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Foundry Nerf and Items



  • chairgraveyard1chairgraveyard1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 44
    edited May 2013
    ellindar1 wrote: »
    Dude re read his reply to you. He MEANT for that to happen those that DID make exploit maps would have to stop. Bu because the idiots don't have time to find a creative bone in their body it won't happen. Hence the reason what you ask for cant happen. He wasn't saying you wanted exploit maps be was explaining why u can't have what u want. Geeez... Read and comprehend

    I know what he's saying. Doesn't make it any less wrong. Of course, apparently you people can't read.

    Anyway, glad to know people like you, WoW grinding kiddies, will ruin this game by claiming that this nerf is fine and dandy. Go back to WoW if all you want to do is mindlessly grind to max level then "raid" all day.
  • ellindar1ellindar1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mrhiggy wrote: »
    When I heard this game was being made, I was thrilled. I was a huge fan of the neverwinter nights games, and though I knew it would be different, I was so thrilled to learn I could still create content that would be on par with game content in terms of rewards. After 8 years of Warcraft, the idea of not repeating content on an alt so under pretty nice too.

    I spent the previous three months writing out quest dialogs, and ideas for several foundry dungeons to tell multiple different stories (with a dialog skipping option for people who hate that), and now learning that foundry bias been needed to hell, I'm fairly discouraged. This was the big selling point of the game for me. What really makes it stand out from the other f2p mmos now? And what incentive do i have anymore to contribute to what is potentially the most interesting aspect of the game?

    So you're saying the exp gain was the best part of the quests you drew up over the last three months and since someone might not get enough exp if they are running thru your quest at breakneck speed skipping half the **** you designed your quest is worthless? There's no enjoyment in running it just to see it or face the challenges? Good to know... Make sure not to run your quests... They must suck balls.
  • gohlargohlar Member Posts: 73
    edited May 2013
    ellindar1 wrote: »
    Nonsensical? Lol. The first step to getting over your issue, is realizing there isn't a "problem". There is a problem for YOU because you don want to play the game in the style it provides

    Idiot confirmed. The point of custom content is entirely lost on anyone insisting it must follow a predetermined style. Like I said, you're just a small minded person who can't grasp the fact that different styles are ok. You want to lump exploiting in with anything that differs from your very narrow point of view because you lack the intelligence to see the bigger picture.
  • ellindar1ellindar1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I know what he's saying. Doesn't make it any less wrong. Of course, apparently you people can't read.

    Anyway, glad to know people like you, WoW grinding kiddies, will ruin this game by claiming that this nerf is fine and dandy. Go back to WoW if all you want to do is mindlessly grind to max level then "raid" all day.

    Uhhhh dude? I'm not goin to spend a lot of time on this but you need to re-read all of it. You're on our side of the argument. The nerf NERFED the wow grinding farmers.
  • cronis10000cronis10000 Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The system was very good, shutting this down because they have to tweak it is bull s h i t.
  • ellindar1ellindar1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gohlar wrote: »
    Idiot confirmed. The point of custom content is entirely lost on anyone insisting it must follow a predetermined style. Like I said, you're just a small minded person who can't grasp the fact that different styles are ok. You want to lump exploiting in with anything that differs from your very narrow point of view because you lack the intelligence to see the bigger picture.

    Is there anything lower than someone who plays online games to tell others how they should be playing? Are you really that dense? Yes, you are.

    OMG now I see your issue. You thought I was telling you how you had to play mmo's! Well hell we can make up and kiss since I'm not at all! I want you to go play that play style in any mmo that states it provides just that! I mean I will even provide you a list just ask best buddy! You see the confusion was I thought you were trying to say YOUR play style HAS to be implemented here even though the company that MADE the game stated it isnt the intent!

    So I apologize on my end, now that I know you're not trying to force your play style be implemented in a game that never did nor ever will be designed for that its all good. Good luck with your farming in all of those mmo's! The good news is there's a million of them that allow you to do it to your hearts content!

    I'm glad we got this cleared up! Everyone can go home now!
  • chairgraveyard1chairgraveyard1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 44
    edited May 2013
    ellindar1 wrote: »
    Uhhhh dude? I'm not goin to spend a lot of time on this but you need to re-read all of it. You're on our side of the argument. The nerf NERFED the wow grinding farmers.

