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Unkillable GWF ruins pvp



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    sangrinesangrine Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The way the game is set up at the moment, the GWF cannot be retuned just for PvP without effecting PvE..

    Time duration of CW control powers are reduced in pvp. If developers can tweak CW for pvp, why can't other classes be tweaked too?
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    cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    sangrine wrote: »
    Time duration of CW control powers are reduced in pvp. If developers can tweak CW for pvp, why can't other classes be tweaked too?

    CW could chain CC indefinitely with the right setup, that's why their CC had to be reduced, some spells were and some weren't also. Prone duration from shard is the same, root time of icy rays is the same. I think only entangling force and chill strike we're reduced.
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
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    pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    cribstaxxx wrote: »
    CW could chain CC indefinitely with the right setup, that's why their CC had to be reduced, some spells were and some weren't also. Prone duration from shard is the same, root time of icy rays is the same. I think only entangling force and chill strike we're reduced.

    Nice, they did what needed to be done. Now they should make sure to fix the prone chaining from GFs as well.
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    vortix44vortix44 Member Posts: 680 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    sangrine wrote: »

    In 1vs1 pvp fight, if you are able to greatly injure an unkillable GWF, they often will sprint away to regenerate HP or drink health potion.

    Oh, that is what makes the gwf unkillable: running away when wounded and drinking HP potions.

    AFAIK the PvP HP potions are not cheaper for gwfs. They should, as the gwf is using more HP pots than any other class in PvE, and as a compensation the PvP potions should be cheaper for this class. But they aren't.

    Sprint does not allow the gwf to go very far. He won't go out of sight. If you're a ranged class he is still vulnerable to your range attacks. Plus, even if he runs away, you don't lose the focus, he is still getting hit by your attack.
    English is not my first language.
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    sangrinesangrine Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    cribstaxxx wrote: »
    So your desire is that the squishiest of DPS should be able to kill the tankiest of tanks 1v1?
    Yes, absolutely.
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    sangrinesangrine Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    dante123pl wrote: »
    /tactical facepalm

    Useless comment. ^ Please delete.
    Do you even understand what I wrote?
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    cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    sangrine wrote: »
    Yes, absolutely.

    That is stupid b/c as I said in my previous post, this game has nothing to do with 1v1. In all honesty a BiS TR can kill a BiS Sent GWF 1v1 btw.

    The point is there is no reason for 1v1 balance b/c this game has no place for 1v1's, it's a team game. Once they release a FFA deathmatch (which they never will) you can whine about 1v1's.

    @persephone b/c of long cooldowns GF cannot come even close to permanent prone, and to even achieve more than ~4 seconds they need a daily so that only happens once every few fights.
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
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    sangrinesangrine Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    izatar wrote: »
    Well said. Here's an analogy:
    Cribstaxxx and I are playing basketball. We zone defense and shoot for the hoops. The OP doesn't know about basketball, but he does know football! He wants to run around tackling people. When he is on our team we say 'no man, control your zone and shoot some baskets and stop trying to tackle people', but he says 'no! tackling people is fun!'. Well, its basketball, not football, and tackling scores no points for the team.

    Your analogy is flawed. If I wanted to play tackle, of course, I would play a tackle game. No reason to play basketball. In NW, there is only 2 pvp types. 5v5 arena and 20v20 gauntlgrym (GG). Unforuntately, there is no pvp option which perfectly suits me.

    I would love to see pvp option with balanced "cookie-cutter" builds. No enchants. No buffs. Every class uses the same gear.
    Seriously, I highly doubt this will every happen. My best hope is to, at least, nerf the godly,tanky players in pvp, since they are very annoying.
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    dante123pldante123pl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 282 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    sangrine wrote: »
    Your analogy is flawed. If I wanted to play tackle, of course, I would play a tackle game. No reason to play basketball. In NW, there is only 2 pvp types. domination and gauntlgrym (GG). Unforuntately, there is no pvp option which perfectly suits me.

