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Announcing Module 4: Tyranny of Dragons



  • dyesleedyeslee Member Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    ok asking again.. been awhile..

    When is Module 4 going to be released onto the preview server for testing?

    Is Cryptic going to start rewarding players for testing?
    Many other MMO's that i have played gave the players something.. small or large, Anything to show some appreciation to the players.
    w/o players who dedicate their time to learn, test and report bugs, errors, etc.. you (the developers) would be releasing new content with even more bugs then what we have been and still are dealing with already.. Give them something to show some thanks for the help.

    Can we expect the new class to be released on this Module 4?

    Are we going to get a retraining token this time? (Since many players hopes were shattered from Module 3 let down)

    Thats the questions I would love to see get answered please...
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    elewyndyl wrote: »
    I don't understand this rant. I had even 2+ months break and now I am happily returning to the game. You don't need any Tarmalune trade bars though I don't cricitise people who buy them and it is subjective taste what exactly you want to invest on.

    What what what? Why need to spend more ZEN because new expansion comes? Character slot? I don't care I have a long time ago bought so I have 6 character slots and so far I have only 4 characters. I have bought fastest horse. I don't see your need to invest huge amount of ZEN when you get new expansion.

    There is nothing wrong using ZEN or real money and of course every expansion usually brings something new interesting to buy to the market. I really don't understand your problem though unless you need to get every time a new mount or companion when something new comes out. Nothing wrong using real money or ZEN and let people who want to do that enjoy the new mounts and companions.

    Sorry you tell that you want all new ZEN market things but then you complain about need to use real money. That does not sound like an adult player to me either don't buy or buy, but stop complaining about a new wonderful expansion!

    Finally a new class and race are both very much welcome! I give my thanks to Cryptic and Perfect World for this great game.

    The price of zen in terms of astral diamonds is based on the demand for zen, essentially. New modules add new players into the game. If the game has more non-paying customers added due to a new module, what this does is make it such that there is less zen than the demanded supply of zen in terms of astral diamonds for any given price. This is why we're currently at the price cap-and why it's becoming increasingly difficult to purchase zen with astral diamonds.

    Those of us with four purple tools (or other ways of generating large amounts of AD from the AH) can get enough astral diamonds that we can (at least to some extent) absorb the shock of high zen prices (if we're willing to be patient). However, I can see how others might be a bit more perturbed.

    The big issue is that, by making the coalescent wards purchased from traumalane bars bind on pickup, there's no longer any way to put coal wards on the AH That doesn't cost 1000 zen. If the price of zen remains 500 AD, then that means that it's nearly impossible to get weapon/armor enchants without spending 500000 AD per required coal ward. Obviously, you can just play without the wards, but that's what people talk about when they mention "pay to win," because people willing to shell out the necessary cash for coal wards are going to be that much stronger. NWO has had a pretty good history of NOT being pay to win-or rather, it's generally been such that the return from cash really doesn't save you a lot of time. As much as I dislike a lot of the best stuff being bind on pickup (because I have no interest in dungeons), it really does mean that for those things, you have to PLAY to win. But with coalescent wards being the defacto power acquisition item, and with those now being "someone somewhere spent 10 dollars on this," someone is getting paid.

    Of course, there are other aspects to this change. For instance, people were buying keys in order to open lockboxes. If they didn't get enough in Totally Sweet Winnings™ to cover the cost of those keys, well, they had trade bars to purchase coal wards they could sell on the AH to help recoup some of their losses. That's no longer the case. This being so, it seems likely that demand for keys will now decrease. This may be offset by an increase in the demand for coalescent wards from the zen shop, but I'm rather skeptical.
  • dyesleedyeslee Member Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I see a lot of aye's and nays in this post and I can understand both sides of reasoning, some people calling it a pay to win, some saying Play to win.. I am of the latter (Play to win), I have yet to put any $$ into this game, and yes with the whole Coal ward that many people are fuming about is totally understandable.

