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Dev Journal: Monetization in Neverwinter



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    quorforgedquorforged Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    deads6667 wrote: »
    not too sure how different the game design is, if they are so different itd be tough to say which was more fun if either was anyway. anything you do in a game makes a difference to someone, for instance many people on these forums love the no-mouse controls and many people hate them.

    To me, it's a big difference. I do not enjoy games with game mechanics based around spending cash, unless they are games that in turn reward with cash (but even then, only sparingly). Different people enjoy different things, of course, but the game has been advertised to not be that. That's what this thread is questioning.

    Whereas the controls scheme has been well known and advertised accurately for a long time.
    i never expected to come online and suddenly be in a utopian socialist society where when i log into an MMO, i can kill a boss as fast as anyone else because of my skill alone.

    I wouldn't expect that either, as I know there are players who cheat and pay for power in persistent multiplayer games. There's only so much that can be done about that.

    However, it is not unrealistic or "utopian" to expect the game design itself to base success at playing it on skill and luck, instead of expenditure of real-world wealth. In fact, most games are exactly that. It's only quite recent that spending cash has become a part of playing some video games, as opposed to being something required to have access to the game.
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    deads6667deads6667 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 112 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    thankfully this game is as advertised through and through: nothing can be gotten with real money that wont be available to anyone who hasnt spent a cent =-)

    also, game design and reality do eventually meet- thats a big part of the reason mmos now will be made free to play. the reality is bots and farmers and hackers are a worldwide multi-million doillar industry thats as intertwined with these games as the companies themselves. a cash shop combats them nicely, hence the changes in game design youll largely be seeing from here foward.
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    jniebaumjniebaum Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Hmm... Lock-boxes and now a "Dilithium/Questinite" system in the form of those diamonds... Could work for getting them money as for feeling like "DnD" its a long way off.
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    mo0shak3mo0shak3 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    jniebaum wrote: »
    Hmm... Lock-boxes and now a "Dilithium/Questinite" system in the form of those diamonds... as for feeling like "DnD" its a long way off.

    This game is based off of the Fourth Edition D&D Rules and Astral Diamonds are the high tier currency that any adventurers worth their salt start trading in after 15th level. As a rule the "feeling" of D&D isn't about the currency system in it, nor whether there is a cash shop attached to the game (hint: there is, supplement books). The "feeling" of D&D is about having fun with your friends in dungeons and quests fighting off monsters, cities full of political intrigue the party needs to navigate to reach the top and rule the land, saving damsels in distress and drinking themselves unconscious at the bar later, flying through space having epic adventures (spell-jammer), plane-hopping shenanigans running from one inter-dimensional bbeg to another ad-nauseum, or a million other things that tables other than yours or mine play every week.

    Now what does the above mean to this thread? It means we need to stop looking at the cash shop and currency exchanges as something separate from the "feeling" of D&D because Cryptic is a company and needs to make money, which they cannot do unless there is a monetization system in the game. What we need to look at is what the cash shop is selling, what the currency exchanges will be and what the time required to reach a cash shop purchase, without buying zen with real money, is.
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    deads6667deads6667 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 112 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    mo0shak3 wrote: »
    what the currency exchanges will be

    determined by the players, Zen to AD conversion rate will be based exclusively on suppy and demand by players, without interference from the company.
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    iliftyoudontiliftyoudont Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    yes i concure
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