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Official Feedback Thread: Control Wizard Changes



  • darthpotaterdarthpotater Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,259 Arc User
    edited August 2014

    Any words about phantasmal destruction (renegade)?
    It doesnt proc since mod 4, I checked with act and even checked the txt file of the log, 0% proc

    This should be high priority, renegades are underpowered but with this bug.... even more!
    Lescar PvE Wizard - Sir Garlic PvE Paladin
    Caturday Survivor
    Elemental Evil Survivor
    Undermontain Survivor
    Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
    Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
  • nativejoenativejoe Member Posts: 40
    edited August 2014
    Arcane Singularity Broken (Oppressor)

    Arcane Singularity bugs out, gathers the mobs and SLing shots them ALL over the map making it unusable in dungeons.

    I specced Oppressor believing I would take cryptics push towards control and buy the control pets and respec myself and reroll myself for max control. However; It comes at a price. my Arcane singularity now behaves like a repel spell and shoots the enemies across the map about 2 times father then Ice Storm.

    I believe it has something to do with arcane singularity's pull interacting with my bonus to control. IE dps CW's arcane singularities Gather them up nicly and deposit them all nicly in 1 spot so they can be dpsed and cc'ed effectivly.
    Mine is actually a liability and got my group killed multiple times in Castle never because it sling shotted all the mobs to the edges of the ring and no 2 mobs where grouped together making CC impossible. The mobs on my arcane singularity also act oddly when I try it... they are pulled in, swing around on the floor rapidly and glitch out, then explode going in every direction.

    I bought the companions to boost my control, and bought artifacts to further boost my control and I believe I've crossed the threshold where skills start to break. Sadly my control bonus can go WAY higher with better artifacts+stats+gear and Tyranny of dragons tier 5 boon.

    I'm at 132% control.

    I have 35% control from companions
    3% from artifacts
    15% from stats
    75% from orb of imposition

    And if this has anything to do with it... I did buy the Dragon Born pack...

    This is game breaking to me because My ONLY ability to gather up guys and cc them is broken. so effectivly I CANNOT cc in a dungeon enviorment. I have to have another CW gather them with their dps spec, so I can CC...which is ridiculess.

    I realize this is a bug, but the way I see it, I broke my arcane singularity quite possibly by Buying companions and the dragonborn pack...and in order to fix it without the devs help I'll have to spec away from control...or let the renegade and thermas take over gathering the mobs so my oppressor can actually crowd control

    well regaurdless it makes my companions I bought with zen and upgraded useless to put in active slots and this needs to be addressed asap. I'mma be pretty Ticked off about this if I just blew 60 bucks on something I can't use because it will destroy my characters ability to CC. x.x
  • jayrad8jayrad8 Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited August 2014

    Any words about phantasmal destruction (renegade)?
    It doesnt proc since mod 4, I checked with act and even checked the txt file of the log, 0% proc

    This should be high priority, renegades are underpowered but with this bug.... even more!

    I'm not sure that this is true -- Phantasmal Destruction does not produce a visible text proc like that of Eye of the Storm, Storm Spell, Assailant, or Nightmare Wizardry. When the feat procs, you will see the icon appear along with your other active buffs and for whatever reason ACT does not record the proc.

    On that note..

    Please incorporate a text proc for Phantasmal Destruction so users are notified of it in a direct manner.
    panderus wrote: »
    Classes and Balance
    Control Wizard
    Assailing Force: This feat may now be resisted and deflected in PVP.
    Repel: Adjusted Timings to Repel to prevent it from being cancelled after a foe has been pushed. Foes should no longer randomly resist this power too much.

    Nice fix to repel, now just take the aspects removed from Assailant and make Shard so that it cannot be resisted/deflected and it will finally do viable damage. Jokes (was kinda srs) aside..

