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Interactive Poll: The Top 20 Fixes You'd Make to Neverwinter!



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    psyb3rtr011psyb3rtr011 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    One simple one...

    Convert many Bind on Pickup items to Bind to Account on Pick-up.

    Especially for the special events. During the Midsummer Event, I only wanted a few things, for two separate characters. I wanted the War Pig Mount, Pig Companion and Clothes for my Female Dwarf Devoted Cleric. My Hin Control Wizard wanted the Clothes and the Sunite Orb (This was before I found you couldn't change the colors with dye. Booooo!)

    My Human Guardian Fighter didn't want anything, as the men's clothing looked way too feminine for a burly fighter to wear.

    In the just completed Halloween event, I wanted to grind with my best character for it, to get the Skeleton Warrior companion for him, the Pit Fiend Mask for him and some dyes. But I wanted the Owl Mask and the Cat mask for my alts. I got on of the masks, only to notice afterward, that they are Bind on Pickup. Booo.
    AKA Cyber Troll and Euben Hadd
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    kozi001kozi001 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 876 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Frequent bug when doing foundry (Scarlet Library) you have to wait 2-3 minutes between runs to start or can't start.
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Oooo this is fun.

    1) Rebalance racials so there really are more benefits to others besides generic halflings, 3% defense to 3% DR buff on humans for example.
    2) A true PVP matchmaking system
    3) A PVP Ranking System
    4) New PVP Gametypes
    5) New PVP Maps
    6) BOP items converted to BOA (Binds on Account) - Further benefits Cryptic in people buying more slots etc.
    7) Arena PVP - Deathmatch with ranking and nice armor rewards. 2v2/3v3/5v5
    8) Stats reworked. Power benefit should be doubled. Crit DR should be pushed back about 500 points, Recovery benefit should be doubled and work with animations not just CDs. The higher recovery the less animation time it takes do do things lik at wills. (Diablo 2 did this VERY successfully I might ad)
    9) +HP granted on more sets of gear at a higher amount of HP stacking.
    10) Enchants that add base rolls like +1 Dex, +1 Con ETC.
    11) More Unique Weapon enchants - Example a Frost enchant that slows enemies movement and deals damage. Other fun things like "A chance to attack twice".
    12) Unique Weapons/Armor/items. An example would be a really low weapon damage sword thats called "ethereal blade" has 100 top end damage however attacks pierce through all DR.
    13) A "Hero" System. Allows players to re level their character however with higher base rolls than before. All gear remains bound to that character just that he starts at lvl 1 again.
    14) A fun long quest chain that takes you back through ALL the PVE content the reward could be #13. Gives min/maxers MORE incentive to play.

    Oh man, id be SO happy with just those 14 and that would keep me busy for a LONG time.
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    sharkhat75sharkhat75 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I only have one.

    Stop dismounting players when interacting with gates to travel between zones. Those gates are obviously large enough to allow a horse to go through. The portals within Sharandar already work this way, so the functionality already exists.
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    aandrethegiantaandrethegiant Member Posts: 3,366 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Nice feedback, in the thread that never dies!! ;)

    I forgot to mention my favorite four letter word.............




    TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
    No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
    Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
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    laylandshanlaylandshan Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Normally my polls are filled with well researched/thought provoking questions. This time, I'd like the community to make the poll.

    Time for those of us that are planning to be around here for awhile to roll up our sleeves, and make a better Neverwinter for the lot of us.

    I'd like everyone to put their Role Playing hats on and imagine you are a Cryptic Neverwinter developer. Your challenge?

    You have been given the green light to fix (or add) anything you'd like to work on in the game, but you only have 74 days to get it ready for a major patch on August 16th.

    Make a list of the top things you'd fix or add in Neverwinter if you were tasked with such a radically cool responsibility!

