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Official Feedback Thread: Trickster Rogue Changes



  • ninjarobin1ninjarobin1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Bug: Path of the Blade
    Dosen't proc one with the shadows (Saboteur capstone)
  • essentiessenti Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 303 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Regarding Charisma, my testing shows it was fixed quite a while ago (I was seeing the correct bonuses for it). Please double check that it is actually not working because I cannot replicate it.

    I should have mentioned that those changes will be in the next build. They are *NOT* on preview yet.

    FEEDBACK: All Rogues - Charisma and Combat Advantage

    EDIT: The math for combat advantage damage from Charisma appears to be working as intended. I have done A LOT of testing on the preview server: First picture is results of 401 Sly Flourish strikes, I have no feats, no extra powers, no boons, no equipment except weapons, 18%crit total, all ability points placed in CON and CHA. I am flanking the target dummy with a third party PC.


    This second image is 402 Sly Flourish strikes, again no feats, powers, or boons, no equipment except weapons, 18%crit, this time all ability points placed in CON and WIS. I am flanking the target dummy for each strike with a third party PC.


    The more testing I did, the more apparent the bonus from Charisma became. With the charts above, the median with low Charisma was 446, so the expected additional 4 points for high Charisma would yield +4% combat advantage damage, or a median of 463, which is pretty close to the 464 I am getting. I ran both of these 3 times each, and the numbers are basically the same. Thanks for the suggestions from others who helped me get a better handle on how to examine this.
    Campaign - Trail of the Imaskarcana (NWS-DMFG77QOF)
    • A Mere Expedition! (NW-DIAAPG3S4)
    • Work In Progress on Part 2
  • rude2urude2u Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Stealth: Using At Wills while Stealthed now drains 15% of your Stealth Meter per attack. Why you doing it TR"s become useless Last year you toked away damage and now stealth WHATS wrong with you ??? you realy whana brake the game for all TR"s .
  • umcjdkingumcjdking Member Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I feel rogues now are in a much stronger place than before - not going to beat around a dead horse and repost some of the bugs here.

    However, I do have one suggestion - double the length of stealth and adjust the recharge of shadowstrike as you see fit. As it is right now, rogues are simply too squishy to stay unstealthed for any length of time, which is the way it should be. However, the simple fact that I can barely cover the distance as a WK to a CW from their maximum range before running out of stealth completely negates the ability of the skill.

    TR's need to utilize stealth to be able to strike at the perfect time, maximizing their CC's and damage opportunities. We need carte blanche authority to move around the battlefield undetected to strike. Right now, it simply does not allow for that since if I have stealth up, I have about 2-3 seconds to pick a target and 2-3 seconds to act upon that before I run out of stealth.
  • destinyknightdestinyknight Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    About Paragon Paths in general:

    Whisper Knifes still dont have much to work with. (Vengence Pursuit is still pretty much <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. Damage has never really been the incentive for it in the first place. Why use it for that when you can use Blitz,Impact,Deft instead?)

    The burst damage is alright but its fearful in pvp. IF they are intent on making all at wills (except Gloaming Cut) deplete stealth. They need to bring the charges for Cloud of Steel back up to 12. And return Duelist Flurry back to the way it was before.

    Right now Whisper Knifes dont have much. Master Infiltrator now gets the full ability to go perma stealth AND reliable CC breaker and better survivablility on top with better execution abilities (abilities, not the feat tree).

    About Perma Stealth:

    So perma stealth is still viable but only to Master Infiltrators it seems.
    As I suggested before. I rather the ability to be perma stealthed not rely on using a single at will. But something you have to spec in a feat tree midway that actually hinders your damage to compensate. That way perma stealth isnt just a single playstyle but a variable playstyle along with the new play styles that are opened up with all the other changes. All this feels is just narrowing playstyles.