    Getting my main character up to End game status with the whole fast mounts, greater / perfect weapon and armor enhancements was a difficult process. And to this point the challenge of it to me was worth it, just to prove that "yeah it can be done without $$"
    Did it mean it took longer? yeah...
    Was it worth the effort to see if it was possible? Yeah..
    Did I buy Zen to get items I wanted? Yes with the AD I earned from grinding dailies, dungeons, and many days of refining..
    Is this going to change my game? Well that i don't know yet.. We'll see..
    Is this going to change the price of Armor/weapon enhancments in the AH.. Most Definately Yes. (99% chance some1 spent their RL cash to buy that Coal ward)

    I have yet to have a single turm. bar in my inventory on either of my accounts (which still only have 2 character slots per account).
    So now I fear that yeah my next level 60 is going to become more difficult and hella more expensive to get weapon/armor enhancements becuz of this.
    So here are my questions to anyone who might have tried the following, so i know the possible future of my next 2 characters I'm currently leveling.

    Is the Bind on pickup Coal wards from the bar trader used make the armor/weapon enhancements Bind to character as well?

    Is this going to affect the coal wards that you have a chance to get from your celestial 7/7 goodie bags going to be Bind on Pickup as well?
  • psyb3rtr011psyb3rtr011 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    dyeslee wrote: »
    I see a lot of aye's and nays in this post and I can understand both sides of reasoning, some people calling it a pay to win, some saying Play to win.. I am of the latter (Play to win), I have yet to put any $$ into this game, and yes with the whole Coal ward that many people are fuming about is totally understandable.

    Getting my main character up to End game status with the whole fast mounts, greater / perfect weapon and armor enhancements was a difficult process. And to this point the challenge of it to me was worth it, just to prove that "yeah it can be done without $$"
    Did it mean it took longer? yeah...
    Was it worth the effort to see if it was possible? Yeah..
    Did I buy Zen to get items I wanted? Yes with the AD I earned from grinding dailies, dungeons, and many days of refining..
    Is this going to change my game? Well that i don't know yet.. We'll see..
    Is this going to change the price of Armor/weapon enhancments in the AH.. Most Definately Yes. (99% chance some1 spent their RL cash to buy that Coal ward)

    I have yet to have a single turm. bar in my inventory on either of my accounts (which still only have 2 character slots per account).
    So now I fear that yeah my next level 60 is going to become more difficult and hella more expensive to get weapon/armor enhancements becuz of this.
    So here are my questions to anyone who might have tried the following, so i know the possible future of my next 2 characters I'm currently leveling.

    Is the Bind on pickup Coal wards from the bar trader used make the armor/weapon enhancements Bind to character as well?

    Is this going to affect the coal wards that you have a chance to get from your celestial 7/7 goodie bags going to be Bind on Pickup as well?

    Been playing since Beta release, and none of my characters have a single Greater or Perfected enchantment of any type. I have a couple Minor Armor & Weapon Enchantments, as well as level 7 on all my equipment, and that of my main companion.

    I still seem to do OK... Though the new PvE content is not always solo-able with my 14.3K geared GF, like past content was. Ok well... I will survive.

    AKA Cyber Troll and Euben Hadd
  • broborabrobora Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 196 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    Suggestion: on the back of the cries for more Castle Never farming opportunities:

    Make the endgame encounter for the new module a gated dungeon where you need to kill all module bosses in order (with the right drops) to get to Tiamat.