    1. Fix in game voice chat.
    2. Create a REAL LFG Looking-For-Group feature, such as in DDO.
    3. Fix the dungeon queue system.
    4. Improve GF and CW aggro, GF blocking.
    5. Improve boss mechanics. Redesign bosses to have unique dynamics beyond "avoid the red spot," design bosses to be more thematic in attack structures and defenses. Provide for monster vulnerabilities (ie: frost giants = especially susceptible and responsive to fire based attacks).
    6. Reduce trash mobs/ads in dungeons, strengthen whats left.
    7. Reduce xp granted by 25-75% across the board, thereby allowing more play of Foundry, skirmishes, and delves while leveling. Loosen current level cap to allow more questing. Minority strongly like xp way it is.
    8. Add a trade channel, freeing up general/zone chat.
    9. Make the server merger happen.
    10. Add more powers and allow a custom character creation option.
    11. Rework Need/Greed/Pass to prevent unjust looting.
    12. "Vote to kick" system rather than the leader having absolute power - require 3 out of 5 party to kick.
    13. Add ability to email gold and AD to alts
    14. Add guild housing/player housing.
    15. More emotes, including sit down in chairs and a proper lay down/sleep emote
    16. Make players auto dismount when they are near a mailbox auction, NPC or vendor. Also change to stay mounted after traveling to new zone.
    17. Enhance ignore feature in game and on forums.
    18. Retool companions with better AI, more customization options, including adding inventory space.
    19. Drastically lower the Exp/Glory rewards for losing in PvP. This alone would cure a lot of the AFKing in PvP type problems.
    20. Add collaboration tools to Foundry.

    Special mentions:

    - Allow players to toggle instantly between 2 different feat selections when they are in protectors enclave (dual-spec). This would be unlocked for a one time cost of 1 respec token

    - Make deities mean something.. create deity background Change (Deity, City), deity themed armor(Cloaks, Chest, Weapons) and add more deities (Evil as well)

    - Add a report function to report botters/afkers in PVP to perma ban them if caught (zero tolerance here since it ruins the game).

    - Add two more paragon paths to all currently released classes, and ensure all classes released in the future have three paragon paths already.

    - Exploration zones - the world feels too small, not all of us like point and click - put a bit of sandbox into the game, it won't hurt

    - Make a filtering system for foundry quests ie; Story-heavy, Hack'n'slash-heavy, RP-specialty, Non-solo quest, etc.

    - More Monster/NPC types

    - Greater character customization with the ability to set idle stances, guild logos, as well as to save what has been created.

    * Don't be afraid to list something someone else has already mentioned. The more "votes" something gets, the higher up on the Top 20 it goes! Also if you don't see it on the list already, mention it, it might just bump something off the list!

    ** My promise to the community is a simple one. I'll make sure the results of our poll get to the powers that be. So keep it clean, keep it positive, and let's get something done, together!

    *** I'm making a grand list of great ideas based on this thread, delivering it to the developers, and creating a PDF file for public view, so keep putting those thinking caps on!!

    Make stable for mounts and guild hall or personal keep where you can access bank, mail , what have you and stable your mounts maybe even be a monster collector and have a menagerie on display of your conquests.
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    jester000jester000 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 55
    edited November 2013
    Pressing F on a player with a new option "Offer Dual", if they accept you both get transported to a large room where you can beat the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> out of each other, I wouldnt tie it to any ranking system as its easily abused but would be fun for guild mates to practice pvp there
    Essence of Aggression
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    thorsgatethorsgate Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I would like to see the removal of all the "OK" buttons when dealing with professions. You go to finish a task, and then have to click on OK too. That isn't much of a problem with a couple of characters, but when you have close to 20, it becomes a real pain. Additionally, when you have a character proficient in multiple professions, the task screen defaults to the first created profession. If you are working on anything else, you constantly have to shift the screen view down to the last task selected. Why can't system remember last screen used in the Professions window and use the as the default until a new professions skill is picked.
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    rafa2306rafa2306 Member Posts: 44
    edited November 2013
    Wwell, I would give priority to these, not in that particular order:

    5 - Redesign bosses
    12 - Vote to kick, though i hear that's already done in module 2, haven't looked into it
    13 - Make that an across characters bank with possibility to store gold.
    18 - PLEASE enhance companions

    - PLEASE enhance deities, free thematic armor transmutes are a cool idea

    Something I thought about "need, greed and pass" system. If you Need something, it should come BoP, that's the concept of "need" right? You need it for use, cause everybody needs AD. It would make for more fair loot rolls.

