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FAQ - AD/AH Exploit Follow-Up



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    melissandramelissandra Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    From what I've gleaned so far, opening a fourth shard/server however you call it would probably be one of the simplest solutions. People annoyed by the aftereffects could just go and start over there, people with lvl 60 chars could stay or and here's the idea..
    you could offer a character transfer to the new server, but for every character applying for that, you check whether all they have on them was legitimately acquired. That way, you can sift out some more exploiters and mules and regular low-mid-level players can just start over and those who were lvl 60 and completely legit would not lose anything either.
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    sockforum44sockforum44 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 59
    edited May 2013
    Your game's economy has been ripped to shreds. There are free accounts (mules) with every ZEN store item just waiting for this to blow over and make a load of AD from honest and exploiters alike.

    Start over. Its the only chance you have. If not, I'll take my money back.
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    scarymary1scarymary1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    thekomar wrote: »
    2 things:

    2) I sure hope the "sorry package" is good. If it's a bunch of party poppers that'd be kind of insulting. I'm talking about a "consume this for 2 levels" item would be nice, because that's about how much I played :P

    Nice items for the sorry package would include a respec token, appearance change token, XP bonus token, some high-level enchantments, etc. I hope hope HOPE it's not just identify scrolls and portable alters. That would burn!
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    glithanesglithanes Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    750$ dollars USD chargeback incoming.

    should known playing chinamans game this would happen.

    Please Hire more Competent god dam people.
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    rhynkerrhynker Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What will be done to the celestial coin lost because "i didnt pray yesterday" and the sequence lost because of that?
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    xhanjiraxhanjira Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Q: What about ZEN I spent/transferred after 5:20 AM PDT?

    A: You'll have any and all ZEN that you transferred to Neverwinter -- we tracked all transfers during that time and made sure players have the ZEN they should have. If you spent ZEN on items during that time, you'll need to re-buy the items, but you'll have all of that ZEN. No one will lose any money they spent on Neverwinter because of this fix. If you have any issue, please see the customer and billing support contacts below.

    I lost the Zen I bought yesterday AND all the founders pack items. I can't even claim my founders pack diamonds that I was promised. It's an insult that two brand new players were punished with a roll back when we didn't even USE the auction house or purchase diamonds. The only reason I had even bought Zen was because I had found a lockbox and needed a key to open it. We know this is beta but preventing people from collecting items legitimately purchased is wrong. Please fix our accounts. I've waited long enough for my Zen as it is and I paid via Paypal. Last night on the forums it showed my account as having a 2k Zen balance, yet today when I log into the game there is zero Zen. Seriously people at least view logs before you assume every new account or player had something to do with your exploit.

    We're veteran mmo players who survived many failed launches/betas (that week of being stuck in the backyards because the game hadn't been fully coded yet; the launch of the original Anarchy Online) (the launch of DAoC where there were no dungeons and when they finally did release a dungeon it wasn't itemized so you had no loot) and we have survived character rollbacks (Everquest run by Verant anyone - pre Velious expac) but to actually take away things you have paid real money for is intolerable. Please, please fix this.

    We purchased founders packs because we believed in the potential of the game (I had bought Zen because I had found a nightmare box world drop in a dungeon we delved). Now we can't even enjoy any of the items that came with the pack. We waited patiently for a response to this, we finally gave up at 10:30 PM Pacific. All I can say is I hope you permabanned the people that ruined the game and I hope you do actually restore Zen and founders packs to players. If you want proof of my purchases contact me, I will be more than happy to provide them. I paid for products, I expect to receive those products even if they are "virtual".
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    glithanesglithanes Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    the exploit you all fixed was fixed monthes and days after it beens there so basically your screwed us honest players that dont even buy or sell on broker with this F yourself please really.
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    marcynusmarcynus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    rhynker wrote: »
    What will be done to the celestial coin lost because "i didnt pray yesterday" and the sequence lost because of that?

    ^this. I had 6 coins, was ready to log on today to get my 7th coin for the package you can buy at seven coins, and i logged in today with 0 coins because my prayer yesterday happened after 5:20 AM. That's basicly a week's worth of progress lost because of a 7hour rollback.
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    murfdredmurfdred Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ...so we will be dealing with those issues selectively as not to cause greater impact on those legitimate testers.
    so they treat us as testers, even those who did actually pay money.

    let me clarify this :
    As they put this,

    We PAYED for being able to TEST game for them.

    this is just rude.
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    zedfighterzedfighter Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Seriously, "a robust thank-you pack" what could this contain that could possibly make up for ~26 lost coins across 5 characters?

    Will it be jaw dropping? Hell no, that would work against their money grubbing schemes. So then will it be a slap in the face as some are predicting?

    In all reality it's no big deal. At most it's another 6 days of invocations. It's the fact that they're at fault though. Should have fixed the bug months ago when you knew it existed.