    About Wicked Reminder specifically:
    And I'd still like the entirety of Wicked Reminder inflict Piercing damage with its limited charges added to the existing changes, to at least have a way to damage very heavy tanky targets. Since you cant effectively spam it like before now. If any skill should do piercing damage. I'd say that. Given its damage isnt very high to begin with and its limited in charges.

    About General Survivablility:
    I understand the reasoning for lowering down our survivbility given the massive amounts of damage increases we got. But most of the survival utility has always been for the Master Infiltrator. With the lowered survivbility, Whisper Knives suffer alot more now. The poor excuse for Vengence Pursuit just doesnt cut it. We have a decent at will. But the features arent very good. I am glad of the increase in damage to the daily however. I understand theres a dedicated tree to increasing our survivibility. But I feel there should be methods for general survivibility than just specific survivability specialization.
    Things I suggest would be putting immunity or defensive frames in some existing encounters like during the roll of using Bait and Switch or having guaranteed deflect during the animation of Blitz, giving these encounters more skillful usage and having a choice of when to use these encounters, offensively or defensively.

    About Vengence Pursuit:
    If you are intent on trying to make this a poor man's impossible to catch/deft strike hybrid ability. I would suggest at the least halfing its cooldown and extending how long the knife mark lasts on a target. Right now its entirely unreliable to use, you have to keep a mental timer on the mark on the target and you have to wait for the right time when a Cc ability is used on you (if one is used at all at the time) and hope the person you marked is still nearby close enough to trigger the secondary effect so you have to be waiting on that. Thats too much focus to use on ability that only works under such specific conditions, wasting time and putting you vunerable if those specific conditions arent met while you are at the same time worrying about combating various opponents. You cant dedicate that entire encounter to just standing around hoping someone tries something while you are also trying to deal damage. You cant dedicate an entire encounter slot for a chain of specific conditions that need to be met to use the ability. Theres really no reason to use this in pve at all either. Dodging and deft striking suffices more than enough. The minimal area damage doesnt mean jack in the over all scope of any fights.

    I would even say to put charges on this ability, but we have way too many abilities with charges on them already. In all honesty, this ability was the most useful when it had no cooldown at all and no cc immunity to it when Whisper Knife first released. It allowed a way to stay on a target reliably, though its damage was poor it at least allowed you continued pursuit of a target. Which has to replace any sort of damage or defensive encounter that could be there instead to do that. I would perfer if that were to return.
  • suddenlyslowsuddenlyslow Member Posts: 818 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Feedback: Sneak Attack

    I feel as if this class feature power needs to be replaced or modified as it is the first available class feature and it remains unusable for many levels as stealth does not become available till level 10. Given the new volatility of stealth I also feel that this class power is underwhelming, and although I know it used to be different the name still implies an attack and has never fit the current implementation. I will not even go into why moving faster while sneaking seems contrary in its nature except to mention it.
  • mojoratmojorat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 90
    edited October 2014
    Except what it does is vital. Unlessvwe get movement from somewhere else loosing sneak attack would cripple us in pvp.
  • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ah.. today in live stream gentleman crush said that the 50% damage resistance will be plus 50% of our current damage resistance.. not 50% added on to our current resistance.. so if you have 28% damage reisistance then you will have a total of 28% + 14%(50% of 28%) for a total of 42% damage resist. No wonder I was still getting one shotted by GWF lol
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
  • destinyknightdestinyknight Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ah.. today in live stream gentleman crush said that the 50% damage resistance will be plus 50% of our current damage resistance.. not 50% added on to our current resistance.. so if you have 28% damage reisistance then you will have a total of 28% + 14%(50% of 28%) for a total of 42% damage resist. No wonder I was still getting one shotted by GWF lol

    Now that makes sense in what I've been seeing from monsters too.

