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Please disable kicking after killing final boss.



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    borgcrusherborgcrusher Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    make a vote to remove votekick for the whole time the epic dungeon is on then simple
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    laks0nlaks0n Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Didn't even bother to read post page 3, all I Can see are suggestions how to screw over others and/or make more profit yourself. This system is realy giving you everything and beyond. Endgame items that aren't BoP, you can ding 60 and gear yourself completely. And you complain about greed. Yeah, greed is a good choice of words. 99% of random runs are 5 greedy people that are going there to try and make some AD, while they have a gear score that far outclasses that place. So you can be **** sure they aren't gonna let some greenie they are carrying to the chest anyway to get their loot. Just because the game lets you roll need, doesn't mean the party will. The OP just got greedy, thought he can swipe it from 4 other ppl, and he got slapped for it. If someone REALY wants a fix, there is only 1 way to do it: all drops are BoA, as it realy should be, or even BoP. I am sure it will happen eventualy, they just dont want to hit the community hard again so soon after they made keys BoA. If you want to gear up, cough up the AD and buy your stuff off AH. The votekick is as it should be, nobody realy kicks out of spite, and you can report them if a 4 man premade kicks you after final boss loot.
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    obsiddiaobsiddia Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,025 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    The fix has to be in the mechanics of the game. Certain points in the run should disable the voting.
    If the party has a legitimate grief they can wait. If the boss is dead, the vote is pure cheating.

    Reporting it does nothing. Pre-formed partial groups can do whatever they like,
    they can't get in trouble, and you're still out the item that you spent a half
    hour or so earning.
    Did you really think anyone could steal the power of the god of thieves?
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    vinceent1vinceent1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    dear apophis@apophis111. you made me kick out after you press need to prevent me i made a vote kick for you? you pathetic worm ....
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    iambecks1iambecks1 Member Posts: 4,044 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    vinceent1 wrote: »
    dear >Deleted<. you made me kick out after you press need to prevent me i made a vote kick for you? you pathetic worm ....

    You aren't allowed to name and shame on this forum.
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    suddenlyslowsuddenlyslow Member Posts: 818 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    vinceent1 wrote: »
    dear pos (name edited). you made me kick out after you press need to prevent me i made a vote kick for you? you pathetic worm ....

    That one is a notorious vote kicker. My first encounter with them was back in the day doing CT when leader could kick. After last boss kill they quickly booted the rest and had us all on ignore before we even zoned. This one often stalks me, appearing in dungeons I am in and the second they appear they start the vote kick on me. I have reported them numerous times and yet they still persist. Absolutely the most worthless player I have ever met.
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    sugarliessugarlies Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 99
    edited July 2014
    This "don't need" mentality was made by greedy people who are already geared. If I'm wearing a green or blue and the epic is far better me, I'll need. People who think it is fair that they all roll for it so they can sell it for a few thousand AD when it could greatly help improve performance for the player needing are just greedy <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. That is what the queue is there for, this is not a premade who is going there to farm so equal chance should be set.
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    query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    The simple solution is 2 rules. Make 'greed all' a loot option (OH Jesus please so I never have to spend half the delve spamming Shift2!) then disble vote kicks on final boss. Because the only legitimate reason to kick then is because some greedy !@%^W%$ decided to need on the epic.
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    galaxy1045galaxy1045 Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    sugarlies wrote: »
    This "don't need" mentality was made by greedy people who are already geared. If I'm wearing a green or blue and the epic is far better me, I'll need. People who think it is fair that they all roll for it so they can sell it for a few thousand AD when it could greatly help improve performance for the player needing are just greedy <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. That is what the queue is there for, this is not a premade who is going there to farm so equal chance should be set.
    True enough. But on the other hand that premade aslo makes it possible that you reach your target (=DD chest) within a quarter of the time and that the boss is killed on the 1st attempt and without much fuzz.
    Your average 10k PUG for SP takes 1h+ to complete and most probably will dissolve on the way to the desired chest, where you might find the piece you want.