    I would really like to see the Renegade tree brought on par with the others -- Thaum was the front runner and will be brought closer to the level of Oppressor with the Assailant change, but Renegade still falls behind both trees. I'm not sure how this can be done, maybe by adding more crit severity to Phantasmal since it was moved from T2 to T3 and should be a little more valuable now? Other ideas would be changing a feat to provide synergy with one of the passive skills, such as cooldown reduction on EotS or reducing the amount of missing hp needed to proc Storm Fury to turn it slightly more offensive.
    Ezra@jayrad8 | M4 CW Class Advocate
    twitch.tv/ezracw | absolutegaming.guildportal.com
    #BringBackShard | M5 CW Bug List | My M3 PvP Gameplay

  • darthpotaterdarthpotater Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,259 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    jayrad8 wrote: »
    I'm not sure that this is true -- Phantasmal Destruction does not produce a visible text proc like that of Eye of the Storm, Storm Spell, Assailant, or Nightmare Wizardry. When the feat procs, you will see the icon appear along with your other active buffs and for whatever reason ACT does not record the proc.

    On that note..

    Please incorporate a text proc for Phantasmal Destruction so users are notified of it in a direct manner.

    Can be true, I allways played thaum until mod 4, Phantasmal destruction does not show a visible text but also nor appears in the log and thats what confussed me. Anyway I will test it again and watch if there is a buff

    EDIT: Tested it and it works, sorry for the call
    Lescar PvE Wizard - Sir Garlic PvE Paladin
    Caturday Survivor
    Elemental Evil Survivor
    Undermontain Survivor
    Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
    Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
  • relativityrelativity Member Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    jayrad8 wrote: »

    I would really like to see the Renegade tree brought on par with the others --

    Oh dear, wish Devs could finally hear that. Plus: what I cannot accept is after certain level of crit chance accumulated it really doesn't matter if you are rene or thauma - you will crit with same regularity, only Thauma will crit harder. Renegade was suppose to benefit more from crit stacking + combat advantage. Make it happen, very please!
    Bids he then the spruces to singer him an anthems!
    And the Woodsie Lord binders them fleshes to stone!
  • nativejoenativejoe Member Posts: 40
    edited August 2014
    Nerfing Assailing force in pvp for half damage when it was unresistable was warrented.

    But now you guys tack on making it deflectable and resistable?

    Atleast up it back to full damage then... because that is the entirity of everything holding the dot dps CW together. Remove that and the Dot PVE spec will be just that... pve. You will literally be required to spec into our single target feat if you wanna have a chance in pvp. CW's arn't the kings of pvp... never have been, never will be. but the balance that keeps them remotly viable is a tricky one because of the simple "FACT" Control is useless in pvp against 90% of opponents. and now we got Low damage 3-4k attacks across the board, the only way for us to down a opponent is via that assailing force you guys keep nerfing x.x
  • yperkeimenosyperkeimenos Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    clonkyo1 wrote: »
    No, they didnt OR at least, it seems not fixed to me due i saw a lot of procs

    I tested it on dummies at preview server,before live release,with a Greater Lightning and Plaguefire,and it didn't procc. Haven't tested it on live yet though.

    EDIT : Tested it on live as well,with a plaguefire. I would hit the dummy once with Icy Ray or the first strike of chilling cloud ,to activate the plague Dots,and then leave it do its thing. In the 20 or so times i tested it,not once did plague Dots trigger Spell Storm.It was triggered a few times by the initial hit of Icy Ray ,or chilling cloud, itself ,but never the Dot. However Assailing force was activated by the Dots.
    It's BUGS bunny i tell you.
  • pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    My 2 cents has a forme CW with my old alt:

    Revert the whole offensive part to what it was in module 3, with old shard exc.... it was fun and balanced. Keep the increased cc cws have right now and the shield buff/ whole difensive buffs.

    Nothing else to do to have cws balanced in pvp.

    The just tone down pve AoE DPS to balance the class in pve.
  • mugiwaracmugiwarac Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2014

    the new assailing force does too low damage in pvp! cw is rag doll again! now that it is deflectable and affected by damage reduction, it should not deal only half the damage on players.
    King Goponov - GWF
    Eleanor - CW (retired after Assailing nerf)

    - Brazil PvP Fraternité -
  • therealroberttherealrobert Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    mugiwarac wrote: »

    the new assailing force does too low damage in pvp! cw is rag doll again! now that it is deflectable and affected by damage reduction, it should not deal only half the damage on players.