    Why though? If its going to be 50%, then why not just have it be additive rather than multiplative? The only defensive power TR's get, its pretty much yucky.
  • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Yea.. I was thinking it would be 28%50% = 78% (which was still not cool to me) but now that I know it is not even near what I was thinking.. The only thing ITC can be used for is breaking CC.
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
  • grac3n77grac3n77 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Why dont you give a TR prone encounter or a skill like disruptive shot of HR which your target cant do skill... for 3 sec.
  • ryugasiriusryugasirius Member Posts: 996 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    Scoundrel: A brawler who debuffs foes and can take a lot of damage.
    • Roll with the Punches: You have .5/1/1.5/2/2.5% more Deflect Chance.
    • Bloody Brawler: You have .5/1/1.5/2/2.5% more Lifesteal.
    • Survivor: When your HP is below 30% you gain 2/4/6/8/10% increased deflect chance.
    • Savage Blows: Dealing damage to foes increases your Lifesteal by .2/.4/.6/.6/1% for 3 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.
    • Concussive Strikes: Your Critical Strikes and attacks from behind damage daze foes for .2/.4/.6/.8/1 second. Foes can only be dazed this way once every 5 seconds.
    • Low Blows: You deal 5/10/15/20/25% more damage to foes who are affected by a Control effect.
    • Mocking Gesture: You gain 2/4/6/8/10% Deflect Chance for 10 seconds after entering stealth.
    • Skullcracker: Every 20 seconds you gain Skullcracker. While you have Skullcracker your next Encounter Power Dazes the target for 2 seconds. While a target is affected by Skullcracker your attacks will extend the Daze on the target by .5 seconds, up to a maximum of 2 additional seconds. You deal 25% increased damage to targets affected by Skullcracker.

    I feel the Scoundrel is still a bit lacking on the defensive options. Scoundrels have minimal stealth options and typically low HP like any TR. I like the idea of a tree dedicated to a "brawling" TR, but they feel too squishy and they are lacking the great damage/stealth bonuses the other trees have.

    I suggest this:
    Move Roll With The punches from T1 to T4, give it a substantially better deflect bonus (1.5/3.0/4.5/6.0/7.5%)
    Move Mocking Gesture from T4 to T1, halve the deflect bonus to 5%

    Survivor is a bit weak, when you are under 30%, chances are you will die soon even if you deflect. Maybe the following would be better:
    When your HP is below 30%/35%/40%/45%/50% you gain 2/4/6/8/10% increased deflect chance.

    Concussive Strikes feels a bit useless with improved Skullcracker (6s of daze with a 15s cooldown), it should be entirely reworked to give a different debuff (i.e. increase critical severity by 4/8/12/16/20% when striking the affected target only for the rogue, and half that amount to the rest of the party).

    Also, please add a defensive buff to the capstone, it might be some extra deflect severity, or more HP, I don't really know what would fit to make this feat tree viable and unique, compared to the other 2.
  • hadukhanhadukhan Member Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Just gave executioner and scoundrel a go in IWD.

    If i dont mention any ability i have either not used it, or dont have any issue with it

    At Wills and Depleting stealth
    Alot of TRs use At Wills as our main damage dealing abilities and use encounters as utilities to avoid damage, for this reason At Wills need a rework as they are a bit boring (especially not-so sly flourish)
    - If At wills deplete stealth, why not make them replenish stealth when your not stealthed? Just not at any crazy amounts or im sure there will be knee jerks imminent.(see sly flourish)

    -Sly flourish: make sly flourish actually sly. By that i mean make it so you can use it while moving! Is that not the definition of sly? Quickly running past your opponent Slyly stabbing them along the way. As it stands sly flourish does average damage, a little on the low side. Perhaps to make it a bit more dynamic, make it so sly flourish can be used while moving at slightly decreased damage compared to when using it standing still. Another option is when you use sly whilst moving it replenishes stealth, also true the the 'sly' title.

    -Duelists flurry- increase the animation speed of the first two attacks or remove them completely and put the flurry on a timer or charges or something to get the most out of the 'first strike' ability. This is another ability that is affected by ITC nerf, as ITC can give you the immunity to wind up and land DF.

