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trickster rogue seems OP?



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    olcsonnolcsonn Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    manholio wrote: »
    Wow, hyperbole much? I don't even know where to start. 3x the damage of any class? Enough defense to stand up to Fighters? 10 second interrupt? 90% crit? These are all gross exaggerations at best. Have you ever played a rogue?

    No he hasn't, he is just talking out his a$$...
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    pprandompprandom Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    i am playing a rougue yes, the question here is have you ever played other class? Its just ridiculous all the advantages the class have over the others, meybe i went a bit too far but they are OP even if your wet dreams says otherwise.
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    olcsonnolcsonn Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    pprandom wrote: »
    i am playing a rougue yes, the question here is have you ever played other class? Its just ridiculous all the advantages the class have over the others, meybe i went a bit too far but they are OP even if your wet dreams says otherwise.

    My main is a rogue, all you are telling me that you haven't hit the endgame yet and you are making all of these judgements based off of unfinished knowledge...
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    manholiomanholio Member Posts: 493 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    pprandom wrote: »
    i am playing a rougue yes, the question here is have you ever played other class? Its just ridiculous all the advantages the class have over the others, meybe i went a bit too far but they are OP even if your wet dreams says otherwise.

    I have CW and GF alts, so yes, I've played 2 other classes.

    You went more than a bit too far. Rogue is my main, so I'm definitely biased, but some of your generalizations are pretty bad. We're the squishiest class outside of CW. Even if you gear defensively, you are a sack of meat outside of stealth. The only true defensive build for Rogue is Perma Stealth, and even that doesn't really make you tankier, just harder to find.

    I think as you gain experience with each class, you'll find that all of them (outside maybe Cleric) have at least one OP aspect to them as far as PvP goes. You just have to pick which aspect you prefer and roll with that class.
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    olcsonnolcsonn Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    manholio wrote: »
    I have CW and GF alts, so yes, I've played 2 other classes.

    You went more than a bit too far. Rogue is my main, so I'm definitely biased, but some of your generalizations are pretty bad. We're the squishiest class outside of CW. Even if you gear defensively, you are a sack of meat outside of stealth. The only true defensive build for Rogue is Perma Stealth, and even that doesn't really make you tankier, just harder to find.

    I think as you gain experience with each class, you'll find that all of them (outside maybe Cleric) have at least one OP aspect to them as far as PvP goes. You just have to pick which aspect you prefer and roll with that class.

    Thank you manholio! People that complain about rogues being able to hit for 30k (which takes about 3 different things to happen and even then it's a lucky hit) either have not played rogues or only play rogues. They are not that OP, a good GF and you'll struggle, a decent GWF and you're dead, CWs that are decent are a pain to catch and kill and it takes a few lucky shots then, and a DC... Well DC's are my *****es LOL. Most other people in high end PVP target the rogue because they are an easy kill if just 2 people jump on them, rogues are tough if they surprise you which if you are just paying a little bit of attention to your surroundings then they won't. Both of their dazing attacks have long build ups and if you are paying any attention you can dodge it 75% of the time...

    They are not that OP for the simple fact that they are a "sack of meat" outside of stealth and gods forbid a rogue accidently walks into an AOE. Then they are done for...

    There is not a single class that is OP in this game, NONE OF THEM...
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    pprandompprandom Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    a class that has all the good traits of all the other classes, and is the easiest to play and lvl up. I m sorry but thats what is called OP. Why do you think this thread exists, and there is no thread saying "Is divine cleric OP?" or a thing like that. I ve seen rougues couple of levels below the rest of the team taking alone crits faster than the rest of the team together, during my hole gameplay i didn t use more than 20 potions. Did any of you played a gwf ever, is hard as a$$
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    pinkfontpinkfont Member Posts: 563 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    pprandom wrote: »
    i am playing a rougue yes, the question here is have you ever played other class? Its just ridiculous all the advantages the class have over the others, meybe i went a bit too far but they are OP even if your wet dreams says otherwise.