    I would love to see pvp option with balanced "cookie-cutter" builds. No enchants. No buffs. Every class uses the same gear.
    Seriously, I highly doubt this will every happen. My best hope is to, at least, nerf the godly,tanky players in pvp, since they are very annoying.

    so now they re just anyoing, thats why u want to nerf tanks?
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    cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    sangrine wrote: »
    Your analogy is flawed. If I wanted to play tackle, of course, I would play a tackle game. No reason to play basketball. In NW, there is only 2 pvp types. domination and gauntlgrym (GG). Unforuntately, there is no pvp option which perfectly suits me.

    I would love to see pvp option with balanced "cookie-cutter" builds. No enchants. No buffs. Every class uses the same gear.
    Seriously, I highly doubt this will every happen. My best hope is to, at least, nerf the godly,tanky players in pvp, since they are very annoying.

    Lol why would that be fun? Why would anyone that enjoys PvP ever play the game? they would just hit 60 and PvP Q. and then after a week they would lose interest because they can't upgrade their character or get better in any way. The game would die with your suggestion. Fact is that no matter how much you want it to be deathmatch it's not, and since kills don't matter it's fine that certain classes are better in 1v1 situations, and certain classes are better in group situations.

    Do you know how boring sent GWF is lol? your whole job is to sit on enemy point until you are eventually killed meanwhile your team caps other 2 points because they had to send extra people to kill you, that's GWF strat in a nutshell. Granted if you can afford Gtene's you may take 1 with you before you die =P
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
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    sangrinesangrine Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    dante123pl wrote: »

    so now they re just anyoing but not unkillable?

    Go away. I said "very annoying", not "just annoying".
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    sangrinesangrine Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    cribstaxxx wrote: »
    Lol why would that be fun? Why would anyone that enjoys PvP ever play the game? they would just hit 60 and PvP Q. and then after a week they would lose interest because they can't upgrade their character or get better in any way. The game would die with your suggestion. Fact is that no matter how much you want it to be deathmatch it's not, and since kills don't matter it's fine that certain classes are better in 1v1 situations, and certain classes are better in group situations.

    The most balanced mmo pvp which I played is Planetside 2 (PS2). open world pvp. Tens to hundreds of players in most battles.
    character upgrade ability is very limited. Difference between high level and low level is not so much. High level players have an advantage, but low level players can still kill. PS2 is one of the most successful mmo pvp games.

    Problem is .... I played so much PS2 that it's boring for me. repetitive shooting can become boring and I know every inch of the current 3 maps. In terms of balance, Planetside 2 is light-years ahead of NW. No such thing as a player who can not be killed 1v1. There is a very tanky and very deadly class (Max), but they are not agile, and can not self-heal/repair. You shoot them, go behind cover, and repeat. It's difficult to kill them if you have no cover and not a good weapon and low health, but it's not impossible.

    I would go back to play PS2, but GG pvp is still very fun to me. D&D theme is my favourite. Another reason why I am here.
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    cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    sangrine wrote: »
    The most balanced mmo pvp which I played is Planetside 2 (PS2). open world pvp. Tens to hundreds of players in most battles.
    character upgrade ability is very limited. Difference between high level and low level is not so much. High level players have an advantage, but low level players can still kill.

    Problem is .... I played so much PS2 that it's boring for me. repetitive shooting can become boring and I know every inch of the current 3 maps. In terms of balance, Planetside 2 is light-years ahead of NW. No such thing as a player who can not be killed 1v1. There is a very tanky and very deadly class (Max), but they are not agile, and can not self-heal/repair. You shoot them, go behind cover, and repeat. It's difficult to kill them if you have no cover and not a good weapon and low health, but it's not impossible.

    I would go back to play PS2, but GG pvp is still very fun to me. D&D theme is my favourite. Another reason why I am here.

    Isn't that an FPS? lol are we really going to compare an FPS to an MMO? Not to mention you're also comparing open world 50v50 PvP to domination instance based 5v5 PvP. Your entire post adds nothing to this debate and only shows the fact that you simply want to be able to hit 60 and immediately be amazing in PvP, that isn't how MMO's work and if your idea of PvP is exact same build and gear for everyone then you should probably go play a different game.
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
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    baddobb1baddobb1 Member Posts: 123 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013

    GWF is killable by every class 1v1 except to a degree DC yet GWF will struggle to kill a well geared Dc and becomes a pointless battle of the nubs.

    Sorry you came across someone in better gear/play style than you and You died.