    They ALSO NERFED EVERYTHING ELSE, or hadn't you noticed? Also, they didn't nerf it for farming maps. Learn to read. They nerfed it because of the exploit maps.
  • gohlargohlar Member Posts: 73
    edited May 2013
    ellindar1 wrote: »
    OMG now I see your issue. You thought I was telling you how you had to play mmo's! Well hell we can make up and kiss since I'm not at all! I want you to go play that play style in any mmo that states it provides just that! I mean I will even provide you a list just ask best buddy! You see the confusion was I thought you were trying to say YOUR play style HAS to be implemented here even though the company that MADE the game stated it isnt the intent!

    So I apologize on my end, now that I know you're not trying to force your play style be implemented in a game that never did not ever will be designed for that its all good. Good luck with your farming in all of those mmo's! The good news is there's a million of them that allow you to do it to your hearts content!

    I'm glad we got this cleared up! Everyone can go home now!

    You just failed miserably with this horrid attempt at logic. Think about what you just posted.

    Was this satire?
  • ellindar1ellindar1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    They ALSO NERFED EVERYTHING ELSE, or hadn't you noticed? Also, they didn't nerf it for farming maps. Learn to read. They nerfed it because of the exploit maps.

    <Removed as per the Rules of Conduct>
    Please keep debates respectful.
  • ellindar1ellindar1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gohlar wrote: »
    You just failed miserably with this horrid attempt at logic. Think about what you just posted.

    Was this satire?

    1. Company stated... Creating foundry missions to grind, exploit etc is not intent.
    2. The "nerf" (which is actually a fix) reduces exp and loot only within a 5 minute time frame after a cap is reached.
    Allowing any decent quest to barely if all be affected.
    3. I'm fine with the game, the intent, and play it that way.
    4. You're a whiny ***** who won't stop complaining that the makers of the game should be forced to implement YOUR play style.

    Go ahead debate away tough guy.

    Ps. It's free to play and nothing says because this game does not provide your play style that you're entitled to something other than the choice to not play it. If they change the foundry to be "only allowed to make garbage one room farm quests" I will be the one to leave and find MY style of mmo. I won't be claiming the designers should be personally making the game for me.
  • mrhiggymrhiggy Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I put a lot of work into that storyline, and wasn't aiming for fast leveling or insane xp. I just figured some people wouldn't want to read all that dialog. And I'm not saying it was all about the xp, I'm saying it's bs that they'd make it worth hardly anything. It wouldn't be a farm or exploit map by far, so why does it deserve the same punishment?
  • gohlargohlar Member Posts: 73
    edited May 2013
    mrhiggy wrote: »
    I put a lot of work into that storyline, and wasn't aiming for fast leveling or insane xp. I just figured some people wouldn't want to read all that dialog. And I'm not saying it was all about the xp, I'm saying it's bs that they'd make it worth hardly anything. It wouldn't be a farm or exploit map by far, so why does it deserve the same punishment?

    Exactly. There are mechanics in place to report and remove exploit maps. Why punish everyone?
  • mrhiggymrhiggy Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    They nerfed the well built quest and story maps.
  • ellindar1ellindar1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mrhiggy wrote: »
    They nerfed the well built quest and story maps. Where's my $100?

    Nerfed them how? The best built quests are the ones that are enjoyable to run simply for content. For example you're level 60 and don't need exp. so again, (which I knew you couldn't) how exactly we're good quests nerfed?

    Edit: don't forget the fact best built quests hardly even notice exp loss due to the nerf actually being an exp cap based on a time limit that resets. So please detail for me how the "best built" are nerfed
  • ravenousfireravenousfire Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This hurts all of the well designed maps as well as the grinder maps, mainly because storytellers can't give XP for their missions. If they had a set amount of XP for a time in map, or if they were reviewed by PW and given an XP reward at the end just for completing the quest there wouldn't be anyone complaining about XP nerf, but when the only way to get the XP from the map is to kill the mobs in it, and you kick that in the ***, it really takes the wind out of the sail for those good story missions that people wanted to play through to get xp and loots, the chest at the end is a joke too.