    Show me your 90% crit rating on character sheet then. And show me a video of you laying a 10 second stun on someone. Don't worry, I'll wait.
    A rich rogue nowadays is fit company for any gentleman; and the world, my dear, hath not such a contempt for roguery as you imagine. - John HAMSTER
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    pinkfontpinkfont Member Posts: 563 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    pprandom wrote: »
    a class that has all the good traits of all the other classes, and is the easiest to play and lvl up. I m sorry but thats what is called OP. Why do you think this thread exists, and there is no thread saying "Is divine cleric OP?" or a thing like that. I ve seen rougues couple of levels below the rest of the team taking alone crits faster than the rest of the team together, during my hole gameplay i didn t use more than 20 potions. Did any of you played a gwf ever, is hard as a$$

    I think this thread exists because rogues are the single-target DPS class in the game, and everyone wants to be a single-target DPS striker regardless of whether their class is good at it or not.
    A rich rogue nowadays is fit company for any gentleman; and the world, my dear, hath not such a contempt for roguery as you imagine. - John HAMSTER
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    manholiomanholio Member Posts: 493 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    pprandom wrote: »
    a class that has all the good traits of all the other classes, and is the easiest to play and lvl up. I m sorry but thats what is called OP. Why do you think this thread exists, and there is no thread saying "Is divine cleric OP?" or a thing like that. I ve seen rougues couple of levels below the rest of the team taking alone crits faster than the rest of the team together, during my hole gameplay i didn t use more than 20 potions. Did any of you played a gwf ever, is hard as a$$

    Again, I think you're being hyperbolic. We have a completely different defensive dynamic than any of the 3 tanky classes. We simply cannot take damage like a GF, GWF or a DC can. We can't AOE like CW or GWF. We can't stunlock like a GF or CW. We can't generate AP quickly like a CW. The list goes on and on.

    If you want to say rogue is the best class overall, I'm not going to argue with you. OP is an overused term, and I don't think it applies in anything other than a hyperbolic manner.
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    nieaniea Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Having played several classes I have to say that I favor the rogue, but not because it's overpowered; personally, I don't think it is. Rogue is a glass cannon: they do stupendous amounts of damage in a very VERY short time, but it takes work to build a rogue that can take any kind of beating.
    I solo a lot, so playing as a rogue is a severe challenge for me. Granted the first 20-25 levels were a BIT of a romp, but after that I started running into the pain. Currently in the mid 40s I die a LOT when facing bosses (usually because of all the minions ALL bosses seem to summon).
    So no. In my opinion, they are not overpowered. Maybe they might feel that way more in a large group though, since you rarely have to take on incoming damage yourself.
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    olcsonnolcsonn Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    niea wrote: »
    Having played several classes I have to say that I favor the rogue, but not because it's overpowered; personally, I don't think it is. Rogue is a glass cannon: they do stupendous amounts of damage in a very VERY short time, but it takes work to build a rogue that can take any kind of beating.
    I solo a lot, so playing as a rogue is a severe challenge for me. Granted the first 20-25 levels were a BIT of a romp, but after that I started running into the pain. Currently in the mid 40s I die a LOT when facing bosses (usually because of all the minions ALL bosses seem to summon).
    So no. In my opinion, they are not overpowered. Maybe they might feel that way more in a large group though, since you rarely have to take on incoming damage yourself.

    Glass cannon is the perfect way to describe the rogue class, and just because a rogue can dodge out of a bad situation (only twice every 1-2 min). This complaint that rogues need to be nerf is just ignorant, short sighted, and single minded... Try playing a rogue to 60 and play for a few weeks at 60 and then tell me that rogues are OP.
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    olcsonnolcsonn Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    pprandom wrote: »
    a class that has all the good traits of all the other classes, and is the easiest to play and lvl up. I m sorry but thats what is called OP. Why do you think this thread exists, and there is no thread saying "Is divine cleric OP?" or a thing like that. I ve seen rougues couple of levels below the rest of the team taking alone crits faster than the rest of the team together, during my hole gameplay i didn t use more than 20 potions. Did any of you played a gwf ever, is hard as a$$