    Add a hot key to quickly switch between a set of skills, with a cooldown of course, it' lazy, but it bugs me to switch skills every time i go in pvp. I have to switch skills at least 2 times during GG.
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    synslaughtersynslaughter Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I like this polling idea. Seems like it'd garner more positive, useful feedback than many of the threads I've seen.

    1. More variety to the quests, PLEASE!!! While I like what's already in game, I'd love to see some quests that feature puzzles, riddles (thus far, only the Clockwork Tomb has one,) and other mechanics for stimulating the cerebrum. Throwing a few of those in the mix would give us a break from the "kill X quantity of creatures, interact with X number of sparkly items in no particular order" grind. If adding them to the existing questlines would prove difficult, maybe some puzzles and such in future expansions?

    2. Give aggro a more dependable workability. My GF (who's specialized and specced through the roof for marking and building threat) can't keep a zombie hulk off a cleric to save her life. It's hard to feel important in a group when I'm spending valuable minutes yelling threats at a fat zombie butt.

    3. Please, can we make the companions a mite smarter? I notice others have had the same difficulty I've experienced: clerics wandering right up the enemy's nose (and into their AoE range,) and sitting there like holy bumps on a log until they inevitably become toast. That one and others are also infamous for gaining the attention of enemies I'd not yet intended to fight, sometimes well beyond a reasonable range for it. Can't tell you how many times I've headed back to a quest giver, my duties done, only to turn around and notice my man-at-arms has decided to start a fight he can't finish. GAH!

    4. Variety in boss mechanics. As it stands, most epic dungeons (particularly T2s) DEMAND multiple wizards to play "pass the pile of trash" while the rest either heal or poke at the boss. Something that'd allow the blade wielding classes to play a more vital, essential role in dungeons would be mighty awesome. Right now, no matter how well-geared or skilled, GFs aren't exactly a coveted asset for most of the available ones. Frozen Heart makes a good stab (pun intended) at it... more like that, maybe?

    5. Some mechanical fixes to the launcher, I beg you. Right now, I must go through a convoluted process of running the application as Administrator, then launch in safe mode, just so I can see something other than a black screen (or bizarre crashes during loads.) My hardware exceeds requirements, software updated, but it still worries me that one more "issue" will prevent my being able to play the game on a more-than-adequate computer.

    6. More specific reporting options against players who openly admit to violating the ToS. Account-sellers, people who vomit up slurs and flame others in zone chat, explicit real-world threats, and other behaviors that ruin the atmosphere of the game or make people feel unsafe should be allotted a more specific and effective means of being shut down. The filter's good for profanity (or keeping off if you don't mind regular old profanity), but there are a few things that bear serious attention and response.

    7. Please, oh please some fixes for the un-doable achievements! I can't seem to complete "Icespire Mountaineer" despite having been every-blinkin'-place throughout the map, even climb-y spots I probably shouldn't be able to access. Having searched this and other forums, it would seem this and a couple others are broken. I want to do these things, dernit!

    8. A price reduction for mount training. While I understand having a T3 mount is much-desired acquisition, it seems silly to pay nearly double the AD/Zen for upgrading what you have when you can pay a mere fraction for a ready-to-go 110% speedy-speedington. Something on par with (or just barely above) the price of, say, a Heavy Howler? Those 5g mounts are already dull as dishwater in appearance; it's just too much to expect someone to buy it up to speed for more than's required to buy a really nifty-looking ride from the Zen store. A little shave off the price for companion upgrading, too, for similar reasons.

    9. Let us discard the leftover coinage from events, no-longer-needed seals, etc. They're clogging up my space, man!

    That's all I can think of right now. Great game overall, I gotta say.
    I have the ability to heal you. A shield to protect you. Blades to slay your foes. Magic! So I'm a tiefling, so what? We have a common enemy, and a common goal. Here, you can put ornaments on my horns if it'll put you at ease.
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    stormdrag0nstormdrag0n Member Posts: 3,222 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Hey I remember this thread...it started back in June, has any of the suggestions been implemented thus far?

