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Sentinel GWF Build - PvE Focus (PvP viable) - Leeroy Jenkins!



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    kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    wikkedjj wrote: »
    Hey Kolat,
    What do you like best as the tier 4 thayan boon? I'm leaning more towards the heal with the pve focus of the build...seems like the necrotic damage would be more useful in pvp with the heal debuff. But you never know, other people have other ways of looking at things, so just looking for a little input before choosing!
    I went with the heal one as the increase in Defense was also attractive via the Sentinel's Aegis capstone feat. :)

    aselia669 wrote: »
    Nice Guide kolatmaster, got a question which weapon enchant do you think is better for making myself an aggro magnet, Greater Plaguefire or Perfect Vorpal? I've been using Perfect Vorpal for my GWF, was wondering if using Plaguefire has any difference if I want to take the heat off someone.
    Thanks mi amigo!

    To the best of my knowledge, it would be Perfect Vorpal, as I haven't tested a GPf in a while... I can try to do so in the coming weeks though, for Science! lol

    kaktyc7 wrote: »
    You have new rings? Couse Ancient Priest's Rings have Deff slot.
    Corrected above! (Yes it's a Def slot.) :o

    kirillka1 wrote: »
    Hello, respected Leeroy.
    Me with difficulty given translation with English on Russian.
    Therefore, I ask show screenshots skills.
    I shall be very, very grateful to you.
    Skills, are you asking for Powers or Feats? Or what Rotations I use for PvE and PvP?

    Just want to clarify what you're asking bud! :cool:
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    monteshaomonteshao Member Posts: 0
    edited January 2014
    Hey Leeroy, i have a question, it's about Dungeons Runs

    When i am going PVE and in Dungeon i use: Daring Shout,Frontline Surge and Resoring Strike

    Daring Shout - really help if you face big monsters with huge HP coz it gives nice amount of Defence - stonger monster-stronger def buff and + it gives faster rage fill up.

    Frontline Surge - help prone targets + nice dmg

    Resotring Strike - dunno , i can't without it. If when i run dungeon we dont have Healer or have Bad healer it's save me very well... I know 1700-2000 hp + nothing, but sometime really help me not die.

    So i notice you have different skill's

    Come and Get it, Not so Fast and Indomatial Battle Striek

    For real i dont get it. How it help's in Dungeon ?

    Come and Get it - for what it ? Sometime it help lure mobs around you and give dmg bonus but sometime it's going for nothing, like you wast something

    Not So Fast - i agree with it .. But ! You can change it coz you already have not bad At-Will Wicked Strike almost same.

    Indometial Battle Strike - it help if you can kill mobs with that strike, but if you have CW or TK, Archer in group it's almost impossible do last hit and if you fighting versuse big Bosses no point use it, better i think Restoring Strike - faster recharge + heal.

    Just explain me, coz i think i am doing something wrong. Maybe you loadout really good in Dungeons so please explain me details ! Thank you again ! With love !


    Sorry for bad english. Hope you get it what i said)). Love !
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    kirillka1kirillka1 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I'm interested in Powers:o
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    kuyabaykuyabay Member Posts: 56
    edited January 2014
    Thanks for the guides Kolatmaster. I've enjoyed running my gwf as your destroyer build, but now thinking of trying out the sent build. I may have missed it somewhere in the thread, but what Sharandar and Dread boons have you settled on fro this build?

    Thanks man and keep up the good work, legions of noobs like myself are big fans.
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    charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Going to respond to some of this just because,
    monteshao wrote: »
    Hey Leeroy, i have a question, it's about Dungeons Runs

    When i am going PVE and in Dungeon i use: Daring Shout,Frontline Surge and Resoring Strike

    Daring Shout - really help if you face big monsters with huge HP coz it gives nice amount of Defence - stonger monster-stronger def buff and + it gives faster rage fill up.