    -Gloaming is okay, now that you can stack it in an exec build with buffs you can do 20k alphas, then run away ;|

    My biggest issue with our encounters is that the Hunter rangers melee encounters play how you would expect a trickster rogues fighting style to look. Regardless:

    -The damage buff to most of our encounters is nice however the cooldowns need reduction.

    -Dazing strike: Reduce animation time.

    -Lashing Strike: reduce cooldown a little bit.

    -Blitz: One of our few AOEs, does great damage in a exec build, mediocre in any other build still. Buff base damage again?

    -PotB: To be honest i would have prefered the duration stayed the same as they are, except when used from stealth it pulses 3 times and hits everything for the total damage it would have over the 10 seconds (is that right?). Would need the damage curbed or you could wipe whole teams in a few seconds.

    -Shadow Strike: Considering how far down the ability tree this is and that stealth can be burnt in a few seconds with at wills, please buff the damage or change to a stun or kb. It needs something more, now that stealth is harder to keep.


    -Shocking execution: Nerfed AGAIN. Seriously this is so underpowered now. Just give it a flat damage amount like a uber lashing. And fix the animation. Other classes (im looking at CW) have dailies that can almost one shot other low armoured classes, why not the TR which is meant to be the big melee damage dealer right?

    -Whirlwind of blades: Also nerfed the damage resist ignore, Iv used this alot to finish off pesky GF that wont die!. Now im not so sure if it will work. WHY!

    Survivability outside of stealth(ITC and dodge)

    - Seeing as how ITC has been nerfed we have few options to stay alive in a tough situation but maybe the extra barrel rolls will help (my gut says no). Sure the scoundrel has new feats to stay alive but they seem more appropriate in a 1v1 (extra life steal, mediocre deflect bonuses). I dont think ITC should have the immunity removed as in my opinion, ITC is our trade off for having no lock-down stuns (dazes are different). If ITC is nerfed then change the 'concussive strikes' CC to a stun or change the capstone (skullcracker) daze to a stun (probably more appropriate)


    -....there is none

    Executioner: Not much to say on this. Like the description says, this is a one shot class. You go into stealth and drop lashing with all the bonuses that go with it. Thats it. I can see this being the most easy to use path to get kills in pvp.

    -"Roll with the punches" Maximum should be atleast another 5% deflect, 2.5% is a bit on the low side especially if your going for an all out "tank" rogue. My thoughts are seeing as how the exec gets a 15% extra crit severity in the same level feat, why not bring this defensive feat up in line with this?

    -Life steals: seems okay, stack it with gear and you have a potent life steal rating, "bloody brawler" maybe increase to 1% per point?

    -Mocking gesture: You enter stealth and get a 10% deflect? where is the logic in combining two survivabilty mechanics. wouldnt it make more sense to get the extra deflect when you come out of stealth?

    -Concussive strikes: If ITC is nerfed then change the 'concussive strikes' CC to a stun or change the capstone (skullcracker) daze to a stun (probably more appropriate)
  • tabasqtabasq Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Serve not know why they have changes that have been introduced on the server test.
    Currently, TR can maintain invisibility virtually without hitting mobs for 24 / h to the
    the Gloaming Cut does not remove the invisibility and it adds. These changes weaken again in PVE making TR
    that the TAB is useless because at-will power (without Gloaming Cut) reduce the level of invisibility to 2-3 sec.
    A further weakening of the PVE TR is to remove feats increasing power Duelist Flurry and Critical Teamwork.
    This reduces the chance of criticism by 5% and the power of criticism by 15% (Tr under the invisibility is guaranteed criticism). Another weakness is
    nerf impossible to Catch up to 50%. Of course I understand that TR is increased Dps, but what good is that if Tr under PVE
    lose almost completely invisibility, a lot of criticism, and the ability with which increases its survival for PVE.
    All these changes would be good if they enter them only on PVP because if you will be introduced also for PVE
    instead strengthen the TR only weaken it. In exchange for slightly increased Dps, TR receives less criticism, lack of invisibility and a lower survival rate for PVE.
    TR PVE play for over a year and I ask you do not do this to me .... it will destroy TR PVE
  • sabiwensabiwen Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    Duelist Furry
    This attack is now way to slow, considering it can't be used while in stealth.