    I don't care how great your story is, if there's not a good reward for it, I'm not going to play it...this is a game, and the objective is to level my character, get my gear, etc. If I want a story with no benefit to my character I'll go read a book. Hurting the good authors by hitting them with the same nerf bat that you hit the exploiters with is only going to hurt the community in the end.

    If I had a forum ignore button I know one person who'd be on it stat.
  • chairgraveyard1chairgraveyard1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 44
    edited May 2013
    This hurts all of the well designed maps as well as the grinder maps, mainly because storytellers can't give XP for their missions. If they had a set amount of XP for a time in map, or if they were reviewed by PW and given an XP reward at the end just for completing the quest there wouldn't be anyone complaining about XP nerf, but when the only way to get the XP from the map is to kill the mobs in it, and you kick that in the ***, it really takes the wind out of the sail for those good story missions that people wanted to play through to get xp and loots, the chest at the end is a joke too.

    I don't care how great your story is, if there's not a good reward for it, I'm not going to play it...this is a game, and the objective is to level my character, get my gear, etc. If I want a story with no benefit to my character I'll go read a book. Hurting the good authors by hitting them with the same nerf bat that you hit the exploiters with is only going to hurt the community in the end.

    If I had a forum ignore button I know one person who'd be on it stat.
    Quoted for truth.

    Rewards are an INTRINSIC PART OF RPGS. People here saying "HURR DURR JUST GET RID OF REWARDS" are really saying "HURR DURR I WANT THE GAME TO DIE".

    This is a ridiculously bad move all around and is going to kill any replay value the game had.
  • ellindar1ellindar1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This hurts all of the well designed maps as well as the grinder maps, mainly because storytellers can't give XP for their missions. If they had a set amount of XP for a time in map, or if they were reviewed by PW and given an XP reward at the end just for completing the quest there wouldn't be anyone complaining about XP nerf, but when the only way to get the XP from the map is to kill the mobs in it, and you kick that in the ***, it really takes the wind out of the sail for those good story missions that people wanted to play through to get xp and loots, the chest at the end is a joke too.

    I don't care how great your story is, if there's not a good reward for it, I'm not going to play it...this is a game, and the objective is to level my character, get my gear, etc. If I want a story with no benefit to my character I'll go read a book. Hurting the good authors by hitting them with the same nerf bat that you hit the exploiters with is only going to hurt the community in the end.

    If I had a forum ignore button I know one person who'd be on it stat.

    1. You don't have to ignore you can leave instead. Or simply don't read (believe it or not you have that freedom!)
    2. Well designed quests don't even see the exp hit. The nerf only comes into play when a cap is reached in a 5 minute time period and the resets for the next 5 lol. Ffs to spell it all out again if a map is hittin that cap every 5 minute mark and you're getting 0 Xp consistently then THAT is a farming map LOL
    3. Thick... Just so thick
  • mrhiggymrhiggy Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ellindar1 wrote: »
    Nerfed them how? The best built quests are the ones that are enjoyable to run simply for content. For example you're level 60 and don't need exp. so again, (which I knew you couldn't) how exactly we're good quests nerfed?

    Edit: don't forget the fact best built quests hardly even notice exp loss due to the nerf actually being an exp cap based on a time limit that resets. So please detail for me how the "best built" are nerfed

    Imagine, if you will, that I am leveling a second character. I wish to do so at a normal rate for in game quests, but I don't want to run the cryptic content again. Oh, here's the foundry, with some awesome story lines! Oh, but there's hardly any reward for them now, so. I have to run the same old content again.

    Make sense?
  • kamaliiciouskamaliicious Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ellindar1 wrote: »
    Nerfed them how? The best built quests are the ones that are enjoyable to run simply for content. For example you're level 60 and don't need exp. so again, (which I knew you couldn't) how exactly we're good quests nerfed?

    Edit: don't forget the fact best built quests hardly even notice exp loss due to the nerf actually being an exp cap based on a time limit that resets. So please detail for me how the "best built" are nerfed
    Because everyone has the same tastes? Wait, that's not true. People have different tastes in content than other people.

    People run the content they like to.
  • ellindar1ellindar1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Quoted for truth.

