to do this or they will start the battle in cc by cws.
(prequesitive ofcourse to have enough determination)
As for GFs?they are a lost cause against CWS in mod5.Gf against CW in mod5=GF dead.
That is the whole meaning.Already their CC is uber.Adding more??? Go at iwd late afternoom (preview) europe times to seeCWs at one vs one.Completely different picture from what they say.No class can go against them except Int GWFs and HRs.
Gfs numerically are non existant while the BiS GFs are counted in the fingers of a hand.
Who will oppose CWs and HRs in mod5?None.
good geared pvp cws were already in a very good spot.
And they got a buff????really??????
And what a buff?Ninja buff.We were thinking about Trs and Dcs.And now we have CWs getting a mega buff.
Storm Spell is bugged again and procing way too much.
Storm Spell is supposed to activate at 30% on Crits, but as the parse shows it's actually 1002/1727 (3455 normal hits at approx 50% crit). Also if it would only activate on crits, it should have a 100% critrate, but there are some non-crit procs as well.
I tried intimidation build, I liked it for a day or so. Intimidation feat damage was more likely around 60% percent as I remember, not 30. It's a 3 sec damage boost until Come and get it, daring, IBS, lasts, then 15 sec with minimal damage output. I have 25k HP, and I had no problem with staying alive in LOL or VT, and still stayed on top in paingiver. Even more, in VT a 13k temp warlock was healing me in the and, all coffins opened, and we (2 chars) killed every mob and Valindra (not fast, but still).
It's cheesy, and it's not really fun, having 3sec damage then 15 sec boredom, with only one viable rotation. And devs nerfed unstoppable in mod 4, so gwf can not be dps and tank at the same time. Now Sentinel is. 35% power damage won't fix it, because in mod 5 there will be even more power with offhand, artifact equipment etc. There was a comment, to scale it with defense. I would say, make it scale with damage resistance. Make it 50%-60% of damage resistance x 100. So at 40% damage res 2000-2500 damage. This way being in unstoppable would double its damage, making it a little more tactical use.
Please also do sth with destroyer path, building stacks is no fun.
After a CW dodge ?Shortly immobilized?What a load of HAMSTER!!!
Anyone knows(except CWs apparently) that CW after dodge has a frame immunity.The animation is finished yet the game treats CW as is in still dodging.
Many GFs attack immediately after dodge,with Bull or TR or Lunging ,just to see in their screens "dodged" or "0" or nothing at all.
You are lieing man.You are talking bs.You have the biggest dodge immunity frame in the game ,the highest dps ,you ignore as a class 66% of tenacity cc ,you have 80s range ,you have some really broken dots ,you crit way above your crit chance (chemboys analysis) ,and even now you are crying.
You speak about GF vs CW.In one vs one in a controlled environment for the Gf it is even .But that is not the case in domination.You just hold behind your team8s and pick up targets man while they are engaged to other toons.,Your uber cc and dps can kill toons in seconds.Your defence is irrelevant.Your range and your gameplay(jumping on people) provide defence.
Yet you cry all the time for CWs buffs.You the pvp cws are on par with mod2 Regen IV sents.At least they had one broken dot.
You have assailant storm spell bugged crits...what else.You make threads to nerf Bull Charge "Gf might hit too much" etc..
The class that soloes CN.Hell the most uber GF cannot finish normal dread vault in less than an hour.Gosh.
You are 59 CWs in top 10 pages of leaderboard.You are outnumber TRs,GFs,Dcs,and SWs.And yet you provided feedback to Crush that "you outperform in pvp".What a bunch of liars.
Sry but a gwf has 0 chance when fight starts at max range, ofc it can melt a cw at close range but not if the fight starts with a enough range advantage. Add to that latency issues as sprint is buggy and if a cw cant grab the gwf in entangling is pretty much cause cw is bad. With these new changes there is no contest no matter the range, they add too much control power,mobility and dmg...
What happen with the IBS animation?!! Rly now that power is almost impossible to hit due all the dodge/cc resist!!!
Like 1v1 gf cw shouldn't even be close. The ctrl button right under shift, if you hold that and shift the wizard literally can't do anything but die or run away. This isn't rocket science stuff.
Do you anyone of you CWs know how to use the dodge button? Is it broken? If it is you can just rebind it.
Hey maybe if oyu try to play with out having PVE in mind and face tanking the fighters as you did in sharandar vs the powries ,maybe then you ll understand that your chesse class did not needed any buff!!!
If you get ganked when fighting someone else that's being outplayed because they had the sense to divide and conquer. Its easier to avoid if you increase your fov.
Seriously though 1v1 it should be impossible for you to lose against a similar geared cw if you have any clue of what you are doing.
