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  • knightfalzknightfalz Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    wrenaq wrote: »
    All very well and good discussing a wipe or no wipe but the fact remains they will not do a wipe.....never going to happen ever ever ever.
    So why waste your time eh? accept it and support the devs or not.

    It's certainly not going to happen over this anyway. I suspect it isn't the intention of the posters, but it will help some of them to vent off a bit of steam at the very least, so it probably isn't a universally complete waste of time.
  • clansman2013clansman2013 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So, Lets just say for the sake of this argument, they do wipe the servers? What happens when another exploit is found in 3 months time? They just wipe again? How about they just wipe and start over every time an exploit is discovered? It's not a feasible option for them, they have to work on damage control and being able to fix the issue with the smallest amount of impact to the largest number of players.
  • rolltide13rolltide13 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tredo wrote: »
    Paying players, f2p players, and more than Cryptic / NWI wants to admint about wiping the servers.

    Cryptic / NWI, take the time today to go out and read some of the news sites, your game is in EPIC FAIL category of the year all over the place!!

    Nice 7 hour roll back with a few thank you cards that wont amount to anything.

    All over the inet there is proof of your knowledge of the exploits, the reports made about the exploits weeks ago, even on your own forums you removed posts detailing the exploits and had to post a thread dated back on May 11th telling people not to post about the exploits!

    For you to come out and say that Sunday morning you guys found out about an exploit and had to shut down the servers is an absolute lie to our faces.

    All the flame gear is on so go ahead and start your little remarks about how this is not the case and all that **** you guys put out here, but I have one question for Cryptic / NWI, its the same question that most of the news sites are trying to find out right now, as quoted from them in these threads like this;

    Why not wipe the servers if the public is asking for it, your game is still in open beta?

    When the company(ies) come forward and answer that question, then perhaps this FUBAR can be put behind us!!

    Oh, and here is a nice little editorial by a reputable reporter from a very busy game site;

    Well said and I agree 110% with the poster. MMORPG editorial hits it on the head. PeWEe you sunk the ship and I love it.

    P.S. Im getting my money back as well. 8)
  • fosslasfosslas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 44
    edited May 2013
    funny, I saw people today complaining about what they lost in a 7 hr roll back, I wonder how many players would be happy to log in tomorrow and find all of their characters back at lvl 1 and everything they spent months on is lost.

    Nepht said it well, most players dont come to the forums, if you want to do your polls id say ask real players in game and not the ones that just want to come here for the popcorn and drama

    the game has not been in open beta months it is weeks.
  • stormdrag0nstormdrag0n Member Posts: 3,222 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The only people asking for a wipe are the exploiters who are scared shirtless that the ban hammer is dropping their way...which it will be.

    Oh and where did Bill say anything about a server wipe, he is just saying it isn't open beta.
    Always Looking for mature laidback players/rpers for Dungeon Delves!
  • rolltide13rolltide13 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    wrenaq wrote: »
    Yup just because some forum users have asked for it does not mean that most players want it.
    It will never happen....accept it or move on.
    If they did a wipe they would lose more players than the few on the forums.
    Also why make another thread when there are already many?>

    You say ... Yup just because some forum users have asked for it does not mean that most players want it.

    You ask ... Also why make another thread when there are already many?

    I believe Many is greater than Some. Players like you are part of the problem.
  • vamps37vamps37 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 40
    edited May 2013
    It just shows that Cryptic/PWE only cares about their WALLETS...

    People are *****ing and complaing on the forums/twitter/social media/ LAUGHING AT THEM ON GAMEING SITES. But I have yet to see any posts from an Admin/Cryptic/PWE person saying we hear you and answer any follow up questions or concerns. They give some BS little blurb last night that didn't answer anything really. And they expect their users to lick it up like a poopy flavored lolly pop. YUMMY... :-)

    Just goes to show they don't test their code, they don't care, and they will ride this train till they run out of track and I'm sure they are working on some other FAILED PROJECT to relase in a yr. I mean this is is an old game to them now right??? why bother with it.
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The only people asking for a wipe are the exploiters who are scared shirtless that the ban hammer is dropping their way...which it will be.

