dirtyhookMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
So essentially on Saturday I had a lot of auctions won, expired, or outbid.
During this process I spent a lot of time at the postmaster collecting the goods or AD for said auctions. I then proceeded to delete the emails as I already collected these things. Now it seems everything was rolled back but I no longer have these items, nor do I have the emails that were deleted.
Does this mean all these things are gone now and I am just SOL?
I think you're arguing just for the sake it. There is no logic whatsoever. Have you every seen a car manufacturing company say "Hey here is out latest concept model. You can go ahead and try it for a spin, but you can only use the gas pedal half way down. Or you can buy the car, and be able to use all its features. But hey, remember, this is still a concept car, so we don't guarantee it working properly! But we will happily take your money to make sure we work out all the problems."
Are you actually listening to yourself? Who the hec would pay money in a game if there was the possibility of a full wipe? Who would pay money in a game if you were told ahead of time that any progress you've made, anything that you might acquire, maybe taken away from you under the banner of 'We're still in Beta'. The ONLY people that are ok with that, are those who didn't spend a penny. And even then, some of those people still feel entitled to their time wasted.
You're comparing two different things here. The first is a physical product, the second is a virtual product, which already makes your point moot.
If you support PWE by using their ingame cash shop in the open beta, that's entirely up to you but don't hold that against them when they address a critical issue and have to take drastic actions. This IS a beta, whether you believe it or not. Actually, what you believe is quite irrelevant. PWE has stated it themselves. The game is still in a beta phase, open beta.
The ONLY people that are ok with that, are those who didn't spend a penny. And even then, some of those people still feel entitled to their time wasted
I've spent a lot of money myself already, so don't even go there.
While I don't disagree with your evaluation of today's generation, I think you are WAY off on labeling those who are complaining about the situation as belonging to such a generation. Assuming that everyone who is happy with how things were handled are nothing but a bunch of spoiled kids is utterly arrogant and disrespectful.
The ones being arrogant are usually the ignorant ones who complain as soon as something goes against them or their beliefs. Ignorance and arrogance usually goes hand in hand.
I am one of those who are not appreciative of the situation. I am not going to jump off a building, threaten to leave, etc...but hec, I think the money I spent so far in the game totally gives me the right to speak my mind and criticize even. I don't know why some of you are acting like Cryptic is doing us a favor. It's the other way around. We are doing THEM a favor by financially supporting them, and being patient with the early stage of a game launch. But everything has a limit, and in my world, the consumer is always right.
You should do your self a favor and stop spending cash while the game is still in an open beta phase then. It's your money and it's your choice. If you spend your money in the cash shop while the game is still in an open beta phase, you're the only one to blame if things go sour, which can happen pretty fast at any time during any beta phase.
If my world, the consumer is only right when you buy a physical product that is faulty due to fabrication errors. This is a game. A game that is free to play and in a beta phase. There are no beta phases in real life. You dont get a beta dodge challenger or a beta king size bed. In real life what you see is what you get.
I teach my kids to be respectful of others and well mannered, but I also make sure they understand how to know when they are being taken advantage of.
What exactly are you talking about? Taken advantage of? In what way are you being taken advantage of here? You knew it was a beta, even if it's an open beta. Why even bother spending money if you already knew what you were getting yourself into? Or is it the fact that you spent your money thinking that if anything goes sour you're entitled to (Whoops! entitlement syndrome!) a refund? Entitled to reimbursement? Entitled to more than anyone else got out of it perhaps?
I think you need to get off your pedestal before your ego breaks it and you fall on your rear end.
I'll say again. Noone is holding a gun to your head saying "Buy ZEN and spend it in the cash shop!". Your money, your choice. Still, the game is in a beta and not a finished product.
"For in this modern world, the instruments of warfare are not solely for waging war. Far more importantly, they are the means for controlling peace..."
the thing is the characters i made over the weekend are gone because of the roll back... these should be account bound and given to every character made on the account.
I completely Agree, what about the char I made Sunday morning and now is completely gone? This is not a good start to my experience. The only char i had and put 4 hours in to is completely gone and I get nothing for it.
What do you mean, we only have limited slots in our inventory and this gift eats up more of those valuable slots?!
Oh well, nothing stopping me from throwing it in the trash I suppose.