    I would suggested making the entire speed of the Duelist Furry attack sequence, to include the first 2 slow slices, 2 times as fast. Then I would reduce the damage by 40%. Not 50%, because then it still wouldn't be worthwhile over Gloaming Cut. Gloaming Cut currently has more damage, more survivability, and more usefulness (replenishes stealth).
  • vitaliy1717vitaliy1717 Member Posts: 55
    edited October 2014
    I think: devs still try balance unbalanced (PVE and PVP). :mad:
    1. Drain stealth from at-wills (or other method) maybe good for PVP. But not PvE ! Btw, i not see big problem with perma-stealth tr-s, but...
    2. Nerf ItC ? Why ??? TR have low defense and no stealth now. How survive ? Especially in fight with hi-AoE boss ??? Go away and fight with small mobs ? But TR single-target char (at least I thought so before).
    3. Increased damage Executioner tree. I no complain about low dmg before. But, again, devs try make one-shot bomb for PVP (fast kill one from stealth, then die) ?
    OneHalf (15,5 TR)
    Diana (15,4 DC)
    BigHalf (15,5 GF)
  • vynergyvynergy Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Good Evening Gentlemen,

    I've registered myself few moments ago. First off: i played quite some mmos before and started playing nw about two months ago. My playstyle naturally puts me into the rogue corner, Trickster Rogue respectively. I sucked in as much information as i could, with all the math, posts, patch history of past months and so on and jumped right into the game.

    This is not a competitive PvP Game, but a game with PvP functionality. I started PvPing right after lvl 10 all the way to 60 into high gs branches. There is no real balance between the classes, let a lone a simple matchmaking system, which would prevent putting me or others 80% of the time vs players with a much higher gs (despite things like Vorpals not counting towards total GS - lel). This being said, this game has no competitive PvP, thus the idea of balancing classes around PvP is as ridiculous as building water dams in central Africa.

    The TR doesn't feel like the class it should be. This class feels clunky and restricive during the movement around, between and towards targets. The way damage is applied is way to unresponsive and even buggy sometimes. I could go on for pages, but the end of the line is: the lack of mobility is not only blocking the fun of playing such a class but also handicapping the overall performance (dungeons, etc.) in relativity to other classes. Mechanics for gap closing, evading or general survivability are not only lacking but also a joke compared to other classes (well, maybe except clerics).

    Upcoming changes:
    Filling back some (!) damage to a damage oriented class is not a ****ing change, but a necessity. Acting like pulling off a revelation by puring damage into a dps class is like being surprised by cops in police station. I don't know how much your class designers get paid but if i would be your boss, i would fire your assess out of this universe.

    This whole "trickster thing" is definitely not a balancing issue. It is business as usual like in other mmos, where devs mostly have their favorite class (probably cw here) or listen to all the 12 year olds who flood the forums with rivers of tears, because their fragile heart can't stand the fact that another class is able to nuke their asses into another dimension or be as good as them. Just remember the infinite cries of agony in early days of WoW, where all the kids spammed the forums "there be invisiblez roguezings, momy needs holdingz handz cuz i shat pants during playingz". Same here. CWs stading like the useless Eifel Tower they are in the middle of nowhere and "uh uh, i had to move, sorry, nerf stealth, cuz i need to see things which i nuke from 2Km away, otherwise this gaem is not balanced".

    I don't know, what's more funny. The fact that tricksters will be still gimped, even if you pour damage over them or the fact that everyone acts like this is some kind of balancing issue.

    ** the 10/14 changes just prove my point. GFs, CWs running tears, just dropped a normal skill from 99% effectivity to 60%. Keep going.

  • essentiessenti Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 303 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I loaded up a level low level TR on the preview server to see how the current changes impact play while LEVELING a TR.

