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Daigotsu: Scourge Warlock Guide, by "Leeroy Jenkins" of GWF Fame... ;)



  • mrshabokmrshabok Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    Yeah that sounds about right. I noticed Essence Defiler damage is better with lostmauth set. Thanks for confirming. That's a painful amount of DPS lost. I wonder if any other class has this issue with any of their encounters? Definitely seems that Soulbinder is more or less built around crits, and stacking that will net you the most benefit.
    3.5k HB Temptation -- Dread Legion
    Xbox GT -- Mr Shabok
    My Guide
  • ftrydaftryda Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    I found same issue as Kolatmaster. Mind you I am on xbox so it is much harder to obtain quantitative results, however if you can "feel" a difference in play then it is likely significant. In theory any set bonus that can proc more frequently would be of greater value. Which should be easy since TT and DT (huge powers of ours) do not proc values and I have found (on xbox at least) that a proc of a 0 lostmauth vengeance in some instances due to certain power/curse/debuff interactions will actually negate my TT splash damage of Soul Scorch and some other powers. Again, it is really hard to tell on xbox if this is the case or if I am just missing something. End result so far is that I just avoid DT if I am running with protective support classes and I use HG as much as possible because the spark gain from procing the lostmauth set outweighs the negative affects thus far. This allows for increased use of soul scorch and also the more frequent damage increase due to having more sparks more often (if chose that feat). So even if you die a little inside everytime, it's still helping your overall output.
    4000 iL Scourge Warlock
    Well Endowed (Xbox)
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    lolset procs by HG in case you WC-WB target or TT target
    HG, if it crits, gives you 14 sparks having lolset and one spark having no lolset, as far as I remmeber
    HS crit will proc 6 sparks no matter using lolset or not
    both proc. lolsetbonus when TT or WC-WB combination (prevents WC from being consumed--like a persitent WC, TT is obviously treated as a permamnet WC in itself
    thats why a crit from HG, wearing lolset, being fury and having the target cursed as obove is very effective because synergy from spark gain and damage is nice
    so in bossfights having adds involved i do TT-HG-DT (more sparks)- spam SS
    single target WC-WB-HG-SS + immolation spirits
    you also can try TT HS-HG-spam SS, may work also since more sparks, but i guess spirits are better in damage and spark generation so I prefer WC-WB for "permacurse" and HG+SS
  • mrshabokmrshabok Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    @schietindebux Those are my current boss rotations as well and I find it to be very effecrive (fury on xbox). I just think it's a little ridiculous that our bread and butter main source of DPS in TT + DT does not proc lolset whereas other classes like GWF go super saiyan. Trash mobs are mostly the problem, however the issue is that they are basically dead by the time I get the chance to nail them with anything significant. I'm considering switching dungeon trash rotation to my soloing one of TT- FB - DT - KF just do I can actually do some burst.

    @ftryda I've noticed that any orange splash damage I get from TT + DT is always a 0. I feel your pain. Going through combat logs on Xbox is cumbersome at best. 7 adds getting splash means 7 sets of orange 0's at a machine gun pace :'(
    3.5k HB Temptation -- Dread Legion
    Xbox GT -- Mr Shabok
    My Guide
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    Greetings all!

    It's time I introduced you to the newest craze in the world of the Scourge Warlock... The Ninja'lock!

    What do I mean by "Ninja'lock"? I mean exactly what you think, a SW who slips in and out of visibility/reality and nukes his enemies. Basically you use the Ring of Ambush and just BAMF(!) out of stealth and go all Pulp Fiction on the bad guys booty's like this:

    Firstly, I would recommend not trying the following things w/o a +3 or higher, as a +3 gets you into stealth in 3 seconds, +4 at 2 seconds and +5 at 1 second.

    Secondly, how does this work exactly? Basically the Ring of Ambush is stupid good, and yes I'm referring to PvE here, as the bad guys are truly blind as bats.

    1. You can walk up and walk as close to bad guys as you want, and all they'll do is look around with a ? mark about their heads.

    2. You can be engaged with an enemy and just start moving to have the stealth trigger and the auto deaggro the dumb bad guys!

    3. We can even use some powers while moving... What powers you may ask? Cursing, Dreadtheft, Immolation Spirits, and if you get super good at it you can even pause very briefly and fire off a single shot of Essence Defiler or Hadar's Grasp, then use Shadow Walk once the power fires off. That is super tricky, and I'm still working on it myself.

    4. You can go where ever your want to go, free of hassle from baddies, as long as you stay moving.

    5. Applications for PvP are pretty darn obvious, so expound upon them as you see fit.

    6. It gives your summoned companion the chance to really grab aggro for when you want to stop moving and spam some Soul Scorches!

    Really, it's the new hawtness and you should try it out ASAP. Honestly no idea how long the Ambush Ring will work as it does, but hey, have fun with it while you can! It really helps in surviving, particularly soloing...