    How do they have all the good traits of every other class? They can't heal, go unstoppable without losing DPS, and they can't take a hit worth a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. They are a pain in the *** to lvl after 40, and worse than a pain in the 50s. Oh and there are about 50 post of nerfing other classes like GWF, GF, and I've even seen one or two on nerfing the DC. The obvious conclusion is that if you aren't playing the class and cannot find an easy way to kill them, then they need to be nerfed. Nerfing has become the scapegoat for every moron who is too lazy or just too stupid to figure out how to fight/beat/kill another class. Try actually playing a rogue for about 2 weeks at lvl 60 and then tell me that they are OP... Your ignorance is obvious to everyone but you, and that goes for anyone that says that the rogue needs to be nerfed. There is no factual data or actual proof that the rogue or any other class needs to be nerfed.
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    healhamstahealhamsta Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 572 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    deffy wrote: »
    I am a Control wizard level 36 and so far every time i have been partied with a Rogue they come out on top with quite a bit more DPS then me. In every dungeon i have been in the top players are rogues, even if i'm a few levels higher i still cant keep up, and they don't even seem to be that squishy, they just kill everything so quick they don't take much damage.

    Play a proper DPS wizard if you want to kill things, not a CONTROL wizard.
    Delve loot murdered my TR, DC, & GWF. Nerf Plox:
    I know that it sucks to no longer get gear to sell from the Dungeon Delve chest but it was truly overpowered.
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    pprandompprandom Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    whatever you say won t change the fact that the game is unbalanced in favor of the rougue class, the other classes really need a boost specially the cleric. One shooting warriors shouldn t been a class feature for any class
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    olcsonnolcsonn Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    pprandom wrote: »
    whatever you say won t change the fact that the game is unbalanced in favor of the rougue class, the other classes really need a boost specially the cleric. One shooting warriors shouldn t been a class feature for any class

    I, as a 60 TR, have NEVER one shotted a 60 Guardian Fighter... NEVER. Have I one shotted a CW, yes but it was obvious that they were undergeared compared to me. You need to stop arguing for a class change when you have not even played the class to 60 and spent some time in 60. If you had you would notice that rogues are as one person said a glass cannon. They are as OP as any other class...
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    nukeyoonukeyoo Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    What you newer folks need to understand is the complaints towards the majority of any and all classes are in regards to folks with end game gear and enchants.. I do have a level 60 rogue and 2 other lowbie rogues I play around with because of the fact they're fun and when played properly a bit overpowered.. Currently the only absurd build is the permastealth build which is the only thing that I think somehow needs to be tweeked a bit.

    Given the proper amount of patience and skill a rogue with this build could feasibly solo any pve content utilizing the stealth mechanic to avoid all damage.. Incorporated into the pvp world and makes for quite the lawlz.. When and what they will do about it I don't know.... That's why my int rogue Cheese Ball is lookin to capitalize on some of the lawlz..
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    krumple01krumple01 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    nukeyoo wrote: »
    What you newer folks need to understand is the complaints towards the majority of any and all classes are in regards to folks with end game gear and enchants.. I do have a level 60 rogue and 2 other lowbie rogues I play around with because of the fact they're fun and when played properly a bit overpowered.. Currently the only absurd build is the permastealth build which is the only thing that I think somehow needs to be tweeked a bit.

    Given the proper amount of patience and skill a rogue with this build could feasibly solo any pve content utilizing the stealth mechanic to avoid all damage.. Incorporated into the pvp world and makes for quite the lawlz.. When and what they will do about it I don't know.... That's why my int rogue Cheese Ball is lookin to capitalize on some of the lawlz..

    Now I am skeptical that you even play a rogue, even though you claim you play 3?

    With the perma-stealth build, you could never solo any epic dungeon content. *FACT*
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    dgfdsdgsgh3dgfdsdgsgh3 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 127 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    pinkfont wrote: »
    I think this thread exists because rogues are the single-target DPS class in the game, and everyone wants to be a single-target DPS striker regardless of whether their class is good at it or not.

    And that dear Sir is just because every other option at the moment seriously suck. Wizards don't really control, fighters don't really tank and clerics don't really heal. Rogues are the best working class in its intended role at the moment and it shows.
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    unicornmdunicornmd Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    Let this thread from 5/2/13 die finally.

