What's the use for the Dread Legion Devoted Cleric Gear Set?
- With Armor Penetration, Life Steal but no recovery.
- The defense counts just 87 points more than the Sacred Hand T1 Set.
- Power and Crit are fine, similar to other Power and Crit focused T2 sets.
Please explain to me the purpose of this set and how it could work in RL.
The game slows down every 2-3 seconds very. I think the point is that the green lights on the screenshot
saerraelMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited November 2013
Bug: Location rewards: Death Forge/ Dread Spire As I was attempting to obtain a new helm, I've been running the Dread Spire. According to Zone Rewards, I am collecting rewards from Death Force, however, in Dread Spire. As I've yet to really 'farm' Death Force, I can't be certain, but it does feel like the rewards are swapped between Death Forge and Dread Spire.
Edit: Death Force seems to be dropping from the same loot table.
Also! No icons on the Dread Ring's map makes it pretty hard to navigate.
The game slows down every 2-3 seconds very. I think the point is that the green lights on the screenshot
It's bugged ranger's Seismic Shot ability special effect. Sometimes it goes straight down instead of just forward and sticks in the terrain causing massive fps drop in the current area. This issue exists since the first day of Shadowmantle testing. Existing greenlights were removed with latest update, but the bug is still not fixed.
M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
Hey guys, thanks for your continued feedback! We are looking into all these issues right now! Keep it coming so we can get as much polish on this as possible!
Hey guys, thanks for your continued feedback! We are looking into all these issues right now! Keep it coming so we can get as much polish on this as possible!
Oh and if you can change the mechanic of killing in Phantasmal Fortress, that would be great.
You have currently a timer for respawn the lich. Heavy DD can avoid this, but some builds/classes have a big disadvantage with that. First they need to kill the ph... whatever it named. But because they lack damage the timer go 0 and the lich spawn. So they have to defeat them and THEN they only can damage the thing again. And if they lack a lot of damage, the timer go again to 0. This is annoying as DC for example. So change this to % of the thing because the lich don't wait that you kill his place. Thanks for a response at this issue.
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited November 2013
Feedback: loot
I received the correct mark from the lair of the day/Tuesday, from the first run. No key necessary. Dunno if it's because you fixed it or just a fluke But it worked correctly.
Under the campaign window the models for the new sets are currently showing the models for the Fomorian weapons and I think armor as well. Please update so we can see what the new ones look like
Bug: Minidungeon: Rewards I did not receive a Greater Mark of Union from Phantasmal Fortress Dungeon Lair.
So i waste a key for running it today and the schedule say i can get a GMU from this Lair today!
Some hidden changes:
Pre Silver Gauntlet:
Post Silver Gauntlet:
No picture available(other user need to post the current Silver Gauntlet)
Pre Platinum Gauntlet:
Post Platinum Gauntlet:
Pre Mithral Gauntlet:
No picture available(other user need to post the old Mithral Gauntlet)
Post Mithral Gauntlet:
(can i deliver in 2 days)
Pre * Gauntlet:
No picture available(other user need to post the old * Gauntlet)
On starting the Dread Ring campaign yesterday with a freshly imported character, this quest bugged out. It told me to study the Thayan Writings, when I did, it consumed the cypher but did not complete the study. The quest window shows 0:00 remaining, but it will not complete. I tried dropping the quest and getting it again, but the Thayan Writing is still stuck at 0:00. I can't get another cypher as all the quests are locked. No progression in the campaign is possible. I have done this on another two imported characters and a freshly leveled character and had no problems. The only thing I can say is it was very laggy the day it happened.
Edit: it just happened on another character. No further campaign progression possible.
Bug: Dread Servitor gear
Dread Servitor gear (blue gear sometimes looted from Arcane Coffers using Mithral Gauntlets) is flagged salvageable. It is blue gear, so salvage is impossible.