    Plus you can drink the sweet, delicious tears of the TRs who wish their Stealth was as awesome as ours!

    Note: TRs can of course use the Ambush Ring themselves if they so choose. lol

    So just give it a try, as I am positive your reaction will be exactly like mine:

    Post edited by kolatmaster on
  • benistvanbenistvan Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    I am also trying out Dark Revelry not just party but even for my personal dps.
    With shadow demon/zhentarim procs my power can reach 40-50k+ and 20% of it is high.

    Imho its probably better than keeping both Internal wrath and helltouched.

    But I think I keep helltouched instead as in Dragonflight runs I am pretty much damaged periodically.
    Infernal wrath is also not bad with high crit its always up probably.
  • niadanniadan Member Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    Hey Orion, do you come out of stealth when you take damage?
  • mrshabokmrshabok Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    Sweet, I'm grabbing those rings as soon as Mod 8 is out for us XB1 folk. @benistvan @kolatmaster Have either of you seen an improvement in PvE DPS by taking Dark Revelry over Helltouched, Infernal Wrath, and Murderous Flames? I keep going back and forth on this and I'd like to know how much of a difference it actually makes in your opinion. I never use KF unless soloing anyway.
    3.5k HB Temptation -- Dread Legion
    Xbox GT -- Mr Shabok
    My Guide
  • fernuufernuu Member Posts: 453 Arc User
    @mrshabok well there is one thing I missed a lot while using Dark Revelry - Morderous Flames.

    1.825.300 Killing Flames + 11.398.000 Morderous Flames + 1.277.630 Executioner's Gift = 14.500.930 total from one encounter :D Too bad I haven't Fire from Wheel active then - it would be another few milions :)

    Mod 10:
    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Killing Flames deals 16636893 (1009292) Fire Damage to Ethraniev Marrowslake.

    Mod 9:
    [Combat (Self)] Your Murderous Flames deals 376274433 (18876929) Fire Damage to Red Tiamat Head.
  • mrshabokmrshabok Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    Hm, that's a pretty hefty portion! Maybe I'll stick with what I have for now for a little while and practice mechanics and rotations more. I noticed from your videos @fernuu that you use FB/KF/DT. Is the reasoning behind this that our DoT's are less effective on mobs that die super fast, and FB/KF are the best burst damage encounters?

    Edit: I really wish we could do a dump/parse like that on xbox. That would be fantastic.
    3.5k HB Temptation -- Dread Legion
    Xbox GT -- Mr Shabok
    My Guide
  • fernuufernuu Member Posts: 453 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    @mrshabok well sometimes indeed I use FB/KF/DT - mostly on trash mobs. Both FB/KF (with MF) are as you mentioned nice burst damage encounters + they are AoE. Combined with TT they're really effective. Those mobs die fast so CD or SS with curse consume can't proc. On the other hand - I don't use my sparks then (no SS) so I keep my damage increased from feats and I have better healing from BT.

    Still - HG/KF/SS will do more damage on them, but their potential is wasted in T2 dungeons (still works fine in Tiamat/eDemo).

    Mod 10:
    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Killing Flames deals 16636893 (1009292) Fire Damage to Ethraniev Marrowslake.

    Mod 9:
    [Combat (Self)] Your Murderous Flames deals 376274433 (18876929) Fire Damage to Red Tiamat Head.
  • mrshabokmrshabok Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    @fernuu Yeah I'm very happy so far with the results from WB/HG/SS on single targets. It's the trash/elite mobs that always die too fast. I've used the FB/KF/DT combo while soloing ever since I started playing, and I agree they are very effective. I tried out HG/DT/SS the other day during eToS and it seemed decent on certain mobs and kind of a waste on others. Ideally, I'd quickly swap encounters based upon the type of mob I'm about to face. I think elite mobs would have the hp pool to make HG/SS worth while, but the DoT gains vs burst damage from FB/KF still may not be worth it. Also, switching encounters constantly is time consuming and cumbersome. Maybe on elites it would be better to have HG instead of FB? So TT - HG - KF - DT - KF - HG or something like that...
    3.5k HB Temptation -- Dread Legion
    Xbox GT -- Mr Shabok
    My Guide
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    benistvan said:

    But I think I keep helltouched instead as in Dragonflight runs I am pretty much damaged periodically.
    Infernal wrath is also not bad with high crit its always up probably.

    I don't see either one as a clear cut choice above the other, so do as you will... :)
    niadan said:

    Hey Orion, do you come out of stealth when you take damage?

    Nope. As long as you keep moving, you stay in stealth, and can even deaggro from baddies who are currently attacking you!
    mrshabok said:

    Have either of you seen an improvement in PvE DPS by taking Dark Revelry over Helltouched, Infernal Wrath, and Murderous Flames?