    One of the least thought out arguments ever on this forum, and that is really saying something. Because even if Cryptic wipes they are going to ban any exploiter accounts (especially any that actually paid money) anyway.
  • terradraconisterradraconis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You have no clue Tredo. If PWE/Cryptic where to wipe the severs the firestorm from the 95% of the player base that never pays attention to the forums would be horrible. It would make the mob rush to push for a wipe look like a tempest in a tiny childs teacup.

  • wrenaqwrenaq Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Really? Iam a player that will give the devs time to sort it out and not throw a paddy fit everytime something goes wrong.
    Been around far to long to jump on a bandwagon which has no real idea what is happening behind the scenes.
    The players who are the problem are the exploiters oh and all the self entitled kids who get everything they want.
  • stormdrag0nstormdrag0n Member Posts: 3,222 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mconosrep wrote: »
    One of the least thought out arguments ever on this forum, and that is really saying something. Because even if Cryptic wipes they are going to ban any exploiter accounts (especially any that actually paid money) anyway.

    Well considering that the OP is latching on the Bill's review which only talks about the game not being a beta and that they are not going to hold off on review scores as a justification to wipe, and flat out lies that news sites are putting it in the epic fail category when they aren't...I felt like that was all that was deserved.
    Always Looking for mature laidback players/rpers for Dungeon Delves!
  • s3pts3pt Member Posts: 177 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    The only people asking for a wipe are the exploiters who are scared shirtless that the ban hammer is dropping their way...which it will be.

    That's a pretty huge assumption on your part, got any proof? Or just a tinfoil hat conspiracy that this was all engineered to force a wipe?

    Personally I don't care all that much if they wipe or don't, but why wouldn't they still ban exploiters even with a wipe?
  • mythrildragonmythrildragon Member Posts: 138 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    find all of their characters back at lvl 1 and everything they spent months on is lost.

  • iamdoctordeathiamdoctordeath Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The public isn't asking for a wipe- you go into the game and suggest a wipe in any zone chat, and people will tear you a new one- very few people want a wipe, only some loud mouths on the forum.

    If they had said at the start of open beta that they would wipe, if they weren't taking our money- then wipe away. But they promised, multiple times- NO WIPES once open beta started.

    Many of us have spent dozens, if not hundreds of hours in the game playing with fervor that comes with a brand new game- few of us are willing to have all that time wasted, and simply gone, because of a few bad apples and Cryptic's inability to squash bugs we reported months ago during ALPHA phases ffs.
  • stormdrag0nstormdrag0n Member Posts: 3,222 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    s3pt wrote: »

    Personally I don't care all that much if they wipe or don't, but why wouldn't they still ban exploiters even with a wipe?

    Simple because if they are actually tracking down the perps and their mules why wipe? It's like shooting someone after giving them Chemo just to be sure.
    The public isn't asking for a wipe- you go into the game and suggest a wipe in any zone chat, and people will tear you a new one- very few people want a wipe, only some loud mouths on the forum.

    If they had said at the start of open beta that they would wipe, if they weren't taking our money- then wipe away. But they promised, multiple times- NO WIPES once open beta started.

    Many of us have spent dozens, if not hundreds of hours in the game playing with fervor that comes with a brand new game- few of us are willing to have all that time wasted, and simply gone, because of a few bad apples and Cryptic's inability to squash bugs we reported months ago during ALPHA phases ffs.

    Perfectly said bravo.
    Always Looking for mature laidback players/rpers for Dungeon Delves!
  • doobysnackzdoobysnackz Member Posts: 34
    edited May 2013
    But they promised, multiple times- NO WIPES once open beta started...

    ...Many of us have spent dozens, if not hundreds of hours in the game playing with fervor that comes with a brand new game- few of us are willing to have all that time wasted, and simply gone, because of a few bad apples and Cryptic's inability to squash bugs we reported months ago during ALPHA phases ffs.

    Then Neverwinter has LAUNCHED and is not in open beta...
  • rapticorrapticor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,078 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Oh look another wipe thread. Nobody could have predicted that would happen.
  • realellandessrealellandess Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 65
    edited May 2013
    Then Neverwinter has LAUNCHED and is not in open beta...

    What difference does it make? Whether it's launched, in beta or in the bath? Who really cares?

    We have had an issue. It's not resolved yet. That's it.

    No different to any other game in the history of games.

