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Official Feedback Thread: Hunter Ranger Changes



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    mircalla83mircalla83 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 36
    edited August 2014
    rayrdan wrote: »
    At this point delete WM and put something to gain 25 per cent control resist and 25 per cent deflect severity. As it stays right now those are 5 points wasted.
    To be fair i would rather run archery and GG

    This should be a T4 Feat then, with Battle Crazed moved to T3 at increased (x2) magnitude, to make it part of the 'core identity' of the Feat Line.
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    thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    After testing Archer I see what i asssume is s bug about Pray. Thorn ward always applies prey to first target it hits. even if target was out of zone. BUT it does not reaply it second targe if first one is killed or not. Only first one atacked.
    Rain of Arrow only applies pray if target was directly covered by it in first play. No sure if I could ever apply Pray after combat start. Even if I put it on target directly. Also Rain of Arrow does not applies pray if target comes into the zone. First or not. It triggers only if it is put execly on target


    Archer seem pretty good for pve. But lack of controll effects it alot - you have to keep distance and having both fox and Mara is 2/3 range encounters. A bit too much if you want to take advantage of Pray and distance damage increase. And thoose pve monsters are fast ) I m not used to play as Archer but first thing I d say is needed is more control to Archer. Just to keep agro.
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    gabrieldourdengabrieldourden Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,212 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I don´t see any reason why WM should apply only to attacks within a certain range. It is the main defensive tool of the Combat ranger. Should he die to ranged attackers? They already have the range advantage, why should they get another one?
    Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
    Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
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    sokolnichiysokolnichiy Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Tested my HR Half Elf on preview. Went full melee stormwarden.

    What i got was undying bladedancer. And me no joking. with one slash of an encounter i heal myself for 1/4 of my total hitpoits which are 24k.

    Then i thought it could be interesting to test new archer spec with Pathfinder paragon cause this one is a bit better for archers as far as i think. Rrolled....

    Hm... what i think is that archery spec suffers much from Split Shot nerf cause it is only aoe shot HR got..so it was dang wrong to nerf it....otherwise devs could make RoA radius larger (much larger) but initial damage of this power 10-15% can be reduced.

    So i had to focus on using tornward and a couple of fast shots and using slashing ancle to root mobs when close to me leaving them stand in torn ward area to die.

    Then i thought....hm maybe i could do even better with Drow race hunter archer. Rerolled.....and i was dang much surprised when drow ranger archer gor steamrolled my dwarven shield bashers and hammerswingers in dwarven valley....at the same time half elf HR survived way better agains em....don't get the point of difference but will test again today.

    And in pvp i suppose the best choice is human HR Pathfinder again in meleee spec ofcourse. Cause slashers mark can do about 50k critical hit with vorpal. For some lads in open pvp area this one is way deadly and if cast from ambush it is like being freight train.
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    stah01stah01 Member Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    GC and Devs,

    Is the current state of HR's the final product we will see on production servers? Just curious, we havent heard much from you guys in over a week. Would love an update either way.

    To entice a response, I leave you with Tiamat.. dont rage her.

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    sygfried94sygfried94 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 264 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2014
    marnival wrote: »

    Dont you understand how OP it is to be able to beat the best class 1-1 have tons of group utilitys deacent aoe etc etc= take a good look at your own class before you go yapping your total nonsence without consern for any group mechanics what so ever.

    Sorry mate but you are either pure dumb and are just unable to see a larget picture or (whish for your sake I hope) shoose to ignore the it because your need to feel mighty in a game is so important to you that you troll every forum with nerfs so you can feel better .....
    It has been said before - stay in your classforum with feedbacks you dont belong here and you made it extreamly clear to us....

    Sorry but it is you that doesn't see the whole picture. have a god class in one aspect of the game is exacly what dev are trying to correct since they start this. they try to make thing that one build is not the always correct answer. and actually for PVP sorry but combat way hr is the always good answer what ever the class you are fighting. you doN,t even have to change a thing what ever class you are fighting.