    As Fernuu kindly pointed out, it is most definitely less DPS and that is the sacrifice you make for more party utility.

    I still use Killing Flames in Dragon/Demo fights though, as it's still really good. :)

  • niadanniadan Member Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    Thanks for the answer on the stealth ring. I also have the 4K power ring and can time my first strike while in stealth to gain the advantage of the 4k power buff. Sweet fun combo.
  • nisckisnisckis Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 655 Arc User
    fernuu said:

    @mrshabok well there is one thing I missed a lot while using Dark Revelry - Morderous Flames.

    1.825.300 Killing Flames + 11.398.000 Morderous Flames + 1.277.630 Executioner's Gift = 14.500.930 total from one encounter :D Too bad I haven't Fire from Wheel active then - it would be another few milions :)

    If Murderous Flames does 30% of Killing Flames damage, how did a 1.825.300 Killing Flames a total of 11.398.000 Murderous Flames?

    What kind of black magic is this?
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    nisckis said:

    What kind of black magic is this?

  • mrshabokmrshabok Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    I have no idea. Maybe TT helped it out? There is no reliable correlation between tooltips in the game vs actual results. Like you said, black magic!
    3.5k HB Temptation -- Dread Legion
    Xbox GT -- Mr Shabok
    My Guide
  • fernuufernuu Member Posts: 453 Arc User
    Most of times it does 30%. There was no TT on dragon, nor WB.

    Mod 10:
    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Killing Flames deals 16636893 (1009292) Fire Damage to Ethraniev Marrowslake.

    Mod 9:
    [Combat (Self)] Your Murderous Flames deals 376274433 (18876929) Fire Damage to Red Tiamat Head.
  • mrshabokmrshabok Member Posts: 210 Arc User

    3.5k HB Temptation -- Dread Legion
    Xbox GT -- Mr Shabok
    My Guide
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    fernuu said:

    Most of times it does 30%. There was no TT on dragon, nor WB.

    Its a bug fernu ask snoo about it, he told me he knows how it works.
  • btfdbtfd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    Why don't you tell us? @thefabricant

  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    mrshabok said:


    I approve this message.

  • nisckisnisckis Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 655 Arc User
    mrshabok said:

    I have no idea. Maybe TT helped it out? There is no reliable correlation between tooltips in the game vs actual results. Like you said, black magic!

    That black magic explains why sometimes the whole rival party from eCC just melted down with TT under a KF

    It's Magic
  • fernuufernuu Member Posts: 453 Arc User

    fernuu said:

    Most of times it does 30%. There was no TT on dragon, nor WB.

    Its a bug fernu ask snoo about it, he told me he knows how it works.
    Actually he doesn't - we talked about it 2 days ago. He just knows that it's a bug :D

    Mod 10:
    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Killing Flames deals 16636893 (1009292) Fire Damage to Ethraniev Marrowslake.

    Mod 9:
    [Combat (Self)] Your Murderous Flames deals 376274433 (18876929) Fire Damage to Red Tiamat Head.
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    fernuu said:

    fernuu said:

    Most of times it does 30%. There was no TT on dragon, nor WB.

    Its a bug fernu ask snoo about it, he told me he knows how it works.
    Actually he doesn't - we talked about it 2 days ago. He just knows that it's a bug :D
    I stand corrected!
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User

    fernuu said:

    fernuu said:

    Most of times it does 30%. There was no TT on dragon, nor WB.

    Its a bug fernu ask snoo about it, he told me he knows how it works.
    Actually he doesn't - we talked about it 2 days ago. He just knows that it's a bug :D
    I stand corrected!

  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User

    fernuu said:

    fernuu said:

    Most of times it does 30%. There was no TT on dragon, nor WB.

    Its a bug fernu ask snoo about it, he told me he knows how it works.
    Actually he doesn't - we talked about it 2 days ago. He just knows that it's a bug :D
    I stand corrected!

    I know its a lil offtopic but I *think* you will let it slide :p

  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited January 2016

    fernuu said:

    fernuu said:

    Most of times it does 30%. There was no TT on dragon, nor WB.

    Its a bug fernu ask snoo about it, he told me he knows how it works.
    Actually he doesn't - we talked about it 2 days ago. He just knows that it's a bug :D
    I stand corrected!

    I know its a lil offtopic but I *think* you will let it slide :p


    Post edited by kolatmaster on
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    this morderous flame bug reminds me on my puppet , sacrificed, now I am in the tab spammer fraction...
    looks like buff related, same crazy mechanic as puppet being buffed :smile:
    same ill ammount of damage some OP´s deal vs the SH-dragons btw. but never saw anything inside a dungeon or on a dummy?
    what is the biggest ammount you dealt in DOM with KF+MF?
    the overall performance on a test dummy is very poor tbbh
    Post edited by schietindebux on
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited January 2016
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