Feedback: Dread Servitor gear & Mithral Gauntlets
Dread Servitor gear should be flagged Free Transmute. By the time a character upgrades to Mithral from Platinum, Dread Servitor gear is a side-grade at best. Most players will immediately vendor the item. As far as I can tell, the only purpose of Dread Servitor gear is Collection Score and cosmetic variety. If the gear was Free Transmute, the player might feel that upgrading to Mithral Gauntlets was less of a waste. As it stands, when this goes live, I might put off the Mithral upgrade until I can pay for the Adamantine upgrade immediately after, to leapfrog the Mithral stage.
Alternatively, it could be upgraded to epic, which would solve the bug reported above, and give the gear more worth than its vendor value.
After further consideration, the blue Servitor gear should simply be removed from the Arcane Coffer prize table. The same blue Servitor gear already drops from the lair chests. Nobody wants to open an Arcane Coffer and discover a 34s 18c piece of vendor trash.
Alternatively, make the Servitor gear drop from Silver Gauntlets onward, so that the bad prizes occur from the start, rather than from an "upgrade".
The marks seem to be very rare to drop(had over 12 tries with gauntlet and not a single one - okay only 4 tries after the change of gauntlet with 2 PG and 2 with MG).
Bug: Minidungeon: Death Forge: Skillnode The first skill node(nature kit) isn't available to lootable. At the place it was it isn't more and only a glow show that it will be there, but it seem to be in the wall...
On starting the Dread Ring campaign yesterday with a freshly imported character, this quest bugged out. It told me to study the Thayan Writings, when I did, it consumed the cypher but did not complete the study. The quest window shows 0:00 remaining, but it will not complete. I tried dropping the quest and getting it again, but the Thayan Writing is still stuck at 0:00. I can't get another cypher as all the quests are locked. No progression in the campaign is possible. I have done this on another two imported characters and a freshly leveled character and had no problems. The only thing I can say is it was very laggy the day it happened.
Edit: it just happened on another character. No further campaign progression possible.
Yes that happen to me over and over again I did try with three new copy characters... But I was not able to progress further in the campaign!!!
I think this is the last build before it goes to Live... But if they don't fix it!!!
I do not want to think, what will happen on day one of Module 2
What are peridot and aquamarine? and what do they do?
I've seen that they are added to the coffer that coalescent wards drop from, but I haven't been able to find any mention of them anywhere else, yet.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
What are peridot and aquamarine? and what do they do?
I've seen that they are added to the coffer that coalescent wards drop from, but I haven't been able to find any mention of them anywhere else, yet.
They are "refining stones", which you use to give your enchantments or artifacts refining points to be able to upgrade them.
Peridot is worth 500 points (and thus is a pretty awful return in exchange for your 7 days of celestial coins... one unmatched enchantment shard gives roughly the same in the current build)
Aquamarine is worth 1500 points (also pretty awful, considering this appears to be replacing a coalescent ward drop more than half the time)
Other known stones:
White pearl is worth 100 points (leadership boxes and skill node/chest drops - pretty rare drops at that)
Flawless sapphire is worth 5000 points (30k AD from Wondrous Bazaar)
Lesser [artifact type] stone is worth 2500 points when used to refine a matching artifact (gift pack to characters who reached level 60 prior to module launch; used to be awarded in Sword Coast Adventures Gateway browser game, but not sure if this is still so)
I have a question according to scrying stone : can you get to the stone in Rib cage ? I spent 2 hours jumping from platform to platform, but from 2nd to 3rd I was unable jump. I always fall down, so I am curious, if I just don't know how to jump, or is this somehow bugged ? Thanks for answering.
In the zone rewards it says this is t1 gear with a magical bonus for wearing it as a set. When you mouse over stats no set bonus is showing up. This is for the TR gear
Bug: Scheduled Rewards I just finished the Dread Spire and didn't get the Greater Mark of Power for Tuesdays.
Bug: Campaign: Study Thayan Writings Copied a character, started Dread Ring, finished the first quests and instantly started the first task "Study Thayan Writings." Unfortunately it never finished, says 0:00 remaining and is stuck. Relog didn't help, will see what another day brings.