    Actually each defend his class and it is ok but honestly actually with what i can see except the warlock as unknown part among the rest the actual verson of HR on the previous is really on the too much upper hand against the whole other class and i will just says you one thing people may attached to their class but with actual version of HR many will be bored and build HR to goes on pvp and you will ended to fight a crazymikee that have learned to place any dodge based on any started gesture of any class not with a 2 dodge CW but with a 6 dodge troll HR. And after HR class will receive a big shot nerf on the wing and you will come on forum to cry that you don't understand
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    isuuck2isuuck2 Member Posts: 491 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2014

    Hr should get cc break but then lose the immunity they get from marauders and fox shift?
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    dyesleedyeslee Member Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I have been waiting for something like this finally! I've been running a Range / combat style build on my character now since Mod 3 came out. I fell in love with it but it also came with a high risk of taking alot of damage / death rate due to the running in/out of melee combat before/after swapping to archer/melee stance.. I can't wait to really give it a true try..

    now my question is..

    When Mod 4 comes out, are the HR's going to get a free Retrain token this time since this is the 2nd time we have had a major change to our class powers, feats, and paragon line?

    (and of course we were so overly rumored about getting one Mod 3 that never came about...)

    This is my current build for Katrina's Hybrid Archery/melee swap build (primarily PVE build)
    53 / 61 Points used in the above build. This allows for any adjustments as needed for future use.

    Daily Power 1 - Disruptive Shot
    Daily Power 2 - Forest Ghost

    Special Feature 1 - Stormstep Action
    Special Feature 2 - Serpent Strike

    Encounter Power Q - Hindering Shot
    Encounter Power E - Constricting Arrow / Thorn Ward
    Encounter Power R - Rain of Arrows

    At-Wills L mouse - Rapid Shot
    At-Wills R mouse - Split Shot

    this is a full non support AoE PVE DPS Build.
    Tested in DL Skirmish. averaging 2.5 - 3 Mil total damage overall on the DPS chart used to be around 1.8 - 2 Mil. in previous Nature build.

    (not tested again since creating the Fallen Dragon Longbow nor having the OH blades yet for 2 piece bonus set)

    Using Stormstep Action + Disruptive shot, will allow your Encounter powers to be reduced by 2 seconds (only requires 25% action points)
    The key is to build up your serpent strike special feature to its 5 stacks in Range stance.
    This will activate the following beneficial paragons that will increase the damage of your next melee attack power (which is key to this build) and reduce the timer on the range stance (Agile Hunter).

    Agile Combatant - After switching Stances, deal 1/2/3% more damage for 5 seconds
    Bloodthirsty - After activating a ranged Encounter power, your neхt melee Encounter power will deal an aditional 3/6/9/12/15% damage.
    Agile Hunter - Your melee Encounter powers reduce cooldowns of your ranged Encounter powers by .2/.4/.6./.8/1 second(s).
    Total next melee encounter buff boost: (not including Lethal Hunter (15%) which is always applied while in melee stance)
    18% Damage increase on next encounter power. + additional 3% for the next 5 seconds

    The downfall is if it is a single target situation. Refilling the serpent strike in melee stance will take longer to refill then in range stance.

    This build is considered a high speed swap stance setup. watching your timers, and keeping track of your serpent strike for best potential damage output. and low survivability rate if your not aware of your surroundings while keeping up with the listed above.

    A great difference in PVPing as well sticking with PVE setup w/ the exception of swapping out Rain of Arrows for Binding shot. my Oakskin heals in melee stance are around 140 which used to be around 200 in nature.
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    twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    crazymikee wrote: »
    The only way to fight a combat hr is to keep him away from you, because of the skill-less amount of damage they can do, while retaining their hitpoints and eventually outhealing your dps because they are doing so much damage to you
    So how much skill is involved in waiting for Assailant to melt your opponent while hiding behind Shield and CCing him for 8-10 seconds at a time?

    You, Sir, are a clown with an oversized epeen. I'm done with you.
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
    Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
    Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
    Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
    Darquess - Soulbinder
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    twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    isuuck2 wrote: »

    Hr should get cc break but then lose the immunity they get from marauders and fox shift?