    First box of Monopoly I opened had Chance cards missing. I asked for an exchange, I didn't camp outside the toy store crying.

    Computer: Black, pretty lights || Overclock: Photo of kids. || Memory: Not what it used to be. || Storage: Garage and shed. || Video: No, moved to DVD. || Windows: 100% glass.
    Never understood why people put specs in a signature...
  • grudge13grudge13 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In game chat literally every few minutes someone asks why his character lost lvl, item, mount... they had no idea rollback was about to happen. Imagine they joy if they logged on and saw fresh server lol

    Face it,most people in game doesn't even know for sure what all noise was about and they are genuinely pissed about even this little rollback. Most don't even know how many hours rollback went back. I heard all from 7h to 24h
  • terradraconisterradraconis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The public isn't asking for a wipe- you go into the game and suggest a wipe in any zone chat, and people will tear you a new one- very few people want a wipe, only some loud mouths on the forum.

    If they had said at the start of open beta that they would wipe, if they weren't taking our money- then wipe away. But they promised, multiple times- NO WIPES once open beta started.

    Many of us have spent dozens, if not hundreds of hours in the game playing with fervor that comes with a brand new game- few of us are willing to have all that time wasted, and simply gone, because of a few bad apples and Cryptic's inability to squash bugs we reported months ago during ALPHA phases ffs.

    Oh exactly. What people forget is that the vast majority of players in a game don't care about whatever forum fuss is currently going on. In one game a few years back there was a big fuss about a game mechanic change on the boards with lots and lots of screaming and people up and leaving. The devs later reported that the actual number that left was about 2% of the active playing population.

    So yeah the noisy crowd on a forum often doesn't represent the actual player base. And in this case the average player would be spitting mad if they wiped the game.

    The crowd wanting the wipe are the exploiters who already cashed out and hope to get away clean and the PVP crowd who somehow think that their win is currently spoiled. Aside from that most people don't actually give that much of a care to it. For them the 7 hour rollback is more annoying.

  • rapticorrapticor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,078 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Then Neverwinter has LAUNCHED and is not in open beta...

    Ok.. As I pointed out in another thread if you want to play that game and call it released... How many released games do you know of that had a complete character wipe 3-4 WEEKS after it was launched? Oh hey I can't think of any but perhaps you'll have better luck.
  • drzeyusdrzeyus Banned Users Posts: 87
    edited May 2013
    lltsnwn wrote: »
    The "public" is NOT asking for a server wipe. Over 99.9% of all statistics are made up on the spot including this one. Cryptic has already stated many times over that there will NOT be a sever wipe after Open Beta and release. Give it a rest already... The dead horse has already been kicked enough.

    yes the dead horse is this game.
  • voooduvooodu Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tredo wrote: »
    Cryptic / NWI, take the time today to go out and read some of the news sites, your game is in EPIC FAIL category of the year all over the place!!

    lulz.. Epic fail blah blah blah blah.. Game is Dead blah blah.


    Looks at full active friends list... Looks at the HUGE amount of players playing.

    Ya... man. What a huge epic fail.

    L M F A O:p
  • rsheartsrshearts Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 51
    edited May 2013
    nepht wrote: »
    I think its safe to say most players don't care about the economy most don't even know its an actual thing. Most just care about rushing to max level and raiding for what they think is "leet loot".

    If there is a massive wipe and everything is set to zero most players will leave. Doesn't matter what each of us here thinks, our personal opinions matter not to the unwashed masses.

    I'm an unwashed mass, and play casually at that. Not even a raider. I can say that I would be very upset with a wipe.

    Every single AD I have was gained through prayer, dailies, or one of the maybe 5 items I've ever sold on the AH (some crafted shirts and pants lol). I don't mess too much with "the Economy" nor do I really care. I am impressed though with those who do. Not sarcasm, really. It is something that I just don't care to put the time into figuring out.