    Not a complaint I'm genuinely curious.
    Always Looking for mature laidback players/rpers for Dungeon Delves!
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    arcaelusarcaelus Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I would like a enemy system. Have an enemy or organization that always dogs you like on CO and in Novels. I doubt this would happen though because it is a feature of another game.
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    alexgabriel23alexgabriel23 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 276
    edited November 2013
    bump it up for more reading and fixing for the game devs :rolleyes:
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    klangeddinklangeddin Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    1) The LFG tool needs a complete overhaul, with the possibility of replacing lost party members in the middle of the run and the possibility joining lower level content from wherever you want as well. This is really top priority imho.
    2) Reduce the intended length for all type of content: eligible foundry, pvp arenas and skirmishes at 10 minutes, Dungeon Delves at 30 minutes (it goes without saying that this means reducing the amount of trash mobs)
    3) New and Better rewards for Foundry content.
    4) Give +regen to the Constitution STAT to all classes. Every point of CON above 10 gives 0,5% health regen.
    5) Rework Gauntlgrym into a campaign like Sharandar and remove the guild requirement to access it.
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    ferrousdogferrousdog Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    1. ability to send AD/gold to alts. Please make this happen. Please.
    2. ability to unbind companions (without killer AD cost) OR send a bound companion to your alt for use with that alt (drop it back down to level 1 or very low level as if starting fresh/minimal experience if the idea of an already maxed companion getting passed around sticks in somebody's craw).
    3. make treasure at end of quests BOE. Often the treasure isn't something worthwhile for a character and it'd be nice to be able to make some AD off something you fought hard for but can't use/don't want. Or, keep it BOP and make it salvageable. Current sale prices for these items in stores is paltry.
    4. seals able to be sold in the AH to those that want them. Or sell them to the seal vendors for AD/gold. If the seals are to stay BOP, make the items purchased with seals something of value/special. Items are often inferior to what you can pick up just doing general adventuring. Heck, add in specific dye packs for purchase for the different types of seals. Something, anything to make it more desirable to collect these things.
    5. profession items that are actually useful at the time you craft them (aside from class specific things like shirts and pants, which generally work fine as is). By the time you can craft armour/weapons of decent quality, you've already found much better ones, likely several levels higher than what you can craft.
    6. enchantment/rune tab
    7. reduce AD cost of upgrading companions
    8. have bosses at end of solo quests drop an enchanted key
    9. multi-classes
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    the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 1
    edited November 2013
    1. Fix in game voice chat.
    2. Create a REAL LFG Looking-For-Group feature, GW2.
    3. Replace the dungeon Que system with one like WoW.
    4. Improve companion leveling. Too many time have I played a character only to get a new drop from an event where the companion is exactly level 1 and needs to be powerleveled. It should at least be closer to the level a standard companion would be by my level at the time.
    5. Add many many many more classes. This is a serious thing for me. Sure you've got the hunter ranger coming but this is DnD we're talking about here. Where are the witches, artificers, battle mages, necromancers, Shamans etc etc?
    6. Reduce the trash mobs during boss fights and improve the aggro table for healers so that they won't ever become the target ever.
    7. Improve the rewards of the Foundry entirely so that players who like the foundry can play that instead of this being an all dungeon all the time style of gameplay.
    8. Restore the usefullness of crafting so that it is superior gear for use in open world and foundry contents and allow completed blue sets to be sellable again.
    9. Make the server merger happen!!!!!!!!!!!!
    10. Add more skills in paragons, even more then you have now.
    11. Rework Need/Greed/Pass to prevent unjust looting! Replace the looting roll system keybindings with something a bit easier to press then Ctrl 1 or F1 not everyone uses a standard keyboard for movement etc some of us have nostromos etc.
    12. "Vote to kick" system rather than the leader having absolute power - require 3 out of 5 party to kick. Absolutely a must!
    13. Add ability to email gold and AD to alts!
    14. Add a trio of three useful specs to companions so we can choose what they can do out of a series of at least 5 skills each.
    15. Add the ability to turn off the Target Reticle in the center of the screen while in town or safe zones so that one can mess with inventory etc or interact with objects and other players more easily.
    16. Make players auto dismount when they are near a mailbox auction, NPC or vendor. Also change to stay mounted after traveling to new zone!
    17. Allow for players in game the ability to report other players even when blocked so that those who see negative posts and who choose to harass players in game can no longer get away with it.
    18. Retool companions aggro table so that it matches that of the player so that enemies aren't running from the hills or attacking the player while mounted because the companion has a train dragging behind him.
    19. Retool the looting system so people don't get carpel tunnel for items like copper coins or items to turn in for reputation gains.
    20. Add more tools to the foundry so that creators have more control over what npcs and even mobs can do. I find it odd that I can't make anyone lie down or cough or even sit in a chair.
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    vortix44vortix44 Member Posts: 680 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    1) Give tools to the players to protect themselves from chinese farmers flooding all the chats. Mods/admins are not doing anything, it has even reached the point where one mod yesterday redirected a thread about spam to another thread, which has been closed by another mod! So least give the players some tools like "/AddFilter <keyword>" or "/IgnoreChineseIPs <yes/no>"
    2) Fix the red circles. Almost none is correct. Usually the effect is felt way beyond the red circle. See the exploding barrels in Sharandar, the zombie hulks, the DV tentacles, and so on, and so on.
    3) Fix the TR. This forum is full or TRs posting about how they solo-ed all the epic dungeons.
    4) Fix the dungeons. This forum is full of ppl explaining how this and that dungeon is simply impossible to complete if you don't have a certain number of ppl of a certain class.
    5) Fix the queue system so it does not create a team that has no chance whatsoever to beat the dungeon. For instance, the queue system should create only "3 CW, 1 DC, 1 TR" teams for CN.
    6) Either fix the gwf or create a new, viable Melee-DPS class.
    7) Fix the invisible walls. If people can jump a closed door, make the door higher, don't add an invisible wall.
    8) Fix the uniqueness of equipment stats. Rings with Defense slots. Armours with Offense slots.
    English is not my first language.
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    tang56tang56 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Hey I remember this thread...it started back in June, has any of the suggestions been implemented thus far?