    Frontline Surge - help prone targets + nice dmg

    Resotring Strike - dunno , i can't without it. If when i run dungeon we dont have Healer or have Bad healer it's save me very well... I know 1700-2000 hp + nothing, but sometime really help me not die.

    So i notice you have different skill's

    Come and Get it, Not so Fast and Indomatial Battle Striek

    For real i dont get it. How it help's in Dungeon ?

    Come and Get it - for what it ? Sometime it help lure mobs around you and give dmg bonus but sometime it's going for nothing, like you wast something
    Come and get it drags mobs close to you, especially when getting initial aggro this is nice, the mobs will be right on you and attacking you not the party, they're clumped nice and close for the cw to steal time or even shoot them off a ledge.
    Not So Fast - i agree with it .. But ! You can change it coz you already have not bad At-Will Wicked Strike almost same.
    Not so fast has a fast animation making it higher dps, it also procs a slow which will raise your damage afterward with having trample the fallen loaded. It's all about synergy.
    Indometial Battle Strike - it help if you can kill mobs with that strike, but if you have CW or TK, Archer in group it's almost impossible do last hit and if you fighting versuse big Bosses no point use it, better i think Restoring Strike - faster recharge + heal.
    It hits much harder than restoring strike, and once you get your regen up you won't really need many potions or heals.
    Just explain me, coz i think i am doing something wrong. Maybe you loadout really good in Dungeons so please explain me details ! Thank you again ! With love !


    Sorry for bad english. Hope you get it what i said)). Love !
    Hope this helps as while I'm not the OP, I'm pretty sure his reasoning on it is the same as mine.
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    kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    kirillka1 wrote: »
    I'm interested in Powers:o
    I'll see what I can do about a screen shot in the coming days, but I did list the ones I maxed out w/three points in the December update. If that helps at all! :)

    kuyabay wrote: »
    Thanks for the guides Kolatmaster. I've enjoyed running my gwf as your destroyer build, but now thinking of trying out the sent build. I may have missed it somewhere in the thread, but what Sharandar and Dread boons have you settled on fro this build?

    Dark Fey Warden: You gain 250 Defense.
    Fey Elusiveness: You gain 250 Deflect.
    Feywilds Fortitude: Your Max HP increased by 700.
    Elven Tranquility: When being struck by a foe you have a chance to heal yourself for 400 HP.
    Fey Thistle: When you Deflect an attack you deal 400 damage to your attacker. (Proc on every deflected attack. Debuff on attacker and his Damage Resistance affect damage)

    Dread Ring:

    Reliquary Keeper's Strength: You gain 125 Power and 125 Movement.
    Illusory Regeneration: You gain 250 Regeneration.
    Forbidden Piercing: You gain 250 Armor Penetration.
    Enraged Regrowth: When taking damage you have a chance to heal 1000 Hit Points over a few seconds. After this effect ends you have 250 more Defense for 10 seconds.
    Endless Consumption: When you steal health from your Life Steal stat, it has a chance to steal 3 times as much.
    kuyabay wrote: »
    Thanks man and keep up the good work, legions of noobs like myself are big fans.
    No problem man, I'm happy to help! :cool:

    charononus wrote: »
    Hope this helps as while I'm not the OP, I'm pretty sure his reasoning on it is the same as mine.
    You're answers were correct good sir! :D
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    kirillka1kirillka1 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Well, thank you.
    Leeroy, you're cool !!!:o
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    elusiveonen7elusiveonen7 Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I've been using this build for about a week now on my GWF, and it's been amazing, damage is pretty great as well. I appreciate the awesome guide and I look forward to updates on it. While I am here though, i'll shoot one question your way. Assuming a single target situation, where you are not being attacked, would your main at-will be Threatening Rush or Wicked Strike? Both attacks are fairly slow, TR clearly hits harder, but I am not sure.
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    kirillka1kirillka1 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Leeroy, what level start use "Ioun Stone of Allure" ?
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    ddlabryddlabry Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Hi I am curious how the dmg output of the sentinel spec fares against the other specs like destroyer:
    1. Powerful challenge seems theoretically able to stack dmg more consistently
    - but 6% additional dmg compare to powerful challenge at 15%, but we have to keep apply mark through threatening rush
    2. On bosses we lose out on battle tramples buff as all bosses are immune to prone/slow.
    3. Staying power yes - I do believe this spec. is able to hold the line when kitting adds, but does unstoppable fire-off as often as a destroyer spec. I believe more than anything else, unstoppable should have as much up-time as possible?