    But I would be very angry to find my character nuked. Especially for something that I had no part in whatsoever.
  • forumralcoreforumralcore Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I like how anyone calling for a wipe gets shut down right off the bat, with claims that "only people on the forums call for it, not a majority, etc." Please show me where you've found the information that supports such a claim. If the numbers from the forum poll (about 2 to 1 in favor of a wipe) can't prove the community as a whole supports a wipe, how does it in fact prove the opposite to be true? Bottom line is, without an official, controlled poll, there's no way to know what the 'majority' wants. And everything related to that line of reasoning is moot as well. All of it comes down to personal preference. And yes, I realize that people are more likely to voice an opinion when they're dissatisfied, but that still doesn't mean they're WRONG, or don't represent the majority. In one post, statistics are thrown out to disprove the validity of statistics...I mean, give me a break already. Those FOR a wipe have valid facts supporting thier opinion; those opposed just rage against the other side and list garbage statistics and hyperbole, all the while probably praying their mule accounts don't get deleted and set them back on an even playing field with the rest of us.

    There is only ONE FACT: The economy is damaged beyond reasonable hope of repair. Too much damage has already been done, since day 1, and filtered through thousands of users over hundreds of hours of playtime. Already people brag on other sites (not controlled by PWE) about how the rollback did nothing to their hundreds of millions of AD; all the rollback did was grant false assurance to anyone naive enough to believe it. And all this talk about how "they said No Wipe" is pointless too; if they come to the (correct) conclusion that the ONLY solution is full wipe, it will happen, don't worry. Companies bigger than this one have changed their stance before; its a mark of integrity when they can admit they made a mistake.

    Just my 2 cents (bringing me to $60.02 I've wasted on Neverwinter thus far...)
  • doobysnackzdoobysnackz Member Posts: 34
    edited May 2013
    rapticor wrote: »
    Ok.. As I pointed out in another thread if you want to play that game and call it released... How many released games do you know of that had a complete character wipe 3-4 WEEKS after it was launched? Oh hey I can't think of any but perhaps you'll have better luck.

    Then it has launched, dillwad.

    Your circular reasoning is becoming legendary.
    If it's launched then they can't fall back on, "it's open beta, there are bound to be problems;" neither can the player base.
  • vaargtuyolevaargtuyole Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Oh exactly. What people forget is that the vast majority of players in a game don't care about whatever forum fuss is currently going on. In one game a few years back there was a big fuss about a game mechanic change on the boards with lots and lots of screaming and people up and leaving. The devs later reported that the actual number that left was about 2% of the active playing population.

    So yeah the noisy crowd on a forum often doesn't represent the actual player base. And in this case the average player would be spitting mad if they wiped the game.

    The crowd wanting the wipe are the exploiters who already cashed out and hope to get away clean and the PVP crowd who somehow think that their win is currently spoiled. Aside from that most people don't actually give that much of a care to it. For them the 7 hour rollback is more annoying.

    I didn't cheat, I'm pretty sure I'm part of the average player base, and I want the wipe. It's beta. Any issue that has effects that could last the lifetime of the game should prompt a wipe, especially while its in "development". The fact that they promised "no wipes" just means they lied about it being a beta. It's no longer in beta, it just has a ****ty excuse for being a flawed game. They have about a week of my good faith time, after that I'm taking my money back and walking away.
  • imivoimivo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,682 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I like how anyone calling for a wipe gets shut down right off the bat, with claims that "only people on the forums call for it, not a majority, etc." Please show me where you've found the information that supports such a claim.

    I think the burden of proof is on those who claim that there is an "overwhelming outcry" from "paying customers" for a server wipe. I don't see supporting evidence here, and I certainly don't see it in the game where people, in fact, complained about even the rollback.

    If someone makes a claim like this, they need to back it up. It's not the job of the people who disagree with what seems like an outlandish claim to disprove it. That would follow after the proof is offered.
    Unsure about skills and feats? Check the Master List of Class Builds!
  • rapticorrapticor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,078 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Then it has launched, dillwad..

    It hasn't. But thanks for the name calling. Typical fallback for someone who is WRONG.
  • lottiemclottiemc Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    funny, I saw people today complaining about what they lost in a 7 hr roll back, I wonder how many players would be happy to log in tomorrow and find all of their characters back at lvl 1 and everything they spent months on is lost.

    Nepht said it well, most players dont come to the forums, if you want to do your polls id say ask real players in game and not the ones that just want to come here for the popcorn and drama

    I'm sorry, maybe I'm nitpicking, but ... "everything they spent MONTHS on ...? Bit of a disconnect there, for me.

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