    Best you stick to pve, where the mobs are scripted and its easier.
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    dante123pldante123pl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 282 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    dam CW just proned me with ice knife
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    sangrinesangrine Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    cribstaxxx wrote: »
    Isn't that an FPS? lol are we really going to compare an FPS to an MMO?.

    Planetside 2 is a fps mmo open-world pvp game. It's not a RPG, but there are player/equipment/vehicle upgrades as level increases. It's the most balanced mmo pvp which I ever played. My experiences with RPG mmo pvp is usually they are very unbalanced.

    I don't think unkillable players (1v1) should be in any pvp game. Per your suggestion, I wont be playing domination pvp unless something changes.
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    cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    sangrine wrote: »
    Planetside 2 is a fps mmo open-world pvp game. It's not a RPG, but there are player/equipment/vehicle upgrades as level increases. It's the most balanced mmo pvp which I ever played. My experiences with RPG mmo pvp is usually they are very unbalanced.

    I don't think unkillable players should be in any pvp game. Per your suggestion, I wont be playing domination pvp unless something changes.

    Awesome, I wish more complainers like yourself would take the same stand. That would really cut down on PvP leavers. FYI there are no unkillable players in this game, only ones that require strategy timing or focus to deal with. Have fun in care bear land!
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
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    dante123pldante123pl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 282 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    sangrine wrote: »
    The most balanced mmo pvp which I played is Planetside 2 (PS2). open world pvp. Tens to hundreds of players in most battles.
    character upgrade ability is very limited. Difference between high level and low level is not so much. High level players have an advantage, but low level players can still kill. PS2 is one of the most successful mmo pvp games.

    Problem is .... I played so much PS2 that it's boring for me. repetitive shooting can become boring and I know every inch of the current 3 maps. In terms of balance, Planetside 2 is light-years ahead of NW. No such thing as a player who can not be killed 1v1. There is a very tanky and very deadly class (Max), but they are not agile, and can not self-heal/repair. You shoot them, go behind cover, and repeat. It's difficult to kill them if you have no cover and not a good weapon and low health, but it's not impossible.

    I would go back to play PS2, but GG pvp is still very fun to me. D&D theme is my favourite. Another reason why I am here.
    where is the point in comparing shoter to mmo?
    also i play ps2 the game is very well made for f2p
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    aquillazxaquillazx Member Posts: 86
    edited October 2013
    sangrine wrote: »
    The most balanced mmo pvp which I played is Planetside 2 (PS2). open world pvp. Tens to hundreds of players in most battles.

    I'm sorry but, Hahahahaha. What dead server have you been playing on that you haven't noticed the lethal pro pilots that get an average of 50 kills per 1 possible death ( depends on if they log out before they die or not) or the shotgun NC Max that insta gibs anyone while having a shield ready to tank the damage, or the harassers with gunner and engineer at the back for heals while on the road, the infiltrators with 2-3 hit kill secondaries / stay invisible untill they've got a headshot lined up , shoot and hit F instantly to dissapear off the radar, the Striker death squads with lock-on missiles that still have the ability to ignore flares , the NC launchers that are camera guided which makes them perfect for going around corners, the days of the supercharged flashing lobster VS max, the bomber galaxies / liberators with auto repair, or the super agile VS Magrides that ( if handled by a decent driver) can wreck any other tank by just moving diagonally while the secondary gun destroys them and last but not least the ability to ignore all damage by just spamming A and D.

    PS2 is a great game though and I enjoy playing it, but to say that it's ''the most balanced pvp'' is just too much..
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    pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    High GS regeneration sentinels sure are hard as hell to take down. I would not be able to take one down as i am now (and may be not even in the future), but if they do not slot tenes, they would not be able to kill me either.
    A skilled TR can take one down if the GS difference is not too much.
    A skilled CW or DC can stall them if the GS is similar.
    A ful lgroup can kill them.

    I'm not a regeneration sentinel, but a offensive sentinel, cause i wanted some attack power and didn't like the idea of slotting OP tenes. Yet, i could stall a regeneration sentinel with tenes for long. Then my team arrived and we could kill her.
    This can be done now that Unstoppable does not heal permanently with its temporary health.