    Oh yes - I forgot. You're another of the Legion of Butthurt.
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
    Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
    Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
    Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
    Darquess - Soulbinder
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    trubushidotrubushido Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I'm going to totally miss not being able to have 2 thorn wards up @ a time. I could rarely do it 2x/ in a pvp match, but in pve I loved having 2 @ a time. Please reconsider that change once more please. (I chased down the Royal Guard armor just so I could do that!) Overlapping as they might, it's only a few seconds, and they might not even target the same player, because the fight has moved. If Rain of Arrows is our biggest damaging Ranged Encounter, how come I still get to shoot 2 of those off, overlapping? Thorn Wards is great as it is on live, It's always there. Also the way it is on preview I imagine that I have some Dps loss as maybe the old one hasn't shot off too recently, and it's about to again, but I shoot down a new one, and this new one will have to target, decreasing times into attacks. Could the new one have a rider that if it's cast while another is going it could send out maybe two spikes the first attack, or attack immediatly? Or don't touch it.

    Prime Critical is gone, but I'm not sure w/ Royal Guard Armor, that I needed it. Bottomless Quiver is a fine replacement for that I think I also don't know that I can melee as much as I might want or could have, as BQ segregates on my encounters (dislike!). Also having that in Tier 3 w/ Unflinching Aim is so rough a choice. Example: Bloodthirsty is gone for me, but in tier 2 of the Trapper is Deft Strikes. Sounds like a good replacement... 10 points in. What would I have to give up? Something on tier 3 Archery is for sure. Just so I can get back the damage for the melee that I probably can't do as fast.
    I like the change to Aspect of the Snake. A good boss aspect I think.
    Did some shooting around, all archery spec. Niiiiice looking numbers.

    Constricting Arrow? Boo. I really liked what I had there. Also often on my bar. PvP; It was great to set off my jam, PvE. Was great in SpellPlague Caverns, and for Trolls, and cyclops', et all. Welcome back to my bar fox shift, ooh, you're fun(you get to share space w/ my beloved TW). Was a real life saver.

    The Electric Shot has it's place in my bar sometimes. I think it really proc'd the RG armor often... but then I still switch back to spread shot cause I KNOW it does more damage than the ES.

    Sum up: I'm feeling pigeon holed. Never in another character have I not taken something from another tree. Here as it is in preview, I have no choice.
    DC- Clerice, Gwf-Peevey, HR- Shaft Roundtree, CW-Hoarton, TR- Toe Jam
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    trubushidotrubushido Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    As a response to Archery Tree, I still think it could pvp. W/ the encounters I chose/atwills I was pewpewing from superior hight, snipin' like a b. E-except there goes Constrictive shot... let's start healing the team...
    DC- Clerice, Gwf-Peevey, HR- Shaft Roundtree, CW-Hoarton, TR- Toe Jam
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    dam182dam182 Member Posts: 40
    edited August 2014
    I think that every single ranger pvped before having profound set, and I think a fast archer rotation will leave many people crying... something like: Hindering strike, constricting arrow, disruptive shot, biding shot, hindering strike again... it will be more tactical. If only they've listened to my feedback in increasing aspect of the falcon's range increase... the archer could be much better.
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    thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    isuuck2 wrote: »

    Hr should get cc break but then lose the immunity they get from marauders and fox shift?

    we don't have imnutiny on Mara. fox shift has imunity while it hits only. Introduced by devs or correct way to say -was fixed by dev in mod 3. Description of this encounter was always saying that is has imunity. And we lost all our CC except boats hit - that knocksdown target. Only D*m CW like crazymikee can not dodge it - since it has approx 1 sec delay after animation starts and you can just wak out of it - since it is not target tracking and is strait line hit only if you are in a short range.
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    chihuabchihuab Member Posts: 71
    edited August 2014
    The fact that thorn ward can cover the ENTIRE node in domination is simply ridiculous, not to mention it does huge amount of damage + stackable

    If thorn ward is placed at the center of the node, you'd get damage even if you're standing at the edge, so either you soak up all the damage or you stay off node.....it's turned into a complete skilless spell ...you could just simply drop it and leave the node

    Keep the damage if you want but reduce the radius :mad:
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    feedback: hopefully the last one...
    1) hindering shot is hardly considerable a cc
    2) Costricting and binding arrow are basically the same ability and awful as CC.
    3) wild medicine needs ICD reduced to 0.5 or 0.75. I really like those heals based on deflect. they give you the feeling to be blessed by the nature that lands you its powers. So if this reducing is not possible leave it as it is now and please dont listen to folks. I like so much this role playing feelings that i dont care about underperforming.