MoF/Thaum CWSS/Thaum CWIV/Protector GFSW/Combat HRSM/Destroyer GWFWK/Executioner TRDO/Faithful DC
thecainMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Erm... the pack looks nice and all. But honestly, I was hoping you'd unlock the Drow for everyone a month early. Given the fact we've been through massive foundry nerfs (to the point it's actually a bad thing to play foundry missions now, since EXP and loot tanks hard), the constanty barrage of maintenance, ignoring reports from players about bugs until they just exploded onto the scene violently... Yeah. My trust is lost. I'm not quitting the game, not by a long shot, but this is some serious HAMSTER, and finally being able to make Drow (one of my favorite, and main, races) would have been a nice treat.
If you support PWE by using their ingame cash shop in the open beta, that's entirely up to you but don't hold that against them when they address a critical issue and have to take drastic actions. This IS a beta, whether you believe it or not. Actually, what you believe is quite irrelevant. PWE has stated it themselves. The game is still in a beta phase, open beta.
Listen, let's not derail this thread into something that it is not. You can call it Beta till you're blue in the face. There are plenty of people like me, who don't just throw labels left and right and stick to their denotations. You and your likes keep talking about this, as if all these complaints would have been tolerated or accepted if the game wasn't "Beta". Let's face it. There are those that are content with everything and anything, as if that makes them mature, and others who complain about things that bothers them. End of story.
Second, and most importantly where did I EVER complain about the "drastic" actions? In fact from reading almost all the posts, hardly anyone is complaining about it. Actually many of those people were calling for a complete wipe. I am complaining about the actions taken AFTER the rollback, NOT the rollback itself.
The ones being arrogant are usually the ignorant ones who complain as soon as something goes against them or their beliefs. Ignorance and arrogance usually goes hand in hand.
If it makes you feel more intelligent calling other ignorant than go right ahead. But complaining about something has nothing to do with ignorance. In fact much of our laws and rules are results of people complaining.
You should do your self a favor and stop spending cash while the game is still in an open beta phase then. It's your money and it's your choice. If you spend your money in the cash shop while the game is still in an open beta phase, you're the only one to blame if things go sour, which can happen pretty fast at any time during any beta phase.
Good thing PWE doesn't have you as their PR person. (Yea people, we at PWE are extremely sensitive to our playerbase and are strongly discouraging anyone from spending cash in this game, until we are out of "open Beta")
Again, I am not complaining about things going sour. I think you just like to see your posts on the forum putting down others for things they didn't even say.
If my world, the consumer is only right when you buy a physical product that is faulty due to fabrication errors. This is a game. A game that is free to play and in a beta phase. There are no beta phases in real life. You dont get a beta dodge challenger or a beta king size bed. In real life what you see is what you get.
You really live in a world unlike anything we've experienced. In the real world there are no consumers for non-physical products? There are no consumers of Games? There is no such thing as Beta? Heard of Concept products? Promo Products? Limited distribution products? Test products? At least take a moment to think about what you are writing.
What exactly are you talking about? Taken advantage of? In what way are you being taken advantage of here? You knew it was a beta, even if it's an open beta. Why even bother spending money if you already knew what you were getting yourself into? Or is it the fact that you spent your money thinking that if anything goes sour you're entitled to (Whoops! entitlement syndrome!) a refund? Entitled to reimbursement? Entitled to more than anyone else got out of it perhaps?
Show me where I or actually ANYONE on this thread asked for something more than anyone else got? What entitlement. You throw out the word as if you actually understand what it means.
I'll say again. Noone is holding a gun to your head saying "Buy ZEN and spend it in the cash shop!". Your money, your choice. Still, the game is in a beta and not a finished product.
No please don't say it again. The first 10,000 times weren't enough. It didn't make sense then, it sure as hell won't make sense now. No one in ANY game, BETA, ALPHA or 10 years into the 10th expansion holds a gun to anyone's head and say give me your money. So I have NO IDEA what point you are trying to make for the last 3 hours. But thanks anyways.
moshpet02Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 11Arc User
edited May 2013
Now if there were just cosmetic slots to put the cape and other gear into so we can look like something other than peasants. There are some nice items that we get as drops that look good, but are useless to keep as we out level them.
nvnotalxMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Love it! Thanks for the wonderful game ... and the present!
aaronjfMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
From a player who has played everquest since 99 and wow from when it was released up til a few months ago, thank you... You guys offer a free to play game. Granted some folks like me spend money on it to support your great work. That being said, your communication and gesture here were more than I can recall Blizzard, Sony/Verant ever doing. Every EQ expansion release would have the servers down for normally a day or more it seemed. The best we would get is a credit for a few days for the time we were down. For being free to play, I didn't expect anything but a deal with it IF that. Your dev's did what they could to keep us informed. It might not have been the most accurate info (1 hour eta, then 2 then no guess at all) but you guys did what you could to communicate with us regardless. Being part of the whole SimCity craptastic release I applaud your efforts. Thanks. This game has a lot of rough areas but it is great. I can't wait to see and play this game when it is functioning 100% as intended. Again, thank you..
gordon86xMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited May 2013
Hey guys, im wondering why there are items that are Bound(Account) and i cant find any way to give them to my other chars xD
I cant open a thread for some reason by my son and husbands account was banned on Saturday for 72hours for "exploiting boss" for how a pug group told them to stand on the wall for the pirate boss... I'm not here to debate if they should of been banned or not or what ever the 72 hour ban is up and they both still cant get into the game... we opened a ticket but tickets with PWE take weeks to get answered so what can they do about getting back in game?
Can i get a dev to respond to these 72 hour bans that happend saturday afternoon about the boss exploit before this whole AH issue... 72 hours was up 1.5 hours ago...
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited May 2013
Can anyone outline what these items do/are? Thanks.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
2xAdventurer's XP Booster:4000 xp bonus earned at 25% Dvarven Facemask: A Fashion Hat. Stone of Health: Insta heal. 50 charges. Cape of Catastrophe: A cape, with cat on it....
5x Teleport Scrolls to Protector's Enclave.
Caturday Survivor title.
Really? A silly cape, a broken mask, a healing rock? You guys really spent time coding this stuff instead of fixing the AH or repairing the XF nerf? A great thanks would have been fixing more errors that the game has, not taking the time to design trinkets that bind to characters who, for the most part if they're at all leveled, will never use? And not even for new characters who might be able to get some uses out of them for a few levels. I'm underwhelmed.
You're making a pretty vain and fallacious assumption here. Vain in that you understand how their team works, and fallacious that the people who design items and do the modeling for em have sweet **** all to do with server side coding or database functions. I've done this job before. You're so wrong it's actually funny.
In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008. RIP Caine
Dude. You can call it Black and White Beta. But when a company accepts $70 from me, I in turn expect delivery. If it was truely Beta, they wouldn't have taken money from people. it's the reason they are giving out free stuff. It's definitely not for the benefit of the free loaders, but actually those that supported the game financially. Thanks for trolling anyways.
Or you could take some responsibility here and realize that if a company calls something a beta you shouldn't spent any money on it. You hold alot more power when you make the decisions that effect your life instead of expecting someone else to either let you or not let you do something. I made a conscious decision not to spend a single dime on this game (or any game) until AFTER the word Beta is removed. Companies exist to make money (there are a very few exceptions to this but Cryptic isn't one of them). As soon as you stop relying on them to make choices for you, you'll be better off. It doesn't matter if you think it should or should not be called a beta, they called it that. If they call it beta, guess what, that means its beta. The fact remains that you chose to give them money prior to them saying it was anything other than beta.
You lost celestial coins, something that doesn't cost a single cent and one of the most minor inconveniences to build back up to in any MMO I've ever seen. I think I hear the WHHAAAAAAAMULANCE headed your way.
obekkwaeMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 1Arc User
While I don't disagree with your evaluation of today's generation, I think you are WAY off on labeling those who are complaining about the situation as belonging to such a generation. Assuming that everyone who is happy with how things were handled are nothing but a bunch of spoiled kids is utterly arrogant and disrespectful.
I am one of those who are not appreciative of the situation. I am not going to jump off a building, threaten to leave, etc...but hec, I think the money I spent so far in the game totally gives me the right to speak my mind and criticize even. I don't know why some of you are acting like Cryptic is doing us a favor. It's the other way around. We are doing THEM a favor by financially supporting them, and being patient with the early stage of a game launch. But everything has a limit, and in my world, the consumer is always right.
I teach my kids to be respectful of others and well mannered, but I also make sure they understand how to know when they are being taken advantage of.
Well said. I love how the internet makes everyone a 6 foot tough guy with a masters in psychology whilst granting the ability to know everything about anyone just because of how they choose to interpret a forum post. Anyways, beyond being disappointed i wont be getting said pack, i don't think i said anywhere that i was entitled to something or even demanded anything. All i did was express my disappointment because i was still impacted by the large amount of downtime (like everyone else) and felt it somewhat amusing because, the only reason i had wound up in this situation was due to having actually paid for/supported the game. I also said that because it was Cryptic, i am not really surprised.