    Assailing needs a buff! Something has to make up for the nerf.
    - Brazil PvP Fraternité -
    Rank 7
  • abecassisabecassis Member Posts: 255 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2014

    Assailing needs a buff! Something has to make up for the nerf.

    Yeah i think the resist and deflect nerf was too much. You need like 4k armor penetration to make up for it. everything i cast now is resisted or deflected.

    luckily i have an hr lvl 60 soon. I will totally reroll seeing how this class gets new nerfs every week.
    Dr. Phil
  • catalinr94catalinr94 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 41
    edited August 2014
    panderus wrote: »
    Classes and Balance
    • Control Wizard
      • Assailing Force: This feat may now be resisted and deflected in PVP.

    R.I.P. CW. We are already nerfed to hell. At least remove the 'only half on players'.
  • cookiecrisp15cookiecrisp15 Banned Users Posts: 532 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2014
    catalinr94 wrote: »
    R.I.P. CW. We are already nerfed to hell. At least remove the 'only half on players'.
    i thou u are GWF...

  • zankardzankard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    catalinr94 wrote: »
    R.I.P. CW. We are already nerfed to hell.

    Obvious troll is obvious. And what cookiecrisp said.
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Shard would be tolerable if it wouldn't stop proning enemies for the normal prone time of IMMEDIATLY getting up afterwards....

    It happens more often that what's supposed to happen.
  • kieranmtornkieranmtorn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited August 2014

    Feedback: ToS run with Storm Spell. This isn't a particularly great run by me, but it does show what I warned about weeks ago: Storm Spell being overly effective. I've seen this on multiple runs, this is a suitable example.

    This was ran as a CW SS Renegade, so it's missing the obvious Assailant. As a class we should not be dependent on a passive skill for 30%+ of our damage. It should be part of our encounters instead of making this an effectively mandatory skill.
  • mugiwaracmugiwarac Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    assailing damage is too low, the cw has no chance in 1v1 against any class. please rethink the nerf.
    King Goponov - GWF
    Eleanor - CW (retired after Assailing nerf)

    - Brazil PvP Fraternité -
  • regulusknighrregulusknighr Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    mugiwarac wrote: »
    assailing damage is too low, the cw has no chance in 1v1 against any class. please rethink the nerf.

    You are playing with an OP class and takes a ridiculous nerf and still says he has no chance of 1x1, you are a horrible cw, train more
  • regulusknighrregulusknighr Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Half of this community CWs also states how broken this this class, only the nebiews mourn for nerfs that are leading the pvp community is protesting in relation to the great power of the current OP cws, Cws should choose between CC and damage as well as gwf were forced to choose between tank and damage. w is taking damage + cc. This is the definition of OP
  • jayrad8jayrad8 Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    As a class we should not be dependent on a passive skill for 30%+ of our damage. It should be part of our encounters instead of making this an effectively mandatory skill.

    Yes, we should not have to be reliant on Assailant or Storm Spell, passive procs, for our damage. Although, in M3 PvP Storm Spell was already comprising about 25% of my damage -- your damage distribution is going to be highly subjective to playstyle.

    They should take the damage out of these passives and give it to shard! Woo!
    Ezra@jayrad8 | M4 CW Class Advocate
    twitch.tv/ezracw | absolutegaming.guildportal.com
    #BringBackShard | M5 CW Bug List | My M3 PvP Gameplay

  • yperkeimenosyperkeimenos Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Feedback : Storm Spell / Eye of the Storm.

    Right now Storm Spell is the only feat that's keeping Storm spell Mage, a viable path for Cws in PvE. It's unfortunate that we have to rely on just one power to be effective,but that's the truth. Personally i don't use Eye of the Storm and don't see what's all the fuss about. Sure ,you get 6 secs of crits but it's hard to time right, takes a long time to cool down and during that time you essentially sacrifice a power slot,so it's more than balanced(to the point of uselessness) especially after the Assailing Force nerfs.
    It's BUGS bunny i tell you.
  • kozi001kozi001 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 876 Arc User
    edited August 2014

    Feedback: ToS run with Storm Spell. This isn't a particularly great run by me, but it does show what I warned about weeks ago: Storm Spell being overly effective. I've seen this on multiple runs, this is a suitable example.

