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Maintenance, 7am Pacific Time 5/15/13

dezstravusdezstravus Member Posts: 2 Arc User
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Hello Everyone,

We will be performing server maintenance tomorrow, 05/15/13, at 7 a.m. Pacific. We anticipate that the maintenance will take two hours. Once the maintenance begins, we'll keep you in the loop on progress!

We will be deploying a host of critical updates in this build, including:

-A fix for a bug that allowed Guardian Fighters to inflict significantly more damage than intended under certain circumstances (this is not a balance change - this is related to a very specific circumstance where damage would be calculated incorrectly)
-A change that will prevent certain bosses from being defeated multiple times
-A change that will automatically remove players from PVP matches if they go AFK

For details about any additional changes that will be occurring in the upcoming build, please keep an eye out for the Patch Notes.

Thank you to the players who have reported the above issues and provided us with the details needed to resolve them. Some players have posted feedback that the above issues may have had an effect on the game's economy. This is something that we take very seriously. In addition to the above fixes, we have a team actively working to ensure that these issues are looked into and addressed to the best of our ability. As a reminder, please keep in mind that attempting to exploit the game in any way can lead to actions taken against the account, up to and including permanent account closure.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We've collected a ton of great feedback during the Neverwinter open beta, and have made several major improvements as a direct result of the many constructive comments we've received. We hope to continue this trend, so please feel free to continue sharing your thoughts with us!

Thank you!

The Neverwinter Team

Update 9:30AM Wednesday Pacific Time: We encountered some issues with the Launcher not loading for some players. We believe the issue is resolved now. Please note that the server status may show as red, even though the servers are online.

Update 9AM Wednesday Pacific Time: Maintenance is complete! Servers are up!

Update 7AM Wednesday Pacific Time: Maintenance has started!

Update, 10:45PM Tuesday Pacific Time: Patch Notes are posted here. Unfortunately, after rigorous testing, our QA team discovered that the boss re-spawn issue was not completely addressed by this build. The team is committed to fixing this issue and will continue working out on it with the hopes of getting a fix out ASAP. We apologize in advance that this will likely require another maintenance in the near future. Thanks in advance for your patience and understanding.
Post edited by dezstravus on


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    creolejestercreolejester Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    -A change that will automatically remove players from PVP matches if they go AFK

    Finally.. now if only people did have a program running to make their character jump every so often to prevent afk.
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    d0uguinhod0uguinho Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    good :)

    keep the work, people need to know, even with the errors/bug and etc you guys from PW/Cryptic aren't a JESUS to resolve it instantly.... i hope the best from this game and i hope the major bugs and exploit gets fixed :)
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    dezstravusdezstravus Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    -A change that will automatically remove players from PVP matches if they go AFK

    Finally.. now if only people did have a program running to make their character jump every so often to prevent afk.

    We plan to address this issue on an ongoing basis. This is the first step towards doing everything we can to ensure that the PVP system is fair and balanced in regards to rewards and participation.
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    livedotcomlivedotcom Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There is only one issue, earlier i encountered a player, he would not be able to go afk, because apparently he set up his mouse to constantly auto attack. What i want to know is, if said players are reported, will actions be taken to prevent this in the future?

    Exploiting/Cheating of every kind is a top priority to address.
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    rhoricrhoric Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Now you complainers can stop complaining that things are not being done to fix it. As this patch shows that stuff was being worked on.
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    hayleyvikhayleyvik Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Please do something about the leadership in PvP. Some people just kick their members randomly. A voting or a poll system would work :)
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    mogz87mogz87 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I keep seeing the servers being brought down. but no patch notes regarding clerics. am i misunderstood or is it not a problem how much threat and aggro clerics get while running dungeons. is this going to be addressed soon?
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    embryodead666embryodead666 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ban every single player who farmed the tier 2 epic items into oblivion. There is absolutely no reason they deserve to play the game after exploiting the game (to farm BILLIONS of AD and essentially Zen) ... the company will not look good standing behind players like this and letting them still continue to play. I have seen mention of people showing off this bug and bragging how rich they are (imagine killing EVERY SINGLE boss in the game in ONE attack, with no restrictions to how many times you run the dungeons!)...

    Ban them. Search for purple items that were put en masse onto the auction house for the past few days (like 10 a day, no one is going to be putting that much on the auction house unless they are exploiting this early in the game).

    Please take care of the rest of your PAYING customers (I've already paid a good chunk of money plus the requires upgrades like banks & bag space)... It really saddens me to see the game in such a state of disrepair.