The pack was supposedly going to be released around the end of the week, but as Cryptic do, they rushed it through and implemented it in a not so great way on a per character level when an account level (ie an account in good standing as of the 19th) would have been a better way of doing it without risking missing anyone who may have been impacted still but for whatever reason, did not meet the per character criteria. C'est la vie i guess.
ydnardotisdaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited May 2013
While I personally am grateful for the 'Token of Gratitude', I would much prefer an ETA on the fix for the AH. I won't be playing my main till this is taken care of.
I was hoping for some Runes or Profession Assets/Resources
Something a level 60 could actually use. Even a Top/Bottom vanity set other than my free peasant bag clothes...
I guess that stone will be ok if it heals a percent and not a flat small amount...and the scrolls for if I feel super lazy while...well...there's not really much I have to travel for and I have a fast horse.
Ugh...It's a nice thought I guess but a poor showing for anyone that is above level 40 or so...
rayndylraMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited May 2013
I'm honestly just grateful that they've removed the exploit. The bonus "Caturday" pack is just that - a bonus. At the end of the day, we're not making any money off playing the game, so time lost isn't that important. That's my opinion anyway.
During this process I spent a lot of time at the postmaster collecting the goods or AD for said auctions. I then proceeded to delete the emails as I already collected these things. Now it seems everything was rolled back but I no longer have these items, nor do I have the emails that were deleted.
Does this mean all these things are gone now and I am just SOL?
You're comparing two different things here. The first is a physical product, the second is a virtual product, which already makes your point moot.
If you support PWE by using their ingame cash shop in the open beta, that's entirely up to you but don't hold that against them when they address a critical issue and have to take drastic actions. This IS a beta, whether you believe it or not. Actually, what you believe is quite irrelevant. PWE has stated it themselves. The game is still in a beta phase, open beta.
I've spent a lot of money myself already, so don't even go there.
The ones being arrogant are usually the ignorant ones who complain as soon as something goes against them or their beliefs. Ignorance and arrogance usually goes hand in hand.
You should do your self a favor and stop spending cash while the game is still in an open beta phase then. It's your money and it's your choice. If you spend your money in the cash shop while the game is still in an open beta phase, you're the only one to blame if things go sour, which can happen pretty fast at any time during any beta phase.
If my world, the consumer is only right when you buy a physical product that is faulty due to fabrication errors. This is a game. A game that is free to play and in a beta phase. There are no beta phases in real life. You dont get a beta dodge challenger or a beta king size bed. In real life what you see is what you get.
What exactly are you talking about? Taken advantage of? In what way are you being taken advantage of here? You knew it was a beta, even if it's an open beta. Why even bother spending money if you already knew what you were getting yourself into? Or is it the fact that you spent your money thinking that if anything goes sour you're entitled to (Whoops! entitlement syndrome!) a refund? Entitled to reimbursement? Entitled to more than anyone else got out of it perhaps?
I think you need to get off your pedestal before your ego breaks it and you fall on your rear end.
I'll say again. Noone is holding a gun to your head saying "Buy ZEN and spend it in the cash shop!". Your money, your choice. Still, the game is in a beta and not a finished product.
~Admiral Arleigh Burke~
I completely Agree, what about the char I made Sunday morning and now is completely gone? This is not a good start to my experience. The only char i had and put 4 hours in to is completely gone and I get nothing for it.
NOTE: Just now received as of May 21! Keep up the great work Cryptic and thanks for you didn't even need to send us anything, I am appreciative!
Do they auto level? Do they bind to level when you unpack the items? Are they Lvl 60 items?
The Wiki seems to have no information on these items.
I can guess about the XP boosts and I know about the teleport scrolls.
Its all well and good saying "you'll get these" but not telling us what these are is confusing.
Thanks though...
That was more than I expected.
Admittedly, I expected butkis.
XP and tele scrolls are useful.
I was hoping for some training manuals.
I have 150 cats that I want to level to 30. (<----too soon? I'm joking o/c. I stayed logged out Saturday on purpose and disapprove of cheaters.)
Anywho, thanks for the box.
Oh well, nothing stopping me from throwing it in the trash I suppose.
Ah well. Whatever...