    Possible solution: delete all these fake CC and rework the abilities in something that is actually at least damaging.
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I dont get all the flaming in this thread. I thought we all came to a fair agreement.....

    1) Wilds medicine moved to T2 feat, but effectiveness cut in half (from 5% a stack to 2.5% a stack).
    2) Marauders Escape "now" breaks CC (such as stun - not things like prone).

    3) A THIRD option was to remove Wilds Medicine entirely in favor of more deflect severity. This would be more "RP" appropriate, however I dont know if 25% would be too good with how much deflect an HR can stack (up to ~60%). I could see 3%/6%/9%/12%/15% deflect severity would be balanced. Im willing to admit im wrong there and maybe 25% is fair... I dunno though...

    I really think these things would make the class more fun to plan, take more skill, and be more balanced... Alot of people agreed to this...
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    gabrieldourdengabrieldourden Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,212 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I tried a Combat setup and never experince problems in triggering Flurry. I used Fox Shift, Marauder's and Hindering Strike to test and Flurry works fine.
    I'm pretty sure Thorn refreshes Pray even after the first it. Some doubts about Rain.
    Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
    Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    TIER 1:
    Serpent Weave (REMOVED) -> Replaced with Wilds Medicine.

    Wilds Medicine: Deflecting Attacks causes the HR to heal for .2/.4/.6/.8/1% of your Max HP over 15 seconds (stacks 10 times). So this is 20% as effective as before. Still a max of 10% in PVE and 5% in PVP - not great BUT!

    TIER 3:
    BATTLE CRAZED: Moved to T3 from T4. Increase duration to 5 seconds.

    TIER 4:
    "Added Deflect Severity": By 4/8/12/16/20%. [/COLOR]

    This still gives HRs SOME healing through WM - although very small and available to all paths at T1, it increases Lifesteal through Battle Crazed (buffed to 5 seconds), and gives more deflect severity (added tankiness).

    Only thing lost is the shorter CDs when swapping stances.

    THEN: ADD CC break to Marauders.

    Thoughts on that?
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    trubushidotrubushido Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Playing some more on preview, I can't melee (encounters) as fast as I could. With Prime Critical gone I am far less agile. With the removal of that and BloodThirsty, the Archer path is feeling very strict in how I can play. Again it would take me 10 points into Trapper just to get the damage back from BloodThirsty, and 5 points into melee to try to reduce the cooldowns on my melee that Prime Critical did (now with shifts!). I want to melee! I want to melee as well as I did! Why would I go 4 tiers into trapper to get the other Melee vs Ranged cooldown power?

    And why get rid of Hawk Style for the [Nature] Trapper? Going into that tier almost chooses your encounters for you, why reduce the amount of Roots one can throw around?

    Wow, just now looking @ Trapper, half of it is based on 4 total encounter powers, the other half is replacing better or poorly Blood Thirsty and Prime Critical...
    DC- Clerice, Gwf-Peevey, HR- Shaft Roundtree, CW-Hoarton, TR- Toe Jam
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    trubushidotrubushido Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    These changes severely limit our viable encounter choices.
    DC- Clerice, Gwf-Peevey, HR- Shaft Roundtree, CW-Hoarton, TR- Toe Jam
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    ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited August 2014
    The flame and discussions in this thread need to stop.
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    mircalla83mircalla83 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 36
    edited August 2014
    I say it once more:

    Medicine to COMBAT T2 instead of Fluid Hunter -> 10% at 5 Feat Points MaxHP over 5 Seconds, can not stack, for a 'Burst Heal' Effective strength lowered by 40%
    Battle Crazed from T4 to T3, instead of DURATION increase, which mainly benefits the PvP Pathfinder HR, with Careful Attack and Aimed Strike, increase the Magnitude to 20 or 25% at full stacks and 5 feat points. Or make it stack 10 times instead of 5. Its PvE where the Combat HR struggles, not PvP.
    'New' Fluid Hunter in T4: Increase Deflection Severity by 4% per Feat Point -> 20% Increase

    Add CC Break to Marauder, both versions, combined with a 'proper' 1 Second CC Immunity (NOT an Invulnerability Second. Damage should still apply!), with a Debuff that lasts 10-15 Seconds, and which prevents the second CC Break from the 'other' Form of Marauder to activate.