    What are your thoughts Kolat? How has this spec fared against pandapauls?
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    drakkosmikedrakkosmike Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Random update: Being the Mad Scientist that I am...

    I decided to try a random experiment and test out Perfect Bilethorn instead of my Perfect Vorpal.

    I'll let you know how it goes! :cool:

    So Kolatmaster does P. Bilethorn do comparable damage? Just curious what you found out, because the enchant does look very cool. You did say it might help with keeping aggro, but wanted to see what you thought about damage. I dont think I have enough crit to make vorpal worth it.
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    meublexmeublex Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Hey kolat, kinda **** qns but i gotta clarify.

    Where is this Idomitable Strength in Dailies as i do nt see it in my GWF?
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    myth8892myth8892 Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2014
    Once you have 50 pts into your power tree, it will be there, go to your powers screen and scroll all the way down....
    It's at the very bottom middle power..
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    meublexmeublex Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I see!! thnks myth8892
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    kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Some responses...
    kirillka1 wrote: »
    Well, thank you.
    Leeroy, you're cool !!!:o
    Still working on that bud, I'll get the Skill/Powers pics up in the coming days, sorry for the delay!

    I've been using this build for about a week now on my GWF, and it's been amazing, damage is pretty great as well. I appreciate the awesome guide and I look forward to updates on it. While I am here though, i'll shoot one question your way. Assuming a single target situation, where you are not being attacked, would your main at-will be Threatening Rush or Wicked Strike? Both attacks are fairly slow, TR clearly hits harder, but I am not sure.
    I'm glad you're enjoying it my friend, always good to hear positive feedback... Though if you find something you can improve on, I will be happy to listen and discuss! :cool:

    If it's a single target, like if I am attacking/tanking a boss, I would use Threatening Rush and Sure Strike. Using Threatening Rush, then doing a full Sure Strike rotation while the Mark is up and then repeat.

    ddlabry wrote: »
    Hi I am curious how the dmg output of the sentinel spec fares against the other specs like destroyer:
    1. Powerful challenge seems theoretically able to stack dmg more consistently
    - but 6% additional dmg compare to powerful challenge at 15%, but we have to keep apply mark through threatening rush
    Yes, you must weave Threatening Rush between uses of Encounters, At-Will's, and Dailies. It takes some getting used to, but I've found it worth it thus far.
    ddlabry wrote: »
    2. On bosses we lose out on battle tramples buff as all bosses are immune to prone/slow.
    Chill stacks from a CWs powers can still trigger Trample the Fallen. I've seen it in my combat log, but it's not completely consistent and may be a glitch. Chill stacks are CC, so when they are on the boss fire away and see how it works! :)
    ddlabry wrote: »
    3. Staying power yes - I do believe this spec. is able to hold the line when kitting adds, but does unstoppable fire-off as often as a destroyer spec. I believe more than anything else, unstoppable should have as much up-time as possible?
    Sentinel doesn't have Destroyer's Purpose (the Destroyer capstone that gains Determination based on damage dealty), and it mitigates more damage then most Destroyers... So the answer is no.
    ddlabry wrote: »
    What are your thoughts Kolat? How has this spec fared against pandapauls?
    If you're looking for pure DPS in PvE, PandaPauls is obvious the way to go. It's not even a question... lol

    If you want to be PvE viable, while doing good damage (enough to actually matter in a party) and also being PvP viable, along with being really hard to kill and more of an aggro magnet then this build is the way to go.