    What would this "robust thank-you pack" have to contain to make you overlook their incompetence and your coin loss?
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    lionmaruu0lionmaruu0 Member Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well atm I'm satisfied with the procedure taken. I would hope for my celestial coins back as I had 6 up to that moment and could not get my prize. but I'll wait the solution for it. thanks
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    latymer001latymer001 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Can someone explain me how can my glory and my 4 lvs lost help in the game economy?
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    boydzinjboydzinj Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What about our Celestial Coins?

    I could not log in fast enough to save them - the game was turned on... at a weird time of the day... and now today is Monday I am at work! SUNDAY i AM OFF OF WORK...
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    kelarckelarc Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zedfighter wrote: »
    What would this "robust thank-you pack" have to contain to make you overlook their incompetence and your coin loss?
    A Link to a fresh server where i can start without the guys who exploited the foundry in the first days when the open beta started. And without the guys that used the autorespawn exploit to farm T2 bossess over and over. And without the guys that have stuffed millions of AD on Muleaccounts since they used this exploit from day 1 on.

    Look on Reddit where people boast about thousands of Dollars they made with selling the AD to Chinafarmers over the past weeks or here in the forum where even someone posted a screeshot with his ticket for reporting this exploit more then 2 weeks ago.

    The people whining about a wipe are most likely Users of at least one of these three exploits.
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    kadirrakadirra Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thank you for your continued efforts to resolve all the exploitation matters and for being so considerate of your players as to actually offer a thank-you pack for this rollback inconvenience. That was quite a surprise to read, and made me smile. Very classy to do this.
    I was relieved to see this matter addressed with a precision strike...a delicate scalpel rather than a chainsaw...as well. Thanks again!
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    jukejointjezebeljukejointjezebel Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    aanuun wrote: »
    I would like a refund due to this. I plan to play/spend money later when the game is released and any chances of this happening in anyway ever again are 99.9% mitigated. To what extent can I have a refund, and would PWI/Cryptic be willing to do this for anyone who is concerned?

    We were told, time again, there would be no rollback. And here we are. This was in closed beta, and has been reported. This was in Star Trek Online.

    Will you do your fans and dedicated customers who, like myself, have dropped close to $400 US on this game, a huge amount of customer service and offer us a full zen and hero/gaurdian of the north refund? I am really insecure about playing this game from now on, and even more so about paying money into it. Knowing PWI and Cryptic are willing to act in good faith, would go a LONG way.

    Thank you for your hard work, time, and communication throughout this.

    They actually never said that they wouldn't rollback. They said that there would be no -wipes-, and the two are different. They rolled the game back SEVEN hours to mitigate the worst of the damage with the least losses for players. They did not do a wipe.
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    firehawkxfirehawkx Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The coin loss is really horrible.... loosing 5 days because of a 7hour rollback is horrible... thats beside the professions and 3 levels gained... I guess i'll still give the game one last chance... but there is nothing worse than loosing so much time...
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    jukejointjezebeljukejointjezebel Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xhanjira wrote: »
    Q: What about ZEN I spent/transferred after 5:20 AM PDT?

    A: You'll have any and all ZEN that you transferred to Neverwinter -- we tracked all transfers during that time and made sure players have the ZEN they should have. If you spent ZEN on items during that time, you'll need to re-buy the items, but you'll have all of that ZEN. No one will lose any money they spent on Neverwinter because of this fix. If you have any issue, please see the customer and billing support contacts below.

    I lost the Zen I bought yesterday AND all the founders pack items. I can't even claim my founders pack diamonds that I was promised. It's an insult that two brand new players were punished with a roll back when we didn't even USE the auction house or purchase diamonds. The only reason I had even bought Zen was because I had found a lockbox and needed a key to open it. We know this is beta but preventing people from collecting items legitimately purchased is wrong. Please fix our accounts. I've waited long enough for my Zen as it is and I paid via Paypal. Last night on the forums it showed my account as having a 2k Zen balance, yet today when I log into the game there is zero Zen. Seriously people at least view logs before you assume every new account or player had something to do with your exploit.

    We're veteran mmo players who survived many failed launches/betas (that week of being stuck in the backyards because the game hadn't been fully coded yet; the launch of the original Anarchy Online) (the launch of DAoC where there were no dungeons and when they finally did release a dungeon it wasn't itemized so you had no loot) and we have survived character rollbacks (Everquest run by Verant anyone - pre Velious expac) but to actually take away things you have paid real money for is intolerable. Please, please fix this.

    We purchased founders packs because we believed in the potential of the game (I had bought Zen because I had found a nightmare box world drop in a dungeon we delved). Now we can't even enjoy any of the items that came with the pack. We waited patiently for a response to this, we finally gave up at 10:30 PM Pacific. All I can say is I hope you permabanned the people that ruined the game and I hope you do actually restore Zen and founders packs to players. If you want proof of my purchases contact me, I will be more than happy to provide them. I paid for products, I expect to receive those products even if they are "virtual".

