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Zen only respec makes this game pay-to-win



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    mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    thehadriel wrote: »
    Do you really think they would change it? Making it cost gold instead would earn Cryptic a lot of respec-t and make a lot of players happy.

    Nah I doubt they will ever change it because this way they feel they earn $6 each time anyone needs to respec, which is an easy figure to show in their books. Of course the loss of potential earnings from in people who drop the game who would have played otherwise is much harder to quantify.
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    bridgemongerbridgemonger Member Posts: 194 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    bzzzd wrote: »
    but you can. that's the point. whining about OMG IT COSTS MONEY TO GET BIS OR I HAVE TO GRIND (which how many people in other mmos have?) is especially ridiculous when completely ignoring that the GAME IS FREE ( <- this is important context )

    also, implying that converting AD to zen is complicated, come on...

    and please do some research next time, after a major skill balance cryptic handed out free respecs repeatedly.

    Implying that is super easy to convert AD to Zen right - at 60 or under 60 without putting in lots of game hours, Come on.
    60cw 51tr 16dc 5gf
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    bridgemongerbridgemonger Member Posts: 194 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    drenchkat wrote: »
    You can EASILY make over 100k AD a day selling items and watching the Auction House. If you want extra stuff in the game then you have to work for it.

    The game is 100% FREE. Lets keep in mind on how much content is given to players for literally NOTHING. You want a little extra and dont feel like working for it, then spend $6, $10, OR $60. The game is well worth the typical $60 pricetag that is on almost everygame that is released that has about a 10hr lifespan.

    Per character? Time wise if you do play the ah and quest and blah blah - the time involved to fiddle around with 3 classes (say respec-cing 5 times each and getting some bags and bank space) starts approaching intervention levels. And if you pay in cash, I would relate that to like ... hmm I could get a new 3D 55" LED-smart screen to play on or ...
    60cw 51tr 16dc 5gf
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    h3rflikh3rflik Member Posts: 20
    edited May 2013
    The game is FREE is not an valid argument at all.
    The people who would pay are the people who are buying from cash shop, but they spend more money than if the game was B2P in most cases. So income increases.
    The people who play for free would probably not pay, thus they wouldnt even exist in b2p version of the game. But if the game is great, they will occasionaly buy some stuff, dollar here and there, multiply by million of players if the game is big succes, and you already have million dollars. Additionaly the free players are increasing the popularity of game, thus more people come to the game and the % of those people will pay. Overally it increase income alot.
    The income reduction is only from the server handling costs, because more people play, more servers need to be involved in keeping game alive. BUT thats like with free players case, the game need to be good to have more people.

    No matter if its f2p, p2p, b2p or whatever you want, the game need to be good to stay alive. The current state of this game is mediacore for a mmo. Where for runing with D&D and neverwinter in their title i would say its disgrace for the great merchandise serie.
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    bridgemongerbridgemonger Member Posts: 194 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Today - the queue seems to be a lot longer than it has for the past 2 weeks. My AD acquisition time is going up. still doesn't cover powers.
    60cw 51tr 16dc 5gf
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited May 2013
    I am temporarily closing this as there are far too many insults here and I don't have the time to clean it yet. I will clean this thread and re-open it later tonight when I (or another Mod) has the time. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
This discussion has been closed.