    A Duration increase on Battle Crazed would mainly benefit the 'low attack rate' playstyle in PvP, but do nothing for PvE, since a 'PvE Combat HR' would be using the rather fast casting skills Split Strike, Clear the Ground or Rapid Strike, so the increased duration wouldn't do any good. And a bigger magnitude instead would also benefit the 'low attack rate' playstyle since it would give a higher return during the time where it is up.
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    dam182dam182 Member Posts: 40
    edited August 2014
    I think wild medicine and combat as a spec is almost in the right place. Wilds medicine just needs a lower ICD - like 0,5 - now is not possible to even reach the max stacks intended and even at 0,5 is still a major nerf for the feat.

    For archer spec, I think it needs to deal more damage... many people complain about aimed shot being a at will and so, but you only got the chance to shot once. After you get the aggro, poor archer, not enough area damage = run like a chicken... In pvp its even worse, you'll *maybe* get one Aimed shot out and will be focused to your death (witch I think is good, a high damage ranged class has to be squishy. But to be fair, the damage should be a little better, a tweak in the numbers will suffice).

    Trapper is a nice flavor, but needed bigger areas in skills like constricting arrow, binding arrow and so. And will mostly benefit from a increase in the range bonus of aspect of the falcon - again, just the numbers.

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    kannas517kannas517 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Apologize if this has been said before.
    Bug: HR Pathfinder Path: Pathfinder's Action.
    Is supposed to give run speed and deflect chance after using a daily. Each additional rank gives +6% runspeed and +5% deflect. At rank 3 it gives 18% runspeed and 10% deflect. I assume that the first rank is suppose to give 6% runspeed and 5% deflect, either way it is only giving 10% deflect at rank 3.
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    mychemromancforumychemromancforu Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The flame and discussions in this thread need to stop.

    I cannot believe what I had just read! ! !
    A community moderator telling people to Stop DISCUSSIONS.

    So now I wonder, isn't this called a "thread" where people "discuss" their ideas?

    Yeah, the flaming does have to stop, but not the "Discussions".
    You might as well close the thread down if you don't want DISCUSSIONS. (Of course, that will lead to more flames, but at least you stopped the discussions, right?)

    This made my day. :)
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I cannot believe what I had just read! ! !
    A community moderator telling people to Stop DISCUSSIONS.

    So now I wonder, isn't this called a "thread" where people "discuss" their ideas?

    Yeah, the flaming does have to stop, but not the "Discussions".
    You might as well close the thread down if you don't want DISCUSSIONS. (Of course, that will lead to more flames, but at least you stopped the discussions, right?)

    This made my day. :)
    read the thread name: FEEDBACK. you are not supposed to discuss here with other people. just leave feedback for devs.
    however no new changes will come so it s meaningless to leave further feedbacks
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    kyobi16kyobi16 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    as of now pathfinder is the only way to pvp if u want great damage and heals but what about the stormwarden?
    i feel its being left out in this patch with split the sky long cast time and damage not directed twords main sources of damage (thorn ward, icy terrain) blade storms tiny damage and the pathetic cold steel hurricane which since HR release been just a spot to fill on the powers tab.
    the only good power stormwardens had was stormstep thats been nerfed and twin blade storm which is "kinda" good.
    please give stormwardensome kind of edge to compete with pathfinders (reduce cast time on STS buff blade storms damage/proc rate and do something about that horrible daily)
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    cryptfoundationcryptfoundation Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Fox shift isn't spammable anymore... Glitch or WAI?
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    reemusbodeemusreemusbodeemus Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Fox shift isn't spammable anymore... Glitch or WAI?

    I didn't see any mention of this in the patch notes or dev replies, but fox shift now requires a target.

    There goes a nice utility against TRs.
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