    If you are wearing greens into an epic dungeon you might want to spend hundred (100) AD on the AH for a blue version of the item you are wearing.
    Nevertheless, if it was made clear from the beginning by said "premade" that its a greed run you should have spoken up before and left the group.
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    veshorokveshorok Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 127 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    as i believe nearly every pug has his own scale of greediness

    after making 100+ runs in vt (random groups mostly) for the first time i saw crown dropped - i was immediately kicked lol Suppose being a paingiver meant targeting me first. ah, whatever
    ok, ppl are greedy, that's it. now i just show and explain to my guildies vt run =)

    actually this is not the first and only online game where ppl trying to benefit at the expense of others.
    disabling kicking during+after boss fight seems solving the ongoing issue. hope the situation will be improved
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    sugarliessugarlies Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 99
    edited July 2014
    galaxy1045 wrote: »
    If you are wearing greens into an epic dungeon you might want to spend hundred (100) AD on the AH for a blue version of the item you are wearing.

    I did this on my CW alt. Queued up while still in greens and blues. A below 10k GS CW still does more damage than any other pug in Random Dungeon. I didn't buy gear like I did on my main on purpose.

    People who wish greed runs should run greed runs, not expect it from a Random Dungeon. The NEED BEFORE GREED system is not something Neverwinter invented and has a purpose and a meaning and a reason for it being default. FYI, it is not normal nor fun to gear up through selling things, the normal is to gear up through dungeon drops. Buying a tier item feels like you did not earn it, no matter how many times you ran the dungeon that was supposed to drop it.

    And has anyone ever thought of the new player? The one for whom everything is so much more expensive than it used to be? The one who should get lucky twice in a dungeon to actually gear up a little bit? The one who sees people ask for 14k GS on trade? It's all about getting richer, there's a reason it's called GREED.

    Maybe I don't even know your language when I run the dungeon with you and you try to impose your made up rules on me. I know what the system tells me, which says - if an item is good for you and you need it, you can need it. Who do you think you are to tell people the game is wrong and you are right?
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    sugarliessugarlies Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 99
    edited July 2014
    charononus wrote: »
    MMO behavior has really gone downhill. It used to be this would get you blacklisted by the entire server. Now we have people defending it on forums.

    It's quite funny. In a RANDOM dungeon, where the rules are set in place by the game and not by you, you would only blacklisted people who need on things they do not actually need. Think about it. "So this tank with a blue shield needed on this epic shield which was better than his; he should have greeded, the bast.ard, so my healer could have a chance to sell it". How does that sound to you?
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    galaxy1045galaxy1045 Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    sugarlies wrote: »
    Maybe I don't even know your language when I run the dungeon with you and you try to impose your made up rules on me. I know what the system tells me, which says - if an item is good for you and you need it, you can need it. Who do you think you are to tell people the game is wrong and you are right?
    Apart from the language barrier - you don't talk to me I guess you are a bot and I leave you ASAP - if we agree on a greed run I take your word for it.
    If we don't agree on a greed run I might leave the party at the start of the dungeon. Would this meet your consent?
    I have no problem with need runs as such, but I've seen a few "I need this for my class" just to see the item from the needy player 10 minutes later on the AH.

    Gear & items should become BtC if they are won with a "Need" roll. Easy solution, hard to get across to Cryptic.
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    galaxy1045galaxy1045 Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    sugarlies wrote: »
    It's quite funny. In a RANDOM dungeon, where the rules are set in place by the game and not by you, you would only blacklisted people who need on things they do not actually need. Think about it. "So this tank with a blue shield needed on this epic shield which was better than his; he should have greeded, the bast.ard, so my healer could have a chance to sell it". How does that sound to you?
    A CW's HV helmet sells for 800k to 1000k AD
    wheras the GF's Helm of the Grand Regent sells for below 200k, Timeless for even less.

    There is no "fair" in this game. If we can not meet a mutual agreement about the loot, we most probably will not be happy in the end and disband the party.

    Nevertheless, kicking is a big no. We might agree on that.
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    charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    sugarlies wrote: »
    It's quite funny. In a RANDOM dungeon, where the rules are set in place by the game and not by you, you would only blacklisted people who need on things they do not actually need. Think about it. "So this tank with a blue shield needed on this epic shield which was better than his; he should have greeded, the bast.ard, so my healer could have a chance to sell it". How does that sound to you?

    That would be fine if it was btc. Every game I've ever played in the past ten years if it was boe and could be sold you did not need it unless you wanted to be known as a ninja.
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    exis1996exis1996 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    BY the way im new on this **** Forum, best forum EU and world. MY question is: wtf im doing, when i cant open a chest and a GM cant answer me what can i do? Ím EierAusHolz in Game and sry for my English.
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