    Feedback: Low Level Rogue

    At low levels, at-will depletion makes stealth much more situational. The increased damage from the new feat trees obviously doesn’t apply for low level rogues. Survivability is more out of line for low level rogues than I believe was intended. I’ve found that I needed to use significantly more potions while running through the standard content (Tower District). The reduced survivability is not terrible, but I think low level rogues need some attention. I look forward to testing again when the dodge changes hit the test server. Sneak attack passive power is still completely useless for rogues before level 10… and offers little utility until much higher levels.

    Feedback: Feat-> Battlewise (reduced threat)
    This heroic feat remains fairly useless and could be replaced with a speed boost instead. Rogues should have an option to be fleet of foot and able to re-position quickly on the battlefield, that is not tied to stealth.

    Suggestion: A replacement feat (perhaps Speedy Response from the Martial Power book?) increases the rogues movement speed by X percent per rank, this speed boost is tripled while in combat. This would replace both Battlewise and the Sneak Attack bonus to speed.

    Feedback: Passive Power-> Sneak Attack
    Sneak attack is useless when rogues first obtain it, since they have NO access to stealth. Additionally, Sneak Attack should give rogues an opportunity to deal high critical damage regardless of stealth.

    Suggestion: Sneak Attack now offers 100% critical chance while attacking a target from behind. With this passive power Rogues can use positioning and teamwork to improve damage while out of stealth. Low level rogues would now have a high crit chance after using deft strike. This would still be useful at higher levels. For instance, a rogue can use stealth to get into position, start a duelist flurry, and actually do some decent damage even when stealth ends, if the Player/NPC doesn’t turn to face them. Each rank adds some critical severity for the sneak attack damage. This also makes walking straight away while dazed a potentially bad idea.
    Campaign - Trail of the Imaskarcana (NWS-DMFG77QOF)
    • A Mere Expedition! (NW-DIAAPG3S4)
    • Work In Progress on Part 2
  • topynokattivotopynokattivo Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    Dodge distance should not be changed. More distance means more time to reposition in melee after rolling away from a red circle. In turn, this means less time on target, less damage output and combat effectiveness. Please either leave dodge distance unchanged or give a relevant movement speed buff for the following 2 seconds.

    Stealth is becoming an even more precious resource, so it has to be actually valuable: it should not be possible to target the TR while in stealth. Would also be good if the recharge rate was a bit faster and less influenced by damage taken.
  • lwedarlwedar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 790 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    Dodge distance should not be changed. More distance means more time to reposition in melee after rolling away from a red circle. In turn, this means less time on target, less damage output and combat effectiveness. Please either leave dodge distance unchanged or give a relevant movement speed buff for the following 2 seconds.

    Stealth is becoming an even more precious resource, so it has to be actually valuable: it should not be possible to target the TR while in stealth. Would also be good if the recharge rate was a bit faster and less influenced by damage taken.

    I love the idea of a speed boost for 2 seconds after a dodge roll. Would add some more utility for both offense and defense.
    "we all love this game and want it to thrive"
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    i will try to tell what happened:
    i was fighting a BIS gwf with my TR now specced Saboteur, me having about a bit more than 30k left.
    stealth----> jump around ----> stealthed ITC ----> im unstealthed with ITC on

    > one shotted by his Savage advance!

    i had not ACT active and someone was using a dot based enchant so it was impossible for me to track down but things are either two:
    1) or ITC is really over nerfed
    2) or ITC is still bugged, i mean sometimes you dont deflect/ you get CCed in the very first second of the skill.
  • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    rayrdan wrote: »
    i will try to tell what happened:
    i was fighting a BIS gwf with my TR now specced Saboteur, me having about a bit more than 30k left.
    stealth----> jump around ----> stealthed ITC ----> im unstealthed with ITC on

    > one shotted by his Savage advance!

    i had not ACT active and someone was using a dot based enchant so it was impossible for me to track down but things are either two:
    1) or ITC is really over nerfed
    2) or ITC is still bugged, i mean sometimes you dont deflect/ you get CCed in the very first second of the skill.