    Rewards are an INTRINSIC PART OF RPGS. People here saying "HURR DURR JUST GET RID OF REWARDS" are really saying "HURR DURR I WANT THE GAME TO DIE".

    This is a ridiculously bad move all around and is going to kill any replay value the game had.

    See, another person who didn't understand the change and now u can be happy! Well designed quests that aren't farm x mobs as quickly as possible don't have a nerf! If you're moving along at a normal pace with combat, dialog and exploration you will get 100% same rewards as you did before the change! So yay! You don't have to be all worked up any more!
  • mrhiggymrhiggy Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Eh, I'll see how it plays out when I get back in game. Here's hoping ellin is right, and I have nothing to fear.

    Seriously though, what was with the immediate lash out at my campaign? I haven't even had a chance to start work on foundry content, I mentioned nothing about the story, and already I was under attack?
  • ellindar1ellindar1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Because everyone has the same tastes? Wait, that's not true. People have different tastes in content than other people.

    People run the content they like to.

    Oh! It's a semantics issue then! You feel the best maps are farm x mobs as quickly as possible! Good news! The company said that's not the intent nor the play style of the game! So no more fretting to be done, you have official word from be company that is not what this game is so you have the choice to find another. Great things about free to play!

    Or wait, were you also trying to argue the company that makes the game is wrong about their interpretation of best built?
  • ellindar1ellindar1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mrhiggy wrote: »
    Eh, I'll see how it plays out when I get back in game. Here's hoping ellin is right, and I have nothing to fear.

    All sarcasm aside, that truly was the change. The change literally is a level cap of exp and loot only within a time frame of 5 minutes. Once you hit it your exp and loot is reduced until the 5 mins has expired and it now resets and you get full amounts again. So unless it truly is a grind of monsters non stop for long periods of time the quest will barely see the change.

    (I encourage you to try some of best ones out there that have good content that you may have played before the change and try it again.)
  • kamaliiciouskamaliicious Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ellindar1 wrote: »
    Oh! It's a semantics issue then! You feel the best maps are farm x mobs as quickly as possible! Good news! The company said that's not the intent nor the play style of the game! So no more fretting to be done, you have official word from be company that is not what this game is so you have the choice to find another. Great things about free to play!

    Or wait, were you also trying to argue the company that makes the game is wrong about their interpretation of best built?
    I don't feel those are the best maps (and since I have four different published quests, all published during beta, you can see content I've made. My content is in the style of the official content.). I feel that the people playing the game (eg the customers) should have the choice to play the content the Foundry allows them to make and get rewarded in the same manner as official content.

    I mean official game bosses tend to have lots of adds, and killing those adds gives quick xp because there are so darn many of them. With the nerfing, I can make a map that has lots of adds, but gives little/no xp. 'Foundry content is treated no different than official game content' was actually a Cryptic marketing point, this makes it not true, it is treated differently.
  • ellindar1ellindar1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mrhiggy wrote: »
    Imagine, if you will, that I am leveling a second character. I wish to do so at a normal rate for in game quests, but I don't want to run the cryptic content again. Oh, here's the foundry, with some awesome story lines! Oh, but there's hardly any reward for them now, so. I have to run the same old content again.

    Make sense?

    Yes. It definitely does. This is the last time however I explain the change again. This will be three times in a row.

    The change makes it so u hit a cap of exp and loot in a 5 minute period. Then resets to normal amounts. So you absolutely can level at the rate you could outside in the main game doing quests. However! Completing quests in the main game give you a huge boost of exp which is not received in the foundry quests which is the noticeable difference. But I'm sure you can understand why. If they implemented that all these guys arguing here would run out and make no combat complete quest only in succession maps lol. You know they would.

    It is my opinion that foundry quests should really be aimed at level 60 chars (ie designed for new content and challenges leaving exp a moot point) THAT however I can understand someone not agreeing with that.

    Again, simply a "level me to 60 button" woe make all this nonsense to away lol.

    In the end however as I stated above. A well designed quest (ie not just a grind) gives the SAME exp right now that I gave before the change.
  • mrhiggymrhiggy Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ellindar1 wrote: »
    Yes. It definitely does. This is the last time however I explain the change again. This will be three times in a row.