    Not a complaint I'm genuinely curious.

    Of the OP fixes:

    4. Improve GF and CW aggro, GF blocking.
    Sort of. Takes work, but a GF can usually pull aggro from anyone. Sometimes it might take an encounter rotation.

    5. Improve boss mechanics. Redesign bosses to have unique dynamics beyond "avoid the red spot," design bosses to be more thematic in attack structures and defenses. Provide for monster vulnerabilities (ie: frost giants = especially susceptible and responsive to fire based attacks).
    6. Reduce trash mobs/ads in dungeons, strengthen whats left.
    Kinda. No real change to old dungeons though, just the new one in Feywild and also in Shadowmantle.

    8. Add a trade channel, freeing up general/zone chat.
    9. Make the server merger happen.

    Both these happened.

    10. Add more powers and allow a custom character creation option.
    More powers coming with module 2.

    11. Rework Need/Greed/Pass to prevent unjust looting.

    12. "Vote to kick" system rather than the leader having absolute power - require 3 out of 5 party to kick.
    Module 2.

    19. Drastically lower the Exp/Glory rewards for losing in PvP. This alone would cure a lot of the AFKing in PvP type problems.
    Happened. Change to PvP was nonexistant. People just quit instead of AFKing.
    RIP Neverwinter 26/06/2014
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    eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
    edited November 2013
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    aandrethegiantaandrethegiant Member Posts: 3,366 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Im fairly happy with the dev response to my list of my original ideas. Im amazed at the community's responses however. There's a metric crapton of ideas in this thread, and one of the most well behaved threads of them all, considering the topics. Thumbs up to all! :)

    Hopefully the ideas keep coming, and the devs keep knockin them down!

    TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
    No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
    Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
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    arcaelusarcaelus Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Please fix the GF Blocking. It is a key feature to the class. Since they have no dodge like the other classes.
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    arcaelus wrote: »
    Please fix the GF Blocking. It is a key feature to the class. Since they have no dodge like the other classes.

    I know I would like to see it changed to just a flat damage absorb rather than X number of hits over the damage threshold or however its calculated.