I melt most GWFs on my CW, that's true, mostly because they dunno what to do. I don't melt the ones that are aggressive and always in my face and know when to FLS, and the ones that communicate with their team and chain CCs on me until I die without even being able to move once.
The days of running circles on node while a CW DPSs you are kinda gone. You need to go off node an kill people fast - especially CWs. I do that on my HR, if I see a CW, I'll do my best to follow it until he's dead.
If a fight starts at range, such as a mid battle, your task as a GWF is to IMMEDIATELY run to the enemy CWs and work with your teammates to chain-CC them to death as fast as possible. Takes about 4 secs for a BiS CW to die to well coordinated teams, and he will be disabled for the entirety of those 4 secs.
These being said, I hope that the GWFs will get some well-deserved changes to make their gameplay more responsive and fun, while moving away from the zone of 2 shotting people with Intimidation procs. GWFs are in as much need of attention as CWs.
Can't say the same about GFs and HRs that can either Immune all CC or outheal damage while dealing copious amounts of their own.
i repeat again
Hunter ranger should lack either surviability or defensive stats and be good on damage and controll
Control wizard should lack DPs but be great in control
GF should be Defenders with moderate damage
GWF should have 1 paragon for striker that lacks defensive and 1 for defending with moderate damage.
TR should do great with dps, but either have low surviability or low defensive stats.
DC should either do healing/debuff/buff or control.
SW either strikers or healing/debuff/buff
thats how you will balance it out, based on their roles.
and whats wrritten in here
it's just too simple.
Forget it. We have one CW to rule them all. No matter how much you and me disagree on HR current state or its possible future. We are gonna have same HAMSTER as we had in start of mod 4. It is like 1 to 1 same story as it was before. This is done situation for me.
Does not look familiar?
Well mod 4 is back again. All classes go to hell CW OP again. Same story as mod 4 preview.
i kind of remember exactly the same said about mod2 gwfs
Gosh men really? You have control and broken undodgeable IR. Longest distance. Borken Storm spell. Decreased 50% of casting time. long dodge and immunity frame that goes for a second after dodge - for HR we have short dodge and frame end before animation. So stop this bs please? You want to CW OP everywhere. Just stop this lie really. CW already are 1 or 2 place in top pvp. with all they had. Now we are gonna have same as mod 4 start.
And you even can not say anything to how CW solo CN. Or you need a video how this is done for you to learn? Those CW have really skill and less whine then you and Ill quote them " L2P CW rather then whine on forum about how to make CW OP"
i'll qoute you what you said about me fightin a HR , "l2p gwf rather then whine on forum about how the CW is OP "
The buff to Chilling Presence is just INSANE. You do 72% more damage on a frozen target (6% x 6 x 2). I mean WTF are you kidding? This will cause huge problem in both PvE & PvP.
Storm Spell and Storm Fury are already broken enough, now you're adding yet another broken class feature? Are you devs really that majorly clueless?
Give all other classes comparable broken class features then I won't complain.
Mod 12.5 PvP Power/Crit/Arp Optimization
Youtube channel (PvE/PvP)
Well yesterday I tried to kill a DC standing in AS and that was impossible. So the defense for all players is going up as well, not just the damage. And the DC could stun me more than I could stun her. How can a DC have more control than a CW?
And most classes are frozen for like 0.5 sec so that 72% wont be that noticeable in PvP and most classes can just avoid our chill stacks like TR/GF can and GWF can just sprint to lose them?
To make a rank 10/BiS CW threatening to me, I have to wear rank 7s, RG set and Mod 3 gear with only a legendary Waters artifact.
In this setup, i could still kill page 1 CW 2:6 fights, some while other people tried to kill me as well.
However, it only takes my HR to wear a BI set (I only have Purified, but best option is 2/2) and slot Red Glyphs, and suddenly the full derp4win mode is enabled.
Get a Dex belt and the Rapid Strike weapon, and CWs are fully a non-factor.
So please.
No HR complaining. Because people that play both classes see the BS.
Yes, that buff will only mean the classes without means to remove Chill Stacks will suffer, while for the classes that CW already has issues with nothing will change.
Because Storm Fury is the real definition of HAMSTER.
That's not even a discussion. In all the MMOs, a frost mage wins hands down vs a melee fighter. On WoW it's easy to find a level 30 Vurtne (quite a skilled guy admittedly) in green gear routinely fighting 1v3 lvl 60 Melees wearing purple. Nothing shocking here. I know another MMO where a mage could kill a Melee twice his gs, but in a way the said game was still balanced because levelling up was twice as hard for a mage.
There is no reason why NWO should be different here, and I have no problem with getting torn to shreds by a CW who has 10k gs less. I'd just like to have my class fundamentals: when in pve, some ability to take damage, some ability to deliver damage, and some kind of a "berserk" mode that triggers once in a while.
Its not HAMSTER, but only usefull against some classes like TR/HRs.