    Including unlock achievements for each dragon kill to open this dungeon.
  • cookiecrisp15cookiecrisp15 Banned Users Posts: 532 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    any chance of making base stats reroll token together with this mod?:(
    i would pay any number of $$ for it.
  • l3g10nna1rel3g10nna1re Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Any idea when this will hit Preview? thought it would have been here this month to allow atleast 2 months testing,
  • criss11criss11 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    If this new addon will bring a new harder dungeon then im not interested in dungeons. I play very rarely now old easier dungeons bcuz those can be finished and i can help new lvl 60 to get a purple gear item.
    Dungeons such as Valindra tower are impossible to do it, even Spellplague Caverns, where even 20k gear score wont help you here when you are knocked down by Aboleth Servitors then pushed down in the killing water by Nothic Mindwarps.
    Lots of dungeons (even low GS required such as 8300) are impossible to finish.( even with a GS 12k -13k and 3/4 boons campaigns).
    The requirements should be revised but i doubt that they will do it.
    I think the developers are not even testing their dungeons in a normal team and create them after a chinese pattern.They dont have time to play ,to gather gear and try the dungeon in a normal run as any player, only in God Mode like in the Foundry.
    So new neverwinter epic dungeons = another dungeons to ignore.
    Remember when they released the HIVE dungeons for space and ground in Star Trek Online (season 7).. those were impossible to finish and players didn't queued for these anymore.

    I started to play Neverwinter since open beta with some breaks and star trek online since was beta-free to play (season 6 right before 2 YEAR - Anniversary), but i can say half of cryptic dungeons are impossible to complete..compared to PWE dungeons (PWI - almost beta tester, since nov 2008, Forsaken World - open beta tester,BOI- open beta tester ) ,before PWE to purchase Cryptic from ATARI. No wonder when you queue , you are joined to a party with 2-3 players which are waiting at the final boss campfire before quit instance (Neverwinter).
    The dungeons are not balanced with average team gear score ,nor the monsters/boss skills according the room size or pets or artifacts equipped or gear score or boons type .Thats why many dungeons will have 6-7 or 8 runs from 10 as fails from teams. So basically a player has a 2-5% chance of finishing an epic dungeon in queue system.
    How a fresh lvl 60 is supposed to get a purple T1 (at least) item to increase a bit his GS if now the most parties are created in chat ? The queue system becomes useless or mostly used by fresh new lvl 60 with low GS without a chance to finish a dungeon . Nobody is helpful anymore and many fresh lvl 60 might quit the game after few dungeons tries..Same thing for someone with T1 set 10k-12k GS to obtain a T2 set item.

    At least Neverwinter doesn't have ugrading gear fail chances like in many MMORPGs ,otherwise we won't see many players online in this game too.( One of the most "dangerous" game on upgrading gear it is 4Story, there if you fail after +5 ,you'll lose both , the gear part and the cash shop item(scroll) even if you use a buff potion(bound) from cash shop to increase the chances!! - they have created a rare event in game which gives to the players a bit of extra few percents chances when upgrading ..lol..so play and wait for that event to come to upgrade .. )

    I find the changing enchantments system in Neverwinter very good idea and affordable , before this one, to remove an enchant you'd have to pay about 8k AD (depends on gem lvl) to remove it. But most players were selling old gear with gems in it to the npc because of the AD costs ..:)

    I might quit Neverwinter for a while and play more Star Trek Online, i'm still in top 15 of STO Wiki contributors list and i was proposed some time ago for admin in the STOWiki admin team, to get updated with the newest things on STO for wiki.
    open beta player of some PWE games - north america launched versions:
    - PWI - November, 2008 (2 months after North-America-West Coast open beta)
    - Forsaken World - open beta
    - BOI - open beta
    - Star Trek Online - ftp January, 2012 and rank 14 STO Wiki contributor
    - Neverwinter open beta June, 2013

    Daily Foundry "Canyon of the Dead" ( NW-DBPJYKMRE ) - dungeon
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    any chance of making base stats reroll token together with this mod?:(
    i would pay any number of $$ for it.

    this needs to be done
  • hbreed72hbreed72 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Hello everyone :) first of all new content is always good news so +1 for that but i really do believe that most of us would prefer less buggy content some things are pretty ridiculous, everyday people that don't know how to lose come up with more and more exploits and on the same number you have quite a few honest passionate players out there that spend time and money finding bugs and exploits and reporting them or at least making threads about these issues so you can attempt a fix, these are a real concerns because these exploits are ruining the economy and the overall experience of the game.