    I mean realistically, a shield should easily be able to block many little hits -> something it cant really do well now.

    And again if you block one massive hit, it should deplete the block meter really quickly...

    Also, this would give another OPTION of having each shield have a pre-set "block meter" in which as a new stat added it would dictate exactly how much damage it would absorb.

    this would give upgrading a shield a TON of nice value added in that you increase your block meter. Then things like a +15% block meter increase can be more objectively valued and weighed and built around.

    Just something ive thought of.....
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    prynnceprynnce Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Cryptic, here's a new one that you are probably already aware, please fix the "looking for group channel" and "zone chat" and get rid of the notorious spammer from that highly undesirable website that spams the channel constantly under different names. Since they change their names every minute, simply report spam does not block them. I advocate any means possible to get rid of them permanently. People don't need to buy from illegitimate sources, making money in game is easy.
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    sandbendersandbender Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    In the state of the game editorial you probably meant to say that the importance of player feedback can not be OVERSTATED, makes a big difference.
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    elyvionelyvion Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Fix some (many) rulebook inconsistencies: beyond the setting, this game has nothing to do with DnD.
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    manager18manager18 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    perfect world
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    rortierortie Member Posts: 178 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Better security.
    "Young people....." - Erik Lehnsherr
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    kazmonzorkazmonzor Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Here's what I feel really strongly that needs to be changed in the game, with 1 being most important.

    1. The cost of transmutation is ridiculously high. It should be 1/10 of what it is. And preferably it should be payed with gold.

    2. A toolbar that can rotate between different set-ups of encounters/passives/at-wills. How they can make a game without something simple as this is beyond me.

    3. Dual spec! I want to be able to have one spec for dungeons and one for PVP/solo content. Some classes need this more than others.

    4. It should be possible to disable other parts of armor, like it is with the head and neck slots. Particularly the shirt and pants. As it is now we can run around naked if we want (fashion wear with nothing equiped) but we can't have a skimpy chainmail bikini without loosing stats. What's up with that?

    5. Why don't we have an account wide bank for all our characters?

    6. Being able to share, or easily send, Astral Diamond's and Gold between characters.


    I forgot one thing:

    7. The interface were you can move stuff around and hide parts of the UI is just rediculously useless. Want to hide your player portrait? You'll loose track of your buffs and debuffs. Of cause buffs/debuffs have to be a seperate entity from the player portrait which doesn't have any function anyway.

    Why can't I hide my XP bar when I am level 60?

    why can't I hide the "window menu bar". If I can remember the shortcut's my self.

    Why is there no way to move the score table in skirmishes and dungeons. You know the one that obnoxiously pops up in your face when the boss dies!

    Why is the no way to move the loot tables that spams my screen with greenies when I'm in a dungeon.

    Why isn't there an easy way in game hide the minimap when I'm not using it (a small collapse button in the corner of the minimap, for instance.)
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    zomdzomd Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    This is unlikely, but I'd like them to revisit the designs of both the boss encounters (the amount and strength of adds) and layout of the existing dungeons, particularly the epic versions. The game was obviously balanced around how strong CW's control is plus what I can only imagine is a love affair with the push over ledges mechanic.

    It really hurts both class diversity and party diversity since any new DPS class is going to have to replicate the CW's abilities or else be superfluous and why take a straight DPS class other than TR when TR solos bosses fine and the collect and push group kills is so efficient. There's no amount of DPS that can be "balanced" and compete with that. People want two CWs most of the time. This is particularly true in both farm groups and anything in T2.

    The layout also needs to be revisited because there are some pretty egregious and obviously unintended shortcuts in some dungeons that require some glitch/platforming to skip mobs. Cut down the trash a bit and when you decide to include a shortcut and make it purposeful so one person doesn't continue to fail a series of jumps up a tight glitchy wall or parties don't engage in regressive gameplay like running through and wiping at bonfires.

    Platforming, shortcuts, ledges, knockbacks, and running through gauntlets can all be interesting when they are purposeful, thoughtfully designed, integrated into the story of the dungeon and can't turn into the regressive goto strategies that trivialize lots of content or the roles of the classes.
This discussion has been closed.