    The change makes it so u hit a cap of exp and loot in a 5 minute period. Then resets to normal amounts. So you absolutely can level at the rate you could outside in the main game doing quests. However! Completing quests in the main game give you a huge boost of exp which is not received in the foundry quests which is the noticeable difference. But I'm sure you can understand why. If they implemented that all these guys arguing here would run out and make no combat complete quest only in succession maps lol. You know they would.

    It is my opinion that foundry quests should really be aimed at level 60 chars (ie designed for new content and challenges leaving exp a moot point) THAT however I can understand someone not agreeing with that.

    Again, simply a "level me to 60 button" woe make all this nonsense to away lol.

    In the end however as I stated above. A well designed quest (ie not just a grind) gives the SAME exp right now that I gave before the change.

    Gotcha. Well, better make **** sure I build this all really well so long as my end goal is a full, well built leveling campaign.
  • ellindar1ellindar1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I don't feel those are the best maps (and since I have four different published quests, all published during beta, you can see content I've made. My content is in the style of the official content.). I feel that the people playing the game (eg the customers) should have the choice to play the content the Foundry allows them to make and get rewarded in the same manner as official content.

    I mean official game bosses tend to have lots of adds, and killing those adds gives quick xp because there are so darn many of them. With the nerfing, I can make a map that has lots of adds, but gives little/no xp. 'Foundry content is treated no different than official game content' was actually a Cryptic marketing point, this makes it not true, it is treated differently.

    1. Where is that statement from cryptic?
    2. A level 60 player should never run a foundry quest ever. Not a single one. Since exp would mean nothing. And apparently that's the main intent of foundry not custom content? (I totally disagree, luckily so does cryptic)
    3. I feel players should have the option to play as intended by the company making the game. I also feel players who don't want to play that way have the option not to play and not to spend a dime. Luckily, this is also all true.
    4. I do NOT feel players have the right to force their play style BE implemented. If it is a choice by the company that they don't agree with that play style for THEIR game then the player needs to ACCEPT that.

    There is NO entitlement here, none. You enjoy their offering or not.
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited May 2013
    Cryptic is completely devoted to making sure the Foundry gives the best rewards, preferably equal to or better than their content. This has been a staple of The Foundry since it was first announced. The Foundry needs comparable rewards.

    However a select few have ruined this temporarily for everybody else. The foundry is not meant to be a tool to farm experience or drops, simply an enjoyable alternate way to advance through the game. You may make a hack and slash dungeon delve mission. That's not a problem, but you may not design missions with the intent of producing a means to gain faster experience.

    The changes made recently are an immediate fix to a major problem. It's very likely we will see Cryptic explore means to either recant the immediate changes or look for alternative ways to increase the monetary gain within the foundry content.

    However, if this discussion is to continue, the cursing, insulting an name calling has to be decreased heavily.
    Let's keep this civil guys.
  • ellindar1ellindar1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mrhiggy wrote: »
    Gotcha. Well, better make **** sure I build this all really well so long as my end goal is a full, well built leveling campaign.

    Now THAT I do agree with! Trying to understand the change makes it hard to develop a quest that is 1. Well balanced 2. Remains fun 3. Gives full exp without wasting too much.

    I want a more detailed exanation of the change. (As in give me exact numbers!) so we creators don't nerf ourselves without knowin all the info! (So if anyone wants to make demands of that I'm on board! Lol)
  • mrhiggymrhiggy Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Cryptic is completely devoted to making sure the Foundry gives the best rewards, preferably equal to or better than their content. This has been a staple of The Foundry since it was first announced. The Foundry needs comparable rewards.

    However a select few have ruined this temporarily for everybody else. The foundry is not meant to be a tool to farm experience or drops, simply an enjoyable alternate way to advance through the game. You may make a hack and slash dungeon delve mission. That's not a problem, but you may not design missions with the intent of producing a means to gain faster experience.

    The changes made recently are an immediate fix to a major problem. It's very likely we will see Cryptic explore means to either recant the immediate changes or look for alternative ways to increase the monetary gain within the foundry content.

    However, if this discussion is to continue, the cursing, insulting an name calling has to be decreased heavily.
    Let's keep this civil guys.

    I like this guy. We should all give him a hug. Or a high five. Or just a thank you.
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