    Thank you for reading. Please do not misconstrue my intentions.
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    sarahyumisarahyumi Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    We need something like vote kick or making ppl who disconnect for 10minutes+ to be removed from party in dungeons.
    i have been in SO MANY parties where the tank DC at start and wont come online again and then the partyleader dont know english.....= stuck in a dungeon with a healer and Damage dealers.... So an auto kick after 10 min Disconnect. would be amazing.
    And a AH fix so we can search by level.

    Other then that AMAZING GAME and i LOVE the Fondry working on a REALLY BIG project atm with many many Dungeons in it Thanks for an a simply amazing game.
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    cryptosparkcryptospark Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mogz87 wrote: »
    I keep seeing the servers being brought down. but no patch notes regarding clerics. am i misunderstood or is it not a problem how much threat and aggro clerics get while running dungeons. is this going to be addressed soon?

    Play any other MMO. As it stands threat could probably be reduced a little but adds are always going to focus you because the threat you draw is the most critical. Stand behind your guardian fighter and be smart. It's made to happen so that you aren't just a click and heal class.
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    frozentothecorefrozentothecore Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What will be done about the economy?
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    yehsioyehsio Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You should ban those who exploited too, especially the bosses being defeated multiple times and spammed it, which is breach on the ToS. Guardian Fighter damage should've been handled a lot sooner too.

    While you're at it, please fix allowing companions to be transferred to different characters.
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    bluedarkybluedarky Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mogz87 wrote: »
    I keep seeing the servers being brought down. but no patch notes regarding clerics. am i misunderstood or is it not a problem how much threat and aggro clerics get while running dungeons. is this going to be addressed soon?

    Standard threat generation order in MMOs is Taunts>Healing>Damage, as someone else said this is to prevent people from just standing back and healing all the time from not being noticed by the mobs.
    What will be done about the economy?

    They won't reveal what they do about the economy, if they do anything, until they're ready to do something about it.

    There is always the chance that a couple of weeks/months without these exploits out there might be enough to fix the economy naturally and they won't want to do anything to mess things up if this is the case.
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    dezstravusdezstravus Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mogz87 wrote: »
    I keep seeing the servers being brought down. but no patch notes regarding clerics. am i misunderstood or is it not a problem how much threat and aggro clerics get while running dungeons. is this going to be addressed soon?

    Hi Mogz! That's something we're looking at long-term, but it takes a bit more time to fully analyze the issue and test out potential changes as there are a lot of factors involved. It's more than a simple bug fix, it's very detailed tweaking. :)
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    watchyourbackwatchyourback Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    rhoric wrote: »
    Now you complainers can stop complaining that things are not being done to fix it. As this patch shows that stuff was being worked on.

    leave it up to you to continue being negetive on every post you make...
    but yes this is what we were all seeking...progress. nj and glad to see you guys back in the office :)
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    darkdementiadarkdementia Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Everyone worried about afk pvp'rs and yet daily in the afternoon the lag starts. No one seems to care about stability of the servers, etc. Don't get me wrong I'm all for correcting things, but if you can't beat a boss in a dungeon because the lag is so bad what's the use.
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    grayhograyho Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Guys come on...

    It was YESTERDAY where they put up 1 patch note and everyone complained about 3 issues - the GF damage, pvp AFK, and the way the economy is dying.

    Today they come out with patchnotes that address these issues that the community raised.

    Instead of going "what about this issue" say "awesome, thanks for listening!"

    Of course there are more issues that NEED to be addressed - without question!
    But atleast give credit where credit is due.
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    ranncoreranncore Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2,508
    edited May 2013
    There needs to be a much stronger punishment for AFK pvping. Something like a 24 hour no XP, Glory or AD gain lock.

    Reporting AFKers needs to be made easier. Much like we have the option to report spammers by right clicking their names, "Report AFK" should also be an option.
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    rhoricrhoric Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    leave it up to you to continue being negetive on every post you make...
    but yes this is what we were all seeking...progress. nj and glad to see you guys back in the office :)

    Cause you complainers flood the forums with multiple topics of the same thing over and over instead of keeping it to one topic. All the complaint topics overshadow the none complaint topics.
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    dicemakerdicemaker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    what about campanion books?
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    burstdragon323burstdragon323 Member Posts: 818 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Play any other MMO. As it stands threat could probably be reduced a little but adds are always going to focus you because the threat you draw is the most critical. Stand behind your guardian fighter and be smart. It's made to happen so that you aren't just a click and heal class.