    This was ran as a CW SS Renegade, so it's missing the obvious Assailant. As a class we should not be dependent on a passive skill for 30%+ of our damage. It should be part of our encounters instead of making this an effectively mandatory skill.

    Have you played with a Warlock lately?

    It still outdps you w/o boons.
    We need that to be somewhat competitive at least!
  • pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    kozi001 wrote: »
    Have you played with a Warlock lately?

    It still outdps you w/o boons.
    We need that to be somewhat competitive at least!

    Why. You're NOT main DPS class. You're controller class. Your duty in a run is to AoE CC and support DPS. Or you should have the option to support CC and AoE DPS.

    Not doing both.
    Being both 1st CCer and 1st DPS dealer in AoE is the reason CWs were OP in PvE in the last year. You guys must give up this idea that your class must be the main AoE CC class and also on top of the DPS chart.

    CWs should be main AoE CC and only support DPS. Not main damage dealers. We have GWFs, HRs, TRs and warlocks for that.
  • ripyourlipsoffripyourlipsoff Member Posts: 1,552 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    pando83 wrote: »
    Why. You're NOT main DPS class. You're controller class. Your duty in a run is to AoE CC and support DPS. Or you should have the option to support CC and AoE DPS.

    Not doing both.
    Being both 1st CCer and 1st DPS dealer in AoE is the reason CWs were OP in PvE in the last year. You guys must give up this idea that your class must be the main AoE CC class and also on top of the DPS chart.

    CWs should be main AoE CC and only support DPS. Not main damage dealers. We have GWFs, HRs, TRs and warlocks for that.

    I agree, can't have it all man!
    Shieldbash 60 GF ~ Iron Vanguard 19.0k
    Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k

    ~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
  • meldan3nmeldan3n Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    pando83 wrote: »
    Why. You're NOT main DPS class. You're controller class. Your duty in a run is to AoE CC and support DPS. Or you should have the option to support CC and AoE DPS.

    Not doing both.
    Being both 1st CCer and 1st DPS dealer in AoE is the reason CWs were OP in PvE in the last year. You guys must give up this idea that your class must be the main AoE CC class and also on top of the DPS chart.

    CWs should be main AoE CC and only support DPS. Not main damage dealers. We have GWFs, HRs, TRs and warlocks for that.

    What makes you think that? GWF is a DPS class. Why is the Sentinel much tankier than the GF? I'm not sure what build you are running, but try to kill Lord Tyrion as a CW or HR. You will spend way more time on that task than on killing a GF. And I'm talking 20x or more of the time here.
    Why are HRs able to heal up 3 - 4x as fast as DCs? Are they clerics? No.

    The decision has to be made based on what is fun for the player. No one choosing a class other than the DC wants to play a "support class".

    This is what paragon paths are for.

    A CW should have a choice: control or damage. Right now, he has both. Same as the HR. An HR dealing enough damage to burst someone down in one rotation should only be able to heal/control to a neglectable minimum. A CW dealing enough damage to burst someone down in one rotation should only be able to control/deal AoE damage to a neglectable minimum.

    Choice for the CW should be: single target burst or control or AoE DPS.

    Choice for the HR should be: ranged DPS or melee burst or healing/team buffs. I do not play an HR actively, so what I'm saying might not be the best for HR players.

    Btw, in DnD the mage is the main damage class ("Wizard"). And same as the HR that can be both "Hunter" and "Ranger", or the GF that can be "Guardian" and "Fighter", the CW should be able to choose between "Controller" and "Wizard" (or be both to a certain extent, sacrificing some potential on both sides).
  • pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Yeah with the last statement i wanted to say a CW being able to cc a lot should only be support DPS. And as i wrote at the beginning of the post, if focused on DPS, should become only a support cc class.