    Quick question:

    Did you check your PW website account? I was under the impression that zen would be reverting to your account, and you'd need to transfer it again, but I could be wrong.
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    pwnetpwnet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Alright, just how is a 7 hr roll back suppose to fix the economy? Apparently this bug has been going on longer then just the last couple of days. Its doubtful that all the people that exploited this bug were caught which means there are still people in-game using ill gotten AD. How does a few hr roll back fix that? Wouldn't a complete wipe been much more logical? An please, if by some chance that any of these post are even being read, don't give that same "we didn't won't to effect the people that didn't abuse the bug" comment.
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    s9kezias9kezia Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Servers were definitely rolled back further than you're saying because I stopped playing between 4 and 5 central time and my account even got rolled back a bit. Bogus.
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    jukejointjezebeljukejointjezebel Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    double post.
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    jukejointjezebeljukejointjezebel Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    firehawkx wrote: »
    The coin loss is really horrible.... loosing 5 days because of a 7hour rollback is horrible... thats beside the professions and 3 levels gained... I guess i'll still give the game one last chance... but there is nothing worse than loosing so much time...

    I'm pretty sure that a flooded game economy is right up there. 5 coins shouldn't break your game experience.
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    ondesvinondesvin Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kadirra wrote: »
    Thank you for your continued efforts to resolve all the exploitation matters and for being so considerate of your players as to actually offer a thank-you pack for this rollback inconvenience. That was quite a surprise to read, and made me smile. Very classy to do this.
    I was relieved to see this matter addressed with a precision strike...a delicate scalpel rather than a chainsaw...as well. Thanks again!

    one more explioter found just here im 99.99% sure! give us our new server now thanks!
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    medullanmedullan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 33
    edited May 2013
    BEST EXPLOIT EVER!!!!! I have to give some serious props to the developers of this game. I thought the foundry exploit was genius. It created an artificial boost in the economy creating a large number of maxed characters getting a few examples of all the gear available into the auction house, and added enough in game currency to the servers to really create an environment that felt like this game had been online for months. But then to hear that this new exploit existed that was allowing people to create AD from nothing effectively giving a few people the opportunity to make thousands of dollars in real life money by generating there own virtual currency and then selling it through gold farmers. This is just over the top! But add to that that this bug existed in a previous game over a year ago, and was still put into this game that just blows my mind. I find it extremely sad that it was taken advantage of to such an extent that it ruined the in game economy forcing the developers to remove the bug and thus prevent anyone else from using it to earn real money. I am also kind of bummed that I wasn't in the know and thus did not have an opportunity to take advantage of this epic exploit and make some money myself(God knows I could use it!). Here is to hoping that there are many other bugs programmed into this game that will give us all an opportunity to create a bunch of fake currency and then sell it for some real life cash. Fingers crossed that I will be one of the lucky few that is able to take advantage of such a bug and make some quick cash that I can use to improve the standard of living for my family even if only for a short while. A huge thanks to perfect world and cryptic for pushing the envelope and changing the way some people view online games. Maybe one day everyone will be able to get online play there favorite genre of video games and earn a legitimate living earning and selling virtual currency. Until then we will just have to hope we can catch a bug like this one before it is abused to the point of ruining the game and forcing it's removal.
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    nodthesunderernodthesunderer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I bought Zen to sell it on the zen market because prices were so high. If you are taking away the AD I traded them for, I would like a refund as I would not have bought that zen.
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    thecrimsonrozethecrimsonroze Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xhanjira wrote: »
    Q: What about ZEN I spent/transferred after 5:20 AM PDT?

    A: You'll have any and all ZEN that you transferred to Neverwinter -- we tracked all transfers during that time and made sure players have the ZEN they should have. If you spent ZEN on items during that time, you'll need to re-buy the items, but you'll have all of that ZEN. No one will lose any money they spent on Neverwinter because of this fix. If you have any issue, please see the customer and billing support contacts below.

    I lost the Zen I bought yesterday AND all the founders pack items. I can't even claim my founders pack diamonds that I was promised. It's an insult that two brand new players were punished with a roll back when we didn't even USE the auction house or purchase diamonds. The only reason I had even bought Zen was because I had found a lockbox and needed a key to open it. We know this is beta but preventing people from collecting items legitimately purchased is wrong. Please fix our accounts. I've waited long enough for my Zen as it is and I paid via Paypal. Last night on the forums it showed my account as having a 2k Zen balance, yet today when I log into the game there is zero Zen. Seriously people at least view logs before you assume every new account or player had something to do with your exploit.