    Second of all: please for the love of god stop crying nerf for TR's this is getting ridiculous, i mean obviously people fear what they cannot see but at every single major update so far, there has been a nerf to TR's everytime, maybe it is just the life of a TR in this game don't know but from what i know since the release until now TR's have dropped quite a huge deal in damage and usefullness. regarding the perma/semi-permastealth rogues out there , you say it is easy to be unkilable in stealth and contesting a point for a long time against multiple enemies just because the class mechanic seems overpowered to you, have u ever tried it yourself? you don't realize that the skill of the player is what makes it overpowered, 1 wrong turn, 1 mistake, 1 second delay, or a moment of lag means life or death for a perma tr, so you are always forced to play at 110% to be that effective. now instead of asking for nerfs why don't you give it a try and see exactly what makes the difference. I have been on both sides of the barricade here and honestly respect for the perma unkillable point holders it is a hard job to do. So to sum this up at least ask to nerf the players not the class because no matter what you do to it, TR's will find a way to show their superiority in skill over the other less-skill, more spam type of classes.
  • rickcase276rickcase276 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,404 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I just hope over the course of the storyline of Tyranny of Dragons that we will get to see good dragons in the game too, maybe even get them to help us. It would be cool to get a baby dragon companion too, maybe with a chance of different colors (gold being the rarest).
  • masterjewstarmasterjewstar Member Posts: 563
    edited June 2014
    ha they're putting out mod 4 on my birthday sweet.
  • fuacccreation1fuacccreation1 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    loboguild wrote: »
    As much as I like the frequency of new content, three month is awfully close with all the issues that are still lingering. GF and CW need a total revamp, there is the ArPen issue since ever, HR is announced to get another rework and TR its stealth nerf. And that's not counting all the minor issues with classes and content.

    I would like to focus on current problems than another module in August.

    Completely agree. I think its great that there is coming new content frequently but i would MUCH more appreciate a focus on fixing current issues and improving existing content and game mechanics.

  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Completely agree. I think its great that there is coming new content frequently but i would MUCH more appreciate a focus on fixing current issues and improving existing content and game mechanics.


    As has been said many times in this very thread, Cryptic had very little to do with the release timing for this particular module. The release date is being pushed by WotC and Hasbro. It is likely that Cryptic had to work on 3 and 4 simultaneously to meet this requirement.

    Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?

    PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
  • lisaxxiilisaxxii Member Posts: 207 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    As has been said many times in this very thread, Cryptic had very little to do with the release timing for this particular module. The release date is being pushed by WotC and Hasbro. It is likely that Cryptic had to work on 3 and 4 simultaneously to meet this requirement.

    Yup! I am pretty sure that's what is happening!

    Sooooo as the developers of the game, a presentation, or a fricken email, or SOMETHING should have been put together and sent up the ladder.

    Not saying that this didn't happen, and we have no way of knowing if it did, but the reputations of the company's involved tend to have me leaning toward cryptic dropping the ball here by being "yes men".

    It's pretty easy to show and explain why a 4th mod so close is a bad idea. If cryptic did not try and explain this to whoever is pushing the Mod then shame on them.... Period.
    Enemy Team
  • emeraldfox12emeraldfox12 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Looks like I picked the right time to start my Neverwinter toon and the game. BIG lover of Dragons myself and really looking forward to seeing how this is put together for this game. Time to get out my bow and my special dragon slaying arrows me thinks
  • akemnosakemnos Member Posts: 597 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    lisaxxii wrote: »
    Yup! I am pretty sure that's what is happening!

    Sooooo as the developers of the game, a presentation, or a fricken email, or SOMETHING should have been put together and sent up the ladder.

    Not saying that this didn't happen, and we have no way of knowing if it did, but the reputations of the company's involved tend to have me leaning toward cryptic dropping the ball here by being "yes men".

    It's pretty easy to show and explain why a 4th mod so close is a bad idea. If cryptic did not try and explain this to whoever is pushing the Mod then shame on them.... Period.