    Anyway, each class as a 'base' should have a role and there should be a limit on how much each class can jump into the role of another class (be it tankiness, or DPS, or cc).
  • nativejoenativejoe Member Posts: 40
    edited August 2014
    CW does have these changes guys.

    I'm specced Oppressor. 15.3k gs and Specced fully into control with companions and artifacts. Some of my skills don't even work because the control stat is so high. Arcane singularity for one has become a repel spell x.x

    At any rate what I'm saying is my Dps isn't very competitive. a 10k gs Dot speced CW can Out dps me in pve dungeons. I don't need my damage nerfed. x.x I already Got 3-4k damage attacks pretty much on all my abilities, how much more do you guys wanna take off?

    As for choosing between CC and Damage... Take into consideration That I do mediocre dps compared to dps specced characters and also take into consideration that other dps specced CW's cannot ever do half the control I can. Infact I still see plenty of them having difficulty soloing heroics in ice windale because the mobs just slam them into oblivion as soon as steal time fails. There is a choice, and there is no Way around that. All this whining has already gotten Shield and Assailent nerfed multiple times, How about we focus on crying for buffs to the other classes before you guys get CW's nerfed into uselessness and then have truly horrific problems getting thru dungeons.

    In addition since I'm not dpsing as hard as everyone else I'm also being screwed over on drops...
    Currently the Loot system is based on this... whomever has the highiest dps, highiest healing, and most damage taken Get the loot (been confirmed by devs) and as a CC or debuffer there is NO REWARD or point system for us... And you guys are wanting to bring more nerfs to my class? They Recently destroyed the Damage of all our skills ( cuts range from 40-80% damage reduced) and Now im lucky if I see a 8k crit. ALL our damage now literally comes Passives and Random number Generator... For those of who you don't play our class and just see us as overpowered monsters Consider the fact that the only way for us to effectivly dps now is to stack The number of Dots we can muster by changing our companions into ones that have a chance to add a dot such as poisen, and ditch the vorpals for a fiery or plague fire to get another dot that does no real damage but adds a "chance" for us to do some damage. Our class with dots feels souless... there's no "impact" to our skills, just a Passive Damage tick that RNG gives us.

    The CW's your seeing out there, arn't the gods they where before. We've been Cut down, and remodled into a RNG dot class that is trying to compete with other classes like warlocks in dungeons when they can Slaughter us on the dps charts with blue equipment and No boons. Don't make things harder on us.
    If you have a problem with where your class is sitting don't cry for nerfs on everyone else, instead go to your forum and cry for buffs.

    Some of you say my class is overpowered... But at 15.3k gs, I Cannot 1 shot some of the level 26 mobs in neverdeath (with an encounter or at will). Can you say the same?
  • dualisticdualistic Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    meldan3n wrote: »
    Btw, in DnD the mage is the main damage class ("Wizard"). And same as the HR that can be both "Hunter" and "Ranger", or the GF that can be "Guardian" and "Fighter", the CW should be able to choose between "Controller" and "Wizard" (or be both to a certain extent, sacrificing some potential on both sides).

    Yah i don't know about that main damage class thing, but Controler Wizards and Great weapon fighters main role is controler and defender with damage as a secondary role, but in this game atleast CW's preform both at the same time, not only that, they're the best at it and it's completely unbalanced, especially considering that all dungeons are non stop AoE fests and their damage is so good you don't acually need a striker(a Rogue/Warlock, deals the highest damage but to mainly toa single enemy) to deal with the tougher mobs.
    Hell you don't even need a tank or a healer beacuse another CW will do just aswell. Just look at the /lfg channel, all you see is people asking for atleast 1 CW and joining groups consisting mainly of CWs is really common. It's obvious something is wrong here.
  • charkanramoncharkanramon Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Bug: Renegade
    Chaos Magic is not applied to allies. Icon of the aura does not appear in status.
  • warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    fix storm spell or it needs 2.5-3 sec icd
This discussion has been closed.