    We're veteran mmo players who survived many failed launches/betas (that week of being stuck in the backyards because the game hadn't been fully coded yet; the launch of the original Anarchy Online) (the launch of DAoC where there were no dungeons and when they finally did release a dungeon it wasn't itemized so you had no loot) and we have survived character rollbacks (Everquest run by Verant anyone - pre Velious expac) but to actually take away things you have paid real money for is intolerable. Please, please fix this.

    We purchased founders packs because we believed in the potential of the game (I had bought Zen because I had found a nightmare box world drop in a dungeon we delved). Now we can't even enjoy any of the items that came with the pack. We waited patiently for a response to this, we finally gave up at 10:30 PM Pacific. All I can say is I hope you permabanned the people that ruined the game and I hope you do actually restore Zen and founders packs to players. If you want proof of my purchases contact me, I will be more than happy to provide them. I paid for products, I expect to receive those products even if they are "virtual".


    Regarding the zen you bought, it is possible that the Zen was put on your perfect world account and never moved to the neverwinter servers. You should login to the perfect world and look at your account and see if you can transfer them to the neverwinter servers.

    Regarding your founders pack, you should go to the postal man outside the bazaar in protectors enclave and see if you have the boxes from there in your mail. You can also go to the founders NPC up by the hall of justice.

    Regarding your AD from the founders pack it should still be in the astral<->zen marketplace for you to pickup as soon as they put the auction house back up again. Give them a day to get that done and if you still have any issues you should contact support by email.
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    jukejointjezebeljukejointjezebel Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    pwnet wrote: »
    Alright, just how is a 7 hr roll back suppose to fix the economy? Apparently this bug has been going on longer then just the last couple of days. Its doubtful that all the people that exploited this bug were caught which means there are still people in-game using ill gotten AD. How does a few hr roll back fix that? Wouldn't a complete wipe been much more logical? An please, if by some chance that any of these post are even being read, don't give that same "we didn't won't to effect the people that didn't abuse the bug" comment.

    From what I understand, the worst of the exploits occurred during that period. A few instances of it here and there prior to that can be absorbed by the game economy as the people involved are tracked down and dealt with, and the AD they injected into the market is (hopefully) dealt with. By rolling back 7 hours, they corrected the period during which the largest amount of exploitation took place.

    A total wipe would be like removing and providing a transplant for someone's liver, heart, and spleen when the cancer is concentrated in the liver, with small pockets of it that can be most likely wiped out by chemo. You deal with the liver, where the worst of the cancer is located, then treat the smaller areas. You don't get rid of the whole kit and kaboodle.
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    winterneverwinternever Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    vinzo wrote: »
    What a joke. This is not good enough. I want a complete wipe from the beginning, all zen purchased from beginning refunded, and all of my guardian package reset including AD. I don't care about having to create and level new characters, at least I will know it will be in a game that does not have a broken economy.

    Dude, some of us have *jobs*...
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    trav76457trav76457 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What I fail to understand is why the roll-backs even happened. This is beta after all. If people exploited something, and got a few things from that, temp ban those accounts, put them on a watch list, fix the issue and move on. None of it really matters since when the game goes live, we'll all have to start over anyway.

    On that same note, why complain if the developers did a roll-back. As <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> as that course of actions was, it still does not matter since, like I already said, when the game goes live, we all start over.

    Overall, this has been a pretty good open beta. I have been in many beta's myself, and for a FTP, this one is doing better than most PTP games in a long time. Yeah, there is the occasional glitch here and there, like mercs running through walls to attack mobs you cannot get to, or try to attack the traps in the floors (this one really makes me laugh) and mobs just dropping through ceilings to get to you, but OVERALL, this has been a pretty good beta.
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    reaverkanereaverkane Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dezstravus wrote: »
    Q: This bug existed for more than 7 hours. What are you doing about the fact that players took advantage of this before the rollback window?

    A: We are performing additional log searches and investigations to ensure that the appropriate actions are taken against any accounts that performed the exploit before the rollback window. Exploits that were performed prior to our rollback window make up a fraction of a percent of total impact, so we will be dealing with those issues selectively as not to cause greater impact on those legitimate testers.

    So basically you're saying that instead of doing that from the beggining, you wiped the progress of the players during a WEEKEND day (aka one of the times there will be more people playing) just to appease the bunch of idiots who spend their days playing this <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and have been crying for a wipe for days.
    To appease those you ruin 7h of gametime (which on Europe coincide with what's probably peak game hours (which is from 1pm to 8pm) on weekends) and you plan to make it up with a pack if random thrown items? Good job, seriously i was hoping that after years publishing games in the western market PWE would have learned something... Guess not.

    And for those jubilant idiots, here's a hint, they erased 7h of your gametime for NOTHING!! What they accomplished here would be accomplished by the aforementioned log reviews, but without the innocent flak. So yeah, good job PWE. Keep it up. The competition thanks you.
This discussion has been closed.