    (Confirmed) the same thing happened to me.

    The problem is if you activate encounter: impossible to catch, while you are being attacked (at the exact moment of any impact), the encounter: imposible to catch, will bug and not activate. Even when it is active you can be one shotted by GWF now. Tested for many hours with the same result as you. ITC can only be used as a (I am going to "attepmt" to break out of your CC, but please do not hit me as I "attepmt" to escape your CC, or my skill will bug and I will die) omg omg nothings going to save me now move.
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
  • suddenlyslowsuddenlyslow Member Posts: 818 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I am still a bit confused. If the intent to make "perma stealth harder to play" I am thinking some more tuning is yet needed. With these changes it seems that with the current survivability issues one is prompted even more to take the perma stealth way as it has comparable damage and superior survivability (compared to the other trees). Now it could be my play style and of course the changes are yet early in development but I am not finding it more difficult (necessarily), only slightly different in how I deliver my damage. I never cared for perma stealth before but I am finding that for solo play it is certainly superior now to the other trees in damage and survivability (not that survivability is always an issue but in many places it is).

    Is anyone else finding it "only different" (a bit funner) and not really "more difficult"? I find the other paths fun but fun in the sort of challenging play I enjoy where I am thinking "Oh <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> I am getting my <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> handed to me, run, dodge, hide, attack, run".
  • gentlemancrushgentlemancrush Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 445 Cryptic Developer
    edited October 2014
    ah.. today in live stream gentleman crush said that the 50% damage resistance will be plus 50% of our current damage resistance.. not 50% added on to our current resistance.. so if you have 28% damage reisistance then you will have a total of 28% + 14%(50% of 28%) for a total of 42% damage resist. No wonder I was still getting one shotted by GWF lol

    Actually that was in reply to Astral Shield. ITC is still adding to your DR linearly. If you have 30% DR and activate ITC from stealth you will have 80%.
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    thanks for clarifying that gentlemancrush.
    some people have mentioned having trouble with the skill though, being oneshoted while using it. (and not in the first second after activation)
  • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Actually that was in reply to Astral Shield. ITC is still adding to your DR linearly. If you have 30% DR and activate ITC from stealth you will have 80%.

    huge thumbs up!

    Last issue I found for Sab tree for tr's
    Shadowy Opportunity: When you deal damage from stealth you deal an additional 15/30/45/60/75% of your weapon damage as Piercing Damage. Piercing Damage cannot be deflected and ignores defenses.

    1) when I have this feat active, from stealth, not in combat mode, and I use path of the blades - I give myself damage.
    2) when I have this feat active, from stealth, and I use deft strike on an ally or NPC in town - I give them damage.
    3) when I have this feat active, from stealth, and I use bait and switch - I give myself damage
    4) when I have this feat active, from stealth, and I use other skills - I give myself damage or other friend people damage
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
  • alexsperlingzalexsperlingz Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Feedback: Dodge
    I think the TR should not roll farther, but shorter and the bar should be consumed like 25% for one dodge (like the HR). Maybe you could make it like this: Dodge not that far and the stamina bar is consumed by 25% for one roll. not in combat mode: roll farther.
    It would be also nice if the dodge effect would be pimped somehow :D i mean if the TR could "teleport". look at "loki" from Smite. the dodge should look like a teleport --> roll becomes port --> very cool

    Feedback: Everything else
    Everything else sounds okay for me. BUT please: the TR just got buffed and just because some squishy CW flame because they get 1 shotted (they do the same on the TR) don't nerf the TR please.

    anyways, thanks
  • hadukhanhadukhan Member Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Impossible to Catch: Leave it as it was.