Feedback: Quest: A New Day After finishing Dread Spire for the first time, Knox gives you a quest that asks you to start "Study Thayan Writings." I didn't know and started the campaign task prematurely so I couldn't progress for today. The quest should recognize whether you have already started the task or not.
[Quest Notify] "Collect Reward" complete!
[Inventory Notify] You received Orb of Respite.
[Inventory Notify] You received Lesser Mark of Stability.
[Inventory Notify] You received 3 Vanguard Scrip.
[Inventory Notify] You received 5 Thayan Scroll.
[Inventory Notify] You received Thayan Cipher.
[Quest Notify] "A Chamber of Horrors" complete!
[Quest Notify] Resolved the quest "A Chamber of Horrors".
2nd run with a bought key also had no success.
[Quest Notify] "Collect Reward" complete!
[Inventory Notify] You received Talisman of Respite.
[Inventory Notify] You received Aquamarine.
[Inventory Notify] You received 3 Vanguard Scrip.
[Quest Notify] "Death Forge" complete!
[Quest Notify] Resolved the quest "Death Forge".
[Quest Notify] "Collect Reward" complete!
[Inventory Notify] You received Orb of Respite.
[Inventory Notify] You received Lesser Mark of Stability.
[Inventory Notify] You received 3 Vanguard Scrip.
[Inventory Notify] You received 5 Thayan Scroll.
[Inventory Notify] You received Thayan Cipher.
[Quest Notify] "A Chamber of Horrors" complete!
[Quest Notify] Resolved the quest "A Chamber of Horrors".
2nd run with a bought key also had no success.
[Quest Notify] "Collect Reward" complete!
[Inventory Notify] You received Talisman of Respite.
[Inventory Notify] You received Aquamarine.
[Inventory Notify] You received 3 Vanguard Scrip.
[Quest Notify] "Death Forge" complete!
[Quest Notify] Resolved the quest "Death Forge".
Can you please post your ingame time and the current forum time analog to your ingame time? Because you maybe get into the timezone difference issue(if it's now 1138 in the forum my current ingame time is 2038)
From 0900 - maybe 1300 forum time i get the scheduled additionally GM.
Edit: Okay:
Fass der Wunder = Cask of Wonder
Ruestung des tayanischen Eiferers = Thayan Zealot Armor
Vorkaempferschein = Vanguard Scrip
Tayanische Schriftrolle = Thayan Scroll
Tayanisches Zeichen = Thayan Cipher
Maechtiges Mal der Stabilitaet = GM of stability.
So i don't get a GM of stability at 2054 ingame = 1254 forum time. It's still wednesday...
this forum doesn't allow special german letters...
I'm European as well, so it was 5 AM PST, 2 PM CET.
nwnghostMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited December 2013
Silence Quest:
There are way too few Dread Hounds in the Quarry area compared to the number of players doing that quest. I think I counted a total of 8-10 Hounds when every player (if not in party) needs 5
Bug: Seizing power
cant clear (open the trove got reward) or abandon the quest essentialing letting it sit stuck in my quest list
nwnghostMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited December 2013
Hold Portal Quest:
It would be nice if there were more portals or they spawned more frequently. Having to destroy 3 fragile portals hen there's 10+ players competing for them is mostly a waiting game
Feedback: Quests From the aspect of role playing, one of introduction quests named Shatter, bestowed by NPC Xuna, contains controversial objective (stealing). It would be better to change that quest to another one so that players aren't forced to perform controversial act.
What's the use for the Dread Legion Devoted Cleric Gear Set?
- With Armor Penetration, Life Steal but no recovery.
- The defense counts just 87 points more than the Sacred Hand T1 Set.
- Power and Crit are fine, similar to other Power and Crit focused T2 sets.
Please explain to me the purpose of this set and how it could work in RL.
As I was attempting to obtain a new helm, I've been running the Dread Spire. According to Zone Rewards, I am collecting rewards from Death Force, however, in Dread Spire. As I've yet to really 'farm' Death Force, I can't be certain, but it does feel like the rewards are swapped between Death Forge and Dread Spire.
Edit: Death Force seems to be dropping from the same loot table.