    Just a playstyle decision really!

    So Kolatmaster does P. Bilethorn do comparable damage? Just curious what you found out, because the enchant does look very cool. You did say it might help with keeping aggro, but wanted to see what you thought about damage. I dont think I have enough crit to make vorpal worth it.
    Perfect Vorpal is still best for damage, though I haven't found Perfect Bilethorn to be significantly far behind. By that I mean far behind enough for me to believe it's a liability. I believe it does keep aggro well, as the bleed is another hit on the baddies and thus far it seems to. Though I admit I don't have hard data, I will say I still hold aggro just fine with it!

    I now have a Fallen Dragon sword via level 20 Weaponsmithing and I put my Bilethorn on that, so I swap between those two as I see fit. :)
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    xwanguuxwanguu Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    May I ask why the P.Bilethorn is better than a P.Flaming?
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    kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    xwanguu wrote: »
    May I ask why the P.Bilethorn is better than a P.Flaming?
    Bilethorn has the best bleed damage in the game per enchantments, per what I know. Never directly compared it to Flaming personally though, so I'm going by what I have read/researched on the forums and through chatting with other players.
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    hidahayabusahidahayabusa Member Posts: 634 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    P.Bilethorn shines in PvP, if you are up against fotm GWFs and TRs. The damage comes in parts so chances are that if a GWF goes unstoppable and you still hit him, 4 seconds later damage will go through. However that's good with D.Flurry and I have no clue on how you are able to apply multiple stacks of poison easily.

    In PvE it's a different story since targets stay there and watch you doing whatever you want. But then who gives a **** about PvE? It's a step harder than damaging dummies in trade of blades.
    * Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
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    hidahayabusahidahayabusa Member Posts: 634 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    If flavor gets in the conversation, I am sold. You know...clan loyalty and all...
    * Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
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    rki2rki2 Member Posts: 57
    edited January 2014
    . But then who gives a **** about PvE? It's a step harder than damaging dummies in trade of blades.

    if you want a competitive game, you're playing the wrong game bud. play a game that doesn't have gear/money as a factor in winning.
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    hidahayabusahidahayabusa Member Posts: 634 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    rki2 wrote: »
    if you want a competitive game, you're playing the wrong game bud. play a game that doesn't have gear/money as a factor in winning.

    No, thanks I am playing the right one. Don't know where you identified anything about my searching for a competitive game (i had my share of competitive games btw), but rest assured that if I stop having fun, I will find it in some other game out there.

    Back to the thread.
    * Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
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    giggliatogiggliato Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Hi, I was wondering if you are able to hold aggro on VAL in VT against a well geared CW?
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    kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    giggliato wrote: »
    Hi, I was wondering if you are able to hold aggro on VAL in VT against a well geared CW?
    100% yes.

    I have done it with a CW who also had Perfect Vorpal, higher ranked enchants then I, and completely out damaged me at the end. Still held aggro on that undead hussy! ;)
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    kirillka1kirillka1 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    What information recent, on the first page or page 24 ?
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    kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    kirillka1 wrote: »
    What information recent, on the first page or page 24 ?
    Page 24 is the most recent info... :)
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    kirillka1kirillka1 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Thanks, Bro. From Russia with Love :rolleyes:
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    maninautummaninautum Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I am ironvanguard - destroyer build for both 50/50 pve and pvp spec. Looking forward to improve to final stage.

    Hamsap - GWF 18.2k gs
    Guild = Quantum
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    kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    kirillka1 wrote: »
    Thanks, Bro. From Russia with Love :rolleyes:
    As requested...


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    ortzhyortzhy Member Posts: 1,103 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    always been curious of why you dont take :deep gash: on your dwarf?
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    kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ortzhy wrote: »
    always been curious of why you dont take :deep gash: on your dwarf?
    Because it's an amazing feat for DPS and Aggro generation. :cool:
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