    Stealth Depletion: Leave it as it was. (encounters only)

    ^ this with all the other modifications to the TR class would be a suitable change, but as it stands you are taking too much from the class and not giving back enough to compensate. Stealth is the rogues main mechanic for dealing damage AND survivability. I mean you wouldnt nerf the control wizards ability to control or the gaurdian fighters ability to hold up their shield or GWF Determination etc... This is nerfing our classes MAIN ABILITY.

    Gear sets: There are a handful of TR gearsets that give nice bonuses to stealth. (PVP sets, GG set etc.) These bonuses are now mediocre due to stealth running dry in a few seconds.
  • crusherbeastcrusherbeast Member Posts: 426 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    vynergy wrote: »
    Good Evening Gentlemen,

    I've registered myself few moments ago. First off: i played quite some mmos before and started playing nw about two months ago. My playstyle naturally puts me into the rogue corner, Trickster Rogue respectively. I sucked in as much information as i could, with all the math, posts, patch history of past months and so on and jumped right into the game.

    This is not a competitive PvP Game, but a game with PvP functionality. I started PvPing right after lvl 10 all the way to 60 into high gs branches. There is no real balance between the classes, let a lone a simple matchmaking system, which would prevent putting me or others 80% of the time vs players with a much higher gs (despite things like Vorpals not counting towards total GS - lel). This being said, this game has no competitive PvP, thus the idea of balancing classes around PvP is as ridiculous as building water dams in central Africa.

    The TR doesn't feel like the class it should be. This class feels clunky and restricive during the movement around, between and towards targets. The way damage is applied is way to unresponsive and even buggy sometimes. I could go on for pages, but the end of the line is: the lack of mobility is not only blocking the fun of playing such a class but also handicapping the overall performance (dungeons, etc.) in relativity to other classes. Mechanics for gap closing, evading or general survivability are not only lacking but also a joke compared to other classes (well, maybe except clerics).

    Upcoming changes:
    Filling back some (!) damage to a damage oriented class is not a ****ing change, but a necessity. Acting like pulling off a revelation by puring damage into a dps class is like being surprised by cops in police station. I don't know how much your class designers get paid but if i would be your boss, i would fire your assess out of this universe.

    This whole "trickster thing" is definitely not a balancing issue. It is business as usual like in other mmos, where devs mostly have their favorite class (probably cw here) or listen to all the 12 year olds who flood the forums with rivers of tears, because their fragile heart can't stand the fact that another class is able to nuke their asses into another dimension or be as good as them. Just remember the infinite cries of agony in early days of WoW, where all the kids spammed the forums "there be invisiblez roguezings, momy needs holdingz handz cuz i shat pants during playingz". Same here. CWs stading like the useless Eifel Tower they are in the middle of nowhere and "uh uh, i had to move, sorry, nerf stealth, cuz i need to see things which i nuke from 2Km away, otherwise this gaem is not balanced".

    I don't know, what's more funny. The fact that tricksters will be still gimped, even if you pour damage over them or the fact that everyone acts like this is some kind of balancing issue.

    ** the 10/14 changes just prove my point. GFs, CWs running tears, just dropped a normal skill from 99% effectivity to 60%. Keep going.

    That is all true. The biggest victim of this is TR. TR was the best terminator of CW and since CW has the most backup from company and players there was too big battue. Well i have idea how to balance this situation by very simple solution ingame. It would cause that CW would always require other classes to finish instances and also balance pve for good. Problem is that there are people who won't allow it. Well i would say how but it would break rule: Do not discuss moderation. So... When it comes to class balance i was saying it for a long time. CW has no right to be equal with other classes in pvp when they are as they are in pve. And now they are best in both pve and pvp(maybe hr is a bit better in pvp) which is the best evidence of how serious class balance is taken.
    Tairev-TR(All kind of killing tools)
    Asha-DC(Faithful-Anointed Champion)
  • drpein09drpein09 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    i worry about the lack of stealth mentioned. Rouges aren't as durable as other classes, and rely heavily on stealth to keep them selves alive. My point is less stealth fine, but compensate with the crits, and high deflec chance
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