Also! No icons on the Dread Ring's map makes it pretty hard to navigate.
[Open for play, link to spotlight thread]
It's bugged ranger's Seismic Shot ability special effect. Sometimes it goes straight down instead of just forward and sticks in the terrain causing massive fps drop in the current area. This issue exists since the first day of Shadowmantle testing. Existing greenlights were removed with latest update, but the bug is still not fixed.
Oh and if you can change the mechanic of killing in Phantasmal Fortress, that would be great.
You have currently a timer for respawn the lich. Heavy DD can avoid this, but some builds/classes have a big disadvantage with that. First they need to kill the ph... whatever it named. But because they lack damage the timer go 0 and the lich spawn. So they have to defeat them and THEN they only can damage the thing again. And if they lack a lot of damage, the timer go again to 0. This is annoying as DC for example. So change this to % of the thing because the lich don't wait that you kill his place. Thanks for a response at this issue.
I received the correct mark from the lair of the day/Tuesday, from the first run. No key necessary. Dunno if it's because you fixed it or just a fluke
Under the campaign window the models for the new sets are currently showing the models for the Fomorian weapons and I think armor as well. Please update so we can see what the new ones look like
I did not receive a Greater Mark of Union from Phantasmal Fortress Dungeon Lair.
So i waste a key for running it today and the schedule say i can get a GMU from this Lair today!
Some hidden changes:
Pre Silver Gauntlet:
Post Silver Gauntlet:
No picture available(other user need to post the current Silver Gauntlet)
Pre Platinum Gauntlet:
Post Platinum Gauntlet:
Pre Mithral Gauntlet:
No picture available(other user need to post the old Mithral Gauntlet)
Post Mithral Gauntlet:
(can i deliver in 2 days)
Pre * Gauntlet:
No picture available(other user need to post the old * Gauntlet)
Post * Gauntlet:
(can i deliver in 1 week)
On starting the Dread Ring campaign yesterday with a freshly imported character, this quest bugged out. It told me to study the Thayan Writings, when I did, it consumed the cypher but did not complete the study. The quest window shows 0:00 remaining, but it will not complete. I tried dropping the quest and getting it again, but the Thayan Writing is still stuck at 0:00. I can't get another cypher as all the quests are locked. No progression in the campaign is possible. I have done this on another two imported characters and a freshly leveled character and had no problems. The only thing I can say is it was very laggy the day it happened.
Edit: it just happened on another character. No further campaign progression possible.
Dread Servitor gear (blue gear sometimes looted from Arcane Coffers using Mithral Gauntlets) is flagged salvageable. It is blue gear, so salvage is impossible.
Feedback: Dread Servitor gear & Mithral Gauntlets
Dread Servitor gear should be flagged Free Transmute. By the time a character upgrades to Mithral from Platinum, Dread Servitor gear is a side-grade at best. Most players will immediately vendor the item. As far as I can tell, the only purpose of Dread Servitor gear is Collection Score and cosmetic variety. If the gear was Free Transmute, the player might feel that upgrading to Mithral Gauntlets was less of a waste. As it stands, when this goes live, I might put off the Mithral upgrade until I can pay for the Adamantine upgrade immediately after, to leapfrog the Mithral stage.
Alternatively, it could be upgraded to epic, which would solve the bug reported above, and give the gear more worth than its vendor value.
After further consideration, the blue Servitor gear should simply be removed from the Arcane Coffer prize table. The same blue Servitor gear already drops from the lair chests. Nobody wants to open an Arcane Coffer and discover a 34s 18c piece of vendor trash.
Alternatively, make the Servitor gear drop from Silver Gauntlets onward, so that the bad prizes occur from the start, rather than from an "upgrade".
The marks seem to be very rare to drop(had over 12 tries with gauntlet and not a single one - okay only 4 tries after the change of gauntlet with 2 PG and 2 with MG).
The first skill node(nature kit) isn't available to lootable. At the place it was it isn't more and only a glow show that it will be there, but it seem to be in the wall...
Yes that happen to me over and over again
I think this is the last build before it goes to Live... But if they don't fix it!!!