    Lol I love that you think Cryptic complaining to WOTC and Hasbro would have any bearing on this. WOTC wants every single licensed DND product to all come out with Tyranny of Dragons at the same time. This is a huge deal for WOTC as it is the official release of the new 5th edition rules, and is a massive tie in with everything related to DND including computer games, board games, and novels.
  • dyesleedyeslee Member Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    dyeslee wrote: »
    ok asking again.. been awhile..

    When is Module 4 going to be released onto the preview server for testing?

    Is Cryptic going to start rewarding players for testing?
    Many other MMO's that i have played gave the players something.. small or large, Anything to show some appreciation to the players.
    w/o players who dedicate their time to learn, test and report bugs, errors, etc.. you (the developers) would be releasing new content with even more bugs then what we have been and still are dealing with already.. Give them something to show some thanks for the help.

    Can we expect the new class to be released on this Module 4?

    Are we going to get a retraining token this time? (Since many players hopes were shattered from Module 3 let down)

    Thats the questions I would love to see get answered please...

    Still awaiting for any of these questions to be answered.....
  • cookiecrisp15cookiecrisp15 Banned Users Posts: 532 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    can we GWFs get finally an cool looking armor with this mod please?when i look at GF armors and then at GWFs i wanna cry :(
    atlast give us ability to transmute GWF armor into GF armors please :cool:
  • shurato2099shurato2099 Member Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    dyeslee wrote: »
    Still awaiting for any of these questions to be answered.....

    Well, the answer to that first question is in the very first post of this thread ... August 14. That's just over two months away so for the rest of it I'd say that you'll just have to wait for future dev blogs on the subject.
  • silverquicksilverquick Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I honestly have to say I have thoroughly enjoyed Mod 3.

    Yes I was on Preview testing it as well, and yes there were bugs that were reported but slipped through... but that's petty change considering the actual enjoyment I've gotten out of the entire Icewind Dale experience, in my opinion I think its the best expansion to date.

    It is a module targeted to the High Powered crew, theres no doubt about that. But honestly that's the crew that really needed the challenging content. IWD is packed everytime I go there. So I know its not just me. Sure you can hear complaints on the boards, but the proof is in the pudding here... this one is a resounding success, despite being a little rushed.

    The casual crew probably didn't like it as much, but it was the hard core people that really needed this one bad. It is challenging, its exciting, and the content is fresh and sucks people in.

    Yes, I am aware of burnout with this one, one of my friends the day this went live quite literally played it 24-7 and was totally addicted to the HEs just like I was when I first started doing them in preview. Obviously in time he burned out as doing that and now doesn't like doing it at all, but he was definitely addicted to the challenging content... no doubt about it.

    Why do I bring this up?

    Because I have been so enamored of Icewind Dale and the changes made to the game for the upper tier players that I actually look forward to seeing what's coming up in Mod 4. IWD was like taking a match to the flame for many, who truly needed that challenge again. When I do things in this mod I have a serious satisfaction at a job well done and feel I truely accomplished a hard task with nearly everything I do.

    I do not know the direction of Mod 4, but if its as open, exciting, and challenging as I saw from IWD,

    Then I look forward to seeing it as well.
  • arontimesarontimes Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Here's a link to a post I made a week or so ago. It quickly got buried by the whine and cheese of General Discussion, but one of the things mentioned in the podcast was that Tyranny of Dragons would have content for all levels of advancement, according to Rob Overmeyer.

    Member of Grievance.

    Taking a break from Neverwinter indefinitely...
  • iambecks1iambecks1 Member Posts: 4,044 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Some awesome new datamined screenshots have been posted on Reddit by justicarSyndra , looks like we could be getting a Dragon mount , there is also a really awesome looking flying disk mount that is see-through , it looks spectacular.
  • silverquicksilverquick Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I do find it incredibly Ironic though.