Listen, let's not derail this thread into something that it is not. You can call it Beta till you're blue in the face. There are plenty of people like me, who don't just throw labels left and right and stick to their denotations. You and your likes keep talking about this, as if all these complaints would have been tolerated or accepted if the game wasn't "Beta". Let's face it. There are those that are content with everything and anything, as if that makes them mature, and others who complain about things that bothers them. End of story.
Second, and most importantly where did I EVER complain about the "drastic" actions? In fact from reading almost all the posts, hardly anyone is complaining about it. Actually many of those people were calling for a complete wipe. I am complaining about the actions taken AFTER the rollback, NOT the rollback itself.
If it makes you feel more intelligent calling other ignorant than go right ahead. But complaining about something has nothing to do with ignorance. In fact much of our laws and rules are results of people complaining.
Good thing PWE doesn't have you as their PR person. (Yea people, we at PWE are extremely sensitive to our playerbase and are strongly discouraging anyone from spending cash in this game, until we are out of "open Beta")
Again, I am not complaining about things going sour. I think you just like to see your posts on the forum putting down others for things they didn't even say.
You really live in a world unlike anything we've experienced. In the real world there are no consumers for non-physical products? There are no consumers of Games? There is no such thing as Beta? Heard of Concept products? Promo Products? Limited distribution products? Test products? At least take a moment to think about what you are writing.
Show me where I or actually ANYONE on this thread asked for something more than anyone else got? What entitlement. You throw out the word as if you actually understand what it means.
Likewise, and with all due respect.
No please don't say it again. The first 10,000 times weren't enough. It didn't make sense then, it sure as hell won't make sense now. No one in ANY game, BETA, ALPHA or 10 years into the 10th expansion holds a gun to anyone's head and say give me your money. So I have NO IDEA what point you are trying to make for the last 3 hours. But thanks anyways.
btw. thx for the Teleport Scrolls >.< i like!
Overwhelming positive feedback?
A major exploit that just started on saturday?
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Dvarven Facemask: A Fashion Hat.
Stone of Health: Insta heal. 50 charges.
Cape of Catastrophe: A cape, with cat on it....
5x Teleport Scrolls to Protector's Enclave.
Caturday Survivor title.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
You're making a pretty vain and fallacious assumption here. Vain in that you understand how their team works, and fallacious that the people who design items and do the modeling for em have sweet **** all to do with server side coding or database functions. I've done this job before. You're so wrong it's actually funny.
RIP Caine
Or you could take some responsibility here and realize that if a company calls something a beta you shouldn't spent any money on it. You hold alot more power when you make the decisions that effect your life instead of expecting someone else to either let you or not let you do something. I made a conscious decision not to spend a single dime on this game (or any game) until AFTER the word Beta is removed. Companies exist to make money (there are a very few exceptions to this but Cryptic isn't one of them). As soon as you stop relying on them to make choices for you, you'll be better off. It doesn't matter if you think it should or should not be called a beta, they called it that. If they call it beta, guess what, that means its beta. The fact remains that you chose to give them money prior to them saying it was anything other than beta.
You lost celestial coins, something that doesn't cost a single cent and one of the most minor inconveniences to build back up to in any MMO I've ever seen. I think I hear the WHHAAAAAAAMULANCE headed your way.
Well said. I love how the internet makes everyone a 6 foot tough guy with a masters in psychology whilst granting the ability to know everything about anyone just because of how they choose to interpret a forum post. Anyways, beyond being disappointed i wont be getting said pack, i don't think i said anywhere that i was entitled to something or even demanded anything. All i did was express my disappointment because i was still impacted by the large amount of downtime (like everyone else) and felt it somewhat amusing because, the only reason i had wound up in this situation was due to having actually paid for/supported the game. I also said that because it was Cryptic, i am not really surprised.
The pack was supposedly going to be released around the end of the week, but as Cryptic do, they rushed it through and implemented it in a not so great way on a per character level when an account level (ie an account in good standing as of the 19th) would have been a better way of doing it without risking missing anyone who may have been impacted still but for whatever reason, did not meet the per character criteria. C'est la vie i guess.
I was hoping for some Runes or Profession Assets/Resources
Something a level 60 could actually use. Even a Top/Bottom vanity set other than my free peasant bag clothes...
I guess that stone will be ok if it heals a percent and not a flat small amount...and the scrolls for if I feel super lazy while...well...there's not really much I have to travel for and I have a fast horse.
Ugh...It's a nice thought I guess but a poor showing for anyone that is above level 40 or so...