    I've seen a GWF with 33k hp/1,8k regen/ 3.6k def and don't remember the deflect stats: his attack sucked. Without his stacked tenes, he wouldn't kill a fly.
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    lemollenlemollen Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    sangrine wrote: »
    We are in agreement. Some players are unkillable 1vs1 in pvp.
    No need to argue with me, since you agree with me.
    I know an even more effective way to avoid tanky players. Do not queue for domination pvp.
    100% avoidance. works every time.

    I have an even better suggestion for you. Uninstall game. 100% avoidance and GOOD RIDDANCE.
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    sangrinesangrine Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    cribstaxxx wrote: »
    Awesome, I wish more complainers like yourself would take the same stand. That would really cut down on PvP leavers. FYI there are no unkillable players in this game, only ones that require strategy timing or focus to deal with. Have fun in care bear land!

    Several very experienced players in this thread have already admitted they sometimes have difficulty killing other players (1v1).

    DC is a healer and I can accept that they have the ability to heal themselves.
    GWF is not a healer and should have much less ability to self-heal.
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    sangrinesangrine Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    dante123pl wrote: »
    where is the point in comparing shoter to mmo?
    also i play ps2 the game is very well made for f2p

    Planetside 2 is a mmo.
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    cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    sangrine wrote: »
    Several very experienced players in this thread have already admitted they sometimes have difficulty killing other players (1v1).

    DC is a healer and I can accept that they have the ability to heal themselves.
    GWF is not a healer and should have much less ability to self-heal.

    Which is why this game isn't based on 1v1's and is a team game. When talking about a team of 5 the game is balanced. Why would you try to 1v1 a sent if you know you aren't geared enough to do it? just ignore him and kill his support and then focus fire him once his teammates are gone. Strategy beats single character strength every single time.
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
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    sangrinesangrine Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    aquillazx wrote: »
    I'm sorry but, Hahahahaha. What dead server ...

    PS2 is a great game though and I enjoy playing it, but to say that it's ''the most balanced pvp'' is just too much..

    To my knowledge, every class in Planetside 2 (PS2) has a way to kill every other class. There is no class which can not kill another class. Hence, PS2 has some balance. My favorite thing to do in PS2 is drive around in my skyguard tank and shoot airplanes and sunderers. I can do a lot of damage, but I'm not invincible 1v1 against airplane or sunderer. Problem with NW is invincible players in 1v1 fight.

    There are no invincible players (1vs1) in PS2, except for cheaters.
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    bstbybstby Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 104 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    cribstaxxx wrote: »
    Why would you try to 1v1 a sent if you know you aren't geared enough to do it? just ignore him and kill his support and then focus fire him once his teammates are gone.

    That is one great piece of advice here. Though I admit, I should follow it myself much more often hehe
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    dante123pldante123pl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 282 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    sangrine wrote: »
    To my knowledge, every class in Planetside 2 (PS2) has a way to kill every other class. There is no class which can not kill another class. Hence, PS2 has some balance. My favorite thing to do in PS2 is drive around in my skyguard and shoot airplanes and sunderers. I can do a lot of damage, but I'm not invincible 1v1 against airplane or sunderer. Problem with NW is invincible players in 1v1 fight.

    There are no invincible players in PS2, except for cheaters.
    i prefer to play LA with their awsome jump jet D:
    too bad they re keep nerfing this class :/
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    sangrinesangrine Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    cribstaxxx wrote: »
    Which is why this game isn't based on 1v1's and is a team game.

    Planetside 2 (mmo) combat is also not focused on 1v1. It is focused on hundreds vs hundreds, yet 1v1 balance is better than NW.
    I can kill the most tanky player with my squishy engineer (in PS2).
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    degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    A well-geared CW can take down a Sent solo, though it's a bit rough. I've found it's about 50-50 for me now, and I'm still working on my P. Vorpal. Once I get it and a bit more DR via Dark Enchantments, it should be much easier. A good CW (and TR) should be able to burn one down in a decent amount of time.

    If you want him dead faster, send a second, then have him rush back to mid (as most Sents are back-cappers).
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
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    rapticorrapticor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,078 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Just because you personally can't kill a GWF doesn't make them "unkillable". I kill them all the time. But keep repeating the same thing over and over if it makes you feel better.
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