    Thank you for listening. This broadcast was brought to you by Necromancers offended by the unauthorized necromancy of this post.
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    pprandompprandom Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    glass canon my a$$, my rougue can win a one on one against a guardian fighter, the frickin tank of the game can t stand against a rougue. And you don t even need to dodge that much
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    citizynkingcitizynking Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Well yeah, they are OP. Every trickster rogue will tell you otherwise, but when have FotM class-carried players ever actually told the truth about their class? If every other class agrees that they're overpowered, bad news for some rogues :P

    Its just a matter of time until the OP specs get pummeled into the ground (Looking at you Sentinel GWF and Trickster Rogue in general!)

    I just hope they dont touch, or possibly buff my Destroyer GWF in the process :P
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    manholiomanholio Member Posts: 493 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013


    "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"
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    nukeyoonukeyoo Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    krumple01 wrote: »
    Now I am skeptical that you even play a rogue, even though you claim you play 3?

    With the perma-stealth build, you could never solo any epic dungeon content. *FACT*

    Perma stealth rogues can and have solo'd the dracolich in CN on multiple occasions.. (time consuming but "feasibly possible" with the right skill and patience) Before recent changes to FH bosses they were able to run directly to the last campfire and move entire groups there... Now tell me how a perma stealth rogue that is able to remain in stealth, avoid random aoe dmg, and dmg directed towards his decoy can't slowly whittle down epic boss content? (even though they already have done it to arguably the hardest boss encounter in game) I would love for you to educate me...
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    huckasevenhuckaseven Banned Users Posts: 470 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Well yeah, they are OP. Every trickster rogue will tell you otherwise, but when have FotM class-carried players ever actually told the truth about their class? If every other class agrees that they're overpowered, bad news for some rogues :P

    Its just a matter of time until the OP specs get pummeled into the ground (Looking at you Sentinel GWF and Trickster Rogue in general!)

    I just hope they dont touch, or possibly buff my Destroyer GWF in the process :P
    its funny that you differate the GWFs with the sentinel spec but put all rogues into one cup

    shows alot about your knowledge
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    naruonnaruon Member Posts: 37
    edited July 2013
    hydraham wrote: »
    This isn't WOW, Rogues are proper Rogues in this game.

    I couldnt disagree more... Rogues in this game are not what i would call a Rogue! to me a Rogue gets all his DPS from backstabbing and sneak attacks and should not be able to out DPS a fighter front on.
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    manholiomanholio Member Posts: 493 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    naruon wrote: »
    I couldnt disagree more... Rogues in this game are not what i would call a Rogue! to me a Rogue gets all his DPS from backstabbing and sneak attacks and should not be able to out DPS a fighter front on.

    That's pretty much how a rogue out DPS's a fighter. By attacking from stealth and from behind (gaining combat advantage). If a rogue is attacking face on, they're doing it wrong.
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    naruonnaruon Member Posts: 37
    edited July 2013
    manholio wrote: »
    That's pretty much how a rogue out DPS's a fighter. By attacking from stealth and from behind (gaining combat advantage). If a rogue is attacking face on, they're doing it wrong.

    I know what you are saying but it just seems weird that Rogues are the top DPS class in Neverwinter as they never have been in the past.
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    kabothoriginalkabothoriginal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 465 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    naruon wrote: »
    I know what you are saying but it just seems weird that Rogues are the top DPS class in Neverwinter as they never have been in the past.

    Every MMO I played they have done insane damage, mostly single target, with wizards/mages usually doing the biggest hits and lots of aoe.
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    dimm1v1dimm1v1 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Main reason I like this game is the fact every class has a role and is unique, something WoW lost touch of once they thought everyone should be created equal and catered the noobs. Your job as a control wizard is to control not top dps meters. I just want to scream when I see wizards wasting thier dailies/encounters for knockback when it doesn't insta gib anything. "know your role and shut yo mouth"-the rock

    perma-stealth does need a nerf though.
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    kronikerkroniker Member Posts: 116 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    naruon wrote: »
    I couldnt disagree more... Rogues in this game are not what i would call a Rogue! to me a Rogue gets all his DPS from backstabbing and sneak attacks and should not be able to out DPS a fighter front on.

    Exactly, stealth in WoW while techincally lasting indefinetly always broke on all attacks, you were slower than the enemy and you had to come from behind otherwise you could see the rogue pretty early unless you invested points into Subterfuge for higher stealth level.
    There was no <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> "I can stay in Stealth and bring you to 30% health and there is nearly nothing you can do hurr durr herp derp".
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