I do not want to think, what will happen on day one of Module 2
Has anyone compiled a list of the what the different levels of coffers drop?
I've seen that they are added to the coffer that coalescent wards drop from, but I haven't been able to find any mention of them anywhere else, yet.
They are "refining stones", which you use to give your enchantments or artifacts refining points to be able to upgrade them.
Peridot is worth 500 points (and thus is a pretty awful return in exchange for your 7 days of celestial coins... one unmatched enchantment shard gives roughly the same in the current build)
Aquamarine is worth 1500 points (also pretty awful, considering this appears to be replacing a coalescent ward drop more than half the time)
Other known stones:
White pearl is worth 100 points (leadership boxes and skill node/chest drops - pretty rare drops at that)
Flawless sapphire is worth 5000 points (30k AD from Wondrous Bazaar)
Lesser [artifact type] stone is worth 2500 points when used to refine a matching artifact (gift pack to characters who reached level 60 prior to module launch; used to be awarded in Sword Coast Adventures Gateway browser game, but not sure if this is still so)
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Bummed to hear about the drop ratio affecting coalescent wards.
In the zone rewards it says this is t1 gear with a magical bonus for wearing it as a set. When you mouse over stats no set bonus is showing up. This is for the TR gear
I just finished the Dread Spire and didn't get the Greater Mark of Power for Tuesdays.
Bug: Campaign: Study Thayan Writings
Copied a character, started Dread Ring, finished the first quests and instantly started the first task "Study Thayan Writings." Unfortunately it never finished, says 0:00 remaining and is stuck. Relog didn't help, will see what another day brings.
Feedback: Quest: A New Day
After finishing Dread Spire for the first time, Knox gives you a quest that asks you to start "Study Thayan Writings." I didn't know and started the campaign task prematurely so I couldn't progress for today. The quest should recognize whether you have already started the task or not.
[Quest Notify] "Collect Reward" complete!
[Inventory Notify] You received Orb of Respite.
[Inventory Notify] You received Lesser Mark of Stability.
[Inventory Notify] You received 3 Vanguard Scrip.
[Inventory Notify] You received 5 Thayan Scroll.
[Inventory Notify] You received Thayan Cipher.
[Quest Notify] "A Chamber of Horrors" complete!
[Quest Notify] Resolved the quest "A Chamber of Horrors".
2nd run with a bought key also had no success.
[Quest Notify] "Collect Reward" complete!
[Inventory Notify] You received Talisman of Respite.
[Inventory Notify] You received Aquamarine.
[Inventory Notify] You received 3 Vanguard Scrip.
[Quest Notify] "Death Forge" complete!
[Quest Notify] Resolved the quest "Death Forge".
Can you please post your ingame time and the current forum time analog to your ingame time? Because you maybe get into the timezone difference issue(if it's now 1138 in the forum my current ingame time is 2038)
From 0900 - maybe 1300 forum time i get the scheduled additionally GM.
Edit: Okay:
Fass der Wunder = Cask of Wonder
Ruestung des tayanischen Eiferers = Thayan Zealot Armor
Vorkaempferschein = Vanguard Scrip
Tayanische Schriftrolle = Thayan Scroll
Tayanisches Zeichen = Thayan Cipher
Maechtiges Mal der Stabilitaet = GM of stability.
So i don't get a GM of stability at 2054 ingame = 1254 forum time. It's still wednesday...
this forum doesn't allow special german letters...
There are way too few Dread Hounds in the Quarry area compared to the number of players doing that quest. I think I counted a total of 8-10 Hounds when every player (if not in party) needs 5
cant clear (open the trove got reward) or abandon the quest essentialing letting it sit stuck in my quest list
It would be nice if there were more portals or they spawned more frequently. Having to destroy 3 fragile portals hen there's 10+ players competing for them is mostly a waiting game
From the aspect of role playing, one of introduction quests named Shatter, bestowed by NPC Xuna, contains controversial objective (stealing). It would be better to change that quest to another one so that players aren't forced to perform controversial act.