    This is true, but it is also MMO 101 that the healer's threat is always 50% of normal. The tank is supposed to have a modifier that puts it at 150-200% threat.
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    biovitalbiovital Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dezstravus wrote: »
    Hello Everyone,

    We will be performing server maintenance tomorrow, 05/15/13, at 7 a.m. Pacific. We anticipate that the maintenance will take two hours. Once the maintenance begins, we'll keep you in the loop on progress!

    We will be deploying a host of critical updates in this build, including:

    -A fix for a bug that allowed Guardian Fighters to inflict significantly more damage than intended under certain circumstances (this is not a balance change - this is related to a very specific circumstance where damage would be calculated incorrectly)
    -A change that will prevent certain bosses from being defeated multiple times
    -A change that will automatically remove players from PVP matches if they go AFK

    For details about any additional changes that will be occurring in the upcoming build, please keep an eye out for the Patch Notes.

    Thank you to the players who have reported the above issues and provided us with the details needed to resolve them. Some players have posted feedback that the above issues may have had an effect on the game's economy. This is something that we take very seriously. In addition to the above fixes, we have a team actively working to ensure that these issues are looked into and addressed to the best of our ability. As a reminder, please keep in mind that attempting to exploit the game in any way can lead to actions taken against the account, up to and including permanent account closure.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding. We've collected a ton of great feedback during the Neverwinter open beta, and have made several major improvements as a direct result of the many constructive comments we've received. We hope to continue this trend, so please feel free to continue sharing your thoughts with us!

    Thank you!

    The Neverwinter Team

    So can all of us non GF players get a free 100 million AD and full T2 in the mail?

    Damage is done, fixing it won't really change much at this point, if you leave all the benefits in the game they got from using it.
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    bluedarkybluedarky Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ranncore wrote: »
    There needs to be a much stronger punishment for AFK pvping. Something like a 24 hour no XP, Glory or AD gain lock.

    Reporting AFKers needs to be made easier. Much like we have the option to report spammers by right clicking their names, "Report AFK" should also be an option.

    How is the fact that being booted if you go AFK and therefore not earning a completion or any rewards from it not serious enough?

    If you're talking about the people who've already benefited from this then they won't say anything until they're ready, and maybe even not then. It might be that all these exploiters just wake up one day and find their accounts banned from the game.
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    burstdragon323burstdragon323 Member Posts: 818 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    grayho wrote: »
    Guys come on...

    It was YESTERDAY where they put up 1 patch note and everyone complained about 3 issues - the GF damage, pvp AFK, and the way the economy is dying.

    Today they come out with patchnotes that address these issues that the community raised.

    Instead of going "what about this issue" say "awesome, thanks for listening!"

    Of course there are more issues that NEED to be addressed - without question!
    But atleast give credit where credit is due.

    I understand this, but as a veteran tank with 10+ years of experience, even I can see that the threat issues need to be addressed.
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    sarahyumisarahyumi Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mogz87 wrote: »
    I keep seeing the servers being brought down. but no patch notes regarding clerics. am i misunderstood or is it not a problem how much threat and aggro clerics get while running dungeons. is this going to be addressed soon?

    healers are Supposed to get high agro a good tank can keep mobs / bosses of the rest of the group i have sen it done and i have odne it myself. without healing agro games get boring. Dont make them pull a Blizzard where they killed an awesome game mechanic cuse kids and BAD players cant keep agro from the healers. and if the healer gets agro then its up to you to show how good you are untill the tank have the situation under control again.
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    kinam3641kinam3641 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    you guys going to be finding a way to fix the pirate cave fight? if you beat the boss and die to the adds... if the boss doesn't respawn, the grapple thing won't work to be able to get you to the loot chest (during delve time), nor the exit.
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    bluedarkybluedarky Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    biovital wrote: »
    So can all of us non GF players get a free 100 million AD and full T2 in the mail?

    Damage is done, fixing it won't really change much at this point, if you leave all the benefits in the game they got from using it.

    They haven't said they're leaving all these benefits ingame, they probably won't say what'll happen to these exploiters publicly.

    The first we'll probably hear of it is someone posting that their account has been banned or their characters deleted/rolledback.
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    tallulahkattallulahkat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 112 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Thank you!! Also can you please fix the companion unbind bug! I can't play unless it is fixed.. for those that will ask why, i have a bugged rogue that gets 1-2 hit by everything even little guys.. she has a zen store companion on her, so i can not delete her to remake her
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    haranded1haranded1 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    time for some PVP again !
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    etherealjetherealj Member Posts: 1,091 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Can open spots in pvp now be filled mid match? or is the afk pvp kick going to change almost nothing?
    Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
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