    Icewind Dale was supposed to be a lot of PvP in the expansion,

    ...but what's really got everyone's attention, is the PvE. It is so intense and exciting, even if occasionally frustrating... that its got people sucked in like there's no tomorrow. Shockingly this is the part that's just flooded with people.
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    maybe not many people are interested in PVP compared to the whole playerbase? I also thought the open world pvp would be a pvp'er dream but I see it's empty most of the time... even if the event is messed up half of the time many people would like owpvp just for teh thrill of it, and I haven't seen that at all.
  • naicalusnaicalus Member Posts: 645 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    The IWD PvE is challenging?

    I guess maybe soloing HEs on my TR. That can get ugly thanks to no real AoE, but my CW laughs at 2-3 mans and can do fine in 3-5 mans. Deserted rescue the prospectors? OK. Was on the cages before anyone else showed up.

    Everything else... Nope not really. Oh I'm down to 5 potions because I haven't bothered stocking up in a while, oh well let's go to Biggrin's anyway. Oh look I'm leaving with 7 potions.

    I'm not even really high-end. My TR's running Swash, Dread Legion weapon set, G.Vorp, Lesser SF, a Stone of Allure and rank 6-7 enchants. That's midgrade at best, only 14.5k, and only one of my artifacts is purple and it's only L60. (Nor am I running the 'right' ones, BCRS/Eye of Lathander/Lantern.) (And my CW is running HV, Fallen Dragon set, normal Plague Fire, LSF, Allure, 3 blue artis and 6/7s and clocks in around 14.2k. Also not godtier.)

    Maybe Kessell's is harder. I haven't gotten to that yet, just unlocked it last night because I missed a few days.

    But the actual open world PvE content is not even remotely challenging. At all. >_>
    Largely inactive, playing Skyforge as Nai Calus.
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Yeah it is. compare it to the rest of the game (excluding epic dungeons of course) and you'll see it's the hardest open PVE area in the whole game. Of course that for some classes it'll be easier, but that doesn't mean it's not harder than the rest of the content.
  • naicalusnaicalus Member Posts: 645 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I never said it wasn't 'harder' than the rest of the solo content. That doesn't mean it's not actually not hard. Maybe if you're a DC I guess? Although it'd mostly just be slow, like everything DC does.

    However, while it is marginally more difficult in that I can't one-shot everything I see, it's still not a challenge. :P Anything that is, is something I'm not supposed to be soloing anyway. (And like I said, even some of the things I'm not supposed to be soloing I can take down myself without much hassle.)
    Largely inactive, playing Skyforge as Nai Calus.
  • silverquicksilverquick Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    naicalus wrote: »
    I never said it wasn't 'harder' than the rest of the solo content. That doesn't mean it's not actually not hard. Maybe if you're a DC I guess? Although it'd mostly just be slow, like everything DC does.

    However, while it is marginally more difficult in that I can't one-shot everything I see, it's still not a challenge. :P

    I think you're overexaggerating a tad.

    Its not "marginally" more difficult, it is "much" more difficult... but also incredibly challenging and fun.

    I already know that stuff can kill you very quickly. I start soloing them too, but if I make one mistake I'm dead. And yes I am a CW too. And I can tell you now.... I've run Full Perfects and Perfect Vorp on them too...

    .... if you're really good you can solo about half of it... but lets not overexaggerate here...

    ...its not easy... And you will go down the minute you're facing Multiple Deathlocks alone or multiple Bear Riders in conjunction with the Barbarians alone in the HEs.

    But that doesn't make it any less of a challenge or exciting.

    Because to do this as a CW and succeed... is walking on the razer's edge.
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    akemnos wrote: »
    ... WOTC wants every single licensed DND product to all come out with Tyranny of Dragons at the same time. This is a huge deal for WOTC as it is the official release of the new 5th edition rules, and is a massive tie in with everything related to DND including computer games, board games, and novels.

    Pretty much this. WotC said "make it so" and Cryptic doesn't have much choice in the matter but to do this. I'm sure that the unfortunate byproduct is that mod3 got the "release now and patch later" treatment so that mod4 could come out on time as WotC dictated.

    Sucks, yeah, but sometimes in the business world these sorts of sacrifices and compromises have to be reached.

    Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?

    PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
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